[NTG-context] Bibliography problems

2006-01-05 Thread David Antos


I have several problems with the bibliography module in last stable

You can find a minimal (well, as minimal as I was able to prepare ;)
example at http://www.fi.muni.cz/~xantos/biblio-example.tgz .

First, starting with the second page of bibliography, the beginnings of
lines are not aligned to the left.

Moreover, some entries produce an empty line after them. It seems probable
that some unwanted spaces appear in the macros.

In "misc" entries, only authors and titles are typeset. See the very first
entry cited in the document (Ha\v{z}muk): it contains howpublished and
month and they are ignored. BTW, is the \cite inside the bibliography entry
likely to work?

Can I correct my setups somehow to override those problems?

Thanks a lot,

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
-- Mark Twain
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bibliography problems

2006-01-05 Thread David Antos
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 02:56:01PM +0100, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
>   http://tex.aanhet.net/bib/m-bib-beta-20051123b.zip
> That should take care of your first points.


yes, it works great!

> Last I checked, \cite within the biblist typesets correctly,
> but it does not actually make the record appear in the list
> unless it is also cited elsewhere.

Great, it's pretty reasonable.

Two minor issues:
I've included URL's into notes in bib file in the following format
  note = {\useURL[http://www.obfuscation.org/ipf/]

It used to work well, with the latest version, the finishing ']' gets
typeset. I've tried to surround the fiinal \url macro with {} but it does
not work.

And finally, I refer to bibliography in many chapters, so I need
in order to make the complete list. I refer to publications in the appendix
that is placed *after* the bibliography. The entry from the appendix is
not typeset by \placepublications.

What is the correct \setuplist in this case?

Thanks a lot,

The crew should smile, wave to farmers, people on tractors, law enforcement,
anyone else who is watching the balloon, and be polite at all times.
-- FAA Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bibliography problems

2006-01-05 Thread David Antos
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 07:03:03PM +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> I don't know how to remove this little "bug", but I would insert URLs
> in the following way:


systematically, sure ;)

> to get an active url in the document. (Taco, what are the square
> brackets doing around the url in the resulting pdf?)

Is there an easy way to remove the right square bracket? I don't need
clickable URL's and I'm under extreme time pressure now. I'm sorry to say,
but I'd be happy for an ugly hack ;)

Thanks a lot,

...Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows NT (also known as the Good, the Bad, and
the Ugly).
-- Matt Welsh
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bibliography problems

2006-01-07 Thread David Antos
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 08:46:13PM +0100, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> Removing 'url' from  the bibcommandlist (line 440 of t-bib.tex) should
> work out OK in your case.
> A 'nice' solution needs quite some thinking


it works fine. Thanks a lot!

I have discovered a small typo in the bibl-apa.tex file: it uses "et.al."
in many places. I believe that the correct form does not contain the dot
after "et".


Parental advisory: explicit mathematical expressions.
-- Mgr. Miloš Liška
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] making posters with ContexT

2006-05-24 Thread David Antos
On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 10:55:58PM +0100, batela wrote:
> I am trying to making a scientifique poster in Context. I need some 
> suggestions,
> foreground an example, to start. Somebody has a nice example to share?
> What is the correct scales for the fonts?


I always start tasks like that by setting the paper size and switching
\showframe ;). About the font size: the poster should be readable from 1.5
meter distance. It's good to start from at least 24 pt. You surely realise
that you have to be extremely concise in your texts, so you may end up at
something like 21 pt (which is suboptimal but acceptable).

Attached you find an example (figures not included). Feel free to modify
it, share and enjoy.

> Jorge

BTW, we'd appreciate if you used your real name in the From: header.

