Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-21 Thread Ville Vainio
 Mike == Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike IPython's pysh seems a little clumsy for interactive use, as
Mike it requires special characters to distinguish between
Mike commands to be passed to the shell and commands to be passed
Mike to the scripting language. This should be contrasted with

What do you mean by the commands to be passed to the shell? Commands
on the path (the normal situation in Unix) can be executed directly
just like in bash et al. Ditto for magic functions if automagic is

I only use ! for calling commands that are in the current directory. A
*real* deficiency with ipython/pysh under Linux is the lack of job
control (in the sense that ^z suspends the whole ipython). I don't see
why pysh would not be able to match and exceed the capabilities of
shell in job control as well. It's not a priority for fperez himself
ATM, but we'll see how easy it is to add shellish job control in the
future after the refactoring...

Mike I'll say it again - if you're arguing about which language
Mike to use, you're arguing about the wrong thing.

In a sense C is the native language of Unix and Windows (system calls
are in C). It might make sense to expose the OS as Python objects.

I work w/ Symbian OS in my day job, with the OS API in C++. I'm not
sure whether it's a good idea or not, but at least some people are
doing it :).

Ville Vainio

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-21 Thread Ville Vainio
 Mike == Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike I've actually done some work on using CORBA as a COM for
Mike Unix (or, as I think of it, an ARexx for Unix). After being
Mike exposed to Plan 9, I've decided that's a better
Mike solution. CORBA has the advantage that you can work on it
Mike without getting buy-in from kernel vendors.

The problem w/ CORBA is the alleged lack of speed. ISTR there was lots
of controversy w/ the way Gnome used CORBA (Bonobo) and how it was too
slow for Desktop apps. I don't know what the current status is - CORBA
has always seemed more than fast enough for me.

Ville Vainio

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-21 Thread Mike Meyer
Ville Vainio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mike == Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mike IPython's pysh seems a little clumsy for interactive use, as
 Mike it requires special characters to distinguish between
 Mike commands to be passed to the shell and commands to be passed
 Mike to the scripting language. This should be contrasted with

 What do you mean by the commands to be passed to the shell? Commands
 on the path (the normal situation in Unix) can be executed directly
 just like in bash et al. Ditto for magic functions if automagic is

Ok, I missed that. My bad.

 Mike I'll say it again - if you're arguing about which language
 Mike to use, you're arguing about the wrong thing.

 In a sense C is the native language of Unix and Windows (system calls
 are in C). It might make sense to expose the OS as Python objects.

Ugh. It would make more sense to expose it as (say) CORBA objects, so
you aren't tied to a specific language. Following the Plan 9 approach
and exposing it as a file system would probably require more work, but
would allow more flexibility. Then again, both approaches get you into
a recursion when you start trying to expose the facilities that are
used by the exposing infrastructure.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-20 Thread Paul Boddie
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When the CLR is integrated, it will allow a wide array of problem
  solving choices for uuu users.
 You've missed the point. Allowing a wide array of problem solving
 choices is a goal, not a means. Instead of concentrating on adding
 langauges, you should be provding an infrastructure that makes adding
 langauges simple.  The Plan 9 example does this best, as any language
 that can do file I/O is supported.

This discussion collides quite nicely with two of the more quoted
articles on software development:

The first of which eventually addresses the issue of how programs
communicate with the operating system services and each other,
although I'm sure I've seen a more succinct overview from Mr De Icaza
on that subject. The second brings up the topic of making things
enterprise-ready - probably one of the more popular motivations for
introducing something like the CLR into a project which doesn't
necessarily need it and isn't yet familiar with it.

From what I've seen of Unununium, the motivation for using Python
seems to stem from the way Python's runtime system provides services
which overlap with those of an operating system; programs can
dynamically import code, inspect the properties of such code, and
invoke such code reasonably safely (as opposed to the jump to this
memory address model of lower-level runtime systems), although these
features are not unique to Python - the Erlang runtime system is
apparently designed for use at this level, and the Java environment
(and presumably the CLR) provides introspection and dynamic loading
capabilities. I would also imagine that the development of Lisp
operating systems and environments was similarly motivated.

