[osdcmy] Re: [MOSC2011] Open Source Developers Conference OSDC 2011 - Australia

2011-07-07 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Biasa? Baru sekali gi sana as participant, senang cerita semua tanggung
sendiri, plan sekali utk jalan2 supaya dapat optimize duit flight :)

Speakers pun kena tanggung sendiri semua2...

Note: Dah tengok website OSDC2011 tu? ada gambar OSDC2009 gambar aku ngan
Black pakai cap blur (gambar 1), gambar Rozita (gambar 4)

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Amir Haris amirha...@gmail.com wrote:


 Biasa flight  hotel dekat Australia kita kena tanggung sendiri?


 On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 2:29 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel 
 linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:

 Open Source Developers Conference OSDC 2011 - Australia

 Call for presentations is now open!


 OSDC 2011 will be held from 14-18 November 2011 in our nation’s
 capital, Canberra (ANU Manning Clark Lecture Theatre). Quick, add it
 to your diary! We have a number of sessions available during the main
 conference (16, 17, 18th November), please feel free to submit
 multiple papers - presentation length can be 30 min or 1 hour blocks.
 Miniconfs will be held on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th of November.
 Let us know if you are interested in organising a mini conference for
 one of these days (or even for half a day). Presentation topics can
 cover the creation and use of Open Source technologies - software,
 hardware, open data, databases, visualisation, cloud computing, web,
 programming languages, frameworks, system administration, government -

 Presenters for the main conference and miniconf organisers* will
 receive free entry to the conference, and the admiration and love of
 the Australian Open Source community. For more details please refer to
 our website http://osdc.com.au and follow us on twitter @osdc2011.
 Please submit presentation submissions via pap...@osdc.com.au.

 Please provide the following in your presentation submission: title,
 abstract, author bio and time required for talk (30 mins or 1 hour).
 Closing date for submissions is 15 August 2011.

 * Note Miniconf presenters will still receive admiration and love but
 no free ticket. One organiser per miniconf is entitled to a free
 conference ticket.

 Malaysia Open Source Software Conference 2011
 MOSC2011 http://www.mosc.my/

 Malaysia Open Source Conference 2012 (MOSC2012)

 LinuxMalaysia Network

 Harisfazillah Jamel

 http://groups.google.com/group/mosc2011 and To unsubscribe

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Malaysia Open Source Conference 2011
MOSC2011 http://blog.mosc.my/ and http://www.mosc.my/

Malaysia Open Source Conference 2012
MOSC2012 http://portal.mosc.my/

Re: [osdcmy] Buatkan website ?

2011-03-02 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Tahniah Syazwan! open-school tu prealpha lagi... ada lagi OpenSIS...
nampak mcam ok... :)

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 3:13 AM, Mohd Kamal Bin Mustafa ka...@smach.net wrote:
 2011/3/2 Muhammad Syafiq creativeneur...@gmail.com:
 menarik juga openschool tuh. Open Source Project! Kewl!
 Sistem mungkin open source tapi development not really 'open'. Takde
 link ke source code repo, cuma pre-alpha download.

 The Open-School Alpha is under construction. The framework
 development and security modules are under coding. Interested
 programmers please contact us..

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Why our Unis turn out such poor quality IT grads. - long rant

2011-03-02 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
I think we should invite MQA people or the guy who responsible
drafting the document to be Open Education Council (OEC) member :)

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Tajul Azhar bin Mohd Tajul Ariffin
pislissnif...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think MQA is not under Ministry of Education.
 It is corporate agency that handles all qualification of Universities. In the 
 government agency hieracry, MQA sit under Ministry of Higher Education 
 (Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi).
 There is a few cases whereby certain courses not been certified not because 
 of the syllabus, but because of management of universities not applying for 
 certification from MQA.

 Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

 -Original Message-
 From: Boh Yap bhy...@gmail.com
 Sender: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
 Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 08:54:40
 To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com; pytho...@googlegroups.com
 Reply-To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [osdcmy] Why our Unis turn out such poor quality IT grads. - long 

 hi all,

 here's another rant, its directed at our Educational system, but done
 in a less brutal way than the 'last' nuclear exchange between Red and
 Rafe ;-) Sabar guys you both got your points, 

 Have a read and pls comment...

 Critique of MQA Computing Program Document

 Ah, I make a bold claim, I finally may have figured out a possible
 reason why our august Universities produce thousands of graduates that
 are 'unemployable' as far as IT is concerned. The blame must solely
 rest on the shoulders of the MQA (Malaysia Qualifications Agency)
 under the Min. of Edu. Its also known as LAN (Lembaga Accredition


 This 'organ' sets the 'standards'(sic) for all HEPs(Higher Education
 Providers) in the country, both local and foreign. Yes, even if MIT or
 Harvard were to set up here, their 'standards' will be governed by
 them! And it covers not only IT, but also Bitotechnology, Medicine and
 Health Sc. etc

 I downlaoded a PDF on the subject area of Computing:

 This does not cover all parts of IT, Netwk Engin.(SysAdmin) etc.. is
 handled by other docs.
 (so this rant may not apply to the Netwk Engineers, SysAdmins etc..)

 But it covers all aspects of higher edu for 'Computing':

    - the type of courses and professionals it develops, presumably
 for our HR needs...

    - the qualifiactions required to enter and awarded upon completion,

    - the 'programme objectives' what the course try to achive, the
 type fo skills
       grads. will have

    - what the syllabus should cover

    - the accredition, way marks/grading are accorded

    - Learning Outcomes, what skills/knowledge the grads. will be
 equipped with (!?)

    Compared to a similar document for BioTech and Engineering, the curriculum
    seeems to be far less detailed when compared to IT. A lot of freedom seems
    to be given to instituitions to determine their own. Why then should our
    industry be so closely scrutinised?

 As a quick summary, here are my interpretations, I may be wrong, and
 if so soemone please prove me wrong!

 It seems 'programming skills' are not required for BSc grads, but are
 required for Diploma grads WTF, !? (Learning Outcomes, Diploma, pg
 14,i). It seems 'programming' is considered a lowly skill suitable for
 Diploma holders, whereas BSc grads are suppose to be System Analysts
 and and Proj. Managers!? And BSc grads are suppose to have
 'entrepeneurial' skills (pg15 Generic Learning Outcomes, vi) - so they
 can be the next Facebook I suppose...

 If this is true, it sets a dangerous and unreal expectations for the
 students! No wonder most Comp. Sc. grads. don't want to do programming
 or can't code! And they want to be SAs and PMs? No Way! Without
 knowing or having done extensive programming, they won't have the
 depth of knowledge to manage progrmmers, let alone win their respect.
 They won't be able to evaluate the complexity and timeline required
 without understanding the tools or its methodology. Worst still, they
 will end up making the technical decisions, instead of the programmers
 that are actually doing the work! (Does a construction site-supervisor
 tell his carpenter what tools he should use? NO!) It just means they
 make 'dumb' managers which the coders can fool!

 Also they (grads) probably think they don't need to do programming,
 and they can straightaway be PMs and SAs but the market and
 employers certainly don't agree!

 Holy Dilbert! The fact is that our Unis are producing PHBs (Pointy
 Haired Bosses) the clueless yet arrogant boss of Dilbert in the comic

 Haris(OSDC) was trying to form a committee to try and introduce FOSS
 into Education. I would think the work should start with the MQA. Also
 who are the people that make such major decisions that affect the

Re: [osdcmy] Re: birgHPC: Instant Computing Cluster for Bioinformatics

2011-03-01 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Sangat bagus mereka menggunakan Open Source Tool dalam research mereka... :)
Nampak macam dah customize... Harap mereka ada submit CFP untuk tahun ini...

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 8:42 AM, THChew teong...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 birgHPC is also hosted on Sourceforge. Please visit
 http://sourceforge.net/projects/birghpc/ for details.

 On Feb 28, 2:43 pm, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini
 jipangmenje...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 5:09 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel 
  linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:
   forwarded to OSDC.my list.
  boss, rasenye saya dah forward hari tu :p
   -- Forwarded message --
   From: THChew teong...@gmail.com
   Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:42 AM
   Subject: [utm-oss] birgHPC: Instant Computing Cluster for
   To: UTM Open Source Software Group utm-...@googlegroups.com
   birgHPC (Bioinformatic Research Group High Performance Computing) is a
   free Linux Live CD distribution based on PelicanHPC and Debian Live.
   It is developed by the Bioinformatics Research Group (BIRG), Faculty
   of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
   The idea of creating birgHPC comes from the fact that most PCs in the
   computer laboratories are under utilised. The students, for example,
   only use the computer laboratories during the day but after office
   hours and especially during holidays, these PCs are idle. These PCs
   can provide valuable computing resources to researchers by simply
   converting them into a high performance computing cluster.
   Conventional cluster setup, however, is troublesome and lengthy,
   involving manual software configurations and installations and not to
   mention extra budget. birgHPC aims to simplify these by using Linux
   Live CD technology, combining with automated configurations and built-
   in software. The main feature of birgHPC is the ability to convert PCs
   interconnected within the same private local area network (LAN) to a
   high performance computing cluster, specifically for molecular
   dynamics studies, using just one CD. Other features included in
   birgHPC are the Ganglia cluster monitoring, the auto slots detection,
   both OpenMPI and MPICH2 capabilities as well as tools for molecular
   dynamics (GROMACS, Grace, DSSP, VMD and PyMol) and bioinformatics
   (mpiBLAST and ClustalW-MPI).
   if you are inside UTM) for more information and downloads.
   For more options, visit this group at
   To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
   MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
  Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Program Karnival ICT Peringkat Negeri Pahang

2011-03-01 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Aik lepas kena tibai tu hari... main teknik stanby lak... :)

Soire, awak tu orang Jerantuit ke?

