Re: Ergonomics of *istD

2004-01-08 Thread Sylwek
for me, Pentax could change left side mode/WB/ISO wheel to the thingy in
style of the one found in Z1P and Z1. It would be just superb for digital
camera, as you would always be in shutter priority - even during changing
ISO, WB, image quality, you could always back to photographing by just
pressing shutter button - no need to turn the wheel to come back to one of
exposure modes. And with this one solution many functions could be
integrated in one convenient control wheel - no need to create more buttons,
which start to confuse you if there are too many of them scattered around
camera body. If they returned to known from Z1s hyper exposure modes, then
they could back to that too instead of copying thing from Nikon D100 and
similar cameras.

Best Regards

Re: Blue skies...

2004-01-08 Thread Sylwek
on 08.01.04 2:10, Tanya Mayer Photography at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is it likely that this type of shot really needs PS'ing to make the sky look
> so deep blue in colour?  Should I try using a graduated filter of some sort?
You can use light blue grad filter to enhance blue skies. If you use
polarizer, just remember, that the best effect can be achieved, when the sun
is straight on your left or right - at 90š to the axis of your lens. Keeping
to this rule, I had many shots with deep blue skies without using any sort
of blue grad filter.

Best Regards

Re: My first *ist D gallery

2004-01-06 Thread Sylwek
Very nice photos! Neutral colour, very good exposure. Ah, and you are lucky
- you have summer in Oz now, we have -10 degrees here in Poland :-)
What I like about *istD pictures, that they are slightly "film like" with
natural colours and tones.

Best Regards

Re: hello again

2004-01-05 Thread Sylwek
on 04.01.04 8:50, mapson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> After a long absence on the list (several years), I'm back. ;-)
> Since then I've gained more experience and Pentax equipment. Surprise,
> surprise.
> I could only find a couple of names of the "old" users, so let's start from
> new.
> I live in Australia
Hello Robert,
and welcome back! Althought we probably haven't read each other before, as I
have been on the list for merely two years :-)
Wait a moment. Mother company of the subsidiary I'm working in is called
Australian General Enterprises, so we have something in common, even that I
live in Poland :-)

Best Regards

Re: AW: *ist D finder magnification

2004-01-05 Thread Sylwek
on 04.01.04 18:03, graywolf at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> High magnification finders have a low-viewpoint (your eye has to be very close
> to it). Nikon started all this lower magnification stuff with the HP
> (high-viewpoint) finder for the F3, and suddenly eyeglass wearers could see
> the 
> whole screen without have to move their eye. Things like this are alway a
> tradeoff.
And that's another plus for *istD - despite having the greatest
magnification of all APS-sized CCD DSLRs, its viewfinder is undoubtly of HP
type with 21 mm eye point.

Best Regards

Happy New Year!

2003-12-31 Thread Sylwek
Hello All,
I would like to wish you all the best in the upcoming 2004 year. Have good
health to take photos, be happy because of the great shots, have money for
your new toys :-) Happy New Year!

Best regards

Re: Konica Minolta?

2003-12-19 Thread Sylwek
on 18.12.03 18:57, graywolf at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Nikon belong alongside Mitsubishi already.
Asahi Glass is now subsidiary of Mitsubishi too ;-P Actually it has been
since 1944 :-)))
But I doubt if this company has anything in common with Asahi Pentax :-)

Best Regards

Re: Konica Minolta?

2003-12-17 Thread Sylwek
on 12/17/03 8:51 PM, Bill Owens at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I saw an ad on TV last night for a camera and the logo on the ad was the
> usual Minolta globe, but the name was Konica Minolta.  Who bought who?
Konica bought Minolta.


Re: Why P-TTL?

2003-12-17 Thread Sylwek
on 16.12.03 17:51, Joseph Tainter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Can someone who owns the AF360FGZ confirm that P-TTL has given you
> better exposures than ordinary TTL?
Yes, P-TTL is significant upgrade to plain TTL. It usually tries to expose
picture so as the flash would be as weak as possible to obtain proper
exposure, resulting in more natural results.

> In what conditions?
For instance if you have some object that are nearer than main subjext, that
you have focussed your camera on. In P-TTL main subjext is usually well
exposed, while neareer, out-of-focus objetcs are overexposed. In plain TTL,
reflected light from nearer object would foul flash automatic, properly
exposing near object and leaving underexposed main subject(s). Actually this
is possible because P-TTL uses distance information coming from F and later
series lenses and of course it works only when flash head is directed
straight (not tilted). I could write about more real-world examples, but I
think there's no comparison - P-TTL is simply better, period! It's just pity
there's no stronger than AF360 flash that would work in P-TTL. Maybe because
Pentax has filed this year new patent for flash metering system using not
only multi-segment metering, but also taking in consideration different
reflectivities of various colors? Will there be C-TTL (or something) in next
Pentax DSLR? It yet has to be seen, as many of the patents remain just

Best Regards

Re: mz-6/af360fgz

2003-12-16 Thread Sylwek
on 16.12.03 13:21, Kostas Kavoussanakis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Cobra 750, not Pentax 360. :-)
That's good. I just thought my af360 could be damaged ;-P

Best Regards

Re: mz-6/af360fgz

2003-12-16 Thread Sylwek
on 16.12.03 12:27, Kostas Kavoussanakis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> p.s.: Pity this flash has a blue cast. It is excellent otherwise and
> quite cheap.
Blue cast? When? How?

Best Regards

Re: push/pull colour neg film?

2003-12-16 Thread Sylwek
on 16.12.03 12:18, Tanya Mayer Photography at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Was chatting away with Rob Studdert today, and together we raised an
> interesting issue - in light of the postings about pushing/pulling film
> these past few days, and their tolerance of standard processing etc, we were
> wondering if any of you had achieved successes in the same way by
> push/pulling COLOUR NEGATIVE film? ie. for eg. rating an ISO 100 speed film
> as 400 but processing it "as normal" ie as an ISO 100?
I think this can be quite easy done with almost every film developed in C-41
process. AFAIR Kodak allows to expose T400CN b&w C41 film at iso100-1600 and
still have good results. Someone has mentioned onse on, that he
had better grain, when exposed T400CN at iso100. More problems with colour
film could be related to colour shift when exposed at non-standard
sensitivities, but theoretically this could be corrected in mini-lab.

> let the discussion begin 
Was I first? ;-)

Best Regards

Re: mz-6/af360fgz

2003-12-16 Thread Sylwek
on 16.12.03 12:15, Tanya Mayer Photography at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ok, guys and gals, here's the thing - I have this combination MZ-6 (ZX-L)
> and the AF360fgz.  When I purchased the AF360fgz, I read the manual from
> front to back, only to discover that many of the options weren't available
> unless you were using it with an MZ-S (such as high-speed sync, p-ttl,
> wireless ttl etc).  So, tonight, I have opened the manual for my MZ-6, after
> deciding that I don't use nearly enough of its "features", only to discover
> that the manual says that yes, indeedy, I CAN use these functions with this
> combination.  It has led me to wonder, are they also available on the *istD?
> Does anyone else have the MZ-6/AF360fgz and can shed some light on this?  It
> is very strange to me that in the AF360fgz, Pentax would only refer to the
> MZ-S, when in reality (according to IT'S manual), I am able to use the MZ-6
> in much the same way
The manual for AF360 was written in times when MZ-6 was not available,
that's why they mentioned only MZ-S. And *istD makes full use of features
available in AF360FGZ, althought as I can see there is no proper flash
exposure confirmation in this combo in P-TTL... But anyway it is perfect
flash for *istD, tried it lately and I was satisfied :-)

Best Regards

Re: *istD

2003-12-15 Thread Sylwek
on 15.12.03 14:32, Tanya Mayer Photography at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Best online price ever?!!?
> Anyone ever dealt with these guys before?
They have very poor comments from customers. And shipping is 60$. I'd better
buy for 30$ more here:*istD02567&com=8

Best Regards