Security: is 'root' truly neccessary?

2002-09-24 Thread Tom Emerson

Being new to MySQL, it took a while to grok how "security" works.  Now that
I have a bit of a better understanding, a mental "revalation" is coming to
the surface of my mind: since "mysql" users are NOT unix/windows-domain
"users", is the "root" user truly needed for a functional mysql environment?

I do realize that there needs to be "some" user who essentially has all the
grantable columns set to "Y" in the USER table, otherwise you could lose the
ability to add or delete users, specify new databases, etc.  I'm thinking
this "super user" could (should?) be identified by something such as "dba"
or "admin" -- anything other than the name of "root".  This would avoid the
[probable] security hole of using the "unix" password as the "mysql"
password for the "root" user (something I suspect many people have done
without realizing the implications) simply because there would be no "root"

I'm kind of guessing that one reason that the name "root" was chosen was
because the command-line interface defaults the user name to your (unix)
session name.  By pre-building a "root" user, the authors avoided the need
to "teach" the use of the "-u" switch during the initial setup of mySql
(which is good and bad: good because it is "one less thing" for a new mysql
admin to have to learn, bad because new admins haven't even been introduced
to the security system, so they are likely to use their actual "root"
password because they haven't yet been informed that mysql-users <>

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RE: query problem

2002-09-05 Thread Tom Emerson

I am by no means an "SQL-expert", but I'll give this a shot... :)

> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Brenner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: query problem
> I have two tables with the following structure:
> Users:
> | Field| Type
> | id   | int(10) unsigned
> | name | blob
> +--+--
> answers:
> +--+-+
> | id   | int(10) unsigned|
> | userid   | int(10) unsigned|
> | question | int(10) unsigned|
> | correct  | set('true','false') |
> | date | date|
> +--+-+
> This is for a quiz. Every user has to answer 4 questions ...
> I want to print out all users, that
> have answered all 4 questions correct.
> Can I do this with one query?

I built a couple of tables similar to what you have [trimmed to the
"essentials"], populated with some data, and ran the following:

SELECT   id,name,userid,correct,count(correct) as numcorrect
FROM users,answers
WHEREid=userid AND correct='true'

which created:
| id | name| userid | correct | numcorrect |
|  1 | alfred  |  1 | true|  3 |
|  2 | bobby   |  2 | true|  4 |
|  3 | carol   |  3 | true|  2 |
|  4 | diane   |  4 | true|  3 |
|  5 | edward  |  5 | true|  3 |
|  6 | frank   |  6 | true|  3 |
|  7 | george  |  7 | true|  1 |
|  8 | harry   |  8 | true|  3 |
|  9 | larry   |  9 | true|  1 |
| 10 | mark| 10 | true|  3 |
| 11 | nancy   | 11 | true|  4 |
| 12 | oliver  | 12 | true|  3 |
| 13 | paul| 13 | true|  2 |
| 14 | quentin | 14 | true|  4 |
| 15 | ralph   | 15 | true|  3 |
| 16 | samuel  | 16 | true|  3 |
| 17 | thomas  | 17 | true|  1 |
| 18 | ursula  | 18 | true|  4 |
| 19 | victor  | 19 | true|  2 |
| 20 | walter  | 20 | true|  3 |
| 21 | xavier  | 21 | true|  4 |
| 22 | yvonne  | 22 | true|  3 |
| 23 | zack| 23 | true|  2 |
| 24 | igor| 24 | true|  3 |
| 25 | jack| 25 | true|  4 |
| 26 | kristen | 26 | true|  4 |

unfortunately, adding "and numcorrect=4" to the WHERE clause caused an error
(numcorrect undefined), but if this were put into a temporary table, it is
then trivial to

   SELECT * FROM results WHERE numcorrect=4;

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RE: mysql is driving me mad (3)

2002-09-01 Thread Tom Emerson

> -Original Message-
> Subject: [which I usually snip as it's redundant]
   Re: RE: mysql is driving me mad (3)
[however it appears it would have avoided this:]
> Your message cannot be posted because it appears to be either spam or
> simply off topic to our filter.[...]
> first review the text of the message to make sure it has [a keyword
of sql, query, or (I presume) MySQL]
> -Original Message-
> From: Bob G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I (re) created the table as follows ;-
> create table clients(
> [...] purchasers_name varchar (50),[...] );
> I put the data away thus :-
>  Set  objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
> objRS("Purchasers_name") = Session("customerName")
> ** this is the culprit *
> objRS.Update
> Anything less than 15 characters works o.k.
> anything more it produces an error.