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Soire Meira soire...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sy pun standaby masuk dlm list..

 p/s: yahoo.. blh blk kmpg skali daa...

 Pada 2 Mac 2011 1:02 AM, riZer Enterprise rizerenterpr...@gmail.commenulis:

 Nama saya pun stand-by masuk dalam list ... thanks


 Pada 1 Mac 2011 7:58 PM, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini
 jipangmenje...@gmail.com menulis:
  nama saya stanby masuk dalam list boleh? timakaseh :)
  2011/3/1 darXness darXness darxl...@gmail.com
  argh!!!baru plan nak g...skali kat jerantut.jauh lak dari
  kuantan...huhuhu.maybe just inform MDeC kot.just to notify them n
  tnjkkn kite still ade xtvt.:)
  2011/3/1 Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalay...@gmail.com:
   Program Karnival ICT Peringkat Negeri Pahang
   Tarikh : 9 Hingga 10 April 2011 (Sabtu Ahad)
   Tempat : Dataran Kuala Tembeling, Jerantut, Pahang
   Jemputan MDeC kepada komuniti OSS, saya perlukan maklum balas
   rakan-rakan OSS Pahang dan yang terdekat.
   Jika berminat saya akan maklumkan kepada rakan di MDeC, untuk
   memberikan ruang kepada kita. Sila cadangkan aktiviti.
   1) Booth?
   2) Ceramah?
   Sekian, terima kasih.
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  MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
  Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit
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  MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

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 MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification


 *Maui Sabily 2011* mauisab...@sabily.org
 *GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
 *GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074

 Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
 EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
 Ch0kL@Thack 2002
 PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000


 Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10 
 Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) https://launchpad.net/zakat-calc
 Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) http://www.asmawioffice.tk/
 Soire TV  Radio http://www.soire.webs.com/ (Windows Only - continue
 version on Linux)
 BrutuSamaDia http://www.soire.webs.com/ (Remote Desktop Penetration
 Mauiware.AYU.0.6 http://www.soire.webs.com/ (Virus Cleanner  Get Back
 Hidden Files)

 Malicious of Dark Knight - Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack

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 MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

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MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011

MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy-public] Salam 1 Malaysia dan Salam Perpaduan. Mirroring Request

2011-01-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Aku x minta kau perkenalkan diri... so apology is not needed here :)

2011/1/24 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com:
 Oh.. lupa nak perkenalkan diri ek.. tahu2 request je :( maaf... some about

 We don't have primary repo. We use uploading to the web as repo. Sometimes,
 my computer will be used to do ftp sync to the target repo (this process
 takes about 24 hours)
 Before using online repo service, we have been using an email attachment as
 well as free hosting.
 The repo originally located at upm and the it just blank. We used to tell
 the maintainer of Singapore Linux User Group to NOT rsync (MIRROR) from the
 damaged repo that is in UPM.
 Later the Singapore Linux User Group is being our primary mirror serving
 with unlimited unlimited unlimited space and bandwith for all over the world
 Then it is mirrored to UK and USA.
 So that simpleLinux has left without any MIRROR or REPO in Malaysia... TT^TT

 Jadi kitorang contact la sana sini di Malaysia nak dapat tapak Mirror.

 Kalau setakat orang kata malu lah distro malaysia xde mirror kat
 m'sia  hmmm... So lepas tu , kepada yg mampu menjadi penderma mirror,
 anda sudah ada. sebab sebenar untuk menderma :) Bantulah orang yg memerlukan

 Haha dah ada orang tanya dah pun.. tu kitorang start cari mirror. contact
 upm yg menjadi tunjang utama pun dah blackout TT^TT
 2011/1/24 Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari rizal...@gmail.com

 Ada betul cakap kau E1, nama pun mirror, main server tu kat mana
 sekarang? Tapi kalau nak minta sponsor ke? bantuan ke? apa ke?
 Sertakan la dengan fakta :) Sebagai contoh kat sini kalau kata
 URGENTLY needed means current server cannot cope with current
 demand... so sertatkan bandwidth report ke... Kalau setakat orang kata
 malu lah distro malaysia xde mirror kat m'sia  hmmm...

 So lepas tu , kepada yg mampu menjadi penderma mirror, anda sudah ada
 sebab sebenar untuk menderma :)

 Bantulah orang yg memerlukan :)

 2011/1/24 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com:
  Salam tuan dewa simple LINUX,
  Sepengajian daku di pesantren didalam malaysia sahaja. Belum pernah lagi
  orang buat MIRROR didalam NEGARA ASAL Pengeluar DISTRO..
  MIRROR yang Ustaz daku cakap.. mesti berada di luat negara baru lah
  dipanggil MIRROR.
  So sebagai pengeluar distro yang sehebat SIMPLELINUX pasti ada satu main
  server yang membolehkan orang2 yang hebat utk guna distro yang agung ni.
  Sekian, sekadar berkongsi ilmu di pesantren.
  Kepada X-Pesantren MySIG... Happy Thaipusam.
  102D A12B F078 CF46 39A6 B276 7A01 9650 7FEA A5B1
  2011/1/24 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com
  2011/1/24 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com
  @red1: ntah... 3 bulan lepas semua ada lengkap.. baru2 ni tiba2 hilang
  semua dari pandangan. Replay to admin + Al-Biruni punya pengurusan tak
  replay / sunyi sepi..
  @riZer Enterprise: untuk autotask / cron job scheduled buleh pakai FTP
  sync dari ftp://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/simpleLinux/ manakala
  pula http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/simpleLinux/ dan http://mirror.spanasia.net/pub/simpleLinux/.
  haha bandwidth pula lebih tak pasti pula.. kadang-kadang 80 GB, 100
  @Soire Meira haha mirror tu semua luar negara. paling best negara
  Singapore pon boleh tolong distribusi Malaysia :p
  @Darkness^2 - reliability tak kisah kot kalau negara kita banyak
  yang penting ada Mirror malaysia sebab ramai yang pakai broadband 3g
  tak laju sangat download luar negara. har disk space lebihkurang 40 GB
  job always running ye)
  2011/1/24 darXness darXness darxl...@gmail.com
  bleh bgtau bape space yg simpleLinux nak kene gune?rase kalo skit2,sy
  leh campak masuk lam server sy,tp mcm rizer ckp,xdpt nak comfirmkan
  realibility die..:)
  2011/1/24 Soire Meira soire...@gmail.com:
   salam utk semua.. btul jgk.. kita perlukan mirror... wlaupun sy ni
   newbie tp
   sy rasa bnda tu mcm penting... sy pun nk menyumbang sesuatu dlm OSS
   ni.. so klu ada file/aplikasi/ISO distro blh la letak kt ctu kn..
   la sy
   nk meminta ehsan utk tumpg sna sni.. he3
   TQ kepada Fariz Luqman kerana memberi sy mirror.. xlupa jg saudara
   Safari Salimin dan Mohd Rizal Mohd Shaharin... oleh itu saya
   Fariz Luqman mohon jasa baik smua pihak utk tubuh kan satu
   *p/s: brolinux he3.. lama cheq xblk padang serai.. nnti balik sna
   kita pi minum kopi smbil smbg2 kt pekan rabu.. ha3.. Aked Sri
   ni kt
   area mna ek? kt bus stand br ka? 8 thn xpi sna dh!
   Pada 2011 Januari 23 16:41, riZer Enterprise
   Salam 1 M'sia
   Saya nak offer Simple Linux dengn mirror yang di inginkan. Tapi
   kapasiti kepantasan dan kecanggihan adalh minimun tetapi saya
   memberikan uninterurpted dan sustainable 24/7.
   Juga saya tiada kepandaian dalm setting up dia. Saya akui saya pun
   newbie dlam

Re: [osdcmy-public] Salam 1 Malaysia dan Salam Perpaduan. Mirroring Request

2011-01-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Ini yg aku maksudkan :) so para penderma sila lah response...

Tahniah dpt lg 1 mirror tu.

