[Qgis-user] Graphic modeler crashing

2019-12-11 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I was trying to re create a model with qgis3 (models made with qgis2 not 
being supported) when I started getting python error messages. I don't 
understand them. I finally closed my project and reloaded it again.

Now when I try to edit the model, it crashes automatically and I cannot 
edit it at all.

An error has occurred while executing Python code:

KeyError: ''

Traceback (most recent call last):   File 
line 716, in openModel     self.loadModel(filename)   File 
line 725, in loadModel     self.repaintModel()   File 
line 741, in repaintModel     self.scene.paintModel(self.model, 
controls)   File 
line 142, in paintModel     sourceItems = 
self.getItemsFromParamValue(source, alg.childId(), context)   File 
line 74, in getItemsFromParamValue     
items.append((self.paramItems[value.parameterName()], 0)) KeyError: ''

Although I could start from scratch again, I find it a nuisance not 
being able to edit the model. Any suggestions are welcome ;o)

QGIS 3.4.13 and 3.10.0 (same behaviour)
Windows 8 pro 64 bits

Kind regards
*Laurence Bechet**
**ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator*
*Cascades Ranger Station
**Falls Road, Waitakere
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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Re: [Qgis-user] PostGIS- erroneous query : Unable to get list of tables from DB

2019-11-20 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
Thanks Borys! Yes that final grant select on the table 
pointcloud_columns unlocks the access ...

Kind regards

On 21/11/2019 2:17 AM, Borys Jurgiel wrote:

Thanks Boris and Jason for your messages. I tried your suggestion but it
still doesn't work (new error message 'permission denied for relation

So apparently you successfully fixed permissions to the topology tables and
then you hit a similar problem related to the pointcloud_columns table/view,
coming from another extension: pointcloud. Just try to grant select on it
(alternatively, you can just remove the extension if you don't use it).

The first problem is already fixed in master, for the new one I just opened a
ticket: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/32972

However, I think that you miss the point somehow:
1) I can retrieve the tables if I use my qgis 3.4 version, but I cannot
if I use my 3.10 version (manage layers toolbar or browser).

Yes, because it's a regression in 3.10.

I have
reinstalled the 3.10 - no changes. I have reinstalled postgis - no changes.

Usually, reinstalling gives nothing. Please wait until next week for 3.10.1 -
it contains the fix for the topology extension at least. For the pointcloud, I
can't guarantee Sandro or someone else will be able to fix it before the
release (it's only one day left), so just follow the ticket I mentioned above
(you can consider sending a bottle of whisky to New Zealand to encourage
Sandro to fix it ;-)

2) I can access my tables if I use the DB manager within 3.10.

Yes, because it uses another connection.

2) It happened after I created a new profile in 3.10. I never had used a
profile <> than the default one before.

It shouldn't have anything to do (btw. multiple profiles are really useful,
don't be discouraged!)


Kind regards

On 20/11/2019 5:16 AM, Borys Jurgiel wrote:

It's fixed now in master, so the upcoming 3.10.1 (to be released in a few
days) should be free from that bug.

For now, as GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA is not enough, try also grant
permissions to two tables used in that failing query:

GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.topology
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.layer


Dnia wtorek, 19 listopada 2019 15:18:17 CET Jason Carlson pisze:

The error message would still suggest it is an access problem to the
topology table. Perhaps you need to take it a step further with your
postgres version and grant select to the user.

Not at my computer now but try something along the lines of:

GRANT SELECT ON topology TO username;

On Mon., Nov. 18, 2019, 5:10 p.m. Laurence Béchet, <

bechet.laure...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you Jason for your answer.
I've granted usage on schema topology to my user -> same problem. I even
granted PUBLIC.

There is something 'wrong' with the passed request itself as it fails in
pgadmin as well (see it below).

I have a very basic test.qgz file. I launch it with 3.4.13 (I've updated
all my qgis versions), open the browser, connect to my db and see the
tables. Same file, launched with 3.10.0, open browser, connect to my db
(same profile so I guess same qgis-auth.db file I suppose) and get the
'failed to get layers' as described in the bug. I can see the sql
which failed and that one doesn't work either in pg_admin. Unfortunately
the sql request passed with 3.4.13 is not displayed.

count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) ,
FROM geometry_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN
t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) ,
FROM geography_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute
WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
l.table_name,l.schema_name,l.feature_column,CASE WHEN l.feature_type = 1
l.feature_type = 3 THEN 'MULTIPOLYGON' WHEN l.feature_type = 4 THEN

Re: [Qgis-user] PostGIS- erroneous query : Unable to get list of tables from DB

2019-11-19 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
Thanks Boris and Jason for your messages. I tried your suggestion but it 
still doesn't work (new error message 'permission denied for relation 

However, I think that you miss the point somehow:
1) I can retrieve the tables if I use my qgis 3.4 version, but I cannot 
if I use my 3.10 version (manage layers toolbar or browser). I have 
reinstalled the 3.10 - no changes. I have reinstalled postgis - no changes.

2) I can access my tables if I use the DB manager within 3.10.
2) It happened after I created a new profile in 3.10. I never had used a 
profile <> than the default one before.

Kind regards

On 20/11/2019 5:16 AM, Borys Jurgiel wrote:

It's fixed now in master, so the upcoming 3.10.1 (to be released in a few
days) should be free from that bug.

For now, as GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA is not enough, try also grant permissions to
two tables used in that failing query:

GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.topology
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.layer


Dnia wtorek, 19 listopada 2019 15:18:17 CET Jason Carlson pisze:

The error message would still suggest it is an access problem to the
topology table. Perhaps you need to take it a step further with your
postgres version and grant select to the user.

Not at my computer now but try something along the lines of:

GRANT SELECT ON topology TO username;

On Mon., Nov. 18, 2019, 5:10 p.m. Laurence Béchet, <

bechet.laure...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you Jason for your answer.
I've granted usage on schema topology to my user -> same problem. I even
granted PUBLIC.

There is something 'wrong' with the passed request itself as it fails in
pgadmin as well (see it below).

