Re: [PHP] POST headers empty when using SSLProxyEngine

2005-11-20 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Mirco,

> I had a simmalar problem myself and didn't find a solutions.
> As far as I fond out the ssl_proxy module simply does not route POST. It
> just routes the link, wich means GET should work.

thanks for your reply! That sounds logical, indeed. I have posted my
help request to the Apache users mailing list as well, maybe someone
there comes up with a solution or even a patch.

> My solutions would be that I bypass the proxy for file transfer.

How could I achieve that without losing my session variables?

> I you find another solutions I would be glad to know how.

Of course, I'll do! :)


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[PHP] PHP as CGI: Denial of Service?

2004-09-28 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hello there,
PHP set up as CGI (either with binfmt and suEXEC or via suPHP) can 
expose your system to a denial of service attack. Even a very simple 
page like

can bog down a server completely if the reload button on the browser is 
pressed continously for some seconds. I already tried the RMax 
directives in httpd.conf and the memory limit in php.ini, but it does 
not seem to work, it is just being ignored. I think that so many 
processes are spawned that the system is out of control. I can get my 
load as high as 91 and my disk swaps for nearly 30 minutes until it 
works again. Sometimes even the kernel crashed with out of memory errors.

Apart from trying out cgiwrap, I am completely helpless right now.
Does anyone have an idea on what to do? I can't be possible that every 
PHP suEXEC install is a big security risk. Any tips are welcome!

I experienced this problem with Apache 1.3 and 2.0.
Thanks in advance,
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[PHP] PHP as CGI becomes a zombie when loaded too often

2004-05-28 Thread Florian Effenberger
Sorry for posting this again and again, but I still experience this
problem and there seems to be no way for me to solve it. I've got
confirmation from others that this problem is not only mine, so please
take the time to read this.
I've tried Apache 1.3 and 2.0, both on Linux 2.4. I've tried using
suEXEC and not using suEXEC, and I even tried modules that stop script
execution at a specific load average (tested with 1.00!) or number of
processes (tested with 10!). But nothing seems to help in the
following case:
I run PHP as CGI because I don't want to have world-readable scripts
and mod_perchild is not ready yet. When I do a hard reload - i.e.
reloading the same script for about 10 seconds continously which
should open quite a lot of scripts - I can crash the server. PHP-CGI-
processes become zombies, I get a load average of about 90 (!) and it
can take up to 30 minutes until the system responds again. This
happens even with the simplest PHP scripts like a phpinfo call, but
Perl scripts make absolutely no problem.
The PHP developers say it's an Apache problem, the Apache developers
say it's a PHP problem. So *PLEASE* take the time to review this one
again - I'm helpless right now! :-( I know there must be a solution,
because some providers run PHP as CGI without problems, but I don't
know what it could be. :-(
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[PHP] limit number of CGI processes

2004-04-16 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi there,

I run PHP as CGI (because of suEXEC), but some configuration must be wrong.
I just tried out to reload a PHP generated website about 20 or 30 times in
my browser, and this really bogged down the server, I had a load of about 20
or 30.

Is there anything I can do to limit this risk? I already fiddled around with
some configuration variables, but it didn't help. It always created a whole
lot of CGI childs that used up all memory...

I run Apache 2.0 on Linux 2.4.


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