2011/1/24 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com:
 Ops, lupa nak sertakan primary server punya bandwidth bulanan... dekat 50 GB
 jugak la.. bulan lepas 100 GB hahahaha http://bit.ly/gTHdXJ

 Saya harap dapat je mirror sebuah di Malaysia sudah cukup bagus. :) Demi
 kesejahteraan rakyah Malaysia..
 (maaf banyak2 susah-susahkan je forum OSS di Malaysia... hmm... syukur
 Mirroring di Indonesia dah reply mesej saya... dapat sebijik lagi Mirror)
 2011/1/24 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com

 Oh.. lupa nak perkenalkan diri ek.. tahu2 request je :( maaf... some about

 We don't have primary repo. We use uploading to the web as repo.
 Sometimes, my computer will be used to do ftp sync to the target repo (this
 process takes about 24 hours)
 Before using online repo service, we have been using an email attachment
 as well as free hosting.
 The repo originally located at upm and the it just blank. We used to tell
 the maintainer of Singapore Linux User Group to NOT rsync (MIRROR) from the
 damaged repo that is in UPM.
 Later the Singapore Linux User Group is being our primary mirror serving
 with unlimited unlimited unlimited space and bandwith for all over the world
 Then it is mirrored to UK and USA.
 So that simpleLinux has left without any MIRROR or REPO in Malaysia...

 Jadi kitorang contact la sana sini di Malaysia nak dapat tapak Mirror.

 Kalau setakat orang kata malu lah distro malaysia xde mirror kat
 m'sia  hmmm... So lepas tu , kepada yg mampu menjadi penderma mirror,
 anda sudah ada. sebab sebenar untuk menderma :) Bantulah orang yg memerlukan

 Haha dah ada orang tanya dah pun.. tu kitorang start cari mirror. contact
 upm yg menjadi tunjang utama pun dah blackout TT^TT
 2011/1/24 Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari rizal...@gmail.com

 Ada betul cakap kau E1, nama pun mirror, main server tu kat mana
 sekarang? Tapi kalau nak minta sponsor ke? bantuan ke? apa ke?
 Sertakan la dengan fakta :) Sebagai contoh kat sini kalau kata
 URGENTLY needed means current server cannot cope with current
 demand... so sertatkan bandwidth report ke... Kalau setakat orang kata
 malu lah distro malaysia xde mirror kat m'sia  hmmm...

 So lepas tu , kepada yg mampu menjadi penderma mirror, anda sudah ada
 sebab sebenar untuk menderma :)

 Bantulah orang yg memerlukan :)

 2011/1/24 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com:
  Salam tuan dewa simple LINUX,
  Sepengajian daku di pesantren didalam malaysia sahaja. Belum pernah
  orang buat MIRROR didalam NEGARA ASAL Pengeluar DISTRO..
  MIRROR yang Ustaz daku cakap.. mesti berada di luat negara baru lah
  dipanggil MIRROR.
  So sebagai pengeluar distro yang sehebat SIMPLELINUX pasti ada satu
  server yang membolehkan orang2 yang hebat utk guna distro yang agung
  Sekian, sekadar berkongsi ilmu di pesantren.
  Kepada X-Pesantren MySIG... Happy Thaipusam.
  102D A12B F078 CF46 39A6 B276 7A01 9650 7FEA A5B1
  2011/1/24 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com
  2011/1/24 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com
  @red1: ntah... 3 bulan lepas semua ada lengkap.. baru2 ni tiba2
  semua dari pandangan. Replay to admin + Al-Biruni punya pengurusan
  replay / sunyi sepi..
  @riZer Enterprise: untuk autotask / cron job scheduled buleh pakai
  sync dari ftp://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/simpleLinux/ manakala
  pula http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/simpleLinux/ dan http://mirror.spanasia.net/pub/simpleLinux/.
  haha bandwidth pula lebih tak pasti pula.. kadang-kadang 80 GB, 100
  @Soire Meira haha mirror tu semua luar negara. paling best negara
  Singapore pon boleh tolong distribusi Malaysia :p
  @Darkness^2 - reliability tak kisah kot kalau negara kita banyak
  yang penting ada Mirror malaysia sebab ramai yang pakai broadband 3g
  tak laju sangat download luar negara. har disk space lebihkurang 40
  GB (cron
  job always running ye)
  2011/1/24 darXness darXness darxl...@gmail.com
  bleh bgtau bape space yg simpleLinux nak kene gune?rase kalo
  leh campak masuk lam server sy,tp mcm rizer ckp,xdpt nak comfirmkan
  realibility die..:)
  2011/1/24 Soire Meira soire...@gmail.com:
   salam utk semua.. btul jgk.. kita perlukan mirror... wlaupun sy ni
   newbie tp
   sy rasa bnda tu mcm penting... sy pun nk menyumbang sesuatu dlm
   ni.. so klu ada file/aplikasi/ISO distro blh la letak kt ctu kn..
   la sy
   nk meminta ehsan utk tumpg sna sni.. he3
   TQ kepada Fariz Luqman kerana memberi sy mirror.. xlupa jg saudara
   Safari Salimin dan Mohd Rizal Mohd Shaharin... oleh itu saya
   Fariz Luqman mohon jasa baik smua pihak utk tubuh kan satu
   *p/s: brolinux he3.. lama cheq xblk padang serai.. nnti balik sna
   kita pi minum kopi smbil smbg2 kt pekan rabu.. ha3

Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: PTPTN debtors list with their IC and status (backlisted,warned or else)

2010-10-13 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
awareness for information security...heheh

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis umarz...@gmail.comwrote:

 manyak siok wo...

 2010/10/14 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar hasanud...@sigmarectrix.com

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah 
 rajaiskand...@gmail.com wrote:

 sape lagi ada jumpa list with ic numbers ?

 No IC numbers, but girls' phone number..you can ask for their IC numbers
 or dates.

 ni nak kasi makan my pet monster ..

 kalau tiap2 bulan refreshed lagi best ;-) boleh set cron terus automate
 wget dan etlclient. dan kita semua boleh kaji statistics status peminjam
 ptptn, termasuk peratus tukaran setiap bulan. buat nice line chart dan
 stacked bar chart.

 analisis boleh jual pada yb2 - tapi detail tak boleh lah kasi, kasi
 summarised statistics aje. kalau detailed ada nama, kang kena saman pulak,
 dah takde duit nak kasi anak bini makan.

 hahahahaha .

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:36 AM, azmi salim azm...@gmail.com wrote:

 nice one Tuan Raja :)

 On 14 October 2010 11:24, Raja Iskandar Shah 

 finished downloading, now etl to our profile module  then boleh
 cross-reference to our spr database.

 kalau ada geographical location, boleh plot the data to map ;-)


 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Hasan Abu Bakar ha...@kelate.com.my

 sorry wrong mailist..

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:44 AM, yccheok 

 Why don't you pay back your debt to PTPTN?

 out of topic..paid or not, the name will still on the list.

 On Oct 14, 10:25 am, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 hasanud...@sigmarectrix.com wrote:
  Another identity exposed flaw by PTPTN :)
  Why am I exposing this? because I GOT MY NAME AND IC ON IT
  IT!!...with final warning
  see it yourselfhttp://
  WARNING!! file size 26MB with 226369 debtors..so better wget or
  before see it.
  Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
  GSEC #28858
  IT Security Engineer
  +6017 913 1983
  Sigma Rectrix Systems (M) Sdn Bhd
  No.15  15-1, Jalan Equine 9A,
  Equine Park, Bandar Putra Permai
  43300 Seri Kembangan Selangor
  URL :www.sigmarectrix.com
  Phone: 03-89486696
  Fax  : 03-89487796
  Helpdesk  : 03-89486596

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 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar

 IT Security Engineer
 +6017 913 1983

 Sigma Rectrix Systems (M) Sdn Bhd
 No.15  15-1, Jalan Equine 9A,
 Equine Park, Bandar Putra Permai
 43300 Seri Kembangan Selangor
 URL : www.sigmarectrix.com

 Phone: 03-89486696
 Fax  : 03-89487796
 Helpdesk  : 03-89486596

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Re: [osdcmy-public] OSDC.my Master Plan

2010-10-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal
Setuju..Saya menyokong sepenuhnya

Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
019-335 8333
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-Original Message-
From: Mohd Sallehuddin Mad Yusuf sall...@gmail.com
Sender: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 21:06:08 
To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
Reply-To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [osdcmy-public] OSDC.my Master Plan

Wah...ini menarik...:)
marilah sama-sama menyokong...semoga perancangan berjalan lancar...

2010/10/10 zayn zayn...@gmail.com

  rasanya elok disenaraikan...

 On 10/10/2010 09:01 PM, lutfi raffi wrote:

 Ok.. sudah 34 orang bersetuju...

 2010/10/10 Hafidz Nasruddin haf...@gmail.com

 +1 untuk koperasi

 2010/10/10 lutfi raffi lutfira...@gmail.com

 Mustakim... mmg dari awal lagi daku nak beritahu ko... dari semalam lagi
 kita sudah bermula kan?... ok... sudah ada 33 orang

 2010/10/10 Mustakim Ahmad chi...@gmail.com

 Salam. Saya dah mendengar taklimat daripada ANGKASA pada bulan mei lalu.
 Daftar koperasi dengan ANGKASA, akan dapat inisiatif RM3000 terus. Tapi,
 make sure, koperasi tu berdaftar. Dan orang yang menguruskan dan ahli
 lembaga koperasi berhak mendapat elaun bagi tugas-tugas yang dijalankan.
 Pergi dengar taklimat koeprasi ANGKASA peringkat kebangsaan hari itu pun
 dapat elaun RM300 makan minum percuma, berak cangkung.

