[recoznet2] ABC - Wik crunch-time

1999-08-30 Thread Trudy and Rod Bray

Wik crunch-time

 The World Today - Tuesday, August31, 199912:37

 COMPERE: It's crunch time on Native Title, according to
 Western Australia's Premier Richard Court, as today the
 Senate in Canberra appears poised to veto the Northern
 Territory Native Title legislation, which was drawn up under
 Mr Howard's Ten-Point Wik Plan, was passed by the
 Parliament last November.

 The Prime Minister's legislation handed Native Title powers
 over to the states and territories, of course, but at the
 insistence of independent Senator Brian Harradine, it also
 gave the Senate the power of a one-off review on the state
 legislation. And today the Australian Democrats have joined
 Labor and the Greens Senator Bob Brown in announcing
 that they'll disallow the Territory legislation. More from our
 chief political correspondent, Matt Peacock:

 MATT PEACOCK: For the Labor Party it's a case of "I told
 you so", the much vaunted certainty promised by the Prime
 Minister for the mining and pastoral industries is an illusion,
 with the Senate still holding the power of veto, that it's
 unwilling to relinquish over state and territory laws.

 The Northern Territory, according to Labor leader Kim
 Beazley, needs to learn how to negotiate properly with the
 Aboriginal land councils that it sought to abolish. And with all
 of the Native Title issue, he warns, the best solution is still
 direct negotiations.

 KIM BEAZLEY: I think what needs to be understood very,
 very clearly, by all those with an interest in this, is that the
 Aboriginal claimants don't have to use the Native Title Act. If
 they choose to they can stand outside it and go the route of
 common law claims. Wik's a common law claim that hasn't
 been settled yet. Mabo was originally a common law claim.
 They take years and years, and any development can be
 successfully stopped, effectively stopped, whenever there is
 a claim over a particular area.

 It's to avoid that sort of thing that we went down the Native
 Title route But that's why it's important that when you do
 something like that Northern Territory legislation, that all
 parties to it are happy with the outcome.

 MATT PEACOCK: The Northern Territory Government
 says, though, that it has negotiated with Aboriginal land
 councils; they, in turn, say simply that they don't trust the
 Government not to change its legislation after the Senate
 might approve it. And to solve that bind, according to
 Senator Brian Harradine, the Territory's Chief Minister,
 Denis Burke, had agreed last Friday to resubmit any
 changes that might be made.

 The next State expected to present legislation to the Federal
 Parliament for approval is likely to be Queensland, and
 there, according to its Premier Peter Beattie, Mr Beazley
 has promised that Federal Labor will pass it, probably
 guaranteeing its passage.

 But no such indulgence is likely for the State after that in the
 queue, Western Australia; which is why Liberal Premier
 Richard Court was on the phone last night with the
 Democrats seeking their support. There and in the Northern
 Territory, he says, thousands of mining applications are
 being kept waiting.

 RICHARD COURT: It's just not seen as an issue on the east
 coast. The fact that we have got our Title system
 log-jammed, that people can't get titles out the other end,
 and we've got this growing, growing litigation that's taking
 place, everything's bogged down in the courts; it really is not
 a high priority I can assure you on the east coast.

 But it is absolutely critical to the future development of this
 State and to places like the Northern Territory, but it would
 appear that the Federal Parliament is trying to basically sort
 of push the Northern Territory into subservience, saying that
 "we want to tick off everything that you do". Now for a
 Territory that is moving towards Statehood . . .

 6BR COMPERE: Well I don't know whether it is, is it?
 Maybe they should have voted for Statehood.

 RICHARD COURT: Well first time it didn't go that way, but
 eventually I'm sure that will happen. And we are a State, we
 are a sovereign State; we have the responsibility for land
 and resource management, and I think it's becoming a bit
 ludicrous that we have the Federal Parliament telling us
 what and what we can't do.

 COMPERE: Richard Court, the Premier of Western
 Australia, speaking this morning on 6BR commercial radio in
 Perth, and also this morning our chief political
 correspondent Matt Peacock spoke to the Queensland
 Premier Peter Beattie.

