Re: The Premature Birth of Video Art

2007-01-18 Thread porculus
> It is said that the late Nam June Paik was the George Washington of video
> art

in brief you mean paik in a his dirty singlet & drinking beer just shot some 
probably paid asses in a dingy crummy motel in moquing paul 6 at tv & we are 
all some lincolns of laughing stock, a fine lot of conned rousevelt?

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Re: Iraq: The Way Forward

2007-01-10 Thread porculus
> Their good will is nothing when that is all that matters.

doch! 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions' sound noble, fluent,
shakespearian what fit in the bondesque month of the global fatal liege man,
the brit hammer of god, his beloved download, the good..then..i dont
know..'i feel always compulsively jealous my laptop is always slower than
yours for money transfert' would right brand the laborious swiss killbill a
la godard, the stammer of the devil, the becket's tramp waiting for the
european constitution. the bad

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Re: Iraq: The Way Forward

2007-01-06 Thread porculus
> If part of the reason for wars like this one is Americans' lack of
> knowledge about the rest of the world, perhaps it will be necessary to
> remedy that problem in order to avoid future Iraqs.

rohaa, still, americanz are always good guies & when they ball up it's cause
they dont know or are not informed..manipulated or worst it's the devil
itself that take all his precious time for filling in their each blue eyes
wiz opaque shit etc. if americanz cant abdicate their faith in their own
good will. it's due to some fictionnal virtual feed back where americanz in
movie are never bad ones. idiot sometimes, what is not a sine in front of
god, but bad, no!
it's not my fault but where have you ever hear about 'lack of knoowledge'
for tony blair & all brit support to americanz for breeding in mass tiny
unioonjack & starz & stripez on earth nearly as more than in a 007 flick? they both need 'better understanding of the rest of the world?' for
better scenarii & green back ?
rooh..but when the fuck al jazera would run some global sit com & moviez
where 100 cia would die befor the end of the credits plus all the ones
after, for my part i wouldnt be hurted if all the majordomo of the palaces
would be chatterbox italians, the maids & servants some stinking frenchs,
the chauffeurs, doner eater sweaty big germans, & all receptionnist short
sighted belgian, i mean all as usual, i wouldnt care if the moviez run good
: i mean with dress cut super low in the back if hidjab is require plus a
picture of mahmoud ahmaninedjab wearing real short for playing football in
the secret service office miss chief ..who would care of all the green flag
all over zen in the background..ok you would say..i cant only understand so
good trick as fartman ones, mucho heavy und popular etc.but hey americanz
are not alwez alwez wrong..cause as simpson perhaps i found the mahmoud 's
one about final solution contest drawing a bit too much intellectual,
elitist even..zen killing americanz a la sergio leone could be funny..und
remember he he didnt give a damn fuck to drag texas in some spanish sierra,
with some ugly nags the frenchs did want to eat, no need of green cards

> In saying that
> this is a "teachable moment"

in pumping tone of virtual led in their fucking ass!
so..when the fuck would it sound 'moteur! et 'action' in sahara?..for 007 to
die of tetanos or tourista would be fair, for the rest of europe a good tip
would be quite enuf..thank you with mucho lowbow

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Re: Sodom Blogging - "Alternative porn" and aesthetic sensibility

2006-12-07 Thread porculus
dont you have enuf to knit such penelope's flannel for doing some cute g
string as 'porn sade schwitterz bataille conceptualism america my dog my
hamburger & duchamp smile's behind the large glass of this triste orgy' etc
just cause we all have enuf of waiting for some mister ulysse who always has
a bigger than us..wohaa enuf, perhaps there is a modern history of law bout
sex & liberty of expression, bout ploitation but nada bout 'pornography'.
and really i wonder if the 120 journees has something to do with
pornographie. cause permit we let aside what pornographie is (ouch, a kinda
rhizomelist debate) in imagining pornographie as a 'practice' be sure sade's
contemporaries knew the ennemies of their plaisure : no archive, no
histrory, no blah just do what thou wilt shall be  the all of the law &
after that just shut up : it was not a posture for those who had zen power.
when pop ? ho just imagining a minute the minutes of the pornographic show
of roman empire, we knew enuf about those shock and awe inspiring
sights..but in those theatre did slave were always slave? but more of the
more is the supper more your honneur, the more slave the best

> The "exploitation" of the porn viewer consists in the false promise
> of obscenity, or its simulation

er just why do you wrote 'false' you mean abougraib is
a true one? as an 'eroticism quite successfull' as you funnyly said?er wait
porne+'graphein' write about , ha yes if you mean pornography is about
such inky sport then your blah just wanted to be the schwitteresque
subsumation of all others sex tourist trip, la creme de la creme, the
supreme upper art total distillat merzbild ?..tell me if i have to say if
you successfull false or false successfull..there is a differance
but if i  completely misunderstood all i.e. your post aims to find buddies
for  lobbying  wikipedia for an article coining 'foucaldian' as a new genre
just between 'barely legal' & 'women with glasses', count me in!
yes you know here our isp have to keep 1 year of our's more classy
to be filed branded 'foucaldian' than..i dont know..'big butt' or mature
material heavy downloader. haa how much we have to false & fiddle & croock
as much the women soemtimes their pleasure for keeping the honnor of our
descendants. c'est la vie

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Re: Recent Gender Things on Nettyme digest [3x]

2006-10-18 Thread porculus
> Hello everyone. Given that I am indirectly responsible for the recent
> squabble about gender on Nettime,

it's the list that is responsible, or would you mean a dead cow would reign
on justice due to its approval silent ..or would you mean list member would
be just some sort of pavlovian ectoplasm that need rectal massage for giving

>> This is not to deny that some of the general points raised by people
> on Nettime are not interesting or that I would not agree with them.

ha there i completely agree & wonder the fuck how uninterresting mails can
go through consider this post as just a test for knowing if
it's certain &sure

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Re: WayneFUD

2006-10-13 Thread porculus
> There is a nettime history of "Alan Sondheim" and "Kali Tal" outside
> of this particular discussion;  there is an Internet outside of
> nettime where those names have a history, and a world outside

you are an obscurantizlt, worst you trust to some realised fiction around,
who believe you ?  in continuing your extralucide view why not to say 
natacha+ has a so huge baggage that couldnt fit in a ferrari but just in a 
smoky mactruck. remain serious

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Re: Cross-dressing in the blogosphere...

2006-10-13 Thread porculus
> It was written last month, so I think it's very useful for getting
> another sense of what it's like for women to inhabit worlds in which
> they feel displaced by men who pose as women...

ok except it's more or less a posture as old as art itself & in so many
culture, academia rules on it (no need to cite, lists are wizout ending).
yes for mucho reason & blah, but permit i add we know also since balzac all
'belles lettres' are written mainly by autosugested men for women (xix
century sound of so many cries of that, & editor sommation to their wirters
for their best customers ) & we could rewritte the beloved baudelaire's
lecteur mon semblable mon frère by 'reader, my syster, am as
you.' scuz me I couldnt refrain this in some way it's beaucoup
question of taste here around. the 'good' & the bad old style one. & it dont
sound sarcastic in my month. in xviii the 'women' were
train & considered as some sort of depositary of lumière values  due to
barbaric men tropism ok ok with so many condescention etc..what i mean it's
your killing in sisterhood right remind me the kick my syster gave me under
the table when I don't do so 'good' humor at table & when she slashed me
with hers. What I mean it's I could easily understand your reaction with my
cromagnon background -no need plus- & really I cant understand hombre alan's
twist & smoke & funk as a slice of bacon in a burning pan, theatratical
image for theatratical reaction  without.. & for coining your 'Good
intention non suffice' for resuming your objection to his denegation echoes
right in my big hears as the fabulous anathemous 'one doesn't do good
literature with good sentiments'.
In few words you just ask him to be more tough & cruel & unjust with some
well drew twisted love affair that make crack & boum & ouch. cause the
women, best tasted ones, don't like literature that taste as cat food.

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Re: IDF reading Deleuze and Guattari (and Debord)

2006-08-21 Thread porculus

> I conducted an interview with Kokhavi, commander of the Paratrooper 
> Brigade, who at 42 is considered one of the most
> promising young officers of the IDF

ha heiko zis military blah remind me of terminal & terrific militarian 
rhethoric down the age..yes it exist an as good one than 'vae victis' & 
above all 'kill them all etc..' done in albi if no mistake, during cathare 
heresie extermination..pity i forget the name of this one too,
but he was napo's general & be sure he has his 
complete name for a complete avenue in paris he said somezing like
'a hussard who is not dead at 30 is a wanker'

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Re: Re: rejoinder: is a radical project identity achievable?

