[Romania-News] Perjovschi pune degetul pe ranile Bucurestiului

2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali


Atitudine. Spatiul public al Capitalei, sub lupa unuia dintre cei mai
cunoscuti artisti vizuali

Perjovschi pune degetul pe ranile Bucurestiului

20 Aprilie 2010



Dan Perjovschi, ale carui desene au decorat cladiri prestigioase ale lumii
explica pentru Romania Libera cum pot fi reconsiderate punctele cheie ale
Bucurestiului si cum poate fi salvat spatiul public al orasului.


Desenele lui Dan Perjovschi, desi efemere, reali-zate mai ales in creta, au
fost vazute de sute de mii de oameni, de la americani si canadieni pana la
japonezi sau australieni. Mesajele lui sunt de actualitate si ating teme
delicate, de la politica, la razboaie sau la globalizare. Unele din
chestiunile pe care le abordeaza deseori sunt viata privata, spatiul public,
li-bertatea/ingradirea individului, publicitatea.


"Graffiti inseamna democratie"


"Partea democratica a Zidului Berlinului e cea cu graffiti, partea care nu
era pictata, era in dictatura. Asta trebuie sa gandeasca primarul Oprescu si
toti politicienii romani: graffiti inseamna democratie.


Pentru graffiti nu poti sa asiguri un spatiu special, pentru ca este ceva
care te irita, este un strigat al unor tineri care-si afirma dorinta de a
vorbi. Este un act de libertate, ar trebui pretuit. Pe de alta parte,
tag-urile apar in general pe cladiri abandonate, pe un loc neglijat de


Tin minte ca in Piata Univer-sitatii noi eram golanii si pe noi ne asociau
cu promiscuitatea, cu drogurile. Asa fac azi si cu grafferii. Mie nu-mi plac
tag-urile, nu-mi place ceva pe care cineva isi pune numele. Mie imi plac
stencil-urile, adica lucrurile care spun o poveste, au atitudine, care m-ar
putea critica pe mine sau pe Basescu. Problema este ca acum vezi un tag de
asta pe perete si te uiti cu atentie si este o reclama la un produs.


Exista o practica de rezistenta urbana - toate miscarile astea skateboard,
muzica alternativa - au aparut si au cucerit teritorii care nu li s-au dat.
Intre timp, orasul si comertul, fiind destepte, recupereaza asta si le
vinde. Romania este tara cu cele mai scumpe biciclete din lume, numai de
astea smechere. In Olanda sunt numai jafuri, aia nu-si arata statutul social
prin bicicleta cu care merg.


Se tot vorbeste de reforma edu-catiei. Pai, asta e limbajul nepotului lui
Oprescu. Oprescu poate sa-l interzica cat vrea, ca neposu' tot o sa faca
graffiti, intelegi? Ce faceti, porniti lupta cu propriii vostri nepoti? E
vorba de un tip de limbaj vizual, pentru ca totul se leaga: skateboardul
meu, t-shirtul meu si graffitul pe care il fac sunt intr-o relatie. Nu
trebuie sa se creada ca spatiul li se cuvine grafferilor, dar nici altora.
La Revolutie lumea a scris . Era un graffiti. Acum ce
faci? Dai o lege sa interzici asta?! Si pe urmatorul dictator cum il dam


Casa Poporului: "Parcul ala ingradit ar trebui sa fie public"


"Pana la urma, spatiul e unul de negociere. Nu trebuie neaparat sa facem
categorii de tipul .
Trebuie sa avem niste reguli minimale, de convietuire si discutii pe spatiul
public. Nu sunt de acord, de exemplu, ca in fata Casei Poporului sa fie
parcare. Faptul ca cineva poate sa inchirieze spatiul ala pentru mine nu
este o justificare. Acolo trebuie ca cetatenii orasului sa voteze daca vor
sau nu asa ceva in centru. E o chestie de civica. Iar parcul ala ingradit ar
trebui sa fie un parc public, e al poporului pentru ca este Casa Poporului.
Si argumentele lor sunt slabe. La Senatul american te duci pana in buza.
Cand vrei sa intri in cladire, esti controlat, dar poti sa atingi zidul cand


