RE: printing a certificate

2010-06-01 Thread Arunkumar Manickam
Look at openssl-*/apps/x509.c


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dallas Clement
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 9:50 AM
Subject: printing a certificate


Would someone kindly tutor me on how to print out a certificate
programmatically?  I know how to extract the common name, but was just
wondering if there is an API function to just print the whole thing in
human readable form?

   X509 *pX509Peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate( pSsl );
   if ( pX509Peer != 0 )
  // Extract the common name from the peer's certificate
  X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID( X509_get_subject_name( pX509Peer ),
 NID_commonName, commonName,
commonNameBufferSize );

OpenSSL Project
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OpenSSL Project
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printing a certificate

2010-06-01 Thread Dallas Clement

Would someone kindly tutor me on how to print out a certificate
programmatically?  I know how to extract the common name, but was just
wondering if there is an API function to just print the whole thing in
human readable form?

   X509 *pX509Peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate( pSsl );
   if ( pX509Peer != 0 )
  // Extract the common name from the peer's certificate
  X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID( X509_get_subject_name( pX509Peer ),
 NID_commonName, commonName,
commonNameBufferSize );

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Openssl req command

2010-06-01 Thread Jamrock
"Dave Thompson"  wrote in
> > From: On
Behalf Of Jamrock
> > Sent: Sunday, 30 May, 2010 06:35
> >  In the past I have created my certificates as follows:
> > /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA -newca
> >
> > openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem
> >
> > /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA -sign
> >
> > The /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA script has a -newreq option. $REQ
> > -new -keyout
> > newkey.pem -out newreq.pem $DAYS.
> >
> > This appears to put the key and the certificate in different
> > files. The
> > command I use appears to put the key and the certificate in a
> > single file.
> > What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
> >
> I guess/hope /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA is a copy (possibly modified) of
> or link to openssl's apps/; assuming so:
> Your method puts the Certificate Signing *Request* aka CSR
> and (unencrypted!) privatekey in one file. -sign does
>   openssl ca -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem -infiles newreq.pem
> so the *certificate* is in newcert.pem, and that's the (other) file
> you must give your application to use for this identity.
> In a real CA situation, where you send the CSR off somewhere
> to get a cert, you absolutely must not send your unencrypted
> private key, and having it in the same file risks that mistake.
> Even post-editing might not work; while no CA I've heard of
> uses MSWord files or PDF, if for example you paste your key+req
> into a vanilla HTML  and delete the key and then POST
> you're okay, but if that HTML used some 'helpful, convenient'
> scripting to 'make things better for the customer', or just to
> 'keep advertising annoyingly at every opportunity', it could
> easily have stored your key somewhere that later gets exposed.
> If you're careful pasting and your finger doesn't slip you can
> avoid this, but with separate files you don't have to worry.
> If you encrypted your privatekey, as is better practice, then
> there would be somewhat less security risk in sending it out,
> but still some since it's only protected by a human-memorable
> passphrase which almost never contains the 80ish bits of
> entropy needed nowadays (and likely more in the future).
> Plus it could confuse the CA, depending on the CA.
> But for your own CA like this there's no security issue,
> and 'openssl ca' in particular isn't confused by this format.
> Also, it is technically possible to create multiple CSRs
> and thus obtain multiple certs for the same key(pair),
> although I have never seen a desirable use-case. If you did
> do this, putting the CSRs in separate files would allow you
> to give them descriptive, necessarily different, filenames,
> which be a good idea in dealing with a situation that could
> easily be(come) confusing. (And the same for the certs.)

Thanks for the explanation.  I will test using 2 separate files.

The CA script is CentOS's version of the script.  The name was changed
a version or so ago.

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Client cert verification & SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list()

2010-06-01 Thread Dallas Clement
Hi All,

Could someone help me understand why there is a function
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list() for telling the client which CAs the
server will recognize but no function for telling the server which CAs
the client will recognize?   In other words, could you please explain
the asymmetry?  It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  Whether a
client or server I give the same cert bundle file argument to
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations().  It seems like the latter function
should be sufficient in determining which CAs are recognized.