2006-08-09 Thread porculus
> Quixotic

ouille.. being a natural born dislexic i had to reread 2 or 3 times this
word & my heart bleeded when i then understood, understanding sanchoic
panzaic could brand a new generic cirrhose i had to sit down for
wandering a moment if life worth living stand up, anyway look how modern i
am for seizing & exploiting then the opportunity for writing the here
present post. in french we would say 'quixotesque' for keeping at least the
burlesque i.e. what would keep some ternderness, er terndernesque, i mean
the last incompressible respect dued, needed, required to this universal
knightesque subject oneself

 > The
> British House of Commons, European anarchist working groups

er permit i underline a -very- common another linguistic effect that brit
cant be just 'european', it wouldnt be enuf global for those who applied
their langage to the world...notice i dont say 'universal'.., it would sound
too much as a britesque humor, i mean as a worldic private joke.
bah dont believe i am bitter it's just flaubert said somezing as 'universal'
just qualified the redneck effort to try to make laugh the others redneck of
ones poor redneck jokes. i mean to bic or not to besque is the question but
now never wizout  the addendum : is it mine ?

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Re: report_on_NNA

2006-06-10 Thread porculus

> For nettime, really, has resisted this trend. achive to give me scare stiff your dead end would be '*and to 
crown it all the enlargement pills is an hoax'

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Re: footnotes to geert lovink

2006-03-23 Thread porculus
> it's more than cynism, it's sacrifice

beyond cynism is after to make of yourself a kind of scapegoat
perfectly bleating & resounding idiotie of france you would need to seal
your month with such ballthinggag of sm & then an as black foucald as a crow
(with some prokofiev music) will come to flog you to blood for showing to
the entire world how much you are now a dumb airtight bag holding all the
bad & imbecility, so embeded in your flesh your body would be an again shut
up pandorabox of all the illness & cretinerie for the sake of all of us.
wundergreat..accept i play ponitus pilatus  & i commande on write up
your crux 'bruno the king of idiots"..of course then you would right say,
"no no i want on write 'bruno self claimed king of idiot for the sake of
real idiots' " in order i could place my ultimate 'no, it's too long for
the board!'.. i think near such new piece, william would be def a wimp

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Re: publication of "Jyllands-Posten" cartoons is not... [3x]

2006-02-18 Thread porculus
> scandal being
> great for business ...

btw many begin to find it's far too expansive for some pety & stupid & bad 
(reminber yes its that way that proceed)scribble. nothing is stronger than 
force for finding habermasian consensus..hoaa er be sure the greed of scandal is
here good only if it's a buziness routine..sometimes it's hard to recycle an
hammering of duchampian urinal..but one find always a solution at last. if the
scandal is without ROI then it's simply irrational, bad tasted, a non emerging
evenment as would say my tasted bud baudrillard. for instance google in china is
it a scandal or a bad tasted investment ? need to go in hight 
school for judging, er..i i am quite incompetent & you ?

> we also looked at salman rushdie, an indian
> muslim with uk citizenship, living in new york, no fatwa was issued
> against india, uk or us, or even his publishers

his publishers ? but it's civilised here!

> .. he alone was held
> responsible and because he was a muslim should have known better, but
> for some danish cartoonist with no knowledge of islam or responsibility
> toward it, how or why would we blame countries, peoples or dairy cows
> ... these 18 - 22 year olds from small cities & villages,  understood &
> generally agreed that this was blown up out of proportion & that
> governments had no real control over commerce (media)

er ha i see your tractatus, you see a direct link beetwen liberty of trade &
liberty of expression..more even you think it's the first that proceed the i dont know if the queen expressly wanted all chineese had the
right to smoke opium..well have i to remind georges bush is ofizialy upset we
mocked at the believers? have to remimber margaret thatcher was oficialy 'uterly
shocking' by salman's bad tasted book ? hum ? cause it's bad for bizness & good
bizness is the proof god is in your side be sure this is the best autoprophecy
ever found on this earth...holy yahoo

> & that the
> individual cartoonist was the person responsible & that he probably did
> not know that he was engaging in such a controversial act, but  will
> profit from it with fame & maybe fortune ...

baaah of course not...visibly you dont went in high bizness school, you are 
irrational & perhaps more bad tasted zan me& in one word i wonder if god will 
be in your side..btw i tried to hatch & machinate a zatanizt church for having 
the bunch of lucifer behind..dont you know luci in the sky is quite an ass & 
? dont need to go in hight bizness school, just needed to kill a chicken or two
(flued) & burning 1 or 2 $ bill..hoaaa no just fake know the ones the
cheneeses burn for their deads...& just drone on yah yah..with some 
dancing chicks & mignons around, the only universal & inexhaustible thing in 
& decent religion. are you ok to join ?

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Re: publication of "Jyllands-Posten" cartoons is not "freedom of thepress"

2006-02-10 Thread porculus

> Freedom of art is not the freedom to stir up hatred against a
> people because of their religion or nationality or sex, etc.
> -F

gotcha & also cause drawing is now some 'populist' art, i mean art for the
hoi polloi then its leonardo of carnival & fartmen michelangelo are out of
any protection & care, they are no more arty fetichised clergymen but
secularised producer aktivizt,  that could be sacrified for the 'harmony of
civilisations sake' or worst that have to selfcensor their 'heavy & stupid'
envy.. i even read as we are under war (yaa terror) we could have
some exceptional restrictions...merde !
the harmony of civilisation need respect & first of all, selfrespect,
to each one to be up to his own : so i wish long live to all caricaturists
& i propose they could engrave on their bucle of their belt
'gott mit uns'  what could impress men & girl when in
holliday in texas. i suppose europe for being united need to restore
its family fortune, it's a good occasion

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Re: Paris Burning ...revisited

2006-01-10 Thread porculus
> She
> asks why only the Muslim community was rioting and other minorities are
> speacefull.

you know hombre ze vernacular right/left analysis of the rioting is quite
politically clarified now here, the right reactionnaire claiming that
'muslim community' & ethnicoreligious behaviour clash (as polygamy as you
probably heard) is the orig of the riot i.e. resumed in a moto as 'france
you love it or leave it' & left & progressive right seing there above all a
complex & exhausting political phenomenous (to which they didn't give a real
clue when at the power), mostly social, based on evident fact as + christian
african, 30% of 'white' ('gaulois', non muslim) toke part in the burning
nights etc.. the epitome of complex analysis output was done by the rg
('renseignements generaux', kind of inside political police, as echelon did
for outside, but mostly made by hands & human earz) when their own leaders
even not agree about any organisation & leadership of any kind (religious
political mobster etc) or simple spontaneous chaos output effect

> And she has the example of Marseille. Marseille was the only
> town in France - with a long tradition of Arabs, well, it has a harbour
> etc, at the Mediterranian Sea -, that had some cooperation of the town
> governement with the Mullahs and there were - more or less - no riots at
> all.

It's exactly what my bud jean marie is saying for pointed one exception made
the common rules but yes your are not froggy, & after all a global view of
the case could by some nietzchean transvaluation of value to be seen there
in a divine swap, you know sometimes right & left is just a simple national
idiotism..excuz my ironie but there is a kind of particularism here.
traditionally 'we' denyed the political reality of 'community' & specialy
religiously defined, a mullah is officialy not a political interlocutor..ok
you would say except if you are not catholic or a robespierre atheist & you
would have not quite wrong but there is the declared aim point of the
laicite : all the religions must be confined in a private circle & they
don't exist as 'public' & political basis. + to collect such information as
religion, race, sexual behaviour, as any medical information on any not
anonymous citizen is illegal, amen. ok ok you could jeer but globally it's
the reason the hidjab was banned of the school (yeah the question is to know
if it's really a religious sign etc..) as there is now some who want all
brand, becoming as some religious assimilated sign, would have to be banned
from school too cause if it's true branding banks on some pavlovian output
as religion, it would be nice to keep some public area of early year of the
life free of them (i speak there of public school, furnace of all the
community for the laicite for finding first what is common between all
humanz..but there some find it's the integrism of the laicite, so anyone
could be exposed to integrism menace too etc..etc..).

