Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-10-15 Thread John Bowman
Hi all,

As requested some time ago on this list, Asymptote 1.14 (a modern MetaPost
replacement) now supports alternate TeX engines via the -tex option:

-tex engine   TeX engine ("latex|pdflatex|tex|pdftex|none") ["latex"]

Other engines (presumably including ConTeXt) can easily be added in

General affine transforms and clipping of labels is now implemented
via PostScript or PDF specials (as appropriate). So if ConTeXt can handle
TeX specials, adding support for it should be straightforward. We also
input the tex graphics and picture packages; presumably something like them
is accessible to ConTeXt too. If someone comes up with a diff for ConTeXt,
please post it (as a patch under the link News) at


-- John Bowman

University of Alberta
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-06-30 Thread Hans Hagen
Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> Won't pstricks eventually have to go when asymptote produces pdf
> directly?
why is pstricks needed anyway, i suppose that asymptote does the graphics

> Hmm, I wonder how metapost does the rotating.  Actually, here's a
> test:
> beginfig(1)
> draw thelabel(btex hello etex, origin) rotated 70;
> endfig;
> end
indeed, rotation is part of the graphic system
> That also was me.  I have almost no experience of LaTeX and have
> always used \epsfbox from plain TeX days.  But that may just be a bad
> habit or a preference for the simplicity of \epsfbox.
in context we have our own inclusion macros; they also manage resources 
and such

(please cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-06-29 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
> In regard to the remark I saw posted about "monster eps" files

That was from me.  The size was one issue and probably, as you say,
disappears in the size of the final pdf file (I didn't test it
extensively but I think that happened).

However, a related issue to the size is that ConTeXt parses the
metapost output inline, doable since metapost puts out such a
restricted subset of postscript.  So it is easy (at least for tex
wizards!) to integrate metapost with ConTeXt (i.e. for inline metapost
code, like the asymptote environment in latex).  The asymptote eps
files, because of including fonts and using pstricks, are full
postscript and would be harder to parse.

> We will need to replace pstricks (which is used only for rotating text)
> There is a rotate.tex package in dvips but it would have to be
> modified to typeset at arbitrary angles...

Won't pstricks eventually have to go when asymptote produces pdf

Hmm, I wonder how metapost does the rotating.  Actually, here's a

draw thelabel(btex hello etex, origin) rotated 70;

produces this metapost eps file:

%%BoundingBox: -7 -11 7 11 
%%HiResBoundingBox: -6.75279 -10.8051 6.75278 10.80508 
%%Creator: MetaPost 0.901
%%CreationDate: 2006.06.29:2102
%%Pages: 1
%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 65:912
%%Page: 1 1
gsave [0.34203 0.9397 -0.9397 0.34203 -0.2515 -10.8051 ] concat 0 0
(hello) cmr10 9.96265 fshow grestore

So it uses raw postscript to make an affine coordinate transform and
avoids using an external tex/latex package.  The resulting postscript
is nice for parsing.

> We could use epsf to include PostScript figures or else the miniltx
> package. I see from some posts that some ConTeXt users are thinking
> of using \epsfbox instead of \includegraphics. Any preferences here?

That also was me.  I have almost no experience of LaTeX and have
always used \epsfbox from plain TeX days.  But that may just be a bad
habit or a preference for the simplicity of \epsfbox.

> Another issue I would be happy to discuss sometime is the need for
> implicit equation solving.

I don't know if I can make a good case for it.  But the
declarative/implicit style matches how I think about drawing technical
figures (perhaps because the feature exists!): specify a bunch of
constraints and let the computer figure it out.  But it's probably a
lot of work to implement, not least because it would require a new
operator.  Maybe ?= for implicit equals and = for regular equals?


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
 --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-06-29 Thread Hans Hagen
John Bowman wrote:
> In regard to adding support for ConTeXt or plain TeX to Asymptote, it
> should be no problem to do this, but perhaps someone on this list can help
> provide some preliminary information, particularly regarding item 1 below
> on how best to rotate text at an arbitrary angle. Also, since I am not sure
> what the precise planned use of a plain tex/ConTeXt engine here is, it isn't
> clear to me whether the miniltx solution below would be an acceptable 
> solution.
i cannot answer for other users but i guess that they want a more 
integrated approach, i.e. include a code in the doc source, write style 
info at runtime, etc

latex and context differ too much

from what users wrote to this list, i understood that much tex related 
stuff in asymptote is hard coded, so it's probably enough when all the 
strings (in the c source) that now contain latex code can be configured;