I have a very basic test.qgz file. I launch it with 3.4.13 (I've updated
all my qgis versions), open the browser, connect to my db and see the
tables. Same file, launched with 3.10.0, open browser, connect to my db
(same profile so I guess same qgis-auth.db file I suppose) and get the
'failed to get layers' as described in the bug. I can see the sql request
which failed and that one doesn't work either in pg_admin. Unfortunately
the sql request passed with 3.4.13 is not displayed.

count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM geometry_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN
t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM geography_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
l.table_name,l.schema_name,l.feature_column,CASE WHEN l.feature_type = 1
l.feature_type = 3 THEN 'MULTIPOLYGON' WHEN l.feature_type = 4 THEN
'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' END AS type,(SELECT srid FROM topology.topology t
e), count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM topology.layer l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
WHERE c.relname=l.table_name AND l.schema_name=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
on(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM pointcloud_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
t WHERE c.relname=l."table" AND l."schema"=n.nspname AND NOT
AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND

Re: [Qgis-user] PostGIS- erroneous query : Unable to get list of tables from DB

2019-11-18 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
nstead give access to public but I'm 
not sure if that is as secure but maybe other issues are created if 
public doesn't have access, this is not my area of expertise.


Hope that helps.

*Jason Carlson*

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 7:30 PM Laurence Béchet 
mailto:bechet.laure...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Windows 8.1 pro 64 bits
QGIS version 3.10.0-A Coruña QGIS code revision 6c816b4204

I have a postgresql db with Postgis enabled to which I connect
using a pg service.
It was working fine with the default profile.

I created a new profile (settings/user profiles). My projects were
still displayed (tables located in the db) and looked ok.

But when I wanted to add a new table from datasource
manager/postgresql I was prompted the first time to create a
connection. I created the same one as I had for the default
profile. I tested the connection and it passed. I clicked to
'connect' and nothing happened: no table list displayed. I checked
with DB/DB manager and I can see my tables.
I switched back to the former default profile: same behaviour (no
tables listed).

There are  different qgis-auth.db files (different sizes) in each
profile folder of
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles (don't know
how to read them though)

In the logs I found the following messages (PostGIS section):
2019-11-16T12:27:02 WARNING    NOTICE: row number 0 is out of
range 0..-1
2019-11-16T12:28:20 WARNING    Erroneous query: 
[ERROR: permission denied for schema topology
2019-11-16T12:28:20 WARNING    NOTICE: WARNING: there is no
transaction in progress
2019-11-16T12:28:20 WARNING    Unable to get list of spatially
enabled tables from the database

I don't have any problem with the default user and QGIS version
(I have not tried to create another profile with 3.4.13 because I
need a working version of qgis).

The error message seems to point toward a lack of permission, but
that same user can run that query within pgadmin without any problems.

Any idea where to look? I looked on internet but to no avail ...

Thank you in advance
Laurence Bechet
*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitakere*, Auckland*
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[Qgis-user] PostGIS- erroneous query : Unable to get list of tables from DB

2019-11-15 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Good afternoon,

Windows 8.1 pro 64 bits
QGIS version 3.10.0-A Coruña QGIS code revision 6c816b4204

I have a postgresql db with Postgis enabled to which I connect using a 
pg service.

It was working fine with the default profile.

I created a new profile (settings/user profiles). My projects were still 
displayed (tables located in the db) and looked ok.

But when I wanted to add a new table from datasource manager/postgresql 
I was prompted the first time to create a connection. I created the same 
one as I had for the default profile. I tested the connection and it 
passed. I clicked to 'connect' and nothing happened: no table list 
displayed. I checked with DB/DB manager and I can see my tables.
I switched back to the former default profile: same behaviour (no tables 

There are  different qgis-auth.db files (different sizes) in each 
profile folder of C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles 
(don't know how to read them though)

In the logs I found the following messages (PostGIS section):
2019-11-16T12:27:02 WARNING    NOTICE: row number 0 is out of range 
2019-11-16T12:28:20 WARNING    Erroneous query:  [ERROR: 
permission denied for schema topology
2019-11-16T12:28:20 WARNING    NOTICE: WARNING: there is no 
transaction in progress
2019-11-16T12:28:20 WARNING    Unable to get list of spatially 
enabled tables from the database

I don't have any problem with the default user and QGIS version 
(I have not tried to create another profile with 3.4.13 because I need a 
working version of qgis).

The error message seems to point toward a lack of permission, but that 
same user can run that query within pgadmin without any problems.

Any idea where to look? I looked on internet but to no avail ...

Thank you in advance
Laurence Bechet
*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitakere*, Auckland*
Qgis-user mailing list
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[Qgis-user] Embed layers and groups

2019-05-07 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Has anyone tried to use lately the embed layers and groups with the 
latest qGIS versions?
I have a project open. Select Layers/ Embed layers and groups: a window 
opens where i can select the qgz file I want to use. All the layers get 
listed. However if I select 1 layer or a group, nothing gets displayed.

Am I doing something wrong?

Windows8 64 bits pro.
QGIS version 3.4.7-Madeira QGIS code revision 5c56989325
QGIS version 3.6.2-Noosa QGIS code revision 656500e0c4

Laurence Bechet
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Falls Road, Waitakere, Auckland
Qgis-user mailing list
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[Qgis-user] 'Keep unavailable layer' at qgis start makes it crash

2019-04-29 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to open a project which refers to a former layer stored in 
postgresql which is not more in the database. I get asked if I want to 
keep the unavailable layer. If I agree to keep it (I'd like to keep the 
name of the missing layers before I call the replacing ones), qGIS crashes.
Easy workaround: do not keep the layer at startup. However it would be 
neat that the option 'keep' works ...

Is it a known issue?

Windows 8 64 bits
qgis 3.6.2 QGIS code revision 656500e0c4

ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Qgis-user mailing list
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[Qgis-user] Empty extent

2019-03-28 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I had issues to upload a shapefile in a PostgreSQL database. As a result 
the created table has the correct values, but the extent is empty - 
which means that the table is not seen when loaded in qgis.
I'm trying to update the extent, but to no avail and the table remains 
unseen (even when exported as a local shapefile).

Windows8 pro 64b & qGIS 3.6

Any ideas would be welcome.

ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitākere
New Zealand*
Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] Project files with local and remote connections to postgreSQL databases

2019-01-24 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
Thanks for the answers. Sorry have not checked Brent's suggestion as the 
pg_services just work beautifully.

Maybe I have not been looking carefully, but it would be nice if it were 
a bit more documented in qgis doc - at least mentioned with an example ;o)

Kind regards
Ark in the Park volunteer co-ordinator
On 11/01/2019 8:00 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Use pg_services.

Il 11 gennaio 2019 01:54:24 CET, Brent Wood  ha 

This is not tested, but I think it should work

Enable host based access for local connections via the server IP
address in your pg_hba file and use this for all QGIS access, so
you apply the same access approach for both local & remote


Brent Wood

Programme leader: Environmental Information Delivery
DDI:  +64 (4) 3860529


Brent Wood
Principal Technician - GIS and Spatial Data Management
Programme Leader - Environmental Information Delivery
T +64-4-386-0529

National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, Wellington
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    From: Qgis-user  on behalf of
Laurence Béchet 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 13:04
To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Qgis-user] Project files with local and remote
connections to postgreSQL databases


I am having a basic problem with my project files. I usually run qgis
locally, where the PostgreSQL database is. However, sometimes I
need to
have these same projects run on a remote computer (where a version a
qGIS is locally installed, but the connection to the database is
remote). And then the project file 'doesn't work' because the expected
connection to the database is locally not remotely, and I have not
figured out how to modify this parameter when the project is loaded in
qGIS. My current work around is to create a specific project for the
remote computer.

However this solution is annoying when you have plenty of
composers that
you lose in the process ... and playing directly in the xml
project file
is a bit scary ...
Anybody would have an idea how to fix the problem?

Kind regards
Laurence Béchet
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014

www.arkinthepark.org.nz www.forestandbird.org.nz

Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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Sorry for being short 

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[Qgis-user] Project files with local and remote connections to postgreSQL databases

2019-01-10 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I am having a basic problem with my project files. I usually run qgis 
locally, where the PostgreSQL database is. However, sometimes I need to 
have these same projects run on a remote computer (where a version a 
qGIS is locally installed, but the connection to the database is 
remote). And then the project file 'doesn't work' because the expected 
connection to the database is locally not remotely, and I have not 
figured out how to modify this parameter when the project is loaded in 
qGIS. My current work around is to create a specific project for the 
remote computer.

However this solution is annoying when you have plenty of composers that 
you lose in the process ... and playing directly in the xml project file 
is a bit scary ...

Anybody would have an idea how to fix the problem?

Kind regards
Laurence Béchet
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014

www.arkinthepark.org.nz www.forestandbird.org.nz

Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Issue with rule-based display and sub categories

2018-04-17 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Hi all,

I have a complex style display rule-based with sub categories. I turn on 
and off some of these sub categories depending on what I want to 
display. Unfortunately, when I tun off a sub category the symbol is 
still displayed - only with no color ...

I strongly think that it used to work with the last year qgis versions ...

Happens with both latest 2.18 and 3.0
Windows 8 pro.

Any help would be welcome. It's for a report that I have to issue quite 
soon ...

I can provide the style or whatever else which suits.

Kind regards
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
New Zealand

Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] SAGA missing from the processing toolbox?

2017-07-06 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
Thanks Micha. Well, now I'm getting completely confused. And that tool 
under raster is probably not what I'm looking for.

I have a shapefile of points. One of the fields is the record of 
poisoned bait eaten by the pests we are controlling. While it is easy to 
represent all the features categorised by the amount of eaten bait, I'd 
like to generate a continuous picture or the pest controlled area by 
interpolating the values between the recorded places. The idea is 
debatable on a theoretical point of view (why the bait uptake would be 
continuous?), but the final raster map is easier to visualise and a good 
advocate of the field work done.
Thus the need of the IWD interpolation. We started doing it many years 
ago with ArcGIS and it was very easy to do it. As a fervent advocate of 
qGIS, I'm trying to do the same but with a lot of struggles and failures 
at the moment ...

If anyone has tried to do the same thing or has any ideas how to do it 
with qGIS, it would be very welcome ;o) Please keep in mind we are not 
IT people ...

I'm on windows8 pro 64bits with qgis 2.18.10 ...

On 6/07/2017 5:28 p.m., Micha Silver wrote:

On 2017-07-06 00:48 AM, Laurence Béchet wrote:
Thanks Micha for the tip. The function didn't look that way a few 
years ago and that's why I had given up using the default raster 
analysis tool.

So I tried to use the gdal_grid function and ... I got an error message:
ERROR 1: Attempt to create ADRG dataset with an illegal data type 
(Float64), only Byte supported by the format.

Did you want your output in ADRG?? If not, then when you choose the 
output file, change the type to Geotiff.

I looked on internet, but didn't find anything useful.
So I'm back to square1  and cannot produce the map I need ...


On 5/07/2017 6:43 p.m., Micha Silver wrote:
I don't know why you're having trouble with the processing toolbox, 
but regarding IDW interpolation, you can do it straight in the 
Raster menu, *Raster->Analysis->Grid (interpolation)*. This uses the 
gdal_grid utility

On 07/05/2017 06:35 AM, Laurence Béchet wrote:


I need to use the Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation from SAGA 
within qGIS, which I did with a previous version of qGIs but this 
time it didn't work because of a missing library (qGIS 2.18.9 - 
windows8 pro, 64bits).

I updated the qGIS version with the latest 2.18.10 (windows8 pro, 
64 bits), but this time the SAGA tools are not displayed at all in 
the list, despite they are ticked in the config file.

Is this normal? What is then the workaround for the IDW interpolation?

Also the path to grass7 in the config file is wrong (processing / 
options), which makes it crash ... Is this also normal?

Thanks for the help in advance!
Laurence Bechet
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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Micha Silver
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Re: [Qgis-user] SAGA missing from the processing toolbox?

2017-07-05 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
Thanks Micha for the tip. The function didn't look that way a few years 
ago and that's why I had given up using the default raster analysis tool.

So I tried to use the gdal_grid function and ... I got an error message:
ERROR 1: Attempt to create ADRG dataset with an illegal data type 
(Float64), only Byte supported by the format.

I looked on internet, but didn't find anything useful.
So I'm back to square1  and cannot produce the map I need ...


