[Puppet Users] Re: Using Virtual Resources and create_resource combination

2014-01-15 Thread CD
ok I found a workaround to my problem. I updated the network module 
(https://forge.puppetlabs.com/razorsedge/network) so that it is now 
accepting a label as the name rather than interface (eth0 etc). In this way 
I can provide a unique name and get away with assigning same name leading 
to error. then I introduced a new parameter to module to accept interface. 
For example my data now updated as follows.


But I still like to know is it possible to use the create_resources and 
virtual resources together where I need to pass hieradata also.


On Thursday, January 16, 2014 1:57:41 PM UTC+10, CD wrote:
> Hi friends,
> I have an issue where that I receive error Error 400 on SERVER: Cannot 
> reassign variable name on node app1. When I run the agent on admin1 it 
> works fine, but when I run the agent on app1 it give me the error.
> Having read few forum posts it seems this is most likely that the same 
> resource is used. resource network::if::static is used with eth0 in the 
> same class when it runs for admin1 and app1. I believe when it run on 
> admin1 variables are used without any problem and when it run on app1 it 
> find the variable has been used for admin1. It appears these kind of issues 
> are addressed by creating virtual resources. However I cannot figure out 
> how I can define virtual resources and combine that with create_resources. 
> I need to use the create_resources because I was to pass the hieradata to 
> the resource.
> *Any ideas how I can address this problem?*
> Details of the implementation given below:
> I have following hieradata which applied to each server:
> /etc/puppet/hieradata/admin1.json
> {
>   "eth0":{
>  "ipaddress":"",
>  "netmask":""
>   }
> }
> /etc/puppet/hieradata/app1.json
> {
>   "eth0":{
>  "ipaddress":"",
>  "netmask":""
>   }
> }
> I have a class call foundation and it has following files
> /etc/puppet/modules/foundation/manifests/init.pp
> class foundation {
> include foundation::network
> }
> /etc/puppet/modules/foundation/manifests/network.pp
> class foundation::network{
> # Defaults for network configuration
> $nic_default = {
> 'ensure' => 'up'
> }
> # Extract Data from Hiera for the host in concern
> $nics   = hiera("networks",{})
> # Configure networks based on the parameters
> create_resources(network::if::static, $nics, $nic_default)
> }
> Above class is included in base node and individual nodes has extended 
> from the base node
> /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp
> node base {
>include foundation
> }
> node admin1 inherits base {
> }
> node app1 inherits base {
> }
> Thanks,
> CD

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet calls the ENC twice for some nodes.

2014-01-15 Thread James Ellis
Thanks Jason for the info.

Bear with me, but I'm still unsure why the ENC would run twice, 
particularly given the dynamic nature of an ENC terminus where it would be 
connecting to other systems to get information for a catalogue -- those 
systems are then hit twice, regardless of whether or not the same 
information is returned, which seems a waste of resources (e.g maybe the 
external system has a quota limit ?)
I see in our logs running twice when the agent, in verbose mode, outputs 
"Info: retrieving plugin" and then another run when it outputs " Info: 
Caching catalog for ..."

In relation to applying changes to a virtual hosting setup, I'll look at 
other options. Given a quick example of say a domain  'enc.example.com' 
being created, then the customer fails to pay for their domain or hosts 
elsewhere, such that it should be deleted, the ENC should then provide this 
account for deletion in the catalogue, so that it is removed on the 
relevant server. I understand that this is changing the catalogue 
information across ENC runs but how else would this change be provided to 
the agent ?


On Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:40:39 UTC+11, Jason Antman wrote:
>  James,
> I vaguely remember seeing this 'node_terminus called twice' thing in the 
> past. The simple answer, though I know it's not what people want to hear, 
> is that the ENC should always return the right information. If you want to 
> modify the content of the catalog based on something that happens between 
> runs (which, by the way, I would highly suggest against, and suggest that 
> if you're doing that, something in your puppet configuration is amiss), you 
> should be checking somewhere like PuppetDB, not changing it based on how 
> many times the ENC script is run. Aside from the problem you're having now, 
> what happens if there's a timeout, or some other failure after the ENC 
> script is called but before the catalog is applied?
> -Jason
> On 01/14/2014 06:20 PM, James Ellis wrote:
>  Hi, chanced across this discussion when I noticed an ENC was being 
> called twice. I understand I may not be using the ENC terminus exactly as 
> it's been designed, but it's unexpected that it was called twice. Also 
> worth noting that I can't see a note about the ENC being called twice here: 
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/external_nodes.html 
>  In my case, I'm using an ENC to push virtual host changes to an agent 
> running a web server, the YAML returned by the ENC uses create_resources to 
> dynamically add resources to the catalogue.
> I observed via logging in the ENC script that on the first run, the ENC 
> was excecuted but the catalogue was not applied, on the second run the 
> catalogue was applied on the agent.
>  This causes problems where we use an API to dynamically apply resources 
> to a catalogue (1st run gets the catalogue resources, returns 'OK' to the 
> API, 2nd run then tries to get resources but gets nothing as the 'OK'  sent 
> to the API has effectively modified the resources to be applied).
>  I've worked around this, for now, by using a lock file, so that the 'OK' 
> API call is only run once but this still applies two calls to the API to 
> dynamically get resources for the catalogue, where only one is required. I 
> double checked the master and the agent configs, and the master only shows 
> the ENC being referenced once and there is one  agent being run, only.
>  Based on this, is there any way the agent can be set to call the ENC 
> once only ? The only argument to the script is the agent hostname and there 
> is no apparent difference in the environment of the first and second ENC 
> calls.
>  Using 3.4 O/S on ubuntu with the following agent command (run as root 
> manually to debug) :
> puppet agent --no-usecacheonfailure --onetime --no-daemonize --server 
> valid.server --verbose
>  Thanks
> James
> On Monday, 23 September 2013 23:59:45 UTC+10, jcbollinger wrote: 
>> On Friday, September 20, 2013 12:05:17 PM UTC-5, Greg Sutcliffe wrote: 
>>> Is this puppet3? As I recall, in puppet3, the master makes a separate 
>>> call to the enc to determine the environment the should authoritatively be 
>>> in. Once that's established, it makes a second call to get the classes and 
>>> parameters.
>> Not exactly, but that may well be the right track.  It would be pointless 
>> for the master to run the ENC more than once for catalog compilation, for 
>> it would have no reason to expect that the ENC's output would change.  
>> HOWEVER, the master's file server may need to run the ENC again to 
>> determine the environment from which to serve 'source'd files.
>> John
>>   -- 
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[Puppet Users] ssh module dependency failure

2014-01-15 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hi All,

I'm writing to you today because I am attempting to follow along in the
"Pro Puppet" book I am attempting the ssh module example from page 39.

I am getting the following error on the client when I try to implement it:

[root@beta:~] #puppet agent --test --server puppet.mydomain.com
info: Caching catalog for beta.mydomain.com
err: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency Class[Ssh:install]
for File[/etc/ssh/sshd_config] at

This is the class I have defined on the puppet server:

class ssh::install {
   package { "openssh":
 ensure => present,

class ssh::config {
file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
  ensure => present,
  owner => 'root',
  group => 'root',
  mode => 0600,
  source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",
  require => Class["ssh:install"],
  notify => Class["ssh::service"],

class ssh::service {
   service { "sshd":
   ensure => running,
   hasstatus => true,
   hasrestart => true,
   require => Class["ssh::config"],

class ssh {
include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service

And this is the definition I tried to copy from the book:

class ssh::install {

 package { "openssh":

ensure => present,



  class ssh::config {

   file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":

 ensure = > present,

 owner => 'root',

 group => 'root',

 mode => 0600,

 source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",

 require => Class["ssh::install"],

 notify => Class["ssh::service"],



class ssh::service {

 service { "sshd":

 ensure => running,

 hasstatus => true,

 hasrestart => true,

 enable => true,

 require => Class["ssh::config"],



class ssh {   include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service }

However I can't tell what the differences are that prevent the version I
keyed in from working. I've even created a diff of the two files with the
same order of files that you see above (mine first , theirs second)

[root@beta:~] #cat ssh_diff.txt


< class ssh::install {



< }


> class ssh::install {

>  package { "openssh":

> ensure => present,

>   }

>   }


< class ssh::config {

< file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":

<   ensure => present,

<   owner => 'root',

<   group => 'root',

<   mode => 0600,

<   source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",

<   require => Class["ssh:install"],

<   notify => Class["ssh::service"],

<  }

< }


>   class ssh::config {

>file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":

>  ensure = > present,

>  owner => 'root',

>  group => 'root',

>  mode => 0600,

>  source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",

>  require => Class["ssh::install"],

>  notify => Class["ssh::service"],

>   }



< class ssh::service {





<  }

< }


< class ssh { include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service }


> class ssh::service {

>  service { "sshd":

>  ensure => running,

>  hasstatus => true,

>  hasrestart => true,

>  enable => true,

>  require => Class["ssh::config"],

>  }



> class ssh {   include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service }

 Could I possibly borrow a fresh pair of eyeballs that might be able to
recognize what's wrong?


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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[Puppet Users] Using Virtual Resources and create_resource combination

2014-01-15 Thread CD
Hi friends,

I have an issue where that I receive error Error 400 on SERVER: Cannot 
reassign variable name on node app1. When I run the agent on admin1 it 
works fine, but when I run the agent on app1 it give me the error.

Having read few forum posts it seems this is most likely that the same 
resource is used. resource network::if::static is used with eth0 in the 
same class when it runs for admin1 and app1. I believe when it run on 
admin1 variables are used without any problem and when it run on app1 it 
find the variable has been used for admin1. It appears these kind of issues 
are addressed by creating virtual resources. However I cannot figure out 
how I can define virtual resources and combine that with create_resources. 
I need to use the create_resources because I was to pass the hieradata to 
the resource.

*Any ideas how I can address this problem?*

Details of the implementation given below:

I have following hieradata which applied to each server:



I have a class call foundation and it has following files
class foundation {
include foundation::network

class foundation::network{

# Defaults for network configuration
$nic_default = {
'ensure' => 'up'

# Extract Data from Hiera for the host in concern
$nics   = hiera("networks",{})

# Configure networks based on the parameters
create_resources(network::if::static, $nics, $nic_default)


Above class is included in base node and individual nodes has extended from 
the base node
node base {
   include foundation

node admin1 inherits base {

node app1 inherits base {


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[Puppet Users] Submit a Talk for PuppetConf 2014

2014-01-15 Thread Dawn Foster
I wanted to let everyone know that we have opened up the CFP for
PuppetConf 2014. Submissions are due by midnight PDT on March 18,

All of the details can be found here:

Here are a few examples of what we would like to see:
* Introductory topics for getting started with Puppet, modules, or
other technologies.
* Tips and tricks for using Puppet, MCollective, PuppetDB, Razor,
Hiera, Facter, etc.
* Case studies with details about how you use Puppet in your
environment: what worked, what didn't.
* Deploying and using Puppet at enterprise scale.
* Using Puppet to manage Windows.
* Using Puppet to solve problems related to release management,
continuous delivery, application release automation, change control
and similar processes.
* Interesting new technologies and how they can be used with Puppet.
* Related technologies, like Vagrant, Docker and Logstash, and using
them with Puppet.
* Using Puppet in the cloud with OpenStack, AWS, Rackspace, Eucalyptus etc.
* Using Puppet with virtualization software, like VMware, Hyper-V,
KVM, Citrix/Xen, etc.
* Using Puppet to automate network and/or storage infrastructure
together with compute infrastructure (avoiding silos with
software-defined infrastructure).
* Advanced Puppet topics and using the related technologies in new and
interesting ways.
* DevOps culture, process and tools along with how to make working in
operations a better experience.

The direct link to the CFP form:

Dawn Foster
Director of Community

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[Puppet Users] puppet ERROR 400

2014-01-15 Thread Vassiliy Vins

I've created 2 files:

file *test.pp* with code :

class copy {

file {"testfile":
path => "/home/vassiliy/myfile",
source => "puppet:///mpoint/client1/testfile",
mode => '644'

and file site.pp wuth code:

import "test.pp"

node client1 {
include copy

in fileserver.conf was created section like:


path /etc/puppet/files
allow *

file *testfile* is in folder /etc/puppet/files/client1/

I got on client1/var/log/messages  next:

ERROR 400 on SERVER: Not authorized to call find on 
/file_metadata/client1/testfile with {:links => "manage"}

Any ideas, why? where to look at? thnx

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[Puppet Users] Re: Have An Issue To Report, But Can't Figure Out How

2014-01-15 Thread Lauren R
Hello from your neighborhood Docs team! We've updated the headers, and the 
bug tracker links should point to JIRA now. Apologies for missing that in 
the first go-round. 

All the best, 

On Monday, January 13, 2014 10:22:07 AM UTC-8, Paul Nickerson wrote:
> I have an issue to report in the Puppet Community Package 
> Repository,
> but I don't how to do so. The Puppet Labs issue tracker and project 
> directory home page  says "After 
> choosing a project, use its “Issues” and “New Issue” tabs to search 
> existing bugs and report new ones. To log new issues, you will need to 
> register a user account and sign in." However, I have created an account 
> and am signed in, but I see no New Issue tab.
> Does anyone know how an issue should be reported?
> The issue I'd like to report, BTW, is that the Puppet Windows binary 
> package includes 
> ruby.exe version, which according to the Common 
> Vulnerabilities and Exposures List has vulnerability 
> CVE-2013-4164
> .

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Re: [Puppet Users] Doubt about lots of persistent connections

2014-01-15 Thread Dick Davies
Those connections don't take much in the way of resources on the ActiveMQ server
(you might need to up the number of open files the activemq process is
able to access).

I'm not sure what you mean about non-persistent connections; are you
talking about
agents periodically connecting to check? i'd expect the continual
connection setup/teardown
to put more load on the MQ server that 1000 or so idle connections
(with maybe the occasional
keepalive). STOMP is pretty lightweight.

On 15 January 2014 11:17, Dani Gutiérrez Porset  wrote:
> Hi community,
> in a testing PE installation I see each agent maintains a persistent
> collection to ActiveMQ process in master server, to be used by mcollective
> in a push (vs pull) scheme.
> As it's not so sure that one master is sending lots of petitions to agents,
> which are the advantages of this schema instead of non-persistent
> connections, specially for the case that there are lots of agents? (well,
> maybe this is a question more for ActiveMQ than Puppet, but...)
> Could anyone tell about the hardware (mainly RAM) for the master server
> (with ActiveMQ) supporting 500 or 1000 Puppet agents?
>   Thanks a lot in advance
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Nagios_contact in multiple contactgroups

2014-01-15 Thread Jonathan Gazeley

On 14/01/14 23:27, jcbollinger wrote:

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 5:42:54 AM UTC-6, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:

This is ridiculous and bizarre behaviour and seems to defy the
whole point of having a managed resource, and there is an old,
open bug for it.


I think "ridiculous and bizarre" is a bit strong.  It's strange that 
the type selects one element and ignores the rest, but it's not so 
surprising that's what's wanted in the first place is whatever string 
is supposed to be plugged in to the corresponding hole in the Nagios 
config file.  That's even a viable way to read the documentation for 
the type.  And I certainly don't understand what any of this has to do 
with "the whole point of having a managed resource".


I'm sorry for my outburst yesterday - quite embarrassed to read my 
message back again :\ I was just a bit frustrated to run into bugs 
and/or unexpected behaviour when I also had some of our dev/ops guys on 
my back wondering when I was going to fix their monitoring notifications.

"Hulk smash, Hulk do Nagios configs!"

I think what I meant was - data structures within Puppet and Hiera are 
almost always handled as arrays or hashes, and when you call upon other 
classes and resources you would tend to pass it an array or a hash. I 
was surprised that this isn't the case for nagios_* types, which expect 
a comma-delimited format.

There's a workaround using templates as a filthy hack:

# manifest.pp
nagios_host { "$fqdn":
  address => "$ipaddress",
  hostgroups => template("join_hostgroups.erb")

You seem angry about this.  I don't understand why.

Yeah, today I'm not sure why either. I guess it seems a less elegant 
solution (and potentially more expensive in terms of resources on an 
already busy puppetmaster). It's the first time I've had to do something 
like this (I guess that makes me lucky).

Anyway, if you have Puppetlabs's "stdlib" add-in module installed, 
then it provides a join() function that can replace the template.  Or 
at minimum it would probably be better to use an inline_template() 
instead of an external one.

After my email yesterday, I changed my approach to use an 
inline_template() which works nicely. Also good to know that there's a 
join() function for for joining arrays - thanks for the tip. We do 
already have "stdlib" installed, but only as a dependency for other 
forge modules - I've never called upon its functions myself. Thanks for 
the tip - I'll check it out tomorrow (now after 4pm here and we're not 
allowed to make changes in case we break stuff!)

Sorry again for my rage, and thanks for your advice. If you're ever in 
Bristol (UK), I'll buy you a pint :)


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[Puppet Users] hiera

2014-01-15 Thread Peter Romfeld

I just started learning puppet a few days ago.. I finished eBook "Pro
Puppet" all the puppet e-courses and read quite a bunch about roles and so

What i have not found so far is a Hiera tutorial I understand, i read
through puppetlabs docu but i dont understand it. Maybe i should just start
without hiera and after some useage it get clear to me..
But maybe there is a hiera tutorial for noobs?

your just-started-puppet-noob

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet calls the ENC twice for some nodes.

2014-01-15 Thread jcbollinger

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 5:20:55 PM UTC-6, James Ellis wrote:
> Hi, chanced across this discussion when I noticed an ENC was being called 
> twice. I understand I may not be using the ENC terminus exactly as it's 
> been designed, but it's unexpected that it was called twice. Also worth 
> noting that I can't see a note about the ENC being called twice here: 
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/external_nodes.html

True, but the docs also don't say it's called only once.  If you read 
between the lines, you might infer that it can be called multiple times.  
In particular, consider this excerpt from the doc: "In Puppet 3 and later, 
ENCs can set an environment for a node, overriding whatever environment the 
node requested. However, previous versions of Puppet use ENC-set and 
node-set environments inconsistently, with the ENC’s used during catalog 
compilation and the node’s used when downloading files."  The reason for 
the inconsistency in Puppet 2 is that file downloads occur in separate 
request contexts, and that version of Puppet did not re-run the ENC for 
each of those as it would have needed to do to compute the appropriate 
environment correctly.

To be sure, the docs could be clearer on the point.  Feel free to file an 


> In my case, I'm using an ENC to push virtual host changes to an agent 
> running a web server, the YAML returned by the ENC uses create_resources to 
> dynamically add resources to the catalogue.
> I observed via logging in the ENC script that on the first run, the ENC 
> was excecuted but the catalogue was not applied, on the second run the 
> catalogue was applied on the agent.

By default, the agent issues at least two web requests to the master on 
every run because it first synchronizes plugins, then requests a catalog.  
It may make other requests as well, to retrieve plugin contents when it 
determines those are needed, or to retrieve 'source'd files.  All of those 
requests require the master to determine the node's environment to provide 
correct service, and determining the environment requires running the ENC, 
if there is one.


> This causes problems where we use an API to dynamically apply resources to 
> a catalogue (1st run gets the catalogue resources, returns 'OK' to the API, 
> 2nd run then tries to get resources but gets nothing as the 'OK'  sent to 
> the API has effectively modified the resources to be applied).
> I've worked around this, for now, by using a lock file, so that the 'OK' 
> API call is only run once but this still applies two calls to the API to 
> dynamically get resources for the catalogue, where only one is required. I 
> double checked the master and the agent configs, and the master only shows 
> the ENC being referenced once and there is one  agent being run, only.
> Based on this, is there any way the agent can be set to call the ENC once 
> only ? The only argument to the script is the agent hostname and there is 
> no apparent difference in the environment of the first and second ENC calls.

If you disable pluginsync at the agent and avoid declaring any 'source'd 
File resources pointing back to the master, then I think the agent will 
make only one request to the master per catalog run.  In that case, the 
master should run the ENC only once for that catalog run.

Disabling pluginsync may make it difficult to insert certain new modules 
into your Puppet infrastructure or to update such modules, and avoiding 
'source'd Files will require great discipline and vigilance.  I would think 
twice before going that route.  Instead, if you want to stick with your 
current ENC concept then you should consider how your ENC might recognize 
multiple calls associated with the same catalog run.

I think node facts are updated only once per catalog run, after pluginsync 
and just prior to running the ENC to kick off catalog compilation.  
Perhaps, then, you could watch each node's 'uptime_seconds' fact, and 
perform your once-per-catalog-run work only if the value of that fact is 
different from what it was during the previous run of the ENC for the given 
node.  The doc you referred to has a bit of information about how the ENC 
can access node facts.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Replace multiple expression with a variable in a selector

2014-01-15 Thread Felix Frank
General remark: You should use hiera() to retrieve that value.
hiera_array() is only useful in very specific situations, and only if
you have a non-trivial hierarchy.

On 01/15/2014 03:02 PM, Francisco José Bejarano wrote:
> - 'host1'
> - 'host2'
> - 'host3'
> and manifest

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Re: [Puppet Users] nodejs - Running make returns 2 instead of 0

2014-01-15 Thread Björn Becker
Ohhh, you made my day. That shows the problem. 
We need /bin in PATH for uname. 

Thanks a lot! 


Am Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014 14:39:54 UTC+1 schrieb Ken Barber:
> > This is my exec: 
> > 
> >   exec {'make nodejs': 
> > command => "/usr/bin/make", 
> > creates => "/usr/local/src/node/out/Release/node", 
> > cwd => "/usr/local/src/node", 
> > path=> ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"], 
> > require => Exec['configure nodejs'], 
> >   } 
> > 
> > Do you got any idea? 
> Try adding the parameter logoutput => on_failure to the 'exec' and 
> re-run puppet. It should drop the output of the make command to the 
> log so you can see any errors that might have been occurring. 
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#exec-attribute-logoutput
> ken. 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Write a function to puupet

2014-01-15 Thread jcbollinger

On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:28:41 AM UTC-6, shlo@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to write a function for Puppet that check if package already 
> defined, I saw in this group to do:
> define safepackage ( $ensure = present ) {
> if !defined(Package[$title]) {
> package { $title: ensure => $ensure }
> }
> }
> In which file I need put this function so all other modules can access 
> it?  because I'm getting 'unknown function...' error.
That's not a function, it's a defined type.  You declare instances just as 
you would declare instances of a built-in type, such as Package itself.  
You cannot call it as if it were a function.  You really ought to put it 
into a module, though.

With that said, what you propose to do is one of the persistent bad ideas 
in the Puppet universe.  Using such a definition to allow multiple points 
of declaration of a given resource (only one of which will be effective) 
makes your manifest set harder to maintain and opens it to subtle bugs 
because you must keep all declarations of the target resource 
synchronized.  If you don't, then your manifest set thereby has an internal 
inconsistency that you prevent Puppet from diagnosing.  All manner of 
strangeness may then ensue.  Moreover, the approach is only effective for a 
given resource if you apply it to every declaration of that resource.

The best way to avoid multiple-declaration errors is to factor out multiple 
declarations of any given resource into a single class that the other 
erstwhile declaration points will rely on.  That is usually fairly 
natural.  It may involve modifying third-party modules, but so does any 
approach based on the defined() function or similar.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Replace multiple expression with a variable in a selector

2014-01-15 Thread Francisco José Bejarano
With this runs

hiera yaml

- 'host1'
- 'host2'
- 'host3'

and manifest


  if $::hostname in $HOSTS_TESTING {

$testing = 'filetest'
  } else {
  $testing = 'file'

El miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014 14:11:09 UTC+1, Francisco José Bejarano 
> Not runs
> I have tried with all combinatios of quotes, arrays, hiera, etc. Only runs 
> with literal values in the expression even I have replaced the selector 
> with if statement
> if $::hostname [ $variable ] {
> and neither runs only with literal values
> if $::hostname [ "host1","host2","host3" ] {
> If anyone knows how it is done...
> El miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014 13:20:20 UTC+1, Andrew escribió:
>> try $VARIABLE ='(host1|host2|host3)'
>> $testing = $::hostname ? {
>> /$VARIABLE/  => 'filetest',
>> default=> 'file',
>>   }
>> On 15 January 2014 11:19, Francisco José Bejarano wrote:
>>> Greetings to all
>>> I have a question about the use of selectors. I am using 3.4.2
>>> I have this selector in my code
>>>   $testing = $::hostname ? {
>>> /(host1|host2|host3)/  => 'filetest',
>>> default=> 'file',
>>>   }
>>> I would like to use a variable as a multiple expression in a selectorlike 
>>> this
>>> $VARIABLE ='/(host1|host2|host3)/'
>>>   $testing = $::hostname ? {
>>> $VARIABLE  => 'filetest',
>>> default=> 'file',
>>>   }
>>> ¿Is that possible?
>>> I've tried different ways but does not work. With quotes, without quotes
>>> , etc.. It always select the default file (file) if I put variable, but 
>>> if I do not put variable (first code) it works ok and FileTest is used 
>>> if hostname is in expression.
>>> I would like to use VARIABLE in hiera to use the name of hosts (not in 
>>> hard code)
>>> ¿Is that possible?
>>> Thanks in advance :-)
>>>  -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "Puppet Users" group.
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>>> an email to puppet-users...@googlegroups.com.
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/5eecc840-5ab9-4636-a9be-492e8f65250c%40googlegroups.com
>>> .
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Re: [Puppet Users] nodejs - Running make returns 2 instead of 0

2014-01-15 Thread Ken Barber
> This is my exec:
>   exec {'make nodejs':
> command => "/usr/bin/make",
> creates => "/usr/local/src/node/out/Release/node",
> cwd => "/usr/local/src/node",
> path=> ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"],
> require => Exec['configure nodejs'],
>   }
> Do you got any idea?

Try adding the parameter logoutput => on_failure to the 'exec' and
re-run puppet. It should drop the output of the make command to the
log so you can see any errors that might have been occurring.



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[Puppet Users] nodejs - Running make returns 2 instead of 0

2014-01-15 Thread Björn

I try to build nodejs, unfortunately by running of make via puppet it 
returns 2 somehow.
When I run make manually it returns 0 as expected.

puppet agent -t 
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/root_home.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/puppet_vardir.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/vmwaretools_version.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/pper_installed.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/pe_version.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/os_maj_version.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/environment.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/facter_dot_d.rb
info: Caching catalog for pc
info: Applying configuration version '1389785537'
notice: /Stage[main]/Development-pc::Nodejs/Exec[git checkout]/returns: 
executed successfully
err: /Stage[main]/Development-pc::Nodejs/Exec[make nodejs]/returns: change 
from notrun to 0 failed: /usr/bin/make returned 2 instead of one of [0] at 
notice: /Stage[main]/Development-pc::Nodejs/Exec[make install nodejs]: 
Dependency Exec[make nodejs] has failures: true
warning: /Stage[main]/Development-pc::Nodejs/Exec[make install nodejs]: 
Skipping because of failed dependencies
notice: /Stage[main]/Development-pc::Nodejs/Exec[npm install grunt-cli]: 
Dependency Exec[make nodejs] has failures: true
warning: /Stage[main]/Development-pc::Nodejs/Exec[npm install grunt-cli]: 
Skipping because of failed dependencies
notice: Finished catalog run in 4.76 seconds

This is my exec:

  exec {'make nodejs':
command => "/usr/bin/make",
creates => "/usr/local/src/node/out/Release/node",
cwd => "/usr/local/src/node",
path=> ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"],
require => Exec['configure nodejs'],

Do you got any idea? 



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Re: [Puppet Users] Replace multiple expression with a variable in a selector

2014-01-15 Thread Francisco José Bejarano
Not runs

I have tried with all combinatios of quotes, arrays, hiera, etc. Only runs 
with literal values in the expression even I have replaced the selector 
with if statement

if $::hostname [ $variable ] {

and neither runs only with literal values

if $::hostname [ "host1","host2","host3" ] {

If anyone knows how it is done...

El miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014 13:20:20 UTC+1, Andrew escribió:
> try $VARIABLE ='(host1|host2|host3)'
> $testing = $::hostname ? {
> /$VARIABLE/  => 'filetest',
> default=> 'file',
>   }
> On 15 January 2014 11:19, Francisco José Bejarano 
> > wrote:
>> Greetings to all
>> I have a question about the use of selectors. I am using 3.4.2
>> I have this selector in my code
>>   $testing = $::hostname ? {
>> /(host1|host2|host3)/  => 'filetest',
>> default=> 'file',
>>   }
>> I would like to use a variable as a multiple expression in a selectorlike 
>> this
>> $VARIABLE ='/(host1|host2|host3)/'
>>   $testing = $::hostname ? {
>> $VARIABLE  => 'filetest',
>> default=> 'file',
>>   }
>> ¿Is that possible?
>> I've tried different ways but does not work. With quotes, without quotes, 
>> etc.. It always select the default file (file) if I put variable, but if I 
>> do not put variable (first code) it works ok and FileTest is used if 
>> hostname is in expression.
>> I would like to use VARIABLE in hiera to use the name of hosts (not in 
>> hard code)
>> ¿Is that possible?
>> Thanks in advance :-)
>>  -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Puppet Users" group.
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>> email to puppet-users...@googlegroups.com .
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/5eecc840-5ab9-4636-a9be-492e8f65250c%40googlegroups.com
>> .
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Re: [Puppet Users] Replace multiple expression with a variable in a selector

2014-01-15 Thread Andrey Kozichev
try $VARIABLE ='(host1|host2|host3)'
$testing = $::hostname ? {
/$VARIABLE/  => 'filetest',
default=> 'file',

On 15 January 2014 11:19, Francisco José Bejarano wrote:

> Greetings to all
> I have a question about the use of selectors. I am using 3.4.2
> I have this selector in my code
>   $testing = $::hostname ? {
> /(host1|host2|host3)/  => 'filetest',
> default=> 'file',
>   }
> I would like to use a variable as a multiple expression in a selectorlike this
> $VARIABLE ='/(host1|host2|host3)/'
>   $testing = $::hostname ? {
> $VARIABLE  => 'filetest',
> default=> 'file',
>   }
> ¿Is that possible?
> I've tried different ways but does not work. With quotes, without quotes,
> etc.. It always select the default file (file) if I put variable, but if I
> do not put variable (first code) it works ok and FileTest is used if
> hostname is in expression.
> I would like to use VARIABLE in hiera to use the name of hosts (not in
> hard code)
> ¿Is that possible?
> Thanks in advance :-)
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Puppet Users" group.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/5eecc840-5ab9-4636-a9be-492e8f65250c%40googlegroups.com
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[Puppet Users] Re: Help on Hiera automate

2014-01-15 Thread alessandro mazzoli
Thanks Jc,
i did what you said..i have changed .yaml like this:
sn: de3de
project: b
user: b
dbname: de
dbuser: e
dbpwd: de
sn: de3dedede
project: b
user: a
dbname: de
dbuser: e
dbpwd: d
 and obtain params like this hiera('servers') and use create_resources 

Il giorno martedì 14 gennaio 2014 02:02:29 UTC+1, alessandro mazzoli ha 
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to automate the set up of the machines staging,passing by an 
> php application ServerName , ProjectType,DbCredentials etc..(all strings) 
> and convert to yaml
> Here's my common.yaml:
> ---
> users:
>   -sn: server.example.com
>   -project : Symfony
>   -dbname : test
>   -dbuser  : test
>   -dbpwd : test
>   -sn: server2.example.com
>   -project : Idephix
>   -dbname : test
>   -dbuser  : test
>   -dbpwd : test
> Here's my hiera.yaml
> ---
> :backends:
> :yaml:
>   :datadir: '/etc/puppet/hieradata'
> :hierarchy:
>   -common
> Is there any possibility on manifest to get all those variables by not 
> specifing the index as below ??
> $users=hiera('users')
> $sn0=$users[*0*]['sn']
> $sn1=
> ..
> ...
> I would like to preserve all the configurations if possible inside 
> common.yaml
> Thanks for the help

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[Puppet Users] Replace multiple expression with a variable in a selector

2014-01-15 Thread Francisco José Bejarano
Greetings to all

I have a question about the use of selectors. I am using 3.4.2

I have this selector in my code

  $testing = $::hostname ? {
/(host1|host2|host3)/  => 'filetest',
default=> 'file',

I would like to use a variable as a multiple expression in a selector like 

$VARIABLE ='/(host1|host2|host3)/'

  $testing = $::hostname ? {
$VARIABLE  => 'filetest',
default=> 'file',

¿Is that possible?

I've tried different ways but does not work. With quotes, without quotes, 
etc.. It always select the default file (file) if I put variable, but if I 
do not put variable (first code) it works ok and FileTest is used if 
hostname is in expression.

I would like to use VARIABLE in hiera to use the name of hosts (not in hard 

¿Is that possible?

Thanks in advance :-)

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[Puppet Users] Doubt about lots of persistent connections

2014-01-15 Thread Dani Gutiérrez Porset
Hi community,
in a testing PE installation I see each agent maintains a persistent 
collection to ActiveMQ process in master server, to be used by mcollective 
in a push (vs pull) scheme.

As it's not so sure that one master is sending lots of petitions to agents, 
which are the advantages of this schema instead of non-persistent 
connections, specially for the case that there are lots of agents? (well, 
maybe this is a question more for ActiveMQ than Puppet, but...)

Could anyone tell about the hardware (mainly RAM) for the master server 
(with ActiveMQ) supporting 500 or 1000 Puppet agents?

  Thanks a lot in advance

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Re: [Puppet Users] Optimizing the Puppet CA using Apache

2014-01-15 Thread Matthias Saou
On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 16:31:40 +0100
Erik Dalén  wrote:

> I did a bit of a hack to serve the static files in the Puppet CA
> directly using Apache instead of going through the Ruby layer and
> indirector. It speeds things up quite a lot and also allows use of
> HTTP caching headers like IfModifiedSince etc.
> So here's some instructions on how to do it:
> https://gist.github.com/dalen/8419913
> Works for me, but no guarantees etc :)

This is a simple and interesting change. Care to share some numbers
about the "speeds things up quite a bit" part? :-)


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[Puppet Users] Re: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not autoload active_record: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord

2014-01-15 Thread Peter Romfeld
THANKS so much :)

On Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:53:55 AM UTC+8, Joehillen wrote:
> Ok, I solved the issue. 
> It took some doing because apparently puppet doesn't work with the newest 
> version of activerecord.
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/867
> Here are the steps that ended up working:
> apt-get install rubygems
> gem install activerecord --version 3.0.11
> apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
> gem install mysql
> I had to disable async_storeconfig because stomp gave an error and I had 
> never used it before:
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Could not write * to queue: undefined method `publish' for 
> #
> Instance::#
> client : #

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[Puppet Users] Write a function to puupet

2014-01-15 Thread shlo . afgin

I want to write a function for Puppet that check if package already 
defined, I saw in this group to do:

define safepackage ( $ensure = present ) {
if !defined(Package[$title]) {
package { $title: ensure => $ensure }

In which file I need put this function so all other modules can access it?  
because I'm getting 'unknown function...' error.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Dynamic Nagios Hostgroup members via collected resources?

2014-01-15 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 08:57:08AM -0800, smalderma wrote:
> Greetings All,
> I've referenced a few older discussions about nagios hostgroups and the 
> nagios_hostgroup resource.  I admit I'm somewhat new to this game, so 
> please excuse my ignorance on the complexities.  I'm looking for a way that 
> puppet can use collections / exported resources to create nagios host 
> groups.  For instance, I'd like a hostgroups for osfamilies, puppet 
> environments, domains, and perhaps virtual or hardware platform.
> It seems like using @@nagios_hostgroup on the nodes, and collecting the 
> resources on the Nagios server is not sufficient, when what I'm looking for 
> is one hostgroup named RedHat with members of this osfamily, and another 
> hostgroup named Solaris whose members are of the solaris osfamily.  I've 
> not had much success writing this into puppet, so is this just not 
> possible?  Would I be better served creating custom resource(s) that simply 
> collect lists of node names by the facts I'm interested and then the Nagios 
> server uses those collections as data to populate its set of 
> nagios_hostgroup resources?
> Thanks for your thoughts and wisdom.

I think that the only real way to do this properly is to not realize
nagios resources in the standard way. Check
https://github.com/dalen/puppet-puppetdbquery out and see if you can do
your nagios configuration with it. This is currently on my TODO list as
I am feeling the same pain(currently I am defining those in a big hiera


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