problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread F . Xavier Noria

I am having problems configuring Apache::AuthCookieDBI and am a bit
lost, since it seems there is something wrong with the secret key
file I cannot see, I attach below the configuration in case it can
help. I have checked the permissions of the file (the server runs
in by box as "fxn"):

$ ls -la /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
-rw---1 fxn12 May  2 19:20 /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key

If I request "/docs" these messages appear in error_log:

[Thu May  2 20:07:19 2002] [error] access to /login failed for, reason: 
Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't have the secret key for auth realm Busc
[Thu May  2 20:07:21 2002] [error] access to /docs failed for, reason: 
Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't the secret key from for auth realm Busca

Any hint on what could I be doing wrong?

-- fxn

PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI

PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"

# These must be set
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"

# These are optional, the module sets sensible defaults.
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_User"wap"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_Password"X"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UsersTable  "view_active_users"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UserField   "login"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_PasswordField   "password"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_CryptType   "none"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupsTable "view_active_users"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupField  "rol"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupUserField  "login"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_EncryptionType  "none"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SessionLifetime 00-24-00-00

 SetHandler  perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->login

Alias /cgi /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/cgi/
PerlModule Apache::Registry

SetHandler   perl-script
PerlHandler  Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

AuthType  Apache::AuthCookieDBI
AuthName  BuscaWAP
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authenticate
PerlAuthzHandler  Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authorize
require   valid-user
PerlHandler   BuscaWAP::Apache::Docs

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Do you have this in httpd.conf (or mod_perl.conf)

PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key



F.Xavier Noria wrote:
> I am having problems configuring Apache::AuthCookieDBI and am a bit
> lost, since it seems there is something wrong with the secret key
> file I cannot see, I attach below the configuration in case it can
> help. I have checked the permissions of the file (the server runs
> in by box as "fxn"):
> $ ls -la /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
> -rw---1 fxn12 May  2 19:20 /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
> If I request "/docs" these messages appear in error_log:
> [Thu May  2 20:07:19 2002] [error] access to /login failed for, reason: 
>Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't have the secret key for auth realm Busc
> aWAP
> [Thu May  2 20:07:21 2002] [error] access to /docs failed for, reason: 
>Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't the secret key from for auth realm Busca
> Any hint on what could I be doing wrong?
> -- fxn
> PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"
> # These must be set
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"
> # These are optional, the module sets sensible defaults.
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_User"wap"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_Password"X"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UsersTable  "view_active_users"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UserField   "login"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_PasswordField   "password"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_CryptType   "none"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupsTable "view_active_users"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupField  "rol"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupUserField  "login"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_EncryptionType  "none"
> PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SessionLifetime 00-24-00-00
>  AuthTypeApache::AuthCookieDBI
>  AuthNameBuscaWAP
>  SetHandler  perl-script
>  PerlHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->login
> Alias /cgi /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/cgi/
> PerlModule Apache::Registry
> SetHandler   perl-script
> PerlHandler  Apache::Registry
> Options +ExecCGI
> AuthType  Apache::AuthCookieDBI
> AuthName  BuscaWAP
> PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authenticate
> PerlAuthzHandler  Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authorize
> require   valid-user
> SetHandlerperl-script
> PerlHandler   BuscaWAP::Apache::Docs

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Thu, 02 May 2002 20:24:10 +0200
Per Einar Ellefsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: At 20:10 02.05.2002, F.Xavier Noria wrote:
: >PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
: >
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"
: >
: ># These must be set
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
: >PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"
: Have you tried inserting these into the respective  sections? I'm 
: not sure, but I think PerlSetVars aren't merged into location-specific 
: configuration, so they might not actually be caught by Apache::AuthCookieDBI

I guess this is not the problem since /cgi/ gets run by the
module and is configured the same way. Thank you anyway!

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread Geoffrey Young

> I'm not sure, but I think PerlSetVars aren't merged into 
> location-specific configuration, so they might not actually be caught by 
> Apache::AuthCookieDBI

they should merge just fine.  I do stuff like

PerlSetVar  DBASE  dbi:Oracle:HELM

all the time and grab it in  specific handlers


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

At 20:10 02.05.2002, F.Xavier Noria wrote:
>PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
>PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
>PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"
># These must be set
>PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
>PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"

Have you tried inserting these into the respective  sections? I'm 
not sure, but I think PerlSetVars aren't merged into location-specific 
configuration, so they might not actually be caught by Apache::AuthCookieDBI

Per Einar Ellefsen

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Thu, 02 May 2002 15:22:59 -0400
Fran Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Do you have this in httpd.conf (or mod_perl.conf)
: PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
: ?

I have all mod_perl-related things in mod_perl.conf, and httpd.conf
ends with this line:

Include /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/mod_perl.conf

Could that matter?

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-03 Thread Fran Fabrizio

>Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
>has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
>manual page would need to be modified?
That's odd, I load my module first before setting the secret key (or any 
of the other variables) and it works fine for me.


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-03 Thread Fran Fabrizio

>Does the server load the module that way?
It's beyond my expertise at this point but my experience would indicate 
that it does not work this way since I have PerlModule before the 
PerlSetVar and it works fine.


