Re: [QUAD-L] Too much water, liquids

2005-06-09 Thread Lori Michaelson

It's all about balance I presume.  I feel fine but if bloodwork shows an anomaly than
IT TOO needs addressing.  I don't need electrolyte problems along with all my other
I'm not panicking and stopping ALOT of water intake for your exact reason ...
just cutting back a bit.
---Original Message---

Date: 06/09/05 07:13:47
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Too much water, liquids
I guess I really don't understand the whole salt thing.  You need to drink water to keep your body hydrated for your organs and your skin so you do not get breakdown plus to keep your bladder flushed so if you are low on sodium why can't you just add salt to your foods?
My doctor also told me that your body goes in cycles with your bowels and bladder.  He said that some days you might urinate a lot with light color urine and other days it's going to be less with darker color urine and that you have to find a balance of how much fluid is you should be drinking.  I drink what I want and I prefer to drink more so I urinate instead of less so I don't get UTIs.

Re: [QUAD-L] Too much water, liquids

2005-06-09 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Jim,

Carbohydrate and electrolytes combination is used to treat or prevent dehydration (the loss of too much water from the body) that may occur with severe diarrhea, especially in babies and young children.  Although this does not immediately stop the diarrhea, it replaces the water and some important salts (electrolytes), such as sodium and potassium, that are lost from the body during diarrhea, and helps prevent more serious problems.  Some carbohydrate and electrolytes solutions may also be used after surgery when food intake has been stopped.
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I guess I really don't understand the whole salt thing.  You need to drink water to keep your body hydrated for your organs and your skin so you do not get breakdown plus to keep your bladder flushed so if you are low on sodium why can't you just add salt to your foods?
My doctor also told me that your body goes in cycles with your bowels and bladder.  He said that some days you might urinate a lot with light color urine and other days it's going to be less with darker color urine and that you have to find a balance of how much fluid is you should be drinking.  I drink what I want and I prefer to drink more so I urinate instead of less so I don't get UTIs.

Re: [QUAD-L] Too much water, liquids

2005-06-09 Thread Jkrocks


I guess I really don't understand the whole salt thing.  You need to 
drink water to keep your body hydrated for your organs and your skin so you do 
not get breakdown plus to keep your bladder flushed so if you are low on sodium 
why can't you just add salt to your foods?
My doctor also told me that your body goes in cycles with your bowels and 
bladder.  He said that some days you might urinate a lot with light 
color urine and other days it's going to be less with darker color urine 
and that you have to find a balance of how much fluid is you should be 
drinking.  I drink what I want and I prefer to drink more so I urinate 
instead of less so I don't get UTIs.

[QUAD-L] Too much water, liquids

2005-06-07 Thread Lori Michaelson

Well, I was always the one to preach that one can never really drink TOO much water or liquids.  This was
once a topic here years ago).  You'd think your body would tell you "I'm stuffed" or "I'm not hungry because 
I'm full of liquids" or "I'm feeling sick to my stomach I drank so much."
I am drinking more now than ever before in my life (mostly water, otherwise OJ or Tea).  My husband (who
has a medical background) has told me to lighten  up some but I notice if I don't drink what I do... my urine is darker
or I don't urinate much at all, etc.  And I DON'T drink to the point of what I stated above.
I drink a glass of 60-70% OJ mixed with 40-30% water in the morning.  I have a 64-ounce big drink jug
which I drink from periodically throughout the day (mostly water but sometimes add OJ).  I rarely finish it and
then drink more at bedtime with my evening meds.  Essentially I am saying that I end up usually drinking more
than 64 ounces on most days.  Plus I live in the desert now.
Anyway, I had a full blood work-up last week and got the results today at my Dr's.  Everything is fine except
my sodium reading is low.  I told him I don't eat many salty foods nor do I salt anything.  But that's not the issue
I guess.
He and my husband said that if one drinks to much ... it CAN lower sodium levels.  When we got home
I said to my husband "What's the big deal abt having low sodium? ... I would think that one with a high sodium level
would be more worrisome."
He said that if one's sodium level is off then your electrolytes are out of balance and that is/can be uncool.
I asked the Dr if he just wanted me to cut back on the WATER but he said "No... all liquids."  He said 
that by limiting it to only the 64 ounces ALL TOGETHER in a day was ok.
So hmmph guess I'l do what they say although I like to see lemonade-colored pee and I know
that'll change when I do this.  I know because if I'm out and don't drink or my routine-trip-to-my-jug is 
limited or further... that's the result.
I'm still battling the proteus mirabilis bug (pathogen) in my urine (been there since November but it 
was my old Dr Negligent that had me on the wrong drug for 5+ months!) so I was sure that he (my new Dr) 
would start me on IV antibiodics.  Because he put me on a more correct drug 4 weeks ago (Vantin) 
and said that if IT didn't
do the job then the next step would be IV ones.
But he decided to try oral Augmentin for ten days (been on it 5 days already since I began being symptomatic
last week with bad lower abdominal pain & my Dr wasn't in so another Dr gave me 5-days-worth until today's
appt wkith my own Dr).  I have doubts it'll work but will see.
At least it takes the pain away and clears up my urine WHILE ON IT but symptoms have been returning
not long after going off the antibiodics --- and the cultures done since December STILL show it's the
same bug.
Being less of a Buffalo drinker now