[Radiant] Re: Re: Multiple Sites with seperate users

2009-02-16 Thread Bartee Lamar
Mr Magpie wrote:
 Could you keep us posted on this forum.
 I really would like to have this.  I have installed 0.7.0
 I am going to hold off using this until I can get multi-sites and users.
 Hey, I wouldn't want anyone to be holding their breath for me to do 
 I haven't even looked at the Radiant code base, and I'm quite pushed to 
 do anything non-essential at present. I could get by with one Radiant 
 install per customer for some time. I've got hungry mouths to feed. 
 Sorry if I gave the wrong impression.


No wrong impressions.. just hope.

I absolutely understand the shoes for Baby problem.

So I too will be using individual installs.

Thanks for you input and good luck on feeding the kiddies...

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[Radiant] Re: Comments order asc or desc

2009-02-15 Thread Bartee Lamar
Steven Southard wrote:
 Has anyone added the option to comments:each for order?  I've got
 comments working great so I thought they would also do a fine job of
 testimonials but the order needs to be reversed.  Ordering comments by
 index or date would be very useful.  Can anyone think of a way to do
 this with the available tags or does that option need to be added to

You might want to post this as a new topic..

I do not think anyone will see your question here.
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[Radiant] no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask

2009-02-14 Thread Bartee Lamar
Trying to install 0.7.0

New install on HostingRails.com  ( I had 0.6.9 running )

Rails is 2.2.2

Set up database.  Updated database.yml.


rake production db:bootstrap

Got the error:   no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask

gem list --local

rspec is not listed.  Do I need the testing function in a production
environment ?
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[Radiant] Re: no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask- DISREGARD !!

2009-02-14 Thread Bartee Lamar
Read then instructions next time !

Sorry to bother.
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[Radiant] Radiant 0.7.0 HostingRails.com - install problems solved

2009-02-14 Thread Bartee Lamar

I got 0.7.0 installed at HostingRails.com as hosted account.

They had to:

Add gem rspec
Add gem cucumber
update hoe to the version required.

Then I was able to get

rake production db:bootstrap

to run...

Thanks Kumar for excellent support on Saturday..

Now all I have to do is get a site completed...
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[Radiant] Re: Multiple Sites with seperate users

2009-02-14 Thread Bartee Lamar
Mr Magpie wrote:
 Jeffrey Jones wrote:
 There is an extension for the first part, running sites separately:
 Not sure on its compatibility with radiant 0.7 nor running two separate
 sites while sharing content.
 Thanks for that. Does anyone know how seperate the sites are from each 
 other ?
 Or is it mainly useful for a single user running multiple sites ?
 Also, if I run each client as a seperate install of Radiant, would any 
 Ruby interpreter manage memory eficiently by only keeping one copy of 
 Rails and Radiant in memory ?
 And how hard would it be for Radiant to support multiple independant 
 sites from a single install ?

I am trying to do the same thing.  I installed multi_site.  It does 
provide for multiple sites, but from what I can determine does not 
provide user scope.  That is each user is assigned to a site and the 
user can ONLY see their pages/snippets/layouts.  So without that it 
really does not do me any good to have all of my clients using one 
radiant code base.
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[Radiant] blog tags ??

2009-02-14 Thread Bartee Lamar
I installed the tags extension.

However I do not see how I would add tags to a blog.

Also from the instructions

 Make a page to sit in /search/by-tag, and give it the Tag Search

is cryptic to me.  I do not understand what they are trying to say.

I would like to construct a side bar which would contain all of tags and
counts allowing the user to select a tag and see all of the posts that
have that tag assigned.
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[Radiant] Paperclipped rake error...

2009-02-03 Thread Bartee Lamar
getting error from rake command..

I think I need rails paginate, but not sure...??

Partial trace below.

bar...@bartee-linux:~/railsprojects/myradiant$ rake development
(in /home/bartee/railsprojects/myradiant)
rake aborted!
undefined method `has_attachment' for #Class:0x7f998f149288

(See full trace by running task with --trace)
bar...@bartee-linux:~/railsprojects/myradiant$ rake development
db:migrate:extensions --trace
(in /home/bartee/railsprojects/myradiant)
** Invoke development (first_time)
** Execute development
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
rake aborted!
undefined method `has_attachment' for #Class:0x7f80cc57da60
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[Radiant] rendering converting characters ... Bad Results.

2009-01-02 Thread Bartee Lamar
I am writing an extension to output images.

I have an array of hashes.  Each has has a comment and image keys.

Example of 3rd entry in array

 {comments=Great pictures for a little Cannon A540 6 megapixel

When I output this using this code:

%{img src='#{tag.locals.img}'}

I get this in the browser html ( see clipped below ) ... THE PROBLEM is
in the 3rd img tag

NOTICE the em that was introduced and the last single quote and
greater-than are converted to html escaped characters

  I have tried bunches of thing, nothing gets rid of this.

The images are not displaying

--- clipped -






- end clip ---
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[Radiant] render json data into HTML Header

2009-01-02 Thread Bartee Lamar
I am writing an extension.  I have a couple of approaches.

I would like to like json data, into the HTML head section.

Is there any what do that from an extension ?
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[Radiant] Re: 1st Extension - Class Call from module newext_tags.rb

2008-12-29 Thread Bartee Lamar


Excellent!!!  That worked.

Thanks... I am obviously new to ruby/rails etc..

My first name is Bartee.

Now on to the next step, I am sure I will have more questions.


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[Radiant] TinyMCE ? FCKeditor ? .... what's UP ???

2008-08-28 Thread Bartee Lamar
I am new.

Getting my 1st application running on my machine. Going pretty well.

So I at WYSIWYG !!!

So what is the state of TinyMCE and/or FCKeditor in Radiant??
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[Radiant] Re: TinyMCE ? FCKeditor ? .... what's UP ???

2008-08-28 Thread Bartee Lamar
Well, I guess that's a mixed review

I have experience with FCK in coldfusion and it IS NOT trivial to get 
working.  Lots of challenges with sub-directories and location revalent 
to the site structure.

So I will keep all posted as to my travels..

I have yet to get a blog up, because I am being hard-headed and want to 
get simpleblog up since it is Rails.

But I think for me to be satisfied I will have to get one of them 

I have been VERY impressed with Radiant.  It has worked my ubuntu setup 
with NetBeans ide since the 1st try.

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