[OGD] Algae

2004-05-14 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi All

This algae thing is interesting, in that I did ask, some time back, if algae
was a good scout or a bad one, and  Prof. Joseph Arditti, when he was still
answering queries on this list, answered that green algae would fix nitrogen
on roots. Since then, I have not worried too much about it.

I have to say that the clear pots that you speak of are not available in my
part of the woods (Perth, Western Australia), so I am reduced to using cut
down soft drink bottles and the like.

It works for me


Tony's Orchid Page
 Wanneroo Orchid Society
 Wanneroo Newsletter
 The Species Orchid Society
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchid Education

2004-06-12 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi All

I'm sure I read on the list a message regarding an orchid society that had a
program for educating school children about orchids, but I do not seem to be
able to find the reference anywhere.

Could somebody point me in the right direction please?


Tony's Orchid Page
 Wanneroo Orchid Society
 Wanneroo Newsletter
 The Species Orchid Society
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Fungus gnat

2004-09-13 Thread Tony Watkinson
Why don't you just hang up a few sticky fly paper? Works great for me.


Tony's Orchid Page
 Wanneroo Orchid Society
 Wanneroo Newsletter
 The Species Orchid Society
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Euro Green Asia

2004-10-26 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi all

I have been in contact with George Hample of Euro Green Asia Orchids from
Thailand and he has given me permission to post his email on OGD as an
explanation of his position re the damaging info that has been posted here
recently. Perhaps this will clear matters up. This email was initially sent
to a friend of mine and then passed on to me.

I think it is worth pointing out that a group of us orchid lovers from Perth
Western Australia visited Euro Green Asia Nursery in Thailand in Feb/March
this year and subsequently bought a large shipment of orchids from him. This
is not to say that all went without a hitch, but in the long run all turned
out well and the orchids that he sent us were in fine condition and well
grown. The shipment he mentions is our second which should arrive here
within the month.


Dear Ken,

Thanks for your e-mail and here the answer to it.
Mr. David Grove came this year to our orchid nursery, pretending to buy
plants. He was looking around, asked many questions and left.
We never have heard from him again.
Maybe he does not understand our operation at all and I doubt that he has
any qualification to judge my qualification as an electrical engineer.
For sure he has no qualification to judge our species. Our nursery in
Thailand has altogether 362 registered entries of Appendix II and 30 of
Appendix I.
All of this entries are regularly checked by the Cites department of
Thailand. Without an approval from them no plant would leave the country.
To the size of our nursery here in Thailand, the plants you have seen there
are the one we keep a close watch on and dont entrust them to our growers.
Beside this we have approximately another 2.8 hectare with plants to the
north-west of Bangkok and three contract growers working for us. Another big
part of plants listed in our price list are coming from our nursery in the
Philippines, about 24,000 square meter in size, at the Sierra Madre of
Eastern Luzon. With both setups together we can claim that we have one of
the biggest nursery, cultivating Asian orchid species in Asia.
However, it will be a lesson for us to scrutinize people first before we let
them in to visit our nursery, especially when they turning a visit later on
into adding to a smear campaign.
Regarding Mr. Lowder, the announcement at his web page has disappeared
already and he has received his plants. We regret that we have not reacted
much earlier and shipped the plant before but sometime circumstances are not
always in our favor, first our health problems here and than the problem
with the Vietnamese Cites department.

Ken, please give our regards to Tony and the other members of your group.
The plants you have ordered will be delivered as promised and we hope that
this mess with Dwayne Lowder will not destroy our so far good relationship.

Best regards
George and Edith
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Hybrid Orchids in the Wild

2005-01-20 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi All

The late Ron Heberle, a self taught expert on the native orchids of Western
Australia, was always happy to point out that so many of the wild orchids in
the southwest of the state were natural hybrids. (there is almost no
artificial propagation of WA native orchids within WA).  He took many photos
to prove his point, showing a hybrid with both its species parents. Check
the url below to see what I mean


Fortunately, much of his life's  work is available to all on the internet at
The Species Orchid Society of Western Australia.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchids Down Under

2005-01-24 Thread Tony Watkinson

A visit will give you a chance to see the unique WA native orchids at their
blooming best.

