New user group: Rochester, MN, USA

2016-01-20 Thread Jonathan Hartley

First meeting planned for Thu 28th January 2016

Jonathan Hartley
+1 507-513-1101

Re: easy_install doesn't install non-package *.py file

2011-11-10 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Hey. I don't know the details, but your needs to use either the 
'package_data' or the 'data_files' entry in the dict you pass to setup. These 
can specify files you want included in the sdist which aren't package files.

There are many complications with using them though. One of them in particular 
(I don't remember which one) installs the files you specify in a different 
place depending on whether the user is installing the sdist from local files 
(python install) or using pip, so be sure to test both ways. 

Re: leftover pyc files

2011-11-04 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Apologies for all my messasges appearing twice. I'm using google groups web ui 
and have no idea why it's doing that. I'll stop using it.

Re: leftover pyc files

2011-11-04 Thread Jonathan Hartley
I like to install a Bash shell of some kind on windows boxes I work on, 
specifically so I can use shell commands like this, just like on any other 
operating system. Cywin works just fine for this.

svn also has hooks, but sadly not a checkout hook:
I guess you could write your own two-line wrapper script which does the 
checkout and then deletes the pyc files.

I don't understand why deleting only some pyc files is important. Can't you 
just delete them all and let Python re generate the ones you need? I once saw 
someone create the longest python file they could to see how long generating 
pyc files takes, and it is very very quick indeed. A human could not notice the 
delay even for the largest of projects.

Finally, someone asked about skipping .svn dirs: find has a '-prune' option, 
you can read about it on the manpage.

Re: leftover pyc files

2011-11-03 Thread Jonathan Hartley
This can be added to your project's .git/hooks/post-checkout:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm '{}' ';'


Re: leftover pyc files

2011-11-03 Thread Jonathan Hartley
This can be added to git as a post-checkout hook:

In your project's .git/hooks/post-checkout:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm '{}' ';'


Re: leftover pyc files

2011-11-03 Thread Jonathan Hartley
A task like this is more suited to bash than Python:

find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm '{}' ';'


Re: executing arbitrary statements

2011-10-03 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Fair points Steven. Thanks for further refining my initial refinement. :-)

Re: executing arbitrary statements

2011-10-02 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Saturday, October 1, 2011 8:06:43 AM UTC+1, Chris Rebert wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:31 PM, Jason Swails  wrote:
> > I'm probably missing something pretty obvious, but I was wondering if there
> > was a way of executing an arbitrary line of code somehow (such as a line of
> > code based on user-input).  There's the obvious use of "eval" that will
> > evaluate a function call, but that doesn't allow all things.
> > Because write is a function eval works fine for it.  But since print isn't
> > (2.7), it throws a syntax error.  Likewise, variable assignments aren't
> > allowed either as they are also not functions and lack a return value:
> Use the `exec` statement, which is capable of executing statements (as
> opposed to just expressions):
> > What I'm more or less looking to do is present a (limited) form of an
> > interpreter inside the application I'm writing for the advanced user.
> >
> > I'm also interested to hear if this is a particularly bad idea for any
> > reason,
> It's potentially rather hacky and ad-hoc to effectively directly
> inject arbitrary statements at certain points in your code.
> Assuming you were to trust the user-provided code, callbacks/hooks or
> plugin modules are typically much cleaner ways to integrate custom
> code from the user.
> Depending on your particular use case, the `cmd` module might also be
> a workable alternative:
> > and if there are security issues involved with allowing users to
> > execute their own code inside my program (keeping in mind that some people
> > may "donate" their scripts to others that may run them as black boxes).
> It is *very much* a security issue!
> > Is
> > it enough to disallow import statements, thereby not giving direct access to
> > the sys and os modules?
> Not by a long shot! There are a bunch of known tricks that exploit
> introspection to circumvent such restrictions.
> Secure execution of untrusted Python code is a difficult problem. Some
> have accomplished it to a degree, but typically only by modifying the
> interpreter itself or imposing relatively onerous restrictions on the
> untrusted code.
> > I know more or less what I want to do, but I'd also
> > appreciate any experienced input/advice/suggestions.
> I additionally came across this in researching my reply:
> Apparently the speed of execution leaves something to be desired, but
> the package /supposedly/ works well otherwise.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --

I (and many others) entirely avoid using 'eval' in all my code for many years, 
based on the security concerns that Chris rightly highlights. It's worth noting 
though, that RaymondH's talks last year on some valid uses of 'eval' and 'exec' 
have opened my eyes to it somewhat. In summary, while it's dangerous to execute 
user-submitted code, there are no security risks associated with executing code 
generated by your own program. It takes a while to see how this might be 
useful, if (like me) you're not used to thinking about it.

Raymond's premier example was his implementation of namedtuple:
This defines a string, the contents of which is a class definition, with some 
string formatting markers in it. These are replaced with known values on 
invocation of the namedtuple factory function, which then exec's the 
class-definition string and returns the resulting new type.

This results in an implementation that is both simpler and faster than trying 
to simply write a general-purpose class that does at runtime all the things 
that 'namedtuple' does.

Re: cause __init__ to return a different class?

2011-09-15 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Perhaps a more idiomatic way of achieving the same thing is to use a factory 
function, which returns instances of different classes:

  def PersonFactory(foo):
  if foo:
 return Person()
 return Child()

Apologies if the code is messed up, I'm posting from Google groups web UI.

Re: How to structure packages

2011-09-08 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Thursday, September 8, 2011 1:29:26 AM UTC+1, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Other than that, is there any justification
> for this rule? Any Java fans want to defend this?
> If "one class per file", why not "one method per class" too? Why is the
> second rule any more silly than the first?

Hey. I'm not a Java fan but I'll give it a go.

One method per class is not a good idea because a class is a bunch of code that 
forms a coherent conceptual bundle of functionality. Often, to provide such a 
bundle, it requires more than one method. To split these methods across several 
classes would be splitting up a single coherent entity, which makes it harder 
to understand the purpose and identity of the entity, and more fiddly to 
delineate the boundary between one such entity and the next.

On the other hand, IMHO one class per file is often a good idea. Since a class 
is a single coherent bundle, then the natural way to split a program into files 
is often to divide it into these same coherent bundles. Sometimes you have two 
or more classes that are conceptually very tightly coupled, and it makes sense 
to gather them up into a single file. However, for me, this is the exception 
rather than the rule, so in the general case, I usually end up with code that 
has one class per file. It's only a rule-of-thumb though, and should be broken 
whenever it seems appropriate.

Re: Can someone help please

2011-07-22 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Hey Billy. That may not be the important part of the code, but the many people 
giving up their free time to read it and help you don't know that. It's 
probably most helpful to give them a working example so as not to waste their 
time. Just sayin for future, is all. :-)
Best regards,

Re: Can someone help please

2011-07-22 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Hey! Is Billy a responder, rather than the OP? Sorry then! My previous point is 
entirely nullified.

Re: Functional style programming in python: what will you talk about if you have an hour on this topic?

2011-07-14 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 14, 4:32 am, Gregory Ewing  wrote:
> Anthony Kong wrote:
> > So I have picked this topic for one of my presentation. It is because
> > functional programming technique is one of my favorite in my bag  of python 
> > trick.
> I'm not sure it's a good idea to emphasise functional
> programming too much. Python doesn't really lend itself
> to a heavily functional style. While you *can* write
> Python code that way, it's not idiomatic, and you're
> likely to give beginners a distorted idea of how Python
> is normally written.
> --
> Greg

Maybe the talk would work well if not aimed at complete all-round
beginners, but instead aimed at Pythonistas who are interested in
functional programming, or functionistas who are py-curious (I think
the same talk would work well for both groups)

Re: Functional style programming in python: what will you talk about if you have an hour on this topic?

2011-07-14 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 13, 1:39 pm, Anthony Kong  wrote:
> (My post did not appear in the mailing list, so this is my second try. 
> Apology if it ends up posted twice)
> Hi, all,
> If you have read my previous posts to the group, you probably have some idea 
> why I asked this question.
> I am giving a few presentations on python to my colleagues who are mainly 
> java developers and starting to pick up python at work.
> So I have picked this topic for one of my presentation. It is because 
> functional programming technique is one of my favorite in my bag  of python 
> trick. It also takes me to the rabbit hole of the functional programming 
> world, which is vastly more interesting than the conventional procedural/OO 
> languages.
> I think I will go through the following items:
> itertools module
> functools module
> concept of currying ('partial')
> I would therefore want to ask your input e.g.
> Is there any good example to illustrate the concept?
> What is the most important features you think I should cover?
> What will happen if you overdo it?
> Cheers

I'd think you'd want to at least mention the relatively new
'lru_cache' decorator, for memoizing the return value expensive
functions, providing they are deterministic / pure, etc.

Re: lightweight way to create new projects from templates

2011-05-12 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Hey Chris,

Thanks for the thoughts. I must confess I had already given up on a 'single 
file' approach, because I want to make it easy for people to create their own 
templates, so I have to handle copying a template defined by creating a new 
directory full of diles. If I'm already handling this case, I thought, I might 
as well bundle the built-in default templates as a bunch of files.

I'd hope to provide platform binaries to make download and install easy for 
end-users, regardless of what Python version they already have installed.

Which reminds me, I should make sure the default template works on Python2.x as 
well as 3.x. Thanks!

lightweight way to create new projects from templates

2011-05-11 Thread Jonathan Hartley


I'm looking for a quick way to create new Python projects from a template.

I understand that 'Paste' ( is one way to do 
this, but I find Paste very intimidating because of all the 
functionality it includes. I'm not even sure whether 'creating new 
projects from templates' is the central goal of Paste, or just an 
incidental benefit that it provides while performing some other task.

As a lightweight alternative, I'm creating a project called 'Genesis'. 
Functionally, it will be little more than a 'cp -r' followed by a few 
search and replace operations.

I realise this idea is modest, but I think it could be helpful for:

a) people who are just getting started with Python, and want to see how 
best to structure their projects, and

b) people who are already up-to-speed, and who want to create their own 
templates and spawn projects from them with a minimum of effort.

c) for the community, to exemplify and publicise best practices for new 

My goals include:

* Create a new project using the default template:

$ genesis myproj

* or using a particular project template:

$ genesis --template=mytemplate myproj

* Allow people to create their own templates, simply stored as 
directories under '~/.genesis'

* Files in a template contain 'tags' of the form 'G{author}'. When a new 
project is created, these tags are replaced. For example, G{author} will 
be replaced with the value for 'author' supplied either on the command-line:

$ genesis myproj author=Jonathan

Or in your ~/.genesis/config file (a python file read using 'exec'):

author = 'Jonathan'

* The default template should embody good practices like those 
demonstrated in the Python Project howto:

* The default template should include a, supporting sdist, 
register and upload commands.

* I'd also like the default template to include things like creating 
Windows binaries, so that it is easier for projects to include this out 
of the box. It would be nice to extend this to binaries for other 
platforms too.

* The default template for command-line applications should include an 
acceptance test, which invokes the script in a new process and makes 
assertions about stdout, stderr and exit value.

* One of my inspirations is to create a good template for events like 
pyweek, where many people set out to write opengl or pyglet applications 
from scratch, and yet every time, many entrants fail to properly create 
binaries, etc.

Genesis is only partially written, so is not yet on PyPI, but is on 

If you have any feedback, it would be very welcome. In particular:

What do you think about the approach in general?

What do you think about the contents of my default template:

Do you think a single default template containing all the above ideas is 
viable? Or is it likely to be so idiosyncratic that I might be better 
shipping with several built-in templates, including a 'minimal' one? Do 
I need different templates for applications than for libraries? For 
console apps vs GUI apps?

What do you think of my choice of 'G{name}' for replaceable tags in the 
template? I wanted something that would not be valid Python, and would 
be unlikely to occur naturally in a project.

Best regards,


Jonathan Hartleytart...@tartley.com
Made of meat.   +44 7737 062 225   twitter/skype: tartley


Re: Development tools and practices for Pythonistas

2011-05-06 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 26, 3:39 pm, snorble  wrote:
> I appreciate any advice or guidance anyone has to offer.

The 'Python Project HOWTO' gives good advice in terms of setting up a
new project, what files and directories to create, what to put in
version control, etc:

Also, where I work we have tried many IDEs, but happily and
productively use GVim and very little else, so don't feel you *have*
to use an IDE.

Best regards,

  Jonathan Hartley

Re: Vectors

2011-04-25 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 20, 2:43 pm, Andreas Tawn  wrote:
> > Algis Kabaila  writes:
> > > Are there any modules for vector algebra (three dimensional
> > > vectors, vector addition, subtraction, multiplication [scalar
> > > and vector]. Could you give me a reference to such module?
> > NumPy has array (and matrix) types with support for these basic
> > operations you mention. See the tutorial at
> You might also want to consider
> Cheers,
> Drea

Stealing this from Casey Duncan's recent post to the Grease users

- (ab)use complex numbers for 2D vectors (only). Very fast arithmetic
and built-in to Python. Downside is lack of abstraction.

- Use pyeuclid (pure python) if ultimate speed isn't an issue, or if
compiled extensions are. It supports 3D and has a nice api

- vectypes is a more recent project from the same author as pyeuclid.
It offers a more consistent 'GLSL' like interface, including
swizzling, and internally seems to have more maintainable code because
it generates various sizes of vector and matrix from a single
template. This is done without performance penalty because the
generation is done at design time, not runtime.

- Use pyeigen if you want fast vectors, and don't mind compiling some
C/C++. I don't know how the Python api looks though

- Use numpy if you want fast batch operations


Re: Efficient python 2-d arrays?

2011-01-18 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jan 17, 10:20 pm, Jake Biesinger  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Using numpy, I can create large 2-dimensional arrays quite easily.
> >>> import numpy
> >>> mylist = numpy.zeros((1,2), dtype=numpy.int32)
> Unfortunately, my target audience may not have numpy so I'd prefer not to use 
> it.
> Similarly, a list-of-tuples using standard python syntax.
> >>> mylist = [(0,0) for i in xrange(1)
> but this method uses way too much memory (>4GB for 100 million items, 
> compared to 1.5GB for numpy method).
> Since I want to keep the two elements together during a sort, I *can't* use 
> array.array.
> >>> mylist = [array.array('i',xrange(1)), 
> >>> array.array('i',xrange(1))]
> If I knew the size in advance, I could use ctypes arrays.
> >>> from ctypes import *
> >>> class myStruct(Structure):
> >>>     _fields_ = [('x',c_int),('y',c_int)]
> >>> mylist_type = myStruct * 1
> >>> mylist = mylist_type()
> but I don't know that size (and it can vary between 1 million-200 million), 
> so preallocating doesn't seem to be an option.
> Is there a python standard library way of creating *efficient* 2-dimensional 
> lists/arrays, still allowing me to sort and append?
> Thanks!

Since you can't depend on your users installing the dependencies, is
it vital that your users run from source? You could bundle up your
application along with numpy and other dependencies using py2Exe or
similar. This also means you wouldn't have to require users to have
the right (or any) version of Python installed.

Re: is py2exe still active ?

2010-12-08 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 8, 10:09 am, "Octavian Rasnita"  wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I may put some stupid questions because I am very new to Python, but... I 
> heard about pypi/pip. Aren't all these Python libraries (like cxFreeze) 
> provided on a central archive where we can get them and also report the bugs 
> using a single request/issue tracker?
> Octavian
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steve Holden" 
> Newsgroups: gmane.comp.python.general
> To: "Octavian Rasnita" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 12:56 AM
> Subject: Re: is py2exe still active ?
> > Octavian:
> > It's great that you want to let people know about bugs. Put yourself in
> > the position of the package maintainer, however. She or he doesn't spend
> > all day working on cxFreeze, and probably doesn't even do a Google
> > search on cxFreeze very often. So they are unlikely to find out about
> > this problem form your well-intentioned note.
> > It's just possible nobody does care, as I can't find a link to an issue
> > tracker - the best I could advise in this case would be to join the
> > mailing list by visiting
> >
> > regards
> > Steve
> > On 12/7/2010 6:49 PM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> >> This packager is also nice.
> >> If someone cares, I've discovered a small bug in it.
> >> If Python is installed on another drive than C under Windows, the 
> >> cxfreeze.bat file still calls Python on the drive C and it doesn't work 
> >> until it is corrected.
> >> Octavian
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: "Cbast" 
> >> Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 5:00 PM
> >> Subject: Re: is py2exe still active ?
> >> On Dec 7, 8:23 am, Anders Persson  wrote:
> >>> Hi!
> >>> When a look att py2exe homepage it is not looking like mutch happen,
> >>> as a beginner i was thinking to start with Python 3, but i like to now
> >>> if py2exe will be for 3 too.
> >>> Is any one have any info ?
> >> I don't have the answer about py2exe, but I'm using cxFreeze to create
> >> executables with Python 3.1, if it's what you're looking for.
> >>
> > --
> > Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
> > PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
> > See Python Video!
> > Holden Web LLC      


Yes, they are all Python packages or applications, and yes, PyPI aka
The Cheese Shop is a single repository for them. However, they do not
share mailing lists or issue trackers. Each project maintains its own
bug tracking, etc.

Best regards,


Re: is py2exe still active ?

2010-12-08 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 8, 10:09 am, "Octavian Rasnita"  wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I may put some stupid questions because I am very new to Python, but... I 
> heard about pypi/pip. Aren't all these Python libraries (like cxFreeze) 
> provided on a central archive where we can get them and also report the bugs 
> using a single request/issue tracker?
> Octavian
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steve Holden" 
> Newsgroups: gmane.comp.python.general
> To: "Octavian Rasnita" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 12:56 AM
> Subject: Re: is py2exe still active ?
> > Octavian:
> > It's great that you want to let people know about bugs. Put yourself in
> > the position of the package maintainer, however. She or he doesn't spend
> > all day working on cxFreeze, and probably doesn't even do a Google
> > search on cxFreeze very often. So they are unlikely to find out about
> > this problem form your well-intentioned note.
> > It's just possible nobody does care, as I can't find a link to an issue
> > tracker - the best I could advise in this case would be to join the
> > mailing list by visiting
> >
> > regards
> > Steve
> > On 12/7/2010 6:49 PM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> >> This packager is also nice.
> >> If someone cares, I've discovered a small bug in it.
> >> If Python is installed on another drive than C under Windows, the 
> >> cxfreeze.bat file still calls Python on the drive C and it doesn't work 
> >> until it is corrected.
> >> Octavian
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: "Cbast" 
> >> Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 5:00 PM
> >> Subject: Re: is py2exe still active ?
> >> On Dec 7, 8:23 am, Anders Persson  wrote:
> >>> Hi!
> >>> When a look att py2exe homepage it is not looking like mutch happen,
> >>> as a beginner i was thinking to start with Python 3, but i like to now
> >>> if py2exe will be for 3 too.
> >>> Is any one have any info ?
> >> I don't have the answer about py2exe, but I'm using cxFreeze to create
> >> executables with Python 3.1, if it's what you're looking for.
> >>
> > --
> > Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
> > PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
> > See Python Video!
> > Holden Web LLC      


Yes, they are all Python packages or applications, and yes, PyPI aka
The Cheese Shop is a single repository for them. However, they do not
share mailing lists or issue trackers. Each project maintains its own
bug tracking, etc.

Best regards,


Re: unittests with different parameters

2010-11-23 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 22, 11:38 am, Ulrich Eckhardt 
> Hi!
> I'm writing tests and I'm wondering how to achieve a few things most
> elegantly with Python's unittest module.
> Let's say I have two flags invert X and invert Y. Now, for testing these, I
> would write one test for each combination. What I have in the test case is
> something like this:
>   def test_invert_flags(self):
>       """test flags to invert coordinates"""
>       tests = [((10, 20), INVERT_NONE, (10, 20)),
>                ((10, 20), INVERT_X, (-10, 20)),
>                ((10, 20), INVERT_Y, (10, -20))]
>       for input, flags, expected in tests:
>           res = do_invert(input, flags)
>           self.assertEqual(res, expected,
>                            "%s caused wrong results" % (flags,))
> So, what I do that I test the function 'do_invert' for different input
> combinations and verify the result. The ugly thing is that this will abort
> the whole test if one of the tests in the loop fails. So, my question is
> how do I avoid this?
> I know that I could write a common test function instead:
>   def _test_invert_flags(self, input, flags, expected):
>       res = do_invert(input, flags)
>       self.assertEqual(res, expected)
>   def test_invert_flags_non(self):
>       """test not inverting coordinates"""
>       self._test_invert_flags((10, 20), INVERT_NONE, (10, 20))
>   def test_invert_flags_x(self):
>       """test inverting X coordinates"""
>       self._test_invert_flags((10, 20), INVERT_X, (-10, 20))
>   def test_invert_flags_y(self):
>       """test inverting Y coordinates"""
>       self._test_invert_flags((10, 20), INVERT_Y, (10, -20))
> What I don't like here is that this is unnecessarily verbose and that it
> basically repeats information. Also, I'd rather construct the error message
> from the data instead of maintaining it in different places, because
> manually keeping those in sync is another, errorprone burden.
> Any suggestions?
> Uli
> --
> Domino Laser GmbH
> Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932

The following is a bit ghastly, I'm not sure I'd recommend it, but if
you are determined, you could try dynamically adding test methods to
the test class. The following is untested - I suspect I have made a
schoolboy error in attempting to make methods out of functions - but
something like it might work:

class MyTestClass(unittest.TestCase):

testdata = [

for index, (input, expected) in enumerate(testdata):
# the following sets an attribute on MyTestClass
# the names of the attributes are 'test_1', 'test_2', etc
# the value of the attributes is a test method that performs the
'test_%d' % (index,),
lambda s: s.assertEquals(METHOD_UNDER_TEST(*input), expected)

Re: Ways of accessing this mailing list?

2010-11-11 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 3, 9:27 pm, Ben Finney  wrote:
> Grant Edwards  writes:
> > On 2010-11-02, John Bond  wrote:
> > > My normal inbox is getting unmanageable, and I think I need to find
> > > a new way of following this and other lists.
> > Point an NNTP client at
> Ditto, but the correct hostname is ‘’.


I'm was trying this, and got stuck for a while. I have found
'gmane.comp.python.devel', which looks great for lurking, along with
many other entries under gmane.comp.python.*. But I couldn't find
*this* list (comp.lang.python) for ages, despite scrutinising possible

For anyone else in the same boat, you are looking for


Re: playful coding problems for 10 year olds

2010-11-02 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 1, 8:31 pm, Daniel Fetchinson 
> Hi folks,
> My niece is interested in programming and python looks like a good
> choice (she already wrote a couple of lines :)) She is 10 and I
> thought it would be good to have a bunch of playful coding problems
> for her, stuff that she could code herself maybe after some initial
> help.
> Do you guys know problems like these? Or a good resource where to look them 
> up?
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Psss, psss, put it down! -

There's a great book valled 'Invent your own computer games using
Python', aimed at kids, which teaches programming from tne ground up,
in the context of writing games, starting with terminal word games,
ending with Pygame fullscreen 2D vector graphic & bitmaps affairs.

The website says aimed at kids 'ages 10 to 12 and upwards', so it
sounds like she's on the minimum cusp.

(now I come to look at the website, one of the quotes he features is
from an Amazon review I wrote months ago! :-)

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-21 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Oct 20, 12:11 pm, dex  wrote:
> On Oct 20, 12:25 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> > On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex  wrote:
> > > I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
> > > increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
> > > tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
> > > problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?
> > > Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
> > > to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
> > > of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
> > > to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
> > > I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
> > > __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
> > > __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
> > > them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?
> > > In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
> > > unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
> > > before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
> > > this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
> > > first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
> > > health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
> > > means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
> > > happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
> > > various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
> > > effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
> > > class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
> > > that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
> > > limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
> > > pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them
> > > later?
> > > Sorry for the wall of text.
> > One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
> > function.) A lambda defines a new function:
> > , and you can call this function later. The created function has no
> > name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
> > like) and can be called later:
> > So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
> > be a lambda:
> >   effects = []
> > At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
> > lambdas to this collection.
> >   effects.append(
> >       lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
> >   )
> >   effects.append(
> >       lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)
> >   )
> > Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
> > could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:
> >   class Monster():
> >     def act(self):
> >       # blah and finally
> >       return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
> > Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
> > it is going to perform:
> >   for monster in room.monsters:
> >       effects.append(
> >           monster.act()
> >       )
> > Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas
> >   for effect in effects:
> >       effect()
> Mr. Roy Smith already proposed using closures. I already did a similar
> thing in my code, but instead of decrease_hp() I have AttributeEffect
> class which is able to modify any attribute (in old RPGs some monsters
> could drain your intelligence, in my game laser gun hit will decrease
> HP as well as armor integrity). The first version looks like this
> (missing few checks):
> class AttributeEffect(object):
>     '''Effect changes object's attribute by delta'''
>     def __init__(self, obj, attrib, delta):
>         self.obj = obj               # reference to object the effect
> applies to
>         self.attrib = attrib         # name of attribute that effect
> applies to
> = delta           # change of value for
> object.attribute
>     def apply(self):
>         value = getattr(self.obj, self.attrib) # todo: try, except
>         value +=
>         setattr(self.obj(), self.attrib, value)
> Yesterday I learned th

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-21 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Oct 20, 12:11 pm, dex  wrote:
> On Oct 20, 12:25 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> > On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex  wrote:
> > > I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
> > > increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
> > > tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
> > > problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?
> > > Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
> > > to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
> > > of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
> > > to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
> > > I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
> > > __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
> > > __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
> > > them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?
> > > In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
> > > unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
> > > before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
> > > this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
> > > first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
> > > health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
> > > means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
> > > happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
> > > various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
> > > effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
> > > class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
> > > that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
> > > limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
> > > pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them
> > > later?
> > > Sorry for the wall of text.
> > One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
> > function.) A lambda defines a new function:
> > , and you can call this function later. The created function has no
> > name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
> > like) and can be called later:
> > So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
> > be a lambda:
> >   effects = []
> > At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
> > lambdas to this collection.
> >   effects.append(
> >       lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
> >   )
> >   effects.append(
> >       lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)
> >   )
> > Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
> > could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:
> >   class Monster():
> >     def act(self):
> >       # blah and finally
> >       return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
> > Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
> > it is going to perform:
> >   for monster in room.monsters:
> >       effects.append(
> >           monster.act()
> >       )
> > Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas
> >   for effect in effects:
> >       effect()
> Mr. Roy Smith already proposed using closures. I already did a similar
> thing in my code, but instead of decrease_hp() I have AttributeEffect
> class which is able to modify any attribute (in old RPGs some monsters
> could drain your intelligence, in my game laser gun hit will decrease
> HP as well as armor integrity). The first version looks like this
> (missing few checks):
> class AttributeEffect(object):
>     '''Effect changes object's attribute by delta'''
>     def __init__(self, obj, attrib, delta):
>         self.obj = obj               # reference to object the effect
> applies to
>         self.attrib = attrib         # name of attribute that effect
> applies to
> = delta           # change of value for
> object.attribute
>     def apply(self):
>         value = getattr(self.obj, self.attrib) # todo: try, except
>         value +=
>         setattr(self.obj(), self.attrib, value)
> Yesterday I learned th

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-21 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Oct 20, 12:11 pm, dex  wrote:
> On Oct 20, 12:25 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> > On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex  wrote:
> > > I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
> > > increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
> > > tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
> > > problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?
> > > Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
> > > to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
> > > of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
> > > to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
> > > I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
> > > __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
> > > __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
> > > them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?
> > > In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
> > > unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
> > > before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
> > > this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
> > > first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
> > > health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
> > > means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
> > > happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
> > > various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
> > > effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
> > > class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
> > > that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
> > > limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
> > > pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them
> > > later?
> > > Sorry for the wall of text.
> > One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
> > function.) A lambda defines a new function:
> > , and you can call this function later. The created function has no
> > name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
> > like) and can be called later:
> > So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
> > be a lambda:
> >   effects = []
> > At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
> > lambdas to this collection.
> >   effects.append(
> >       lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
> >   )
> >   effects.append(
> >       lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)
> >   )
> > Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
> > could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:
> >   class Monster():
> >     def act(self):
> >       # blah and finally
> >       return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
> > Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
> > it is going to perform:
> >   for monster in room.monsters:
> >       effects.append(
> >           monster.act()
> >       )
> > Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas
> >   for effect in effects:
> >       effect()
> Mr. Roy Smith already proposed using closures. I already did a similar
> thing in my code, but instead of decrease_hp() I have AttributeEffect
> class which is able to modify any attribute (in old RPGs some monsters
> could drain your intelligence, in my game laser gun hit will decrease
> HP as well as armor integrity). The first version looks like this
> (missing few checks):
> class AttributeEffect(object):
>     '''Effect changes object's attribute by delta'''
>     def __init__(self, obj, attrib, delta):
>         self.obj = obj               # reference to object the effect
> applies to
>         self.attrib = attrib         # name of attribute that effect
> applies to
> = delta           # change of value for
> object.attribute
>     def apply(self):
>         value = getattr(self.obj, self.attrib) # todo: try, except
>         value +=
>         setattr(self.obj(), self.attrib, value)
> Yesterday I learned th

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Oct 20, 11:25 am, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex  wrote:
> > I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
> > increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
> > tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
> > problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?
> > Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
> > to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
> > of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
> > to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
> > I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
> > __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
> > __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
> > them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?
> > In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
> > unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
> > before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
> > this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
> > first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
> > health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
> > means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
> > happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
> > various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
> > effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
> > class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
> > that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
> > limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
> > pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them
> > later?
> > Sorry for the wall of text.
> One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
> function.) A lambda defines a new function:
> , and you can call this function later. The created function has no
> name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
> like) and can be called later:
> So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
> be a lambda:
>   effects = []
> At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
> lambdas to this collection.
>   effects.append(
>       lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
>   )
>   effects.append(
>       lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)
>   )
> Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
> could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:
>   class Monster():
>     def act(self):
>       # blah and finally
>       return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
> Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
> it is going to perform:
>   for monster in room.monsters:
>       effects.append(
>           monster.act()
>       )
> Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas
>   for effect in effects:
>       effect()

Also, I second other people's suggestions that you almost never need
to be using __del__ nor weak references in Python, unless you are
writing a project that is specifically related to complex resource
allocation issues. In an rpg game like this, just store references to
the objects that you need (which you have to do anyway, to use them),
and forget about allocation issues.

Don't be afraid to post follow-up questions, (or even to mail me off
list.) I make hobbyist OpenGL games in Python myself, and although I'm
no expert, I'd love to chat more about this for our mutual benefit.

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex  wrote:
> I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
> increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
> tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
> problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?
> Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
> to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
> of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
> to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
> I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
> __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
> __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
> them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?
> In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
> unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
> before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
> this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
> first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
> health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
> means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
> happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
> various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
> effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
> class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
> that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
> limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
> pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them
> later?
> Sorry for the wall of text.

One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
function.) A lambda defines a new function:

, and you can call this function later. The created function has no
name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
like) and can be called later:

So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
be a lambda:

  effects = []

At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
lambdas to this collection.

  lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
  lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)

Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:

  class Monster():
def act(self):
  # blah and finally
  return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)

Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
it is going to perform:

  for monster in room.monsters:

Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas

  for effect in effects:

Re: Hide DOS console for .pyc file

2010-09-13 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Sep 11, 11:32 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro  wrote:
> In message , Peter Otten wrote:
> > Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
> >> In message
> >> <>, Muddy
> >> Coder wrote:
> >>> For a quick testing purpose, I deliver .pyc files to my customer. I
> >>> don't want the black DOS console appearing behind my GUI, but I have
> >>> no idea how to do it. Somebody can help? Thanks!
> >> Don’t run it on Windows.
> > If you switch the OS for every minor problem you'll run out of operating
> > systems pretty soon...
> Not if you choose a suitably flexible and portable one to begin with.

It isn't the OP choosing, it's his client. Now, I dislike aspects of
Windows as much as anybody, but even I can see that dictating which OS
your client is allowed to use if they want to run your program is
sometimes not a viable option.


Re: Printing the name of a variable

2010-09-10 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Sep 9, 9:11 pm, Albert Hopkins  wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-09-09 at 12:43 -0700, Stephen Boulet wrote:
> > Does an arbitrary variable carry an attribute describing the text in
> > its name? I'm looking for something along the lines of:
> > x = 10
> > print
> > >>> 'x'
> > Perhaps the x.__getattribute__ method? Thanks.
> Variables are not objects and so they have no attributes.
> You can't really de-reference the object being referenced as it can
> potentially contain multiple references, but an innacurate way of doing
> this would be, e.g.
> >>> x = [1, 2, 3]
> >>> y = x
> >>> g = globals()
> >>> varnames = [i for i in g if g[i] is x]
> ['x', 'y']
> But this cries the question: why do you want to do this?  And usually
> that question is asked when someone thinks that a: you shouldn't need to
> do this and b: whatever the desired effect there is probably a better
> way of accomplishing it.

I have in the past wondered about creating a kind of graphical
debugger, that rendered representations of all the objects in globals
and/or locals, to give you a visual representation of your variables
and their states. Would this be a valid use case to try and look up
the variable names which reference various in-memory objects?

Re: Why is there no platform independent way of clearing a terminal?

2010-07-28 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 28, 5:47 pm, Thomas Jollans  wrote:
> On 07/28/2010 06:01 PM, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
> > Oh, plus, while we're on this subject:
> > Am I right that curses in Python stdlib doesn't work on Windows, and
> > there is currently no simple way to fix this?
> > Also, is it crazy to imagine that if colorama was pushed through to
> > completion (ie. to support a majority of the relevant ANSI codes) then
> > Python's stdlib curses module, unmodified, would suddenly just work on
> > Windows? (after a call to 'colorama.init()')
> > I presume these ideas are oversimplifications or just plain wrong. If
> > anyone would care to correct my misunderstandings, I'd be very
> > grateful.
> Correct: it's not THAT simple.
> Python's curses module is a (I'm not sure how thin) wrapper around the
> good old UNIX curses (ncurses, ...) library. This is written in C, not
> Python, so it doesn't use Python's sys.stdout object to do I/O.
> I haven't had a look at colorama, but it sounds like it hooks into
> sys.stdout, or Python file objects anyway. Far, far above the layer
> curses does I/O on. So, if you ported a normal curses library to
> Windows, colorama wouldn't help you a bit.
> It might be possible to write a curses-compatible library that works
> with cmd.exe. Maybe. But, even if it's possible, I don't think it's
> easy, and I especially don't think it would be particularly rewarding.
> Also, I just stumbled upon this
> is probably the only reasonable way to get a useful curses API on
> Windows: forget the DOS box.

> ncurses ... is written in C, not
> Python, so it doesn't use Python's sys.stdout object to do I/O.

Ah, I should have spotted that. Of course. Thanks for the

And Neil Cerutti, I think I'll just email the whole source tree to
myself, and have a script that scans my inbox, unzips source trees and
runs their tests. Much nicer. :-)

Re: Why is there no platform independent way of clearing a terminal?

2010-07-28 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 28, 4:45 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> On Jul 28, 8:08 am, Ulrich Eckhardt  wrote:
> > Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
> > > After getting the technicalities out of the way, maybe I should have
> > > asked:
> > > Is it only me or others would find a platform independent python API
> > > to clear the terminal useful?
> > There are two kinds of programs:
> > 1. Those that process input to output. If one of those suddenly started by
> > clearing my screen, I'd just dump it. Also, if output is redirected to a
> > file or piped into another program, that is basically useless or even
> > hurting, since you then end up with control sequences in the file.
> > 2. Those that provide a text-based interactive UI. Those typically not only
> > clear the screen, but also control its whole layout and content, so there
> > you don't only need ways to clear the screen but also to position the
> > cursor or draw boxes etc. In that case you need a full "curses" library.
> > Summary: No, I don't see the need for such an API.
> > Cheers!
> > Uli
> > --
> > Sator Laser GmbH
> > Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932
> Hey,
> Your point seems good and I don't mean to contradict, but out of
> interest, what do you think about an example like the following:
> I want to write a quick script which, notices whenever I save my
> source code, and re-runs the unit tests, displaying the output. I
> think I'd like it to clear the terminal before each re-run of the
> tests, so that it's immediately obvious what is output from the
> current run, as opposed to previous runs. Then I can keep my editor
> focussed, but leave that running in a terminal and trust it to simply
> display the current output from my tests.
> I did dash off a quick and dirty version of this once which did a
> system 'clear' or 'cls' depending on the platform, but to my dismay I
> found that on Windows this caused focus to jump briefly to the
> terminal every time it ran 'clear' (!), making it extremely annoying
> in use. So I wished there had been a simple cross-platform way to
> clear the terminal. (this, and printing colored text, was my initial
> use case for starting 'colorama')
> Is this a silly desire of mine, or simply an uncommon edge case that
> therefore isn't really significant?
> Best regards,
>   Jonathan

Oh, plus, while we're on this subject:

Am I right that curses in Python stdlib doesn't work on Windows, and
there is currently no simple way to fix this?

Also, is it crazy to imagine that if colorama was pushed through to
completion (ie. to support a majority of the relevant ANSI codes) then
Python's stdlib curses module, unmodified, would suddenly just work on
Windows? (after a call to 'colorama.init()')

I presume these ideas are oversimplifications or just plain wrong. If
anyone would care to correct my misunderstandings, I'd be very

Re: Why is there no platform independent way of clearing a terminal?

2010-07-28 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 28, 8:08 am, Ulrich Eckhardt  wrote:
> Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
> > After getting the technicalities out of the way, maybe I should have
> > asked:
> > Is it only me or others would find a platform independent python API
> > to clear the terminal useful?
> There are two kinds of programs:
> 1. Those that process input to output. If one of those suddenly started by
> clearing my screen, I'd just dump it. Also, if output is redirected to a
> file or piped into another program, that is basically useless or even
> hurting, since you then end up with control sequences in the file.
> 2. Those that provide a text-based interactive UI. Those typically not only
> clear the screen, but also control its whole layout and content, so there
> you don't only need ways to clear the screen but also to position the
> cursor or draw boxes etc. In that case you need a full "curses" library.
> Summary: No, I don't see the need for such an API.
> Cheers!
> Uli
> --
> Sator Laser GmbH
> Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932


Your point seems good and I don't mean to contradict, but out of
interest, what do you think about an example like the following:

I want to write a quick script which, notices whenever I save my
source code, and re-runs the unit tests, displaying the output. I
think I'd like it to clear the terminal before each re-run of the
tests, so that it's immediately obvious what is output from the
current run, as opposed to previous runs. Then I can keep my editor
focussed, but leave that running in a terminal and trust it to simply
display the current output from my tests.

I did dash off a quick and dirty version of this once which did a
system 'clear' or 'cls' depending on the platform, but to my dismay I
found that on Windows this caused focus to jump briefly to the
terminal every time it ran 'clear' (!), making it extremely annoying
in use. So I wished there had been a simple cross-platform way to
clear the terminal. (this, and printing colored text, was my initial
use case for starting 'colorama')

Is this a silly desire of mine, or simply an uncommon edge case that
therefore isn't really significant?

Best regards,


Re: Why is there no platform independent way of clearing a terminal?

2010-07-28 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 28, 8:08 am, Ulrich Eckhardt  wrote:
> Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
> > After getting the technicalities out of the way, maybe I should have
> > asked:
> > Is it only me or others would find a platform independent python API
> > to clear the terminal useful?
> There are two kinds of programs:
> 1. Those that process input to output. If one of those suddenly started by
> clearing my screen, I'd just dump it. Also, if output is redirected to a
> file or piped into another program, that is basically useless or even
> hurting, since you then end up with control sequences in the file.
> 2. Those that provide a text-based interactive UI. Those typically not only
> clear the screen, but also control its whole layout and content, so there
> you don't only need ways to clear the screen but also to position the
> cursor or draw boxes etc. In that case you need a full "curses" library.
> Summary: No, I don't see the need for such an API.
> Cheers!
> Uli
> --
> Sator Laser GmbH
> Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932

I don't know much, but just in case the following is useful to anyone:

There is a Windows program called 'ansicon', which when installed (run
with '-i'), will modify all future Windows cmd shells to correctly
intercept and interpret ANSI escape codes for colors, cursor movement,

  \e[#J ED: Erase Display

which I presume is what is under discussion here. I understand there
are other historical ANSI drivers which were responsible for achieving
a similar thing under Windows, but this is the method I currently use
(on XP) and am very happy with.

Also, and probably less usefully, personally I do wish Python provided
a cross platform mechanism for simple  terminal control like clearing
and colored text. Since ANSI codes are used everywhere except Windows,
it would make sense to base such a system on them. So I started a pure
Python implementation of a crude ANSI driver, on PyPI as 'colorama'.
It does nothing on non-windows systems, but on Windows it patches
sys.stdout with a stream-like object, in order to filter out ANSI
codes and convert them into Win32 terminal control calls. It currently
only works with colors and brightness, but I would love to extend it
to cover other ANSI codes such as 'clear screen'. It is doubtless
riddled with errors and misunderstandings, and I would love any
feedback helping me do a better job.

Best regards,


Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 7, 8:22 pm, "Martin v. Loewis"  wrote:
> > I presume this problem would go away if future versions of Python
> > itself were compiled on Windows with something like MinGW gcc. Also,
> > this would solve the pain of Python developers attempting to
> > redistribute py2exe versions of their programs (i.e. they have to own
> > a Visual Studio license to legally be able to redistribute the
> > required C runtime) I don't understand enough to know why Visual
> > Studio was chosen instead of MinGW. Can anyone shed any light on that
> > decision?
> sturlamolden has already given the primary reason: Python,
> traditionally, attempts to use and work with the system vendor's
> compiler. On Windows, that's MSC. It's typically the one that best knows
> about platform details that other compilers might be unaware of.
> In addition, it's also the compiler and IDE that Windows developers (not
> just Python core people, but also extension developers and embedders)
> prefer to use, as it has quite good IDE support (in particular debugging
> and code browsing).
> Perhaps more importantly, none of the other compilers is really an
> alternative. GCC in particular cannot build the Win32 extensions, since
> it doesn't support the COM and ATL C++ features that they rely on (and
> may not support other MSC extensions, either). So the Win32 extensions
> must be built with VS, which means Python itself needs to use the same
> compiler.
> Likewise important: gcc/mingw is *not* a complete C compiler on Windows.
> A complete C compiler would have to include a CRT (on Windows); mingw
> doesn't (cygwin does, but I think you weren't proposing that Python be
> built for cygwin - you can easily get cygwin Python anyway). Instead,
> mingw relies on users having a CRT available to
> them - and this will be a Microsoft one. So even if gcc was used, we
> would have versioning issues with Microsoft CRTs, plus we would have to
> rely on target systems including the right CRT, as we couldn't include
> it in the distribution.
> HTH,
> Martin

I see. Thanks very much to both of you for the info, much appreciated.

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jul 6, 4:50 pm, sturlamolden  wrote:
> Just a little reminder:
> Microsoft has withdrawn VS2008 in favor of VS2010. The express version
> is also unavailable for download. >:((
> We can still get a VC++ 2008 compiler required to build extensions for
> the official Python 2.6 and 2.7 binary installers here (Windows 7 SDK
> for .NET 3.5 SP1):
> Download today, before it goes away!
> Microsoft has now published a download for Windows 7 SDK for .NET 4.
> It has the VC++ 2010 compiler. It can be a matter of days before the VC
> ++ 2008 compiler is totally unavailable.

I presume this problem would go away if future versions of Python
itself were compiled on Windows with something like MinGW gcc. Also,
this would solve the pain of Python developers attempting to
redistribute py2exe versions of their programs (i.e. they have to own
a Visual Studio license to legally be able to redistribute the
required C runtime) I don't understand enough to know why Visual
Studio was chosen instead of MinGW. Can anyone shed any light on that

Many thanks

  Jonathan Hartley

Re: if, continuation and indentation

2010-05-28 Thread Jonathan Hartley

On 28/05/2010 11:34, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Jonathan Hartley wrote:

On May 27, 1:57 pm, Jean-Michel Pichavant 

HH wrote:

I have a question about best practices when it comes to line wrapping/
continuation and indentation, specifically in the case of an if
  When I write an if statement with many conditions, I prefer 
to use a

parenthesis around the whole block and get the implicit continuation,
rather than ending each line with an escape character.  Thus, using
the example from the style guide (
pep-0008/) I would write:
  if (width == 0 and
height == 0 and
color == 'red' and
emphasis == 'strong' or
highlight > 100):
raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")
  The problem should be obvious -- it's not easy to see where the
conditional ends and the statement begins since they have the same
indentation.  Part of the problem, I suppose, is that Emacs indents
'height' and the other lines in the conditional to 4 spaces (because
of the parenthesis).  How do people deal with this situation?

One possible solution

if (
width == 0 and
height == 0 and
color == 'red' and
emphasis == 'strong' or
highlight > 100
raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")


I've always liked this, or even:

  if (
  width == 0 and
  height == 0 and
  color == 'red' and
  emphasis == 'strong' or
  highlight > 100
  raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")

but my co-workers have uniformly gone bananas whenever I try it.
I tried to give a layout that fits the OP way of doing, but I would 
not use what I described above, so I can understand why your co 
workers go bananas :)

when it comes to extended conditions in if statement I prefer to write 
something like

if self.haveLost():
   raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")

It drastically improves the reading

Good point.

+1 for naming the condition, hooray for self-documenting code.

Sometime last year at my workplace, we started referring to comments as 
'lies', we now always try to use techniques like this instead of comments.

Jonathan Hartley  Made of meat.   +44 7737 062 225   twitter/skype: tartley


Re: if, continuation and indentation

2010-05-28 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On May 27, 1:57 pm, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
> HH wrote:
> > I have a question about best practices when it comes to line wrapping/
> > continuation and indentation, specifically in the case of an if
> > statement.
> > When I write an if statement with many conditions, I prefer to use a
> > parenthesis around the whole block and get the implicit continuation,
> > rather than ending each line with an escape character.  Thus, using
> > the example from the style guide (
> > pep-0008/) I would write:
> >     if (width == 0 and
> >         height == 0 and
> >         color == 'red' and
> >         emphasis == 'strong' or
> >         highlight > 100):
> >         raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")
> > The problem should be obvious -- it's not easy to see where the
> > conditional ends and the statement begins since they have the same
> > indentation.  Part of the problem, I suppose, is that Emacs indents
> > 'height' and the other lines in the conditional to 4 spaces (because
> > of the parenthesis).  How do people deal with this situation?
> > Thanks,
> > Henrik
> One possible solution
>     if (
>             width == 0 and
>             height == 0 and
>             color == 'red' and
>             emphasis == 'strong' or
>             highlight > 100
>        ):
>         raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")
> JM  

I've always liked this, or even:

  if (
  width == 0 and
  height == 0 and
  color == 'red' and
  emphasis == 'strong' or
  highlight > 100
  raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")

but my co-workers have uniformly gone bananas whenever I try it.

Re: cross-platform coloured text in terminal

2010-04-19 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 17, 11:52 am, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> On Apr 16, 5:59 pm, Lie Ryan  wrote:
> > On 04/16/10 19:28, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
> > > I'm playing with ideas of what API to expose. My favourite one is to
> > > simply embed ANSI codes in the stream to be printed. Then this will
> > > work as-is on Mac and *nix. To make it work on Windows, printing could
> > > be done to a file0-like object which wraps stdout:
> > The problem with that is you're simply reinventing ANSI.SYS device driver.
> > An alternative API is you could override .__add__(), like so (completely
> > untested):
> > classColor(object):
> >    def __init__(self,color):
> >        self.color=  map_the_color(color)
> >        self.string = ""
> >    def __add__(self, string):
> >        self.string += string
> >        return self
> >    def __str__(self):
> >        if terminal_can_do_ansi_color:
> >            return ansicolorescape(self.string, self.color)
> >        elif windows:
> >            syscalltocolor(self.color)
> >            print self.string
> >            syscalltocolor(reset thecolor)
> >            return ""
> > GREEN =Color('green')
> > print GREEN + "Great" + "Good"
> > you can even go a bit further and allow chained calls (again, completely
> > untested, but you get the idea):
> > classColor(object):
> >    def __init__(self,color):
> >        self.color=  map_the_color(color)
> >        self.stack = []
> >    def __add__(self, string):
> >        if isinstance(string,Color):
> >            # not a string, chain the calls
> >            self.stack.append((string.color, []]))
> >        else:
> >            # a string,
> >            self.stack[-1][1].append(string)
> >        return self
> >    def __radd__(self, string):
> >        self.stack.append([self.default, string])
> >        return self
> >    def __str__(self):
> >        if ansi_capable:
> >            return colorescape(format, string)
> >        elif windows:
> >            for format, string in self.stack:
> >                syscalltocolor(color)
> >                print string
> >                return ""
> > GREEN =Color('green')
> > RED =Color('red')
> > print "Fairly" + GREEN + "Great" + RED + "Poor"
> > or something like that, and you will have an API that works
> > transparently on all platforms. The downside is that you cannot call
> > str(GREEN + "foo") on windows.
> Hey Lie,
> Thanks heaps for the reply!
> >> The problem with that is you're simply reinventing ANSI.SYS device driver.
> I don't see that as a problem - in fact I think it's exactly my
> goal! :-)
> The difference is that the ANSI driver requires installation and a
> reboot on the end-user's computer, which is a fiddly and intrusive
> thing for a Python developer to achieve. Whereas doing the same job in
> a Python module is easy to use for the Python developer - they just
> import the module, maybe call an 'init()' function, and then the ANSI
> functionality works on all platforms.
> Your ideas about generating and chaining the ANSI code strings are
> great. I worry though, about intermingling the code that generates
> ANSI escape sequences with the code which makes them work on Windows.
> The problem is that then, only applications which use your ANSI-
> generation library will work on Windows. Whereas if these two things
> are kept separate, then applications which use any other ANSI-
> generation techniques, such as using 'termcolor', or manaully printing
> raw ANSI sequences, these can also all work on Windows too, simply by
> adding an import and an 'init()' call to the start of the application.
> Am I making sense? Many thanks for your thoughts.
>   Jonathan

I have implemented these ideas here. It seems to work.

Re: cross-platform coloured text in terminal

2010-04-17 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 16, 5:59 pm, Lie Ryan  wrote:
> On 04/16/10 19:28, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
> > I'm playing with ideas of what API to expose. My favourite one is to
> > simply embed ANSI codes in the stream to be printed. Then this will
> > work as-is on Mac and *nix. To make it work on Windows, printing could
> > be done to a file0-like object which wraps stdout:
> The problem with that is you're simply reinventing ANSI.SYS device driver.
> An alternative API is you could override .__add__(), like so (completely
> untested):
> class Color(object):
>    def __init__(self, color):
>        self.color =  map_the_color(color)
>        self.string = ""
>    def __add__(self, string):
>        self.string += string
>        return self
>    def __str__(self):
>        if terminal_can_do_ansi_color:
>            return ansicolorescape(self.string, self.color)
>        elif windows:
>            syscalltocolor(self.color)
>            print self.string
>            syscalltocolor(reset the color)
>            return ""
> GREEN = Color('green')
> print GREEN + "Great" + "Good"
> you can even go a bit further and allow chained calls (again, completely
> untested, but you get the idea):
> class Color(object):
>    def __init__(self, color):
>        self.color =  map_the_color(color)
>        self.stack = []
>    def __add__(self, string):
>        if isinstance(string, Color):
>            # not a string, chain the calls
>            self.stack.append((string.color, []]))
>        else:
>            # a string,
>            self.stack[-1][1].append(string)
>        return self
>    def __radd__(self, string):
>        self.stack.append([self.default, string])
>        return self
>    def __str__(self):
>        if ansi_capable:
>            return colorescape(format, string)
>        elif windows:
>            for format, string in self.stack:
>                syscalltocolor(color)
>                print string
>                return ""
> GREEN = Color('green')
> RED = Color('red')
> print "Fairly" + GREEN + "Great" + RED + "Poor"
> or something like that, and you will have an API that works
> transparently on all platforms. The downside is that you cannot call
> str(GREEN + "foo") on windows.

Hey Lie,

Thanks heaps for the reply!

>> The problem with that is you're simply reinventing ANSI.SYS device driver.

I don't see that as a problem - in fact I think it's exactly my
goal! :-)

The difference is that the ANSI driver requires installation and a
reboot on the end-user's computer, which is a fiddly and intrusive
thing for a Python developer to achieve. Whereas doing the same job in
a Python module is easy to use for the Python developer - they just
import the module, maybe call an 'init()' function, and then the ANSI
functionality works on all platforms.

Your ideas about generating and chaining the ANSI code strings are
great. I worry though, about intermingling the code that generates
ANSI escape sequences with the code which makes them work on Windows.
The problem is that then, only applications which use your ANSI-
generation library will work on Windows. Whereas if these two things
are kept separate, then applications which use any other ANSI-
generation techniques, such as using 'termcolor', or manaully printing
raw ANSI sequences, these can also all work on Windows too, simply by
adding an import and an 'init()' call to the start of the application.

Am I making sense? Many thanks for your thoughts.


Re: cross-platform coloured text in terminal

2010-04-16 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 16, 10:28 am, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> Hi,
> It irks me that I know of no simple cross-platform way to print
> colored terminal text from Python.
> As I understand it, printing ANSI escape codes (as wrapped nicely by
> module termcolor and others) works on Macs and *nix, but only works on
> Windows if one has installed the ANSI.SYS device driver, which most
> users have not. However, on Windows, there is an alternative method,
> which is to make win32 calls via ctypes.
> I'd like to try and unite these different implementations under a
> single cross-platform API. Has this been done already? I understand
> that the detailed capabilities of the two implementations (eg. dim/
> bright colors) might not map neatly, but at least for simple colored
> text, it should be OK.
> I'm playing with ideas of what API to expose. My favourite one is to
> simply embed ANSI codes in the stream to be printed. Then this will
> work as-is on Mac and *nix. To make it work on Windows, printing could
> be done to a file0-like object which wraps stdout:
> class ColorStream(object):
>     def __init__(self, wrapped):
>         self.wrapped = wrapped
>     def write(self, text):
>         # magic goes here
>         self.wrapped.write(text)
>     def __getattr__(self, name):
>         return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
> term = ColorTerm(sys.stdout)
> print <
> The idea being that in place of 'magic goes here', there will be code
> that, on Windows, searches 'text' for ANSI escape codes, strips them
> from the text, and converts them into the appropriate win32 calls.
> For extra nasty magic, either the module or the user of the module
> could wrap sys.stdout globally:
> sys.stdout = ColoredStream(sys.stdout)
> Then print statements in the user's code would simply be:
> print ANSI.GREEN + "hello"
> and this would work on all platforms.
> No doubt there are many problems with these ideas. I would love to
> hear about them. Many thanks.

Sorry, I forgot to mention: The reason I like this idea is that, in
theory, all existing libraries like termcolor will then work,
unmodified, on all platforms.

cross-platform coloured text in terminal

2010-04-16 Thread Jonathan Hartley

It irks me that I know of no simple cross-platform way to print
colored terminal text from Python.

As I understand it, printing ANSI escape codes (as wrapped nicely by
module termcolor and others) works on Macs and *nix, but only works on
Windows if one has installed the ANSI.SYS device driver, which most
users have not. However, on Windows, there is an alternative method,
which is to make win32 calls via ctypes.

I'd like to try and unite these different implementations under a
single cross-platform API. Has this been done already? I understand
that the detailed capabilities of the two implementations (eg. dim/
bright colors) might not map neatly, but at least for simple colored
text, it should be OK.

I'm playing with ideas of what API to expose. My favourite one is to
simply embed ANSI codes in the stream to be printed. Then this will
work as-is on Mac and *nix. To make it work on Windows, printing could
be done to a file0-like object which wraps stdout:

class ColorStream(object):

def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped

def write(self, text):
# magic goes here

def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)

term = ColorTerm(sys.stdout)

Re: missing dll follow-up

2010-04-15 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 15, 12:11 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> The installer puts the DLL in the directory C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS
> (or at least it does for me, on WinXP) I shall update the py2exe
> tutorial page to reflect this.

Done. Final para of section 5.2.2 now reads:
The installer puts a copy of the DLLs in the directory C:\WINDOWS
\WinSxS (XP), inside subdirectories with mangled names. The manifest
file is in the 'Manifests' subdirectory, again this will have a
mangled filename. You can still discern the text 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT'
and '9.0.21022.8' within the mangled file and directory names, to find
the files. It is possible to take a copy of these files and remove the
filename mangling, to embed them in your application as described in
Where section 5.2.1 begins, as it always has:
If you do have the rights to redistribute MSVCR90.dll, there should be
a copy of it in your Visual Studio install, under VC\redist

Re: missing dll follow-up

2010-04-15 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 15, 12:11 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> Alex Hall wrote:
> > The vcredist_x86 was, I thought, supposed to give me
> > the dll, but it does not seem to have done so.
> The installer puts the DLL in the directory C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS
> (or at least it does for me, on WinXP) I shall update the py2exe
> tutorial page to reflect this.
> Under that dir, there are a lot of mangled directory names, and a
> director called 'Manifests'. You can still discern the text
> 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT' and '9.0.21022.8' within the filenames of the DLL
> dir and the manifest file that you want. I am no expert, but I think
> if you are taking a copy of these to embed in your application, then
> you can (must?) rename them to remove the mangling, as described on
> the py2exe tutorial page.
> If you still cannot find the DLL there, then try searching your
> "Program Files" folder for a copy included with another application.
> Several other Visual C/C++ applications include these runtime DLLs.
> (eg. Console2 from sourceforge)
> One other thing to keep in mind is that there is more than one version
> of this DLL in the wild, all with the same filename. You absolutely
> need the same version that Python 2.6 was compiled with, which is
> 9.0.21022.8. You can tell which version of the DLL you have got the
> tooltip when hovering you mouse cursor over it. (also hovering over
> the redistributable installer will tell you the same thing)
> The original version of the redistributable installer does provide the
> correct DLL version (this is the same thing as linked to above. This
> is the English 
> version):
> The SP1 version of the same installer provides a different version of
> the DLL (but with the same filename). This will not work.

Oh, and, this is probably obvious and well-known, sorry if I'm
teaching grandmother to suck eggs here, but if you have rights to
distribute this DLL with your application, I understand this means
that you own a copy of Visual Studio, and a copy of the DLL and
manifest file can be found in the installed Visual Studio 'redist'
directory. If you don't have such a DLL in that directory (eg. if you
have the express edition) then you don't have legal right to
distribution it. Just so you know.

Re: missing dll follow-up

2010-04-15 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Alex Hall wrote:
> The vcredist_x86 was, I thought, supposed to give me
> the dll, but it does not seem to have done so.

The installer puts the DLL in the directory C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS
(or at least it does for me, on WinXP) I shall update the py2exe
tutorial page to reflect this.

Under that dir, there are a lot of mangled directory names, and a
director called 'Manifests'. You can still discern the text
'Microsoft.VC90.CRT' and '9.0.21022.8' within the filenames of the DLL
dir and the manifest file that you want. I am no expert, but I think
if you are taking a copy of these to embed in your application, then
you can (must?) rename them to remove the mangling, as described on
the py2exe tutorial page.

If you still cannot find the DLL there, then try searching your
"Program Files" folder for a copy included with another application.
Several other Visual C/C++ applications include these runtime DLLs.
(eg. Console2 from sourceforge)

One other thing to keep in mind is that there is more than one version
of this DLL in the wild, all with the same filename. You absolutely
need the same version that Python 2.6 was compiled with, which is
9.0.21022.8. You can tell which version of the DLL you have got the
tooltip when hovering you mouse cursor over it. (also hovering over
the redistributable installer will tell you the same thing)

The original version of the redistributable installer does provide the
correct DLL version (this is the same thing as linked to above. This
is the English version):

The SP1 version of the same installer provides a different version of
the DLL (but with the same filename). This will not work.

Re: Creating a standalone application

2010-04-14 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Apr 13, 10:42 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro  wrote:
> In message , Luis Quesada wrote:
> > I am getting an "expected string without null bytes" error when using
> > cxfreeze for creating a standalone application (in Linux-Ubuntu).
> Why bother? Every decent Linux system will have Python available. Why not
> just distribute it as a script?

I keep hearing this reply every time I ask this question, and it
doesn't seem to make sense to me.

Anything other than a trivial script will have dependencies. These
might be other Python packages, C-extensions, and other libraries.
What if your program runs on a version of Python other than the one
installed on the client's Linux system?

In my opinion, there is a severe need for this question to be answered
in a robust and simple way. Is creating an rpm / deb file the answer?
I don't know, but I think it's a very valid question.

Re: Classes as namespaces?

2010-03-27 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Mar 26, 6:26 pm, Luis M. González  wrote:
> On 26 mar, 11:49, kj  wrote:
> > What's the word on using "classes as namespaces"?  E.g.
> > class _cfg(object):
> >     spam = 1
> >     jambon = 3
> >     huevos = 2
> > breakfast = (_cfg.spam, _cfg.jambon, _cfg.huevos)
> I see no problem.
> I wouldn't mix English, French and Spanish in the same recipe though...

Hey everyone. By coincidence, only yesterday I was wondering about
using classes as a way of labeling a block of code, ie. an lightweight
alternative to defining a function that would only be called from one

eg. instead of:

x = 1
((some complex logic))
y = 2

one might like to name the complex block of logic, just to make it

x = 1
def account_for_non_square_pixels(x):
   ((some complex logic))
y = 2

But defining and then calling the function like that is a tad
cumbersome. So I was wondering about:

x = 1
class account_for_non_square_pixels:
  ((some complex logic))
y = 2

I don't exactly like this, but I think you can see what I'm getting
at. Does this fall down in some way I haven't grasped? Is it as awful
an abuse of 'class' as my intuition suggests it is? Is there a way to
do it better?

Re: python to exe

2010-03-14 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Mar 13, 1:45 pm, wrote:
> Robin,
> > do you of an alternate compilter it doesn't work (py2exe) on my windows 7 
> > box
> I can assure you that Py2exe does work on Windows 7 (my firm develops
> commercial Python applications packaged using Py2exe running on Windows
> 7), but it does take a bit of fiddling and some patience. Join the
> py2exe newsgroup and post your problems 
> there.
> You may also want to google 'Gui2exe'. This is a free front-end to
> Py2exe that you can use to generate your Py2exe scripts. Note
> that Gui2exe requires wxPython (free) to run.
> Finally, make sure you are trying to compile 32-bit Python 2.x code. I
> don't think py2exe supports Python 3.x or 64-bit versions of Python yet.
> > Nope; py2exe is pretty much the go-to tool for this.
> I hear great things about PyInstaller. The project is not dead - make
> sure you use the latest version in the SVN.
> Search for positive feedback and tips on PyInstaller.
> Its on our plate to take a good look this product 'one of these days'.
> Good luck!
> Malcolm

I summarised a all the alternatives to py2exe I could find, here:

Looking for those with a green 'y' in the 'Windows' row, you want to
check out cx_freeze, PyInstaller, bbfreeze.

Best of luck.

Re: py2exe deal with python command line inside a program

2010-01-24 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jan 22, 7:35 pm, wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to create a python subprogress, like this:
> myProcess = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, 'C:\'],
>                                        env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
>                                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
> sys.executable was printed out as ''C:\\Python25\\python.exe'', how
> can I make this work in executable package through py2exe?
> I have to fix the following problems:
> -Source code shouldn't exposed in an executable program
> -Since python  environment is not required when running an executable
> program, how to deal with the situation that "C:\\Python25\
> \python.exe" is required as part of command?
> Thanks in advance!

Hi. What does it do when you try to execute it with py2exe? Does it
fail to run? What is the error?


Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-13 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jan 13, 9:06 am, (tanix) wrote:
> Well, as soon as they restore the braces to identify the code
> blocks and provide the functionality of advanced statically
> type languages, such as threads, async processing, all synchronization
> primitives, garbage collection, events and GUI, i'd be willing
> to switch to Python. Some of it is already there. But not all.
> Except, before doing it, I'd like to know what Python buys me
> compared to say Java.

Hey tanis.

The absence of braces from Python is a thoughtful, deliberate choice.
There are good reasons for it, and many people (especially people
round these parts) think Python is better without braces. If you don't
like it then fair enough, your preferences are your own to choose.

Other than that, Python does have every single one of the things you

Regarding static versus dynamic typing - many people (especially
people round these parts) believe dynamic typing to be superior to
static typing in many situations. Again, personal taste seems to weigh
heavily in this topic, but there are strong reasons to prefer dynamic
typing - it allows you to write some programs that simply couldn't be
written statically, and this greater flexibility sometimes allows you
to choose algorithms and code organisation that is a better match for
your problem than a statically typed language would, making your
programs easier to write, shorter, and simpler to read.

As for a direct comparison with Java, then perhaps the most prominent
differences are that Python generally produces shorter, simpler-
looking programs, which are easier to write and read. Dynamic typing
is an advantage of Python in most situations. On the other hand,
Python often has poorer performance than Java. My personal hypothesis
is that this performance mismatch is most pronounced in small,
benchmark-like data churning inner-loops, and becomes less significant
for most real-world programs that have high complexity, since Python's
power-through-simplicity allows developers to visualise better
algorithms and refactor more easily than would otherwise be the case.

Best regards,


Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2010-01-01 Thread Jonathan Hartley
> the method involves editing python26.dll in order to remove
> dependency references and then dropping msvcr90.dll in the same
> directory as the py2exe produced executable.

Clever idea Waldemar, thanks for that, but for the moment, using the
dll as a win32 assembly (ie. with a manifest file, as described by
others earlier in this thread) seems to work just as well.

>> > You'll need to include Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and msvcr90.dll.

So, for the record, I have included these two files in a directory
called 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT', which is in the same dir as my
executable, and that makes everything work, even on my 'bare bones'
windows XP virtual machine.

The end result is a small game some friends and I put together for the
PyWeek competition a few months ago. If anyone wants to see exactly
how the resulting dll and manifest look, you can download the Windows
binary under the 'featured downloads' from here:

I appreciate David Bolen's comment that an installer isn't that hard
to put together: Acknowledged, but for the moment I still seem to be
getting away without needing one.

Best regards,


Re: Any way to use cProfile in a multi-threaded program?

2009-12-30 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 30, 3:00 pm, mk  wrote:
> I'm stumped; I read somewhere that one would have to modify
>   method but I have never modified Python methods nor would I really
> want to do it.
> Is there any way to start cProfile on each thread and then combine the
> stats?
> Regards,
> mk

Well, you can start cProfile from any arbitrary point within your
program, using the code:

  import cProfile
  import .mymodule
  command = 'mymodule.myfunction()'
  cProfile.runctx(command, globals(), locals(),

Conventionally this is run at the start of your program (and myfunction
() is something that you call to startup the remainder of your
program), but one solution for you might be to run this after the
threads have been created. You'll have to run this in each thread, and
myfunction() will be the function required for the thread to do its
work. Maybe each thread should output to a different filename, using
something like filename='profile%s' % (threading.current_thread

As for combining the outputs from each thread, I don't know what the
cProfile output format is, so I can't help you there.

There might be better ways, but I don't know them.

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-29 Thread Jonathan Hartley

On 29/12/2009 18:31, wrote:


I'm going to try to run vcredist_x86.exe automatically (as opposed to
asking my users to download and run it manually). I don't currently
have any installer, so I'm going to run vcredist_x86.exe on my
application start-up. Some logic like this seems to do this trick:

 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
 command = [path.join('lib', 'vcredist_x86.exe'), '/q']
 retcode =
 if retcode != 0:
 'Return value %d from vcredist_x86.exe\n' %

This seems to work. My py2exe program will now run out of the box on a
bare-bones Windows XP install. (note: running 'vcredist_x86.exe /qu'
will uninstall the DLLs again)

I'm surprised that this technique works because the Python interpreter
itself needs to find the MSVC*90.DLL files before it can startup and run
your program that installs the MSVC*90.DLL files. Sort of a chicken and
egg scenario.



Yeah, I was still clearly a little fuzzy-headed from Christmas when I 
even thought to try that. It only appeared to work, I was trying it on 
another machine (not my bare-bones VM) and evidently the required 
msvcr90.dll was already installed elsewhere on that machine.

I'm just going to give in and stick the manifest and dll directly in 
with my application as described by others earlier, from the cheapest 
copy of Visual Studio I can lay my hands on.

Thanks to everyone for their help on this, it's been plaguing me for ages.

Jonathan Hartley  Made of meat.   +44 7737 062 225   twitter/skype: tartley


Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-29 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 29, 2:24 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> On Dec 27, 1:51 pm, wrote:
> > Hi Martin,
> > > You'll need to include Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and msvcr90.dll.
> > Thank you for your answers. From my research and testing on this topic:
> > 1. Can I safely place these 2 files in the same folder as my Py2exe
> > generated EXE file or do I need to place the MSVCR90.DLL file in a
> > specially named sub-folder?
> > 2. Do I need to rename the Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest file to
> > myapp.exe.manifest or can I leave it named as is?
> > 3. Do I need to customize the contents of the
> > Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest file for my EXE?
> > I've been experimenting with different answers to the above questions
> > and multiple approaches seems to work. I suspect this is because all the
> > workstations I have access to for testing already have the full set of
> > MSVC*90.DLL's installed - and not because my multiple tests really work.
> > Thanks so much for your help!
> > Malcolm
> I just created a VM containing a bare-bones install of Windows XP,
> precisely so that I can reproduce the errors my users see when
> MSVCR90.DLL is not installed.
> It sounds like the wisest course of action is for me to use
> vcredist_x86.exe to install the required MSVC runtime on the user's
> machine (as opposed to trying to distribute MSVCR90.DLL with my
> application.) I can be sure that I have rights to distribute this, and
> I don't have to understand side-by-side DLL installation, and I'm
> delegating any tricky decisions to Microsoft, who are presumably best
> qualified to judge things like: what to do if other versions of the
> DLLs are already installed; how to register them to be shared between
> multiple applications; whether to update them if Windows Update
> decrees it, etc)
> I'm going to try to run vcredist_x86.exe automatically (as opposed to
> asking my users to download and run it manually). I don't currently
> have any installer, so I'm going to run vcredist_x86.exe on my
> application start-up. Some logic like this seems to do this trick:
>     if platform.system() == 'Windows':
>         command = [path.join('lib', 'vcredist_x86.exe'), '/q']
>         retcode =
>         if retcode != 0:
>             sys.stderr.write(
>                 'Return value %d from vcredist_x86.exe\n' %
> (retcode,))
> This seems to work. My py2exe program will now run out of the box on a
> bare-bones Windows XP install. (note: running 'vcredist_x86.exe /qu'
> will uninstall the DLLs again)
> However, this takes a few seconds to run. Is there a sensible way for
> me to only run this if the required DLL is not already installed? How
> should I be detecting that?
> Also: Will this work on 64 bit machines? Or do I not need to worry
> about that?

I was fooling myself with sloppy testing, this doesn't work at all.
Obviously enough.

If the DLLs aren't installed, then my program can't be launched, and
can't bootstrap itself by installing the required DLL's.

I guess I really need an installer. Oh well.

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-29 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 27, 1:51 pm, wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> > You'll need to include Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and msvcr90.dll.
> Thank you for your answers. From my research and testing on this topic:
> 1. Can I safely place these 2 files in the same folder as my Py2exe
> generated EXE file or do I need to place the MSVCR90.DLL file in a
> specially named sub-folder?
> 2. Do I need to rename the Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest file to
> myapp.exe.manifest or can I leave it named as is?
> 3. Do I need to customize the contents of the
> Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest file for my EXE?
> I've been experimenting with different answers to the above questions
> and multiple approaches seems to work. I suspect this is because all the
> workstations I have access to for testing already have the full set of
> MSVC*90.DLL's installed - and not because my multiple tests really work.
> Thanks so much for your help!
> Malcolm

I just created a VM containing a bare-bones install of Windows XP,
precisely so that I can reproduce the errors my users see when
MSVCR90.DLL is not installed.

It sounds like the wisest course of action is for me to use
vcredist_x86.exe to install the required MSVC runtime on the user's
machine (as opposed to trying to distribute MSVCR90.DLL with my
application.) I can be sure that I have rights to distribute this, and
I don't have to understand side-by-side DLL installation, and I'm
delegating any tricky decisions to Microsoft, who are presumably best
qualified to judge things like: what to do if other versions of the
DLLs are already installed; how to register them to be shared between
multiple applications; whether to update them if Windows Update
decrees it, etc)

I'm going to try to run vcredist_x86.exe automatically (as opposed to
asking my users to download and run it manually). I don't currently
have any installer, so I'm going to run vcredist_x86.exe on my
application start-up. Some logic like this seems to do this trick:

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
command = [path.join('lib', 'vcredist_x86.exe'), '/q']
retcode =
if retcode != 0:
'Return value %d from vcredist_x86.exe\n' %

This seems to work. My py2exe program will now run out of the box on a
bare-bones Windows XP install. (note: running 'vcredist_x86.exe /qu'
will uninstall the DLLs again)

However, this takes a few seconds to run. Is there a sensible way for
me to only run this if the required DLL is not already installed? How
should I be detecting that?

Also: Will this work on 64 bit machines? Or do I not need to worry
about that?

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-29 Thread Jonathan Hartley

On 27/12/2009 05:18, Stephen Hansen wrote:
Jonathan Hartley>> 


are non-technical users, so I'd rather send them a single executable
that 'just works', 


rather than asking them to install Python and then
coach them through running a script - they would HATE that as a

Whoa... How can you go from "single executable that 'just works'" to 
"asking them to install Python and then coach them" -- there's /miles/ 
of difference between the two of those options and countless places 
for you to sit between them.

This isn't an issue which is unique to Python, or which has anything 
to do with Python at all-- or that Python has any power to do anything 
about. This is the platform and ecosystem that Microsoft has made for 
you, and they alone have any power to change anything in this arena. 
This is their code, not Python's, and they define the rules by which 
you can use it.

One way to get those files is to just install python, yes. As Python 
was compiled with a legally licensed version of Visual C++ (though 
gratis from Microsoft, I believe), they have the rights to 
redistribute those files. Here though, /you/ are creating a new work-- 
and even though it includes Python its not a derivative of Python-- 
and distributing it. The question is, do /you/ have the right to 
distribute those files? That Python did originally, and you're using 
Python, does not automatically mean that yes you do-- lawyer-logic 
does not necessarily equate to layman-logic.

I have no idea what the answer to that question is, actually; IANAL 
and I have never needed to make a stand-alone windows exe out of 
python where it wasn't a simple matter to include a link to 
Microsoft's website where anyone is free to download and install those 
redistributable components.

This came up a few years ago if memory serves, and I don't remember 
anyone having a conclusive answer to it, and people argued a bit over 
Microsoft's EULA granting redistribution rights. I don't remember any 
actual lawyers chiming in, so I think the question was never solved: 
and that means in the end you should assume you do not have the right, 
as the assumption in the other direction is sorta bad.

Yes, in an ideal world people wouldn't need to run anything but your 
.exe. But the reality is, they probably will need to install the 
redistributable -- but come on.. The VC2008 (which is VC++ 9.0, which 
is what Python was compiled with) package is only 1.7 megs. Its not 
*that* big of a deal to say hey, if it doesn't work install this.

There's nothing else you (or anyone else) can do about it. Until 
Microsoft open-sources Visual Studio :)


Thanks Steve, there's clearly much sense is what you say.

I recognise that this isn't unique to Python, nor the result of anything 
Python has any control over. However, I keep imagining slash hoping that 
we might have *engineered* our way around the situation. :-)

For example, I clearly don't know what I'm talking about, but might it 
be possible to bundle the VC redistributable installer with your 
exectutable, such that if the required DLL's are not already on the 
user's system, then we run the installer to create them. The logic to do 
this could be in a PyPI package, or else built into py2exe and similar. 
Then the application developer would only need to add a single option to 
py2exe in order for this whole issue to pretty much go away? Or am I 


Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-26 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 26, 3:14 pm, Ross Ridge  wrote:
> Jonathan Hartley   wrote:
> >Am I right to infer that if I want to distribute a py2exe'd
> >application legally, and have half a chance of it working on a non-
> >developer's machine, then I have to:
> >a) Ask my users to run the Visual C++ redistributable installer, as
> >well as download my program. This is really unfortunate, since one of
> >the major disadvantages of coding something in Python as opposed to as
> >a web application is the overhead of asking users to download and
> >execute anything at all. Asking them to do it twice seems problematic.
> >Most users would regard this as a deal-breaking hurdle, do you think?
> >or
> >b) Buy a copy of Visual Studio in order to acquire the rights to
> >distribute msvcr.dll (etc.) along with my application.
> If your users are paying to download your program then spending $1000 or
> whatever it is to buy Visual C++ doesn't seem to be unreasonable expense
> to make sure you're staying well within the right side of the law.
> If you're giving it away for free, or aren't expecting to make enough
> money to make spending $1000 worthwhile, then asking them to download
> something sepeately doesn't seem to be unreasonable either.  I give
> my py2exe wrapped application for free so I'm not losing sleep just
> because a few people can't run it because they don't have 7.1 runtime
> already installed.
> That said, you might have couple of other options.  Microsoft's
> documentation says that with the Express edition, "it is recommended to
> redistribute Visual C++ libraries using the Visual C++ Redistributable
> Package."  That suggests that you can redistribute the package with your
> application and have your installer run it automatically.  My older copy
> of the Windows SDK includes the Visual C++ 2005 compilers with the C/C++
> runtime merge modules, so lastest version of the SDK might include 2008
> merge modules.
> Whatever you do, make sure you install the runtime correctly.  Part of
> the reason for the restrictions on redistributing the runtime is so people
> don't just bindly copy DLLs around.  That leads to older DLLs overriding
> newer DLLs and makes it difficult for Micrsoft to make security fixes.
> In particular they don't want a repeat of the GDI+ fiasco, where a buffer
> overrun of the image processing routines resulted security vulnerabilities
> in a lot of third party applications that couldn't be easily fixed by
> deploying a patched DLL with Windows Update.
>                                         Ross Ridge
> --
>  l/  //   Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
> [oo][oo]
> -()-/()/
>  db  //  

Thanks very much again Ross.

Yeah, I'm looking at two scenarios:

1) Writing some games, which for the moment are free download, and
hence have a high elasticity of demand. If I make the install fiddly,
a lot of people won't bother.

2) About once a week the last couple of months I've had a friend phone
to say 'can you write me a simple program to do X', where X is stuff
like calling a web API to look up info for every postcode/zipcode in a
database. This sort of thing is ideally suited to Python, but then
when I come to send the program to my friend, it never works. These
are non-technical users, so I'd rather send them a single executable
that 'just works', rather than asking them to install Python and then
coach them through running a script - they would HATE that as a

In each case, at the moment, I don't even have an installer. If I have
to create one just for tiny 50 line applications like case (2), then
that seems a large and cumbersome hurdle, unless the process can be
automated for future projects.

I feel like it would be a huge increase in Python's viability,
usefulness and desirability if we could improve this situation.

Best regards, many thanks to everyone who has contributed to my
understanding on this thread.

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-24 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 21, 2:56 pm, Ross Ridge  wrote:
> Jonathan Hartley   wrote:
> >Many thanks for that, but my issue is that my programs work fine for
> >me on my computer - but then fail on other people's computers. I'd
> >very strongly prefer for my users to not have to install the MSVCR
> >redistributable installer as well as my program - it would be much
> >better if I could bundle everything up into my py2exe package so that
> >it 'just works' on any Windows computer. So I think that means I'm
> >looking for a stand-alone DLL (or several, plus the manifest file, it
> >sounds like) to bundle up with my py2exe.
> Microsoft's documentation describes several possible ways you can
> redistribute the Visual C++ runtime:
> From the sounds of things, if you only have Visual C++ 2008 Express your
> only option may be to use Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
>                                 Ross Ridge
> --
>  l/  //   Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
> [oo][oo]
> -()-/()/
>  db  //  

Hey. So I think I'm finally getting it.

Am I right to infer that if I want to distribute a py2exe'd
application legally, and have half a chance of it working on a non-
developer's machine, then I have to:

a) Ask my users to run the Visual C++ redistributable installer, as
well as download my program. This is really unfortunate, since one of
the major disadvantages of coding something in Python as opposed to as
a web application is the overhead of asking users to download and
execute anything at all. Asking them to do it twice seems problematic.
Most users would regard this as a deal-breaking hurdle, do you think?


b) Buy a copy of Visual Studio in order to acquire the rights to
distribute msvcr.dll (etc.) along with my application.

This is kind of a shame, because it rules out the most obvious and
desirable solution, which would be to distribute the DLLs which are
required to give my Python application half a chance of running on my
target user's PC's, without having to buy Visual Studio.


Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-21 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 17, 11:16 pm, Mark Hammond  wrote:
> On 18/12/2009 7:44 AM, Ross Ridge wrote:
> > The "P" DLL is for C++ and so the original poster may not actually need
> > it.  I'm pretty sure Python itself doesn't need it, and py2exe shouldn't
> > either, but wxPython, or more precisely wxWidgets, almost certainly does.
> > So in your case you'll probably need to redistribute both DLLs.
> FYI, my experience is that an entire manifest must be distributed.  As
> the manifest in question actually lists 3 DLLs, IIUC, you must ship all
> 4 files - the 3 DLLs and the manifest, even if only one of the DLLs is
> actually used.
> This is from memory some time back though, so apologies in advance if
> I'm mis-remembering.
> Mark

Thanks to everyone who replied, especially Ross obviously for such
comprehensive info.

I'll go percolate on what you wrote, and try some experiments on my
new VM, see if it all makes sense for me when I put it into practice.

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-21 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 17, 8:39 pm, Christian Heimes  wrote:
> Jonathan Hartley wrote:
> > Only this week I sent a py2exe-derived executable to someone else (a
> > non-developer) and it would not run on their WinXP machine ("'The
> > system cannot execute the specified program'") - my current favourite
> > hypothesis is that my omission of this dll or something similar was to
> > blame.
> > To diagnose what's wrong, I can't get access to the machine that gives
> > the above error. To try and reproduce, I'm right now in the process of
> > creating a bare-bones WindowsXP installed on a VM.
> MSVCR90 is a side-by-side assembly (SxS). You can't just copy a SxS
> assembly to another computer. You must at least ship the manifest file,
> too. The easiest way to get your program running is the installation of
> the MSVCR redistributable installer.
> Christian

Hey Christian,

Many thanks for that, but my issue is that my programs work fine for
me on my computer - but then fail on other people's computers. I'd
very strongly prefer for my users to not have to install the MSVCR
redistributable installer as well as my program - it would be much
better if I could bundle everything up into my py2exe package so that
it 'just works' on any Windows computer. So I think that means I'm
looking for a stand-alone DLL (or several, plus the manifest file, it
sounds like) to bundle up with my py2exe.

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-17 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 17, 5:36 pm, Ross Ridge  wrote:
>  wrote:
> >Does anyone have any recommendations on which version of the
> >MSVC?90.DLL's need to be distributed with a Python 2.6.4 PY2EXE (0.6.9)
> >based executable? (I assume I need just a matching pair of MSVCR90.DLL
> >and MSVCP90.DLL?)
> Either the one the came with your copy Microsoft Visual C++ or Python
> 2.6.4.  Otherwise, you don't have the legal right to redistribute
> Microsoft's code.
>                                         Ross Ridge
> --
>  l/  //   Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
> [oo][oo]
> -()-/()/
>  db  //  

Hi. I clearly haven't yet quite understood this very well.

Only this week I sent a py2exe-derived executable to someone else (a
non-developer) and it would not run on their WinXP machine ("'The
system cannot execute the specified program'") - my current favourite
hypothesis is that my omission of this dll or something similar was to

To diagnose what's wrong, I can't get access to the machine that gives
the above error. To try and reproduce, I'm right now in the process of
creating a bare-bones WindowsXP installed on a VM.

My questions are, sadly, legion:

1) I don't understand why the OP's question doesn't deserve a literal
answer - isn't one of those DLLs in the WinSxS directory derived from
his MSVC install? In which case does he have the rights to
redistribute it?

Ross said:
> Either the one the came with your copy Microsoft Visual C++ or Python 2.6.4.

2) The required dlls come with Python? Whatwhatwhat? Is this if I
download Python source to compile myself?

2b) Presumably these runtimes must come with Visual Studio express
edition (the free one.) I assume I can just prise the required DLL off
my filesystem after MSVS express edition has installed, rather than
insisting that my users run the MSVC runtime installer at

3) The wxpython site describes that I have to use a manifest file as
well as the DLLs, although I find no mention of the word 'manifest' on, excepting a vaguely worded news item. Other sites (eg.
StackOverflow) report conflicting ideas of whether and when this
manifest file is needed. Is there a simple answer to whether this is

4) The py2exe wiki says, of the msvc runtime dll version 7.1 (for
versions of Python prior to 2.6) that:

"Since most Windows installations nowadays include this DLL by
default, it may be unnecessary."

To what extent is this true? Does the same not also apply to the msvc
runtime 9.0 dll? (for Python 2.6.4)

Malcome said:
> (I assume I need just a matching pair of MSVCR90.DLL and MSVCP90.DLL?)

5) Whatwhatwhat again? More than one DLL is required? Are there ever
any more than these two?

Sorry to be dense. Terse links to useful sources of information
appreciated. I've read the whole py2exe wiki and been googling the
last hour.


Re: Python without wrapper script

2009-12-03 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 3, 3:13 pm, Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> On Dec 2, 4:12 pm, Ulrich Eckhardt  wrote:
> > eric.frederich wrote:
> > > Is there a way to set up environment variables in python itself
> > > without having a wrapper script.
> > Yes, sure, you can set environment variables...
> > > The wrapper script is now something like
> > > #!/bin/bash
> > > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/some/thing/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> > > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/another/thing/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> > > export PATH="/some/thing/bin:$PATH"
> > > export PATH="/another/thing/bin:$PATH"
> > > python ./
> > ...but this won't work, I'm afraid.
> > LD_LIBRARY_PATH is for the program loader / dynamic linker under Linux. This
> > thing is what is invoked _before_ the program is started, any later
> > modifications to the environment are ignored.
> > Similarly PATH, which tells the shell (e.g. bash) where to find executables.
> > If you need that to e.g. find 'python' itself, you're out of luck.
> > Otherwise, I believe Python itself doesn't use PATH, so you could set it
> > inside and any shells started from Python should pick it up.
> > Uli
> > --
> > Sator Laser GmbH
> > Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932
> I have had success in modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH from within my Python
> code, to make sure that Python correctly loads DLL's from
> subdirectories of my project. (I believe the Python ended up calling
> CDll, or somesuch?)

Ahar! But of course, I was modifying os.environ, not setting the
actual environment. I see.


Re: Python without wrapper script

2009-12-03 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Dec 2, 4:12 pm, Ulrich Eckhardt  wrote:
> eric.frederich wrote:
> > Is there a way to set up environment variables in python itself
> > without having a wrapper script.
> Yes, sure, you can set environment variables...
> > The wrapper script is now something like
> > #!/bin/bash
> > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/some/thing/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/another/thing/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> > export PATH="/some/thing/bin:$PATH"
> > export PATH="/another/thing/bin:$PATH"
> > python ./
> ...but this won't work, I'm afraid.
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH is for the program loader / dynamic linker under Linux. This
> thing is what is invoked _before_ the program is started, any later
> modifications to the environment are ignored.
> Similarly PATH, which tells the shell (e.g. bash) where to find executables.
> If you need that to e.g. find 'python' itself, you're out of luck.
> Otherwise, I believe Python itself doesn't use PATH, so you could set it
> inside and any shells started from Python should pick it up.
> Uli
> --
> Sator Laser GmbH
> Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932

I have had success in modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH from within my Python
code, to make sure that Python correctly loads DLL's from
subdirectories of my project. (I believe the Python ended up calling
CDll, or somesuch?)


Re: Anything equivalent to cassert in C++?

2009-11-27 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 26, 6:08 pm, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
> Peng Yu wrote:
> > There are some assertion code (testing if a condition is false, if it
> > is false, raise an Error object) in my python, which is useful when I
> > test my package.  But such case would never occur when in the produce
> > code. If I keep them in if statement, it will take some runtime. I'm
> > wondering what is the practice that take care of the assertion code in
> > python.
> Would never occur ? You can't use 'would' and 'never' in the same
> sentence. That is the kind of concect that make (to me) asserts diffcult
> to use.
> I personally never use asserts in python, cause I will end up handling
> with asserts what I should in fact handle properly in what you call the
> production code.
> Anyway that does not answer your question I'm sorry to be off topic,
> 'tis just a thought. Simon gave you the proper answer.
> Jean-Michel

I can see this issue has several facets to it, so I don't intend to
flagratly contradict your experience Jean-Michel, but I think that in
at least some circumstances asserts used in this way can be valuable.

One of the interesting points to come out of the recent flurry of
empirical studies of software engineering is that quality of code as
measured by defect density shows a definite negative correllation with
use of asserts in production code. (Although the significance of this
is somewhat lessened by the fact that both use of asserts and low
defect density are correlated with the level of developer experience.)

Original Microsoft paper here:
Summary article discussing that paper and others:

Personally, I'm curious as to whether the benefit from asserts used in
this way is in helping the developer to clarify in their own mind
exactly what their expectations and invariants are.

Re: IDE for python

2009-11-16 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 16, 5:09 am, sturlamolden  wrote:
> On 15 Nov, 18:09, Peng Yu  wrote:
> > There had been some discussion on IDE. But I'm not sure what pros and
> > cons of each choice. Current, I'm using vim and ctags.
> > Could somebody give some advices on choosing the best IDE for me?
> There is a plug-in to develop (amd debug) Python using MS Visual
> Studio. It works with IronPython and CPython.
> There is the PyDev plug-in for Eclipse.
> There is Komodo from ActiveState.
> There is KDevelop in KDE4.
> Which is better? I don't know.
> My impression is that Python development does noe need an IDE like
> e.g. C++ development do. There is no build process, which takes the
> major advantage of the IDE away. I am fine with a editor like IDLE or
> Kate.

I'd like to offer the group the anecdote of the great Resolver IDE

Developers at Resolver, where I work, choose their own IDE. Being
developers, that meant every single person chose a different one. We
had them all. Which turned out, slightly unexpectedly, to be just

We pair on all production code. So this meant we all spent a lot of
time sitting at each other's desks. We soon all became pretty familiar
with each other's environments - there's nothing like 8 hours a day of
hands-on usage, coupled with sitting right next to a bone-fide expert
to get you up to speed pretty quick. I even learned a little Emacs,
holy cow!

Occasionally, after seeing the details of how well some other IDE
worked, developers would switch from one to another.

Then, after about a year, a curious thing happened. One by one, in
entirely independent decisions, almost all developers decided to
migrate to either Emacs or Vi.*

Each person decided that the fancy features of their IDE wasn't as
useful to them as having a flexible, powerful and lightweight editor
which can easily be scripted to provide whatever ad-hoc features they

I regard this as an example of the way pairing spreads knowledge.

* I say 'most developers' - there were two notable exceptions: Michael
Foord, who's prodigious contributions are legend, who likes Wing, and
Will Reade, our tame brainiac, responsible for the exceedingly clever
'IronClad' open-source project, who likes the uncomplicated simplicity
of TextPad.

As far as I can make out, TextPad has only two features, syntax
highlighting and the ability to define a 'make' command, and a regex
that is used to extract filenames and line-numbers from the resulting
output of that make command. These are, it turns out, sufficient to
transform a program that would otherwise simply be 'Notepad' into an
entirely credible development environment.

Re: Vote on PyPI comments

2009-11-15 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 15, 9:21 am, Daniel Fetchinson 
> >> > I am skeptical about the utility of both rating and comments. If
> >> > somebody wants to know
> >> > if a package is good, she should ask here.
> >> Because unlike people writing comments, people here are never
> >> incompetent, misinformed, dishonest, confused, trolling or just wrong.
> >> But sometimes sarcastic.
> > All right, but the newsgroup has interactivity and the presence of
> > true Python experts too.
> > A blind vote given by an anonymous person does not look more
> > informative to me.
> You are right about a single vote, but the way these things usually
> work is that out of 1000 votes the non-informative ones average out
> ("wow! awsome package!" vs "this sucks bad!") and the net vote result
> is generally indicative of the actual thing that was voted on
> especially when there is no direct financial incentive to cheat.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Psss, psss, put it down! -

I haven't used the PyPI rating / comments system at all. Can comments
accrue which complain about bugs or missing features of old versions
of the package? If so, they could be misleading for users coming to
view a package before trying it.

Or do comments and ratings only apply to a particular version of a
package, and get removed from the package's 'front page' every time a
new version is released?

  Jonathan Hartley

Re: bootstrapping on machines without Python

2009-11-14 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 13, 10:25 pm, wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2009 02:40:28 -0800 (PST)
> Jonathan Hartley  wrote:
> > Even my very limited understanding of the issues is enough to see that
> > the idea is far from trivial.

Thanks heaps for the input from everyone. Martin Lemburg's 'chained'
approach does sound like the smart way to do it, and Thomas does
demonstrate pretty much the simplest possible example of what I'm
thinking of. Martin Manns' portable Python sounds useful too, and is
not disimilar to a suggestion made by Michael Foord off list.

However, the problems that Tim, Martin, Marc and Martin point out do
seem very real. I think users could be placated about 'backdoor
installation' if we tell them what's going on, with an OK button. But
I confess I wasn't aware that a full Python install is quite so large
compared to the bundle produced by py2exe et al.

Perhaps this idea is overly idealistic then - I was maybe transfixed
by the 'needless consistency' of sharing a single interpreter between
many applications.

Thanks for helping me straighten out my thoughts on the subject.



Re: bootstrapping on machines without Python

2009-11-14 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 13, 1:57 pm, Tim Golden  wrote:
> Jonathan Hartley wrote:
> > While examining py2exe et al of late, my thoughts keep returning to
> > the idea of writing, in C or similar, a compiled stand-alone
> > executable 'bootstrapper', which:
> > 1) downloads and install a Python interpreter if none exists
> > 2) runs the application's Python source code using this interpreter.
> Thinking aloud about what you're describing here... Assuming Windows,
> as your starting point is py2exe and I imagine that most Unix-like
> boxes already have Python on them.
> Step 1: The user downloads a tiny myapp.exe which is basically a zip of the
> myapp package / files plus an .exe header which will...
> Step 2a: ... download a minimised? (ie custom-built) Python interpreter
> and stdlib bundle which is just enough to run the app. Or...
> Step 2b: ... download and install the official Windows
> installer for version x.y identified as the highest known to run
> this app if...
> Step 2bi) ... that version of the interpreter isn't already installed
> and registered on that machine (at least: for that user).
> My step 2a seems to be little better than a bundled py2exe, so I can
> only assume you mean Step 2b, especially given your comment below
> about ending up with an installation of Python where one wasn't
> before. This, though, seems fraught with accusations of backdoor
> installations etc.
> Have I misunderstood you? For the Record, I'm entirely in favour of moves
> to make Python use on Windows more seamless, attractive, consistent,
> etc. I was going to comment positively on your recent PyChooser widget
> and to plug a similar but unpublished one of my own. But I'm not sure
> if this particular proposal has enough wings to make it fly.

Hi Tim. Thanks for that.

Yes, you have understood pretty much perfectly. I was envisaging
something like 2b.

I'm very much enamored of creating cross-platform apps, but I'm
focused on deployment on Windows first, because this is where most
users are, and also where the problem seems to need the most work.

Your input is very much appreciated. It may be that you are right that
I haven't thought this through clearly enough.

Incidentally, I'd love to see your approach of dealing with the
problem that pychoose addresses - Since creating it, I'm gripped with
paranoia that it is failing to take account of lots of things which
will trip me up later (or worse- trip other people up too, if anyone
uses it)

bootstrapping on machines without Python

2009-11-13 Thread Jonathan Hartley
While examining py2exe et al of late, my thoughts keep returning to
the idea of writing, in C or similar, a compiled stand-alone
executable 'bootstrapper', which:
1) downloads and install a Python interpreter if none exists
2) runs the application's Python source code using this interpreter.

An application source code could be distributed with this small exe to
wrap its top level '', and the application could then be run on
machines which do not (yet) have Python installed.

The goal of this is to provide a way for end-users to download and
double-click a Python application, without having to know what Python
is or whether (an appropriate version of) it is installed. This method
has some disadvantages compared to using py2exe et al, but it has the
advantage that a small application would remain small: there is no
need to bundle a whole interpreter with every application. From an
advocacy point of view, it also must help that merely running such an
application would seamlessly put a usable Python interpreter installed
and on the PATH on Windows boxes.

Even my very limited understanding of the issues is enough to see that
the idea is far from trivial. I'm aware that great minds are working
on related and overlapping problems, so I thought I'd ask whether many
people have done this already, and if not, is there any value in
taking the trivial first step described above? ie. Ignore all
complications, and write a simple C program to download & install an
interpreter, then use that to run my Python.

In the long run, to be useful for real projects, the bootstrapper
would need to manage some nasty details:
* different versions of the interpreter for different applications
* download required packages
* manage conflicting versions of packages
I'm hoping that these thorny problems will be solved, if they aren't
already, by the great minds working on packaging, etc.

I'm very aware that I don't know anything at all about this, compared
to many on the list. Be gentle with me. :-)

Re: comparing alternatives to py2exe

2009-11-12 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Nov 10, 1:34 pm, Philip Semanchuk  wrote:
> On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:16 PM, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> > En Fri, 06 Nov 2009 17:00:17 -0300, Philip Semanchuk  > > escribió:
> >> On Nov 3, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
> >>> Recently I put together this incomplete comparison chart in an  
> >>> attempt
> >>> to choose between the different alternatives to py2exe:
> >>>
> >> I was interested in py2exe because we'd like to provide a one  
> >> download, one click install experience for our Windows users. I  
> >> think a lot of people are interested in py2exe for the same reason.  
> >> Well, one thing that I came across in my travels was the fact that  
> >> distutils can create MSIs. Like py2exe, MSIs provide a one  
> >> download, one click install experience under Windows and therefore  
> >> might be a replacement for py2exe.
> > But py2exe and .msi are complementary, not a replacement.
> > py2exe collects in onedirectory(or even in one file in some cases)  
> > all the pieces necesary to run your application. That is,Python 
> > itself + your application code + all referenced libraries + other  
> > required pieces.
> > The resulting files must beinstalledin the client machine; you  
> > either build a .msi file (a database for the Microsoft Installer) or  
> > use any other installer (like InnoSetup, the one I like).
> >> For me, the following command was sufficient to create an msi,  
> >> although it only worked under Windows (not under Linux or OS X):
> >> bdist_msi
> >> The resulting MSI worked just fine in my extensive testing (read: I  
> >> tried it on one machine).
> > The resulting .msi file requiresPythonalreadyinstalledon the  
> > target machine, if I'm not mistaken. The whole point of py2exe is to  
> > avoid requiring a previousPythoninstall.
> You're right; the MSI I created doesn't include prerequisites. It  
> packaged up our app, that's it. To be fair to MSIs, they might be  
> capable of including prerequisites, the app, and the kitchen sink. But  
> I don't thinkPython'screation process through distutils makes that  
> possible.
> That's why I suggested MSIs belong alongside RPM/DEB in the chart (if  
> they're to be included at all).
> I wouldn't say that the whole point of py2exe is to bundlePython.  
> That's certainly a big benefit, but another benefit is that it can  
> bundle an app into a one-click download. That's why we were interested  
> in it.
> >> It seems, then, that creating an MSI is even within the reach of  
> >> someone like me who spends very little time in Windows-land, so it  
> >> might be worth a column on your chart alongside rpm/deb.
> > As said in  
> > easiest way is to use py2exe + InnoSetup.
> Easiest for you. =) The list of packages and modules that might  
> require special treatment is almost a perfect superset of the modules  
> we're using in our 
> application:
> py2exe looks great, but it remains to be seen if it's the easiest way  
> to solve our problem. The MSI isn't nearly as nice for the end user,  
> but we created it using only thePythonstandard library and our  
> existing Simplicity has value.
> Cheers
> Philip

Hey Philip and Gabriel,
Interesting to hear your respective perspectives - you've given me
much to ponder and to read about. Personally I'm keen to find a method
that doesn't require the end-user to have to manually install (the
correct version of) Python separately from my app, so I think that
rules out the distutils-generated MSI for me. I can see it has value
for others though.

comparing alternatives to py2exe

2009-11-03 Thread Jonathan Hartley

Recently I put together this incomplete comparison chart in an attempt
to choose between the different alternatives to py2exe:

Columns represent methods of deploying to end-users such that they
don't have to worry about installing Python, packages or other
dependencies. 'Bundle' represents manually bundling an interpreter
with your app. 'Bootstrap' represents a fanciful idea of mine to
include an installer that downloads and installs an interpreter if
necessary. This sounds fiddly, since it would have to install side-by-
side with any existing interpreters of the wrong version, without
breaking anything. Has anyone done this?

The remaining columns represent the projects out there I could find
which would do the bundling for me.

Are there major things I'm missing or misunderstanding?

Perhaps folks on the list would care to rate (+1/-1) rows that they
find important or unimportant, or suggest additional rows that would
be important to them. Maybe an updated and complete version of this
table would help people agree on what's important, and help the
various projects to improve faster.

Best regards,


Re: file system iteration

2006-10-09 Thread Jonathan Hartley
Georg Brandl wrote:
 >> Which application needs to walk over ALL files?

How about 'updatedb' for starters, the index-maintainer for the common 
*nix command-line utility 'locate'.

I'm pretty sure that os.walk( ) deals with symbolic links (by not 
visiting them) and ' /proc'  type complexities by not doing anything to 
walked directories that '/proc' type entries cannot deal with. I think 
(no sarcasm intended) the point of offering a directory-like interface 
to '/proc' was so one can perform directory-like operations on it.


Jonathan Hartley
+44 7737 062 225