In contrast, the standard UNIX model of interprocess communication and
introspection, extended substantially by Plan 9 and more
conservatively by modern UNIX variants, is said to leave something to
be desired, and those wishing more informative details about the
interfaces exposed by programs and services usually end up putting
something more complicated on top - see the emergence of Bonobo, DCOP
and D-BUS.


Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-20 Thread Ville Vainio
 Donn == Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Donn I don't know what the Windows version is like, but for all
Donn the UNIX shell's weaknesses, it's very well suited to its
Donn role.  The Plan 9

I don't know about that - I don't see anything in shell that couldn't
be done better in Python (well, launching subshells perhaps, and the
smaller size == faster launch). The Windows incarnation is obviously
so horrible that it hardly deserves mention, but the scripts done with
unix shell also always have this hackish flavour.

(I'm aware that this is an unpopular opinion that is likely to collect
some flames, but some people never learn ;-).

Donn shell (rc) is similar with much improved syntax, and has a
Donn distant relative es that I think is the closest thing I've
Donn ever seen to a 1st class language that works as a shell

I assume you've tried IPython ('ipython -p pysh')? I just apt-getted
es and it seems to be like ipython, only for scheme.

Donn Well, honestly I think that's stretching it.  Your order
Donn issue here seems to apply only to operators, and they don't
Donn really figure that heavily in the kinds of things we
Donn normally do with the OS.  The only

I think they do - summing sets of files, adding extensions to
filenames, etc. 

Donn Now, we Python users know very well that's not true, Python's as clear
Donn as could be.  But theoretically, if you wanted to talk about order
Donn issues, for example ... is it really easier to understand when a 
Donn sometimes expresses a function f over x and y this way
Donn f(x, y)
Donn sometimes this way (+ is a function, really)
Donn x f y
Donn and sometimes this way
Donn x.f(y)
Donn ?

Yes - operators like + and - are very intuitive to everybody. Having
only one way to call functions is more orthogonal and cleaner in a
theoretical sense, but noi in practical sense.

Donn I don't know, I'm just thinking that while Python's notation
Donn might be just fine for people who've gotten here the way
Donn most of us have, it's not obvious from this that it's just
Donn fine 4 everyone.

Perhaps not for everyone but for the majority I guess the python
notation would be more suitable.

Ville Vainio

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-20 Thread Mike Meyer
Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mike Meyer wrote:
 Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike Meyer wrote:

Whatever the intentions may be, the *act* is one of dictation. Since
the point of the underlying OS is to increase the interconnections
between applications (assuming I've found the correct web page and
interpreted it correctly), the underlying architecture should be
language-neutral. That allows as many applications as possible to play
in the environment.

 *Allowing* other languages is one thing, but that shouldn't preclude
 having a 'default' language. On other OS's, the default language is
 some form of shell scripting (i.e. Unix shell scripts, or Windows
 batch files). It would be good to have a real language to fill that

Um - I'd say Unix has no default language. Traditional Eunices come
with a nice selection of languages (sh, awk, sed, C), and modern ones
include more (C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua). Tagging one as the
default does a disservice to the other languages, and to the OS as a

For that matter, I'd say that these days the default on Windows is VB,
unless there are hooks to talk to COM from batch files, since COM is
the standard scripting mechanism on Windows. Note that by providing a
scripting mechanism instead of a scripting language, you can script
applications with Python as or more easily than you can script them
with the MS provided solution of VB.

 You've missed the point. Allowing a wide array of problem solving
 choices is a goal, not a means. Instead of concentrating on adding
 langauges, you should be provding an infrastructure that makes adding
 langauges simple.  The Plan 9 example does this best, as any language
 that can do file I/O is supported.
 Still, the builtin shell is going to need *some* form of scripting
 support. And if that looks like IPython's shell mode, so much the

Scripting support shouldn't look like a language, it should look
like a mechanism for hooking languages up to the system being
scripted. Shells are a particularly easy hookup, as they have only
three types of objects to deal with - commands, command results, and
text streams. Any language which lets you invoke commands and
manipulate the results of those commands and text streams is
sufficient for shell scripting.

IPython's pysh seems a little clumsy for interactive use, as it
requires special characters to distinguish between commands to be
passed to the shell and commands to be passed to the scripting
language. This should be contrasted with languages designed for
working in a command environment, like Rexx, sh and rc.

 Anyway, the reason to prefer Python to LISP for something like this,
 is that Python reads much more naturally for most people, whereas LISP
 requires that you write things 'out of order'.

I'll say it again - if you're arguing about which language to use,
you're arguing about the wrong thing.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-20 Thread Mike Meyer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Boddie) writes:

 Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When the CLR is integrated, it will allow a wide array of problem
  solving choices for uuu users.
 You've missed the point. Allowing a wide array of problem solving
 choices is a goal, not a means. Instead of concentrating on adding
 langauges, you should be provding an infrastructure that makes adding
 langauges simple.  The Plan 9 example does this best, as any language
 that can do file I/O is supported.

 This discussion collides quite nicely with two of the more quoted
 articles on software development:

I've actually done some work on using CORBA as a COM for Unix (or, as
I think of it, an ARexx for Unix). After being exposed to Plan 9, I've
decided that's a better solution. CORBA has the advantage that you can
work on it without getting buy-in from kernel vendors.

 In contrast, the standard UNIX model of interprocess communication and
 introspection, extended substantially by Plan 9 and more
 conservatively by modern UNIX variants, is said to leave something to
 be desired, and those wishing more informative details about the
 interfaces exposed by programs and services usually end up putting
 something more complicated on top - see the emergence of Bonobo, DCOP
 and D-BUS.

The crucial question isn't whether the underlying mechanism is
complete, but whether it's sufficient. The underlying Unix facilities
provide byte streams - because that's what Unix does. What that leaves
to be desired is a standard high-level way for applications to
interact with each other, passing back and forth things that are more
complicated than byte streams. Having standars for these high-level
objects allows for code reuse and data sharing. This is a good thing,
and there's nothing inherently wrong with doing things this way.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-19 Thread Nick Coghlan
Mike Meyer wrote:
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike Meyer wrote:
Whatever the intentions may be, the *act* is one of dictation. Since
the point of the underlying OS is to increase the interconnections
between applications (assuming I've found the correct web page and
interpreted it correctly), the underlying architecture should be
language-neutral. That allows as many applications as possible to play
in the environment.
*Allowing* other languages is one thing, but that shouldn't preclude having a 
'default' language. On other OS's, the default language is some form of shell 
scripting (i.e. Unix shell scripts, or Windows batch files). It would be good to 
have a real language to fill that role.

You've missed the point. Allowing a wide array of problem solving
choices is a goal, not a means. Instead of concentrating on adding
langauges, you should be provding an infrastructure that makes adding
langauges simple.  The Plan 9 example does this best, as any language
that can do file I/O is supported.
Still, the builtin shell is going to need *some* form of scripting support. And 
if that looks like IPython's shell mode, so much the better.

Anyway, the reason to prefer Python to LISP for something like this, is that 
Python reads much more naturally for most people, whereas LISP requires that you 
write things 'out of order'.

Compare out-of-the-box Python:
  a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
And out-of-the-box Lisp:
  (setq a (+ 1 2 3 4))
Which language has the lower barrier for entry? That should be a fairly 
important consideration for a language that is going to sit at the heart of an OS.

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-19 Thread Nick Coghlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Compare out-of-the-box Python:
  a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
And out-of-the-box Lisp:
  (setq a (+ 1 2 3 4))
Which language has the lower barrier for entry? That should be a
fairly important consideration for a language that is going to sit at
the heart of an OS.

Huh?  Why does mucking about in the heart of an OS need a low barrier
of entry?
It doesn't. I was looking at it from the point of view of *scripting* the OS - 
which *should* have a low barrier for entry :)

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-19 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
[... re Python OS interface vs. language-generic model ]

| *Allowing* other languages is one thing, but that shouldn't preclude having a 
| 'default' language. On other OS's, the default language is some form of shell 
| scripting (i.e. Unix shell scripts, or Windows batch files). It would be good 
| have a real language to fill that role.

I don't know what the Windows version is like, but for all the UNIX
shell's weaknesses, it's very well suited to its role.  The Plan 9
shell (rc) is similar with much improved syntax, and has a distant
relative es that I think is the closest thing I've ever seen to
a 1st class language that works as a shell (though the implementation
was only at the proof of concept level.)  (I'm not forgetting REXX,
it's a fairly respectable effort but not 1st class.)

| Still, the builtin shell is going to need *some* form of scripting support. An
| if that looks like IPython's shell mode, so much the better.
| Anyway, the reason to prefer Python to LISP for something like this, is that 
| Python reads much more naturally for most people, whereas LISP requires that y
| write things 'out of order'.
| Compare out-of-the-box Python:
|a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
| And out-of-the-box Lisp:
|(setq a (+ 1 2 3 4))
| Which language has the lower barrier for entry? That should be a fairly 
| important consideration for a language that is going to sit at the heart of 
an OS.

Well, honestly I think that's stretching it.  Your order issue here
seems to apply only to operators, and they don't really figure that
heavily in the kinds of things we normally do with the OS.  The only
operator I can think of in rc is ^, an odd sort of string multiplication
thing, and I can't think of any in the original Bourne shell.

Meanwhile, the idea that barriers to entry are built out of things like
+ 1 2 3 4 vs. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 is really quite open to question.

10 years ago when BeOS was a little hotter than it is today, there were
a couple enthusiasts pushing Python as an official language.  A few of
the people following BeOS at that point had come from a strong Amiga
background, and I remember one of them arguing vehemently against Python
because its arcane, complicated syntax was totally unsuited to casual use.
Compared to, say, REXX.

Now, we Python users know very well that's not true, Python's as clear
as could be.  But theoretically, if you wanted to talk about order
issues, for example ... is it really easier to understand when a language
sometimes expresses a function f over x and y this way
f(x, y)
sometimes this way (+ is a function, really)
x f y
and sometimes this way

I don't know, I'm just thinking that while Python's notation might
be just fine for people who've gotten here the way most of us have,
it's not obvious from this that it's just fine 4 everyone.


Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-18 Thread Mike Meyer
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mike Meyer wrote:
Whatever the intentions may be, the *act* is one of dictation. Since
the point of the underlying OS is to increase the interconnections
between applications (assuming I've found the correct web page and
interpreted it correctly), the underlying architecture should be
language-neutral. That allows as many applications as possible to play
in the environment.

 When the CLR is integrated, it will allow a wide array of problem
 solving choices for uuu users.

You've missed the point. Allowing a wide array of problem solving
choices is a goal, not a means. Instead of concentrating on adding
langauges, you should be provding an infrastructure that makes adding
langauges simple.  The Plan 9 example does this best, as any language
that can do file I/O is supported.

It may be that CLR is just such an infrastructure (I'm not familiar
with it). In that case, instead of pushing Python, you should be
pushing CLR with IronPython as an option.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Arich Chanachai
pythonUser_07 wrote:
Some quick thoughts.
1- Python is not new relatively speaking.

Quite true, good point.
2)- Python is a natural language for learning basic scripting, but can
carry you through to object oriented program.
3)- Knowing python, instantly gets you access to jython.  I've found
jython incredibly helpful in learning java.  Finally, jython seems to
be the defacto test scripting language for java.

These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean 
is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best choice 
as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu operating 
system.  Unless Java becomes built-in, the ability to transition from 
Python to Jython isn't pertinent info when talking about the uuu 
project.  The idea is to have an easily maintainable (hence readable) OS 
core of functionality built with Python and to support advanced yet 
clean and simple modules which can run on the OS with support from the 

On the other hand, are you suggesting against Python in favor of Java?
- Arich

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread pythonUser_07
I see your point.

Consider points 2 and 3 a nice side effect.

The language I favor actually ties into the environment I am working
in: Python for rapid prototyping, java for larger projects where the
eclipse IDE comes in very handy.


Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Mike Meyer
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean
 is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best
 choice as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu
 operating system.

A new operating system shouldn't be picking THE built-in programming
language. It should instead be providing mechanisms to allow arbitrary
programming languages to be used wherever they are required. Tying the
users of the OS - or of some application - down to a specific language
is a disservice to the developers and users of that OS or application.

While Python is an excellent language, and has a nice implementation
for embedding/extending applications, it's not necessarily the best
choice for all problems. You're be doing much better for your users to
allow them to choose the right language for the problem than to
dictate the language that has to be used.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Arich Chanachai
Mike Meyer wrote:
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean
is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best
choice as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu
operating system.