Well it's all a boring drag & nuisance i blah there, anyway i let to your
analyse why it's possible jean marie lepen could simply & easily rely on
global bagdad multiculturalism brothel model evidence, just for pointed some
french er particularism that need to be er globalised for being
ridicoulouz..well i i was specialy interested by the ned rositer's post
about Sidney/paris parrallel which enlighted better zan me zis point: befor
changing bizness model we have to search for a good global human one to
aply, as plato said about public/private thing for defining what just
politic is

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Re: Paris Burning [u] [3x]

2005-11-29 Thread porculus
> Even in the mid-1990s, though, "Hate" was hardly an isolated protest.
> Rather, it spawned a genre known as "banlieue movies" that explored
> the problems of children of Arab and African immigrants and
> effectively announced the birth of a new "lost generation."

mais non..all knew..for 40 years it usefull to repeat chirac was elected by 80% of french, er myself
include, cause i remember the joke, 'ok chirac it's le bruit & l'odeur ..=
le pen it's le bruit + le furher' (in french that's rhyme er comme du=20
for full understanding :;sid=3D2005/11/9/43731/5552
& the superhit of the time  (player flash needed for la zic) :

'who built this town & who doesnt live in?.'

if it doesnt work babelfish this, it's full chirac's copyright "Notre
probl=E8me, ce n'est pas les =E9trangers, c'est qu'il y a overdose= .
C'est peut-=EAtre vrai qu'il n'y a pas plus d'=E9trangers qu'avant la
guerre, m= ais ce n'est pas les m=EAmes et =E7a fait une diff=E9rence.
Il est certain que d= 'avoir des Espagnols, des Polonais et des
Portugais travaillant chez nous, =E7a = pose moins de probl=E8mes que
d'avoir des musulmans et des Noirs. Comment voulez-vous que le
travailleur fran=E7ais qui travaille avec sa femme et = qui ensemble
gagnent environ 15 000 FF et qui voit sur le palier =E0 c=F4t=E9= de son
HLM entass=E9e, une famille avec un p=E8re de famille, trois ou quatre
=E9= pouses et une vingtaine de gosses et qui gagne 50 000 FF de
prestation sociale s= ans naturellement travailler. Si vous ajoutez =E0
cela le bruit et l'odeur, e= h bien le travailleur fran=E7ais sur le
palier, il devient fou. Et ce n'est= pas =EAtre raciste que de dire
cela. Nous n'avons plus les moyens d'honorer l= e regroupement familial
et il faut enfin ouvrir le d=E9bat qui s'impose dan= s notre pays qui
est un vrai d=E9bat moral pour savoir s'il est naturel que= les
=E9trangers puissent b=E9n=E9ficier au m=EAme titre que les Fran=E7ais
d'= une solidarit=E9 nationale =E0 laquelle ils ne participent pas
puisqu'ils ne = payent pas d'imp=F4ts. [...] Le premier racisme n'existe
pas entre les fran=E7ai= s d'origine et les immigr=E9s, mais entre les
Arabes et les Noirs. =BB " chirac 1991

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Re: 12th night

2005-11-15 Thread porculus
> After living in Paris for almost a decade, I have come to cherish the
> palpable existence of a 'public', of the public thing, res publica,
> that everyone belongs to and can contest the politicians' claim to
> own. I knew something like it when I grew up in Manchester after the
> war and I thought it had gone for ever. I would like to see a real
> debate about how such a social vision might be affirmed while
> responding to the deep causes of the riots. But I am not holding my
> breath.

& you were right so much it's bad for rosy & lovely complexion.  ho you
could see these 'riot', these blue nights, as said corsican as an
'appeal to', i mean for the moment suchexpression respect some
'protocole'. 'an appeal to' mean it could exist an interlocutor who
could 'decode' the message up the even law itself, kind = of nation that
do them etc. it's possible you are right & many hope so. afte= r all to
show the force of doing it as something as a national sport, there= is
for the moment rather exceptionnal few human dammage, even if one cant
neglect them of course, is some proof of it. i mean of the still
existenc= e of your res publica for all, but what about its pretorians
so said for al= l ?  juicy called 'the gallics' by those who stigmatize
this french 'deep core= '.  but as you know  'our ancestor the gallics'
as french school learnt, up t= o the equator circle sometimes, without
any doubt of ridicul during the tim= es of colony was even not true for
80% of the metropolitan french population..was in some way a white lie,
a 'white' lie for this common re= s publica you praise, i mean able to
take also recent colonial historie as part of all..this job done for
making at last real national politics : seeing more than less that the
burning car sport take place in place of higher unemployed rate (3x or
4x the national average). it's simple. but 'gallic' could shine now also
as a word of back fire to deny this ridicoulous nation of gallic that
even cant count its own except in a show of of contempt & denial & scorn
for those who believe to such inanity good enuf for trapin= g & fooling
the had idiots, enuf idiot for burning their own car or those of their
relative.  in other words does it exist the times of our ancestors = the
gallic or is it just a sinister comic strip politic for old people club
&= a sale pitch for flogging plunk & lvmh trinket...  ..zis super long
blah, coz i see a real link with the no vote to the european
constitution (both then in zis 2 ways transposable of course) which was
not just to shoot  in ones' foot no more, cause it was so said = a geste
against one's own interest too: is it existing our european 'res
publica' or is it an hackneyed refrain, an all damien hirst design set
furniture for old people's house made for aging & diing quiet as a club
of the 120 journees & apres moi le deluge?

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Re: call to nettime moderators to change email address/systems [u]

2005-11-01 Thread porculus

..have you grosse saddam like smoky car ? it seems not, breef you look as if
you have no special relashionship with the feldgendarms who rules traffic.
next time just send it to natacha+ with budget+ as attachment cause now
'bisous et plus si entente' no more suffice..ha btw it's goethe himself who
often added in his letter the post scriptum somezing like 'i join with this
mail a liver pate (sometimes he changed for a pie)  to redeem a bit the time
you lost for reading it'..never hear even rabelais having same rabelaisienne a liver pate of porc for natacha+ as personnal attachement, plus
your bisous of course, would have to give excellent nettime output for you

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Re: Europe as a side-show (IHT)

2005-06-21 Thread porculus
> It's the economic
> equivalent of sex tourism.

anyway for one who dont care that squeals a bit too it cause america 
to join, but dont know how to do, till america totaly embrae european postmodern
posture in sticking ones oar in asking its d=FB grant to the girly other membre
cause they dont contribute to their global duty o= f training some $ billion per
day army, er that was after all a far unfair econonomical & social dumping than 
coup of underpaid polish plumber, even nicaragua via halliburthon contribute
better, we must admit most postmodern than this one it's untraceable 
in this european side of the rio grande & from the south of thames. ha btw
except..except...really reading ny times today & seeing to pupetise this ugly 
habens chirac as a napoleon but for just having a papier mach=E9 wellington 
hat for blair..& you would furiously want to throw together a cats & dog & key 
for doing a proctolog c-3po pc trash robot, for the next saatchi museum, & for
free, for just the amour de l'art, that would endlessly vocalize 'to be or not 
be', but not with a skull in hand

'to use that word, to do thus, to invent such an expression, is to be the
conqueror!' it's all my credo. beside i want it as the first amendement of the 
Zbis of the european constitution, or i would endlessy say 'no' as greta garbo.
that sound enuf warrior to drive deadly jealous any male texan..'and at the 
when his rage is bursting forth because of it, he is offered this 
the even one!

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Re: French-Fried Friedman

2005-06-10 Thread porculus
> because the French and other Europeans "are trying to preserve a 35 hour
> work week in a world where Indian engineers are ready to work a 35-hour
> day." He forgot to add, "and where Indian families are ready to sell
> their children into sexual slavery to survive." Now, THERE'S a standard
> to reach for."

bah it's a real catch tune of america press to -regularly- jeer on social 
democrate way of
working & living & ultimate raffinement in stigmatizing it as a kind of 
system but of course of the capitalist profit.  and so specialy since such 
social democrat
profiteur arnt even usefull for shielding with their faty und limp und girly 
body against
commie anymore..cause the legend would be america forked out for such layabout 
& grant them
for accepting to sleep near all an atomic rocket trinketery.  beside commie 
hadnt any
tenderness for them no more, stigmatizing them as zealous sex slave of the 
etc ! as go all pavlovian protocol. this just to say what is good for such 
corny piece ?
for what such affirmation of american moral authority for drawing such 
paternalist hard
global lesson? so tacky and boring as some personnal manager flannel at 
christmas & both as
sinister as some glumly blah circular befor some mass sacking around next 
easter or
something? who are the target of such intimidation ? the crypto commies of 
social democrat
for menacing them 'enuf we will send you our patton'sarmada for implementing 
real male
democratie in your female soviet lazybones countries' ? but of course not, so 
much sex
slave know how they are super indispensable when they are so delicously 
whipped..but for
who then ? but to the american people itself & for all people in the shade of 
well hung
neoliberal who could conceive some feminizing doubt : such intimidation piece 
for they have
even a trace of a tiny one : "nicht arbeit nicht essen"

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Re: French vote for a citizen's Europe

2005-06-02 Thread porculus
> who is the sovereign?

i heard regis debray (the guy of mediologie) some time befor as it went
without saying yes 'if the yes win it would be a proof that all media here
have def won the power' (he says that first without political apriori
but just about the technical context of the consultation, er what was the
real political enjeux of course, for what he was quite right, i mean for
once i understand what he was saying, cause often i dont), cause indeed what
was incredible was one could ask to people its advice in saying 'you have no
choice vote oui' cause all the =E9tablissement, as would say my bud jean marie
lepen, was pro yes. of course you could say 'french' are fickle, loose etc.
but perhaps not in their looseness, so crac they vote niet, nada, no, nein
und so veiter.and now who is the sovereign? incredible how you could imagine
the consternation of the french elite, so much you could hear such thing as,
i dont know, er democratie is too important thing to leave it to the people,
specialy so froggy or whatever. this aspect is very important: as god you
couldnt put a democratie on test. or without premeditation to deny it. or
else without to believe in its metaphysic for exasperating people
with,  such infantilization is cynic. vox populi vox dei & yes there is
several gods in europe, ok they drove war etc, but if europe is a
so grand idea it has to find nice & short words, not all  a bunch of tag of
accountant & lawyer protocol good for indenting rhizome artbase. it's an
aesthetical question