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-06 Thread Fran Fabrizio

>Jacob Davies (author of Apache::AuthCookieDBI) confirmed the secret key
>file has to be set before the PerlModule directive, it is a bug in the
Except it doesn't really, because it works fine for me. =)

I compiled mod_perl static, I tend to avoid DSO if possible.


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-06 Thread Fran Fabrizio

>I for sure), I don't understand why the order does not matter in your
>machine. Do we have the same version of the module (v1.18)?
>-- fxn 

Ah, no, I've got 1.10.

Here is the relevant part of my config file

# AuthCookieDBI config
PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
PerlSetVar RMSPath /
PerlSetVar RMSLoginScript /rms/login
PerlSetVar RMSDBI_SecretKeyFile /usr/local/apache/RMSsecretkeyfile
PerlSetVar etc..

So much for backwards compatibility. ;-)


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Thu, 2 May 2002 20:10:15 +0200
F. Xavier Noria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I am having problems configuring Apache::AuthCookieDBI and am a bit
: lost, since it seems there is something wrong with the secret key
: file I cannot see, I attach below the configuration in case it can
: help. I have checked the permissions of the file (the server runs
: in by box as "fxn"):

The problem, it seems, was that I was setting the variables used by the
module _after_ loading it, as in the example of its manual page:

PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/"

# These must be set
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"

Apache::AuthCookieDBI reads its config variables in a BEGIN block. I
inserted a trace there and keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
returned no variable set via PerlSetVar after that PerlModule directive.

So the hash %SECRET_KEYS, initialized there, had no entries.

Moreover, when I tried to access a protected URL as localhost/docs I was
redirected to /cgi/ as configured (as you see, after PerlModule
as well), which confused me. I suppose this is so because the module
sees the variable at runtime, where the config file has been already
fully read.

Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
manual page would need to be modified?

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Fri, 03 May 2002 09:09:08 -0400
Fran Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: >
: >
: >Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
: >has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
: >manual page would need to be modified?
: >
: That's odd, I load my module first before setting the secret key (or any 
: of the other variables) and it works fine for me.

If the module was loaded when the server sees the "PerlModule" directive
I think this code from Apache::AuthCookieDBI (version 1.18) implies that
variable in particular needs to be set before:

# S E R V E R   S T A R T   I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N

my @keyfile_vars = grep {
$_ =~ /DBI_SecretKeyFile$/
} keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
foreach my $keyfile_var ( @keyfile_vars ) {
my $keyfile = Apache->server->dir_config( $keyfile_var );
my $auth_name = $keyfile_var;
$auth_name =~ s/DBI_SecretKeyFile$//;
unless ( open( KEY, "<$keyfile" ) ) {
Apache::log_error( "Could not open keyfile for $auth_name in 
file $keyfile" );
} else {
Apache::warn("Adding key for realm $auth_name");
$SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } = ;
close KEY;

Does the server load the module that way?

-- fxn

RE: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread Jim Helm

I was having the exact same problem 2 days ago... Could it be a
difference in static vs. dso? I'm running mod_perl as a dso - how about
you two?  

I did basically the same troubleshooting (added some log_error
statements to the BEGIN block) and noticed the same thing - SecretKey
file wasn't getting read.  For some reason the dir_config hash is empty
(completely, not just of *DBI_* entries) when that BEGIN block is
executed.  I don't know enough about apache internals to understand why
moving the PerlModule line to the end of the PerlSetVar *DBI_*
directives makes a difference, but it does (for some at least).


> -Original Message-
> From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 6:38 AM
> To: F.Xavier Noria
> Subject: Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI 
> (solved but no fully understood)
> >
> >
> >Does the server load the module that way?
> >  
> >
> It's beyond my expertise at this point but my experience 
> would indicate 
> that it does not work this way since I have PerlModule before the 
> PerlSetVar and it works fine.
> -Fran

RE: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread Jim Helm

p.s. FWIW, I ended up using Apache::AuthTicket instead - has a feature I
wanted (timeout, not just expiry), which CookieDBI didn't have), and it
worked as documented with zero hassle...


> > -Original Message-
> > From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 6:38 AM
> > To: F.Xavier Noria
> > Subject: Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI 
> > (solved but no fully understood)
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > >
> > >Does the server load the module that way?
> > >  
> > >
> > It's beyond my expertise at this point but my experience
> > would indicate 
> > that it does not work this way since I have PerlModule before the 
> > PerlSetVar and it works fine.
> > 
> > -Fran
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread Peter Bi

Try my Apache::AccessCookie too. It provides the same ticketing interface
for many different authenticating methods such as LDAP, IMAP, ftp, SMB, and
(of course) DBI, plus a number of useful features. One can simply implement
her own mechanism too. It can be downloaded at

BTW, I tried to register the module in CPAN, but was kind of lost in the

Peter Bi

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Fran Fabrizio'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'F.Xavier Noria'"
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 10:08 PM
Subject: RE: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully

> p.s. FWIW, I ended up using Apache::AuthTicket instead - has a feature I
> wanted (timeout, not just expiry), which CookieDBI didn't have), and it
> worked as documented with zero hassle...
> Jim
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 6:38 AM
> > > To: F.Xavier Noria
> > > Subject: Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI
> > > (solved but no fully understood)
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Does the server load the module that way?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > It's beyond my expertise at this point but my experience
> > > would indicate
> > > that it does not work this way since I have PerlModule before the
> > > PerlSetVar and it works fine.
> > >
> > > -Fran
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-03 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Fri, 3 May 2002 22:02:18 -0700
"Jim Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I was having the exact same problem 2 days ago... Could it be a
: difference in static vs. dso? I'm running mod_perl as a dso - how about
: you two?  