there is no need for you to look into context, when things can be 
configured, the users will do that for you
> Perhaps someone can also explain why so many context users are interested in
> this feature? Why exactly can't they let Asymptote do its typesetting with
> latex behind the scenes and then import the resulting ps or pdf files in
> context? Is the issue just that latex might not be installed? If so, the
indeed, esp when they use the so called minimal distributions;
> miniltx style file (which appears to be part of plain tex) seems like a
> viable and simple solution.
> In regard to the remark I saw posted about "monster eps" files, use the 
> -aZ option and you will see that Asymptote output files are as compact as
> those of MetaPost. If you want tex labels, you have to process MetaPost output
> through dvips, etc. Asymptote simply does this automatically, perhaps giving
> some users the illusion that Asymptote files are bigger. In other words, you
> should compare the final postscript files that MetaPost produces, not the
> intermediate ones (I recall that there is a MetaPost command for running
> MetaPost output through dvips too).
in context dvips is not used for mp graphics; context comes with an 
integrated mp output parser; this means that integration is also 
efficient (handy when you have a couple of hundred mp graphics) esp with 
regards to resources

i suppose that others can comment on the rest of your mail



  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-06-29 Thread John Bowman
In regard to adding support for ConTeXt or plain TeX to Asymptote, it
should be no problem to do this, but perhaps someone on this list can help
provide some preliminary information, particularly regarding item 1 below
on how best to rotate text at an arbitrary angle. Also, since I am not sure
what the precise planned use of a plain tex/ConTeXt engine here is, it isn't
clear to me whether the miniltx solution below would be an acceptable solution.

Perhaps someone can also explain why so many context users are interested in
this feature? Why exactly can't they let Asymptote do its typesetting with
latex behind the scenes and then import the resulting ps or pdf files in
context? Is the issue just that latex might not be installed? If so, the
miniltx style file (which appears to be part of plain tex) seems like a
viable and simple solution.

In regard to the remark I saw posted about "monster eps" files, use the 
-aZ option and you will see that Asymptote output files are as compact as
those of MetaPost. If you want tex labels, you have to process MetaPost output
through dvips, etc. Asymptote simply does this automatically, perhaps giving
some users the illusion that Asymptote files are bigger. In other words, you
should compare the final postscript files that MetaPost produces, not the
intermediate ones (I recall that there is a MetaPost command for running
MetaPost output through dvips too).

Another issue I would be happy to discuss sometime is the need for implicit
equation solving. We could add it, given an appropriate syntax, but the
majority of uses I have seen for it are covered by the extension function
in math.asy. I find the latter more explicit and less confusing to new
users. But we could be persuaded to add something similar if someone can
justify the need. Asymptote already includes an explicit linear solver that
uses LU decomposition.

Anyway here are the two features we would need from a plain tex/ConTeXt engine:

1. We will need to replace pstricks (which is used only for rotating text)
with PostScript or PDF \special commands. There is a rotate.tex package in
dvips but it would have to be modified to typeset at arbitrary angles...

2. We could use epsf to include PostScript figures or else the miniltx
package. I see from some posts that some ConTeXt users are thinking
of using \epsfbox instead of \includegraphics. Any preferences here?
Alternatively, here is the miniltx solution, which would be trivial to
provide support for in an upcoming release of Asymptote:

Here's an example:

asy -k venn

Edit venn_.tex to look like this (then tex+dvips):

\input miniltx
\input graphicx
\input pstricks
\advance\ASYdimen by\dp\ASYbox\kern#3\wd\ASYbox\raise#4\ASYdimen\box\ASYbox}}
\includegraphics[bb=228.608356 320.125000 382.391644 470.875000]{venn_0.eps}%
\ASYalign(-77.179988,134.822731)(-0.50,0.00){0.00}{$A\cap B$}
\ASYalign(-77.179988,16.492581)(-0.50,-1.00){0.00}{$A\cup B$}

-- John Bowman
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-25 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
From:Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [asymptote eps] looks parsable

Those lines are only a bit of the output.  It's preceded by horrible
pstricks and font code to parse (about 800 lines in that eps file).
I'm not sure why asymptote decided to use pstricks.  I think it's for
figure inclusion, but there have to be other, less hacky ways.