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Re: more on the nature/machines debate

2005-05-20 Thread porculus

what ? or 1) you all mean to get wildly horny is to talk about all oafy 
irrational agricole rhizomic & potatoes in their deliberated 
guantanamolized nyc art based just cause bryce 5.5 release is out for 
yearz..or 2) would you subliminaly jeer it would make zoophile my lover if 
the 'no' would win in the next vote for european constitution ? please do 
a bit little simple i am, er, low brow. or the 1) or the 2) but not both 
i.e. :1) & 2) it's completly out of all internet protocol!  if so i would 
be found to ask to an all black leathered foucaldian to whip around for 
civilizing & diging you out of the wild side of the force (please imagine 
this last asci string with a dramatic mp3 prokofiev like & some chic swish 
hiss leather attached file, i am aesthet)

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2005-04-12 Thread porculus
hey alan, hey integer, hey you both. i reach high technologie & internet 
cause beeing not so much granted by nature i.e. hunchbacked, bad tasted, & 
smelling often bad for no explicable reason etc. but what is nonsens here 
through magy of protocol that dont proceed such infirmity..but seeing you 
you achieve to proceed your good fortune & convincing me you are as much 
anologilly munifiscent that you are digitaly noble . permit i ask you just 
the service to lend me your ferrari & the jennifer's cellphone number i 
relize the secret project of my life..i draw your attention to the fact that 
you have to synergiticaly act as my two good fairy, cause if i have the 
ferrari just, i would go crazy searching the trunk for putting my pack of 
beer, without saying what jennifer would think of such sancho pantza as me 
if's touchy 

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Re: Pain and Opportunity

2005-03-22 Thread porculus
> Who said this?
> "Anytime there's pain, there's opportunity, there's
> revenue attached to solving that pain."
> 1. Kim Polese, former CEO of Marimba
> 2. Marquis de Sade, Paris, France
> 3. Carver Evans, personal injury attorney, Los Angeles
> 4. Dengyo Daisi, Tendai Buddhist sect leader, Tokyo Japan

anyway it couldnt be sade cause he could believe in no way to any
'reversibility' of any value, especialy 'pain' one. telling this would be
simply an act of faith for him i.e. a too great abomination.. er at a pinch
it could give some fleeting pleasure, because in sadian 'economy' a beating
of a DIY pining butterfly is far worthy than any naturlich massive tsunamy
destruction. sade was pretty talkative er rather scribbling on that er
perhaps..yes..cause he was in prison but it's there a quite other lacanian
reversibility ..a disgusting french swamp one never see any getting
back even i stop there & get a ride with my whipping bud where pain could be a common value except in the christian mode
? many christian gnostic even believe all 'down the age earthling money' was
the blood of christ even, the even symbol of the humanity pension
know the one all dead american need for paying all their beer in heaven..&
now you quite understand why mad max do so much bleeding the christ, cause
australian hope it remain some beer in heaven for them too..he though it was
mathematic..and now what for baudrillard, he sees there will be no more beer
at all for him (he doesnt care of other french, all for him) he talk
about 'reversibility' about terrorism haaa yes this very old tricky thing. a
terrorist would be a great trader who would deal on a spiritual global
market of ground zero stock echange reversibility (er i dont know if he say
that already but tomorow he would do, it's proctological)..anyway we all
know why foucald say we must charitably whipping each other befor diing it's
for our good but i am able to report also his last saying befor diing 'plus
i dont like beer at all'..he was simply a saint..beside i made his portrait
with his small smile hopping selling it for some million of euro with a
porculus proctological code book..but no one want it, so i give it for wouldnt even do a $ nor a drop of beer in your paradise..c'est la

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Re: Working on article about the need for a

2005-01-12 Thread porculus
> The germans in the Nazi state are nothing special,

well dont you think it's time to cut the throat of such opinion. do you
really think anna arendt would say the same things about such 'ordinary'
people in seing same swine in their convertible mercedes in 1940 rather
behind bullet proof glass in 60s?what in a last moviez so much disturb &
fascinate 'opinion' about the too much hitler's human face & preocupation?
all those who knew this time & nazi guy & all fascist bull really -feel-
something special, we, all, often hear or read 'it was something in the
air, something nearly palpable'. just to say nazisme is absolutely not an
ordinary historical stage, even if it was living by quite ordinary men, i
mean genetically, context & will could change them & even give them free
hormone, it's clearly what chaplin mimic & experiment in his dictator & what
is irresistible in his -hilarious- and hot temptation too. so proctologicaly
speaking i think we were found to say : 1) germans -in the nazi state- were
very er..special.

> allthough this case is special anyway, there was no free press. People
> dont want to think themselves.

problem is not about such opinion & even not by which magical way you save
or damn yourself, the problem is the historical exemple of use of such so
said 'truth'. the other problem is the half truth of that, the denial of
history something. ok william was pretty found to say it's just sound &
fury, but he doesnt add his : it's absolutely not an easy things to think by
oneself & yes people are lazy, for my part i confess, cause my mom said 'i
prevent you i wouldnt care too much one say my son is a layabout but i
couldnt support to hear he could be a fucking stupid, cause i would take it
for myself'

> They dont care about other people, other people in other countries are
> not relevant for them anyway.

ok ok admit for the moment those very ordinary historical palpable & even
sticky guies in the global air polute with their fake suv pickup the nice
texas & mississipi and around. they are red neck lumpen proletariat woman &
fag hater unemployed polygamous truck driver. it's i mean
for all other too. all those who would vote for kerry, in burkinafaso &
france & switzerland & even poland what pretty upset doubleU, brief all 
around the world, which is not in texas btw, absolutely not, cause you would 
be a guy from alabama at least if you say all the rest of the world would be 
in texas

> I saw some blogs on the situation in Iraq, btw, sort of naiv, the
> Tigris water project etc, maybe more historic knowledge is necessary.
> It is more important than psychology. And what is "democracy"?

it would be for all the rest of the world to have the right to vote for
kerry, it's quite its bizness, not only to have some opinion for who they
would vote if god would want they were north american. btw if i could have
an opinion, my opinion would be god would have the good taste to booorn
myself in soros freeway style rather stinking redneck cul de sac passing
through riogrande my panz on my head hearing under zztop on a
walkman..beside i am building all a website where i will explain all my
opinion about the god's one about me if i would be booorn in america & how i
would excuse myself to all the rest of the world about this fucking god whom
gave me birth in this fucking kensas & how much god did just all a messy
world full of crack & nandrolone

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homo americanus

2004-11-05 Thread porculus
> Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 14:44:15 +1100 (EST)
> From: ben moretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Bush's successor?
> So which conservative will succeed Bush for 2008?

yes they are all talking as if all it could happen in america was 1) 2)
3) written again, even if it's not mozart piece, dont know kind of
golden calf passage 'and then texan geneticly knock up a rare bovine
piece of meat that shit gold & piss oil & they are able to not only
adore it but can die for but just & only if transfert to sehol will be
done in a greater jp2's suv' hoooa pity italian cinema snored due to
imperial berlu casting, otherwise imagine.. enuf of mythomane
salamalekoum, welcome in history, cause if not all democraty would die
of ridicule. it's why churchill terribly have fear of it, he take it for
himself, as all decent & reasonable brit. it's a petomane regime. human
is ridicule, definitely, let him dream of grandeur & it's worst, as
french for instance i was for ever revolted by the description of
painting en pied of louis 14 by kids, skintight tight, high heels, curl,
etc, it's what one called 'ancien regime'. there is no better than
montesquieu to define what ancient regime was in contradiction with
republique : he define them by the transvaluation of what private things
are, he said what is private in republique is private in ancient regime
& the reverse, as for instance (but there i quote from memories) if the
king have a blow job it's public but if he did war it's quite private,
it's what one call 'the consubtance of the body of the king with the
ones of his people' it's possible that technic & proctological media
make possible to draw again this new dreaming freddy krugger termite
body, but hey it's not at all a girly fag gang bang, but er a quite pure
& spiritual viril merge,  to nite i sleep with george dad & mom..but
without french bidet & bulb syringue!  beside it was even written in
matrix2 : 'bordel de pompe =E0 cul' anyway except this all superbull,
listen all tovarich, aka segnorita & hombrez, as making politic is
making forecasts, i, porculus, i predict 1) the heel of cowboy boot will
earn at least 7 cm befor the end of the year & he will shot you down if
you will be around when see coming any cropper. if not, it's i am not
even able to distinguish between 1) my ass and 2) an hole in the ground