Have a nice towel day,

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
% vim: set ft=context syn=tex:
% This is FPL 2003 poster
% $Id: fpl2003-poster.tex,v 1.6 2003/08/26 11:36:49 antos Exp $

% General setup


% Layout, backgrounds, graphical elements



% Other style settings





\setupfootertexts[\hfill\x Typeset with \ConTeXt\quad\quad
Designed by David Anto\v s, 2003]




{\tfd\bf Project of IPv6 Router with FPGA Hardware Accelerator}


{\bf Ji\v r\'{\i} Novotn\'y}\crlf
Institute of Computer Science\crlf
Masaryk University Brno\crlf
Botanick\'a~68a, Brno 602\thinspace00\crlf
Czech Republic\crlf

{\bf Otto Fu\v c\'{\i}k}\crlf
Faculty of Information Technology\crlf
Brno University of Technology\crlf
Bo\v{z}et\v{e}chova~2, Brno 612\thinspace66\crlf
Czech Republic\crlf

{\bf David Anto\v{s}}\crlf
Faculty of Informatics\crlf
Masaryk University Brno\crlf
Botanick\'a~68a, Brno 602\thinspace00\crlf
Czech Republic\crlf 



% Logos and rule


% Text itself starts here



Personal Computer (PC) as a router is
\item Reliable and highly functional
\item Comparable to middle-class routers (e.g., CISCO~7500)
\item Configurable with difficulties (via \type{/etc} files)
\item Limited mainly by PCI system bus (up to 2~Gbps with 64bit/66MHz bus)

The goal of the \externalfigure[liberouter][height=0.5\baselineskip]{}
project: IPv6 router solving
those limitations. How?
\item Hardware accelerator {\em Combo6}
\item XML based configuration system {\em Netopeer}

\chapter{Router Architecture}

Combo6 is a PCI card containing FPGA, memories (SSRAMs and DRAM), expansion
connectors, and supporting logic. Network interfaces are mounted on an
expansion daughter card for interfaces to be changed easily.


Design rules (just pure instance of {\em hardware/software codesign}
\item Packet switching and filtering will be performed by Combo6
\item PC can do the rest; routing path calculations, configuration,
statistics computation
\item Communication through PCI is limited to configuration, routing table
updates, statistics collection, and exception handling
\item Usual Operating System tools can be used, like \type{ifconfig} and
routing daemons

\chapter{Packet Processing in Hardware}

Key idea: Packet processing in FPGA is done by a chain of dedicated
processors with simple, specialized instruction sets designed for their
particular purposes. We call them {\em nanoprocessors}---they are
interpreted by FPGA's microcode. Instruction sets are \quotation{between
FSMs and RISC processors.}

\item Changing nanoprograms in runtime is possible (with no need of VHDL

Re: [NTG-context] How to get a PhD with ConTeXt (+ hard work ;) )

2006-10-29 Thread David Antos
On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 11:50:08PM +0200, Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> Maybe some of yours (from the ConTeXt POV) can be interested by my PhD
> dissertation and my presentation (both in french)...

Hi all,

I'll also give a link to a PhD ``sample document'' ;). You can find my PhD
thesis at http://sitola.fi.muni.cz/~antos/thesis.pdf

Well, it isn't as complex as Renaud's work (talking about typography, it's
a high-level science, of course ;))), someone may be interested in
algorithm typesetting.

I'd like to thank Hans for his kind support (to name an example, today, a
mechanism for named numbered lemmas is part of ConTeXt).


We can predict everything, except the future.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] How to get a PhD with ConTeXt (+ hard work ;) )

2006-11-06 Thread David Antos
On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 02:57:51PM +0100, Oliver Buerschaper wrote:
> May I ask a newbie question? How did you create the lemmas?


today, lemmas can be based on description/enumeration mechanism (I believe
it's been in ConTeXt since circa January 2006).

Descriptions now accept parameter title=yes. Using that, you can provide a
title to the description. Have a look into core-des.tex.

> I found a mysterious "startlemma" in core-des.tex via the ConTeXt
> garden source browser but

Naturally, the example of lemma definition is commented out ;)

\defineenumeration[lemma][title=yes, titlestyle=\bs, list=lemma]
into your document and try to use
\startlemma{title of the lemma}
blah blah

Check parameters of descriptions in the manual, you can find some options
related to the title mechanism.


P.S.: I've achieved the same functionality by means of ugly hacks that
depend on ConTeXt version strongly.  That's why I don't send you my

Some perverse mathematicians use brackets backwards, to denote
``open intervals.''
-- Donald Knuth, The TeXbook
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Czech patterns in TeXlive2003

2003-09-30 Thread David Antos


Petr Olsak has changed slightly Czech pattern file czhyph.tex for
TeXlive2003, it's a bit `Babelized' now. It produces \errmessage for
Babel's \addlanguage being \undefined. It also contains several ugly
hacks to make both plain and LaTeX read \v and \' syntax for Czech
accents, and finally it reads czhyphen.tex containing real patterns.