A new operating system shouldn't be picking THE built-in programming
language. It should instead be providing mechanisms to allow arbitrary
programming languages to be used wherever they are required. Tying the
users of the OS - or of some application - down to a specific language
is a disservice to the developers and users of that OS or application.
While Python is an excellent language, and has a nice implementation
for embedding/extending applications, it's not necessarily the best
choice for all problems. You're be doing much better for your users to
allow them to choose the right language for the problem than to
dictate the language that has to be used.

There is no intention to dictate, but instead to provide out-of-the-box, 
built-into-the-architecture support for a single language or a wide 
array of languages.  For now, this will begin with a single language and 
the question is merely which one.  Python has been chosen, but some 
would argue that others are a better choice, such as Lisp.  In the 
future, or whenever someone steps up to the plate, support for the CLR 
will be implemented, thus broadening the array of integrally supported 
programming languages (i.e IronPython, Boo, and so forth).

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Mike Meyer
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mike Meyer wrote:
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean
is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best
choice as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu
operating system.

A new operating system shouldn't be picking THE built-in programming
language. It should instead be providing mechanisms to allow arbitrary
programming languages to be used wherever they are required. Tying the
users of the OS - or of some application - down to a specific language
is a disservice to the developers and users of that OS or application.

While Python is an excellent language, and has a nice implementation
for embedding/extending applications, it's not necessarily the best
choice for all problems. You're be doing much better for your users to
allow them to choose the right language for the problem than to
dictate the language that has to be used.

 There is no intention to dictate, but instead to provide
 out-of-the-box, built-into-the-architecture support for a single
 language or a wide array of languages.  For now, this will begin with
 a single language and the question is merely which one.

Whatever the intentions may be, the *act* is one of dictation. Since
the point of the underlying OS is to increase the interconnections
between applications (assuming I've found the correct web page and
interpreted it correctly), the underlying architecture should be
language-neutral. That allows as many applications as possible to play
in the environment.

I did this with CORBA (see )
just to show that Unix can play in this arena as well as various
desktop OS's. Plan 9 provides a much better mechanism that allows any
programming language that can do file I/O to be used for building

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Arich Chanachai
Mike Meyer wrote:
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike Meyer wrote:

Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean
is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best
choice as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu
operating system.

A new operating system shouldn't be picking THE built-in programming
language. It should instead be providing mechanisms to allow arbitrary
programming languages to be used wherever they are required. Tying the
users of the OS - or of some application - down to a specific language
is a disservice to the developers and users of that OS or application.
While Python is an excellent language, and has a nice implementation
for embedding/extending applications, it's not necessarily the best
choice for all problems. You're be doing much better for your users to
allow them to choose the right language for the problem than to
dictate the language that has to be used.

There is no intention to dictate, but instead to provide
out-of-the-box, built-into-the-architecture support for a single
language or a wide array of languages.  For now, this will begin with
a single language and the question is merely which one.

Whatever the intentions may be, the *act* is one of dictation. Since
the point of the underlying OS is to increase the interconnections
between applications (assuming I've found the correct web page and
interpreted it correctly), the underlying architecture should be
language-neutral. That allows as many applications as possible to play
in the environment.
I did this with CORBA (see )
just to show that Unix can play in this arena as well as various
desktop OS's. Plan 9 provides a much better mechanism that allows any
programming language that can do file I/O to be used for building

When the CLR is integrated, it will allow a wide array of problem 
solving choices for uuu users.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Ville Vainio
 Arich == Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Arich From: Richard Taytor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arich Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:28 PM
Arich Subject: [Uuu-devel] languages

 First, thank you for Unununium. I first learned of the project
 years ago and I'm happy to see it is alive and well.
 I'm curious: For the same reasons cited for using Python, why
 not use Lisp? I understand that Python is more
 popular/pervasive, but if reducing the cognitive load on the
 programmers, increasing the elegance and efficiency between
 programmer and code, c., is of primary concern, Lisp (or as
 mentioned in the documentation, creating a new language) seems
 a better choice (as it appears to me). What do you think?

Essentially this seems like advocacy material for Lisp (doesn't seem
to address any UUU-specific issues, just claims that Lisp is better
than Python), and should be treated as such. Go googling for heaps of
Python vs. Lisp material.

Go ahead and learn Lisp - I guess you'll quickly realize that
perfectly rational people may well choose Python for reasons other
than not knowing Lisp.

Ville Vainio