 Harap rancangan ini berjaya. Lutfi, kira saya sekali dalam ahli tu.

 Mustakim Ahmad

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Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Documentation projects, for all reference

2010-03-30 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Kenapa ada sampai DUA? osdcmy.pbworks.com  osdcmywiki.pbworks.com,
buat mirror ke apa?

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
trunas...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 11:02 AM, sweemeng ng swees...@gmail.com wrote:
   Choose one already. btw, if you guys decide to move away from
   you can just copy the stuff i did to your favourite wiki. it mostly
   links anyway.
   Btw with so much resource already on wikibooks, why even bother to
   our own other than translation.
   and ain't wikibook is more toward book format over article format


 just browse it, it's osdcmy.pbworks.com, not org.. it'll leads to other
 sites :)

 but tq for the link there, at least it's something done..

 i already registered a new one,


 contact me who gonna contribute and write the docs/how-to etc...

 let's sit down and write something... :)

 # uname -a
 NetBSD  5.0 NetBSD 5.0 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Apr 26 18:50:08 UTC 2009

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Re: [Owasp-Malaysia] [osdcmy-public] HSBB Area?

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal
Hehe never ending story :-)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-Original Message-
From: Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 15:39:40 
To: osdcmy-listosdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Owasp-Malaysia] [osdcmy-public] HSBB Area?

hahahaha ! gelak terguling-guling baca the posting.

bagi sesapa yg malas nak click on links, ini saya paste semula the posting
dated Sun Jun 22, 2003 2:29 pm

Assalamualaikum/salam sejahtera.

Dua minggu lepas pegi Telekom Kajang dengan tujuan nak masuk telefon dan
nak register Streamyx sekali. Tapi orang Telekom kata masuk telefon dulu,
telefon dah OK baru check boleh pasang Streamyx ker tak. Pasang la telefon

Sabtu lepas pegi lagi ke Telekom Kajang, kali ni dengan harapan dapat la nak
register Streamyx. Bila sampai kat kaunter TMnet tu, suruh dia check no
rumah tu boleh pasang Streamyx ker tak, dia jawab lepas check kat komputer:

Tak boleh la encik, line kat situ guna fiber. Streamyx tak boleh guna kat

Ok la tu, secara teori memang betul, DSL hanya kat copper wire jer, tapi
tempat yang dah ada fiber optic backbone (Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi) takder
speed Internet?

Takkan tak boleh deploy Ethernet on Fiber punya technology? atau Fiber to
Home? yang sepatutnya boleh lagi laju dari DSL?

Bila call TMnet pagi tadi kat 1-300-88-9515, rasa nak gelak pun ada. Bila
kenapa tak leh buat high speed internet kat fiber optic, awek helpdesk tu

Fiber optic tu kecik, kalau kita letak high speed internet 312 Kbps tu,
fiber tu pecah.

Sedangkan SONET punya technology, dengan minimum OC-1 level pun boleh boleh
mencecah 50 Mbps, inikan pulak setakat 312 Kbps jer. Lagipun dalam fiber tu
laser jer, bukannya air, takkan pecah kalau kena laser.

Sometimes they don't know what they are talking about.

Ada yang nak tolong forward kat orang Telekom, atau ada orang Telekom yang

Jawapan berbentuk teknikal amat dihargai.

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:14 PM, Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan 
sharuzza...@gmail.com wrote:

 Tidak semestinya high speed akan jadi low latency.

 Tapi disebabkan sambungan HSBB ni fiber to the home atau ethernet to the
 home, mungkin latency akan menjadi rendah.

 Lihat http://compnetworking.about.com/od/speedtests/a/network_latency.htm

 Seperti biasa, saya adalah orang yang agak skeptikal dengan Telekom
 Malaysia. Sejarah telah mengajar saya.

 Sejarah tahun 2003:

 On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Muhamad Hisyam Nasir 
 gempakhost...@gmail.com wrote:

 If speed increased, Latency automatic decreased ... .High speed with
 Low Latency to MY-US. Connection Improve dan fastest

 Currently latency to US if use 384kbps Combo package boleh dapat


 Here the link for UniFi


 SuperB! :D

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Re: [osdcmy-public] HSBB Area?

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal
Nafsu hati :-)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-Original Message-
From: Mohd Murtadha Mohamad tango...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 08:51:03 
To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [osdcmy-public] HSBB Area?

Kalau ikut nafsu, nafsu yang mana tu?

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Mohd Fazli Azran Abd Malek 
mfazliaz...@gmail.com wrote:

 Senarai Pakej HSBB Sila pilih ikut kemampuan bukan ikut nafsu yaaa... :D

 Pakej UniFi :

 5 Mbps – RM 149
 10 Mbps – RM199
 20 Mbps – RM249

 On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:51 AM, Muhamad Hisyam Nasir 
 gempakhost...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want DDOS Filtering :D

 So lepas ni, speed hosting yang gunakan di Malaysia ataupon di U.S adalah
 sama laju :D
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Re: [osdcmy-public] Ubuntu Desktop Workshop - 0NE DAY 0NLY!!!!!

2010-02-19 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari

Apa maksud dengan Saya sentiasa berminat nak join walau pun orang tak
berminat nak ajar saya. tu? Tapi kalau pasal tajuk2 yg diharap tiada
dalam course outline, mungkin sbb ini cuma kursus untuk 1 hari sahaja.
Tu pun bukan 24jam, cuma 7 jam.

Mungkin pihak penganjur dapat menganjur kelas yg lebih lama supaya
lebih banyak tajuk yg dapat di ajar.

Mohd. Rizal Mohd Shahari

2010/2/18 simpleLinux 2fz...@gmail.com:
 kalau online cloud computing, saya sangat recommend EyeOS eyeos.org dan saya
 harap boleh lah ia di host kan kat mana2 sbb EyeOS ini sangat mudah dan open

 1. Hostkan laman web sendiri dengan menggunakan Apache Webserver dgn Ubuntu
 2. Belajar menggunakan SUDO, SH dan command2 yg lain bagi membolehkan
 Beberapa mesin ubuntu yang lain untuk berkomunikasi sesama sendiri juga
 untuk berkongsi resource, printer dan harddisk/cakera keras contohnya.
 3. Ubuntu remote desktop

 Fariz Luqman

 2010/2/18 Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com

 sdr. nazari

 cadangan yg sangat baik.

 cadangan untuk tambahan:
 1. create and setup a local repo server
 2. cloud computing for sharing storage / cpu / memory

 2010/2/18 Nazari Mohd Hassan nazari.has...@gmail.com

 Salam e1,
 Saya sentiasa berminat nak join walau pun orang tak berminat nak ajar
 saya. Nak tanya beberapa soalan. Boleh tak dimasukkkan dlm agenda training
 bagaimana menggunakan Ubuntu untuk disambungkan dengan

 Webcam yang build-in dan external.
 Telephone yang menggunakan OS symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone,
 Blackberry dsb (secara sambungan cable/bluetooth/ir dsb) supaya boleh buat
 internet connection.
 Telephone berbagai OS supaya dapat feature2 phone dapat dikawal oleh
 aplikasi linux (menghantar sms dari notebook, membuat backup buku
 alamat/address book dsb). Contohnya nokia pc suite.
 Printer biasa,  printer 3 atau 4 dalam satu.
 Beberapa mesin ubuntu yang lain untuk berkomunikasi sesama sendiri juga
 untuk berkongsi resource, printer dan harddisk/cakera keras contohnya.

 Juga untuk

 Memasang beberapa distro ubuntu (kubuntu, edubuntu) didalam satu mesin
 untuk memboleh kan multiboot.
 Memasang ubuntu pada peranti usb.
 Memasang ubuntu desktop dan server secara serentak pada 2 mesin berlainan
 untuk dibuat perbandingan.

 Terima kasih.
 محمد نازاري محمد حسن
 سيبر جاي

 2010/2/17 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com

 Salam sejahtera,

 Saya ingin memaklumkan kepada semua yang ingin belajar, ingin tahu, dan
 segala keinginan mengenai Ubuntu 9.10. Kami menawarkan kursus selama SATU
 HARI dengan harga RM 99 seorang... Cepat... TEMPAT TERHAD

 Bengkel Ubuntu ini menekankan bagaimana kita memasang Ubuntu dengan
 mengikut etika sebenar. Selain daripada itu, kami menekankan konsep kendiri
 hands-on didalam pemasangan aplikasi yang sedia ada didalam Ubuntu 9.10
 Karmic Koala. Matlamat bengkel adalah ingin menjadikan semua peserta yang
 hadir dapat memasang sistem pengoperasian dan aplikasi dengan jayanya.

 Untuk makluman lanjut sila layari, http://training.concept.my/.

 Sekian, terima kasih.

 To follow the path, look to the master,
 follow the master, walk with the master,
 see through the master, become the master.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-12-13 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
dah invite en hamzah.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Hamzah Abu Samah amthr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Salam En Shaiful,

 Boleh invite saye?


 2009/12/13 Amin Shoib amin...@gmail.com

 Salam En Shaiful,

 Boleh invite saya?

 Terima kasih.