 MATT PEACOCK: Mr Beattie what exactly has Mr Beazley
 promised you?

 PETER BEATTIE: Well I haven't spoken to Kim directly, but
 I've spoken to his senior staff and, obviously, I've raised my
 concerns about these issues. They assure us that because
 we've got a negotiated outcome on the issue of Native Title,
 where we sat down with indigenous working groups, the
 mining industry and the pastoralists, then they're not going
 to support a disallowance

Re: [recoznet2] (Whiteys like us) Letters to the editor

1999-08-30 Thread Trudy and Rod Bray

irene wrote:

> irene watson
> the programme whiteys like us, a good historical document glad someone
> thought of filming the process, i hope it goes some way in explaining to
> white people about how onerous the role of educating them about their own
> racism is and even furhter in finding ways of doing it well without further
> traumatising us nungas into the overall process


I cringed during a lot of the program. There was a lot of talking and very
little listening. The people
there didn't treat each other with respect and I wondered how they would get
anywhere. Some revealed more
about themselves than they intended to, I think, and used it more as personal
therapy and vindication of
their own views than an opportunity to learn. A lot of it was out and out racism
- oblivious and intended.

The Aboriginal man (Mike Watts?)who tried to teach them didn't put up with the
racism and the disrespect and he found it
difficult to continue sometimes. At the same time, this is what he does with
many groups so he must have a
conviction about the need for what he teaches while, no doubt, knowing from
experience what he can expect
from non-Indigenous groups. I wondered how he managed to steel himself each time
for a new round of
well-intentioned racism and paternalism.

Still, I wonder how do people who haven't met any Indigenous Australians get
started on their journey of
If they are to reach the level of understanding that you would like them to
have, they have to start
somewhere. Human learning takes time and many mistakes are made - especially if
there is a lot of baggage to
be dropped along the way.

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[recoznet2] citizen alert - 'our' genocide - court tomorrow

1999-08-30 Thread webweave

>From Aboriginal Tent Embassy Mob - The decision in regards to Genocide being
part of the common law of Australia is being handed down in the Federal Court
in Sydney 2.30pm on
Wednesday 1st September, 1999.  It will be telecast throughout every Federal
Court in every capital city in each state.   We call on all concerned people to
attend these courts on Wednesday
wherever you may be to show your concerns and support TO STOP THE ATTEMPTED
GENOCIDE FROM OCCURRING ANY FURTHER. Please let all of your network/contacts
know.  Thanks 
something to hopefully help ALL people think about 'reconciliation' and the
difference that 'sovereignty' goes on about when genocide is admitted

have replaced a few key words in the below speech to show how things can be oh
so different depending on which social body u wear, through choice or not
have X'd out the organistion, and replaced Australia Day with Invasion Day, the
original racial group with 'Indigenous Peoples' , hero name, 'ethnic country'
with the Land etc so the basic speech is in tact, just its 'object' has been
please realise that this is a member of parliament speaking however not to
Indigenous Australia
their 'case' will be 'heard' tomorrow - 1/9/99 so even a memorial is a long way
off if it is to be left to those who currently occupy positions of power

genocide must be recognised in oz common law tomorrow - federal court sydney
if not, no australian can say 'i' didn't do anything if they don't respond
immediately and very loudly to this latest 'sovereign nullius' swindle

everyone who seriously wants to see healing/reconciliation begin, knows that
the war must end first 
tomorrow will tell 
or the day after - we must yell 
not wait for a referendum that doesn't suit even most of us and will cause more

tomorrow night 
i will either be making a banner for the next day to literally stand with my
local Aboriginal Community - and if u don't have one, that in itself is a
tragedy yet to be mourned by the nation when its population finally owns up to
its current international republic status
i will go back to technically assisting - get toilets and running water to
those who literally don't have access so that some dignity can be gained among
other things 

i will just keep wondering how this all can happen in this country under our
very noses 
- today not yesturday or in 19whenever

there is no 'act of state' to interfere with those empowered individuals
tomorrow making decisions that will give all our children some hope for a
future as self determined individuals thriving in co-existence and, brilliant
in our difference, not dying in 'our' sameness

even if i lift 'race/ethnicity as an issue' off this speech, i know that few
women will be shocked at the way the 'object' remains in tact - try replacing
women with men and see how it reads to understand what i mean

watching and waiting and hoping that i don't have to look for the glue 
susanne martain
Invasion Day Breakfast
   by John Watkins
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentleman
Happy Invasion Day and thankyou for your invitation to this first X Invasion
Day celebration.