On 5/07/2017 6:43 p.m., Micha Silver wrote:
I don't know why you're having trouble with the processing toolbox, 
but regarding IDW interpolation, you can do it straight in the Raster 
menu, *Raster->Analysis->Grid (interpolation)*. This uses the 
gdal_grid utility

On 07/05/2017 06:35 AM, Laurence Béchet wrote:


I need to use the Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation from SAGA 
within qGIS, which I did with a previous version of qGIs but this 
time it didn't work because of a missing library (qGIS 2.18.9 - 
windows8 pro, 64bits).

I updated the qGIS version with the latest 2.18.10 (windows8 pro, 64 
bits), but this time the SAGA tools are not displayed at all in the 
list, despite they are ticked in the config file.

Is this normal? What is then the workaround for the IDW interpolation?

Also the path to grass7 in the config file is wrong (processing / 
options), which makes it crash ... Is this also normal?

Thanks for the help in advance!
Laurence Bechet
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[Qgis-user] SAGA missing from the processing toolbox?

2017-07-04 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I need to use the Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation from SAGA 
within qGIS, which I did with a previous version of qGIs but this time 
it didn't work because of a missing library (qGIS 2.18.9 - windows8 pro, 

I updated the qGIS version with the latest 2.18.10 (windows8 pro, 64 
bits), but this time the SAGA tools are not displayed at all in the 
list, despite they are ticked in the config file.

Is this normal? What is then the workaround for the IDW interpolation?

Also the path to grass7 in the config file is wrong (processing / 
options), which makes it crash ... Is this also normal?

Thanks for the help in advance!
Laurence Bechet
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Re: [Qgis-user] minidump with 2.18.9 at project opening

2017-05-29 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
Thanks Tobias. I had forgotten the plugins. It's a matter of finding the 
time to check all the plugins I have ... I'll try ...

On 30/05/2017 12:54 p.m., Tobias Wendorff wrote:

Am Di, 30.05.2017, 02:43 schrieb Laurence Béchet:

I'm happy to dig a bit deeper, but I have no idea where to look now.
Also when I close qgis I always get an error message qgis-bin.exe has
stopped working (but that's not new).

I'm having equal problem when closing QGIS. I think one of the plugins
is making trouble. It doesn't show any message on a vanilla config.

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[Qgis-user] embed layers and group qgis v3

2017-05-29 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I'm not sure if it is the expected behaviour or not.

I've got an embed group. I usually modify which layer will be seen or 
not which can be different from the parent layer (but I keep all the 
layers). When I save the project and then re-open it, I loose these 
modifications. Maybe it is normal.

The way to work around is to define a theme and to swap to it.
Unfortunately I tend to loos my themes each time I update my qgis 
version. Is it possible to save them somewhere where I'll find them next 
time I update my qgis version?

Windows 8 pro 64 bits
QGIS version 2.99.0-Master QGIS code revision 48db8ec

*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitakere* *
Phone:  (09) 810 7014*

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[Qgis-user] fixed distance buffer problem qgis v3

2017-05-29 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I try to create fixed distance buffers around points(not dissolved). If 
I don't specify an output file (temporary file by default) I get my 
buffers. If I specify a file, I get an err or message in the log section 
and the file is not created:

Algorithm Fixed distance starting 
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addFeature' See log for more details

I'm on windows 8 pro 64 bits
QGIS version 2.99.0-Master QGIS code revision 48db8ec

It works fine now with the new 2.18.9

*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
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[Qgis-user] minidump with 2.18.9 at project opening

2017-05-29 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


One of my projects generates a minidump when I open it with qgis 2.18.9, 
but not all the times.

I don't have this problem with other projects.

If I add to the command line --configpath C:\temp\qgis (for example) it 
works the first times I open it, then I get the mini dump (I just open 
the project and the close it without doing a thing). Then it can work 
again. It is a bit confusing.

I'm happy to dig a bit deeper, but I have no idea where to look now.
Also when I close qgis I always get an error message qgis-bin.exe has 
stopped working (but that's not new).

I can make it work with qGIS v3.
Any ideas?

Kind regards
Laurence Bechet
*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitakere* *
Phone:  (09) 810 7014*
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[Qgis-user] fixed distance buffer problem? qgis 2.18.8

2017-05-24 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

I tried to find any similar issue reported here, but did not.

I try to create fixed distance buffers around lines (not dissolved). If 
I don't specify an output file (temporary file by default) I get my 
buffers. If I specify a file, I get an error message in the log section 
but the file is correctly created (though not displayed):

The following layers were not correctly generated.

 * Buffer

You can check the log messages to find more information about the 
execution of the algorithm

The same problem arises with point files.

With previous versions of qgis, the buffer file created was called 
'buffer' whether you had given it a name or not when it was 
automatically loaded, which also was a pain ...

Windows8 pro 64bits
qGIS 2.18.8 code revision cde1d78

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Re: [Qgis-user] Converting to shp to gpx. Doesn't work normal with "Save, as..."

2017-03-15 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Hi Alex,

I often too have to transform gpx files to or from sh files and I never 
managed to make it work properly with qgis (sorry that's not very 
constructive, but that's a fact).

After reading some of the answers you got, I re-tested it and I still 
cannot create a file with qgis version 2.18.4 which can open with 
basecamp or mapsource, both refuse to open it. Notepad++ shows an xml 
file (sh file saved as a gpx). I don't know what is wrong. Happy to help 
and test further but i have no idea how.

My (quick and personal) workaround is to use dnrgps. It's a free little 
tool which does the trick.

Laurence Béchet

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Re: [Qgis-user] Embed layers and groups

2017-03-10 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I created 2 bugs and linked the pull request to one of them:
Bug report #16339: Embedded layer style and labels properties can be 
modified within the layer styling panel
Bug report #16340: Layers within an embedded group are not displayed on 
the map

Also as Harrissou pointed out, the set CRS of layer(s) and Set scale 
visibility of layer(s) from the Layer menu do work with embedded layers 
although they can be found in the blocked Layer Property window 
(General/CRS and General/scale dependent visibility). Whether it is a 
normal behaviour or not, I don't know but could be handy. But playing 
with labels can also handy but not part of the features of an embedded 
layer if they are supposed to be 'read only'.