And for a preview of WA's native orchids, see the url below.

The Species Orchid Society of Western Australia (Inc)


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] fire-grown orchids,

2005-03-03 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi Steve



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Eating Orchids

2005-03-05 Thread Tony Watkinson
A long while back, someone posted a url for a French (I think) site that has
recipes for dishes that included orchids. Does anyone remember it and if so
do you know what the url was?



Tony's Orchid Page
 Wanneroo Orchid Society
 Wanneroo Newsletter
 The Species Orchid Society

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Natural Hybrids

2005-05-08 Thread Tony Watkinson
>I am wondering why we don't see more natural hybridization between orchid
species.  I'd appreciate an explanation and/or some guidance on which
reference(s) might shed some light on this.  Thanks


Many of the native orchids of Australia and particularly Western Australia,
hybridise very readily. I have seen patches of Caladenia orchids for
example, which tended to display the full spectrum of behaviour for this
group, with size variations from quite tiny to quite huge, and colours from
white to red and all shades in between. This group were all growing in an
area no more than 12ft square and also included a number of other genera
such as Diuris etc.

The late Ron Heberle had a 'thing' about the proliferation of natural
hybrids and was always quick to point out the difficulties for taxonomists
telling one from another, and which were or were not species.

Many of Ron's photos of both the species and hybrids can be see here.


The Species Orchid Society
Species Orchid Society Newsletter.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] orchids in disturbed areas

2005-06-20 Thread Tony Watkinson

Hi All
I lived for many years in the deep southwest of Western Australia where the 
only orchids that grow are terrestrials. I noticed a couple of things that may 
be of interest.
Across the road from the house that my wife and I built was a disused 
timber mill. At the top of the hill there was an area perhaps 3m x 5m where the 
topsoil (20cm) had been taken off with a front end loader of some kind. This 
left the sub soil which was nothing but ironstone pebbles. It is as hard as 
rock. Every year masses of terrestrial orchids grew through the ironstone. 
Caladenias,(Spider orchid) Diuris,(Donkey orchid) etc, and loads of 
natural hybrids too.
There were far more orchids growing on this patch than the surrounding area 
with great topsoil.
I also noticed one time, on a dirt track, that had been graded, that a 
Diuris was growing on the top of the mound that the grader had pushed to the 
side of the road.
I do not subscribe to the idea of disturbing orchid environments for the 
hell of it, but they do often seem to survive despite some of the dumb things 
that we humans do to them.
 Wanneroo Orchid Societyhttp://members.iinet.net.au/~emntee/page2.html Wanneroo 
Newsletterhttp://members.iinet.net.au/~emntee/page49.html The 
Species Orchid Societyhttp://members.iinet.net.au/~emntee/page18.htmlSpecies 
Orchid Society Newsletter.http://members.iinet.net.au/%7Eemntee/page17.html
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Conservation

2005-08-02 Thread Tony Watkinson


The url below will take you to a presentation that I made to the Orchid 
Safari group in November 2003. This conservation effort is ongoing each year 
until the bulldozers move in.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Oceoclades spathulifera

2005-11-24 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi Linda and all

While looking for some info on another Madagascan orchid species, I stumbled 
on this French web site. It mentions Oceoclades spathulifera but though 
doesn't give any specific cultural info for it, there is info on many other 
Oceoclades species.

The site is in French but the Google translator renders it understandable to 
English speakers. It has a long url so it may be best to cut and paste it 
into your web browser.