 Best regards,
  Aminudin Shoibmailto:amin...@gmail.com

 Sunday, December 13, 2009, 10:40:25 PM, you wrote:

 s Ada yang masih belum miliki wave? saya ada 25 invite yg belum guna

 s On Nov 30, 8:19 pm, Ajiz Ahmad ajiz...@ymail.com wrote:
  Thanks Mr rizal.
  From: Mohd Rizal Haji Atan tilm...@gmail.com
  To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 7:38:35 PM
  Subject: [osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation
  ok done
  On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Ajiz Ahmad ajiz...@ymail.com wrote:
  anyone please invite meazizaham...@gmail.com
  From: Mahsyar Said mahsya...@gmail.com
  To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 3:21:04 PM
  Subject: [osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation
  thanks! :)
  On 11/30/09, LyanaHamka lyana.ha...@gmail.com wrote:
  dude. invited.
  Mohamad Mahsyar Bin Mohamed Said
  Information and Communication Technology,
  University of Technology Petronas- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

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 Hamzah Abu Samah.
 Ast. Info. System Officer,
 IT Dept, Office of the Campus Director,
 IIUM Kuantan Campus.

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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-30 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
ok done

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Ajiz Ahmad ajiz...@ymail.com wrote:

 anyone please invite me

 *From:* Mahsyar Said mahsya...@gmail.com

 *To:* osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
 *Sent:* Mon, November 30, 2009 3:21:04 PM

 *Subject:* [osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

 thanks! :)

 On 11/30/09, LyanaHamka lyana.ha...@gmail.com wrote:


 dude. invited.

 Mohamad Mahsyar Bin Mohamed Said
 Information and Communication Technology,
 University of Technology Petronas


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-25 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
sapa2 lagi yg ada boleh invite saya.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:39 PM, edthix edt...@gmail.com wrote:

 In my case beberapa hari lepas guna.

 On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:38:17 +0800, Harisfazillah Jamel
 linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:

  Berapa lama perlu tunggu untuk yang ada akaun wave boleh menjemput orang
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:23 PM, hadri hilmi hadri.hi...@gmail.com
  no more invitation left on my wave and here my last 3 invitation:
  Omarali Abdul Rahim - omarali.ar[at]gmail[dot]com
  Mohamad Farhan - slipknot0105[at]gmail[dot]com
  adam Othman - adamOthman[at]gmail[dot]com
  Let wait for another round for those who dont get the invitation and
  google wave!
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Ajiz Ahmad ajiz...@ymail.com wrote:

 Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-25 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
thanks dah ada wave :-)

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 7:00 PM, eavayj beautifi...@gmail.com wrote:

 hey...can someone add me plz... beautifiers at gmail.com

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 6:54 PM, Adam Othman adam0th...@gmail.com wrote:


 Already manage to get the invitation. Thanx.

 btw, its [sero].


 Nik M Adam Hafiz

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 5:12 PM, hadri hilmi hadri.hi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Try guna *waver [
 http://www.blogsdna.com/5311/waver-google-wave-desktop-client.htm]. Nampak
 macam ringan skit compared dgn web-based. Web-based tersgt2 slowz.*

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:39 AM, hadri hilmi hadri.hi...@gmail.comwrote:

  Berapa lama perlu tunggu untuk yang ada akaun wave boleh menjemput
 orang lain?

 Aa. Lepas guna beberapa kali. Try la wave seketul dua kt situ, nampak 
 *active* skit (P kat public wave. Type *with:public* dalam box
 sebelah new wave. Then wave! ). Hehe. Cepat skit dia bagi *

 Aa. Lepas guna beberapa kali. Try la wave 1 2 kt situ nanti nampak
 active skit (p kat public wave). Cepat skit dia bagi invitation.

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:31 AM, hadri hilmi hadri.hi...@gmail.comwrote:


 isnt ''O(capital O) or 0(zero)?

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Mohd Rizal Haji Atan 
 tilm...@gmail.com wrote:

 sapa2 lagi yg ada boleh invite saya.

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:39 PM, edthix edt...@gmail.com wrote:

 In my case beberapa hari lepas guna.

 On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:38:17 +0800, Harisfazillah Jamel
 linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:

  Berapa lama perlu tunggu untuk yang ada akaun wave boleh menjemput
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:23 PM, hadri hilmi 
  no more invitation left on my wave and here my last 3 invitation:
  Omarali Abdul Rahim - omarali.ar[at]gmail[dot]com
  Mohamad Farhan - slipknot0105[at]gmail[dot]com
  adam Othman - adamOthman[at]gmail[dot]com
  Let wait for another round for those who dont get the invitation
  google wave!
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Ajiz Ahmad ajiz...@ymail.com

 Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-25 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
ada 6 lagi nie.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Harith hari...@gmail.com wrote:

 aku ada 8 lagi...

 Harith Dawi


 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 5:20 PM, eavayj beautifi...@gmail.com wrote:

 thanks hafidz

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Hafidz Nasruddin haf...@gmail.comwrote:

 sudah dijemput beautifiers (at) gmail.com

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 7:00 PM, eavayj beautifi...@gmail.com wrote:
  hey...can someone add me plz... beautifiers at gmail.com
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 6:54 PM, Adam Othman adam0th...@gmail.com
  Already manage to get the invitation. Thanx.
  btw, its [sero].
  Nik M Adam Hafiz
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 5:12 PM, hadri hilmi hadri.hi...@gmail.com
  Try guna waver
  macam ringan skit compared dgn web-based. Web-based tersgt2 slowz.
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:39 AM, hadri hilmi hadri.hi...@gmail.com
  Berapa lama perlu tunggu untuk yang ada akaun wave boleh menjemput
  orang lain?
  Aa. Lepas guna beberapa kali. Try la wave seketul dua kt situ,
  active skit (P kat public wave. Type with:public dalam box
 sebelah new
  wave. Then wave! ). Hehe. Cepat skit dia bagi invitation.
  Aa. Lepas guna beberapa kali. Try la wave 1 2 kt situ nanti nampak
  active skit (p kat public wave). Cepat skit dia bagi invitation.
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:31 AM, hadri hilmi 
  isnt ''O(capital O) or 0(zero)?
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
  tilm...@gmail.com wrote:
  sapa2 lagi yg ada boleh invite saya.
  On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:39 PM, edthix edt...@gmail.com wrote:
  In my case beberapa hari lepas guna.
  On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:38:17 +0800, Harisfazillah Jamel
  linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:
   Berapa lama perlu tunggu untuk yang ada akaun wave boleh
   On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:23 PM, hadri hilmi
   no more invitation left on my wave and here my last 3
   Omarali Abdul Rahim - omarali.ar[at]gmail[dot]com
   Mohamad Farhan - slipknot0105[at]gmail[dot]com
   adam Othman - adamOthman[at]gmail[dot]com
   Let wait for another round for those who dont get the
   google wave!
   On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Ajiz Ahmad 
  Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-15 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
siapa ada lagi, invite saya untuk wave

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Hadi Kamarudin hadikamaru...@gmail.comwrote:

 tq mr harith!

 tgh test google wave nih, insyaAllah dh bleh nnt, sy invite org len gk

 On 15 Nov, 09:57, Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com wrote:
  belum boleh lagi, bah.
  To follow the path, look to the master,
  follow the master, walk with the master,
  see through the master, become the master.
  Selasih Net Enterprise
  we never sleep, we just park our head
  On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel 
  linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:
   Terima kasih. Sudah ada Wave. Yang baru dapat tidak boleh jemput orang
   On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 6:25 AM, A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com wrote:
bro harith

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[osdcmy-public] Re: Ubuntu 9.10 upgraders report frustration

2009-11-15 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
Dell Studio so far ok, lepas upgrade 9.10 cuma masalah selepas beberapi hari
usb modem tak detect pulak, pada awal ok lepas restart balik tak detect

2009/11/15 Harith hari...@gmail.com

 aku ugrade 9.04 ke 9.10 laptop thinkpad t61 dan acer aspire 5500 aku tanpa
 sebarang masaalah ja pun...

 Acer aku tu dulu touchpad tak leh pakai dah sampai kematu otak dok
 solve...tp lepas upgrade dah boleh lak... ;)

 Harith Dawi


 2009/11/15 lutfi raffi lutfira...@gmail.com

 just install ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop... broadband boleh guna... setakat ni
 takde masalah lagi... overall lagi best berbanding jaunty.

 On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar 
 bizkut...@gmail.com wrote:

 sama macam macbook pro 13, kena compile alsa-driver-snapshot. tapi
 configuration untuk lenovo ni tak pasti, pakai soundcard apa.

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key

 On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 9:00 PM, A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com wrote:
  untuk lenovo ideapad u350 laptop, problem earphone detection masih
  settle. skrng bila plug in earphone sound keluar kat speaker and
  2009/11/15 Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalay...@gmail.com
  Setakat ini saya punya pun OK selepas online upgrade ke 9.10.
  Masalah screen tak detect besat dan settle. Wireless pun dah stabil.
  OK aje saya.
  On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
  rajaiskand...@gmail.com wrote:
   saya punya experience upgrade to 9.10 on acer aspire1 netbook dan
   amd athlon model 2004 desktop, serta dell pentium 3 model 2003 -
   maybe atas generic hardware yang tak canggih takde masalah kot.
   graphic accelerator cards.
   performance pun lebih pantas dari 9.04. sun-java 6 pun ok aje.
   adempiere java webstart pun ok aje.
  Mike Ditka  - If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have
  us arms.