What might be more worrisome is that these embedded layers can be edited 
in the 'child' project and modified  another bug?


On 11/03/2017 6:31 a.m., Régis Haubourg wrote:

Hi guys,
Paul Blottiere submitted a pull request to solve that issue here

If it is doing the work and merged, that would deserve backporting to 
2.18 branch.

And yes that issue deserves to be more advertised and also extended to 
a unlinked "copy" mode.

Wiring it in browser would be a nice way to make it more known too.

Side note: There is already a plugin called layers menu from project 
to build menu shortcuts to other's project layers. I can't live 
without it now, pushing that into core would be nice, if someone's 
willing to fund that, qgis devs would probably be happy to tackle that

Le 10 mars 2017 3:19 PM, "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neum...@carto.net 
<mailto:a.neum...@carto.net>> a écrit :

Hi Harrissou,

Thanks for tackling this in the documentation.

Some remarks:

- embedded layers are shown with "italic" labels in the layer tree
to distinguish them from regular layers.

- all layer properties are "read only", not only styling and
labeling, but also any other properties, like field aliases,
display values, actions, etc. That's why the layer properties
can't be shown to avoid that the user changes stuff which can't be
saved in the project.

- if the master project uses an alternative rendering order
(defined in the layer order panel of the master project), the
layer ordering in the project where the layers are embedded can
only be retained "en bloc" and only if you embed the parent group
and not individual layers

It may even be that you'll have to also activate the alternative
rendering order in the client project if you want to retain, but I
am not 100% sure. I just remember that it gave me headaches with
the layer rendering order in the past, because it was a bit buggy.
Should work well meanwhile though.


On 2017-03-10 12:05, DelazJ wrote:


Actually it's not a new feature. Has been there since
(available in 1.8 documentation


And as you can see, the documentation has neither been improved
Given your discussion I tried to put some highlights on the
feature and any review is welcome
<https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues/1748> I'm more
a default style user than an embedded layer one so if I miss some
advantages in this feature please, let me know.

Laurence, I didn't check if you had reported the issues yet,
otherwise I think removal of some items can be added:
- Layer menu --> Labeling
- when right-clicking an embedded layer --> Style.

Given that the Layer Properties dialog is not availbale, there
are some actions like "Set Scale visibility of layer", "Set layer
CRS", "Filter" (that belong to the Properties --> General menu)
that make me fail to understand the real scope of an embedded
layer. Are they supposed to be grayed too or not? What kind of
changes are really allowed on such a layer or what is really kept
from the "source" file?


2017-03-09 21:07 GMT+01:00 Laurence Béchet
<bechet.laure...@gmail.com <mailto:bechet.laure...@gmail.com>>:

Thanks Andrea. I'll create them.
These are not big issues and easy to work around as a user.

I agree with you this new embedded layers feature is awesome
and for little mapping projects like Ark in the Park they are
very useful as I have my layout already ready and just need
to add what i want to plots: bird territories or past control
results or . Also if something in the layout changes (new
track, pe

Re: [Qgis-user] Embed layers and groups

2017-03-09 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Thanks Andrea. I'll create them.
These are not big issues and easy to work around as a user.

I agree with you this new embedded layers feature is awesome and for 
little mapping projects like Ark in the Park they are very useful as I 
have my layout already ready and just need to add what i want to plots: 
bird territories or past control results or . Also if something in 
the layout changes (new track, pest control grid altered) I only need to 
modify the 'master' map and it is propagated to all the other maps. 
Worth a try!

Kind regards
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014
www.arkinthepark.org.nz www.forestandbird.org.nz

On 9/03/2017 10:58 p.m., Neumann, Andreas wrote:

Hi Laurence,

I can confirm both issues.

Embedded groups show empty (without the layers, only the groups are 
displayed) in QGIS 3 and they are stylable in the styling dock in 2.18 
when they shouldn't be stylable.

However, if your restyle embedded layers in the styling dock, they 
are, of course not saved back to the original layers. This would be 
dangerous and probably unwanted in most cases.

The styling dock is fairly new and probably the devs where not aware 
about the embedded layers feature.

Can you please issue bug reports for both issues?

Embedded layers and groups are probably not used that much in the 
wild, but I find them incredibly useful. It is one of my favourite 
QGIS feature and saves you tons of work if you can re-use background 
layers from other projects, while still being able to identify these 
layers or snap to them.

Unfortunately, many users and devs are not aware of this feature and 
it doesn't get much attention.



On 2017-03-08 22:10, Laurence Béchet wrote:


I'm trying to use the embed layers and groups feature.
I'm running on Windows8 pro 64bits.
I have created a new project and I am loading a group of layers which 
are my background (streams, lakes, etc ..) in a main project.

QGIS 2.18.4 QGIS code revision 59c1d21:
I get the group loaded nicely. As expected, I cannot access the 
properties if I double click on the layer. However, if I have the 
layer styling panel open, I can change the style ... I have not 
checked what happens to the main project.  Question 1: Is this normal?

QGIS version 2.99.0-Master QGIS code revision 5a543e4:
The group appears in the layers panel but none of the layers are 
displayed. Question 2: Is this normal?

Kind regards
Laurence Bechet

ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014
www.arkinthepark.org.nz www.forestandbird.org.nz

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[Qgis-user] Embed layers and groups

2017-03-08 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I'm trying to use the embed layers and groups feature.
I'm running on Windows8 pro 64bits.
I have created a new project and I am loading a group of layers which 
are my background (streams, lakes, etc ..) in a main project.

QGIS 2.18.4 QGIS code revision 59c1d21:
I get the group loaded nicely. As expected, I cannot access the 
properties if I double click on the layer. However, if I have the layer 
styling panel open, I can change the style ... I have not checked what 
happens to the main project.  Question 1: Is this normal?

QGIS version 2.99.0-Master QGIS code revision 5a543e4:
The group appears in the layers panel but none of the layers are 
displayed. Question 2: Is this normal?

Kind regards
Laurence Bechet

ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014
www.arkinthepark.org.nz www.forestandbird.org.nz
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[Qgis-user] Layer property strange behaviour - qgis 2.18.4

2017-03-03 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I've got a shapefile of points and want to display the features as 
categorized and use a color ramp.