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Re: A hacker manifesto 0

2004-09-30 Thread porculus
> death to manifestos! viva HOW-TOs!
> - --
>   jaromil, rasta coder,

i read in your faq intro :

"Free software" is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the
concept, you should think of "free" as in "free speech", not as in "free

bah be at ease, bill gatez doesnt pay so much beer to his
customers no more you know

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Re: review of F9/11

2004-08-26 Thread porculus
> Like most people who have seen Michael Moore's latest film I am impressed
> with the amazing skill with which he is able to construct a kind of 
> vernacular argument out of fragments of film. Moore's unique film style is 
> better known in the USA than outside that country and is known there as the
> 'collage-essay'.

his vernacular 'character' itself find great echo, a kind of good big guy
who draw an acceptable pittoresque american, i say pittoresque in good way
as i dont know a frenchy josé bové whom he shake hand for instance..i dont
care exactly of josé bové's politic (there is so much to say) but about
pittoresque he is ok, as the small moustachu & loudmonth to camera..what is
interresting is the non global image of a big american guy who could sit
near a chenese for saying 'hey i am american, my panz is too big & my cap is
too small i have problem to not scratch my ball in public & you ? there is
the -very- political good job. a kind of john wayne postmodern one, local to
global that touch the

> Why does Moore insist that support for the war is not the same thing as
> opposing the troops themselves?

cause he is american. since ww1 for instance every european try too believe
that such butchery was made possible only by governement that tamed the
people for was impossible for pacifist for instance people went to
battle with desir to fight..even in trying to white lie & building some
'humanitarian legend' as stanley kubrick did in his so good early moviez. 
but hey every european -know- that people did war -also- with some consent, 
& without consent there would be no war. there is the so flat secret

> Most people I know opposed the fact that Iraq was being invaded and had 
> a major issue with Australia's involvement as well.

there i would do er some petty calculation..all nation that knew
hindenburgesque bullshit 'total war' & conscription und autoritarian regime
were against iraki war..may be except those who has some historical reason to
join america, all other are professional army tradition. as england who could
have more than france his people against war but considering to be against the
war is antipatriotique..the passage where michale moore ask to congressman why
their sons dont go to war is quite 'funny' for those who come from nation who
remember conscription, i heard some comment about the recruitment passage too &
some jeer about napoleon's trick for instance all of this is rapidly say of
course, it's an impression

> Am I being too naively optimistic here?

of course not, but i really think soldier is seen as also paid for doing
payback to the nation, payback to all class from haliburton to poor american
according his negociated rent, to be a soldier is a job, a hard one did by
poor guy, well as to do job in wallmart...everyone go to wallmart

> So the liberal view that 'the troops are people like us, who like us were
> misled' is the least convincing argument in the film, and it forms a major
> structural weakness. It is the entire hierarchical nature of the corrupt
> oil machine which is at fault and which by wearing the trappings of nation 
> as its cloak, has led Australia, Britain and USA into the abyss along with 
> a handful of other small countries which Moore points out in the film 
> (though strangely not including Australia).

the only moral of war is to win & to win a war is a long drawn out job, i
mean achieving payback & i am sure many (nearly all?) american people belive
it's possible till, i am not a good military, perhaps it's quite possible

>  National pride and a sense of national service need to come into question 
> as well during war, arguably more than at any other time as Rosa Luxemburg
> pointed out back during WWII, but Moore wants us to identify with those 
> who 'love their country but not their government'.

ja..dont love politican & lawyer as in moviez but soldier & cops & forensic
could be an ordinary american 'real' job, a one that need to be done, the
only available..remember what jw bush said to moore 'find a real job'

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Re: webpaintings history

2004-07-21 Thread porculus
>> First I was influenced by the great german artist Blank and Jeron who
> did 'dumb your trash" on 1997:

marvellous as schwarzy i dont take great care of those who were not inflence
by alexander the great, caesar & gengis kahn first, they are all girly men

> Second I was influenced by the great greek artist Miltos Manetas

hell did you know in the great dictator, hinkel sayz exactly the same thing
to napoleoni, it was a huge movie, except this ridicoulous barber of the
ghetto, i hear donald rumzfeld include in his patriot act to censor him

> On 1999 Ola Pehrson did a terrific installation, one of my favourite
> called "Desktop":

you forget to speak about the famous exhibition of goldorak tv painting by
kidz of ecole maternelle de la garenne bezon in 1978

> In Russia a friend of Olia Liliana called Masha Moriskina painted

..yes all these brats were not at all my friends, rather goldorak i would
prefer napoleoni on his horse standing on a broken patton tank

> in Miltos Manetas place

btw did you know about the rules of equestrian statue ? if the horse has no
leg up it's the horseman is dead in his bed, if the horse has 1 leg up it's
the horseman was wound at war, if 2 legs up it's he is dead at war..i never
see any place with equestrian statue with 3 legs up, but i know a famous
historical place where the guide ends his boring equestrian statue rules
spiel  by '& if you see once a place with one statue with its 4 legs up
it's cause it's the horse that is stone dead'

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normady landing

2004-05-24 Thread porculus
er lets me tell a going flat truth vrybody just would want to try to
believe, me include in my american dream, but even a john wayne cant
afford in his alcoholic ones, you cant plant democratie as monsanto gmo &
by ze way hang some desesperado & nothing was left to chance catch ousamaz
by his bearb cause of course he would picnic around & coming back just
befor thanks giving, just after a small stop for filling it up for all the
family for a decade at last & once at home, after the turkey, melting down
all the kaïda's booty, sword & kalashnikov in scharzy's dishwasher brand &
selling back this peace stuff all over the world cause it couldn't break

cause if that balls up you know what happen ? you wake up in reading in
press girlz & guyz as baudrillard or zontag telling american people are
just a bunch of pornographique ugly baboune who achieve to show their ass
in playing video games, telling their even dream is to fail all, lost
their job, be cuckold & achieve to obtain what even andy couldn't hope
only for some second, to pose panz down in a brit tabloid, covered in spit
with a pork sausage roll as crown & holding a sign on wihch one could read
'american, king of the world'..then you are probably as the others, if you
would want to give you just a small chance

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Re: Transeuropean Picnic

2004-05-04 Thread porculus
> The EU, after all, famously
> lacks a vision.

scheiße to vision.  'empty routine' you said well if you reffer to the
blank triggering as in etology i find it rather wealthy, mostly europe is
the only 'postmodern' bullzingz, a diing process as life itself, it's
above all a disarming suggestion that was just incredible 50 year behind,
but weird you speak on europe as tocqueville on america..saying as a so so
boring politic except making money, cutting out star & strippe g string &
eating chicago steak ha btw long time ago i heard it was written 'it only
could happen in america' on capone's tombstone. i firmly believe it but
searching about i found
..haa bloody internet i even read

 " What kind of people were these two, giving birth to one of the world's
most notorious criminals? Did they pass on to him some virulent genetic
strain of violence? Some subtly mutated chromosomes? Was Al Capone abused as
a child? Did he spend his tender years in the company of murderers and
thieves? Definitely not. The Capones were a quiet, conventional family." i
stopped there being sure i would learn he was a pizza & a holly virgin hater
& he just killed in mass in boring stiff during picnic around prairie
houses. just call me 'al' bust as alexis

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Re: dead c. for mel g.

2004-04-04 Thread porculus

you know hombre, any idiotie never declares void its 'symetrical' one, nor
could find there its own reason to exist, it's just an idiotie added to the
next ones, bout 'mel g' i prefer to keep the nice image of mad max eating
dog food direct from its can at the top of kind of australian golgotha in a
rise of some foucaldian  & whipped sun, ecce homo

- Original Message - 
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:28 AM
Subject:  dead c. for mel g.

