Re: Perldap Attribute storage order

2001-03-27 Thread Russell Wilton

David J Kernen wrote:

> I doubt that ldapsearch (and similarly but in an opposite direction,
> ldapmodify) do anything special to maintain order; they just process
> what they're given in the order they receive it because that's the
> easiest way.

That's all I wanted Perldap to do too.  Just process them in the order it
receives them.  I'm pretty sure that Perldap does do that on reading, just
not on writing.  Unfortunately, Perl hashes don't maintain any order, so for
Perldap, it's NOT the easiest way.  I guess nobody but me thinks it's worth
the trouble to work around that.

> I'm also not sure how useful it would be to control the order; I've been
> doing ldap programming about eight years and it's never been something
> that I wanted to do. Examining access logs and the changelog have always
> been sufficient for me, along with the occasional ldif diff.

When I'm debugging a problem, I just want to be able to use ldapsearch to
examine records and have them displayed in a more reasonable order, ie., the
order I stored them in.

> Just use the addValue method instead of setValues to add one
> attribute/value pair per method call, and then call the update method
> after calling addValue. That will do what you want.

I think the overhead of adding one attribute at a time would be more than
it's worth.  I guess the solution for me is to write a replacement for
ldapsearch that displays records with the attributes in the order I want to
see them.

Thanks again for your time.


Russell D. Wilton E Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Services Manager  Voice:   (403) 329-2525
University of Lethbridge  FAX: (403) 382-7108
4401 University Drive   Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA   T1K 3M4

Re: Perldap Attribute storage order

2001-03-26 Thread Russell Wilton

David J Kernen wrote:
Wrong. Perldap is behaving according to the protocol.
(See below.)
I agree.  Perldap is not required to return the attributes in any
particular order.
This feature would place perldap in direct violation
of the LDAP protocol.
Here I disagree with you.  As the RFC says, the order of attribute
values is implementation-dependent, ie, Perldap can return them in any
order it likes.  Returning the attributes in the same order they were
entered is one possible order and there is no reason Perldap couldn't use
that order.  To say that this violates the protocol, implies that
the ldapmodify and ldapsearch programs distributed with the Netscape LDAP
also violate the protocol, since they maintain attribute order.
To quote RFC2251 section 4.1.8:
   Each attribute value is distinct in the set (no
duplicates).  The
   order of attribute values within the vals set is undefined
   implementation-dependent, and MUST NOT be relied upon.

I understand that Perldap is at the mercy of the LDAP directory implementation. 
The directory is not obliged to return the attributes in the order they
were entered and if it doesn't, there is nothing Perldap can do about it. 
If, however, the LDAP directory does return them in order, as the Netscape
LDAP does, it would be nice if Perldap maintained that order.
And since the protocol forbids counting on the order
or attaching an significance to the order, you're asking for trouble if
you start doing so.
I fully agree with you here.  In my previous post, I indicated that
this feature would be nice when scanning LDAP entries by eye.  It's
easier to find errors if the data comes back in the same order you put
it in.  But, I certainly wouldn't write a program that depended on
that order.
When I program, I try to keep in mind the "principle of least astonishment". 
One application of that principle is that data shouldn't change when you
aren't looking at it.  When you put data in a file or a database,
it's not unreasonable to expect to be able to get it back out again looking
the same as it went in.  Admittedly, the data can get reordered if
you edit the record, but barring edits, it seems to me to be good practice
for a database to return records the same way it receives them.
The developers of the Netscape LDAP directory would seem to agree with
me on this one, since their implementation does maintain the attribute
order.  And the Perldap developer(s) have gone to considerable effort
to maintain the attribute order internal to the perl part of Perldap as
well.  It just looks to me that they dropped the ball when passing
the data to the C API part of Perldap.  A fix would be nice, but certainly
not necessary, for Perldap to continue to be a very useful package.
Russell D. Wilton
Network Services Manager 
Voice:   (403) 329-2525
University of Lethbridge 
FAX: (403) 382-7108
4401 University Drive   Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA  
T1K 3M4

Re: Perldap Attribute storage order

2001-03-26 Thread Russell Wilton


Thanks for your replies.  You both said pretty much the same thing - it can't
be done.  I trust you will agree that when you create a record with
ldapmodify, the attributes are stored in the order you enter them, and when
you retrieve the record with ldapsearch, the record is returned with the
attributes in the original order.  So it's not a limitation of the LDAP
protcol, it's just a question of why perldap doesn't do it.

I've done some poking around in the perldap code and I think I see where the
problem is.  The programmer goes to considerable lengths to maintain the
attribute ordering in the perl code:  defining a 'Mozilla::LDAP::Enty' data
type to tie the data storage hash to, having the STORE function maintain the
order in the '_oc_order_' array, etc.  But it is all for naught, since the
Conn->add routine to actually store the record, copies all the attributes
into a plain hash to pass them to the C API routines for storage.  The
attribute ordering gets 'hashed' at this point, since the C 'hash2mod'
routine that converts the hash into a list of LDAPmod pointers just extracts
them from the hash in the order they are physically stored.

It looks to me that the only way to preserve the ordering would be to change
the interface between the perl and C routines so that Conn->add could pass
the '_oc_order_' array or something similar, to the C routines to specify the
desired ordering.  This could be an optional parameter which if supplied
would specify the ordering and if not, the current algorithm would be used.

I realize the ordering is completely immaterial to the operation of the LDAP
directory and therefore, this is not a high priority item for perldap
development, but it would be a nice feature.  When doing program development
and debugging, extracting records manually with ldapsearch to see if data is
being stored properly, it would be a lot more convenient for visually
scanning the attributes if they came back in the same order your stored them.

Maybe somebody doing perldap development will implement something like this
in a future version - I don't think it would be that difficult.  Thanks again
for your time.


Michelle Wyner wrote:

> Russ Wilton wrote:
> >
> > attributes stored in a particular order?  I pass the data to Perldap
> > using calls to "entry->setValues" in the order I want the attributes
> > stored, but they end up in a different order in the LDAP database, as
> > shown by retreiving the entry with ldapsearch.  Am I missing something
> > here, or is it not possible to control the order?  I am running Solaris
> > 8, Perl 5.6.0, Perldap 1.4.1 and ldapsdk 4.1.
> >  Thanks.
> Hi Russ,
> Nope, values of attributes are not guaranteed to be stored in a
> particular order.
> -- Michelle

Russell D. Wilton E Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Services Manager  Voice:   (403) 329-2525
University of Lethbridge  FAX: (403) 382-7108
4401 University Drive   Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA   T1K 3M4