After presenting the X Scholarships to the seven young women present this
morning I should first say how impressed I am at the ability, talent and beauty
of Indigenous women.

At every function I attend, at the forefront of organisation and presentation
are bright and capable women. It reveals a great deal about the Indigenous
community in Australia that it affords its women such status.

For me, coming from an often overwhelmingly male dominated Anglo-Saxon culture
it is so refreshing to see the primary positions taken by such deserving
Indigenous women.

It is not often that I feel embarrassed at being a sixth generation Australian
but having listened to Isabell Coe explain her rich cultural origins and her
connection to the Land and my colleague's Indigenous heritage, I feel some what

Because when many of you and all your ancestors were growing up, living and
learning in another hemisphere, under the sun and stars of other places, my
ancestors were living, working and playing under an Australian sun in the
streets of Sydney, Hobart and country NSW.

What that meant is that I had to wait until adulthood to come to know the
Indigenous community and to learn of your rich and also sad history. I have
said before, that learning about the Indigenous community and coming to know
you in your vitality and strength has been one of the rare joys of being a
member of the NSW parliament.

It is clear that the Indigenous community has a special place in the life of
the Australian community.

This function today, stressing the benefits of citizenship and the great good
fortune we all share of be

Re: [recoznet2] Letters to the editor

1999-08-30 Thread irene

irene watson 
the programme whiteys like us, a good historical document glad someone
thought of filming the process, i hope it goes some way in explaining to
white people about how onerous the role of educating them about their own
racism is and even furhter in finding ways of doing it well without further
traumatising us nungas into the overall process

> From: Trudy and Rod Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [recoznet2] Letters to the editor
> Date: Saturday, August 28, 1999 9:01 AM
> The Motion of Regret has unleashed a flurry of letters to the editor.
> Unfortunately, it seems to have flushed a lot of racists out of the
> Read them at:
> http://www.smh.com.au/news/9908/28/text/letters.html
> Trudy
> PS Does anyone who watched 'Whiteys like Us' last night have any
> ---
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[recoznet2] SMH - Letters to the editor

1999-08-30 Thread Trudy and Rod Bray


Some thought provoking letters to the editor today.


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1999-08-30 Thread Trudy and Rod Bray


I think "Arthur J. Miller" is a pseudonym. Arthur J. Miller, the famous American 
writer would never write a
piece like that. Besides that, I believe he died a couple of years ago.
I believe you about the letters to the editors and the editorials. If you read the 
letters and editorials
here does it give you an acurate picture or do you fill it in with your own knowledge?
I read recently that one section of the Makah wants to sue the other for promoting the 
If you believe the lies that have been spread about Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd then 
you aren't aware of
the whole story. There are three whaling nations supporting the Makah whaling and if 
you don't think that
they have something to do with the smear campaign out of revenge and self 
Paul Watson was at Wounded Knee helping carry the wounded out of the line of fire on 
the Native American
side. He put his life on the line for his beliefs like he still does. He is one of the 
founders of
Greenpeace. He is not a racist. He is against whaling not the Makah.
When Paul Watson was in jail in Holland at the request of Norway awaiting extradition 
hearings (Norway lost)
I wrote something in his support to a green list in the US. It found its way to some 
Norwegians who
disagreed with me and I was subjected to a smear campaign (I know because I received 
mail from very many
Norwegians with the most filthy language I have ever seen) and a mail bombing campaign 
that went on for
months. This experience makes me think that there are plenty of Norwegians out there 
who would be happy to
pretend they are Paul Watson and  make up lies and racist putdowns of the Makah in his 
To another question: Yes, I think the Dalai Lama knows very well what Paul Watson and 
the Sea Shepherd
Society are up to and that is why he wrote the letter. It should make you question the 
totally opposite
picture that is being pushed by whaling supporters.

