Re: /etc/hosts and mutt

2001-04-02 Thread Clemens Wohld

* On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 06:58:03PM -0700, Dave Murray wrote:

Now my fucking english ..

> What are the ramifications on mutt & sendmail if I edit
> /etc/hosts?

This file is for make shure thats your maschine all
inside-maschines in the localnet knows.
> It currently is:
> localhost localhost.localdomain

Thats one of the entries, localhost.
Now make one more. What a name have our maschine??

> If I were to change it to
> bozo clown.circus

Ahh bozo iss the name and clown.circus the domaine ??
Hm..I didn´t like domaines like this. Whitout .de or .net.
Oki, have to sett one more in your /etc/hosts
#etc/hosts localhost   bozo.clown.circus
# eof

When the hostname and domain iss ok. This your sett it in another
file under /etc.

Yor dont say what a Linux-distri...
For hostname is ist /etc/hostname. Iff your have any SuSE, your
can sett it in rc.config.
Ore Yast -> "Konfiguration the system"

> What will it mess up, make better, cause me to change?

Change it to this ...and it will run.

Mutt have nothing todo with this all,..its sendmail what need this
correct informationes.

Gruß Clemens

Clemens WohldFon:  +49 (040)  6 72 82 90
LiHAS - Servicebuero Hamburg Fax:  +49 (7 11) 5 78 06 92
Adrian Reyer & Jörg Henner GbR   Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux, Netzwerke, Consulting & Support

Re: testing

2000-07-03 Thread Clemens Wohld

* On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 09:32:09AM -0400, Rebecca Wu wrote:
> Is this address working?

neee ;)

Gruß, Clemens

Mit statserial/setserial serielle Infos abfragen:
$ statserial /dev/ttyS0  (Ausgabe u.a. Signal und Pin)
$ setserial /dev/ttyS0   (Ausgabe u.a. Port und IRQ) 
 [Info: man setserial; man statserial]

pgp-key in mutt-1.2

2000-05-27 Thread Clemens Wohld


I have a questions about mutt1.2 and pgp.
With mutt-1.1xx I have send pgp-mails without
to selekt the key. Mutt has used the right one, so I
dont have to do this.

Now, with mutt-1.2 I have to select every pgp-key :(

What can I do? Dont want select anytime the key and pusch

Ok, when there morew as one key than is an selection normal, but
when I hav only one key for this ya person...Mutt have to
put this key without ask me.

Any idear's ??

-*- PGP5, mutt 1.2 -*-

Greetings, Clemens

Re: mutt can't find his help :-/

2000-03-21 Thread Clemens Wohld

Wilhelm Wienemann wrote at Die.03/21/00-10:35:32Uhr:

> Was the mutt-1.0pre2i which you used to update a source 
> or a binary-package (*.i386.rpm)? 
This mutt-version before was an i386.rpm.

> > There are now some problems with the F1/ F2 to show help.
> >
> > I have set in my .muttrc the path to tjhe help!
> > like this:
> ...and there could you find the manual, isn't it?
I can set every path and pusch the helpfile to this place, but Mutt
dont will find.
Ævery time mutt look's at /usr/doc/packages/mutt.
This is the place for an rpm, but not for an binary :-/

> [...]  
> > Wanna be used /usr/local/doc/mutt/html/manual.html.
> > No chance,..always mutt can't find :-/
> > But mutt dont find this :-/
> > Always he want to look in /usr/doc/packages.
> That's the default directory for documents in the S.u.S.E. 
> RPM-database. If you will make your own *.i386.rpm Package 
> from the source in a S.u.S.E. System it will use this 
> default directory.
I know this ;-)
Thats why can't understand! This mutt i have comp. by myself.

> > What an should i do?
> Maybe you can make a symbolic link to the directory.
Yes, for shure. I have make this. But wanna know what's happen,)
Info again: I have an SuSE 6.2, Kernel 2.2.14.

Greetings, Clemens

Reg. Linux-user # 134173

Re: mutt can't find his help :-/

2000-03-21 Thread Clemens Wohld

Gero Treuner wrote at Die.03/21/00-10:35:32Uhr:

> Hi!
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:58:47PM +0100, Clemens Wohld wrote:
> > ## Show TXT-documentation when pressing :
> > macro generic  "!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" \
> > "Show Mutt documentation"
> This looks ok.
I know :(
Thats why i dont know what i have for an problem :(
OK, i can make a link to /usr/doc/packages/mutt (i have do this:)
but i think strong that are existing some other rc-file.
Not in my ~/.muttrc, there are only two macros to show help.
In /usr/doc/packages/mutt is nothing anymore. Only an link call's
But in my old .muttrc (mutt-9.6i-rpm) i have set the html-help.
This is also anywhere in a configfile, cause whenn i want to change
this, mutt find (looks in ~/.mutt/...there are my source-files)
it also not.
Whenn i copy the files back to the old place (~/.mutt/*)
is everything OK.
Thats looks like an other rc-file. But where??

> > Always he want to look in /usr/doc/packages.
> > Somebody can help me? But please i'm not an english-crack,
> > write "light-english", don't know what it is...but see me ;-))
> Maybe there are old configuration files left, Muttrc for example
> - except the deinstallation of the old mutt failed, then this
> could be call instead of the new one.
Where?? Not in my own .muttrc-settings.
Where i can find some?
$ find / -name .muttrc (or MUTTRC)
...can't find some :(
The rpm is uninstall, shure.

> (For safety again in German language:
> Vom alten Mutt sind wohl noch Konfigurationsdateien uebrig, z. B.
> das Muttrc - ausser die Deinstallation des alten hat nicht funktioniert,
> in diesem Fall koennte sogar das alte Programm statt des neuen
> aufgerufen werden.  :)
(sorry, but will anser in german)
Das gut ;-)
Ich hab nochmal alles abgesucht. Wo sollte/könnte ich denn noch was
von dem rpm-mutt finden??
/usr/doc/packages/mutt ist leer.
mit find läßt sich auch nichts finden.
Bin aber 100% sicher (weil es die Pfade der Vorgängerversion sind)
das diese Konfig mein altes mutt getragen hat!

Greetings, Clemens

Reg. Linux-user # 134173

mutt can't find his help :-/

2000-03-19 Thread Clemens Wohld

i have updated my mutt-0.9.6 to mutt-1.0pre2i.
mutt-0.9.6 was an RPM, i deinstalled before.

There are now some problems with the F1/ F2 to show help.

I have set in my .muttrc the path to tjhe help!
like this:

## Show TXT-documentation when pressing :
macro generic  "!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" \
"Show Mutt documentation"
macro index"!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" \
"Show Mutt documentation"
macro pager"!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" \
"Show Mutt documentation"

Same like html-help, but this I have longer.
Have get the html-files and have tell mutt where the are.
But can't change also this folder!
What's going on? Cant understand :(

Wanna be used /usr/local/doc/mutt/html/manual.html.
No chance,..always mutt can't find :-/

But mutt dont find this :-/
Always he want to look in /usr/doc/packages.
What an fould i do?
Somebody can help me? But please i'm not an english-crack,
write "light-english", don't know what it is...but see me ;-))

Info: configure, i have used the default.

Reg. Linux-user # 134173