> dead c. for mel g.
> i
> i'm a jew says jesus, you're not. i'm a jew, i'm a jew, i'm a jew.
> ii
> christians throw a good ceremony.
> iii
> i'm the blood of the lamb, says jesus. look, i can suck my own blood.
> i can suck my own skin. stop spitting.
> christianity is a real mess, jesus says.
> iv
> a christian, says jesus, would never touch me with her face.
> the jews are all over me.
> a christian, says jesus, would never touch me with her arms.
> the jews are all over me but a christian would cradle me.
> a christian, says jesus, would never touch me with her lips.
> sometimes the jews bump me in a crowd because i'm a jew.
> us jews are always in crowds. we stand on ceremony, jesus says.
> christians know how to part for company, jews the red sea.
> jews the dead sea, but a christian, says jesus, would never bump.
> noisy yes, but never bump, jesus says.
> _
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Re: To:

2004-03-27 Thread porculus


> More likely is that the al-Qaeda ideology is modeled after modern capitalism,
> which is decentralized, flexible and mobile, ie. the al-Qaeda ideology is the
> logical application of korporat fascism to political objectives.

nt nt if you have some memoriez you would remember of all hollywoodian
terrorist profiling befor 11sept, when any ideologie or religion could be
a motive of efficace action was so incommensurable that at the end the bad
terrorist character in chief was always downsized in some common tex for a
suitcase full of dollars crazy runer, cause only money could be at least
the reasonable reason of any imbecility, moustache & heary tex &
mediterranean include, so not only a rich & star ben laden is
intellectualy confortable for us but also it appear clearly now that
starification is perhaps the best way for letting believe we live in a so
say individualist society then every bones are so empty we dont know
already we all wear à la nemo leather outfit & in zuch peopoled of
undisclosed recipient foucaldian world it's well known their is no other
way to be whipped to death for hopping to have just a tiny erection, so if
you would have some real heart you would kick & hit harder

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Re: The Limits of Networking

2004-03-16 Thread porculus
> Of course it is right to say that "protocols", "standards", "languages" or
> whatever we call them are systems of control in the sense of what
> theoreticians such as Lacan and Foucault

i would say to so metadigitaly paint in my mind cruising together these 2
bikers by the road of all human brain as lacan & foucault are is more
beautiful than a duchampian's urinal

> I also note that your own push for a "counterprotocological practice"

i collapse, i am so sensible that too much beauty cause double bind in my
current vital protocol, only one beer or two could call me back for sharing
again any ordinary earthling life

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Re: The 201st Victim?

2004-03-16 Thread porculus

indeed evrybody hope this would not mean that old europe would want to
affimr its 'identitity' in wanting to open its own special guantanamo &
federal police nor to say it's aznar that put the bomb, after all he just
share the lie habits of its mentor bush, aznar know he censored the will &
the desire of the spanish people when bush has achieved to really make to
believe to american irak war was in the first priorities in the
antiterrorist counterprotocol.
i remember one thing after 11 sept, those so many american posts about the
fact it was time to make peace beetween israel & palestine, there is the
first evident step, the priority among all & i believe it's, & was, american
& european reach, and even their people could understand et would be
prepared they could have some own dead for that first 'war aim'..but hey i
say just what vrybody know for so so so long time, but i suppose it's cause
it's too protological

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject:  The 201st Victim?

> I have been resisting starting anything on nettime about the aftermath
> of 11M but this story has been buried by the media as far as I can tell.
> Spanish police officer kills member of "Gurasoak" association in Iruñea
> Iruñea-born Angel Berroeta was killed in his bakery; the police officer
> was arrested, as was his son
> Asier Azpilikueta - IRUÑEA (Pamplona)
> 61-year-old Angel Berroeta-Legaz from Iruñea was killed at midday
> yesterday by a member of the Spanish Police in the bakery belonging to
> the former located in the Donibane (San Juan) quarter of Iruñea. The
> police officer was off duty and stabbed and shot Berroeta several times
> after a heated argument. It was alleged to have been a political
> argument (Berroeta was a member of the Gurasoak
>  association). The
> police officer who fired the shots was arrested and so was his son, who
> was thought to have taken part in the argument.
> Angel Berroeta's bakery is at 18, Martin Azpilkueta street in the
> Donibane quarter and the police officer lives next door in flat "C" on
> the first floor. According to neighbours, at about 13.30 hours the
> policeman's wife had had a heated argument with Berroeta about a poster
> saying / ETA, ez / (No to ETA); the neighbours were eager to stress that
> the woman did not go to that bakery to get bread, "as she always goes to
> buy bread at the bakery opposite".
> The woman appears to have requested or demanded that Berroeta put a
> poster in his shop window, but the latter refused. And that was how the
> fatal argument began. After that the versions given by the neighbours
> differ somewhat. Some say the police officer was outside and others that
> he was in the flat. Whichever the case, the woman called the police
> officer and he went into the bakery and shot and stabbed Berroeta
> several times.
> The police officer and the woman left the bakery and went to their flat.
> According to a witness in the same block of flats the woman said, "It
> was my fault, it was my fault."
> see also:
> The Sydney Morning Herald, on eof the very few non Basque news outlets
> to run this story said that
> "Imprisoned members of ETA were assaulted immediately after the blasts,
> In the light f this some recent reports on the situation of basque
> prisoners might be a a little useful for nettimers:
> Van Boven: "In Spain torture is inflicted more frequently than
> occasionally"
> The UN Rapporteur has recommended among the many proposals put forward
> that legislation permitting incommunicado detention be abolished, and
> the Spanish Government has responded by rejecting the report "outright"
> Imanol Murua Uria - DONOSTIA (San Sebastian)
> Theo Van Boven, the United Nations Rapporteur on Torture, has concluded
> in his report based on interviews and investigations conducted in the
> Basque Country and in Spain last October that torture is inflicted "more
> frequently than occasionally in Spain". He gives credence to the
> testimonies of torture he heard, and despite saying that torture is not
> "systematic", he does not believe that the complaints of bad treatment
> have been "made up".
> As he believes that Spanish legislation opens up the way for torture and
> bad treatment to take place, he has made specific suggestions to the
> Spanish Government in his report due to be presented on March 15, but
> which is already available on the web site of the UN Office for the High
> Commissioner of Human Rights ( among other things, in
> order to safeguard the detainees' right to speak to their lawyers alone,
> to guarantee the care of the doctor of their choice, to record the

Re: Mediasetted Life

2004-01-21 Thread porculus
> My sincere greetings,
> an Italian Citizen

and mine too hombre, as i am also a great fan & a member of european union
permit i join for getting a bit worried too that berlu'z lifting & hair
implant succeed, btw i profit of the moment for giving you my gratitude for
your delicacy in not congratulating when our belove president jacques chirac
had to wear hearing aid, cause here it's classified 'state defense secret'
cause it could be a damage of the image of our grandeur etc, specially aside
the brit prime minister who sport so posing organ..what remind me the old
joke about a group of danish tourist trying to explain by geste for buying
condom in a french pharmacy, as the chimist dont understand at all, at the
end the all danish guies put together their huge shlong on the counter aside
a coin of 1 euro, the french chemist seem then to understand in putting his
on the counter too but in saying 'ok guys it's mine the bigger, i win'

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Re: Top Loaded? Networks

2003-11-26 Thread porculus

> Dear n'timers
> Wade pointed out the link I gave for the Galloway article was a bummer coz
> had to pay.
> Well you can find it at:
> Martin

yez & az official keeper of foucault's leather wardrobe & his post mortem
bunch of whip servant i must join an erratum, of course you have to read
'proctological' instead ov 'protocological'

> ps Alex if you dont like that talk to me

er : i think to do a compilation of all my refused post in nettime,
the site would be not free of course even more expensive zan rhizome az it's

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Re: Saddam grabbing PlayStation 2s for weapons

2003-10-31 Thread porculus
> It is believed Saddam Hussein may have exacerbated the Sony PlayStation 2

but it is as true as the reagan'z pinball machine embargo in 80's to ussr
due to some hightech processor embeded into able to do immediat backwards
icbm & free atomic party as condoleeza said zaddam exported tonz of fake
enlargement pillz for ridiculiszing again & again the neteconomy, it'z
mathematic as said clozevolvovitz

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Re: Australia: Raising Pharma Prices is Key US Trade Goal

2003-10-31 Thread porculus
> Mr Bush said his industry believes some countries do not pay their share
> of the cost of research and development to create new medicines, making
> US consumers pay the bill.

once upon a time US consumers paid for some walk on the moon, it would be at
least as fine for their immortal glory if they paid for enlargement return i imagine a gift, a wonderfull monument er a kinda as high
big american dick than miss liberty, with this word 'all earthling
consumerz, eternely gratefull..'

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Re: The Oil Thickens...