I would suggest that from now on we discuss this off the list since it is off-topic.


Liam wrote:

> Trudy, have you read any editorials from around the Washington state area?
> Have you read the letters to the editor of sections of newspapers? Have you
> noticed that Indian people don't have a voice in the area? Did you realize
> that it will be ANOTHER treaty that the US has broken if they say the Makah
> cannot hunt whales? (not that this makes much of an impression on the US
> populace, every treaty has been broken) Does the poem suggest anything about
> the supporters of Sea Shepherd? (it was posted on the "Seattle Insider
> whaling forum" and was removed recently,) There are more buffalo being
> killed by whites in Yellowstone, than what there are Whales being killed by
> Makah. Do you think that the Dalai Lama knows what Sea Shepherd are up to?
> Who would make a fake Makah site, twisting words to make the Makah look like
> murderous pigs? (no offense to pigs intended :) Kill an Indian save a Whale
> has been a popular expression.
> If you want to follow up on who wrote the message, send an e-mail to the
> latter person... bayou@... I believe Arthur j miller wrote the piece...I
> will track him down if you can't.
> There are ways and means of saving whales. I have read too many articles and
> personnel accounts of Sea Shepherd et al to believe that they are doing good
> (regardless of their intents)
> If you give your permission, I'll send your response to the mailing list I
> got this from.
> What did Watson do at the Knee?
> I've seen just as many "smears" of the Makah, than what I have of
> Watson...in fact, if I wasn't on so many Indigenous lists, I probably would
> only see "smearing" of the Makah...newspapers, TV, radio haven't touched on
> the lies Sea Shepherd has purported.
> "Later it included many death threats, a bomb threat to a Native school, the
> harassment of Makah children, the harassment of Native people throughout the
> state of Washington and so on." I can put you in contact with some of these
> people.
> peace
> p.s. for what it's worth, I haven't made my mind up on how I feel about this
> issue. I do know the it has improved and renewed pride in the Makah people,
> as much as Sea Shepherd et al has tried to suppress it.
> pps I know there are generalisations here... don't attack them...they aren't
> meant as anything else

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[recoznet2] Y12 seeks opinions on the draft reconciliation document

1999-08-30 Thread webweave

passing this on - please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i have answered the questions, but if you want to respond also, just cut and
paste the questions 
cheers susanne
Year 12 Aboriginal Studies PAS Major Research Assignment 
My name is Marco Ranauro and as part of the successful completion of my year 12
PAS Aboriginal Studies course I'm required to complete a Major Research
Assignment.  My Assignment is focusing on the draft document for reconciliation
between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals which was created by the Council of
Aboriginal Reconciliation.  This survey is a part of my assignment so the
completion of it is much appreciated.

1.  What do you know about the Draft Document for Reconciliation?  If you
know nothing why do you think this is so?

I know about the document because i am connected to the internet and subscribe
to lists that circulate this sort of information - without email, i would be
less informed - i know people who are uninformed yet they read newspapers,
watch tv etc - If people don't know about the document which has turned into a
movement, then the government is remiss in its unbiased public ed programmes

2.  What is your understanding of the word Reconciliation?

reconciliation my definition: (check the dictionary for the differences if a
hyphen is added)
re-conciliation is a federally funded assimilationist platform, hopefully
subverted by locally devised and enacted policy and process, involving an
exchange of human understanding, resulting in mutual and individual healing, in
preparation for a mutually thriving co-existence
reconciliation is a healing process between citizens, not a political process
for governments to subvert into national documents that attempts to bind
indigenous peoples to 'british' law and custom, instead of the choice of their
own sovereign laws and traditions

