Re: Objects, classes, metaclasses, and other things that go bump in the night

2004-12-16 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 11:13 AM +0100 12/14/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   subclass - To create a subclass of a class object

Is existing and used.

 Right. I was listing the things we need in the protocol. Some of them 
 we've got, some we don't, and some of the stuff we have we probably 
 need to toss out or redo.

add_parent - To add a parent to the class this is invoked on
   become_parent - Called on the class passed as a parameter to 

What is the latter used for?

 To give the newly added parent class a chance to do some setup in the 
 child class, if there's a need for it. There probably won't be in 
 most cases, but when mixing in classes of different families I think 
 we're going to need this.

The chap who's writing Ruby on Rails, a very capable framework reckons
that some of these 'meta' method calls that Ruby has in abundance have
really made his life a lot easier; they're not the sort of things you
need to use very often, but they're fabulously useful when you do.

Re: Objects, classes, metaclasses, and other things that go bump in the night

2004-12-14 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  subclass - To create a subclass of a class object

Is existing and used.

  add_parent - To add a parent to the class this is invoked on
  become_parent - Called on the class passed as a parameter to add_parent

What is the latter used for?

  class_type - returns some unique ID or other so all classes in one
   class family have the same ID

What is a class family?

  instantiate - Called to create an object of the class


  add_method - called to add a method to the class
  remove_method - called to remove a method from a class

These are the other two parts of the Cfetchmethod vtable I presume. When
during packfile loading a Sub PMC constant is encountered and it's a
method, Cadd_method should be called instead of CParrot_store_global?

  namespace_name - returns the name of this class' namespace

Should we really separate the namespace name from the class name?

  get_anonymous_subclass - to put the object into a singleton anonymous

How is the singleton object created in the first place?


Re: Objects, classes, metaclasses, and other things that go bump in the night

2004-12-14 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 11:13 AM +0100 12/14/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  subclass - To create a subclass of a class object
Is existing and used.
Right. I was listing the things we need in the protocol. Some of them 
we've got, some we don't, and some of the stuff we have we probably 
need to toss out or redo.

   add_parent - To add a parent to the class this is invoked on
  become_parent - Called on the class passed as a parameter to add_parent
What is the latter used for?
To give the newly added parent class a chance to do some setup in the 
child class, if there's a need for it. There probably won't be in 
most cases, but when mixing in classes of different families I think 
we're going to need this.

   class_type - returns some unique ID or other so all classes in one
   class family have the same ID
What is a class family?
The metaclass's class. I think. This is meant to be an identifier 
that says what kind of class a class is, so code can make some 
assumptions about internal structure and such. Everything that's 
based on a ParrotClass PMC, for example, would have the same 
class_type ID.

   add_method - called to add a method to the class
   remove_method - called to remove a method from a class
These are the other two parts of the Cfetchmethod vtable I presume. When
during packfile loading a Sub PMC constant is encountered and it's a
method, Cadd_method should be called instead of CParrot_store_global?
Yeah, I think so. I'm not too happy about it, but I think that's the 
way things will end up. Most classes will then go and stuff the 
methods into the namespace, but I think it'll have to be up to the 
classes whether they use the namespaces for methods or not.

   namespace_name - returns the name of this class' namespace
Should we really separate the namespace name from the class name?
Yes. We're going to have cases where we've got multiple classes with 
the same name but different namespaces. (Generally classes 
masquerading as other classes, but I can see some other cases)

   get_anonymous_subclass - to put the object into a singleton anonymous
How is the singleton object created in the first place?
For now, I think singletons will all be objects of a normal class 
that get pulled into a singleton class, most likely because code's 
added or changed methods on the object rather than to the class.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

MMD dispatch (was: Objects, classes, metaclasses, and other things that go bump in the night)

2004-12-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now, there is one big gotcha here -- multimethod dispatch. I'm not
 entirely sure that we can do this properly and still give classes
 full control over how methods are looked for and where they go.

Thinking about MMD a bit more, I can imagine the following scheme:

0) Our current MMD_table is 2-dimensional only and totally static.
Furthermore it doesn't really fit into method lookups as it's an
assymmetric second case.

1) Single method lookup.

Current state: works for objects and NCI class methods. Does not work
dynamically for vtable methods.

The switch-over from dynamic lookup with objects to static lookup in
PMCs is done with two helper (meta-)classes: delegate.pmc for objects
and deleg_pmc.pmc for objects derived from PMCs). This adds some extra
Cif statements in find_method_direct and looks bulky.


We just do a method call for all method-like, user methods that
are currently handled in vtables. This means that we have internally:


and what not.

But also:


The existing opcode syntax remains of course, but the method call
syntax is an equivalent.

Please remember, when reading this that we are currently not discussing
performance, we want a complete and correct implementation. We can deal
with performance implications later.

The vtable entry can remain for internal (inside Parrot) use, if we know
which PMC type is used and for internal vtable methods like init, mark,
destroy, freeze, thaw, hash (!), and so on.

As there is no distinction between a method and what's currently a
vtable this expands easily to pythonic add-ons like PyInt.__oct__
which isn't supported directly and of course to all object methods.

There is no distinction between object and vtable class methods (except
that some cases may be heavily optimized).

2) 2-dimensional MMD

This is basically just an abstraction of 1). A MMD method gets 2 entries
in the globals table, one for the left class namespace and one for the
right class. We have e.g.

the visible opcode

   Pdest = Pleft + Pright

This gets an internal opcode:

  callmethod_MMD_2 add # 2-dim MMD dispatch opcode

or a more specialized one with signature and arguments:

  callmethod_MMD_2_v_ppp add, Pdest, Pleft, Pright

to save on register setup overhead.

This opcode does:
a) look in Pleft's class for methods named add, remember the tuple
   (function, Csearchoffset) for each found method
b) look in PRight's class and create such tuples, where the 2nd function
   argument is PRight's class. To accomplish this the namepace that is
   searched is e.g. \0right_class\0__2.
c) compare the two lists for the best match (based on some distance e.g.
   the combined depth (searchoffset) of the found functions)
d) cache the result (function, left-type, right-type)
e) call function


Further as the classes for left and right are responsible for the method
lookup, the left class can e.g. just ignore the MMD-search by returning
a function and a flag that no further search should be done.

During class setup existing MMD functions in *.pmc are created by a
sequence similar to:

  store_global class_name_left, add, func
  store_global class_name_right, 2, add, func


  store_global class_name_right\0__2, add, func

3) n-dimensional MMD

This is a straight-forward extension of 2) and handled by

  callmethod_MMD_3_sig func  (maybe)
  callmethod_MMD_n func, n

Comments welcome,


Re: Objects, classes, metaclasses, and other things that go bump in the night

2004-12-02 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyway, so much for the 'outside world' view of objects as black box
things that have properties and methods.

[ ... ]
Almost everything we do here is going to be with method calls.
There's very little that I can see that requires any faster access
than that, so as long as we have a proper protocol that everyone can
conform to, we should be OK.
The distinction object vs class is still in the way a bit, when it comes
to method calls.
$ python
i = 4
 |  __sub__(...)
 |  x.__sub__(y) == x-y
Given that a PyInt is just a PMC it currently needs a lot of ugly hacks
to implement the full set of operator methods.  dynclasses/py*.pmc is
mostly just duplicating existing code from standard PMCs.
Iff the assembler just emits a method call for the opcode:
  sub P0, P1, P2
we have that equivalence too, with proper inheritance and static and dynamic
operator overloading.
I've duplicated FixedPMCArray.get_pmc_keyed_int() as a method, starting
with this line:
METHOD PMC* __getitem__(INTVAL key) {
Point of order: discussions would be a lot easier if they didnt *start 
out* with perjorative terms like ugly hacks.  One of my goals is to 
eliminate the need for if (!Interp_flags_TEST(INTERP, 
PARROT_PYTHON_MODE)) sprinkled throughout the various standard (i.e. 
Perl) PMCs.

Yes, this all needs to be radically refactored - and all perlisms and 
pythonisms removed from the standard classes.

Meanwhile, feel free to ask questions or make suggestions.
With that out of the way, I will assert that in all the Python code I 
have seen, use of infix operators and square brackets for indexing 
overwhelmingly dominate direct use of the methods.  Furthermore, it is 
clear that operators like sub_p_p_p and set_p_p_kic will always 
perform better than callmethodcc_sc __sub__ and callmethodcc_sc 
__getitem__ respectively.

Therefore, Pirate emits the opcodes whenever direct use is made of 
things like infix operators and square brackets.  And implemented 
methods like __sub__ which, while rarely used, will operate correctly by 
invoking to the opcodes.

I *don't* see a need to heavily optimize for rarely used mechanisms.
I encourage you to check out Pirate.  The IMCC output of is 
now remarkably close to the output of

- Sam Ruby

Objects, classes, metaclasses, and other things that go bump in the night

2004-11-29 Thread Dan Sugalski
Right, so with at least a basic rework of the string stuff in, it's 
time to turn our attention to objects and all the stuff that goes 
with them.

I'd originally thought that the bits we'd put in place would be 
sufficient to do everyone's object system (well, all the languages 
that we explicitly care about at least) but, well... that turns out 
not to be the case.

Here's a quick recap on the architecture bits that already exist.
Each PMC can:
   *) Return a PMC which represents that PMC's class
   *) Look up and return a PMC representing a named method
   *) Look up and return a named property for the PMC
I think that we can accommodate most everyone's needs with this, 
assuming we set up some protocols and give a really big kick to the 
code in objects.c.

The rest of this should be prefaced with the caveat that I'm finding 
that the more I'm learning about how all the different languages do 
objects the less I actually know what's going on, so this all might 
be wrong, or at least really sub-optimal.

Anyway, with the vtable slots as they stand, we can make a method 
call on an object. There's a single op for this -- it calls the 
object's find_method function and then invokes the resulting PMC. The 
object is in complete control over what invokable PMC gets returned, 
and the invoked PMC has full control over what it actually does.

Python has this interesting concept where properties and methods are 
sort of mixed -- that is if you do:

a = foo.some_thing
a will be either the property some_thing or the method object you'd 
get if you invoked some_thing on foo, bound up such that you can 
later do:

and it's the same as if you'd done foo.some_thing(). I think. Pretty 
sure, at least, though I'm not sure of the order. Anyway, for this 
the core functionality is fine, though it assumes that the python 
compiler will emit a fetch prop/test/fetch method/bind method 
sequence for the statement. I think I'm OK with that, 
though I'm more than willing to take arguments to the contrary. 
(It's not easy isn't a good argument -- we're down at the machine 
level. Nothing's easy. It breaks because of X and therefore has to 
be a fundamental thing to guarantee it works is a good argument)

This assumes we have binding functionality that takes some parameters 
and produces an invokable PMC that uses those, and any other 
provided, parameters later on. Given that Perl 6 is doing 
higher-order functions (or curried functions, or whatever) where 
there's going to be a fair amount of binding going on I'm OK with 
core support for this, where core may be we have a bind PMC type 
with some methods on it or something like that. Dunno, we can work 
that out later.

PMCs also implement 'is', 'does', and 'can'. These are three vtable 
methods that allow code to query a PMC to see if it it 'is' an 
instance of a named class, if it 'does' a particular interface, and 
whether it 'can' invoke the named method. PMCs are supposed to answer 
truthfully, however no assumptions are made as to how the pmc 
actually is, does, or can do something. It's perfectly acceptable for 
a PMC that has an AUTOLOAD (or its non-perl equivalent) function to 
answer true to any can query, and how an interface is implemented in 
a PMC's parent classes (if indeed it even has any parent classes) is 
also generally irrelevant, so long as the answers are either correct 
or egregiously wrong.

Anyway, so much for the 'outside world' view of objects as black box 
things that have properties and methods. That part's easy, and I 
think we're fine there.

The tricky part is all the bits that back the objects. Or, rather, 
arranging so that everyone can reasonably have their own custom 
backing bits while still allowing mix-n-match inheritance between the 
bits, and providing enough information to do things properly, or to 
cleanly fail. We're not going to *require* that classes of different 
sorts be able to inherit from one another, just require that if they 
do allow that then they behave properly.

Almost everything we do here is going to be with method calls. 
There's very little that I can see that requires any faster access 
than that, so as long as we have a proper protocol that everyone can 
conform to, we should be OK.

The one big exception to the we use methods thing is with composite 
objects. The only sane way I can think of to handle cross-system 
inheritance is through delegation and composition -- that is, if you 
have class A which inherits from Foo and A_Class, each of which is 
from a unique object system (like, say, CLOS, perl 5's 'object 
system', and new-style python classes), there's no way a single class 
system can reasonably express the differing semantics, so the only 
sane thing to do is have a composite object. The 'main' object is 
class A's (however that class instantiates objects) and hanging off 
it are two sub-objects, one for Foo and one for A_Class. These 
sub-objects will have a flag set marking