OpenSSL Project
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RE: self-signed SSL certificates and trusted root certificate

2010-06-01 Thread Dave Thompson
> From: On Behalf Of Vieri
> Sent: Tuesday, 01 June, 2010 10:25

> --- On Fri, 5/28/10, Dave Thompson  wrote:

> > Are your clients only browsers (IE? FF?) or apps? 
> I was testing with IE6 but am now trying out FF 3.5.9. I when 
> to the advanced config options and tried to import the .der 
> file from the "Authority" tab. FF complains that "this is not 
> a certificate authority and cannot be imported". Tried both 
> cacert.der and cacert.pem.
> So before going any further with server certificates, I guess 
> I need to find out why FF refuses to import my CA certificate.

I think I found it, and it's an extension in the CA cert.

I normally use (by hand) the one-step way (req -new -x509) 
rather than the two-step sequence used by (req -new 
then ca -selfsign). My custom config has no extensions and 
produces v1, which FF likes, but two-step with standard config 
used [usr_cert] extensions which has basicConstraints=CA:false. 
The standard config file has a [v3_ca] section intended for 
CA cert(s) with CA:true, so it looks like the minimal fix is: 
on the $CA invocation at line 92+ add -extensions v3_ca . has that, and so does in 0.9.8m+ and 1.0.0b4+ 
(and also like -create_serial instead of write serial, 
but still not write crlnumber). (And in both asking for a 
'certificate' when we actually want a key if existing, is poor.)

I use multiple config files, and editing my CA config and 
doing two-step makes FF (3.5.9) happy (as does my one-step), 
but that editing would be a pain with standard single config.

Amazingly IE7 on testing likes even CA:false, which is crazy. 
Although knowing M$ there may be a registry setting somewhere -- 
or a dozen -- that it's not worth my time to track down.
I may try to dig up an old machine still on IE6 
and see if that is (was) any different/better.

> > And you chose for your CA name a unique value.
> "unique value for my CA name": are you referring to the CN / 
> Common Name? I guess it is unique. I can name it anything I 
> want, right? (it doesn't need to be a valid host name of a FQDN)
> I regenerated a new test CA cert and its CN is MY-CA-1.
Actually the full Distinguished Name aka DN, which 
can contain country,state,province,org,orgunit(s),CN, 
and even other items if supported by the using parties, 
although CN unique is sufficient to make DN unique.

DN definitely shouldn't be the same as any other CA you or 
your clients trust (or will). This isn't likely to happen by 
accident, but I just wanted to make sure you hadn't thought 
it would work to impersonate Verisign or somesuch, or 
perhaps have a (test) system with data left from another 
test that chose the same (perhaps convenient) test names.

In theory (all?) DN fields can be BMP (approximately Unicode)
but AFAICS openssl doesn't make that convenient, and other tools 
may not either, so IMHO you should limit to ASCII printable, 
plus avoid characters commonly used in notating DNs (mostly 
slash, equals, quote, sometimes comma) to avoid confusion.

CN doesn't need to be hostname or domainname for a CA cert.
Technically not required on entity cert either, but on WWW 
most parties do want/like entity's CN to be domainname.

> I used a custom openssl.cnf and the only differences with the 
> original file are:
> dir= ./MY-CA-HTTP # Where everything is kept
> default_days   = 1825  # how long to certify for
> default_crl_days= 1095 # how long before next CRL
> 0.organizationName_default =

Fine. Personally I wouldn't put a domainname in organization, 
but technically it should work. Doing CRLs valid for 3 years 
would be silly, but I assume you're not actually doing CRLs 
at all and this is just ignored.

> By the way, I'm using openssl 0.9.8k.

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Re: How to make a legit CA cert?

2010-06-01 Thread Dallas Clement
Thanks Mark, that was an extremely helpful explanation.   When I asked
this question I was hoping to learn if CA certs are self-signed or if
there is some other procedure to authenticate a CA cert as being
legitimate.  From your explanation it sounds like all CA certs are
generated by the CA itself and then its left up to every browser
vendor whether or not they want to include a particular CA's cert in
its bundle.