3.  Why do we need a document for Reconciliation?

we don't - politicians are desperate to appear 'reconciled' with our indigenous
citizens because very soon there will be global eyes on Oz - also the
government wants to appease CERD which is complaining about the government's
ongoing genocidal practices - the colonial war is still going
we need a sovereignty movement - where all peoples, young and old are sovereign
selves who determine their own lives through choice - this document represents
late 90's assimilationist practices by individuals who are predators upon
theignorance, trust or powerlessness of many australian people

4.  Do you believe Australia needs a National Reconciliation document to
help aid reconciliation?  Why/Why not.

No - because the document is not about healing or co-existence - it is about
assimilation and more of this we don't need - it has already cost indigenous
peoples and migrants their language, culture and customs - not to mention their
lives for 7 generations so far

5.  Please circle what sources have given you information about the draft
TV/film Newspaper radio news/Current affairs other

internet and some tv but manily protest meetings and speeches at rallies etc

6.  Explain what relevance this document has for:
a)  yourself

none, other than to hopefully alert 'our' citizens to the genocidal practices
that many of 'our' population practice - but i fear that it will influence
uncritical ozians as it is the only platform funded 

b)  An Aboriginal person

you cannot reduce indigenous australia to one group - there are 66 countries in
NSW alone - homogeneity has been debunked now for decades and its failings are
well documented - everyone is different so no group usually speaks for all of
its members as consensus is a rare commodity indeed - only seen it once myself
with a group of 300 - this goes for political parties, groups, families,
schools, classes etc 
compare aden ridgway and isabell coe - both indigenous - but one is a
recognised and paid politician and one is not
- why is this so - both are doing the same thing - isabell comes from the
aboriginal tent embassy and aden from the democrats - but isabell is not given
the credibility that aden enjoys - the reason is the crux of the problem - one
system is privileged - the coloniser's system
- the debate could almost be reduced to the arguments of these two people with
additions to cover some other points not yet raised

c)  The Australian Society

it is clear that those citizens who support assimilation are publicly backing
the document
however it is equally clear that many indigenous australians and many non
indigenous australians do not support reconciliation as a political process and
certainly not as something that needs to be 'signed by anyone' - in fact,
tomorrow 1/9/99 an historic federal court case will be heard in sydney - the
'issue' - whether genocide is admissable under 'our' common law - in this
situation isabell and aden become opponents because the government will not
admit to genocidal p


1999-08-30 Thread Liam

Trudy, have you read any editorials from around the Washington state area?
Have you read the letters to the editor of sections of newspapers? Have you
noticed that Indian people don't have a voice in the area? Did you realize
that it will be ANOTHER treaty that the US has broken if they say the Makah
cannot hunt whales? (not that this makes much of an impression on the US
populace, every treaty has been broken) Does the poem suggest anything about
the supporters of Sea Shepherd? (it was posted on the "Seattle Insider
whaling forum" and was removed recently,) There are more buffalo being
killed by whites in Yellowstone, than what there are Whales being killed by
Makah. Do you think that the Dalai Lama knows what Sea Shepherd are up to?
Who would make a fake Makah site, twisting words to make the Makah look like
murderous pigs? (no offense to pigs intended :) Kill an Indian save a Whale
has been a popular expression.

If you want to follow up on who wrote the message, send an e-mail to the
latter person... bayou@... I believe Arthur j miller wrote the piece...I
will track him down if you can't.

There are ways and means of saving whales. I have read too many articles and
personnel accounts of Sea Shepherd et al to believe that they are doing good
(regardless of their intents)

If you give your permission, I'll send your response to the mailing list I
got this from.

What did Watson do at the Knee?

I've seen just as many "smears" of the Makah, than what I have of
Watson...in fact, if I wasn't on so many Indigenous lists, I probably would
only see "smearing" of the Makah...newspapers, TV, radio haven't touched on
the lies Sea Shepherd has purported.