Here is a "screwy" question for you: is the length of the
VERY FIRST item you put into this set 15 characters?  I
ran into a similar problem where "the first time" I
opened a dataset I could enter values for any length up
to the actual maximum, but after I closed the set and
re-opened it (i.e, the next time the program ran), the
longest item in the set determined the "maximum" length.

IT TURNS OUT that in the myodbc connector/driver, there is
a page of options -- you need to ensure bit 1 (client can't
handle the real length) is set.  Bit 2 may be of use as well,
(though I can't remember off the top of my head what it is --
I just know I have it set)  This "bit" of info was gleaned
from an example in the anual that used an "option" value of "3"
(and, of course, little explanantion as to WHY that particular
option value was chosen...)

Well, what do you know -- I didn't actually use one of those keywords in my
message after all...

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possibly off topic: any VB programmers out there?

2002-08-31 Thread Tom Emerson

I've got a strange problem using VB to connect to a mysql database via ODBC.
The problem isn't with connecting, but rather with one particular control --
the "datalist/combo" control.  In fact, the "problem" doesn't seem to have
anything to do with databases directly, BUT I figured that there is
sufficient VB "talent" on this list that someone has seen this and knows how
to "fix" it.  (indirectly, I'm not able to reliably detect if a row exists
or not using this control)

Background: the "datacombo" control will automatically load itself with
values taken from a dataset -- this is really cool for "lookup" fields where
you want to make it easy for the end user to select related data.  Being a
"combo" type item, it ALSO allows the user to type in a completely NEW
value, and that's where things seem to go downhill.

In particular, the control has a property/field called "macthedwithlist"
which returns true if the user selects or types in a value actually in the
list, and another property called "selecteditem" which returns a "bookmark"
[record number] of the selected value.  This bookmark can then be applied to
the related dataset to retrieve the full record for display or editing.  The
problem I'm running into is that if you TYPE IN the value directly (i.e.,
without using the mouse to point-n-click or the arrow keys to scroll through
the list), the "bookmark" contains a "null" value EVEN IF THE USER TYPES IN
A MATCHING ENTRY.  (and here, a "null" bookmark would imply that the entered
value doesn't match anything)

What I'm trying to accomplish is to combine two activities into one logical
activity -- for example, "inventory item maintenance".  I want to build a
form that allows editing of all the particulars for an inventory item (item
code, description, qty, etc.)  There are two (well, three) activities that
can occur: a new item can be added, or an existing item can be modified (or

The "traditional" way to do this would be to place an "add" button on the
form to clear the form and allow an item to be defined, generating an
annoying error if the user enters an existing "code" number.  Likewise, you
would place a "find" button that generates an equally annoying error if you
DON'T type in the proper item code.  What I want to do is combine these
activities via the "combo" box -- if you select a existing item the form
displays the data and allows for modifications.  Likewise, if you type in a
new value, the program implicitly "adds" a new (blank) record -- note that
since I've determined from the "key" value entered whether to add or modify
an entry, there is no need to display an "annoying error".

The part my program falls over on is that if you TYPE in an EXISTING item
code, the two tests that you can perform to see if this is a "new" entry
generate conflicting values: "matchedwithlist" will return TRUE (meaning we
should MODIFY the entry), and "selecteditem=null" also returns TRUE (which
would indicate we need to ADD a new entry...)

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user password self management -- how?

2002-08-29 Thread Tom Emerson

This is actually a bit of a general-database question, since I'm sure it has
the same or similar repercussions regardless of which RDBMS you use, but I'm
curious: is it possible to "safely" allow users to maintain their own
passwords to a database?  [and if so, how?]

