Re: [GENERAL] about scape characters

2010-07-14 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


I've used oracle for 10years,but I've never seen such notations.

In fact the SQL retuns an error .

postgres=# select E'\\';
(1 row)

SQL> select E'\\' from dual;
select E'\\' from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected

--Of cource,this SQL works.
SQL> select '\\' from dual;



SQL> set escape on
SQL> select '\\' from dual;


Sorry ,but I don't know SQLServer.

Hi!, maybe is a silly question but...

Exists some syntax standard to escape  especial characters on querys???

i mean, the notation E'\\   to  escape especial characters only works
in postgres (8.3.11) or this works on oracle, ms sql server too???

regards, eddie.


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Re: [GENERAL] getting the last N tuples of a query

2010-07-08 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


I agree Ben.
But,I try your question as an SQL puzzle.
Doses this SQL meet what you want?

select * from wantlast offset (select count(*)-10 from wantlast);

--test case
create table wantlast(col1 int);
insert into wantlast select g from generate_series(1,1000) as g;

postgres=# select * from wantlast offset (select count(*)-10 from wantlast);
(10 rows)

postgres=# analyze wantlast ;
postgres=# explain  select * from wantlast offset (select count(*)-10 
from wantlast);

 Limit  (cost=17.91..30.52 rows=900 width=4)
   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
 ->  Aggregate  (cost=16.50..16.52 rows=1 width=0)
   ->  Seq Scan on wantlast  (cost=0.00..14.00 rows=1000 width=0)
   ->  Seq Scan on wantlast  (cost=0.00..14.00 rows=1000 width=4)
(5 rows)

*I try this test Postgresql8.4.4

On Jul 8, 2010, at 4:17 PM, Edmundo Robles L. wrote:



if a want the first   5,10,N tuples  of a query  (even without order)
i just  have to do a:
select  * from table limit 10;

That does not get the first 10 tuples, it merely gets 10 tuples. The database 
is free to return whichever 10 it can, and in practice, the results will change 
given enough inserts or deletes.


So, what is the right way to do that  with no order

Without an order by clause, there is no concept of "first" or "last". Once you 
have the order by clause, combine your limit with ascending or descending sorts to get the first or 
last, respectively.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL error: could not connect to database

2010-06-23 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


At first,I think you lack some settings.
(eg. pg_hba.conf,listen_addresses or restarting)
But you say "I can log in to postgresql without password prompt using 
the psql tool".

I can image some case,but we have to get some more information.

So I'd like you to try the following program.This program works fine on 
my environment.
I believe this test can indicate which makes problem your environment or 
your program.

Can you try this?

void GiveUp()
fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error\n");

main ()
  /* declare variables*/
  exec sql begin declare section;
  char v_datcollate[256];
  char id [] = "database";
  exec sql end declare section;
  exec sql whenever sqlerror do GiveUp();

  exec sql  connect to :id;

  exec sql set autocommit = on;
  exec sql begin work;
  /* declare cursor */
  exec sql declare c_db cursor for select datcollate from pg_database 
where datname=:id;

  /* test*/
  printf("1.Select test starts!! \n");
  exec sql open c_db;
  exec sql fetch in c_db into :v_datcollate;
  printf("datcollate = %s \n",v_datcollate);
  exec sql close c_db;
  exec sql disconnect;

(2010/06/23 3:13), Juba, Salahaldin I. wrote:

I am trying to connect to  database using ECPG  called 'database' - please  see 
the code below-.  When I am excuting the code I am getting this message

Fatal error
SQL error: could not connect to database "database" on line 22
Fatal error
SQL error: connection "NULL" does not exist on line 23

How can I make the ECPG access my database. I have already configured my 
database to trust all local connections and I can log in to postgresql without 
password prompt using the psql tool. where did I make a mistake and what are 
the configuration I need to do

I am using libecpg 6 and postgresql 8.4.4



using namespace  std;

EXEC SQL whenever sqlwarning sqlprint;
EXEC SQL whenever sqlerror do GiveUp();

void GiveUp()
fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error\n");
int main()

char id [] = "database";

return 0;


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Re: [GENERAL] WINDOWS : PostgreSQL 8.4 Server Start Error

2010-06-07 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


At an environment(Ver8.4.2),a simmilar error happened and we could work 

setting postgresql.conf

client_min_messages = log
client_min_messages = notice .

I'm not sure that your error is same,
but can you try this?

//Your message is following
//2010-06-07 14:11:40 ICT LOG:  incomplete startup packet
//So I guess that you set client_min_messages = log or higher.

(2010/06/07 16:49), Zery wrote:


Nothing is usefull or barely i understand :-)

In pg_log i only find this :
2010-06-07 14:11:40 ICT LOG:  could not receive data from client: An
operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.

2010-06-07 14:11:40 ICT LOG:  incomplete startup packet

In event viewer i found :

: Waiting for server startup..
: Timed out waiting for server startup

I have removed PowerDVD and still it doesn't solve the problem, this
the second time it happen, the first time i couldn't figure out what's
the problem, so I reinstalled Windows, this time i found the problem
is crashing with PowerDVD, but i'm avoiding to reinstall Windows.

I read some other way is to manage Firewall, i did turn off the
firewall, still it dosn't solve either.

Any other way??


On 6/7/10, Craig Ringer  wrote:

On 07/06/10 08:34, Zery wrote:


I'm a newbie in postgresql, a few days ago i install postgresql and it works fine, yesterday i install cyberlink powerdvd 9
and after that my postgresql server cannot start, it give the
following error info :

" The postgresql-8.4 - PostgreSQL Server 8.4 service is starting
   The postgresql-8.4 - PostgreSQL Server 8.4 service could not be

   The service did not report an error

Look in the Windows event log for details on why it might be failing to
start. You can find Event Viewer in Adminstrative Tools in the Control

Also look at the PostgreSQL log files in
   C:\Program Files\postgresql\8.4\data\pg_log
(I think that path is right, by default anyway) and see if there's
anything useful there.

I wouldn't be too surprised to find that PowerDVD has installed
something it shouldn't into C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.

Craig Ringer


Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] archive_command

2010-05-31 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


In my environment,archive_command works fine with this command.

archive_command = 'COPY %p C:\\Program 

(Is this what you want to know?)

> Where can I find an example shell script and windows batch file for
> archive_command for backup?
> Thanks.
> Jack

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Re: [GENERAL] Help on update.

2010-05-26 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


First,we can not execute the SQL which Paulo indicated in PostgreSQL.

See this manual.


This command conforms to the SQL standard, except that the FROM
and RETURNING clauses are PostgreSQL extensions.

According to the standard, the column-list syntax should allow a list
 of columns to be assigned from a single row-valued expression, such
as a sub-select:

UPDATE accounts SET (contact_last_name, contact_first_name) =
(SELECT last_name, first_name FROM salesmen
 WHERE = accounts.sales_id);

This is not currently implemented — the source must be a list of
independent expressions.

Some other database systems offer a FROM option in which the target
table is supposed to be listed again within FROM. That is not how
PostgreSQL interprets FROM. Be careful when porting applications that
 use this extension.

So, I tried to following SQL, but I got error.

update test t1 set t1.j= (COALESCE(Lag(t2.j) over(order by 
t2.j),null,0)  ) + t2.j   from test t2;

ERROR:  cannot use window function in UPDATE at character 36

If I use temporary table ,I can.
But I feel this way is not simple.

ex) PostgreSQL is 8.4.4

--drop table test;
create table test(i int , j int);
insert into test values(1,2);
insert into test values(1,3);
insert into test values(1,4);

create temporary table test_temp (i int , j int);
insert into test_temp
SELECT i,COALESCE(Lag(j) over(order by j),null,0)  + j   from test;
truncate table test;
insert into test select * from test_temp;
drop table test_temp;

Anyone have a good idea?

(2010/05/26 22:46), paulo matadr wrote:

|create table test(i number , j number);|
|insert into test values(1,2)
||insert into test values(1,3)
||insert into test values(1,4)
select * from test;
  I  J
-- --
  1  2
  1  3
  1  4

after update
select * from test;
  I  J
-- --
  1  2
  1  3+2

 1  4+3
select * from test;
  I  J
-- --
  1  2
  1  5+2
  1  7+5

In  oracle,I use this:|
update test x
set x.j = x.j + (select lag_j
from (select i, j, nvl(lag(j) over (order by i,j) ,0) as lag_j
from test) y
where x.i = y.i and x.j = y.j)

how can translate this for work in postgres?






Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] effective_io_concurrency details

2010-05-26 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


>Is effective_io_concurrency working on WinXP sp2 ?
"effective_io_concurrency"  works when an OS can use posix_fadvise().
But I think WinXP  doesn't have posix_fadvise().

>and what is the difference between effective_io_concurrency = 0
>and effective_io_concurrency = 1
If effective_io_concurrency = 0,PostgreSQL never uses PREFETCH.
On my environment, my PostgreSQL doesn't start up when 

#My environment WinXP sp2 and PostgreSQL is 8.4.4, too.

What I referenced)
00070 /*
00071  * How many buffers PrefetchBuffer callers should try to stay 
ahead of their

00072  * ReadBuffer calls by.  This is maintained by the assign hook for
00073  * effective_io_concurrency.  Zero means "never prefetch".
00074  */


I have 2 questions:
Is effective_io_concurrency working on WinXP sp2 ?
and what is the difference between effective_io_concurrency = 0
and effective_io_concurrency = 1

Postgres 8.4.4



Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] cleaning wal files from postgres

2010-05-24 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


When you execute pg_stop_backup,postgresql makes a special file, like this

This means you can delete wal 00010014 and before.

The PostgreSQL manual also says following.

24.3.2. Making a Base Backup

To make use of the backup, you will need to keep around all the WAL 
segment files
 generated during and after the file system backup. To aid you in doing 
the pg_stop_backup function creates a backup history file that is 
stored into the WAL archive area. This file is named after the first WAL 
file that you need to have to make use of the backup. For example, if 
the starting
WAL file is 0001123455CD the backup history file will be 
named something
like 0001123455CD.007C9330.backup. (The second part of the 
file name
stands for an exact position within the WAL file, and can ordinarily be 
Once you have safely archived the file system backup and the WAL segment 
files used
during the backup (as specified in the backup history file), all 
archived WAL segments
with names numerically less are no longer needed to recover the file 
system backup and
 can be deleted. However, you should consider keeping several backup 
sets to be

absolutely certain that you can recover your data.

Thank you.

oops, sorry, my question was very ambiguous ...
What I want to know is:
The correct procedure to remove the wal files that have been used  in 
the recovery of a postgres server.

Consider the following;

1.-  A main server in production.
2.- A  secondary server that is normally off.
3.-  By connecting the secondary server, the primary server must copy 
the  directory data as well as wal files generated during the copying 

4.- start up  the postgres on the secondary server.

5o.Delete wal  files no longer will be used by postgres to save disk 

 how can i know which  wal file is not required by postgres and
delete   wal files from  main and secondary server, to save space disk 
on the servers ? (after a succesfully start up on secondary server)

regards eddie.

On 05/21/2010 03:43 PM, Andreas Schmitz wrote:

maybe I don't understand the problem. there is no need to clean WAL 
files after recovery. where exactly is the problem ?



erobles wrote:

 PITR  recovery

On 05/21/2010 03:04 PM, Andreas Schmitz wrote:

erobles wrote:

which is the right procedure to clean wal files after a  recovery ??

what kind of recovery ?




Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] How to deal with NULL values on dynamic queries?

2010-05-06 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


Null + 1=null.
null + 'a' = null.

I expect that pVAL_COMENT is null (as you say).

create test environment.
create table nulltest (col1 varchar(10),col2 varchar(10));
insert into nulltest (col1,col2) values ('A','B');
insert into nulltest (col1) values ('A');
insert into nulltest (col2) values ('B');

select col1,col2 from  nulltest;
select col1||col2 from nulltest;

postgres=# select col1,col2 from  nulltest;
 col1 | col2
 A| B
  | B
(3 rows)

null make col1||col2 null
postgres=# select col1||col2 from nulltest;

(3 rows)

even if we use quote_literal,we can not avoid tihs behavior.
postgres=# select quote_literal(col1)||quote_literal(col2) from nulltest;

(3 rows)

So we can use COALESCE() function to avoid this.

postgres=# select COALESCE(col1,'')||COALESCE(col2,'') from  nulltest;
(3 rows)

postgres=# select 
quote_literal(COALESCE(col1,''))||quote_literal(COALESCE(col2,'')) from

(3 rows)

Can you work around  like this?

Thank you.


I have a query that some values could be NULL, how can I deal with 
this problem?

|| quote_ident(pNOME_VIEW)
|| '('
|| quote_ident(pCHAVE_1)
|| ', DAT_INICIO, DAT_FIM, COMENT) values ('
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_1)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_2)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CAMPO1)
|| ', '
    || quote_literal(pVAL_COMENT)
|| ')';

The variable pVAL_COMENT could be NULL or have a value. How can I deal 
with this?

Sorry the bad english.

Best Regards,


Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] Select with string that has a lone hyphen yields nothing

2010-04-30 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


The hyphen which written in 'Olympus E-PL1' is different from
the one which written in 'Camera - Black'.


I have no idea to fix using PostgreSQL's function,because they don't equal.
I think you have to change the data or change the behavior of your 
application .

Thank you.

I have a product names table like this:

datab=# select product_id, name from table.product_synonyms where name
ilike '%%olympus e-pl1%%';

8736 | Olympus E-PL1
8736 | Olympus E-PL1 Interchangeable Lens Type Live View
Digital Camera – Black (Body Only) (Call for pre-order. Available on:
8736 | Olympus E-PL1 Interchangeable Lens Type Live View
Digital Camera – Blue (Body Only)
8736 | Olympus E-PL1 Interchangeable Lens Type Live View
Digital Camera w/ ED 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 (champagne/gold)
(4 rows)

Any select statement prior to the hyphen yields a result, but from the
hyphen on yields nothing:

datab=# select product_id, name from table.product_synonyms where name
ilike '%%Olympus E-PL1 Interchangeable Lens Type Live View Digital
Camera -  Blue %%';
  product_id | name
(0 rows)

Any ideas how to fix this?


Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_hba.conf

2010-04-27 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


>Would there be a line earlier in the file that matches and is preventing
>a connection?

At first, I think so too.
But if there is a line earlier in the file ,we get following error.

psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 1843?

ex: my pg_hba.conf

hostall all   deny
hostall all   trust

The Jim's message say pg_hba.conf has no entory.

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres",
database "arc"

1)Is pg_hba.conf's location correct?
 You can check to execute this command.

postgres=# show hba_file;
(1 row)

2)Did you reload pg_hba.conf?
If we change pg_hba.conf ,we must execute "pg_ctl reload"

3)pg_hba.conf may have a trash.
  Can you recreate pg_hba.conf?
  *Don't copy old pg_hba.conf.

Thank you.

On 27/04/2010 11:42, wrote:

I am putting up a new server on version 8.4.3.  I copied pg_hba.conf
from a running 8.3.6 system, changing only the public IP address for the
local machine.

I get the error:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres",
database "arc"

pg_hba.conf contains the line:
  hostall all209.159.145.248

Would there be a line earlier in the file that matches and is preventing
a connection?




Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] gmake check problem

2010-04-27 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka

Hi Jim

To resolve this problem, we have to indicate which SQL is hanging.

"stats test" executes postgresql-8.4.3/src/test/regress/sql/stats.sql.
we can see what the test does.

And we can see the log at 

So I suppose we can indicate which SQL is hanging.

What does stats.out say?

Thank you.

I built 8.4.3 on Centos 5 with just ./configure and gmake

When I run gmake check, the process stops at "test 

There is no residual postgresql or postmaster running (consuming clock 
cycles on top).

When I break the process, I get the following errors:

gmake[2]: *** wait: No child processes.  Stop.
gmake[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
gmake[2]: *** wait: No child processes.  Stop.
gmake[1]: *** [check] Error 2
gmake: *** [check] Interrupt

[postg...@bubachubs postgresql-8.4.3]$

Any help would be appreciated.


Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] Problem with pg_prepare

2010-04-26 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


>"Call to undefined function pg_prepare()".
What version is your PostgreSQL(libpq)?
And do your error occur on PHP program?
pg_prepare() is supported only against PostgreSQL 7.4 or higher connections.

Thank you.

(2010/04/24 6:57), Giancarlo Boaron wrote:

Hi all.

I'm receiving the following message when I try to use pg_prepare() function:

"Call to undefined function pg_prepare()".

My application works very well with others pg_* commands...

I already checked my configuration files and I have no more ideas about how to 
fix it.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] Need some help with a query (uniq -c)

2010-04-13 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka


I try with "With Query".

#We can use "With Queries" >  v8.4
#That'll only work if the time values are contiguous, but there's probably a
#similar trick for non-contiguous ,too.

--create data
drop table foo;
create table foo( time int,message text);
insert into foo values(1,'a');
insert into foo values(2,'b');
insert into foo values(3,'b');
insert into foo values(4,'c');
insert into foo values(5,'a');
insert into foo values(6,'c');
insert into foo values(7,'c');
insert into foo values(8,'a');
insert into foo values(9,'a');
insert into foo values(10,'a');

--begin Answer
with recursive r as (
select foo.time,foo.message,1  as dummy from foo
union all
select foo.time,foo.message,r.dummy+1 from foo , r
where foo.time=r.time-1 and foo.message=r.message
,rr as (
select foo.time,foo.message,'OLID' as flag  from foo
union all
select foo.time,foo.message,'DUP' as flag from foo , rr
where foo.time-1=rr.time-2 and foo.message=rr.message
select time min,time+max(dummy)-1 max,message,max(dummy) counts
from r where time not in (select distinct (time+1) times from rr
where flag='DUP') group by time,message order by time;

postgres(# where flag='DUP') group by time,message order by time;
 min | max | message | counts
   1 |   1 | a   |  1
   2 |   3 | b   |  2
   4 |   4 | c   |  1
   5 |   5 | a   |  1
   6 |   7 | c   |  2
   8 |  10 | a   |  3
(6 rows)


But I think some one can provide more simple SQL.

Thank you.

On Apr 12, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:22 PM, A B  wrote:


I have a table (think of it as a table of log messages)

time |  message
1  |   a
2  |   b
3  |   b
4  |  b
5  |  a

the three 'b' are the same message, so I would like to write a query
that would give me a result that is similar to what the unix command
"uniq -c" would give:

first |  message | last | count
1 | a  |   1   | 1
2 | b  |   4   | 3<--- here it squeezes
similar consecutive messages into a single row
5 | a  |   5   | 1

How do I write such a command?

Pretty straight ahead:

select min(t), message, max(t), count(*) from table group by message.

That was my first though too, but it combines everything not just adjacent 

Something like this, maybe

select t1.message, t1.time as first, t2.time as last, t2.time-t1.time+1 as count
 from foo as t1, foo as t2
 where t1.time<= t2.time and t1.message = t2.message
 and not exists
 (select * from foo as t3
  where (t3.time between t1.time and t2.time and t3.message<>  
  or (t3.time = t2.time + 1 and t3.message = t1.message)
  or (t3.time = t1.time - 1 and t3.message = t1.message));

  message | first | last | count
  a   | 1 |1 | 1
  b   | 2 |4 | 3
  a   | 5 |5 |     1

That'll only work if the time values are contiguous, but there's probably a
similar trick for non-contiguous.




Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] when i logged in mydb,any sql command used to list all the tables in this mydb?

2010-04-08 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka

Hi peng

>  According to 8.4 document 44.1(Most system catalogs are
>  copied from the template database during database creation and are 
thereafter database
>  -specific.),we know  that each created database has their own pg_... 

I believe it is right.

>  and thus if  a superuser administrator wants to list all the tables 
in all the
>  databases,how do the postgresql interval implement it? will the 
>  interval load all the pg_  tables  in all the databases to get 
the final answer?

I think postgresql never  interval load all the pg_ tables in all 
the databases.

If administrator want to list all the tables,we heve to create application.

oid2name -q | awk '{print$2}'|grep -v template0 |xargs -l1 oid2name -d

* oid2name is contrib module.

Thank you

  Thanks for your answer!
  Then another question comes: According to 8.4 document 44.1(Most 
system catalogs are copied from the template database during database 
creation and are thereafter database-specific.),we know  that each 
created database has their own pg_... tables and thus if a superuser 
administrator wants to list all the tables in all the databases,how do 
the postgresql interval implement it? will the postgresql interval 
load all the pg_ tables  in all the databases to get the final answer?


2010/4/8 Kenichiro Tanaka <>>

Hello sunpeng

First,I answer this question.

>another question:how postgresql internal knows which
>relations belongs to which database?

When we use "psql" command ,it means "psql -d postgres".
#you can change default parameter to set PGDATABASE (OS parameter)

"-d" indicate your connecting database and this is the ANSWER.
So, it is natural that pg_class does not have "database" field.
We can not access other database with psql without using dblink.

I think we can  display some database's pg_class with following

#DISPLAY  "test" and "postgres"'s tables

#Your postgresql have to be installed dblink
#1)create dblink
select dblink_connect('test','host=postgres01 port=1843
dbname=test user=p843');
select dblink_connect('postgres','host=postgres01 port=1843
dbname=postgres user=p843');

#2) display
select 'test',* from dblink('test','select oid, relname from
pg_class') t1(oid oid, relname text)
select 'postgres',* from dblink('postgres','select oid, relname
from pg_class') t1(oid oid, relname text);

Thank you

once i have created mydb and several relations in it,are there
any sql commands used to list all the tables in this mydb?
i noticed there are no database( pg_database.oid) field in
pg_class table,so i can not use
select relname from pg_class,pg_database where
pg_database.datname like 'mydb' and pg_class.database =
anybody knows how to do it?
another question:how postgresql internal knows which relations
belongs to which database?



Kenichiro Tanaka

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Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] when i logged in mydb,any sql command used to list all the tables in this mydb?

2010-04-08 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka

Hello sunpeng

First,I answer this question.
>another question:how postgresql internal knows which
>relations belongs to which database?

When we use "psql" command ,it means "psql -d postgres".
#you can change default parameter to set PGDATABASE (OS parameter)

"-d" indicate your connecting database and this is the ANSWER.
So, it is natural that pg_class does not have "database" field.
We can not access other database with psql without using dblink.

I think we can  display some database's pg_class with following command,

#DISPLAY  "test" and "postgres"'s tables

#Your postgresql have to be installed dblink
#1)create dblink
select dblink_connect('test','host=postgres01 port=1843 dbname=test 
select dblink_connect('postgres','host=postgres01 port=1843 
dbname=postgres user=p843');

#2) display
select 'test',* from dblink('test','select oid, relname from pg_class') 
t1(oid oid, relname text)

select 'postgres',* from dblink('postgres','select oid, relname from 
pg_class') t1(oid oid, relname text);

Thank you

once i have created mydb and several relations in it,are there any sql 
commands used to list all the tables in this mydb?
i noticed there are no database( pg_database.oid) field in pg_class 
table,so i can not use
select relname from pg_class,pg_database where pg_database.datname 
like 'mydb' and pg_class.database = pg_database.oid;

anybody knows how to do it?
another question:how postgresql internal knows which relations belongs 
to which database?



Kenichiro Tanaka

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Re: [GENERAL] How to fix set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set in earlier versions

2010-04-05 Thread Kenichiro Tanaka

Hello, Andrus

I tested this reproduce case.

8.3.9   return exception
8.3.10 return exception
8.4.0   Crash Server!!
8.4.1   OK
8.4.2   OK
8.4.3   OK

Just for your information,
8.4.0's clash made this call stack(I analyzed core file)

#0  DirectFunctionCall1 (func=0x8095a70 , arg1=16421) at 

1012result = (*func) (&fcinfo);
(gdb) where
#0  DirectFunctionCall1 (func=0x8095a70 , arg1=16421) at 

#1  0x082c9eab in CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (cache=0xa091058,
nkeys=, cur_skey=0xbeca1298) at catcache.c:207
#2  0x082cad19 in SearchCatCache (cache=0xa091058, v1=16421, v2=0, v3=0, 

at catcache.c:1137
#3  0x082df1cf in fmgr_info_cxt_security (functionId=16421, 

mcxt=, ignore_security=0 '\0') at fmgr.c:209
#4  0x082df881 in fmgr_info (functionId=16421, finfo=0xbeca144c) at 
#5  0x082df282 in fmgr_info_cxt_security (functionId=43373, 

mcxt=, ignore_security=1 '\001') at fmgr.c:406
#6  0x082e0520 in fmgr_security_definer (fcinfo=0xa0e2f34) at fmgr.c:898
#7  0x082e041c in fmgr_security_definer (fcinfo=0xa0e2f34) at fmgr.c:961
#8  0x082e041c in fmgr_security_definer (fcinfo=0xa0e2f34) at fmgr.c:961

I usually see this call stack  in version 8.4.0 and I guess this error 
does not occur in 8.4.1

Thank you.

(2010/04/05 20:14), Andrus wrote:

In 8.3 code below causes exception

ERROR:  set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "wordwrap" line 21 at RETURN NEXT

How to fix this so that wordwrap works in any PostgreSql 8.x version 
or at least in

8.3 and 8.4 ?


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION wordwrap(line text, linelen integer)
RETURNS SETOF text as $$
 words text[] := string_to_array(line,' ');
 i integer;
 res text:='';

 if trim(line)='' then
   return next '';
   end if;
for i IN 1 .. array_upper(words,1) LOOP
  if length(res)+length(words[i]) > linelen THEN
return next res;
res := '';
  if res<>'' then
res := res || ' ';
end if;
  res := res || words[i];
  end loop;
return next res;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

select wordwrap('fdgdf',10)


Kenichiro Tanaka

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