Ar trebui sa fie un loc public. Nu vad de ce trebuie ca eu sa platesc zeci
de kilometri inchiriati pentru dosarele CNSAS - unde se dau bani de la buget
unui privat care da spatiu pentru aceste dosare - si de ce sa nu le punem in
Casa Poporului pe gratis. O gramada de institutii stau in alte case
inchiriate cand avem Casa Poporului. Problema este ca tot ce se leaga de
istorie, de analiza unei societati si de convietuire urbana si-ar putea gasi
loc in acest spatiu, care ar trebui regandit arhitectural, cu interventii


Dar noi inca nu ne-am lamurit relatia cu istoria noastra. Nici Anca Petrescu
nu si-a lamurit-o, ea e inca mandra de opera domniei sale. Eu n-as dormi
noaptea prea usor sa stiu ca 3/4 din poporul roman a trebuit sa-si piarda
dintii sau sa faca foamea ca sa plateasca casa asta. Si apoi, sunt oameni
care au trait pe dealul ala, carora le-ai daramat casele, astia traiesc. Cum
ma duc eu, parlamentar, la lucru, cand stiu ca cineva ma blestema in fiecare


Parcari: "L-as obliga pe cel care isi parcheaza jeepul pe trotuar sa mearga
cu copilul pus in carucior"


"Cetateanul de la bloc intelege spatiul public cam asa: taie din bucata
verde ca sa-si parcheze masina. Eu il inteleg, dar si el trebuie sa

[Romania-News] O strada din Bucuresti va purta numele profesorului Liviu Librescu

2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Bucharest street to be named in honor of Romanian-American Virginia Tech
Professor Liviu Librescu

By Mark Owczarski
(540) 231-5223, maowc...@vt.edu 

 Liviu Librescu   
Liviu Librescu

BLACKSBURG, VA., April 19, 2010 -- The street in front of the new U.S.
Embassy compound in Bucharest, Romania, will be named after Virginia Tech
Professor Liviu Librescu, who sacrificed his own life to save his students
on April 16, 2007.

U.S. Ambassador to Romania Mark Gitenstein said, "Professor Librescu will
live on in our memory every day as we pass by this street named in his

Naming the street after
 Librescu was the
initiative of  
former U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Taubman who says he was profoundly moved by
the professor's courage. Taubman stated: "While he was a leader in the
school of engineering at Virginia Tech, Professor Liviu Librescu was first
and foremost a humanitarian who put the lives of his students above his own.
His name will always be a blessing and a tribute to those who perished on
April 16th, 2007." 

On April 18, 2007, then-President George W. Bush honored Librescu at a
memorial service held at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "That
day we saw horror, but we also saw quiet acts of courage. We saw this
courage in a teacher named Liviu Librescu. With the gunman set to enter his
class, this brave professor blocked the door with his body while his
students fled to safety. This Holocaust survivor gave his own life so that
others may live." 

Romanian President Traian Basescu awarded Librescu posthumously, on April
18, 2007, the National Order Star of Romania in rank of Grand Cross, the
highest Romanian honor, in recognition of the heroic sacrifice of his life
to save his students at the Virginia Tech campus. In a message of
condolences to the President of the United States, on April 17, 2007, the
Romanian President expressed, on behalf of the people of Romania, solidarity
with the grieving families of those who perished in the Virginia Tech
tragedy, and with the American people. 

Librescu was born in Ploiesti, Romania. After Romania allied with Nazi
Germany in World War II, his father, Isidore Librescu, was deported to a
labor camp in Transnistria, now in the Republic of Moldova, and later his
family was deported to a ghetto in the Romanian city of Focsani. As a boy,
he was interned in a labor camp in Transnistria, but he refused to speak
about that and those who knew him said that he was extraordinarily modest. 

After surviving the Holocaust, Librescu was repatriated to communist Romania
where he studied aerospace engineering at Bucharest Polytechnic University,
graduating in 1952 and then studying for a master's degree at the same
university. He received a Ph.D. in fluid mechanics in 1969 at the Academy of
Science of Romania. 

