Re: [mythtv-users] FireWire output as display?

2005-08-31 Thread Matt Stocum
On Aug 30, 2005, at 10:48 PM, James L. Paul wrote:Not having used DV for anything other than importing from a camcorder, I'm curious what type of display you have that accepts IEEE-1394 DV?I don't, I'm thinking of using one of those boxes that will take video in and convert it to DV, and take DV in and convert it to video.-Matt___
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] FireWire output as display?

2005-08-30 Thread Matt Stocum
With the talk on the list lately about how to get the highest quality  
display from MythTV I started wondering about the possibility of  
using a FireWire in/out box as the display device for MythTV.  I  
would think it would provide rather high quality output, and DV is a  
rather simple codec, I don't think the average MythTV box would have  
too much trouble encoding it in real-time.  You wouldn't get Xv, but  
scaling to 720x480 shouldn't be too hard and I'm not certain you'd  
even need to do color space conversion.  Am I missing something obvious?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] High Quality SDTV output

2005-08-21 Thread Matt Stocum
On Aug 21, 2005, at 4:35 PM, Michael T. Dean wrote:The MythTV docs specify information regarding the current "stable" release of IvyTV--version 0.1.9.  All the information they give is completely correct--framebuffer-based output takes a lot of CPU--but if you choose to use the "unstable" versions of IvyTV--version 0.2.0-rc3(whatever) or 0.3.6(whatever), you may (should) use the Xv support that John added.  If you're using Xv support, video on the PVR-350 is basically as processor-intensive as video on a "real" video card using Xv support (but takes more processor than using XvMC--which you should only need for high-def, which the PVR-350 can't do).  However, OpenGL is not (and cannot be) supported on the PVR-350 (since it has no 3D acceleration in the hardware).MikeWill the PVR-350 be able to handle snes9x or MAME output without any trouble?-Matt___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] High Quality SDTV output

2005-08-21 Thread Matt Stocum
On Aug 21, 2005, at 3:43 PM, Nick wrote:XV support on the PVR350 is coming along well now, and should (andalready is I think) to start  to offer very good quality interlaced TVOutput. Native MPEG2 ouput, esp from LiveTV and recordings, haveexcellent quality, easily surpassing my ATI card's output.NickThe MythTV docs (which do seem to be  rather out of date with regards to the PVRx50)  state that frame buffer based output on the PVR350 puts quite a load on the CPU.  Is this still true, and if so is it high enough that I might have trouble running MAME or snes9x?-Matt___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] High Quality SDTV output

2005-08-21 Thread Matt Stocum
On Aug 21, 2005, at 1:48 PM, Cory Papenfuss wrote:    FWIW, I briefly corresponded with a guy at nvidia who says that the drivers are supposed to disable the scaler when a "dvd-friendly" size is used (e.g. 720x480).  I have yet to hear of anyone who can verify that.Is this supposed to work on any nVidia card?  I might see if I can find a cheap enough one to give it a shot.  Were there any other requirements, or was it just set X to output at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]?-Matt___
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] High Quality SDTV output

2005-08-21 Thread Matt Stocum
I'm getting ready to build a MythTV box and my big issue right now is  
how to get high quality SDTV output from the machine.  I do not  
consider the s-video output port found on most video cards to be  
anything close to high quality.  I am not aware of a video card that  
will output a true 480i signal, all of the ones I'm aware of force  
the image through scalers which destroy the quality.  I want to be  
able to take interlaced video in, keep it interlaced while it's  
encoded, and then output it as interlaced video.  I am also aware of  
the Hauppauge PVR-350, but this card seems to have a number of  
compromises with regards to non-MPEG2 output.  I do want to use the  
MythTV box for AVIs, MP3s and console games (SNES, etc.).  I am  
vaguely aware of Cory Papenfuss's VGA to NTSC transcoder but my  
soldering skills are pretty poor and I can't seem to find the  
schematics anymore.  I've also seen on this list that some newer  
nVidia cards can do component output but I haven't seen anything that  
confirms that they can do a 480i signal.  Also, these cards seem to  
have some issues with Xv video acceleration.  With that said, I hope  
some people on this list know of some cards or tricks that I am not  
aware of, or areas where I am just plain wrong.  Right now I am only  
looking for s-video or component SDTV only.

Thank you,
mythtv-users mailing list