If I define the size unit as pixels at the level of the common symbol 
selector (not at the feature itself), all the features get the same color.

If I set the unit as millimeters, I get a rainbow of colors (expected).
Map units also get the same color for each feature.

Is it normal?

Configuration: windows8 pro 64bits, qgis 2.18.4 code revision 59c1d21 

Kind regards
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014

www.arkinthepark.org.nz  www.forestandbird.org.nz ***


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Re: [Qgis-user] Legend block behaviour in composer

2017-01-27 Per discussione Laurence Béchet
Thank you Richard for the tip, but I'm already using that feature (or do 
not use the auto update to be more accurate) (that's why I have 3 legend 

The trick is what Nyall suggested: un-check "resize to fit content".

It's great that qGIS can be so flexible! Thanks for the help.

On 27/01/2017 11:09 p.m., Richard McDonnell wrote:


While the legend is selected go to *Item* *Properties*, *Legend Items* 
there is a tick box *Auto Update* untick it.
I think this should do what you want, the problem is though that if 
you add other layers and wish to add them, change them, they wont be 
added to the legend unless you refresh, which will result in a 
resetting of the layers, hope this helps.



On 27/01/2017 00:49, Nyall Dawson wrote:

On 27 January 2017 at 09:25, Laurence Béchet<bechet.laure...@gmail.com>  wrote:


I have several blocks of legend in my composer that I group together to have
a final nice display:

To do so I have to stretch each block so that the final version looks like
one single block and not several blocks put together:

A very annoying thing is that each time I refresh the composer, my legends
get refreshed to their original rectangle and I have to reshape everything
... I thought that if I locked the blocks they would not get refreshed - but
they do. I also tried to group them, but again they get refreshed. Is there
a way to keep the final shape?

Uncheck "resize to fit contents" under the legend item properties,
"main properties" section.

Also it took me a while to discover that to pick up several blocks one by
one you need to use the shift key and not the control key (as in most
software). Is it normal or is it something I can configure somewhere?

Shift is the standard used in layout/illustration packages. Ctrl
clicking cycles through selecting overlapping elements.

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*_Richard McDonnell_*
*GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI*
*OPW FRM Data Management*
*52 Stephens Green, Dublin 2.*
TEL: 01 6476543

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[Qgis-user] Legend block behaviour in composer

2017-01-26 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I have several blocks of legend in my composer that I group together to 
have a final nice display:


To do so I have to stretch each block so that the final version looks 
like one single block and not several blocks put together:


A very annoying thing is that each time I refresh the composer, my 
legends get refreshed to their original rectangle and I have to reshape 
everything ... I thought that if I locked the blocks they would not get 
refreshed - but they do. I also tried to group them, but again they get 
refreshed. Is there a way to keep the final shape?

Also it took me a while to discover that to pick up several blocks one 
by one you need to use the shift key and not the control key (as in most 
software). Is it normal or is it something I can configure somewhere?

My config: windows 8.1 pro 64 bits and qgis 2.18.3 and QGIS version 
2.19.0 code revision 1d80925

Kind regards
Laurence Bechet
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere*

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[Qgis-user] The legend for added categories to rules is lost in the process

2017-01-25 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I'm using the rule-based style with refine selected rules to display a 
map of bird sightings, with different symbol shapes and colors for each 
bird, linked to categories (pairs, banded birds ,etc ...).

Because of the current user request #10479 (It would be good that when 
'Refine current rule' is used that the refinements respect the original 
rule that they are based on) I have to go through 'complex'  rules so 
that I get only the needed categories selected.

When I'm at the level of refining the selected rule, I can edit the ' 
Legend'  of the category in that sub window (I have Symbol | Value | 
Legend), but once I select ok and get redirected to the Layer property 
style, the legend is lost (it becomes Label | Rule | etc...).

I would have expected that the /legend /is transferred to the /label 
/. because I end up with legends like: "/if (Bands = '2 banded' or ( 
"Bands" = 'banded' AND  "Pair" = 'S'), "Name" ,"") = 'Aumangea & 
Thurley'/" -  What I wanted was just the name of the birds which I want 
to be displayed in the composer. The only way I found is to edit 
manually all my bird names, one after the other in the composer's legend ...

Would someone have a smarter way to do it? Can it be considered as a bug 
or a new feature?

Laurence Bechet
*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitakere* **
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[Qgis-user] Question about the translate tool (under raster) - ADRG driver error

2016-09-10 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


While I was trying to convert a (tiff + world file) into a geo 
referenced tiff with the translate tool, I got the following error:

error 6 : ADRG driver doesn't support 4 bands (etc)

After searching on the web (unsuccessfully) I finally noticed that the 
command line auto completed itself with -of ADRG while it should be -of 
GTiff (following the help advices).

I manually changed it and it worked.
Is it normal?

Windows 8.1 64b
QGIS 2.16.2 Code revision 979e1a2

*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitākere* *

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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.14.1 does not find internal GPSQ

2016-06-06 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Hi Eggerer,

I personally use DNRGPS to download data from my GPS save them in 
Shapefiles (and .gpx), before using them in qGIS. I have not tested with 
tablets, nor investigated much, but DNRGPS is said to be able to be run 
on memory stick if I do well understand:
"DNRGPS is a self-contained program which means it can be run from 
anywhere – your hard drive, a thumb drive, a network location. Simply 
unzip the DNRGPS folder and place in the location of your choice."

Maybe this would help you?

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Re: [Qgis-user] geoprocessing tools - 2.14.3

2016-05-27 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Thanks a lot!

On 27/05/2016 4:46 p.m., DelazJ wrote:

Did you activate the FTools plugin in the Plugin Manager?

2016-05-27 4:45 GMT+02:00 Laurence Béchet <bechet.laure...@gmail.com 


I must be blind, but could someone tell me where the buffer tool
and the geoprocessing tools are gone? Nothing under Vector/
I'm working with qgis 2.14.3 (code cf2ebb8) on windows7 pro 64bits

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[Qgis-user] geoprocessing tools - 2.14.3

2016-05-26 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I must be blind, but could someone tell me where the buffer tool and the 
geoprocessing tools are gone? Nothing under Vector/

I'm working with qgis 2.14.3 (code cf2ebb8) on windows7 pro 64bits

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[Qgis-user] Something strange with the memory

2015-12-18 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I've have experienced recently on several occasions a strange behavior 
of qGIS with what I think, memory. I cannot reproduce with a basic 
example, I need my whole project to make it happen.