I compiled httpd. 

Jacob Davies (author of Apache::AuthCookieDBI) confirmed the secret key
file has to be set before the PerlModule directive, it is a bug in the

-- fxn

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-06 Thread F . Xavier Noria

On Mon, 06 May 2002 10:04:28 -0400
Fran Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: >Jacob Davies (author of Apache::AuthCookieDBI) confirmed the secret key
: >file has to be set before the PerlModule directive, it is a bug in the
: >documentation.
: >
: Except it doesn't really, because it works fine for me. =)
: I compiled mod_perl static, I tend to avoid DSO if possible.

The Eagle book says (page 58):

Apache processes the configuration directives on a first-come,
first-serve basis, so in certain cases, the order in which
directives appear is important.

So Apache passes PerlModule and PerlSetVar to mod_perl as it finds it in
its configuration file. If mod_perl loaded modules as they come by means
of PerlModule that would explain why variables set with PerlSetVar after
that directive are not seen by the very module at loading time.

As that seems to be the behaviour in my static mod_perl and Jacob Davies
said he had to change the documentation (and he knows more mod_perl than
I for sure), I don't understand why the order does not matter in your
machine. Do we have the same version of the module (v1.18)?

-- fxn 

Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-06 Thread Rafael Caceres


Squid complains about which it says contains 
an invalid character ("_"), so I can't access it.

Rafael Caceres

At 10:58 PM 5/3/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Try my Apache::AccessCookie too. It provides the same ticketing interface
>for many different authenticating methods such as LDAP, IMAP, ftp, SMB, and
>(of course) DBI, plus a number of useful features. One can simply implement
>her own mechanism too. It can be downloaded at
>BTW, I tried to register the module in CPAN, but was kind of lost in the
>Peter Bi
>- Original Message -
>From: "Jim Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "'Fran Fabrizio'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'F.Xavier Noria'"
>Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 10:08 PM
>Subject: RE: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully
> > p.s. FWIW, I ended up using Apache::AuthTicket instead - has a feature I
> > wanted (timeout, not just expiry), which CookieDBI didn't have), and it
> > worked as documented with zero hassle...
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > > > -Original Message-----
> > > > From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 6:38 AM
> > > > To: F.Xavier Noria
> > > > Subject: Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI
> > > > (solved but no fully understood)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >Does the server load the module that way?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > It's beyond my expertise at this point but my experience
> > > > would indicate
> > > > that it does not work this way since I have PerlModule before the
> > > > PerlSetVar and it works fine.
> > > >
> > > > -Fran
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

RE: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fully understood)

2002-05-06 Thread Jim Helm

Strictly speaking "_" is (was?) an illegal character for DNS names.  I
used to go round-n-round with a fellow sysadmin about that fact, and
that we shouldn't use "_" in hostnames.  


> -Original Message-
> From: Rafael Caceres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 10:23 AM
> To: Peter Bi
> Subject: Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI 
> (solved but no fully understood)
> Peter:
> Squid complains about which it 
> says contains 
> an invalid character ("_"), so I can't access it.
> Rafael Caceres
> At 10:58 PM 5/3/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Try my Apache::AccessCookie too. It provides the same ticketing 
> >interface for many different authenticating methods such as 
> >ftp, SMB, and (of course) DBI, plus a number of useful features. One 
> >can simply implement her own mechanism too. It can be downloaded at 
> >
> >
> >BTW, I tried to register the module in CPAN, but was kind of lost in 
> >the middle.
> >
> >
> >Peter Bi
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Jim Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "'Fran Fabrizio'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'F.Xavier Noria'" 
> >Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 10:08 PM
> >Subject: RE: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI 
> (solved but no 
> >fully
> >understood)
> >
> >
> > > p.s. FWIW, I ended up using Apache::AuthTicket instead - has a 
> > > feature I wanted (timeout, not just expiry), which 
> CookieDBI didn't 
> > > have), and it worked as documented with zero hassle...
> > >
> > > Jim
> > >
> > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > > Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 6:38 AM
> > > > > To: F.Xavier Noria
> > > > > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Subject: Re: problems setting up 
> Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved 
> > > > > but no fully understood)
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >Does the server load the module that way?
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > It's beyond my expertise at this point but my 
> experience would 
> > > > > indicate that it does not work this way since I have 
> PerlModule 
> > > > > before the PerlSetVar and it works fine.
> > > > >
> > > > > -Fran
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >