Re: Suite of modules to be released - the name game

2004-11-05 Thread John Siracusa
On 11/5/04 8:00 PM, Mark Stosberg wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 12:29:23AM +, Smylers wrote:
>> Nonetheless I feel it would be worth doing this for anything completely
>> independent.  It may be a little more hassle for you to release a few
>> separate distros rather than one -- but it would be a lot more hassle
>> for a potential user who just wants your DateTime or URI module to have
>> to grab the entire suite.
>> More to the point they are unlikely to be noticed as part of a suite, so
>> your work won't get the attention and usage they deserve, and it's more
>> likely that somebody else will repeat them (only slightly different, and
>> incompatibly) elsewhere.
> I can second this. When I found Data::FormValidator, it was only
> distributed as part of a larger framework...I didn't want the larger
> framework, I just wanted the form validation. This module was not well
> known at the time. Since Data::FormValidator has been released on it's
> own, there's been a lot more activity around it.

There are a few things that make this difficult.  The first is that any OO
"helper" module depends on the object base class and method maker.  The
second is that the object base class and method maker are very simple, and
hardly worth distributing separately.  The third is that even the functional
helper classes are very simple, and usually only exist so that I have a
single point of access for some functionality within my suite.

For example, the DateTime utils consist of two important functions:
parse_date() and format_date().  parse_date() parses the collection of date
formats that I find it useful to parse.  It does so the old-fashioned way,
with a series of regexes in an elsif chain.  It doesn't fit in at all with
the DateTime::Format:: family, nor is it meant to.  The format_date()
function passes nearly everything through DateTime's strftime() method, but
it adds one or two special formats, and changes the meaning of a few.

The whole thing is a simple lib that just happens to accept and return
DateTime objects.  It exists so that, if I ever want to parse or produce a
new kind of date within my modules, I can add code to one place.

Now I can't imagine anyone else finding this utility class very useful
unless they have exactly the same ideas as I do about what to parse and
produce.  Nor would any user of the overall suite be forced to use this
class just because they use the suite.  It's purely for internal purposes.

The URI class might be vaguely useful to "the outside world", but it relies
on the object base class and method maker.  It also only handles a subset of
the URI formats that URI handles (again, because that's all I need to handle

In both cases, what would these things be called?
URI::Limited::ButEasyToManip?  DateTime::Util::JohnsWhims?  And then I'd
have to tear out the object base class and method maker too: Object::Simple
is probably already taken.  The object base class is less than a page of
code anyway.

The method maker is a heavily simplified clone of Class::MethodMaker, which
I deemed too heavyweight for the amount of functionality I use in it.  But
now my method maker exists only to hold all the weird kinds of methods that
I find myself using within the suite.  How many of those would be useful to

The only part that absolutely will be useful outside the suite is the HTML
objects module.  But that depends on the object base class, the method
maker, the URI class, and the DateTime util functions.  So now I'm right
back where I started, with everything in one big suite even if you just want
the HTML objects.

What I may consider is making the HTML objects and everything below them one
suite, and then the web app stuff above it into another suite that depends
on the HTML objects.  But I'd still want them both under the branded
namespace.  It'd be two distributions, but one brand.  So if you just wanted
the HTML objects part, you could grab it while skipping the web app part.

If I tried to put the HTML objects suite elsewhere in a non-branded
namespace, then it'd seem odd that every web app object is a subclass of
HTML::Objects::Object or wherever the supposedly generic HTML objects module
suite lives.

If I absolutely had to split things out as much as possible into bite-sized
pieces (but all still branded), maybe it'd start to look like this (still
using JCS:: in the example)

Includes JCS::Object, JCS::Object::MethodMaker::*

Requires: JCS::Objects
Includes: JCS::DB, JCS::DB::Object, JCS::Object::MethodMaker::DB::*

Requires: JCS::Objects
Includes: JCS::DateTime::Util, and JCS::URI

Requires: JCS::HTML::Objects (which in turn requires JCS::Objects)
Includes: JCS::WebApp::*, JCS::WebSite::*, others (can't say what
  exactly because this part is the furthest from completion)

Includes: all of the above

Note that I stuck the db-related me

Re: Suite of modules to be released - the name game

2004-11-05 Thread Mark Stosberg
On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 12:29:23AM +, Smylers wrote:
> Nonetheless I feel it would be worth doing this for anything completely
> independent.  It may be a little more hassle for you to release a few
> separate distros rather than one -- but it would be a lot more hassle
> for a potential user who just wants your DateTime or URI module to have
> to grab the entire suite.
> More to the point they are unlikely to be noticed as part of a suite, so
> your work won't get the attention and usage they deserve, and it's more
> likely that somebody else will repeat them (only slightly different, and
> incompatibly) elsewhere.

I can second this. When I found Data::FormValidator, it was only
distributed as part of a larger framework...I didn't want the larger
framework, I just wanted the form validation. This module was not well
known at the time. Since Data::FormValidator has been released on it's
own, there's been a lot more activity around it. 

I've also released a project that sounds more like the scale of yours. 
The "small modules" I've released end up getting hacked on a lot more by 
others, who returns the improvements to me. So the extra effort to
release bits separately has definitely paid off. 


Re: Suite of modules to be released - the name game

2004-11-05 Thread Smylers
John Siracusa writes:

> * A set of DateTime utility functions

If these are generic DateTime utility functions, not tied into the rest
of your suite, then they ought to be released as part of the DateTime
namespace (or patched into existing modules in that namespace).  But any
name in that namespace should be approved by the DateTime mailing list.

> Each component depends on some or all of the components above it in
> the list.  So while some components (e.g., the HTML objects) would be
> useful in isolation, actually submitting them to CPAN outside of this
> "suite hierarchy" is a bit of a hassle (for the users and the
> developer) due to the dependencies.

Nonetheless I feel it would be worth doing this for anything completely
independent.  It may be a little more hassle for you to release a few
separate distros rather than one -- but it would be a lot more hassle
for a potential user who just wants your DateTime or URI module to have
to grab the entire suite.

More to the point they are unlikely to be noticed as part of a suite, so
your work won't get the attention and usage they deserve, and it's more
likely that somebody else will repeat them (only slightly different, and
incompatibly) elsewhere.

Presumably your suite makes use of some Cpan modules that are maintained
by people other than you?  I think you should treat any generic 'helper'
modules in the same way -- pretend to yourself that they weren't written
especially for this project and treat them as Cpan dependencies.

> It's my intention to release the entire suite as a "branded" entity
> much like Mason, Maypole, or Bricolage, with a unique top-level
> namespace to be determined later.  (Obviously JCS:: will not do.)

That's a good idea.  Functional names work best for something like
Image::Size or Math::Round -- something that solves a reasonably small
and well-defined problem, and which people are likely to search for.
But big 'Way of Life' suites probably spread best by word-of-mouth
outside Cpan, and having a distinctive and memorable name works well.

> but perhaps Mason ... ended up under HTML:: as some sort of
> appeasement to the class hierarchy Gods.  If so, this was a mistake,
> and one I'd not like to repeat.

I don't think it was a mistake, in that when I first heard the name
HTML::Mason I could guess what the module does from the meanings of the
separate words 'HTML' and 'Mason', something that isn't conveyed by just
one of them.  'Bricolage' and 'Maypole' are different in that they are
just brand names, and putting them in a namespace wouldn't help.

> I suspect the guardians of naming are already poo-pooing my intention
> to create a new top-level namespace for myself, ...

The person who's done the most work in the past few years in helping
people with naming is brian d foy on [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I've seen him
actively encourage 'brand' names for large projects.

Use a branded name for all the parts of your suite that are only useful
in the suite.  Use generic, meaningful names, for any parts that could
be of use outside the suite.

Then create a Bundle::WhateverYouCallYourSuite module that includes your
suite plus its dependencies (other modules it uses that are in separate
distros, whether published by you or other people).

> * What should the branded name be?  I already have a favorite picked,
> but I'm open to guidance (e.g. "no copyrighted names", although I know
> that one already :)

Whatever you want!  But try to pick something that is 'obviously' a
branded name, and doesn't sound like it might be a meaningful name.  So,
for example, in the abstract 'CrossStitch' might work as a branded name.
But putting that on Cpan clobbers that namespace from anybody who wants
to release lots of modules for doing CrossStitch in Perl.

> * Is it okay, or advisable to release a "partial" suite and then fill
> in the rest of the components as they are completed?

Yes.  Release early and release often.  That way you get more feedback,
and it's easier to accommodate requests and suggestions.

> * Is it okay to release modules before the documentation has been
> completed?

It's better to do it t'other way round -- release modules that have
complete-ish docs but some of the documented things haven't been
implemented yet!  If something doesn't have docs, don't expect people to
know what it's for or how to use it.

I follow an RSS feed of Cpan uploads, and I investigate anything that
sounds interesting.  But if it doesn't have any docs then I don't ever
bother downloading it just to see what it does.