The result is that generating ConTeXt format ends with the \errmessage.
Simple workaround is to change alias in cont-usr.tex to pattern files
from czhyph.tex to czhyphen.tex. My discussion with Petr Olsak suggests
to make a more systematic correction: to add a test into czhyph.tex and
make it directly read czhyphen.tex if ConTeXt is detected.

This needs two things to make sure:
1. Is it OK to read patterns with \v and \' syntax into ConTeXt?
2. Is there a way to detect ConTeXt in order to put into czhyph.tex
something like:

\ifx\\undefined \else
% for ConTeXt
\input czhyphen.tex
\endinput \fi

Is there a more systematic/clean solution? Or shall I ask Petr Olsak to
change this in the czhyph.tex file?


Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Czech patterns in TeXlive2003

2003-10-06 Thread David Antos
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 05:19:56PM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
> Ah ... i just found that out yesterday and had on my agenda to ask you to 
> look into it. I have now adapted cont-usr.tex and commented:
> % \definefilesynonym [lang-cz.pat]  [czhyph.tex]
> % \definefilesynonym [lang-cz.pat]  [skhyph.tex]
> maybe you can trigger on:
> \contextversion


we have prepared a new czhyph.tex file. It detect ConTeXt and reads
patterns directly in that case. ConTeXt and TeXlive2003 users, just
replace czhyph.tex with the attached file.

(Hope it works :-)


For God's sake, stop researching for a while and begin to think!

Description: TeX document

Re: [NTG-context] Czech patterns in TeXlive2003

2003-10-17 Thread David Antos
On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 12:45:06AM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
> >we have prepared a new czhyph.tex file. It detect ConTeXt and reads
> >patterns directly in that case. ConTeXt and TeXlive2003 users, just
> >replace czhyph.tex with the attached file.
> >
> >(Hope it works :-)
> looks ok to me, how about the slovak patterns?

I'm pretty sure that's exactly the same problem, I'll write Petr Olsak
about that. We have forgotten our former federal frieds :-)

> I assume that this patch goes into the tex live repository

Sure, I'll do my best to push Olsak to propagate the changes.


Some people claim that the UNIX learning curve is steep, but at least you
only have to climb it once.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Czech patterns in TeXlive2003

2003-11-05 Thread David Antos
On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 12:45:06AM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
> I assume that this patch goes into the tex live repository


I've tried to propagate the changes into TeXlive, so I posted it to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. The list seems completely dead, even its
long-time members I know of report that their posts get lost. Do you
have an idea what happens there?


For God's sake, stop researching for a while and begin to think!
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Czech support (Was: Re: does context support vietnamese?)

2004-11-17 Thread David Antos
On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 11:05:21AM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
> The Thanh Han wrote:
> >What is the current status of context support for czech?


Hyphenation patterns work OK for Czech. Settings for Czech seem to be
reasonable (I'd only redefine subsentence setting and mainly date),
generated words (Chapter, ...) work fine, at least it is easy to
redefine them to one's personal taste :-)

System messages and names of macros are available in Czech (although I
cannot imagine anyone who would use them; things like "nastavramovani"
for setupframed seem really perverted to me:-).

Index sorting is missing in the distribution; in any case, Czech sorting
rules are really ugly and need incorporation of Cz::Sort into texutil. I
don't keep an eye on ConTeXt development very carefully so I might be
out-of-sync, nevertheless it'd be nice to have a sorting module
pluggable into texutil (just a suggestion).

The Czech support is based on master thesis of Tomas Hudec. After
finishing his study, he disappeared and I have no knowledge about him.
Fortunately, I have the complete sources of his work, so the missing
parts could be filled. I've prepared a Bc. thesis assignment saying in
fact "take Tomas' thesis and make it really work" but I haven't manage
anybody to do that :-(

Currently, I'm pretty busy (and use ConTeXt to write in English), so if
a Czech speaking ConTeXt user wants to have a look at it, I can send
him/her the archive.


I either want less decadence or more chance to participate in it.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bugs

2004-11-19 Thread David Antos
On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 02:19:56PM +, Dirar BOUGATEF wrote:
> I have noticed that align=right aligns text on the left edge of a frame 
> where it should align left as it says (and left aligns right).
> Is this normal ?

Sure. Think of it as ragged-right and ragged-left. This is one of the
first questions in all ConTeXt FAQs, it has deep historical reasons, and
it constantly confuses beginners :-)


* 14 Mar 1978
# (Came in evening after sleeping most of day, to get computer at better time.)
# (Some day we will have personal computers and will live more normally.)
-- Donald E. Knuth in errorlog.tex
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bugs

2004-11-19 Thread David Antos
On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 04:15:34PM +0100, Christopher Creutzig wrote:
> >Sure. Think of it as ragged-right and ragged-left. This is one of the
> >first questions in all ConTeXt FAQs, it has deep historical reasons, and
>  If nothing important has crept past me, being the first question in 
> all ConTeXt FAQs is something trivially true, given the number of 
> ConTeXt FAQs in existence. :-))

You're a mathematician, aren't you :-) Have a look at
http://contextgarden.net/, great material is there.

And this is documented in http://contextgarden.net/Right_and_left,
nevertheless, you're right, it isn't an FAQ :-)


The Czechs announced after Sputnik that they, too, would launch a satellite.
Of course, it would orbit Sputnik, not Earth!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Request: translation of texshow-web

2004-11-22 Thread David Antos
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 06:03:39PM +0100, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
> headaches... So I am looking for some native speakers to help me


I can do the Czech translation.


Jim Hacker: "Humphrey, do you see it as part of your job to help
Ministers make fools of themselves?"
Sir Humphrey: "Well, I never met one that needed any help."
-- Yes, Minister (The Right to Know)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] French quotes ..

2004-12-13 Thread David Antos
On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 12:31:44PM +, Dirar BOUGATEF wrote:
> French quotes look like this : << my text >>, where english ones look like 
> this: "my text".
> Of course, am using the  \mainlanguage[fr] option in my document.


if \mainlanguage[fr] is set, \quotation{my quoted text} should typeset
the strange French quotes.


Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Bib module produces no output

2005-01-02 Thread David Antos


bib module of 30-8-2004 produces no bibliography list on
\placepublications with ConTeXt 2004.12.17 (last stable) and/or latest

The workaround is to use
somewhere in the setup.

Can you please make including the whole bibliography make the default?
I'm pretty sure that's what everybody expects :-)


Women have a wonderful instinct about things.  They can discover
everything except the obvious.
-- Oscar Wilde: An Ideal Husband
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bib module produces no output

2005-01-03 Thread David Antos
On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 03:58:15PM +0100, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> This item has remained on my todo list because the 'criterium=all' 
> seemed at the time to be a bug in context itself. Will fix soon.


thanks, nevertheless, more things seem to be broken with lists now.

I often use

It should (and used to) produce a list with dot leaders between names
and page numbers. It doesn't in the last stable. (I've tried to look
into core-lst, but it's too complicated for me :-)

Alternatives a, b, and c produce number-title-spaces-pagenumber,
d, e, f, and g seem to be correct.

Can you please have a look?


Sir Humphrey: "The purpose of minutes is not to record events, it is
to protect people."
-- Yes, Prime Minister (Official Secrets)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bib module produces no output

2005-01-03 Thread David Antos

Hello Hans,

On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 12:17:34PM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
> >Alternatives a, b, and c produce number-title-spaces-pagenumber,
> >d, e, f, and g seem to be correct.
> >
> >Can you please have a look?
> ah, some dutch left-overs in the interface translation:
> search for variant in core-lst,tex:

sorry, I don't follow you :-(. What I'm saying is that alternatives a,
b, and c produce the same result (equal to `b' setting).

I expect this to expand to the macros you've cited in the end, so I
expect that
should work.

> \def\@@lialternative
>   {\@@lialternativeb}
> \@@lialternativeb
> (even better: \setvalue{\??li\c!alternative a}% )

OK, how should this help? I've tried all of them in the setup (with
other alternatives like a or c, too), only the first \def goes without
error and has no effect, though.

Thanks and sorry for being a bit slow,

Q:  How many hardware engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A:  None.  We'll fix it in software.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bib module produces no output

2005-01-04 Thread David Antos
On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 11:00:51AM +0100, Christopher Creutzig wrote:
>  Definitely not.  I don't know about you, but I'd very much prefer to
> use the same .bib file for different articles/texts.  Numerous groups
> in this and other universities even use a collective .bib file for
> all the researchers.  (We are just doing too diverse things in this
> group for that.)


don't worry, that is not the point. What I wanted is to include all
bibliographies cited in the work, not just the current chapter (which is
empty if you have a separate "bibliography chapter").

It has nothing to do with choosing the entries from .bib file. This
should include cited entries only and all entries as an option (as we're
used to).


In host we trust
-- Cheswick, Bellowin, Rubin: Firewalls and Internet Security
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] New ConTeXt cz interface installation problem

2005-01-11 Thread David Antos
On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 12:41:14PM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
> the integration of czech/slovak patterns in tex live is a mess, and among 
> the reasons for problems you will find:
> - files not in the right places (generic hyphen paths)
> - using non standard names (*hyphen where oithers use *hyph)
> - combined with a latex depency (in the *hyph ones)
> in spite of what you may think, tex distributions are not upward 
> compatible, and fonts and patterns are among the troublemakers.
> In your case: locate [cont-usr or so] where context tries to load czhyph 
> and replace that by czhyphen; same for sk* (so, contrary to other 
> languages, czech/slovak had the pattersn in the *hyphen files); in your 
> current setup something "t1code.tex" is loaded and i don't even want to 
> think about what interference can come from that -)


just a comment. In TeXlive2003, czhyph.tex contains first

  \errmessage{This file can be used only in babelised formats!}

to test if the format is babelised. If the test succeeds it just reads
czhyphen.tex. I asked Petr Olsak either to remove this stupid test from
that file or to add a test for ConTeXt. We prepared a hack that I tried
to propagate into TeXlive, but after asking several times on texlive
mailing list I gave up. After reading a discussion on LaTeX Czech
support (and its backwards compatibility) in the CSTUG mailing list, I
like ConTeXt way of multilanguage support even more :-)

The path of least resistence is probably to make cont-usr.tex to point
directly to the actual position of czhyphen.tex directly :-(, sigh...


Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Displayed math--vertical space

2005-02-01 Thread David Antos


I started to typeset real math in ConTeXt :-) and the following issue
occurred in vertical positioning. I know about start/stopformula,
nevertheless I suppose that good old $$ should work, too.

A short line followed by a formula
$$\bigcup_{1\le n}$$
a text follows in the same paragraph. The big cup is too
close to the text.

If a displayed formula has enough text above
$$\bigcup_{1\le n}$$
the problem does not appear at all. The vertical space around the formula
is very nice here.

The only difference is whether the line above the formula goes more to the
right than the beginning the formula.



Jim Hacker: "Would you be surprised, for instance, if a British aircraft
carrier turned up in the Central African Republic?"
Sir Humphrey: "Well, I for one, Minister, would be very surprised; it's
a 1,000 miles inland."
-- Yes, Minister (The Whisky Priest)
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Czech compound word handling

2005-02-02 Thread David Antos


would it be possible to define || for compound words to act as
\discretionary{-}{-}{-}? In Czech, the hyphen for compound words should
be repeated in the following line.


Try to remove the color-problem by restarting your computer several times.
-- Microsoft-Internet Explorer README.TXT
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Czech compound word handling

2005-02-02 Thread David Antos
On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 03:46:00PM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
> \en \dorecurse{100}{test||}test \endgraf
> \cz \dorecurse{100}{test||}test \endgraf

Wow, that's exactly what we need. I suggest to make this also
default setting for Czech.

Thank you,

Jim Hacker: "Humphrey, do you see it as part of your job to help
Ministers make fools of themselves?"
Sir Humphrey: "Well, I never met one that needed any help."
-- Yes, Minister (The Right to Know)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Czech compound word handling

2005-02-02 Thread David Antos
On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 04:19:51PM +0100, Vit Zyka wrote:
> This mechanism is already present in the ConTeXt: use |_| like 
> "bude|_|li". Unfortunately, AFAIK there are two drawbacks:


this ispired an idea: would it be possible to make the characters
configurable? I.e. to have in fact || configurable for pre-break,
post-break, and no-break character? I think it might be generic enough
for most languages.

Say, we would have
\setuphyphenmark[.. = ..]
sign ... (for backwards compatibility, would set up all the following)
presign ...
postsign ...
nosign ...


I am not a researcher, I am a key researcher!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] csr fonts in last ConTeXt

2005-03-04 Thread David Antos
On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 03:18:34PM +0100, Michal Kvasnička wrote:
> A couple of days ago I have reinstalled my computer and installed the 
> newest ConTeXt as well (TeXExec 5.2.4, ConTeXt  ver: 2005.01.31). I 
> found that it could work under SuSE Linux 9.2 -- teTeX distribution. But 
> I also found that there is a change with csr fonts -- it is (at least in 
> the Czech interface) substituted with cmr fonts. What's the reason? How 
> could I change it againt to csr? (cmr fonts don't have accented letters.)


quick and dirty way may be \setupbodyfont[csr] in the document.

Systematically, my (older) cont-cz.tex contains
\setupbodyfont [csr,ams,rm,12pt]
What does your cont-cz.tex set?


A dissertation thesis should bring some new knowledge to the mankind.
-- Petr Sojka
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Recomputing useMPgraphic in footers

2005-05-09 Thread David Antos


I have




The problem is that the graphics is not re-computed on every page,
although I pretty convinced it should.

On the opposite, when I set
it works perfectly well. (The difference is in [footer] vs. [text].)

An ugly workaround is to call \setupbackgrounds on every page, but it's
not nice at all. What went wrong?


Trust no man, not even your brother
With hair one colour and beard another
-- Ty Semaka (The Plaid Tongued Devils): never drown a cat
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Small logo ConTeXt

2005-07-03 Thread David Antos
VnPenguin wrote:
>Just made (modif from another one in fact) a small logo "Powered by
>ConTeXt" for our Weekly News homepage at http://vnoss.net/bantin/.
>Logo: http://vnoss.net/bantin/img/powered-by-context.png

Do you have a vector source? It would be lovely for the first page of a
technical report :-)


I don't know why it should be, I am sure; but the sight of another man
asleep in bed when I am up, maddens me.
-- Jerome K. Jerome: Three Man in a Boat
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Enumeration numbering broken

2005-07-13 Thread David Antos


in the following example, I'm pretty sure that it should produce Lemmas and
Theorems numbered continuously (i.e., one common counter for both of them)
and moreover, the numbers should (due to bychapter) be preceded by chapter
number. In ConTeXt 2005.06.27, the enumerations are counted separately and
chapter number prefix is missing.

Interestingly, if Lemma and Theorem blocks are swapped, they become really
Theorem 1 and Lemma 2. The chapter number is still missing.

Has the mechanism been changed or am I doing anything wrong?





This should be Lemma 1.1

This should be Theorem 1.2



Many rewrites, a hard-drive crash, a laptop being stolen, a couple of
corrupted filesystems and one broken screen later, here it is.
-- Rusty Russel: Linux 2.4 Packet Filtering HOWTO
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Enumeration numbering broken

2005-07-14 Thread David Antos
On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 11:11:42AM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> >in the following example, I'm pretty sure that it should produce Lemmas and
> >Theorems numbered continuously (i.e., one common counter for both of them)
> There has been a rather large set of changes to code core-des.tex
> for the 2005.05.25 release, and that seems the likely cause of this
> change. I do not understand this bit of ConTeXt good enough to come
> up with a patch, sorry.


yes, I've upgraded from an older release (something like 2005.01.xx) and it
worked before.

Hans, could you please have a look?


Trust no man, not even your brother
With hair one colour and beard another
-- Ty Semaka (The Plaid Tongued Devils): never drown a cat
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Enumeration numbering broken

2005-07-20 Thread David Antos
On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 09:49:54PM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
> i found the cause ... (quick hack for your doc: set way=bychapter for 
> both); when i cleaned up the code i let numbers inherit in the wrong way 
> btw what exactly was you problem with inbetween? 


no problem with inbetween; the inbetween setting was necessary just because
I used paragraph indents (and no vertical space) and I wanted the Theorems
to be

Theorem x.y
No indent is here

and not

Theorem x.y
   Paragraph indent here
looks really ugly

So my example was small, but not really minimal :-)


Jim Hacker: "You are the Cabinet Secretary. You must insist that we get
papers circulated earlier."
Sir Humphrey: "Alas, there are grave problems about circulating papers
before they are written."
-- Yes, Prime Minister
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Czech sorting rules

2005-08-09 Thread David Antos


I've tried to find something relevant about the terrible Czech sorting :-)

The first thing to note is that there is a standard (from 1970 or so) that
is not implementable in fact, it requires such stupid sorts like Karel IV <
Karel III as one should sort it as the numbers were written in words
(ctvrty, treti) :-)

So in practice, there are more-or-less accurate approximations. Quite good
intro is http://www.vitsoft.info/sortkit.htm

The sorting is considered very reasonable if it conforms with order stated
in http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/l10n/cssort/cssort.table . Characters on
a single line in the table are considered equivalent. Note the `ch'
character that is sorted between h and i. This table contains accented
letters that are not used in Czech (like crossed l, z dot above). It should
IMHO be also completely OK for Slovak (as they, I hope, inherited the

I think that it would be completely OK to sort according to that table
taking chars on single lines as equivalent. The modules the table is from
implements a four-pass sorting algorithm that reflects pretty damn rules,
see http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/l10n/cssort/csort.c .

An example of sorted sequences is
http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/l10n/cssort/sort.tab .

The question is if it is reasonable to implement it internally in ConTeXt
or to use an external module. An external Perl module was prepared by Tom
Hudec once (he even modified the sorting table, he preferred all letters
with `hacek (\v{})' to be greater than without \v. If you consider
internal ConTeXt implementation feasible, I'd be happy if you commented the
sorting macros a bit, so that I could contact native Czech users and
fine-tune it. I'd like to consult it with our Czech TeX frieds, I don't
feel myself to be a sorting expert (it's quite tricky, isn't it).


Early to rise, early to bed, makes a man healthy, wealthy and dead.
-- Terry Pratchett, "The Light Fantastic"
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Suitable mechanism for Theorems and Definitions

2005-08-19 Thread David Antos


I've used enumeration features for typesetting Theorems, Lemmas, and
Definitions. Two extra requirements appeared. Is this possible to create
lists of those entities (something like \placelistofTheorems :-)?

And is there a way to add names to them, resulting in something like

Definition 4.3: Interval Decision Diagram Node

Or is there a more suitable way to do this (taking into account that I
prefer numbering Theorems, Lemmas, and Definitions in a single number
line)? "You have to program it yourself on top of enumeration" is of course
a valid answer, I just don't want to do something that is built in :-


DCT itself provides a lossless compression and actually doesn't
compress anything.
-- Miloš Liška
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Suitable mechanism for Theorems and Definitions

2005-08-21 Thread David Antos


I'll try to be more exact in my question to prevent empty answer now :-)

On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 11:48:34AM +0200, David Antos wrote:
> I've used enumeration features for typesetting Theorems, Lemmas, and
> Definitions. Two extra requirements appeared. Is this possible to create
> lists of those entities (something like \placelistofTheorems :-)?
> And is there a way to add names to them, resulting in something like
> Definition 4.3: Interval Decision Diagram Node
> blahblah

What I need is to enrich enumerations by the possibility to write into
list. How can I get the number of the current enumeration? The resulting
list should be something like
Definition 4.3 ... pagenumber

I've managed something like
(hooked into inbetween of defineenumeration) work, but it works for the
first level of enumerations only (i.e., not for \subdefinition) (well, I
don't mind it so much, but there should be a better way indeed). What is
the "politically-correct" way of obtaining the "4.3" number?

Second: I want some of the definitions to have names (to appear in the
list, too). The idea now is to re-define \startDefinition so that it
1. globaly defines a macro for the content of the name
2. the old \startDefinition will typeset
Definition 4.3: Interval Decision Diagram Node
and puts
Definition 4.3 (Interval ...) ... pagenumber
into the list, both by means of hooking into "inbetween".

Is this "simple enough" or is there a better way to do this? BTW, is it
reasonable to enrich enumerations with the possibility to create lists and
with "names"? What would be great for things like definitions and lemmas is
something that combines descriptions (that have names but no numbering) and
enumerations (that have exactly the opposite features).

Thank you,

Sir Humphrey: "The purpose of minutes is not to record events, it is
to protect people."
-- Yes, Prime Minister (Official Secrets)
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Lists moved to the right

2005-08-21 Thread David Antos


in ConTeXt 2005.08.19, lists are typeset moved slightly to the right, it
seems that an extra space appeared in the macros. I've tested it with

BTW, is there an "official" place for reporting bugs? I've a feeling that
I've seen some Mantis or Bugzilla running, but I lost my bookmark and it's
really well hidden :-)


Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Suitable mechanism for Theorems and Definitions

2005-08-21 Thread David Antos

Hello Taco,

On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 05:43:02PM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> The "a while" turned out to be around 1999, and the code (hack) I
> used back then is no longer even remotely usable (for one because
> context was still in dutch, then), but I'll see if I can update my
> patch.

:-), that's great :-).

In the meantime, I solved the second part, i.e., adding the additional
describing text. It goes somehow like this (well, it's a hack, but it

% MathParagraph is the enumeration (it ensures references and numbering,
% and typesetting all the texts). In command, it calls a macro that refers
% to \MathParagraphType etc.

\def\dostartLemma[#1]#2 {%

So I can use
\startLemma[reference]{Algorithm xyz terminates}

I came to the idea to misuse command= to typeset the header and write to
the list, it is given an argument containing the number of the enumeration.
Anyway, it is not easy to feed it into \expanded{\writetolist...} as the
argument is something with \edef and a pile of pretty ugly macros :-), so I
still use \precedingsectionnumber\numberMathParagraph :-(

To sum up, a good way to obtain current enumeration number (in a form that
goes into lists, etc.)  would be completely enough, provided that one
writes hacks to solve the rest (and does end up finding the real macro
names with \tracingmacros=1 :-)). Creating something like
enumerateddescription (a description with names and possibility to write
lists) would be much nicer, of course :-))

Thank you very much,

P.S.: Hans said once that a Dutch mathematical journal is typeset with
ConTeXt. Do you have an idea how they typeset theorems?

Two million robots: (Once a tune has been worked out, the accompaniment
  should be played on a very echoey synthesiser whilst the two million
  robots sing exactly a flattened fifth out of tune. It will sound more
  ghastly than you can possibly imagine.)
-- Douglas Adams (in a script of H2G2 radio series)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Suitable mechanism for Theorems and Definitions

2005-08-24 Thread David Antos
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 10:01:44PM +0200, Rob Ermers wrote:
> In David's mail I found one of the problem I had been thinking of too, 
> and I tried his code. Unfortionately, it does not work.
> A case consists of the following elements:
> Case 1Eating fruit is healthy
> Text text text - case description --


I've sent Rob my style file in full, the excerpt in the mail was not
indended to run, only as a demonstration of the idea. (If anyone wants to
share my styles and hacks, I'll eventually publish it on the Wiki. It is
now quite unstable but I have quite brute-force macros to typeset
algorithms. Ugly but suits me fine :-)

I'm pretty sure that Rob's "case descriptions" are completely the same as
my named theorems, at least in terms of macro mechanisms needed.

BTW, does anyone know the correct way to obtain current description
generated number? Just asking again... ;-)


Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
-- Mark Twain
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Suitable mechanism for Theorems and Definitions

2005-08-25 Thread David Antos


On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 12:07:56PM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> Not sure if you are still interested, but here is my "optional title"

sure I am :-) (And so I expect Rob to be :-)

> hack, revamped for a modern context distro. It creates a second
> extra optional argument for the enumeration, nothing too fancy.
> The example also shows a way in which you can access the number.

Thank you very much.

> This does not solve the list generation, sorry.

List generation is easy to add if one knows how to get the number :-)

Thank you,

- Please relax, - said the voice pleasantly, like a stewardess in  an
airliner with only one wing and two engines one of which is on fire, -
you are perfectly safe.
-- Douglas Adams, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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