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-14 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
bro ada lagi tak, invite me to tilm...@gmail.com

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:23 PM, LyanaHamka lyana.ha...@gmail.com wrote:

 thankss..! :)


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-14 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
ok no problem.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar

 Sorry bro, tiket dah habis. Kepada invitees yang dapat tiket nanti,
 sila invite rakan-rakan yang belum dapat, ok. cuma 8 tiket yang google

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key

 On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Mohd Rizal Haji Atan tilm...@gmail.com
  bro ada lagi tak, invite me to tilm...@gmail.com
  On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:23 PM, LyanaHamka lyana.ha...@gmail.com
  thankss..! :)


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Google Wave invitation

2009-11-14 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
ok thanks bro.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:38 PM, rafe azsnal azs...@gmail.com wrote:

 Bro, nnt aku anto invite kat hang ok.


 Send from my HTC Android

 On Nov 14, 2009 5:36 PM, Mohd Rizal Haji Atan tilm...@gmail.com wrote:

 ok no problem.

 On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar bizkut...@gmail.com
 wrote:Sorry bro...


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[osdcmy-public] Re: First Open Source ERP book in the world

2009-11-02 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
Congrats Bro :-)

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 3:23 AM, se7en ridzwa...@gmail.com wrote:

 nice..nice work..

 On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:58 AM, red1 r...@red1.org wrote:

 Just received earlier from the publisher a proof mockup copy and snapped
 here for http://www.flickr.com/photos/red1daniel/

 Hope it makes history. Ready to print by end November. Launching by mid
 December. Hope to get Dr. Mahathir's foreword in within this week.

 Never Underestimated People Stupidity


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Cadangan untuk berkorban sempena Eid-ul Adha.

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
saya pun sama seperti en hanif sukerelawan Melalui Muslimaid boleh bantu
dari segi edaran daging korban untuk mereka yang layak di sekitar selangor.

2009/10/29 ha...@um.edu.my


 saya sedia membantu, kebetulan saya ade join group sukarelawan muslim aid..

 tapi saya maybe just boleh bantu untuk hantarkan bekalan daging je la..
 part2 lain tu tak pasti le pulak..

 so muslim aid cadangkan agar bantuan dihantar ke rumah anak yatim pelarian
 rohingya di selayang nu.. dan kalau nak bagi tempat lain jugak, boleh bagi
 dekat asdaf ( asrama anak yatim darul falah ) dekat bangsar tu..

 ape2hal saya bagitau..



 Quoting Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com on Thu, 29 Oct 2009 10:11:46

  Salam Sejahtera
  Kehadapan rakan-rakan seperjuangan,
  Kami ingin mempelawa kepada rakan untuk menguruskan seekor lembu yang
  sedia ada. Lembu ini telah disediakan dan bahagian nya sudah dipenuhi,
  itu kami meminta rakan yang mempunyai idea atau cadangan utuk
  dimana dan serta menguruskannya.
  Diharap dengan pengorbanan ini dapat menambah rahmat dan barakah kepada
  usaha kita selama ini. Oleh itu sebarang cadangan untuk tempat untuk
  disedekahkan, kumpulan kerja yang terlibat, amat2 dialu-alukan.
  Lembu yang disedekahkan oleh kami adalah dari Selangor, maka sebarang
  seperti rumah anak yatim, rumah orang tua, masjid mestilah dari Selangor
  Sekian, Wsalam.
  To follow the path, look to the master,
  follow the master, walk with the master,
  see through the master, become the master.
  Selasih Net Enterprise
  we never sleep, we just park our head

 UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA  -   The Leader in Research  Innovation 


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Kunjungan OSDC.my Ke Universiti

2009-10-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
UniKL Tuan, Universiti dibawah MARA. Saya boleh bantu dengan pengurusan d

2009/10/25 Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalay...@gmail.com

 Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

 Untuk makluman dan persediaan rakan-rakan semua. Kami sedang uruskan
 hubungan dengan beberapa pentadbiran universiti untuk kunjungan
 merapatkan hubungan universiti dan komuniti OSS melalui OSDC.my.
 Antara yang kita cadangkan adalah

 (1) UKM (Kunjungan semula) - Target date 4 Dis 2009
 (2) UPM (perancangan) - Target date Dis 2009 (Selepas perasmian buku red1)
 (3) UPSI (kunjungan semula - pembentukan komuniti)
 (4) UTM (kunjungan semula - kembangkan komuniti)

 Ada beberapa lagi universiti dalam peringkat perancangan. Pihak
 Jawatan kuasa kerja akan umumkan nanti.

 Terima kasih.


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[osdcmy-public] Wakil OSDC untuk MyGOSSCon 24 WebDev Contest

2009-10-23 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari

Berita agak sedih untuk Team OSDC.my... Tahniah kepada KRIMnet kerana
berjaya masuk ke contest tu. Semoga berjaya.

-- Forwarded message --
From: P.P.Foong fo...@oscc.org.my
Date: Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Your team is in the 2nd chance list to the 24-Hour OSS
WebDev Contest 2009
To: rizal...@gmail.com

Dear Sir,

You have a great team, but just that we found other teams slightly on top of

Your team is now in a 2nd chance list. In case any of the short-listed
teams are kicked out, you might gain the opportunity to be in!

You can visit to
http://mygosscon.oscc.org.my/2009/24h-oss-webdev-contest/ for latest
information, and to find out who are the teams that beaten you up.

Please get prepared. There might still be chance for us to call you
anytime to join the contest.

Remember, you are not so far away from the short-listed.

Meanwhile, we strongly encourage you to register and participate in the
premier MyGOSSCON 2009 conference, if you have not done so. Check out
the agenda for the interesting speakers and topics.

Good luck!


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[osdcmy-public] Re: untangle

2009-10-22 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari

Kalau korang register ngan opendns  enable filtering tu baru ada
kesan... tu pun masih boleh pilih2... kalau ip dynamic leceh sikit
kena update ip bila dah tukar ip...

2009/10/22 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com:
 salam tuan..

 opendns tu melalui proxy ker? dah register dengan opendns.. biasanya boleh
 buat dengan wifi-router ajer..  terus dia block untuk kita.. tapi kes tuan
 ni pelik lah.. dah pernah buat tahun 2008 kut.. kat rumah member assigned to
 be office that provide the internet to all the area. Community service lah
 kunun2nya. sambil tu marketing buat company secretary + repair pc dan buat
 web site..
 To follow the path, look to the master,
 follow the master, walk with the master,
 see through the master, become the master.

 Selasih Net Enterprise
 we never sleep, we just park our head

 Sent from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

 2009/10/22 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar bizkut...@gmail.com

 Aku pakai opendns facebook takde kena blok pung. TMnet DNS blok
 yourporn.com , opendns takde block apa2.

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key

 2009/10/22 Hafidz Nasruddin haf...@gmail.com:
  Opendns block Facebook dan yang sewaktu dengannya, tak best.. hahahaha
  2009/10/22 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com:
  Tahniah... anda memang hebat - sari kata email kalu kita join MLM..
  OPEN DNS.. sama sahaja dengan TMNET punyer DNS.. tapi open DNS lebih
  lebih efiicient.. dan ada fungsi2 tambahan.. sebagai contoh.. mengawal
  aktiviti2 yang tidak berfaedah sekiranya kita memberi Wifi atau
  kepada orang secara PERCUMA.. boleh dibuat dari DNS sahaja.. tidak
  kita nak tapis2 pulak.. hehehehe..
  To follow the path, look to the master,
  follow the master, walk with the master,
  see through the master, become the master.
  Selasih Net Enterprise
  we never sleep, we just park our head
  Sent from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
  On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:09 AM, cikgu ayob ayob.alham...@gmail.com
  Alhamdullillahdh berjaya install..untangle n package2..open
  tq shahar..
  mmg kena remota https://
  ssh pula...x jumpa lagi.. ..
  best ke pakai opendns?
  harap2..kawan dpt berkongsi..


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Seketariat ADempiere Melawat Dr. Mahathir

2009-10-22 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
Can i follow, bukan mudah nak dapat jumpa Tun :-)

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com

 saya should be able to join the rombongan if it is in putrajaya (as long as
 it is not in the heart of kl) and on a weekday. will try to get 6 more
 people to join the rombongan. hehehe... macam rombongan hantar pengantin
 Rombongan KRIM Network

1. Raja Iskandar Shah
2. Mohd Taufiq Ismail
3. Nazaitul Shima
4. Muhammad Fazli Samat
5. Nurhakimah Kamil
6. Shahida Baizura
7. Syed Mohd Fadhil

 // success = trial - error + fix

 2009/10/23 red1 r...@red1.org

 darXness darXness wrote:
  ak nak join pun xtau nak wat pe..huhu...
  well...good luck k!!

 join ni untuk sekadar tumpang pun tak pe.. anggap penguin jumpa
 pembesar. ke.. sekadar ambik berkat... ambik gambar bersama pun boleh...
 apabila kita buat program, yang penting buat secara berjemaah...
 bersekutu, bukan berpecah.. barulah orang ramai lihat kita kuat dan

 Tun is not only a visionary but also a politician. All politicians likes
 strong support... kan Dato Badlisham said i am a politician... so i know
 what Tun wants. He wants to see big name up there with lots of numbers
 around it. We show that we appreciate his vision and are here to proof
 it works.