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Mark H. Wood  wrote:
> This should be more widely understood:  an application considers a CA
> trusted because some human told it so.  There is no other way.
> The "recognized" CAs are trusted by e.g. your browser because the
> maker of the browser decided to trust them and so put them into the
> list of trusted CAs that is packed in the browser.  Others have
> written about the kinds of things those CAs needed to do in order to
> gain that trust.  If you decide that you don't trust one of them, you
> can take it out and it becomes untrusted *for you*.
> If you decide to trust a CA that hasn't made the browser makers'
> goodie lists, you can just install it in your browser's list of
> trusted CAs and it becomes trusted *for you*.  Anyone else can do that
> too, with a similar result for himself.
> If any given cert. is calculated to be trusted, that means that, at
> the top of the chain, it can be linked back to a cert. that someone
> marked manually as trusted.  Trust is not calculable without that.
> Really, the only thing protecting most people from rogue CAs is the
> browser makers' understanding that they, too, are in a position of
> trust, and could be hurt badly by lax acceptance practices no matter
> how many disclaimers they slather onto the EULA.  We should all check
> and tune our browsers' trust lists.  (No, I haven't.)
> --
> Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
> Balance your desire for bells and whistles with the reality that only a
> little more than 2 percent of world population has broadband.
>        -- Ledford and Tyler, _Google Analytics 2.0_
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upgrading from 0.9.8l to 1.0

2010-06-01 Thread Steve Leland
I am starting from a working Axis2c 1.6 / OpenSSL 0.9.8l configuration on 
Win 2008 R2 server.  I am using a debug build and the Windows CRTDBG flags 
to chase a memory leak of 40K per request, and am hoping that an upgrade to 
OpenSSL 1.0 will get me out of this spot... I'm so close I can taste it, but 
right now I am seeing a socket error on the second write.

The axis2_http_client_send() method successfully writes some data (253 bytes 
worth) in its first call to the socket_write() method of bss_sock.c, line 
158.  It then fails in its next call to write 2 bytes - CRLF - and all I can 
see is that the writesocket() call in socket_write() returns a -1.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Running "openssl s_client -connect my.server.dns:443 -CAfile myCAFile" works 
fine when either openssl version is used by my server.


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OpenSSL 0.9.8o released

2010-06-01 Thread OpenSSL
Hash: SHA1

   OpenSSL version 0.9.8o released

   OpenSSL - The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS

   The OpenSSL project team is pleased to announce the release of
   version 0.9.8o of our open source toolkit for SSL/TLS. This new
   OpenSSL version is a security and bugfix release which addresses
   CVE-2010-0742. For a complete list of changes, please see

   We consider OpenSSL 0.9.8o to be the best version of OpenSSL
   available and we strongly recommend that users of older versions
   upgrade as soon as possible. OpenSSL 1.0.0a is available for
   download via HTTP and FTP from the following master locations (you
   can find the various FTP mirrors under


   The distribution file name is:

o openssl-0.9.8o.tar.gz
  Size: 3772542
  MD5 checksum: 63ddc5116488985e820075e65fbe6aa4
  SHA1 checksum: 80c73afc7dca790cd26936cb392a4dfd14d4e4d7

   The checksums were calculated using the following commands:

openssl md5 openssl-0.9.*.tar.gz
openssl sha1 openssl-0.9.*.tar.gz


   The OpenSSL Project Team...

Mark J. Cox Nils Larsch Ulf Möller
Ralf S. Engelschall Ben Laurie  Andy Polyakov
Dr. Stephen Henson  Richard Levitte Geoff Thorpe
Lutz JänickeBodo Möller

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

RE: self-signed SSL certificates and trusted root certificate

2010-06-01 Thread Vieri

--- On Fri, 5/28/10, Dave Thompson  wrote:

> FYI: 'self-sign' in PKI means a *cert* that is signed by
> its own key, 
> normally only a CA 'root' cert. 

Thank you for clarifying.

> Right. They are, and you want to be, another CA.


> > So I published MY-CA/cacert.der as shown below.
> Are your clients only browsers (IE? FF?) or apps? 

I was testing with IE6 but am now trying out FF 3.5.9. I when to the advanced 
config options and tried to import the .der file from the "Authority" tab. FF 
complains that "this is not a certificate authority and cannot be imported". 
Tried both cacert.der and cacert.pem.

So before going any further with server certificates, I guess I need to find 
out why FF refuses to import my CA certificate.

> > [on CA server]
> > Create CA:
> > # /etc/ssl/misc/ -newca
> > ( is the standard openssl script with custom
> > path variable)
> > convert to DER
> > # openssl x509 -in MY-CA-HTTP/cacert.pem -outform DER
> -out 
> > MY-CA-HTTP/cacert.der
> > copy it over to a public web server so client browsers
> can 
> > download the DER link and install it to "trusted root
> > certificates" (mime type application/x-x509-ca-cert)
> > 
> I presume you mean a modified copy of the standard .
> And you chose for your CA name a unique value.

