(beginner) Win32 installation / Writing Apache Modules in Perl C

2001-02-18 Thread Garry Heaton

Ref: using Win 98 / Apache 1.3.14 on c:\program files\apache group\apache  /
Perl 5.6 on c:\perl

I'm trying to get a working Win32 installation of mod_perl using "Writing
Apache Modules with Perl and C" but, as with most O'Reilly Perl books, it's
written for a Unix audience. Apache site doesn't seem to have  any Win32
installation notes either. I have ApacheModulePerl.dll located in
Apache/modules but the book refers to other modules (Apache::Registry) which
come with "the mod_perl distribution". I only found the .dll with the Win32
distribution so do I have to locate these other parts of the distribution

The book also refers to perl.conf on several occasions but I can't find any
explanation as to where this is located and what relation this bears to
httpd.conf which is where I thought all the configuration takes place.

Finally, on p.27 the authors say I have to " ... copy the contents of the
subdirectory into your Perl library tree." Which lib subdirectory and which
Perl library tree? What do I copy from and to where? There
isn't a lib directory in Apache root.



(Beginner) mod_Perl hosting scarce?

2000-12-18 Thread Garry Heaton

I'm considering studying mod_Perl with the O'Reilly book "Programming Apache
Modules with Perl  C" . I've heard it's the only way to run Perl at
performance speeds comparable to other popular template-based technologies
such as JSP and ASP. However, as a Perl beginner it will be a steep learning
curve for me and I heard in the last digest that mod_Perl hosting is harder
to find than JSP, ASP etc. in which case I might be wasting my time.

My projects would typically involve small business online databases. If I'm
going to have trouble finding hosts it might be best to use JSP or ASP.
What's the current situation on this one?

Garry Heaton