Tkinter binding and keyboard hardware settings (WinXP)

2006-07-10 Thread apriebe47

I have created a simple canvas in Tkinter to display a number of
PhotoImages, I then bind a key (in my case, ) to start a loop that
plays through a list of PhotoImages to make it an animation of sorts.
What I noticed is, after holding down the key for a certain time, it
would not loop through all 6 animations, instead it would just go
through the first 2 and reset it self. I changed the key bind to
Button-1 and did not encounter this problem. I then went into my
keyboard hardware settings and changed the repeat rate to the longest
delay and the repeat delay to the longest delay. This improved it some
what, but I don't think it is practical to do this everytime I start up
the program. My question is, is there a way to bind a key so as to make
it ignore the keyboard's delay and repeat rate settings? Here's the
code just so you can get an idea:

# GIF Animation Test

from Tkinter import *
from time import sleep

class GIF:
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.canvas = Canvas(root, bg="white", width=225, height=200)
self.cronoUpImageList =[
 "cronoup1.gif", "cronoup2.gif", "cronoup3.gif",
 "cronoup4.gif", "cronoup5.gif", "cronoup6.gif"]
self.gifImage = PhotoImage(file=self.cronoUpImageList[0])
self.cronoDefUp = PhotoImage(file="cronodefup.gif")
self.drawImage = self.canvas.create_image(112.5, 100, image=
self.canvas.bind("", self.keyboardPrsUp)
self.canvas.bind("", self.keyboardRlsUp)

def keyboardPrsUp(self, event):
self.counter = 0
self.killEvent = False
while self.killEvent != True:
print self.cronoUpImageList[self.counter]
self.gifImage =
self.drawImage = self.canvas.create_image(112.5, 100,
self.counter = self.counter + 1
if self.counter > 5:
self.counter = 0

def keyboardRlsUp(self, event):
self.counter = 0
self.killEvent = True
self.drawImage = self.canvas.create_image(112.5, 100, image=

root = Tk()
root.title("GIF Animation Test")
app = GIF(root)


Re: Tkinter binding and keyboard hardware settings (WinXP)

2006-07-10 Thread Claudio Grondi
> Hello,
> I have created a simple canvas in Tkinter to display a number of
> PhotoImages, I then bind a key (in my case, ) to start a loop that
> plays through a list of PhotoImages to make it an animation of sorts.
> What I noticed is, after holding down the key for a certain time, it
> would not loop through all 6 animations, instead it would just go
> through the first 2 and reset it self. I changed the key bind to
> Button-1 and did not encounter this problem. I then went into my
> keyboard hardware settings and changed the repeat rate to the longest
> delay and the repeat delay to the longest delay. This improved it some
> what, but I don't think it is practical to do this everytime I start up
> the program. My question is, is there a way to bind a key so as to make
> it ignore the keyboard's delay and repeat rate settings? Here's the
> code just so you can get an idea:
> # GIF Animation Test
> from Tkinter import *
> from time import sleep
> class GIF:
> def __init__(self, root):
> self.root = root
> self.canvas = Canvas(root, bg="white", width=225, height=200)
> self.canvas.pack()
> self.cronoUpImageList =[
>  "cronoup1.gif", "cronoup2.gif", "cronoup3.gif",
>  "cronoup4.gif", "cronoup5.gif", "cronoup6.gif"]
> self.gifImage = PhotoImage(file=self.cronoUpImageList[0])
> self.cronoDefUp = PhotoImage(file="cronodefup.gif")
> self.drawImage = self.canvas.create_image(112.5, 100, image=
>   self.cronoDefUp)
> self.canvas.bind("", self.keyboardPrsUp)
> self.canvas.bind("", self.keyboardRlsUp)
> def keyboardPrsUp(self, event):

   currentTime = ...
   if( currentTime - self.timeOfLastKeyPush < self.minDelay):
 self.timeOfLastKeyPush = currentTime

> self.canvas.delete(self.drawImage)
> self.counter = 0
> self.killEvent = False
> while self.killEvent != True:
> print self.cronoUpImageList[self.counter]
> self.gifImage =
> PhotoImage(file=self.cronoUpImageList[self.counter])
> self.drawImage = self.canvas.create_image(112.5, 100,
> image=
>   self.gifImage)
> self.counter = self.counter + 1
> if self.counter > 5:
> self.counter = 0
> self.canvas.update()
> sleep(.05)
> def keyboardRlsUp(self, event):
> self.counter = 0
> self.killEvent = True
> self.canvas.delete(self.drawImage)
> self.drawImage = self.canvas.create_image(112.5, 100, image=
>   self.cronoDefUp)
> root = Tk()
> root.title("GIF Animation Test")
> app = GIF(root)
> root.mainloop()

What about simple tracking of time (see above NOT tested rough draft) in 
the keyboardPrsUp and keyboardRlsUp functions, so, that events raised 
earlier than after a specified delay period will just become ignored?

Claudio Grondi