"Later it included many death threats, a bomb threat to a Native school, the
harassment of Makah children, the harassment of Native people throughout the
state of Washington and so on." I can put you in contact with some of these


p.s. for what it's worth, I haven't made my mind up on how I feel about this
issue. I do know the it has improved and renewed pride in the Makah people,
as much as Sea Shepherd et al has tried to suppress it.

pps I know there are generalisations here... don't attack them...they aren't
meant as anything else

>Who exactly from the below wrote the smear piece? It is a very dishonest
thing to do to associate the things
>George Bush did and stood for and because he praised Paul Watson, insinuate
that Watson holds the same views
>and is guilty (by association) of what Bush did.
>To wit:
>A message from the Dalai Lama
> The natural environment sustains the life of all beings in the world.
> However, nearly everywhere these days it is undergoing extensive
> degeneration. Therefore, it is more important than ever that each of us
> makes whatever effort we can according to our capacity to ensure the
> protection, restoration and replenishment of our environment and its
> inhabitants.
> When the environment becomes damaged and polluted, there are
> many negative consequences. Oceans and lakes lose their cool and
> soothing qualities and the creatures depending on them are disturbed.
> The decline of vegetation and forest cover causes great harm not only
> around its immediate surroundings but even in far away and unrelated
> areas. Rain no longer falls when required, the soil dries and erodes,
> forest fires rage and unprecedented storms and floods arise. We all
> suffer the consequences.
> I am happy to lend my support to those who, like the
> volunteers of the Sea Shepherd Conservation
> Society, seek to protect our oceans and our fellow
> creatures like the whales who live in them.
> And it is my hope that through understanding the
> interdependence of the world and all the beings that live in it, people
> will adapt their behaviour in such ways that the potential of our
> bounteous natural realm will be nurtured and preserved.
> His Holiness The Dalai Lama
> 29 September 1998
>I guess the Dalai Lama will now be painted with the racist brush  because
he too believes in saving whales.
>It seems to me that people who write stuff like you posted are desperate to
excuse what they are doing by
>attacking others with a different viewpoint. If the Makah want to kill
whales then they should feel secure
>enough in that they don't need to turn everyone who doesn't agree with them
into racists. Disagreement is
>not racism. I think that Paul Watson, who braved the bullets at Wounded
Knee is being smeared with racism
>very unjustly. It smacks of insecurity on the part of the Makah about what
they are doing. Turning Paul
>Watson into a racist is not going to make them feel any better.
>Liam wrote:
>> From: Mike Wicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >
>> >
>> >  When I first confronted Sea Shepherd and its supporting organizations,
>> >over the issue of how they were handling their confrontation with the
>> >Makahs, I thought I was just deal

Re: [recoznet2] SMH - Moving from words to action

1999-08-30 Thread Laurie Forde

Talk about hitting the nail on the headWell said Trudy---Should be on
the  front page of all tomorrow's dailies.:)


Laurie and Desley Forde   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Trudy and Rod Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [recoznet2] SMH - Moving from words to action

>I think it is because Aden Ridgeway and Lowitja O'Donahue are better people
than Howard is and they
>therefore tend to believe he is sincere - at least in part. He can be very
convincing and his words often
>seem very reasonable. I believe it is something he has learnt to use to get
what he wants.
>Sociopaths often dupe the same people over and over again because they are
so good at it. They betray no
>doubt in what they say because they have no conscience and therefore are
very convincing.
>tim dunlop wrote:
>> I think you're right, Trudy, and I agree with Robert Manne - as per the
>> other article you posted - that we've been tricked.  Howard is the most
>> cunning and deceitful politician I know of and ANYTHING that has his
>> approval is by definition tainted and probably the opposite of what is
>> needed.  The upsetting thing is that the likes of Aden Ridgeway and
>> O'Donahue (esp the latter) are willing to go along with it.
>> Tim
>> Trudy wrote:
>> >I have marked ### the paragraph that makes wonder about the value of the
>> >'regret' and question what exactly it is that Aboriginal peoples have
>> >received from the 'compromise' - are they just pawns in
>> >"blindsiding the Labor Party" and Howard's political games?
>> > --- Trudy
>> >=
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