2003-10-26 Thread porculus
> But the world is complex and turbulent, and there is also a certain
> power-politics worldview holding (no doubt rightly) that Europe would
> really be better off in the long run having the euro at least on a
> par with USD, in a typically European vision of a multilateral,
> codependent sharing of the dominant reserve currency role. A strong
> euro might ultimately attract England (and its North Sea oil) fully
> into the Euroland. A reorganization which, by giving Euroland a major
> financial center, could decisively change the balance of economic
> power in the world.

what is rotten in some nationalism it it's linked in all mind that their
army is their better $ bank projected force caution, it's the secularised
idea of the colt drawn the straight line of the even conceptual art as
success to fullfill any great 'empty' space with human will. after all zome
lies of some existenz on some mass destruction weaponery is far more
pardonnable in a so great space as this stinking & opaque world as
democratic lie than any blowjob in some tiny & too much washed & so welknown
place, machiavelli show how much cyniscism is the even matter of some honest
politic in condition this even cynism is simply the reconnaissance & above
all the modesty to see the matter of its own motive could be made of & the
fraternity to see & accept that ozer could have their cloth owen of same
magical fabrik..well & suddenly i find really great to know mammon is around
here & its golden calf apocalypz post cavalieri is osso buco
it possible bush have mandate of jedi for retaining all the brit to not give
up at the bad side of the force & not build the eurosoron army

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Re: the Styrian Oak in California

2003-10-16 Thread porculus
> One student at University of California said he was voting for Arnie so
> that his name would be on his diploma when he graduated in 2004.

fiction doesnt run according the same rules ov phisic, ethic & even
esthetics than in 'reallity', otherwise we would be completly found to sez
hollywood is globaly a nazi bazar where run all mengele's morphophyscologic's an old rag since cervantes, rabelais, alice tzeteraz..besides
last action hero the better scharzy movie told of that pretty simply & well
to any kidz. be sure even el commandante marcos when he look at some old
harry calahan issue is white, puritan & love to shoot all swine red neck in
the back, so what ? i suppose you know all european trotskiste & fucking
maoiste in 50s 60s & 70s love all abominable american character..what is no
more a political soap for their dirty face. what is the linkz between the
two world,? they exist it's just what anyone can sez, to tell what it could
be is or an art or a game for criminal besidez politics is no
more than that. the populism is
just the first stage of democratie : people want to see their leader at
their 'service' & a good populist tried to show himself  as its best whore
but in hopping to be its pimp, is it possible vrybody want to
boast around in electing a schmuck for mocking god himselfv ? who knows ?
perhapz the answer in ze next matrix recolonic

> The Bush people are worried about Arnie; he's far too moderate for most
> of them.

in america i.e. in a good republic it's not the president who could have
blow job with the shepherdess, but the reverse, so kneel down
mizter bush

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Re: Arnold at the gates [3x]

2003-10-13 Thread porculus

> Austria is basking in Mr. Schwarzenegger's California
> triumph. We are enjoying the moment. But although we admire
> Mr. Schwarzenegger for what we are not, unlike Americans,
> we'd never elect him.

yez we in europe we were able to vote for an adolph hitler or jean marie
lepen or heiderz or capo di tutti capi berlu, it'z a a bit more seriouz &
well hung than to vote for zuch understudy & girly knickerz leather panz,
that is filth to consum here cause it'z gmo feed, what get soft in the
brain.. plus permit i sez, being well inform, terminator would never read
such heavy mafioso as ricardo or smith & wesson his cold hand hitman or ze
crack dealer milton friedman except on their death anoncement

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Re: A Puff Piece on Wikipedia (Fwd)

2003-10-08 Thread porculus
> Theory is necessary,
> but practice has a much greater ethical value than theory.  It is your
> actions that determine which side you are really on.
> Ben

btw the stained glass of notre dame were paid by different guild of paris &
as it seems so gratefull to sponsor zuch nice material for each publicly
'named' corporation (it was not ze same for the walls) the parisian diocese
did a competitive examination based on such theory : holding an enquiry on
the quality ov service done to the population ov paris. from the outset some
'activity' az butchery were juge not clean enuf for the challenge, but
parisan prostitution then ? probleme was to judge ov quality ov service..the
casuistry was so much touchy the case was send to rome & only rome status
that really not, guilde of prostitution cant remain in list, wonder which
one ov theory or practice have ze last word here cause to go to rome &
coming back take a lot of time then, enuf i suppose for the diocese for not
to much lost his time in begining his inquiry

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Re: A Puff Piece on Wikipedia (Fwd)

2003-10-05 Thread porculus
> With regards to anonymity...

'Mirror, mirror on the wall, what's the fairest thing of all? The answer is
probably authentication' yes permit i add it dont match with the ones on
ceilling, reflect does ov yourself a more conciencious bastard also.what
does he did ov the pleasure to commiting the crime, it fit for the poors too
sometimes it's not only a sport for rich..cause in zis internet device that
could give some sens to a doubt as 'nobody know you are a dog' i could add
'underdog' even, the real problem on internet is not you could be a fucking
smith from afghanistan or a carpenter  from albania & it could be not true
but only you could check more than  $100 000 as anual income then anyone
cant see you have rotten & stinking sockz, it's there the crime even the
fullest flea dog cant afford

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Re: A Puff Piece on Wikipedia (Fwd)

2003-10-04 Thread porculus
> >If Locke, Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu, and D'Alembert were all in the
> habit of publishing anonymously, why is it their names are so familiar
> attached to their writings,usually) some 250 years later? Was anonymity
> merely a ploy, with clues provided somehow for true authorship? In the
> of Voltaire, we know this was a 'pen-name.' Was it affixed to his work,
> if not, what use would a pen-name have been?<

Bah attribuzion is ze core ov moderne historiez ov criminology & modern
art & zen 'naming' & appropriazion go boz az whore & pimp, vor inztance
hear ze sound as when you see a manethaz & you say 'ho my dear what a niz
rumzfled! '..well there iz two way vor ze origine ov a name, ozerz & then
your name is 'tiny one' cause some girlz have already talk about you in ze
bar, or you & then just call me hercule & then begun the mess 'what it'z
you hercule the tiny one?' & then crying in her peticoat your mom try to
give you a consensual one as 'small cloud' or 'gentle light hercule' &
then come kind ov modus vivendi between senoritaz & hombrez 'I call you
light hercule & you ztop to call me big ass' & zen tiny one make full ov
babies to big ass cause avter all the only real name you have is ze one on
give you in bed, remember vaust :. You call yourself a part, yet whole
you're standing there. & hen Mephistophelez : A modest truth do I declare.
A man, the microcosmic fool, down in his soul Is wont to think himself a
whole, But I'm part of the Part which at the first was all, Part of the
Darkness that gave birth to Light

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Re: We sell Heroin

2003-09-21 Thread porculus
zince he read miltos manetas, volvovitz want to do spam art too.
try to reply & you will be splited in tortilla chipz & guantanamolled more
faster than for just singing 'passing through the rio grande'

- Original Message - 
From: "steven schkolne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Announcer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject:  We sell Heroin

> gay-slaves?  i am getting the best spam these days.  is it just me

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Re: Graffiti Artists and other illegal art

2003-06-19 Thread porculus

> Towards that end, I wondered if you might be able to suggest some visual
> artists/activists who I could interview, or articles/books, websites that

one suposed ousamaz waz an artizt who atempt to corporate americanz vizualz
if i dont know where you could find him i know anozer one his names is
volvovitz, he atempt to miss liberty in saying 'from behind she look like an
irakian fatty fries pack rolling in djelabaz zomezing' , italianz have a
greasy dirty hands berlu artizt guy who pervetcly soak in piss juztiz
academeic manipulit clean visual, but the more artizt among artizt is chirac
who achieve to ruin the face of the cyclopean jean marie lepen & all viril &
well hung ugly populizt in giving his own minable face of bourgeois de paris
to the gost that hanted europe

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Re: Miltos Manetas: Neen Dogma of Painting

2003-06-14 Thread porculus

> From: "miltos manetas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

world painting

> "Neen Dogma of Painting", written by Miltos Manetas

my way, dogma vor ozer

> 1. In order to paint a large canvas, buy large brushes. Many of them,
> because you need clean brushes to smooth the line where the different
> meet. Only Oil on Canvas is allowed. Never mix the colors with anything
> than linseed oil.

"when i have no red i use blue, if i wouldnt have painting i would use
ground if not ground i would use shit"

> 2. Use a projector to display the picture you want to paint on the canvas.
> If you know how to draw, do not make paintings: make Flash Animations or
> design Fashion instead.

general wolvovitz speaking "is there somebody who know to play music out
- yes me ! me ! me !
- ok you & you + you..spud bashing

> 3. Abstract paintings are prohibited unless you invent a "automatic
> similar to the ones that Jackson Pollock and Lucio Fontana were using.
> Anybody can still use today their systems and succesfully produce Fontanas
> and Pollocks. Abstract Art is interesting only when it comes from a
> or from a person who emulates a machine.

er ze problem is 'polockz zyztem was not invent by pollockz

> 4. Use the most expensive material, so you will feel the urgency to make
> something valuable in order to get your expenses back.

"i have to use cheap material, for instance newspaper coz otherwise i am
shitting in my panz to be afraid of doing blot on papier arche thingz"
remember zomezing ? or wait..did az basquiat who use to paint on bull wood
but wiz a $1000 verzace somezing suit, bravo!

> 5. Composition, colors and size of the painting, should be copied from
> paintings in the Museums.

vor they could take their place or what, did you already take size of mona

> 6. Deal with the brush stroke as if you were a hairdresser.

well wonder what picasso would say to his hairdresser with his shit device..