I'm sure I can do this "programmatically" by having my program connect to
the database using the "root" user/password, but that means embedding the
password in the program [i.e., viewable with "string..."] so once a user
deciphers that, they are free to run "mysql -u root" from anywhere the
"application" could run.

maybe I'm thinking in a deranged way, but it seems that granting "update"
access WITHOUT granting "select" access to the user table in mysql [and
perhaps even limited to the password column] would enable a user to change
their password without being able to read anyone else's (encrypted) password
value; HOWEVER that would also allow them to CHANGE anyone ELSE'S password
[even "root"] -- is it possible to limit access at the ROW level?  (i.e.,
user "x" can only select/update records with "user='x'")

The reason I'm doing this is that I'm designing an application that logs on
with a "fixed" username and uses it's own "user/password" table to validate
end-users.  The program notes if a password in the database is blank -- if
so, it compares the user-supplied password with a (eventually well-known)
"first-time" password and forces the user to set a new password, so
obviously the "fixed" user ID needs the ability to udpate the application's
password table, which has the same problems as the "system" level table, but
limits the "damage" that can be caused to just the application and not "all
of mysql"...  (i.e., crackers could determine the "fixed" user's password by
scanning the executable, but that won't let them harm anything other than
the application itself...)

Ultimately, I'd like to use mysql's user/password (grant) facillities
directly, but since the application would be distributed to offices
nationwide [all "phoning home" to the central database via the internet], I
don't want to burden the one system manager/DBA with the responsibility of
maintaining every single clerk and technician that can use the system -- I'm
willing to let the office manager at each location enter and maintain
employees local to that office [which makes sense because that person also
does the hiring/firing...] but for obvious reasons, the "managers" cannot
manipulate values for other offices [though, I suppose, I have to trust SOME
of them... ;) ]

If I could guarantee that the "only" access to the database was via my
program, then I'm certain I could create logic to maintain passwords safely;
however this is not the case -- not only is "mysql" available as a simple
client, but anyone with a smattering of knowledge of "Access" and the myodbc
connector could create their own "manipulation" program and circumvent any
safety protocols I establish.

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Bitten by a strange bug...

2002-08-28 Thread Tom Emerson

I've been pounding my head against a wall for the last couple of days trying
to make a "simple" program work (to then use as the basis for future
programs, etc. -- in other words, "I'm still just learning this stuff")  I'd
really like to "point the finger" at Microsoft & visual basic, but I've been
around long enough to know that there are too many fingers in this pie to
write it off that easily.  So, I'm not sure if I've encountered a real
"bug", or just a "known issue" for which there may be a workaround -- what
I've tried so far hasn't done what I need, and the workaround I *know* will
work is a kludge at best: ugly, but functional.

But enough of the background, here is the problem:

developing a visual-basic (6) application using myodbc connected to a mysql
database on the network.  Adding records works well "the first time", but
after the database has closed (i.e., "the next time I run the program"), I
run into problems.  I've tracked it down to what VB "believes" is the
maximum field size for a given field, and it appears to be limited to
whatever the "longest" value is in the particular field -- when a table is
"new" (empty), there are no entries, so VB "thinks" the fields are "-1" in
length (technically, "unlimited"), and the program works fine.  The next
time the program runs, the fields "definedlength" property is set to
whatever the "longest" value happens to be in the table (hence the "ugly"
workaround is to insert a "bogus" entry with spaces or some filler character
padded out to the maximum length -- this is fine for "master" [key] tables,
but for detail entries it might become problematic.)

I've even tried the "pad char fields to maximum" option via the ODBC driver
window in the control panel, but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

The version(s) of the various programs is or should be the "latest" -- I
just downloaded and installed the vis-studio "service pack 5" & MDAC 2.7
today; the myodbc driver is the "stable" one from the myodbc site
[downloaded a couple of days ago]; and mysql itself was installed initially
from the SuSE 8.0 distribution & updated accordingly, so it is no more than
a month or two old at best.

So, is this a "real bug" [for which I should develop a proper repeatable
environment/program], a "known issue" [with hopefully a simple solution], or
am I simply "doing it wrong" -- within VB there is a query-like program
which can retrieve & update arbitrary tables and it CAN enter a new field
with longer-than-previous values [and I'm reasonably certain this is a
vb/vc++ application], so I know somehow/somewhere this is possible.

Another possible part of the wrinkle: I'm developing this using what VB
calls a "dataenvironment", and that is the component that seems to have the
problem.  Another "wizard" within VB is a "data view" window, and that one
seems to be able to determine the proper field sizes, but when a table is
"drag-n-dropped" from the "data view" window to the "dataenvironment
builder" (component), it loses that bit of information about each field.

Tom Emerson

p.s. although I've posted this to the main "mysql" list, I have a sneaking
suspicion this is more appropriate for the "myodbc" list -- if so, please
point me that way and I'll take the discussion there :)

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