Good luck anyway



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] E-books

2005-12-17 Thread Tony Watkinson

Hi all
Here is a Gutenberg project that I had a hand 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] East is East, West is West

2006-01-31 Thread Tony Watkinson

Message: 4Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 15:58:30 +1000 (EST)From: Phil 
Diamond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [OGD] 
East is East, West is West and never the twain shallmeetThe 
following gem of advice is to be found on a horticultural internetforum 
administered by the American Brugmansia and Datura Society:"The main 
thing is to plant them on the east side of your home, or thesunrise side of 
your home if you do not live in the United States 
orCanada"Cordially,   Phil
Hi Phil
They are obviously mathematicians and have worked it out 
with a pencil.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Green Pod Time

2006-02-22 Thread Tony Watkinson

From: "Margaret Lomas" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [OGD] Green Pod Time
Good eveningCould anyone 
please tell me the green pod time for Trichopilia tortilis?I haven't been 
able to find information for this particular one so far.Many 
thanks,Margaret in Northland NZ
Barry's Orchid Page has 
Trichopilia spp. at 135 days for green pod.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Xanthopan morgani praedicta pictures

2006-02-24 Thread Tony Watkinson
From: "danny lentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OGD] Xanthopan morgani praedicta pictures?

The members of the Species Orchid Society of Western Australia were 
fortunate enough to have a mounted specimen donated to the by Michelle 
ANDRIAMANAMIHAJA of Malala Orchids,  Madagascar.

Anyone who would like a copy of the pix that I have taken should send me an 



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2006-11-12 Thread Tony Watkinson
Dr. Charles E. Bracker wrote

>For the supplemental CO2 to benefit the orchids, four factors must come

>1. Closed environment
>2. Large number of plants for the space included
>3. Proper frequency of application of the CO2 (Determined by trial and
4.> Proper amount of CO2 applied each time (Also determined by trial and

>For Tom Hillson and others, I hope your experience is half as successful as
>mine has been.

>Good luck with whatever method you choose.

Hi Charles

I have wondered about using CO2 for some time now and I can see how this 
method should work well.
I would be interested to know the cubic capacity of the rooms your orchids 
are housed in and some idea
of the size of the dry ice you use. (by cubic measure or weight?)

Thanks for a great idea.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2006-11-14 Thread Tony Watkinson

Many thanks to Charles Bracker for a great explanation regarding his CO2 

If it works for him, it should work for me and I shall give it a try.
I have a dry ice retailer quite close to my home so supplies are no problem.
I will report back in 3 months


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] C02

2006-11-22 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi Iris
>Then as the
> weather warms up and more outside air is allowed in, root growth starts up
> again.
>This is the old fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

Well Latin not being my forte, I have very little idea what that was all 
about so will make no comment.

>You have no comparison
>to know exactly what causes the plant growth to slow down. You have not
>controlled for temperature, light, daylength, & other factors.

I have not 'controlled' for anything. I am a hobby grower and I do quite 
nicely if I do say so myself, despite not controlling for anything. What I 
am saying is that my observation over the last 15 years of growing orchids 
in the same hothouse, is that when winter comes and the temps drop, I close 
the house off for most of the day to keep out the cold. Sometimes it is 
closed all day if the outside weather is really cold.
It would seem to me that in these circumstances it would be only natural 
that the green stuff in the hothouse would use up all/some/lots of the 
available CO2.
Spring arrives and a number of things happen. None of which are 'controlled' 
for. There is more light. There is more heat. The days get longer. This 
allows me to let in more air from outside which is now not cold. Indeed the 
swamp cooler cuts in and blasts away for hours. Comparing this situation to 
the previous situation during the depths of winter, it is no surprise that 
growth start again in some orchids.
During the winter, the house is kept at a min 15C and some shadecloth is 
removed to let in more light, but the one factor that I can't do much about 
is the resultant drop in CO2.
The same must be happening to many orchid growers around the world. Charles 
E. Bracker must be suffering from the same problem in his closed off 
basement (?) rooms. Hence our attempts to increase the CO2 in our respective 
growing areas.
Iris, if you are looking for scientific proof, you will have to talk to 
scientists. Most of us work on the basis of 'if it works, it works'. Not 
very scientific but the best we can do.

>CO2 must have some effect. I breathe on my orchids every day, and some of
>them bloom.

I hope you are controlling for your breath. Is that two breaths per orchid? 
Or three?

 I breath on mine too and have a good percentage that bloom during the 
winter. Even so I feel sure (how un-scientific is it to 'feel') that 
additional CO2 during the winter would result in even better flowering.

Happy growing

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] snails and sllugs

2008-08-04 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi James