> 7. Use assistants, but only the ones without any experience and any
> in painting. Ask them to deal with your canvas as if they are painting a
> wall in their apartment: without any passion. Command the assistants to
> the wrong color in order to feel the necessity of taking over from them
> save the work.

use illegalz even & denonce them to police after, just befor steazl them
their shoes et buy them too big nike & paint their nose in linseed red & ask
them to sing 'when ze saintz', sez it's not a beuyz zyztem zocial device
skulpture, but an original one

> 8. Paint many pictures at the same time and let the layers dry. A picture
> may take many years until it will be finished. If people want to buy it
> before it is finished, just sell it to them and continue the painting
> on the wall of the collector.

there i agree, it'z what bonnard use to do wiz his painting in museum, what
was great it's the guardian kick him out, they dont wear too big nike with
red noze & they dont laugh wiz their pension, er till louvre is not a

> 9. The most important instruction: try to discover and represent,
> that has never been painted before. If you find such a subject, whichever
> manner you may use to paint it, will produce a masterpiece.

i did a 'big american dick' some yearz ago (i dysplay on nettime then in
ascii bulk but er not
go throught then, so sure they were it was paint befor) what was something
er common but never paint, must i paint
it in BP & aramco oil or what ?

> 10. Make copies of your most important paintings. All important painters
> the past were doing so and that's why their work has survived today.

well do you really think wiz 'big american dick' it's needed..?

so permit i add a 11. one, my (modeszt) contribution

10. vor americanz not enuf to believe in god  & wolvotvitz, but in santaz
too..otherwiz..yez spud bashing ô baby ô babylone, at metro at metropo at
metropolitan museum ( wolvovitz singing bis wiz nike m&n shoez)

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Re: matthew barney versus donkey kong

2003-05-29 Thread porculus
> Donkey Kong's myth of a man fighting a giant ape on a skyscraper has
>  its origin in the King Kong films. After being captured in the jungle

well merge this wiz matrix and his nemo ztaline seminarizt opus dei outfit
& ok to be a crabelouse of celphone az the multiplexed confessional of god
& appear for crashing a car wiz bare feet as some buttercup in dew & ho
marvel of marvel having the delicious new feeling to smash some cloned
hereticlks wiz parkmeterz is no more a real gift of the gift economy but a
god'one, cause when you could feel yourself az a new torquemada wiz
drealock executioner itz for new consubstanciality wiz jean paul 2 & euro
for vade retro $..ok ok ! in seeing matrix I feel good I feell so good, I
feel good in my skin of archange gabriel, az great as a computer aided
parkinson jean paul 2 saint george that kill the demon..ho marvel of
marvel..alleluia, allaouakbar ! when it is question to merge wiz kong I
have to say it till a road to hell, it'z a fail, cause wiz holy of holy
kong we all know what we are talking about, it was the original internet
prophecy, yez the real prophecy that brother & syster that would be
realized a day..i swear I swear we must having faith..but what news about
holy enlargement pills front ? in matrix I see abominable ascii art of my
arse ! so the fuck my god ! when the load will be really really complet ?
when I will be a celphonable kong with all my natural possibilities ? when
I could appear near a niz girl by his hand free celphone in a traffic jam
& smahing all the fucking car & metro & train wiz something really really
great ?.. must we do it ourself as usual or what ?

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Re: information wants to be free

2003-02-20 Thread porculus
> keywords: "fumigacion ilicitos"

information dont want anything except the willing of their 'displayer', i.e.
in industrial conceptual resultant mode. industrial & conceptual is now
quite synonimous in the way of conceptual is the absolute nul machine &
friedrich von hayek is pretty alive, he is a guy of the long time, the first
in some way who 'secularise' adam smith & show at the reverse the opacity of
the market & the remaining of the 'visible handz' i.e. with theorical eyes,
az the motor of profit  & the best garantor of its 'freedom' he said nealy
az marximus it's in the time we see the market economy do its best even if
in the moment it could seem kind of worst..for instance his wonderfull
dvelopement & really theorically 'courageous' position about the monopoly,
besidez we see all 'informazion' about iraqi war is an industrial device,
clairly, otherwise how could we understand this split between government &
vox populi, the idea that usan people sink in some claustrophobia in its so
great space & country, it's no more the reach of some finished world, but in
some finsihed universe itself,  the american autisme is its pose for hearing
god, & god is not the vox populi. If the american blitz work & the height &
paradox it's evrybody hope that in this case, due to the desire of economy
of blood, it would be a disaster for the governance of the world, a
conceptual disaster, if the blitz fail...

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Re: waiting for the war

2003-02-08 Thread porculus
> Fair enough too.  But by that logic, should not all media organizations
> (both pro-war and pro-appeasement) do the same thing?

but from where could come so much confusion in the sentiment..i feel
specialy bad when i see a colonel or any erzats of that on tv trying to
explain me some militarian&war status, what is perfectly new since gulf war,
cause the fuck at each time we saw such clown at tv befor it was for
throwing them tomato & rotten salad, even for the army 'la grande muette'
'the great dumb' it was dishonoring to arse around on tv in front of some
tacky civilian, the thing seem at their historical & odd place then,  but
since i feel myself as some ridiculous magical realist garcia marquez
general bumping his belly at the bar of some barnumesque mess officier,
bloody democratie, & the barman is kubrick who laugh at me in saying 'no we
dont serve beer in usan macdonald, go oafy degaulle asking to josé bové in
your french ones then we the sober brit & usan put french condom at our gun,
to each its cultural exception'

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Re: p.s.: don't forget to water the rhizome! digest [flagan, guderian]

2003-01-18 Thread porculus
> Five bucks is far too little to spark a debate like this.

you precisely right, tah i remember a marvelous wit i hear once "a short
moment of shame is rapidly passed" hey it's porculus who talk, remember
something ? how much time i talk on that, how many time i said rhizome is a
planed machine who work step by step toward a pompierization of netart ? wiz
some blink whatsit in manhatan, merde ! tell me how many response i have
then ? none. exactly -none- black out, so permit i laugh, not cause i am
cynic & hope i dont have to prove it on this point or do you imagine i take
myself as a prophet here ? not at all cause i just yeel what everybody say
low in drinking their beer & dont care so much of time, cause well who care
of rhizome, cause rhizome is not all the netart after all if anyone really
care of netart..i say just the truth, and a boring one, yes, sometimes
anoying enuf for some aparatchic who hope some day..hope you join..imagine
all the people, imagine all the netart in a bottle named rhizome, imagine
the 'community'..merde ! and now it's just question to sort $5, so then what
the fiuck is really the probleme, are you so stingy ? tzz 5..but it'z
nothing..just the fuckin price of a tacky antipersonnel mine, most of time
even not enuf for killing a fucking child, just to leg amputate et letting
him to be a good worker in any intel sweatshop ..listen hombre who like to
be screwed for 5 buck?..but if it happen or if it's some prerequisite for
wanabe or to have job in intel..the first reflex is to shut up after..yes
shut up..dont twist the knife in the wound, any omerta have some ridicule at
the origine, & you know why ? the real ridicule is a trip from which there
is no return.
yes as it's the price, yes better to have a beer with a friend for 5 bucks,
yes even with mark tribe & it's far better for frienship & for the health of
art itself
rhizome is a parasite.

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zapatate speech, right now

2003-01-08 Thread porculus
cammandatore BBretta
"for the zupport of all the fight of liberazion"

zizterz kalashnikov:
"faster pussicat kill! kill!"

honni soit qui mal y pense

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Re: Religious Sect Announces First Cloned Baby

2002-12-28 Thread porculus
> The Raelians are gaming the media, but I personally can't see that cloning's
> such a big deal. It seems coarse, compared to the potential for geneticists
> to remap gene structures, and produce new species variants

one doesnt give a damn fuck futur generations would have huge titz & dick &
will be immortal! it's just all about uz, uz!! would we be the last damned
at the even side of the heaven, just able to contemple it & the last to know
the death throes in wriggling not only of our bottom..waving our arm
around..grasping the the last ridicoulouz spectaclez ..&
pushing our last yearn in the internet az the last ascii megaphone..'dead
without knowing enlargement pill'. it's too unjust

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Re: For those not on Undercurrents

2002-12-14 Thread porculus
>  It seems CAE is the straw man here. We invite everyone to look at the
> text at CAE's web-site  and judge for yourself. It can
> be downloaded free of charge.
> As a wise old professor once told CAE, "If you are going to criticize a
> text, it helps to read it first."
> Critical Art Ensemble

how long it's needing to read all marxz for pissing of commies ? how long
you need to know all ov the fucking life ov any fucking swine murderer for
having some joy to see him to toast on elctric chair? would you bug a poor
b52 pilote for his generous gift of prayer karpet bombing rather to read the
fucking coran -first? to which else would you give remorse for not having
read some text on which he has preformated opinion ? & is it not the proof
of it success to talk about it without read it & then is it so wise the
professor who invite to read the text to these ones you need to critic or
clever enuf for renewing its success? cause after all what we criticize in a
text is it not  its sucess long it's needing to read all marxz for
pissing of commies..anyway dont take it in bad part cause i am absolutely not
on undercurrents but i find its not a good reason enuf for not screaming
blue bloody murder, so in any case it's wise for your CAE something

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