>> +  if (texengine == "tex")
>> +abort("No babel package in plain TeX.");

> btw, it should be:
>  if texengine == latex then texpreamble ...
> else you need an abort for each macro package

Yeah, I'm not proud of it.  By that point in the patching, I mostly
despaired of finding all the hardcoded latex spots and just added the
quickest hack to get something to work ("When the going gets tough,
the tough lower their standards.")  Not that it worked in the end.

From:Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It would not be hard to add the cmyk color space, but transparancy
> can not easily be done in PostScript output (it would require
> overlap removal code, and that is not present at all).

That's true, and the pdfmark hack added to postscript doesn't support
sending transparency information to a distiller (e.g. ps2pdf or
Acrobat distiller).  At least, it doesn't from what I could tell by
looking in the PDFmark reference manual from Adobe:

Maybe it's time to abandon postscript and generate pdf directly?
About the only reason I sometimes run (non-pdf)tex is because I was
too lazy to convert metapost figures to pdf and hadn't added the scons
or Makefile rules to convert them automatically.

> I've been browsing a bit and I now know it has more of a C++ style
> of doing things, but personally I don't see that as a big advantage.

I agree.  Although perhaps related to the new syntax or the new
implementation: it's useful to have many mathematical functions ready
to use for graphing -- the asymptote authors keep adding functions
from the GNU scientific library -- instead of having to divide or
multiply by 256 (the metapost log and exp functions) or worry about
overrunning the integer range (and use the sarith package in MP).

> But more importantly, most of my illustrations depend heavily on the
> equation solving capabilities of MetaPost. I got the impression
> Asymptote cannot do that (but I may have missed something).

Right, I like the implicit equation solving in MP and find it very
intuitive and matched to how I think about figures.  Asymptote has
only explicit equation solving.  Laurence said (on the metapost list)
that his 3D package for MP doesn't have implicit solving either -- I
guess because the 3D objects are not native to MP so they don't
benefit from the built-in equation solver.

Maybe making 3d points native to MP is part of an answer to:

   What is actually needed to make it easy to do 3D in MP?

But I'm far from an expert in 3D drawings or MP, and maybe one of the
MP experts has more useful thoughts.


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
 --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-25 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Hans Hagen wrote:
> looks parsable

But you see only a small bit of the actual output ;-)

 From Mojca:

>>Whoever is game can start with the diff below, but I'm also not sure
>>it's worth it.  My ideal figure program:
>>1. Agnostic about the tex engine (tex/latex/context), easy to integrate
>>   with any of them.  MP is good here.
>>2. 3D built in.

I've asked this to a wide range of people and have never, ever gotten an
answer that is even close to usable for development purposes:

   What is actually needed to make it easy to do 3D in MP?

>>3. Modern color models (cmyk, transparency)

cmyk color model is older.much than rgb :-)

It would not be hard to add the cmyk color space, but transparancy can 
not easily be done in PostScript output (it would require overlap
removal code, and that is not present at all).

>>4. Decent syntax.  MP is a bit ghastly, and writing macros is horrible
>>   esp. with vardefs.  I prefer a non-macro language, and asymptote is
>>   good that way

True. But then again, you do not _really_ need vardef macros.

Cheers, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-25 Thread Taco Hoekwater

I've posted this to the metapost list as well:

> I like metapost but, according to the following mail (on the metapost ML):
> [metapost] MP vs. Asymptote
> I don't want to start a flame, but since someone posted a message some
> time ago mentioning Asymptote I got curious and I have to say that I was
> very impressed, even if I still have some problems with it. However, it
> seems a net improvement over MP, or not? Is there anyone with an
> informed opinion over Asymptote? Might Asymptote be the killer of MP?

I am extremely interested in what you feel the improvements are
in Asymptote compared to MP, because it would give some clues
to the direction MP development should take.

I've been browsing a bit and I now know it has more of a C++ style
of doing things, but personally I don't see that as a big advantage.
Just like Laurence, I simply like the MF/MP 'feel'.

But more importantly, most of my illustrations depend heavily on
the equation solving capabilities of MetaPost. I got the impression
Asymptote cannot do that (but I may have missed something).