I'm working for a conservation project and I've got a set of shapefiles 
with streams, tracks, contours  and our traps and baitstations (we 
do pest control). I'm currently trying to make maps of bird census for 
our end of year reports.

Most of the data I get are from GPS, which is easy to handle (either the 
gpx file of by importing a csv file). But I also have to create 
shapefiles (points and polygons) to place bird sightings and draw 
territories. These files don't have any columns for GPS coordinates, as 
I draw the points or polygons using field markers (sighting next to a 
trap or near a track). So I create the shapefile, fill it in with a few 
data and save it, then fill it in with more data.
Everything goes well until the moment I save the shapefile again. It is 
saved but the points or polygons get all mixed. They are at the good 
place but not for the bird they were supposed to represent!

I spent 2 days trying to understand what was possibly wrong and the only 
way I managed to make it work was to create a new shapefile each time I 
saved new data.
Unfortunately,  after 4 or 5 times I saved files, qGIS starts 'not 
responding', a lag which the first times is some seconds and becomes 
several minutes and then I have to reboot the computer.

Is there a way to trace what is happening? Nothing appears in the log 
messages nor in the windows event logs, it seems.
I'm using windows 7 pro 64bits , qGIS 2.12.1-Lyon  code revision 
16760fd. Same problem with 2.13.0
I'm not connected to any databases, just working locally, no WMS 
connection and qGIS takes already ages to load the project (~3min). It 
never happened to me with the old versions like Dufour.

Any hints about what to check, look for would be much appreciated ...

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Re: [Qgis-user] qGIS and Avenza pdfMap

2015-10-19 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I exactly had the same question some time ago. Here are the few steps 
I'm following for my maps:

1) in the composer manager, tick "world file on" as Goyo's explained and 
export as a tiff file (actually you'll get 2 files, the tiff one and one 
with the geo reference data). You must have qGIS 2.10 at least to get 
that "world file on" option in composer, though
2) upload the tiff file in qGIS (you'll get the message that the file 
doesn't have any CRS)
3) select raster/ conversion/ translate and your Target SRS  to create 
your final georeferenced tiff file (if you uploaded that new tiff in 
qGIS, you would not get the message that it doesn't have a CRS)

4) upload that last file in pdfmaps!


On 19/10/2015 8:00 a.m., qgis-user-requ...@lists.osgeo.org wrote:

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Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 03:35:59 +0300
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I am a new user to QGIS, and interested in making referenced pdf maps for 
Avenza App.  I find this app excellent out in the middle of no where as the GPS 
on my phone places me on the map.  I tend to be rather adventurous, and often 
can find images of maps for places I travel, but not with the geo referencing.  
I have tried to use QGIS and was able to make images with references, but when 
using print composer to save the pdf, Avenza says the map is not referenced.  :(

Obviously I am not doing something correctly, could some one give me a short 
tutorial or point me to a tutorial?

I have attached link of a map of interest.


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[Qgis-user] Pisa and Bug #10747

2015-09-02 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


Isn't the bug #10747 supposed to be fixed in Pisa? I've got the feeling 
I'm right into it.

Windows7 pro
qGIS 2.10.1 64bits


Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Pisa & Bug report #11901

2015-09-02 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


The bug can be extended to windows 64 bits (sorry cannot figure out how 
to contact the developer).

Windows 7 pro Service pack1
qGIS Pisa 2.10.1

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[Qgis-user] How to reference a map with qGIS

2015-08-22 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I'm investigating the use of electronic devices to record data when 
people are doing field work. Apps like PDF Maps require referenced maps 
in pdf or tiff format. While it's quite easy to design a referenced map 
from a GIS project with ArcGIS, it's seems to be quite a challenge with 

I have a qGIS project with different shapefiles. If I use /project/save 
as image/ and create a .tiff file, then use 
/raster/conversion/translate/ the tiff file into a geotiff, the result 
is georeferenced. But the map itself is not very exciting.

If I use the composer to create the .tiff file and then use 
/raster/conversion/translate/ the tiff file into a geotiff (as in the 
previous case), the final map is not georeferenced.

At this stage I'm kind of lost, as the composer allows setting like 
GDAL, CRS etc.. and everything seems to be set properly.

I'm on Windows7 pro, with qGIS Wien 2.8.3 (I've got a rendering pbe with 
version 2.10 which forced me to downgrade to 2.8).

Would someone have any ideas? What's the best practice to create geo 
referenced tif or pdf?

Laurence Bechet

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Display issues after moving from qGIS 2.8 (Wien) to 2.10 (Pisa)

2015-08-07 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Thanks for that. It fixes the pbe with the circles.

I leave the pbe of the mysterious layer disappearing in 2.10 for the 
moment and stick with the 2.8.3.


On 7/08/2015 6:16 p.m., Nyall Dawson wrote:

On 7 August 2015 at 15:32, Laurence Béchet bechet.laure...@gmail.com wrote:

qGIS installed package QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.8.1-1-Setup-x86_64.exe

You should be using 2.8.3 - that includes a fix for the circles issue
(+100s of other fixes)!


(and previously QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.10.1-1-Setup-x86_64.exe)

I could try to reinstall the 2.10 version and rebuilt my project, but it
doesn't suit me much as I have plenty of composers set up (over than 20)
that I would have to redesign ...) ...

Any idea what I could do?


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[Qgis-user] Display issues after moving from qGIS 2.8 (Wien) to 2.10 (Pisa)

2015-08-06 Per discussione Laurence Béchet


I've been using qGIS for a few years, mainly to draw maps.
I have a set of working projects under 2.8 which were ok.
I upgraded to 2.10 a while ago, apparently for the best until one of my 
layers in my main project decided not to be displayed on the map. It's 
in the layers list, but when I refresh the map, it disappears from it 
but not from the layers list. Of course I cannot print maps with this 
layer on (composer).

I cannot see why. Yes I made changes in this layer and have not tried 
with a former version of it. My project uses at the moment around 18 
layers and only that one is having a problem.

I tried to downgrade my qGIS version to 2.8 and uninstalled my 2.10 
version and any trace of previous installations I could find. I cleared 
the .qgis2 folder (because I also ran into coredumps when closing qGIS 
2.10 when using a pluggin). I installed a clean 2.8 version.

Now, when I open my project (which had been saved with a 2.10 version 
sometime and I don't have a backup) I get funny circles on all the 
layers which have been saved with 2.10 (I mean the shapefiles modified 
and saved under 2.10) - cf attached file. The good news is that my 
troublesome layer is displayed properly again both on the map and the 
composer ...

My configuration:
Windows7 pro 64bits
qGIS installed package QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.8.1-1-Setup-x86_64.exe
(and previously QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.10.1-1-Setup-x86_64.exe)

I could try to reinstall the 2.10 version and rebuilt my project, but it 
doesn't suit me much as I have plenty of composers set up (over than 20) 
that I would have to redesign ...) ...

Any idea what I could do?


Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Creation of GPX file fails

2012-03-07 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Thank you for the suggestion.

I did the test and of course the gpx created is not good, with a list of 
error messages (not right values, like:
Error at file 
C:\[...]\xerces-c-3.1.1-x86-windows-vc-10.0\bin/newtiti.gpx, line 76, 
char 54
  Message: value '1730878.68283692' must be less than maxExclusive 
facet value '180.0'

If I start from an existing gpx file that passes the test (like created 
with dnrgarmin or mapsource) and try to upload it within Qgis, when I 
check the metadata of the layer property, the Layer Spatial Reference 
System is not correct

*+proj=longlat *+datum=WGS84 +no_defs

If I upload in Qgis the same data created by dnrgarmin but under the 
projected shapefile type, then the Layer Spatial Reference System is correct
*+proj=tmerc* +lat_0=0 +lon_0=173 +k=0.9996 +x_0=160 +y_0=1000 
+ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs

*It's the general same issue: how do I force Qgis when uploading or 
saving data in gpx file to use the correct Spatial reference system 

How do other users do? Because I don't see the point of this software if 
i cannot send my data from Qgis to my gps ...

Thank you

On 6/03/2012 18:10, Zirneklitis wrote:

Have You checked this:


Laurence Béchet wrote:


I spent hour on the web and seem to be the only one to have this 
issue ...


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Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Creation of GPX file fails

2012-03-07 Per discussione Laurence Béchet

Hi Victor,

Thanks for the tip, yes it works at last!... except that the waypoint 
identification field (IDENT) in the created gpx  is empty as well as the 
other fields, actually, except the X_proj and Y_proj .

And it doesn't solve the gpx uploading in qgis issue.
So somewhere information are lost during this saving phase.

But it gave me the idea of using comma separated text files to switch 
between gpx files and qgis. It's the only way to keep all the fields 
from one field's type to another one (a real mystery though).

So to resume:
1) if I start from a valid gpx file, I upload it withing dnrGarmin,
2) then I have the option to export it as a text file (which will be a 
comma delimited one .txt) or as a projected shapefile.

2-1) if I choose the shapefile, then I can upload it easily within qgis
2-2) if I choose the .txt file, then I need to upload it with the 
add delimited text layer and then save the new layer as a shape file 
(why doing things easily when you can do them with more difficulties:-) )

If now, I start from a shapefile within qgis that i want to save 
eventually as a gpx file to upload on my gps, I will save the shapefile 
layer with the following options:

* format: comma separated value
* I give it a name (the csv extension will be added)
* encoding: system
* CRS: layer (which is New Zealand Traverse Mercator)
* OGR creation option: none
* skip attribute creation skipper: unchecked

And then I get a perfect cvs file, I just need to change its extention 
(.txt) and load it with dnrgarmin.

It seems ok with my own compter (basic XP), I need to check it works 
with XP pro (office laptop) and vista (student laptop). Apart that, it 
seems to me a doable thing and faster that trying to fix this 
/non-working-gpx thinggie/.


On 7/03/2012 23:31, Bo Victor Thomsen wrote:

Laurence -

Try the following for saving a shape layer as a valid GPX file (tested 
on QGIS 1.7.4/Windows 7-64 bit):

  * In the dialog Layers right click the name of the shape layer you
want the save as a gpx file.
  * Then left click on item Save as This action will show a new
dialog: Save vector layer as...
  * Under Format : Choose GPS eXchange format [GPX]
  * Under Save as: Write or browse the name for the new GPX file
  * Leave Encoding as System
  * Under CRS (upper dropdown): Choose Selected CRS
  * Under CRS (lower textbox): Browse the CRS to: WGS 84 (It's
*important* you choose WGS 84; the GPX format support*only* this
CRS, but QGIS will happily write your data in any CRS)
  * If you have any unconventional GPX attributes in you data: Add
GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=yes in the Data source textbox.
  * Click on OK.

Bo Victor Thomsen

Den 07-03-2012 10:14, Laurence Béchet skrev:

Thank you for the suggestion.

I did the test and of course the gpx created is not good, with a list 
of error messages (not right values, like:
Error at file 
C:\[...]\xerces-c-3.1.1-x86-windows-vc-10.0\bin/newtiti.gpx, line 76, 
char 54
  Message: value '1730878.68283692' must be less than maxExclusive 
facet value '180.0'

If I start from an existing gpx file that passes the test (like 
created with dnrgarmin or mapsource) and try to upload it within 
Qgis, when I check the metadata of the layer property, the Layer 
Spatial Reference System is not correct

*+proj=longlat *+datum=WGS84 +no_defs

If I upload in Qgis the same data created by dnrgarmin but under the 
projected shapefile type, then the Layer Spatial Reference System is 
*+proj=tmerc* +lat_0=0 +lon_0=173 +k=0.9996 +x_0=160 
+y_0=1000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs

*It's the general same issue: how do I force Qgis when uploading or 
saving data in gpx file to use the correct Spatial reference system 

How do other users do? Because I don't see the point of this software 
if i cannot send my data from Qgis to my gps ...

Thank you

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