Yes, it's a modified copy of The *only* difference is:

"unique value for my CA name": are you referring to the CN / Common Name? I 
guess it is unique. I can name it anything I want, right? (it doesn't need to 
be a valid host name of a FQDN)
I regenerated a new test CA cert and its CN is MY-CA-1.

I used a custom openssl.cnf and the only differences with the original file are:
dir= ./MY-CA-HTTP # Where everything is kept
default_days   = 1825  # how long to certify for
default_crl_days= 1095 # how long before next CRL
0.organizationName_default =

Firefox still refuses to import MY-CA-HTTP/cacert.pem or MY-CA-HTTP/cacert.der.

By the way, I'm using openssl 0.9.8k.

I'd appreciate any help you can give me.



OpenSSL Project
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OpenSSL 1.0.0a released

2010-06-01 Thread OpenSSL
Hash: SHA1

   OpenSSL version 1.0.0a released

   OpenSSL - The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS

   The OpenSSL project team is pleased to announce the release of
   version 1.0.0a of our open source toolkit for SSL/TLS. This new
   OpenSSL version is a security and bugfix release which addresses
   CVE-2010-1633 and CVE-2010-0742. For a complete list of changes,
   please see

   We consider OpenSSL 1.0.0a to be the best version of OpenSSL
   available and we strongly recommend that users of older versions
   upgrade as soon as possible. OpenSSL 1.0.0a is available for
   download via HTTP and FTP from the following master locations (you
   can find the various FTP mirrors under


   The distribution file name is:

o openssl-1.0.0a.tar.gz
  Size: 4015794
  MD5 checksum: e3873edfffc783624cfbdb65e2249cbd
  SHA1 checksum: b837a9f75a51f456bd533690cf04d3d5714812dc

   The checksums were calculated using the following commands:

openssl md5 openssl-1.0.*.tar.gz
openssl sha1 openssl-1.0.*.tar.gz


   The OpenSSL Project Team...

Mark J. Cox Nils Larsch Ulf Möller
Ralf S. Engelschall Ben Laurie  Andy Polyakov
Dr. Stephen Henson  Richard Levitte Geoff Thorpe
Lutz JänickeBodo Möller

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: How to make a legit CA cert?

2010-06-01 Thread Mark H. Wood
This should be more widely understood:  an application considers a CA
trusted because some human told it so.  There is no other way.

The "recognized" CAs are trusted by e.g. your browser because the
maker of the browser decided to trust them and so put them into the
list of trusted CAs that is packed in the browser.  Others have
written about the kinds of things those CAs needed to do in order to
gain that trust.  If you decide that you don't trust one of them, you
can take it out and it becomes untrusted *for you*.

If you decide to trust a CA that hasn't made the browser makers'
goodie lists, you can just install it in your browser's list of
trusted CAs and it becomes trusted *for you*.  Anyone else can do that
too, with a similar result for himself.

If any given cert. is calculated to be trusted, that means that, at
the top of the chain, it can be linked back to a cert. that someone
marked manually as trusted.  Trust is not calculable without that.

Really, the only thing protecting most people from rogue CAs is the
browser makers' understanding that they, too, are in a position of
trust, and could be hurt badly by lax acceptance practices no matter
how many disclaimers they slather onto the EULA.  We should all check
and tune our browsers' trust lists.  (No, I haven't.)

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Balance your desire for bells and whistles with the reality that only a 
little more than 2 percent of world population has broadband.
-- Ledford and Tyler, _Google Analytics 2.0_

Description: PGP signature

Re: CA cert installed/imported but they are not trusted

2010-06-01 Thread apps4u

Sander Temme wrote:
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 3:02 AM, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:
>> [r...@ldap1 ~]# openssl s_client -connect
>> -showcerts -CAfile /etc/openldap/CA_falu/CA.pem
>> CONNECTED(0003)
>> 5066:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake
>> failure:s23_lib.c:188:
>> What the hell ... hmm. What may be missing/wrong?
> 389 is plaintext.  LDAP-over-SSL runs on 636. 
> S.
> -- 
> PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF
> __
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