>From 1953 to 1975 he worked as a researcher at the Bucharest Institute of
Applied Mechanics, and later at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and the
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerospace Constructions of the Academy of
Science of Romania. His career stalled in the 1970s because he refused to
swear allegiance to the Romanian Communist Party. When Librescu requested
permission to emigrate to Israel, the Academy of Science of Romania fired

After years of government refusal, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
personally intervened to get the Librescu family an emigration permit by
directly asking Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu to let them go. They
moved to Israel in 1978. 

>From 1979 to 1986, Librescu was professor of aeronautical and mechanical
engineering at Tel Aviv University and taught at the Technion in Haifa. In
1985, he left for the United States where he served as professor at Virginia
Tech's   College of Engineering in its Department of
Engineering Science and Mechanics from Sept. 1, 1985, until his death. 

Librescu wrote several scientific books and numerous articles and received
many honors and awards. 

See related Virginia Tech News stories: 

"Student engagement center named in memory of Liviu Librescu" 

* "New
Jersey college to name Holocaust Resource Center room in honor of Virginia
Tech Professor Liviu Librescu" 

"General Electric presents $325,000 to College of Engineering"

This story was provided by Jeri Guthrie-Corn
(mailto:guthrie-co...@state.gov), Deputy Chief of Mission , U.S. Embassy

C 2010   Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

[Romania-News] World's largest land-based wind-energy development planned in Romania

2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Iberdrola Plans World's Largest Wind-Energy Complex in Romania
Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 (Bloomberg) -- Iberdrola SA plans to build 50 wind parks in Romania
in what would be the world's largest land-based wind-energy development.

Aiming to supply electricity to almost 1 million homes, the Spanish company
acquired development rights from the Romanian government to build 1,500
megawatts of capacity through 2017, its Iberdrola Renovables SA unit said
today in a statement.

In less than a decade, Bilbao-based Iberdrola expanded a Spanish wind
business into more than 10 new markets including the U.S., the U.K., Poland
and Hungary to be the world leader in low-carbon power generation from the
wind, followed by Florida-based FPL Group Inc. and China Guodian Corp. of
Beijing, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

"This permission will permit Iberdrola Renovables to develop the Dobrogea
Project, the most ambitious developed yet in the world," the company said.

Iberdrola reported an installed capacity at the end of last year of about
44,000 megawatts, of which natural gas-fired plants account for 30 percent,
renewable energy 25 percent and hydropower stations 23 percent. Iberdrola
Renovables aims to increase its installed capacity to 16,000 megawatts by
2012 from 11,294 megawatts at the end of March.

Like Florida's FPL, Iberdrola has grown to be one of the largest
investor-owned utilities partly because of rapid expansion in wind energy.
Wind and biomass are typically the cheapest sources of renewable energy and
plants using them can be built faster than large-scale solar or geothermal

--With assistance from Joao Lima in Lisbon. Editors: Paul Tobin, Randall

C2010 Bloomberg News

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2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Noua Acropola



Conferinta la Biblioteca Metropolitana Bucuresti 

Tache Ionescu nr. 4 – zona Piata Amzei) 




Arta lemnului in traditia

Marti, 20 aprilie 2010, ora 17:00 

Prezinta: Carmen Chifiriuc 


Intrarea la conferinta este libera! 














[Romania-News] Ionatan Pirosca

2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Alin Cristea

Azi, 19
aprilie 2010, are loc inmormintarea lui Ionatan Pirosca, cel mai bun 
poet pe
care l-au avut vreodata evanghelicii romani:




Poetul brailean,
membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din 2008, ne-a lasat 7 volume de poezii 
tematica crestina.


Cu fata la
cruce (1994)

Tabla inmultirii
cu cerul (1998)

Poema iubirii

dintre doua taceri (2004)

Ferestrele Imparatiei

pentru ghimpi (2007)

Trecerea prin
icoana 1 (2009)


Primele 4
volume pot fi descarcate de pe blogul lui Ionatan Pirosca:

