[obrolan-bandar] Forum dikusi bisnis dan pekerjaan

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik wempy wijaya
Selain berkecimpung dalam dunia saham, saya yakin anda pun memiliki bisnis atau 
Dan didalam menjalankan bisnis atau pekerjaan kita kadang terbentur oleh 
Saya sangat yakin hal tsb disebut "SULIT" krn kekurangpahaman dan ketidaktahuan 
Oleh karena itu millist ini dibuat dg tujuan untuk saling bertukar pengalaman 
dalam dunia bisnis dan pekerjaan.
saya yakin banyak dari temen-temen mempunyai pengalaman yg begitu luar biasa 
untuk dibagikan di tempat ini.
Baik itu pengalaman kegagalan maupun pengalaman keberhasilan.
Didalam millist ini jg kita bs saling bertanya mengenai pekerjaan kita,
yg mungkin kita bingung atau mengalami kesulitan tentang sesuatu hal dalam 
pekerjaan kita...
intinya dg kita saling bersama-sama berbagi, semoga puncak kesuksesan bisa kita 
daki bersama..

Salam sukses untuk kita semua..

Nb. Untuk bergabung cukup kirim email kosong ke alamat dibawah ini ..


Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

[obrolan-bandar] Nickel could get back towards $30,000 a ton

2008-06-13 Terurut Topik wempy wijaya
BHP to Shut Nickel Furnace for Revamp Ahead of Plans (Update3) 

By Rebecca Keenan
June 12 (Bloomberg) -- BHP Billiton Ltd., the world's largest mining company, 
will shutdown a nickel smelter and refinery in Western Australia for four 
months, limiting supply and sending prices of the metal higher. 
An earlier-than- planned rebuild of the Kalgoorlie smelter furnace will reduce 
nickel sales by a total of 28,000 metric tons, the Melbourne-based company said 
today in a statement. The Kwinana refinery, the world's third-largest producer 
of the refined metal, will be shutdown during the rebuild, the company said. 
``It's about 2 percent of global nickel supply and that's a fair amount,'' Mark 
Pervan, senior commodity strategist at Australia and New Zealand Banking Group 
Ltd., said today by phone from Melbourne. ``It would put a nice floor under the 
nickel price. It won't be huge but it could get back towards $30,000 a ton.'' 
Nickel in London rose as much as 6 percent today to $24.585, extending gains 
this month on concern power disruptions in Western Australia and declining 
stockpiles will crimp supply. Nickel usage will climb to a record this year as 
output of stainless steel recovers, the International Nickel Study Group said 
in April. 
BHP fell A$1.64, or 3.8 percent, to A$41.80 at the 4:10 p.m. Sydney time close 
on the Australian stock exchange. The stock has risen 4.1 percent this year, 
while the benchmark index has declined 16 percent. 
Australian Cuts 
Minara Resources Ltd., Australia's second-largest nickel producer, cut output 
forecasts this week after a fire at a natural gas plant slashed supplies of the 
fuel in Western Australia by 30 percent. Annual nickel production may fall by 
as much as 23 percent, Minara said. BHP also was affected by the outage and 
natural gas used at Kalgoorlie will be reallocated to the Worsley alumina 
refinery, the company said today. 
BHP stands to gain the most from any increase in the nickel price, compared 
with Anglo American Plc, Cia. Vale do Rio Doce and Rio Tinto Group, according 
to an April report by ING Bank NV. BHP's profit increases by $50 million for 
every 25 cent per pound gain in the nickel price, it said. Xstrata's profit 
would rise by $35 million, it said. 
BHP's stainless steel division, which includes the nickel business, was BHP's 
biggest unit by sales last year, with earnings before interest and tax tripling 
to $3.7 billion. BHP produced 186,300 tons of nickel in the year ending June 
30, 2007. 
Nickel Mines 
The Kalgoorlie smelter processes ore from BHP's Kambalda and Leinster nickel 
mines in Western Australia. Once smelted the product is railed to the Kwinana 
refinery and then onto the Port of Fremantle for export. 
The Kalgoorlie smelter normally produces about 100,000 tons of nickel-in-matte 
a year, the company said. It supplies the Kwinana refinery and international 
BHP also buys ore from nearby nickel producers, including Mincor Resources NL, 
and processes the ore at the smelter. BHP is planning to stockpile nickel 
concentrate at the smelter, though the company hasn't given a ``a definitive 
guarantee everything will continue on business as usual,'' Mincor said today in 
a statement.  


[obrolan-bandar] ABOUT : bnbr

2008-05-22 Terurut Topik wempy wijaya
  Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) BUY (Maintain)
  Price : Rp540 Target Price: Rp680
  BNBR : Bumi At A Discount
  • BNBR still undervalue, 94.2% assets are listing companies. Berdasarkan
  perhitungan kami, market value PT Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) berdasarkan harga 
  BUMI, ELTY, ENRG, BTEL dan UNSP adalah sebesar Rp681/shm, sehingga harga pasar
  BNBR di Rp530/shm masih terdiscount 20.7% dari underlying sahamnya. Discount 
  dinilai kurang fair mengingat 94.2% asset BNBR merupakan perusahaan yang 
telah listing
  di pasar yang likuiditasnya tinggi. Conglomerate discount biasanya diterapkan 
  sum of part valuation (SOTP) berdasarkan target harga dari anak perusahaan 
karena ada
  faktor resiko sebagai holding company dan resiko apabila target harga tidak 
  • Get BUMI at 21% discount. Kontribusi terbesar value BNBR adalah BUMI, yaitu 
  70.4% sehingga BNBR merupakan proxy memiliki saham BUMI. Market value BNBR 
  Rp681/saham mencerminkan value BUMI yang masih terdiscount 20.7%. Dari nilai 
  BNBR sebesar Rp540/saham, value BUMI sendiri bernilai Rp479/saham dan sisa
  Rp61/saham merupakan value dari underlying saham lainnya termasuk divisi 
  Dengan memiliki saham BNBR, investor secara tidak langsung memiliki saham 
BUMI pada
  harga discount dan underlying saham lainnya secara cuma-cuma.