Cheers, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-25 Thread Hans Hagen
Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
>> context parses the ps code and converts it to pdf and in the process
>> uses tex to do the fonts
>   %%Page: 1 1
>0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop
>   1 setlinecap
>   1 setlinejoin
>   gsave
>0 0 translate
>   newpath 273.998159 412.742829 moveto
>338.001841 412.742829 lineto
>   showpage
looks parsable
>   asy -t tex labelbox.asy [make eps, use plain tex for labels]
> which is failing, I think, in this line from the intermediate
> labelbox_.tex file:
>   \setbox\ASYpsbox=\hbox{\epsfbox{labelbox_0.eps}}%
> But I haven't figured out who generates labelbox_0.eps and why it isn't
> being generated when using tex but is when using latex.  Obviously I
> haven't found all the places where latex is hardwired into asymptote.
> And even what I did is incomplete.  The latex interface code spits out
> e.g. \fontsize{12}{14.4}, which I just ignore if plain tex is being
> used.
> Compared to the monster .eps files that asymptote produces, I now love
> metapost's simple postscript files and one-line, easily parsed font
> commands.
if metapost had path bound specials and a few more features ...
> From: "Mojca Miklavec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> But I've given up once I saw how harcoded LaTeX was in there.
> I've pretty much given up too.
from what you describe it sounds like generic usage was not one part of 
the design
>> Metapost support in ConTeXt is much deeper and I wonder how much work
>> should be invested into making as good support for Asymptote in
>> ConTeXt as it is now for metapost.
> Whoever is game can start with the diff below, but I'm also not sure
> it's worth it.  My ideal figure program:
> 1. Agnostic about the tex engine (tex/latex/context), easy to integrate
>with any of them.  MP is good here.
> 2. 3D built in.
> 3. Modern color models (cmyk, transparency)
and even then, most of that has to take place in the backend in order to 
get proper integration (efficiency and such),  so if for instance mp had 
a model for arbitrary collections, like:

(r,g,b) == (c,m,y,k) => (a,b,c,d,...)

actually, colors in mp are just triplets
> 4. Decent syntax.  MP is a bit ghastly, and writing macros is horrible
>esp. with vardefs.  I prefer a non-macro language, and asymptote is
>good that way
well, mp misses a few things but should not be compared to tex 
(different model for globals, grouping, functions)
> But it's a lot of work to get it right.
> -Sanjoy
> `A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.'
>- Bertrand de Jouvenal
> diff -r 57c230047c98 base/babel.asy
> --- a/base/babel.asy  Tue Feb 07 23:34:29 2006 -0500
> +++ b/base/babel.asy  Tue Apr 25 00:28:42 2006 -0400
> @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ void babel(string s)
>  void babel(string s) 
>  {
> +  if (texengine == "tex")
> +abort("No babel package in plain TeX.");
>  }
such code should not be inline, but in a config file or variable, seeing 
this i'd say: for the moment forget about patching since it's hard to 
keep up with such changes

btw, it should be:

  if texengine == latex then texpreamble ...

else you need an abort for each macro package
> diff -r 57c230047c98 base/fontsize.asy
> --- a/base/fontsize.asy   Tue Feb 07 23:34:29 2006 -0500
> +++ b/base/fontsize.asy   Tue Apr 25 00:28:42 2006 -0400
> @@ -1,1 +1,3 @@ texpreamble("\usepackage{type1cm}");
> +


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-24 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
> context parses the ps code and converts it to pdf and in the process
> uses tex to do the fonts

Maybe then it's not worth finishing my modifications for asymptote to
use plain tex.  The following .asy file (labelbox.asy in the distributed

  real margin=2mm;
  frame b1,b2;
  box(b1,Label("small box",(0,0)),margin);
  box(b2,Label("LARGER BOX",(0,-2cm)),margin);

produces an 810-line .eps file that includes fonts (cmr12) and the
pstricks headers.  The actual page material is:

  %%Page: 1 1
   0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop
  1 setlinecap
  1 setlinejoin
   0 0 translate
  newpath 273.998159 412.742829 moveto
   338.001841 412.742829 lineto
   338.001841 435.883567 lineto
   273.998159 435.883567 lineto
   273.998159 412.742829 lineto
  [ 1 0 0 1 0 0] concat
   0 0 translate
  newpath 258.635763 356.116433 moveto
   353.364237 356.116433 lineto
   353.364237 379.124359 lineto
   258.635763 379.124359 lineto
   258.635763 356.116433 lineto
  [ 1 0 0 1 0 0] concat
  newpath 306 412.242829 moveto
   306 379.624359 lineto

But I've attached the half-working diff (some would say the glass is
half-broken), against asymptote 0.99.  The result is supposed to work as

  asy labelbox.asy  [make eps file; use latex for labels]
  asy -t latex labelbox.asy [same as above]
  asy -t tex labelbox.asy [make eps, use plain tex for labels]

My patches don't break the first or second uses, which is good, but the
third isn't working yet:

  $ asy -t tex labelbox.asy
  /usr/local/share/asymptote/shipout.asy: 73.10: runtime: camp: shipout failed

which is failing, I think, in this line from the intermediate
labelbox_.tex file:


But I haven't figured out who generates labelbox_0.eps and why it isn't
being generated when using tex but is when using latex.  Obviously I
haven't found all the places where latex is hardwired into asymptote.

And even what I did is incomplete.  The latex interface code spits out
e.g. \fontsize{12}{14.4}, which I just ignore if plain tex is being

Compared to the monster .eps files that asymptote produces, I now love
metapost's simple postscript files and one-line, easily parsed font

From: "Mojca Miklavec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> But I've given up once I saw how harcoded LaTeX was in there.

I've pretty much given up too.

> Metapost support in ConTeXt is much deeper and I wonder how much work
> should be invested into making as good support for Asymptote in
> ConTeXt as it is now for metapost.

Whoever is game can start with the diff below, but I'm also not sure
it's worth it.  My ideal figure program:

1. Agnostic about the tex engine (tex/latex/context), easy to integrate
   with any of them.  MP is good here.
2. 3D built in.
3. Modern color models (cmyk, transparency)
4. Decent syntax.  MP is a bit ghastly, and writing macros is horrible
   esp. with vardefs.  I prefer a non-macro language, and asymptote is
   good that way

But it's a lot of work to get it right.


`A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.'
   - Bertrand de Jouvenal

diff -r 57c230047c98 base/babel.asy
--- a/base/babel.asyTue Feb 07 23:34:29 2006 -0500
+++ b/base/babel.asyTue Apr 25 00:28:42 2006 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ void babel(string s)
 void babel(string s) 
+  if (texengine == "tex")
+abort("No babel package in plain TeX.");
diff -r 57c230047c98 base/fontsize.asy
--- a/base/fontsize.asy Tue Feb 07 23:34:29 2006 -0500
+++ b/base/fontsize.asy Tue Apr 25 00:28:42 2006 -0400
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@ texpreamble("\usepackage{type1cm}");
+if (texengine == "tex")
+  abort("No fontsize package in plain TeX.");
diff -r 57c230047c98 base/latin1.asy
--- a/base/latin1.asy   Tue Feb 07 23:34:29 2006 -0500
+++ b/base/latin1.asy   Tue Apr 25 00:28:42 2006 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ texpreamble("\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}");
+if (texengine == "tex")
+  abort("No T1 or latin1 packages in plain TeX.");
diff -r 57c230047c98 base/plain.asy
--- a/base/plain.asyTue Feb 07 23:34:29 2006 -0500
+++ b/base/plain.asyTue Apr 25 00:28:42 2006 -0400
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 include constants;
+// tex, latex, or none (for the future: or pdftex, pdflatex, context)
+public string texengine = TEXENGINE(); // what variant will typeset the labels
 access version;
 if(version.VERSION != VERSION()) {
diff -r 57c230047c98 base/strings.asy
--- a/base/strings.asy  Tue Feb 07 23:34:29 2006 -0500
+++ b/base/strings.asy  Tue Apr 25 00:28:42 2006 -0400
@@ -81,12 +81,16 @@ string math(string s)
 string includegraphics(string name, string options="")

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-24 Thread Hans Hagen
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> Hans Hagen a écrit :
>> i meant the 'hard coded parts' but then, i must admit that i never saw any 
>> real asymptote code -) 
>> Hans 
> Since asymptote uses gs to generate eps or pdf output, I wander if the 
> generated code can be used by ConTeXt...
> To integrate asymptote to ConTeXt, what is needed (from the ConTeXt 
> pov I mean) ? I ask that because I don't know ConTeXt internals well...
> What's the integration scheme for a MPgraphic for example ? (I know 
> that ConTeXt finally use a .mp and a .mpx)
> I assume after reading a .log that a ps file is needed... but it seems 
> that a "font name mngt" is needed too...
context parses the ps code and converts it to pdf and in the process uses tex 
to do the fonts 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-23 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
> To integrate asymptote to ConTeXt, what is needed (from the ConTeXt
> pov I mean) ?

I'm curious about that too.  I'm just going through my asymptote diffs
(against v0.99) for it to work with plain TeX, and I'm not sure any of
my changes will make it easier to integrate with ConTeXt the way MP is
integrated.  It's depressing how wedded asymptote is to LaTeX, and
maybe it's impossible to get it all out (e.g. it uses \minipage and


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
 --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-23 Thread Renaud AUBIN

Hans Hagen a écrit :

  i meant the 'hard coded parts' but then, i must admit that i never saw any real asymptote code -) 


Since asymptote uses gs to generate eps or pdf output, I wander if the
generated code can be used by ConTeXt...
To integrate asymptote to ConTeXt, what is needed (from the ConTeXt pov
I mean) ? I ask that because I don't know ConTeXt internals well...
What's the integration scheme for a MPgraphic for example ? (I know
that ConTeXt finally use a .mp and a .mpx)
I assume after reading a .log that a ps file is needed... but it seems
that a "font name mngt" is needed too...


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-23 Thread Hans Hagen
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> Hans Hagen a écrit :
>> no, what is needed is an isolation of the tex part, so that the macro 
>> package has/can to implement certain 'features'; otherwise it's 
>> unmaintainable 
>> Hans 
> euh... The isolation of the tex part is performed for LaTeX with 
> inlinetex option... (an eps file without any text + a tex file)
> Isn't this kind of isolation sufficient ?
i meant the 'hard coded parts' but then, i must admit that i never saw any real 
asymptote code -) 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-23 Thread Renaud AUBIN

Hans Hagen a écrit :

  no, what is needed is an isolation of the tex part, so that the macro package has/can to implement certain 'features'; otherwise it's unmaintainable 


euh... The isolation of the tex part is performed for LaTeX with
inlinetex option... (an eps file without any text + a tex file)
Isn't this kind of isolation sufficient ?


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-23 Thread Hans Hagen
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> asy -inlinetex results in:
> - an eps graphics
> - latex code to use (I've not checked but seems) with asymptote.sty
> So, we can maybe imagine an -inlinecontext option to add asymptote 
> support in context (???)
no, what is needed is an isolation of the tex part, so that the macro package 
has/can to implement certain 'features'; otherwise it's unmaintainable 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-23 Thread Renaud AUBIN

asy -inlinetex results in:
- an eps graphics
- latex code to use (I've not checked but seems) with asymptote.sty

So, we can maybe imagine an -inlinecontext option to add asymptote
support in context (???)

Hans Hagen a écrit :

  Renaud AUBIN wrote:
Ok, but how to deal with asymptote like with metapost.
For example, if I produce a pdf with asymptote (with embed fonts) and use this pdf into my ConTeXt document with the same fonts... Is the fonts included twice ? I assume that this is the case...
Maybe it could be interesting to "integrate" asymptote.

I don't know how hard it is at all... It's only an idea...

  it depends, if asymptote outputs a parsable format ...


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-22 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 4/21/06, Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> I started rewriting the asymptote code to use plain TeX -- I had never
> used ConTeXt back then, so didn't even try to make that work.  But
> maybe the TeX changes will help those more expert in ConTeXt to make
> them.  I'll dig out my half-finished changes for public onsumption.
> The asymptote authors said that they welcome asymptote working with
> other tex formats (someone else had asked about ConTeXt),

Probably me ;) But I've given up once I saw how harcoded LaTeX was in
there. Metapost support in ConTeXt is much deeper and I wonder how
much work should be invested into making as good support for Asymptote
in ConTeXt as it is now for metapost.

For me Asymptote to Metapost is like XeTeX to TeX: I think that the
first one is better, but I "can't" use it. (3D, animation & big
numbers support would be more than urgent for metapost, but it's so
complex to modify the code that I can understand why it's easier to
write a new engine like Asymptote than extending the old metapost.)

There's a very similar situation with hardcoded LaTeX in PyX,
Wiki2PDF, ... Well, people who write those don't write it with
anything else but LaTeX in mind which is a pitty.

> and prefer,
> rather than their having to modify it themselves, that users of those
> formats submit the changes (they use LaTeX themselves).

And thanks to Jilani for pointing out the existence of Tioga.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-22 Thread andrea valle
I discovered conTeXt+metapost because I was not satisfied with the 
limited capabilties of pgf for my graph music project.
I have to say that I was forcing pgf beyond its scope, but in any case 
it is not intended as a complex, global plotting system, as far as I 



On 22 Apr 2006, at 10:38, Hans Hagen wrote:

Andrea Valle
DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-22 Thread Hans Hagen
there's also:

(although for context i'd rewrite the backend drivers a bit in order to 
be more integrated)


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Hans Hagen
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> Ok, but how to deal with asymptote like with metapost.
> For example, if I produce a pdf with asymptote (with embed fonts) and use 
> this pdf into my ConTeXt document with the same fonts... Is the fonts 
> included twice ? I assume that this is the case...
> Maybe it could be interesting to "integrate" asymptote.
> I don't know how hard it is at all... It's only an idea...
it depends, if asymptote outputs a parsable format ...


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
I started rewriting the asymptote code to use plain TeX -- I had never
used ConTeXt back then, so didn't even try to make that work.  But
maybe the TeX changes will help those more expert in ConTeXt to make
them.  I'll dig out my half-finished changes for public onsumption.

The asymptote authors said that they welcome asymptote working with
other tex formats (someone else had asked about ConTeXt), and prefer,
rather than their having to modify it themselves, that users of those
formats submit the changes (they use LaTeX themselves).

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Renaud AUBIN
I agree with you, and this is what I do for my document (I use featpost,
metaobj and context term of gnuplot).
But sometimes, there is some conflicts... That's the reason why I think
that an integrated and expandable solution could be interesting.

That's my humble opinion ;)

Hans Hagen a écrit :

>or multiple tools -) 

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Renaud AUBIN

Ok, but how to deal with asymptote like with metapost.
For example, if I produce a pdf with asymptote (with embed fonts) and use this pdf into my ConTeXt document with the same fonts... Is the fonts included twice ? I assume that this is the case...
Maybe it could be interesting to "integrate" asymptote.

I don't know how hard it is at all... It's only an idea...

  interesting (i assume that it produced pdf) 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Hans Hagen
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> The discussion is now, what do you prefer: an integrated tool with a
> great variety of features (even if a small amount of us are interested
> by "three" or "graph" in asymptote) or a better tool but with less
> features ?
or multiple tools -) 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Hans Hagen
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> I have just send a mail to Andy Hammer to ask him what he thinks about
> using plainTeX format instead of hardcoded latex calls...
or configurable calls, i see no reason for binding to whatever format 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Hans Hagen
Jilani Khaldi wrote:
>> i downloade it, and indeed it seems that calling latex is hard coded into 
>> the source 
>> of course you can make a batch file latex.cmd that runs context -) 
>> integrating does not look that problematic but without proper label support 
>> ... .
>> so maybe you can convince the authors to make the --tex switch accept a 
>> format 
> Have a look at this:
> and, please, tell us what do you think about it.
interesting (i assume that it produced pdf) 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Renaud AUBIN

Tioga looks very nice for 2D plots but IMHO, asymptote could provide a
good transition for metaposters. Moreover, asymptote is a "all-in-one"
tool with 3D support and 2D plots of reasonable quality...

The discussion is now, what do you prefer: an integrated tool with a
great variety of features (even if a small amount of us are interested
by "three" or "graph" in asymptote) or a better tool but with less
features ?

It is already possible to do 3D with metapost by using featpost, m3d or
others but IMHO asymptote seems great because it integrates nativelly
this kind of features.

I have just send a mail to Andy Hammer to ask him what he thinks about
using plainTeX format instead of hardcoded latex calls...



Jilani Khaldi a écrit :

>Have a look at this:
>and, please, tell us what do you think about it.
>Jilani KHALDI
>ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Jilani Khaldi

>i downloade it, and indeed it seems that calling latex is hard coded into the 
>of course you can make a batch file latex.cmd that runs context -) 
>integrating does not look that problematic but without proper label support 
>... .
>so maybe you can convince the authors to make the --tex switch accept a format 
Have a look at this:
and, please, tell us what do you think about it.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Hans Hagen
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> Ouch, grep latex * on the source returns
i downloade it, and indeed it seems that calling latex is hard coded into the 

of course you can make a batch file latex.cmd that runs context -) 

integrating does not look that problematic but without proper label support ... 

so maybe you can convince the authors to make the --tex switch accept a format 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Renaud AUBIN

Ouch, grep latex * on the source returns

ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex:
ChangeLog:  * Use kpsewhich to help find default
latex path.
ChangeLog:  Force quiet mode with running embedded latex files.
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex, base/plain.asy,
ChangeLog:  * doc/generalaxis.asy, doc/generalaxis3.asy,
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex, patches/README, patches/dvipdf,,
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex: Updated axis call.
ChangeLog:  * doc/generalaxis.asy, doc/helix.asy,
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex, doc/parametricgraph.asy,
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex,
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex:
ChangeLog:  Fixed texpreamble for multiple files and latex asy
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex, doc/lineargraph.asy,
ChangeLog:  * doc/image.asy, doc/latexusage.tex, doc/mosquito.asy,
ChangeLog:  * examples/venn.asy, doc/latexusage.tex:
ChangeLog:  pipe and final latex processing and to ensure tex pipe
font is properly
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex, doc/lineargraph.asy,
ChangeLog:  *, doc/asymptote.texi: Fixed location of
ChangeLog:  *, doc/asymptote.texi: Fixed location of
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex,
ChangeLog:  Included correct latexusage file in documentation.
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex,
ChangeLog:  Install latexusage.tex with examples.
ChangeLog:  * doc/labelsquare.asy, doc/latexusage.tex,
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex,
ChangeLog:  doc/datagraph.asy, doc/latexusage.tex,
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex,
ChangeLog:  * Improved latex diagnostics.
ChangeLog:  * Improved latex diagnostics.
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex: updated coordinate
ChangeLog:  doc/asymptote.texi, doc/diatom.asy, doc/latexusage.tex:
ChangeLog:  /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ (./configure
--with-latex=PATH to
ChangeLog:  * Fixed -with-latex=PATH.
ChangeLog:  *, Added --with-latex=PATH
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex,
base/plain.asy: Updated
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex, base/plain.asy, doc/asymptote.sty,
ChangeLog:  * doc/asymptote.texi, doc/latexusage.tex: Made import
graph local
ChangeLog:  to each figure in latexusage.
ChangeLog:  * doc/latexusage.tex: Example of latex usage.
ChangeLog:  examples/latexusage.tex, doc/asymptote.sty,
configure:ac_subst_vars='SHELL PATH_SEPARATOR PACKAGE_NAME
exec_prefix prefix program_transform_name bindir sbindir libexecdir
datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir libdir includedir
oldincludedir infodir mandir build_alias host_alias target_alias DEFS
ECHO_C ECHO_N ECHO_T LIBS VERSION Datadir kpsewhich latexdir LEX CXX
configure:  --with-latex=PATH   specify path to LaTeX installation
configure:# Check whether --with-latex or --without-latex was given.
configure:if test "${with_latex+set}" = set; then
configure:  withval="$with_latex"
configure:  latexdir=$withval
configure:  latexdir=`kpsewhich base/latex.ltx`
configure:  latexdir=`echo $latexdir | sed -e 's;/base/latex.ltx;;'`
configure:  latexdir=$prefix/share/texmf/tex/latex
configure:  as_ac_File=`echo "ac_cv_file_$latexdir/base/latex.ltx" |
configure:echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $latexdir/base/latex.ltx"
configure:echo $ECHO_N "checking for $latexdir/base/latex.ltx...
$ECHO_C" >&6
configure:if test -r "$latexdir/base/latex.ltx"; then
configure:  latexdir=/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex
configure:  as_ac_File=`echo "ac_cv_file_$latexdir/base/latex.ltx" |
configure:echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $latexdir/base/latex.ltx"
configure:echo $ECHO_N "checking for $latexdir/base/latex.ltx...
$ECHO_C" >&6
configure:if test -r "$latexdir/base/latex.ltx"; then
configure:{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: Using $latexdir for LaTeX style file"
configure:echo "$as_me: Using $latexdir for LaTeX style file"
configure:s,@latexdir@,$latexdir,;t t,   [  --with-latex=PATH   specify path to LaTeX
installation ],   latexdir=$withval

[NTG-context] ConTeXt + asymptote

2006-04-21 Thread Renaud AUBIN

Hi all,

I like metapost but, according to the following mail (on the metapost

[metapost] MP vs. Asymptote
I don't want to start a flame, but since someone posted a message some
time ago mentioning Asymptote I got curious and I have to say that I was
very impressed, even if I still have some problems with it. However, it
seems a net improvement over MP, or not? Is there anyone with an
informed opinion over Asymptote? Might Asymptote be the killer of MP?

(and always thanks for the help I got here now and then...)

metapost mailing list

I wonder if someone has already tried to use asymptote with ConTeXt... IMHO, this doesn't seem obvious at all but I'm maybe wrong...



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