 GNU and Freedom must win --- Richard Stallman disallows use of Linux
 and Open Source :)


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Seketariat ADempiere Melawat Dr. Mahathir

2009-10-22 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
Cik Yun, tempah tiket 1 :-) mana nak jumap cik yun nie?

2009/10/23 Mohd Syukor Abdul msyu...@searcct.gov.my

 Count me in too. I love to meet Tun since 1996. :)

 - Original Message -
 From: Mohd Yusnizam Mohamad myusni...@opensource.org.my
 To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:47:27 AM GMT +08:00 Beijing / Chongqing /
 Hong Kong / Urumqi
 Subject: [osdcmy-public] Re: Seketariat ADempiere Melawat Dr. Mahathir

 kalau selepas 21 Nov/ weekend/ cuti sekolah saya boleh join rombongan
 tersebut. add

 mohd yusnizam aka jengc0il

 2009/10/23 Najah  khairunna...@gmail.com 


 Currently on the list :-
 1. Red1 - Kuang Sifu Master
 2. Miss Yun
 3. Shukri - Pingu Masuk Kampung
 4. Wariola - Model versi 10.03.02
 5. Black - The Blurry Knight
 6. Syazwan - The Reporter
 7. DarXness - The Malam
 8. Puan Norhija Jaffar - Pearson
 9. Raja Iskandar Shah - Raja Krim
 10. Mohd Taufiq Ismail
 11. Nazaitul Shima
 12. Muhammad Fazli Samat
 13. Nurhakimah Kamil
 14. Shahida Baizura
 15. Syed Mohd Fadhil
 16. Mohd Rizal Haji Atan

 Setakat ni tiket masih lagi harga murah..
 start esok harga double.. :p

 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini 
 jipangmenje...@gmail.com  wrote:

 nak check-in untuk team HackerMY TV dulu..
 saya dan darxness :)

 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 8:40 AM, red1  r...@red1.org  wrote:

 Mohd Rizal Haji Atan wrote:
  Can i follow, bukan mudah nak dapat jumpa Tun :-)

 boleh... tak mahal... ambik tiket cepat-cepat dari Cik Yun.. last minute
 kan naik harga macam AirAsia pulak. :)


 Khairunnajah Abd Kadir

 SAHABAT Excellent Sdn Bhd
 i-SAHABAT Sdn Bhd
 SAHABAT Education and Training Institute
 Koperasi Usahawan Intelektual Siswazah Malaysia Berhad – KOPSIS

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 'Partner in The Learning Process...'


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Wakil OSDC untuk MyGOSSCon 24 WebDev Contest

2009-10-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Cayalah AJ. Menyahut cabaran. Apa kekuatan anda?

Syazwan, kira ok la tu... Betul2 mau ka?

Come on mana yg lain nih?

Most important things... Apo kito di bikin? Any suggestion?

2009/10/9 Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com

 lawan jgn tak lawan ...

 betul cakap aziman tu, mesti ada sorang graphic - 20% markah untuk
 presentation. dan dalam real world memang presentation sangat2 penting.

 dan juga buat pengetahuan sekelian - masih belum ada team lain yg submit
 application !!!

 so buat masa sekarang, kalau masuk gerenti menang - sure win 1

 2009/10/9 Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini jipangmenje...@gmail.com

 saya boleh buat grafik..
 tapi layakkah daku? kuh3 [?]

 2009/10/8 aziman noor azi...@gmail.com

 code satu hal... satu yang terror grafik nih... aku bab grafik nih la yang
 gagal bersyarat sikit.
 Icon la, butang, banner, footer... byk tuh... so 1 dr 5 orang mesti reti
 grafik. GIMP. NVU.

 2009/10/8 A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com

 tuan rizal,

 i'm in! ada kena meeting ke apa? aku dah lama tak tulis code ni.


 2009/10/8 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com

 jangan main bomoh yaa.. muahahahaa
 To follow the path, look to the master,
 follow the master, walk with the master,
 see through the master, become the master.

 Selasih Net Enterprise
 we never sleep, we just park our head

 Sent from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

 2009/10/8 sweemeng ng swees...@gmail.com

 Ganas macam lawan.

 2009/10/8 nuhaa cawan.nu...@gmail.com

 dealine dah extend ke 20 oct

 Nuhaa All Bakry / cawanpink

 2009/10/8 Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com

 masih boleh masuk part of the team. sebab interface design kira 20%
 dari markah.

 2009/10/8 Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini jipangmenje...@gmail.com

 belum cukup ilmu la nak buat web development framework..
 kalau jadi pom-pom boy kat belakang boleh la [?]

 2009/10/8 Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari rizal...@gmail.com

 Saya akan buat 1 team tu. Maaf lambat reply sbb jarang tgk e-mel
 asyik ulang alik dari hospital ni.

 Ada sesiapa yg nak masuk team ni sila bagi nama.

 2009/10/8 nuhaa cawan.nu...@gmail.com:
  kita takdak main rasuah2 ye
  osdc takde wakil ke?? at least 2 org, max 5 org
  Nuhaa All Bakry / cawanpink
  2009/10/8 Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com
  ikut perisikan saya cik cawanpink.net adalah salah sorang ajk
  pertandingan. rasanya boh pun mungkin terlibat sama.
  tapi saya ingin ingatkan rasuah dalam bentuk hadiah / saguhati
 / salah
  guna kuasa adalah salah dari segi undang2 ;-)
  kalau tanya team krimnet - depa nak makan free aje.
 hahahaha. love
  of coding + free food ;-)
  2009/10/8 Mohammad Sallehuddin Kodri mrblu...@gmail.com
  cayalah. harap2 bos Raja n geng boleh menang. kalo osdc.my
 ader team pun
  leh menang gak. kira bolot ar semua.
  Sent from my iPhone
  On 2009 Okt 8, at 10:47 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah 
  saya pun harap ada team osdc.my sendiri. no worries about
 menang atau
  kalah atau malu - itu semua adat permainan (man utd fc pun
 kalah juga). yang
  penting turun gelanggang.
  krimnet memang akan hantar team sendiri dan sekarang ini kami
  kalau perlu jadi wakil bersama osdc.my. in case osdc.my takde
 wakil sendiri.
  kalau nak letak osdc.my-krimnet pun boleh jugak. pasal krimnet
 pun asalnya
  dari kelab remaja jugak.
  2009/10/8 mohd fenris mohdfen...@gmail.com
  just my 2 cent...
  kenapa nak ade *-osdc.my ? kan ke lebih afdal @ bagus kalau
 pakai nama
  kumpulan sayabanggadengannamakumpulansaya (sbg cth) . so
 kalau menang ke
  kalah ker .. saguhati ker .. x de la nak tunding jari sana
 sini ...
  sy yakin ada team dari osdc.my , betul x rakan2?
  On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah
  rajaiskand...@gmail.com wrote:
  topic akan diberikan masa mula competition day tu - tak aci
 lah kalau
  kasi awal2
  cik cawanpink.net lebih arif
  bos, kalau takde team osdc.my, boleh ke kami guna nama
  ? closing date ahad 11 oct 2009. kami dah nak kena submit
 esok pagi. winning
  boleh split 50/50. need to know by 8am esok.
  On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:45 PM, A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com
  so apa format competition ni? kita boleh buat apa2 webapp
 ke masa
  competition day tu dia bagi keyword/topic lps tu kita
 create the webapp kat
  situ jugak?
  aku nak pergi rendam tangan dalam ais untuk menaip dgn
 lebih laju masa
  competition karang...
  2009/10/7 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com
  bro boleh wakil OSDC pulak.. lawan tetap lawan,, hehehe
  To follow the path, look to the master,
  follow the master, walk with the master,
  see through the master, become the master.
  Selasih Net Enterprise
  we never sleep, we just park our head

[osdcmy-public] Re: Fwd: MyGOSSCON 2009: Peraduan Pembangunan Aplikasi Web Sumber Terbuka 24 Jam

2009-10-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari

Date-line dah diubah kepada 20 Okt 2009.

2009/10/9 Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalay...@gmail.com:
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: MyGOSSCON mygoss...@oscc.org.my
 Date: 2009/10/9
 Subject: MyGOSSCON 2009: Peraduan Pembangunan Aplikasi Web Sumber Terbuka 24 

 Assalamualaikum dan salam kegemilangan

 YBrs. Dr./Tuan/Puan/Cik,

 Jemputan untuk menyertai Peraduan Pembangunan Aplikasi Web Sumber
 Terbuka 24 Jam sempena MyGOSSCON 2009

 Persidangan Perisian Sumber Terbuka Kerajaan Malaysia (MyGOSSCON) 2009
 akan dilangsungkan pada 4-5 November 2009 bertempat di PICC,
 Putrajaya. Sehubungan dengan itu pelbagai aktiviti telah dirancang
 untuk menjayakannya.

