Use of MySQL with large tables

2001-09-21 Thread Stephen Faustino

We are encountering two issues when using MySQL with large tables (by large,
we're talking > 1 million rows).  Our application is written in Java and we
are using the mm.mysql JDBC driver.  We run our applications using both
Oracle and MySQL.  Below are issues that we have experienced.

1. The mm.mysql driver caches all results from a large selection in memory
before returning the ResultSet to the calling method. This means that any
select returning a lot of rows runs the risk of getting an OutOfMemoryError.
Oracle doesn't have this problem, as the ResultSet only contains some of the
rows matching the query, and more are retrieved as is
called.  One of our developers has already discussed the issue with Mark
Matthews, and the impression seems to be that MySQL does not support true
cursors.  Once you start a query, you must read the entire result set before
issuing any other queries.  The lack of cursors seems to really limit what
types of applications can be implemented using MySQL as a backend.  Are
there any discussions regarding the implementation of cursors which would
support canceling and scrolling, or is the solution to just keep adding
memory (we're running on a PII 450 w/ 128MB RAM)?

2. After we incurred problem number 1, we decided to work around it by using
the LIMIT directive and retrieving the entire table in chunks of 25000 rows
by issuing a series of queries. Unfortunately, each LIMIT query takes longer
and longer to return results, which means the overall select proceeds in
exponential time. As an example, we tried to query all of the rows for a
table containing 18 columns with 1.8 million rows (on a PII 450 w/ 128M). A
partial summary of the results is in the following table:

Selected rows   Time for this selectCumulative
0-24999 00:00:2900:00:29
25000-4 00:00:3000:00:59
5-74999 00:00:3200:01:31
50-524999   00:05:5201:01:04
525000-54   00:06:0301:07:07
100-1024999 00:11:1003:50:07
1775000-179 0:27:50 14:15:34

Is this phenomena expected behavior and will it be addressed sometime in the
future, or is it just the way it goes?  

Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation
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RE: BDB table corruption when inserting/retrieving a BLOB into a BDB table

2001-03-13 Thread Stephen Faustino

We have also experienced the same exact behavior, also using the mm.mysql
driver, on Linux.  However, our problem is intermittent.  There are times
(though these times cannot be accurately predicted) where the data is
retrieved correctly, which implies that the data is stored correclty.  We
have verified that the data is being stored correctly by using mysql to
select the data into a dumpfile.  We did not try to recreate the problem
with a table handler other than BDB.  

Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation
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-Original Message-
From: Scott McCool [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: BDB table corruption when inserting/retrieving a BLOB into a
BDB table

I'm getting a very strange results all of the sudden when dealing with BLOBs
in a mysql 3.23.32 on a Solaris 7 (SPARC) machine (inserts/deletes handled
with the JDBC driver from

If I do the following:

1) Create a BDB table with a blob column:
 ablob BLOB null

2) Insert a particular blob into that column (I'm storing XSLT stylesheets
in the real table, most of them work fine but one in particular is all of
the sudden causing problems):

---code snip---
String fn="badblob.txt";// Filename of the blob I'm loading that
causes problems
FileInputStream style_fis=new FileInputStream(fn);
byte[] style_bytes=new byte[style_fis.available()];;
String dQuery="delete from ttest4";
String iQuery="insert into ttest4(id,ablob) values(1,null);";
conn=cp.getConnection();// Gets a JDBC connection from a pool I
keep elsewhere
Statement stmt=conn.createStatement();
String uQuery="update test4 set ablob=? where id=1";
---end code snip---

(I've modified this some, but basically my code will insert an empty row
then update it with the blob, this is to deal with some issues we've had
with other RDBMs' implementations of JDBC).

This seems to go just fine.

3) Retrieve that blob with the following code:
--code snip--
   Statement stmt=conn.createStatement();
   String query="select ablob from ttest4 where id=1";
   ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(query);
   while( {
Blob b=rs.getBlob(1);
byte[] blobBytes=b.getBytes(0,(int)b.length());
System.out.println(new String(b));
--end code snip--

At this point my output ends up very garbled.  The output usually starts off
with some very strange ASCII characters (seemingly binary data) with things
like filesystem names thrown in the mix... Then at some point parts of my
actual data (from the "badblob.txt" file in step 2) appears... Then the end
of it is usually overwritten with more strange  ASCII characters.

In attempting to fix this problem, I dropped and recreated the entire
database a few times, restarted the server daemon, etc.  I finally ended up
changing the table to TYPE=MyISAM and the problem went away.  Unfortunately,
I need transaction support for this project.

I've been using this code, data, server version, bdb table, etc for a few
weeks now with no problems, but suddenly when regenerating the schema last
night this started to occur and is now happening regularly.

I'd like to blame this on the particular blob I'm inserting (badblob.txt)
but that doesn't seem to be the problem as it hasn't changed.  My other
thought was a corrupt disk, but that doesn't seem likely... I'm open to any
suggestions as this problem seems potentially very serious.
Any help is greatly appreciated!


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RE: BDB tables on Linux

2001-03-05 Thread Stephen Faustino

show variables showed that have_bdb is no, and none of the bdb variables are
there.  So does this mean that BDB is NOT compiled into the binary included
in the Linux RPM, or does it mean that I need to add the necesary
BDB-related variables to /etc/my.cnf?

Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation
Direct/Vmail (210)402-9669x949
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-Original Message-
From: Jeremy D. Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 3:51 PM
To: Stephen Faustino
Subject: Re: BDB tables on Linux

On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 03:44:20PM -0600, Stephen Faustino wrote:
> Yes, I specified that the table should use the BDB table handler,
> but it does not appear that the table was created as a BDB table.

Are you *sure* you're running a version with BDB support compiled in?
The output of SHOW VARIBLES will probably tell you. Having not used
them, though, it's hard to say...

Jeremy D. Zawodny, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 328-7878Fax: (408) 530-5454
Cell: (408) 439-9951

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RE: BDB tables on Linux

2001-03-05 Thread Stephen Faustino

Yes, I specified that the table should use the BDB table handler, but it
does not appear that the table was created as a BDB table.  The following
are the results of my sessions on Solaris and Linux:

mysql> create table test (x int) type = BDB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.46 sec)

mysql> set autocommit=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into test values (1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> rollback;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from test;
Empty set (0.06 sec)


mysql> create table test (x int) type = BDB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> set autocommit=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into test values (1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> rollback;
ERROR 1196: Warning:  Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be
rolled b
mysql> select * from test;
| x|
|1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation
Direct/Vmail (210)402-9669x949

-Original Message-
From: Jeremy D. Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 3:29 PM
To: Stephen Faustino
Subject: Re: BDB tables on Linux

On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 11:27:54AM -0600, Stephen Faustino wrote:
> I've installed 3.23.33 on both Solaris and Linux RH 6.2 using the
> tarball for Solaris and the RPM for Linux.  The BDB tables work as
> expected on Solaris, but they did not not work under Linux.  What
> I'm seeing is that I can create a BDB just fine.  However,
> attempting a rollback results in:
> ERROR 1196: Warning:  Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be
> rolled back 
> When I do a mysqldump, the ddl for the table shows a type of MyISAM.

This suggestst that they weren't created as BDB tables.

Can you verify that they're created properly?

Jeremy D. Zawodny, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 328-7878Fax: (408) 530-5454
Cell: (408) 439-9951

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BDB tables on Linux

2001-03-05 Thread Stephen Faustino

I've installed 3.23.33 on both Solaris and Linux RH 6.2 using the tarball
for Solaris and the RPM for Linux.  The BDB tables work as expected on
Solaris, but they did not not work under Linux.  What I'm seeing is that I
can create a BDB just fine.  However, attempting a rollback results in:

ERROR 1196: Warning:  Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be
rolled back 

When I do a mysqldump, the ddl for the table shows a type of MyISAM.  I've
seen posts in the mail-list that people have used BDB tables under Linux,
so I know they should work.  I read the installation notes and did not see
anything special about post-installation for Linux and BDB support.  I
found in the documentation that the binary version for Windows does not
have BDB tables pre-compiled in, but did not find a similar note regarding
Linux.  Is there something I need to do (short of building from source) to
get BDB tables to work under Linux?


Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation
Direct/Vmail (210)402-9669x949
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Temporary tables, BDB tables, and Innobase questions

2001-02-26 Thread Stephen Faustino

1.  Can temporary tables be of type BDB?  Now before the question is asked
as to why I need transactional support on a temporary table, let me first
say that I really don't need it; this is just something we stumbled across
during development.  
If we create a temporary table of type BDB and attempt to rollback a
transaction, we get an error during rollback and the data is not rolled
back.  However, doing the exact same transaction on a BDB table that is not
specified as being temporary work as expected, ie, a rollback undoes the

2.  What is the status of BDB tables on Win32?  Is there a timeframe as to
when a version that runs on Win32 will be made available?

3.  I've read several posts regarding the Innobase tables.  Where can I
download the source from to start trying to use Innobase rather than BDB

Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation
Direct/Vmail (210)402-9669x949
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RE: How To Generate The SELECT statement I need

2001-01-18 Thread Stephen Faustino

A small correction:  if you want "Jo" to match John or LittleJohn, you need
to do:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE "%Jo%"

Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation

-Original Message-
From: Craig Atkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 9:13 AM
Subject: How To Generate The SELECT statement I need

I need to generate a select statement that has a comparison in it.
I have checked the FAQ to no avail.
I want to write something like this:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name =~ 'Jo'
which uses the =~ comparison (used in Perl) to return any records that
contain the letters 'Jo', which could mean "John" or "LittleJohn"
How can I do this in MySQL?
How can I make it case sensitive or insensitive.
Thank You For Your Help,
Craig Atkins

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RE: How To Generate The SELECT statement I need

2001-01-18 Thread Stephen Faustino

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE "Jo%"

String comparisons are not case sensitive unless the comparison involves a
binary string.

Stephen L. Faustino
Senior Software Engineer
SecureLogix Corporation

-Original Message-
From: Craig Atkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 9:13 AM
Subject: How To Generate The SELECT statement I need

I need to generate a select statement that has a comparison in it.
I have checked the FAQ to no avail.
I want to write something like this:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name =~ 'Jo'
which uses the =~ comparison (used in Perl) to return any records that
contain the letters 'Jo', which could mean "John" or "LittleJohn"
How can I do this in MySQL?
How can I make it case sensitive or insensitive.
Thank You For Your Help,
Craig Atkins

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