> * These are all version "0.01" at this point.  Is that sufficient to
> communicate the still-in-development nature of the suite, or should I
> simply not release anything unless it's completely documented, at the
> very least?

I think at least outline docs would be a good idea -- giving the purpose
and general idea of things.  If that gets anybody interested then it
isn't so bad if they have to read the source for the details.  (Much

Suite of modules to be released - the name game

2004-11-05 Thread John Siracusa
I have a big collection of modules that are currently under the JCS::
namespace (my initials).  Together, they are meant to form a sort of web
application construction kit.  They're still under development, but I intend
to release them to CPAN eventually.  I'm also considering releasing parts of
the suit as they get closer to completion.

The modules are largely interdependent, although some subsets can exist in
isolation.  But all such subsets start from the lowest-level modules and go
upwards in abstraction.  Here are the major parts of the suite, roughly from
the bottom up:

* An object base class plus a simple method maker
* A URI class
* A set of DateTime utility functions
* HTML objects (form objects)
* A DBI wrapper
* A library of SQL manipulation and generation functions
* A db-backed object base class
* A basic web application framework
* An MVC-style web application base class

First, a brief defense of a few of the things that seem like wheel

* A URI class - It actually uses the existing URI class, but stores the URI
"in pieces" under the assumption that a URI will be manipulated many times,
but serialized only once (or at least fewer times than it is manipulated).
This usage pattern is true in my suite, thus the usefulness of the class.
It also has some convenient URI manipulation methods that URI lacks.

* A DBI wrapper / A db-backed object base class - Yes, there are already a
bunch of these on CPAN...which means that, like me, each author wanted to do
something, it not "better", then at least "differently" than any of his
predecessors.  TMTOWTDI! :)

Moving on...

Each component depends on some or all of the components above it in the
list.  So while some components (e.g., the HTML objects) would be useful in
isolation, actually submitting them to CPAN outside of this "suite
hierarchy" is a bit of a hassle (for the users and the developer) due to the

Let's look at two similar module suites already on CPAN: Mason and Maypole.

Mason is actually HTML::Mason, of course, reflecting (I'd imagine) its
creator's attempt to put it somewhere "logical" while not being too
frivolous with the name: it assembles chunks of HTML like a mason building
with bricks...or something.

But not long after its introduction, it quickly became just "Mason" to
developers.  Furthermore, it also became clear that Mason is a lot more than
just a way to assembles blocks of HTML.  It is a more like a complete system
for creating dynamic web sites and web applications. The HTML:: part of the
class name, although well intentioned, is now just noise.

Mason also includes things like its own method maker and various utility
functions that could technically exist outside of Mason, but don't.
Finally, there's the MasonX:: hierarchy which does away with the HTML::
baggage at last.

Maypole is a more recent example.  It's an MVC web application framework
that avoids any pretense of being a "HTML builder" or any other sort of
thing trying to find a home in an existing HTML::, Net::, Web::, HTTP::, or
Apache:: namespace.  It is essentially "branded."

My suite is broader than either Mason or Maypole.  In fact, it actually uses
and depends on Mason (and possibly also Template Toolkit) as part of its web
app framework.

It's my intention to release the entire suite as a "branded" entity much
like Mason, Maypole, or Bricolage, with a unique top-level namespace to be
determined later.  (Obviously JCS:: will not do.)

I'm not sure if Maypole or Bricolage went through the module authors list,
but perhaps Mason did, and ended up under HTML:: as some sort of appeasement
to the class hierarchy Gods.  If so, this was a mistake, and one I'd not
like to repeat.

I suspect the guardians of naming are already poo-pooing my intention to
create a new top-level namespace for myself, but the sky did not fall when
Maypole was introduced.  Ditto for Alzabo, Rudesind, Bricolage, or even

Being nestled under Net:: or HTML:: or XML:: or whatever only makes sense
for a certain class of modules.  At some point, when the level of
abstraction gets high enough, it's time to start assembling all of these
reasonably nested, generic pieces into more complex "systems."

Those systems will, by definition, not fit nicely into any part of the
existing hierarchy.  Trying to make them fit is disingenuous and leads to
more confusion, not less.  Someone looking for HTML manipulation modules
will be quite surprised to run across a huge system like Mason sitting
alongside things like HTML::Parser, for example.

I think "branding" happens naturally for these suites simply because there
are only so many generic names for "web application framework" or
"templating system."  I also think it's clear by now that branded names like
AxKit, Mason, Maypole, or Bricolage are good fits for developer mindsets,
even if they don't fit into the One True Taxonomy of CPAN (as if there is
such a thing).

As you can see, I'm pretty much sold on the "brande