 Peraduan Pembangunan Aplikasi Web Sumber Terbuka 24 Jam (24-hour Open
 Source Web Application Development Contest) akan diadakan bersempena
 dengan persidangan ini. Penyertaan untuk peraduan pengaturcaraan ini
 dibuka untuk semua pelajar Malaysia dan semua kakitangan kerajaan 
 swasta. Penyertaan hanya dibuka secara berpasukan (2-5 orang dalam
 satu pasukan). Peraduan akan berlangsung pada 4-5 November 2009.

 Hadiah yang menanti pemenang-pemenang adalah seperti berikut:
 Tempat pertama: RM5,000
 Tempat kedua: RM3,000
 Tempat ketiga: RM1,500

 Penyertaan daripada pelajar amat digalakkan. Terdapat hadiah yang
 menanti untuk Pasukan Pelajar Terbaik bernilai RM2,000. Hadiah ini
 akan diberikan kepada pasukan pelajar yang menghasilkan produk terbaik
 dikalangan pasukan pelajar yang lain walaupun tidak memenangi 3 hadiah
 yang lain.

 Sekiranya pihak YBrs. Dr./Tuan/Puan/Cik mengenali mana-mana individu
 yang berpotensi dan berminat untuk menyertai peraduan ini, sila
 sampaikan maklumat ini kepada mereka.

 Pasukan yang berminat untuk menyertai peraduan ini perlu menghantar
 borang penyertaan kepada OSCC MAMPU sebelum 11 Oktober 2009.

 Disertakan bersama adalah Syarat-syarat  Terma Peraduan dan borang
 penyertaan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari

 Sertai peraduan ini sekarang!

 Sekian. Terima kasih.


Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia http://www.osdc.my/

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[osdcmy-public] Re: Wakil OSDC untuk MyGOSSCon 24 WebDev Contest

2009-10-08 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari

Saya akan buat 1 team tu. Maaf lambat reply sbb jarang tgk e-mel sejak
asyik ulang alik dari hospital ni.

Ada sesiapa yg nak masuk team ni sila bagi nama.

2009/10/8 nuhaa cawan.nu...@gmail.com:
 kita takdak main rasuah2 ye

 osdc takde wakil ke?? at least 2 org, max 5 org

 Nuhaa All Bakry / cawanpink

 2009/10/8 Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com

 ikut perisikan saya cik cawanpink.net adalah salah sorang ajk
 pertandingan. rasanya boh pun mungkin terlibat sama.

 tapi saya ingin ingatkan rasuah dalam bentuk hadiah / saguhati / salah
 guna kuasa adalah salah dari segi undang2 ;-)

 kalau tanya team krimnet - depa nak makan free aje. hahahaha. love
 of coding + free food ;-)

 2009/10/8 Mohammad Sallehuddin Kodri mrblu...@gmail.com

 cayalah. harap2 bos Raja n geng boleh menang. kalo osdc.my ader team pun
 leh menang gak. kira bolot ar semua.

 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2009 Okt 8, at 10:47 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah rajaiskand...@gmail.com

 saya pun harap ada team osdc.my sendiri. no worries about menang atau
 kalah atau malu - itu semua adat permainan (man utd fc pun kalah juga). yang
 penting turun gelanggang.

 krimnet memang akan hantar team sendiri dan sekarang ini kami standby
 kalau perlu jadi wakil bersama osdc.my. in case osdc.my takde wakil sendiri.
 kalau nak letak osdc.my-krimnet pun boleh jugak. pasal krimnet pun asalnya
 dari kelab remaja jugak.

 2009/10/8 mohd fenris mohdfen...@gmail.com

 just my 2 cent...
 kenapa nak ade *-osdc.my ? kan ke lebih afdal @ bagus kalau pakai nama
 kumpulan sayabanggadengannamakumpulansaya (sbg cth) . so kalau menang ke
 kalah ker .. saguhati ker .. x de la nak tunding jari sana sini ...
 sy yakin ada team dari osdc.my , betul x rakan2?

 On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah
 rajaiskand...@gmail.com wrote:

 topic akan diberikan masa mula competition day tu - tak aci lah kalau
 kasi awal2

 cik cawanpink.net lebih arif

 bos, kalau takde team osdc.my, boleh ke kami guna nama krimnet-osdc.my
 ? closing date ahad 11 oct 2009. kami dah nak kena submit esok pagi. 
 boleh split 50/50. need to know by 8am esok.

 On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:45 PM, A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com wrote:

 so apa format competition ni? kita boleh buat apa2 webapp ke masa
 competition day tu dia bagi keyword/topic lps tu kita create the webapp 
 situ jugak?

 aku nak pergi rendam tangan dalam ais untuk menaip dgn lebih laju masa
 competition karang...


 2009/10/7 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com

 bro boleh wakil OSDC pulak.. lawan tetap lawan,, hehehe
 To follow the path, look to the master,
 follow the master, walk with the master,
 see through the master, become the master.

 Selasih Net Enterprise
 we never sleep, we just park our head

 Sent from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

 2009/10/7 A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com

 wah ni mcm menarik je ni. aku nak join the team tapi subject to tak
 kena hantar mana2 oleh kompeni. boleh kira ke mcm tu?


 2009/10/7 Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalay...@gmail.com

 OK nohal... Nanti kita tengokkan saper lagi boleh masuk team.

 2009/10/7 Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com:
  sama bro.. sebab dia 24 jam..


 Samuel Goldwyn  - I'm willing to admit that I may not always be
 right, but I am never wrong.


 Joan Crawford  - I, Joan Crawford, I believe in the dollar.
 Everything I earn, I spend.


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Re: Android - Was: Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: [Fwd: Invitation to launch 1Malaysia achievement]

2009-10-05 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari

Desktop sync sudah makin ketinggalan sekarang, Android support sikit
je desktop sync. WebOS (Palm new OS) pun ke arah ni...

With Android now I can sync my SMS to my Gmail. :) Thanks to Ritz for
this tips.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:43 PM, A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com wrote:

 sync tu yg penting...apa masalah? can it sync w outlook and show d pictures
 of my contacts?


 2009/10/5 mohd fenris mohdfen...@gmail.com

 WM 6.5 + Android :)

 On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:32 PM, rafe azsnal azs...@gmail.com wrote:

 Personally from a 8 years WM user android do offer some great stuff
 compare to wm6. But bear in mind Android is new in the market so do expect
 some sync issue.  But yet to compare with iPhone.


 Send from my HTC Android

 On Oct 5, 2009 10:11 PM, A Johan ajoha...@gmail.com wrote:


 how's d android? ada bagus kah?

 2009/10/3 rafe azsnal azs...@gmail.com

 It should be 20% all around. Hahaha. Then barulah 1 Malaysia.


 Send from my HTC Android

 On Oct 3, 2009 6:18 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar bizkut...@gmail.com

 Get ready for his 20 persen ;)
 Sent from my iPhone

 On 2009 Okt 3, at 18:14, rafe azsnal azs...@gmail.com wrote:  Thank
 you for promoting osdcmy i...


 Samuel Goldwyn  - I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right,
 but I am never wrong.


 Ogden Nash  - The trouble with a kitten is that when it grows up, it's
 always a cat.

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[osdcmy-public] Re: The problem with PowerPoint

2009-08-20 Terurut Topik Mohd. Rizal Bin Mohd Shahari


Nampak sangat e-mel tu dari saya punya boxbe. Saya try service boxbe ni
sbb nak tgk2 pasal mail screening. Tapi x tahu lak boleh jadi macam

Minta maaf kpd sesiapa yg terganggu dengan e-mel yg semacam ni...

Setting dah diubah supaya x jadik lg...

On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 02:41 +0800, Izhar Firdaus wrote:
 who the heck subscribed this spambot to the mailing list ...
 On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:21 AM, postmas...@boxbe.com wrote:
  Hello Izhar Firdaus,
  I've received your message entitled [osdcmy-public] Re: The problem with
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  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Izhar Firdaus kagesenshi...@gmail.com
  To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
  Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 02:10:31 +0800
  Subject: [osdcmy-public] Re: The problem with PowerPoint

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[osdcmy-public] Re: CodeFestKL 2006 MIMOS Berhad

2009-06-21 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari
Wow!, Now I know m0n0wall run by Malaysians... Been using it for years.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Izhar Firdaus kagesenshi...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
 linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:
  From history we learn to make a better living... hehehe.
  Im researching Internet to find old Malaysian projects that related to
  Open Source.


 But it's not just advocacy the community is good at. ADOdb, the
 famous database abstraction library for PHP, m0n0wall, the complete
 embedded firewall/traffic shaper/router, and e-HRMS, the web-based
 human resources managed system, are all open source projects run by

  From CodeFestKL
  March 4-5, 2006 MIMOS Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  CodeFest is a two-day event where developers from around the globe
  work together to achieve a common goal.

 Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail
 Amano Hikaru  天野晃 「あまの ひかる」
 Fedora Malaysia Contributor  Ambassador
 92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866  5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331


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