Re: [GENERAL] Performance issue with libpq prepared queries on 9.3 and 9.4

2014-11-13 Thread Sam Saffron
Thank you so much!

So to recap the general way to reproduce this issue is:

create table products(id int primary key, type varchar);
insert into products select generate_series(1,1), 'aaa';
insert into products select generate_series(10001,2), 'bbb';
create index idx on products(type);
prepare stmt as select * from products where type = $1 limit 1;

Which quickly devolves into:

 explain analyze execute stmt ('ccc');

 Limit  (cost=0.00..0.03 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=1.821..1.821
rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on products  (cost=0.00..339.00 rows=1 width=8)
(actual time=1.819..1.819 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: ((type)::text = $1)
 Rows Removed by Filter: 2
 Total runtime: 1.843 ms
(5 rows)

So if I am searching for 'ccc' eventually the prepared plan
"optimises" and uses the better mechanism of just scanning the table
to find the first hit which is what the statistics suggest.

However a fairly common pattern I use it to check for "lack of
presence" of a value.

For example: if the product type 'ccc' is not in the table do this.
Unfortunately the optimiser deoptimises this class of operation.

I tried the exact example above with an "int" instead of a "varchar"
in the "type" column and was not able to reproduce the issue, I wonder
if there is some sort of different handling for strings vs numbers.

Unfortunately my actual table in play has a rather bad schema, the
"archetype" column really should be an int. That said we only have 2
general archetypes at the moment (private message and topic) and the
occasional single "banner" outlier, which may or may not be there. So
the data modelling is pretty hostile to performance. I have some ideas
on how to solve my particular problem but I do have some general

Ruby on Rails is just about to ship a new version that heavily changes
the mechanics of query execution. For example, Product.where(name:
"foo").first will now result in a prepared query whereas in the past
it would just send the raw query. Overall this approach is better and
saner, but my general concern is that our API offers no "escape hatch"
for these outlier conditions. You can disable globally, but can not
just disable for a single call. I will raise this particular concern
to the team.

My second question/concern is that I feel I am totally
misunderstanding the changes to 'plancache.c', I thought that the
decision of the plan to use was purely based on the value sent in to
the prepared query. However it seems that the planner completely
ignores the value in some steps. (so, for example I was thinking that
"aaa" and "ccc" would result in completely different plans)

Thank you so much for your time, patience and general awesomeness

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Sam Saffron  writes:
>> I have hit a rather odd issue with prepared queries on both pg 9.3 and 9.4 
>> beta.
>> I have this table (copy at with a
>> very odd performance profile:
> Interesting case.  The issue seems to be that your statistics look like
> this:
>  select * from pg_stats where tablename = 'topics' and attname = 'archetype';
>  schemaname | tablename |  attname  | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | 
> n_distinct | most_common_vals  |  most_common_freqs  | 
> histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | 
> elem_count_histogram
> +---+---+---+---+---++---+-+--+-+---++-
>  public | topics| archetype | f | 0 |12 | 
>  2 | {private_message,regular} | {0.604957,0.395043} |  | 
>0.612985 |   ||
> (1 row)
> That is, archetype consists of 60% 'private_message', 40% 'regular', and
> absolutely nothing else.  So the condition archetype = 'banner' is very
> selective, and a plan built knowing that that is the parameter value will
> use the index:
> # explain select * from topics where archetype = 'banner' limit 1;
> --
>  Limit  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1 width=520)
>->  Index Scan using idx11 on topics  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1 width=520)
>  Index Cond: ((archetype)::text = 'banner'::text)
> (3 rows)
> However, that's still a pretty darn expensive indexscan, mainly because
> archetype is not the leading key ... if you care about the performance
> of this query, why don't you have an index to match?
> # create index on topics(archetype);
> # explain select * from topics where a

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] Performance issue with libpq prepared queries on 9.3 and 9.4

2014-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
David Johnston  writes:
> ​While "planner hints" comes to mind...on the SQL side can we extend the
> "PREPARE" command with two additional keywords?​

>  name [ ( data_type [, ...] ) ] [
> ​] ​
> ​AS statement

Don't really see the point.  The OP's problem is that the prepare is
being driven by a client-side library, which would have even less clue
than the backend as to whether a generic plan is more appropriate than
a custom plan.

The right thing here IMO is to improve the heuristics on the backend
side.  I'm sure we can do better, it's just going to take some thought.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] Performance issue with libpq prepared queries on 9.3 and 9.4

2014-11-13 Thread David Johnston
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> David G Johnston  writes:
> > Tom Lane-2 wrote
> >> In the meantime, I assume that your real data contains a small
> percentage
> >> of values other than these two?  If so, maybe cranking up the statistics
> >> target would help.  If the planner knows that there are more than two
> >> values in the column, I think it would be less optimistic about assuming
> >> that the comparison value is one of the big two.
> > Is there any value (or can value be added) in creating a partial index of
> > the form:
> > archetype IN ('banner','some other rare value')
> > such that the planner will see that such a value is possible but
> infrequent
> > and will, in the presence of a plan using a value contained in the
> partial
> > index, refuse to use a generic plan knowing that it will be unable to use
> > the very specific index that the user created?
> The existence of such an index wouldn't alter the planner's statistics.
> In theory we could make it do so, but I seriously doubt the cost-benefit
> ratio is attractive, either as to implementation effort or the added
> planning cost.
> ​
​[adding -general back in...]​

​While "planner hints" comes to mind...on the SQL side can we extend the
"PREPARE" command with two additional keywords?​

 name [ ( data_type [, ...] ) ] [
​] ​
​AS statement

​I was originally thinking this could attach to EXECUTE and maybe it could
there as well.  If EXECUTE is bare whatever the PREPARE used would be in
effect (a bare PREPARE exhibiting the current dynamic behavior).  If
EXECUTE and PREPARE disagree execute wins and the current call is
(re-)prepared as requested.

We have introduced intelligence to PREPARE/EXECUTE that is not always
favorable but provide little way to override it if the user has superior
knowledge.  The dual role of prepared statements to both prevent
SQL-injection as well as create cache-able generic plans further
complicates things.  In effect by supplying NO GENERIC on the PREPARE the
caller is saying they only wish to make use of the SQL-injection aspect of
prepared statements.  Adding the EXECUTE piece allows for the same plan to
be used in injection-prevention mode if the caller knows that the
user-supplied value does not play well with the generic plan.

David J.

Re: [GENERAL] Performance issue with libpq prepared queries on 9.3 and 9.4

2014-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
Sam Saffron  writes:
> I have hit a rather odd issue with prepared queries on both pg 9.3 and 9.4 
> beta.
> I have this table (copy at with a
> very odd performance profile:

Interesting case.  The issue seems to be that your statistics look like

 select * from pg_stats where tablename = 'topics' and attname = 'archetype';
 schemaname | tablename |  attname  | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | 
n_distinct | most_common_vals  |  most_common_freqs  | histogram_bounds 
| correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | 
 public | topics| archetype | f | 0 |12 |   
   2 | {private_message,regular} | {0.604957,0.395043} |  |
0.612985 |   || 
(1 row)

That is, archetype consists of 60% 'private_message', 40% 'regular', and
absolutely nothing else.  So the condition archetype = 'banner' is very
selective, and a plan built knowing that that is the parameter value will
use the index:

# explain select * from topics where archetype = 'banner' limit 1;
 Limit  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1 width=520)
   ->  Index Scan using idx11 on topics  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1 width=520)
 Index Cond: ((archetype)::text = 'banner'::text)
(3 rows)

However, that's still a pretty darn expensive indexscan, mainly because
archetype is not the leading key ... if you care about the performance
of this query, why don't you have an index to match?

# create index on topics(archetype);
# explain select * from topics where archetype = 'banner' limit 1;
 Limit  (cost=0.29..6.80 rows=1 width=520)
   ->  Index Scan using topics_archetype_idx on topics  (cost=0.29..6.80 rows=1 
 Index Cond: ((archetype)::text = 'banner'::text)
(3 rows)

However, just fixing the index availability actually makes the performance
ratio even worse, because the prepared query still doesn't use the index:

# explain execute foo('banner');
 Limit  (cost=0.00..0.11 rows=1 width=520)
   ->  Seq Scan on topics  (cost=0.00..1158.19 rows=10088 width=520)
 Filter: ((archetype)::text = $1)
(3 rows)

(Yes, you can get this result in psql, you just need to repeat the EXECUTE
half a dozen times until it shifts to a generic plan.)

The problem here is that without knowledge of the comparison value, the
planner assumes that it will probably be one of the two values that make
up the table content.  (After all, why would you query for something
else?)  On that basis, a seqscan will probably hit a matching row in no
time, and so (with the LIMIT 1) it looks like a better deal than the

We've talked about this type of problem before.  Part of the issue is
that costing of LIMIT doesn't apply any penalty for a bad worst-case
scenario, and part of it is that the heuristics for choosing between
custom and generic plans don't consider the possibility that the generic
plan's estimated cost is way wrong for lack of knowledge of the comparison
value.  It's not real obvious how to improve either heuristic without
probably making some cases worse.

One thing that occurs to me is that if the generic plan estimate comes
out much cheaper than the custom one, maybe we should assume that the
generic's cost estimate is bogus.  Right offhand I can't think of a reason
for a custom plan to look worse than a generic one, unless there's a
statistical quirk like this one.

In the meantime, I assume that your real data contains a small percentage
of values other than these two?  If so, maybe cranking up the statistics
target would help.  If the planner knows that there are more than two
values in the column, I think it would be less optimistic about assuming
that the comparison value is one of the big two.

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] Performance issue with libpq prepared queries on 9.3 and 9.4

2014-11-13 Thread Sam Saffron
I have hit a rather odd issue with prepared queries on both pg 9.3 and 9.4 beta.

I have this table (copy at with a
very odd performance profile:

When I run the following  prepared query it is running significantly
slower than the raw counterpart:

select * from topics where archetype = $1 limit 1

Full test harness here:


static void
exit_nicely(PGconn *conn)

static double get_wall_time(){
struct timeval time;
if (gettimeofday(&time,NULL)){
//  Handle error
return 0;
return (double)time.tv_sec + (double)time.tv_usec * .01;

main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *conninfo;
PGconn *conn;
PGresult   *res;
PGresult   *stmt;
int i;

Oid textOid = 25;

char *paramValues[1];
int paramLengths[1];
paramLengths[0] = 6;
paramValues[0] = "banner";

if (argc > 1)
conninfo = argv[1];
conninfo = "dbname = testing";

printf("connecting database\n");

/* Make a connection to the database */
conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo);

/* Check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "Connection to database failed: %s",

stmt = PQprepare(conn,
   "select * from topics where archetype = $1 limit 1",

printf("prepared statement\n");

double start = get_wall_time();
for(i=0; i<2000; i++){
res = PQexecPrepared(conn, "test", 1, paramValues, paramLengths, NULL, 0);
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
   fprintf(stderr, "command failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
double finish = get_wall_time();

fprintf(stderr, "Prepared %f \n", (finish-start));

start = get_wall_time();
for(i=0; i<2000; i++){
res = PQexec(conn, "select * from topics where archetype = 'banner' limit 1");
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
   fprintf(stderr, "command failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
finish = get_wall_time();

fprintf(stderr, "raw %f \n", (finish-start));

/* close the connection to the database and cleanup */

return 0;



sam@ubuntu pq_play % cc -o play -I/usr/include/postgresql play.c -lpq
-L/usr/include/postgresql/libpq && ./play
connecting database
prepared statement
Prepared 9.936938
Raw 1.369071

So my prepared counterpart is running at an 8th the speed of the raw.

I had a nightmare of a time generating a workload that exhibits the
issue via script but managed to anonymise the data which is linked

Very strangely when I run the query in "psql" it does not exhibit the issue:

sam@ubuntu pq_play % psql testing
psql (9.3.5)
Type "help" for help.

testing=# prepare test as select * from topics where archetype = $1 limit 1;
testing=# explain analyze execute test('banner');

 Limit  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1 width=520) (actual time=0.983..0.983
rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using idx11 on topics  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1
width=520) (actual time=0.980..0.980 rows=0 loops=1)
 Index Cond: ((archetype)::text = 'banner'::text)
 Total runtime: 1.037 ms
(4 rows)

testing=# explain analyze select * from topics where archetype =
'banner' limit 1;

 Limit  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1 width=520) (actual time=0.642..0.642
rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using idx11 on topics  (cost=0.29..651.49 rows=1
width=520) (actual time=0.641..0.641 rows=0 loops=1)
 Index Cond: ((archetype)::text = 'banner'::text)
 Total runtime: 0.673 ms
(4 rows)


Something about running this from libpq is causing it to scan the
table as opposed to scanning the index.

Any idea why is this happening?

(note: Rails 4.2 is moving to a pattern of using prepared statements
far more often which is why I discovered this issue)

ps. also posted on our meta to keep track of it:

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Re: [GENERAL] hstore, but with fast range comparisons?

2014-11-13 Thread David G Johnston
Andy Colson wrote
> On 11/13/2014 3:46 PM, Guyren Howe wrote:
>> I want to do something that is perfectly satisfied by an hstore column.
>> *Except* that I want to be able to do fast (ie indexed) <, > etc
>> comparisons, not just equality.
>>  From what I can tell, there isn’t really any way to get hstore to do
>> this, so I’ll have to go to a key-value table. But I thought I’d ask just
>> in case I’m missing something.
> I think your missing something.
> Is it one field in the hstore?  Did you try an expression index?
> create index cars_mph on cars ( (data->'mph') );
> thats a btree index, which should support < and >.  (Although I've never 
> tried it)

With the one caveat that everything in hstore is a string so you'd probably
want to add an appropriate cast to the expression.

David J.

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Re: [GENERAL] hstore, but with fast range comparisons?

2014-11-13 Thread Andy Colson

On 11/13/2014 3:46 PM, Guyren Howe wrote:

I want to do something that is perfectly satisfied by an hstore column. *Except* that 
I want to be able to do fast (ie indexed) <, > etc comparisons, not just 

 From what I can tell, there isn’t really any way to get hstore to do this, so 
I’ll have to go to a key-value table. But I thought I’d ask just in case I’m 
missing something.

I think your missing something.

Is it one field in the hstore?  Did you try an expression index?

create index cars_mph on cars ( (data->'mph') );

thats a btree index, which should support < and >.  (Although I've never 
tried it)


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Re: [GENERAL] Are there any downsides to using postgres' data directory on a dedicated drive/partition / filesystem?

2014-11-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

Thanks, everyone!

For now this will be provisioning physical drive for a box -- and "everything" 
will be there for now.  So OS on one drive, and DB on another.  

I've run into programs before (mostly on Mac/Win) that are exceedingly not 
happy if they're run on a drive other than the OS.  

Since many people partition data and services under pg, I figured it would be 
okay -- but I couldn't find anything in the docs and wanted to check.

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[GENERAL] hstore, but with fast range comparisons?

2014-11-13 Thread Guyren Howe
I want to do something that is perfectly satisfied by an hstore column. 
*Except* that I want to be able to do fast (ie indexed) <, > etc comparisons, 
not just equality.

>From what I can tell, there isn’t really any way to get hstore to do this, so 
>I’ll have to go to a key-value table. But I thought I’d ask just in case I’m 
>missing something.

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Re: [GENERAL] Are there any downsides to using postgres' data directory on a dedicated drive/partition / filesystem?

2014-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
Jonathan Vanasco  writes:
> I'm running postgres on a virtual server
> I was wondering if there were any known issues with moving the data directory 
> to another mounted partition / filesystem.  

You can put the database directory anywhere you want.

Obviously, it has to be trustworthy storage, and in that respect I'd
caution against soft-mounted storage.  There's a disaster story in the
PG list archives somewhere (quite some time back, maybe 10 years ago)
about somebody who had their database on NFS storage.  One day the
NFS server was a bit slow to mount after a reboot and didn't come up
until after the postgres server start script had launched.  This was
one of those "helpful" vendor-supplied start scripts that would
automatically run initdb if the data directory wasn't there.  So it
started up, looked at $PGDATA and didn't find anything, and launched
initdb.  initdb faithfully checked that $PGDATA was empty (still true)
and set about creating files.  Right after that, the NFS server finally
comes online ... and now initdb is scribbling over the system catalogs
of the live database.  Needless to say, that did not end well.

Disconnecting storage from under an already-running postmaster will
possibly spoil your day too, although it should be reasonably survivable
as long as it wasn't the WAL logs you dismounted.

So, while you can do what you like, it behooves you to think about
possible failure modes anytime you choose to put the database directory
(or a tablespace directory) on any dismountable storage.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Re: Are there any downsides to using postgres' data directory on a dedicated drive/partition / filesystem?

2014-11-13 Thread John R Pierce

On 11/13/2014 1:08 PM, David G Johnston wrote:

Also, it is recommended to separate system logs, WAL, and data onto separate
drives where possible.  Are you wanting to just move data or all of these

I find putting all the disks in one big happy raid10 and leaving 
everything on the same file system works just fine, achieves evenly 
balanced IO

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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[GENERAL] Re: Are there any downsides to using postgres' data directory on a dedicated drive/partition / filesystem?

2014-11-13 Thread David G Johnston
Jonathan Vanasco-7 wrote
> I'm running postgres on a virtual server
> I was wondering if there were any known issues with moving the data
> directory to another mounted partition / filesystem.  

Define "moving"

Also, it is recommended to separate system logs, WAL, and data onto separate
drives where possible.  Are you wanting to just move data or all of these

David J.

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Re: [GENERAL] Are there any downsides to using postgres' data directory on a dedicated drive/partition / filesystem?

2014-11-13 Thread John R Pierce

On 11/13/2014 11:44 AM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

I'm running postgres on a virtual server

I was wondering if there were any known issues with moving the data directory 
to another mounted partition / filesystem.

I do that all the time.I avoid using nfs/smb type shares for data 
directories, but any SAN or direct attach file system is fine.   I'll 
either mount the dedicated data partition as /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data,   
or I'll update the startup configuration to force the data dir to be in 
another path, like /u01/pgsql/9.3/data

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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Re: [GENERAL] Are there any downsides to using postgres' data directory on a dedicated drive/partition / filesystem?

2014-11-13 Thread Bill Moran
On Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:44:22 -0500
Jonathan Vanasco  wrote:

> I'm running postgres on a virtual server
> I was wondering if there were any known issues with moving the data directory 
> to another mounted partition / filesystem.  

At my previous job the company standard was that databases went under
/var/db, so all our PostgreSQL servers used /var/db/postgres
/var/db was also usually a dedicated mount point connected to a fast
RAID-10 drive array.

Never had any trouble with it.

Bill Moran
I need your help to succeed:

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[GENERAL] Are there any downsides to using postgres' data directory on a dedicated drive/partition / filesystem?

2014-11-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm running postgres on a virtual server

I was wondering if there were any known issues with moving the data directory 
to another mounted partition / filesystem.  

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Re: [GENERAL] troubleshooting a database that keeps locking up

2014-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
Jonathan Vanasco  writes:
> I have a database that has started to constantly hang after a brief period of 
> activity

> looking at `select * from pg_stat_activity;` I roughly see the following each 
> time:

>   process 1 | 
>   process 2 |  in transaction
>   process 3 |  in transaction
>   process 4 | 
>   process 5 | 
>   process 6 | 
>   process 7 | INSERT INTO table_a   RETURNING id

> Does anyone have tips on how I can troubleshoot this.  

It's a reasonable bet that process 7 is blocked waiting for a lock that's
held by one of the idle-in-transaction processes.  You could look into
pg_locks to confirm that.

> I was hoping there would be some way to show the history of the " in 
> transaction" processes, but I couldn't find them.

No, PG doesn't track that.  You could turn on log_statement = all and
then look to the postmaster log to see what those processes had been
doing.  (You'll probably want to set log_line_prefix to at least %p
if you haven't already.)

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] troubleshooting a database that keeps locking up

2014-11-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

I have a database that has started to constantly hang after a brief period of 

looking at `select * from pg_stat_activity;` I roughly see the following each 

process 1 | 
process 2 |  in transaction
process 3 |  in transaction
process 4 | 
process 5 | 
process 6 | 
process 7 | INSERT INTO table_a   RETURNING id

occasionally I'll see

process 8 | UPDATE table_b

Does anyone have tips on how I can troubleshoot this.  

I was hoping there would be some way to show the history of the " in 
transaction" processes, but I couldn't find them.

I was also wondering if the "RETURNING id" might have something to do with this.

I'd appreciate any pointers in trying to figure out what is causing this.

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Re: [GENERAL] Modeling Friendship Relationships

2014-11-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Nov 11, 2014, at 5:38 PM, Robert DiFalco wrote:

> Thoughts? Do I just choose one or is there a clear winner? TIA!

I prefer this model

user_id__a INT NOT NULL REFERENCES user(id),
user_id__b INT NOT NULL REFERENCES user(id),
is_reciprocal BOOLEAN
primary key (user_id__a, user_id__b)

if a relationship is confirmed (or dropped) I toggle is_reciprocal.  having 
that value saves a lot of work doing joins or analyzing friendship sets

if you have multiple relationship types, then things get tricky.

you can either 
- treat the row as a triplet ( user_id__a, user_id__b, 
relationship_type_id)   [i still recommend the reciprocal bool]
- if you have a finite set of relationship types, you could just use 
each one as a bool column within the a2b row

I've tried doing the "one row per relationship" approach, and didn't like it.   
the time savings on simple searches were marginally faster, but the sql was 
increasingly more complex and slower to execute as we leveraged the table into 
other queries.  

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Re: [GENERAL] sepgsql where are the security labels

2014-11-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 11/13/2014 07:37 AM, Ted Toth wrote:

Exactly what I talking about ... but unfortunately that appears to
have been based on KaiGai's branch and is not in 9.3. The current
discuss/work is around row-level-security with patches to 9.5 which is
not much help to me now :(

Then my previous post would not be of much help either. I do not have 
--selinux on my instances, so I have no way of testing. I'm afraid I am 
out of ideas.

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] sepgsql where are the security labels

2014-11-13 Thread Ted Toth
Exactly what I talking about ... but unfortunately that appears to
have been based on KaiGai's branch and is not in 9.3. The current
discuss/work is around row-level-security with patches to 9.5 which is
not much help to me now :(

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Adrian Klaver
> On 11/13/2014 05:58 AM, Ted Toth wrote:
>> This table maintains information about the context of postgresql
>> objects not the data in tables.
> Slide 23
>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Adrian Klaver
>>  wrote:
>>> On 11/12/2014 02:45 PM, Ted Toth wrote:

 I'm running selinux mls policy I've got labeled ipsec working and my
 postgresql configured to load
 sepgsql. I've created a db, run the sepgsql.sql script on it, created
 tables and inserted data. How do I
 query the security labels on the data?
>>> I do not use SECURITY LABELS, but it seems they can be queried here:
>>>   As best I can tell there is no

 column on either of the tables I've created that I see? How does the
 system column security_context get added to tables? I've read
 everything I can find on the web but
 a lot of it is dated. Here's how I'm creating my db and tables:

>>> --
>>> Adrian Klaver
> --
> Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] sepgsql where are the security labels

2014-11-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 11/13/2014 05:58 AM, Ted Toth wrote:

This table maintains information about the context of postgresql
objects not the data in tables.

To follow up, an expanded explanation of the security_label column:

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] sepgsql where are the security labels

2014-11-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 11/13/2014 05:58 AM, Ted Toth wrote:

This table maintains information about the context of postgresql
objects not the data in tables.

Slide 23

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Adrian Klaver

On 11/12/2014 02:45 PM, Ted Toth wrote:

I'm running selinux mls policy I've got labeled ipsec working and my
postgresql configured to load
sepgsql. I've created a db, run the sepgsql.sql script on it, created
tables and inserted data. How do I
query the security labels on the data?

I do not use SECURITY LABELS, but it seems they can be queried here:

  As best I can tell there is no

column on either of the tables I've created that I see? How does the
system column security_context get added to tables? I've read
everything I can find on the web but
a lot of it is dated. Here's how I'm creating my db and tables:

Adrian Klaver

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] After insert trigger not work

2014-11-13 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 11/13/2014 04:27 AM, Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich wrote:

I use postgre-9.3.5 on windows7 x64.
Trigger should update data in table:
CREATE TABLE trassa.ram_free_stat
   id serial NOT NULL,
   device integer NOT NULL,
   min_value integer NOT NULL,
   avg_value integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
   max_value integer NOT NULL,
   last_update timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_pk PRIMARY KEY (id),
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_device_fk FOREIGN KEY (device)
   REFERENCES trassa.devices (id) MATCH SIMPLE
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_max_fk FOREIGN KEY (max_value)
   REFERENCES trassa.ram (id) MATCH SIMPLE
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_min_fk FOREIGN KEY (min_value)
   REFERENCES trassa.ram (id) MATCH SIMPLE

My trigger:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trassa.update_ram_free_stat()
   RETURNS trigger AS
device_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0;
 SELECT id INTO device_id FROM trassa.ram_free_stat
 WHERE device = NEW.device;
 SELECT free_ram, id INTO min_id FROM trassa.ram
 WHERE device = NEW.device
 ORDER BY free_ram LIMIT 1;

In above and below you are selecting two column values into one integer 
variable, you may not be getting what you think you are:

test=> DO $$
var_1 integer DEFAULT 0;
SELECT 10, 1 INTO var_1;
RAISE NOTICE '%', var_1;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql


Or maybe you are, it is not clear what the variables are supposed to 
hold. From the name I would say the device id, from how they are used 
below I would say the free ram values.

 SELECT free_ram, id INTO max_id FROM trassa.ram
 WHERE device = NEW.device
 ORDER BY free_ram DESC LIMIT 1;

 SELECT CEIL(AVG(free_ram)) INTO avg_val
 FROM trassa.ram WHERE device = NEW.device;
 IF device_id > 0 THEN
 UPDATE trassa.ram_free_stat
 SET min_value = min_id,
 avg_value = avg_val,
 max_value = max_id
 WHERE id = device_id;
 INSERT INTO trassa.ram_free_stat
 (device, min_value,
 avg_value, max_value)
 VALUES(NEW.device, min_id,
 avg_val, max_id);
   COST 100;

I add this trigger on another table:
CREATE TRIGGER update_ram_free_stat_trigger
   ON trassa.ram
   EXECUTE PROCEDURE trassa.update_ram_free_stat();

All executed without any error, but data in trassa.ram_free_stat not

Can you help me solve this problem?

You might to put some RAISE NOTICEs in your function to track what is 
going on:

Thank you and excuse me for my bad english.

Adrian Klaver

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[GENERAL] Data corruption

2014-11-13 Thread Russell Keane
We appear to have had some corruption on a customer's postgres cluster.

They are on 9.0.17 32bit
Windows Server 2003 - Service pack 2
Intel Xeon 2.66GHZ
4GB Memory
Raid is setup but doesn't look good - just now showing status of Degraded!!
The RAID doesn't look too well currently has status Degraded and on the 
Segments tab and it's showing Segment 1 (Missing)
I guess we can assume the issue is down to hardware...

An engineer has been dispatched to replace the hardware and we are arranging to 
have the cluster shutdown and backed up to a separate storage device.

Their postgresql.conf file is pretty much as it comes with only the following 
line added to the end:
custom_variable_classes = 'user_vars'

Everything was fine until 13:28 on 7th November when there was a number of 
these entries in the log:
2014-11-07 13:28:45 GMT WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled

After that the log file was cycled and it started with:
2014-11-07 14:15:19 GMT FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2014-11-07 14:15:20 GMT FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2014-11-07 14:15:20 GMT LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 
2014-11-07 13:28:42 GMT
2014-11-07 14:15:21 GMT FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2014-11-07 14:15:22 GMT FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2014-11-07 14:15:23 GMT FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2014-11-07 14:15:23 GMT LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; 
automatic recovery in progress
2014-11-07 14:15:23 GMT LOG:  record with zero length at 5/7B4CAC0
2014-11-07 14:15:23 GMT LOG:  redo is not required
2014-11-07 14:15:24 GMT FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2014-11-07 14:15:25 GMT FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2014-11-07 14:15:25 GMT LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2014-11-07 14:15:25 GMT LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
2014-11-07 14:15:33 GMT LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

Since then whenever trying to write to or query one particular table we receive 
the following:
2014-11-07 15:13:57 GMT ERROR:  invalid page header in block 
29838 of relation base/16392/640564

It's always the same error (block and relation) as far as I can tell.

So the question is, what next?
We may have lost data as it couldn't be written but it's not the end of the 
The more important bit would be to stop any further data loss.


Russell Keane

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Re: [GENERAL] After insert trigger not work

2014-11-13 Thread Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich

Melvin Davidson wrote on 11/13/2014 05:29 PM:

s for
I suspect your problem is because you have 6 columns that are NOT NULL, but
on INSERT you are only supplying values for 4 columns plus the id(serial).
Therefore, the INSERT will fail. Perhaps if you supplied a value for
last_update you it will work a lot better.

Hello, Melvin!
Why this is a problem is last_update column created with default value?

Trigger should update data in table:
CREATE TABLE trassa.ram_free_stat
   id serial NOT NULL,
   device integer NOT NULL,
   min_value integer NOT NULL,
   avg_value integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
   max_value integer NOT NULL,
   last_update timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_pk PRIMARY KEY (id),
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_device_fk FOREIGN KEY (device)
   REFERENCES trassa.devices (id) MATCH SIMPLE
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_max_fk FOREIGN KEY (max_value)
   REFERENCES trassa.ram (id) MATCH SIMPLE
   CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_min_fk FOREIGN KEY (min_value)
   REFERENCES trassa.ram (id) MATCH SIMPLE

Best regards,
Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich

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Re: [GENERAL] sepgsql where are the security labels

2014-11-13 Thread Ted Toth
This table maintains information about the context of postgresql
objects not the data in tables.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Adrian Klaver
> On 11/12/2014 02:45 PM, Ted Toth wrote:
>> I'm running selinux mls policy I've got labeled ipsec working and my
>> postgresql configured to load
>> sepgsql. I've created a db, run the sepgsql.sql script on it, created
>> tables and inserted data. How do I
>> query the security labels on the data?
> I do not use SECURITY LABELS, but it seems they can be queried here:
>  As best I can tell there is no
>> security_context
>> column on either of the tables I've created that I see? How does the
>> system column security_context get added to tables? I've read
>> everything I can find on the web but
>> a lot of it is dated. Here's how I'm creating my db and tables:
> --
> Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] Two instances of Postgres with single data directory

2014-11-13 Thread Michael Paquier
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:17 PM, dineshkaarthick
> All,
> I need to know is it possible to execute two instances of Postgres with
> single data directory shared between the two instances.
No, a server instance cannot run on a data folder being used by an
existing instance.

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[GENERAL] After insert trigger not work

2014-11-13 Thread Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich

I use postgre-9.3.5 on windows7 x64.
Trigger should update data in table:
CREATE TABLE trassa.ram_free_stat
  id serial NOT NULL,
  device integer NOT NULL,
  min_value integer NOT NULL,
  avg_value integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  max_value integer NOT NULL,
  last_update timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_pk PRIMARY KEY (id),
  CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_device_fk FOREIGN KEY (device)
  REFERENCES trassa.devices (id) MATCH SIMPLE
  CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_max_fk FOREIGN KEY (max_value)
  CONSTRAINT ram_free_stat_min_fk FOREIGN KEY (min_value)

My trigger:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trassa.update_ram_free_stat()
  RETURNS trigger AS
device_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0;
SELECT id INTO device_id FROM trassa.ram_free_stat
WHERE device = NEW.device;
SELECT free_ram, id INTO min_id FROM trassa.ram
WHERE device = NEW.device
ORDER BY free_ram LIMIT 1;
SELECT free_ram, id INTO max_id FROM trassa.ram
WHERE device = NEW.device
SELECT CEIL(AVG(free_ram)) INTO avg_val
FROM trassa.ram WHERE device = NEW.device;
IF device_id > 0 THEN
UPDATE trassa.ram_free_stat
SET min_value = min_id,
avg_value = avg_val,
max_value = max_id
WHERE id = device_id;
INSERT INTO trassa.ram_free_stat
(device, min_value,
avg_value, max_value)
VALUES(NEW.device, min_id,
avg_val, max_id);
  COST 100;

I add this trigger on another table:
CREATE TRIGGER update_ram_free_stat_trigger
  ON trassa.ram
  EXECUTE PROCEDURE trassa.update_ram_free_stat();

All executed without any error, but data in trassa.ram_free_stat not 

Can you help me solve this problem?
Thank you and excuse me for my bad english.

Best regards,
Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich

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[GENERAL] Two instances of Postgres with single data directory

2014-11-13 Thread dineshkaarthick

I need to know is it possible to execute two instances of Postgres with
single data directory shared between the two instances.

This is to know if we can achieve Oracle RAC like cluster for Postgres.


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