Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 29/05/2014 13:26, Chris Pile wrote:

Cheers Wayne,

I wouldn't have given a Pro-DOS rewrite a second thought if you hadn't
managed to reclaim
my original source disks - so thanks for that...  I think!  ;-)

On 28/05/2014 23:15, Wayne Weedon wrote:
Well done Chris.
Will take a look when I get some time this weekend.


Well frankly it's a little miracle that we were able to extract non 
corrupted data off those old floppies.  How old they were I have no idea.

Over 20 years I would imagine.


RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Stefan Drissen
Ahem... yes - just before reading this I opened the hh.cpm image as disk 1
in SimCoupe by accident and it worked...  Cheers.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Chris Pile
Sent: donderdag 29 mei 2014 14:26
Subject: Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

Hi Stefan,
> On 28/05/2014 23:37, Stefan Drissen wrote:
> Cool! Not that I’ve ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and 
> it worked instantly
> However – after skimming through the manual – how do I read from a .cpm
image (using simcoupe)?
> I opened the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy .cpm as floppy 2.
> A0>B:
> B0>DIR
> 256 entries of ?.??? files are shown
That's because drive B: is actually the left floppy - or "floppy 1" in
SimCoupé!  So you're trying to DIR a standard SAM format disk - in fact
probably the Pro-DOS boot disk.  The 256 .??? DIR entries is
standard response to an "unknown" format - as far as CP/M goes.
> B0>A:
> A0>fatread b:
> That disk doesn’t appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted.
Because it's not!  It's most likely a SAM format disk!  ;-)
The drive layout on a SAM with two floppy drives as seen by a freshly booted
Pro-DOS v2.0 is:
Drive A - Internal RAM drive
Drive B - Left-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 1 in SimCoupé) Drive
C - Right-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 2 in SimCoupé)
So to run HHGTTG if you loaded the .CPM image to "floppy 2" in SimCoupé
means you should have moved to drive C: and not drive B:  Of course you
could also use the SWAP command to switch the drives around if you so wish.
So Drive C: could be Drive A: or any other drive on your system.
Note to everyone reading this:  The manual tells you all of this...  So it's
well worth reading at least once!  ;-)
> On another note - how does it play with z88dk – which has a CPM 
> target? (which I’ve also never really used since I don’t do C, but it
fascinates me and I had some fun getting it to build).
I'm not a 'C' programmer either, so have never heard of or played with
z88dk.  However, if its target builds are generic CP/M 2.2 then I see no
reason why the builds wouldn't work.  I might have a look later and see.  I
think I could just about manage a "Hello World" program in 'C'!

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Stefan,

On 28/05/2014 23:37, Stefan Drissen wrote:
Cool! Not that I’ve ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and it 
worked instantly

However – after skimming through the manual – how do I read from a .cpm image 
(using simcoupe)?
I opened the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy .cpm as floppy 2.



256 entries of ?.??? files are shown
That's because drive B: is actually the left floppy - or "floppy 1" in SimCoupé!  So you're

trying to DIR a standard SAM format disk - in fact probably the Pro-DOS boot 
disk.  The 256
.??? DIR entries is standard response to an "unknown" format - as far 
as CP/M goes.


A0>fatread b:

That disk doesn’t appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted.
Because it's not!  It's most likely a SAM format disk!  ;-)
The drive layout on a SAM with two floppy drives as seen by a freshly booted Pro-DOS v2.0 is:
Drive A - Internal RAM drive

Drive B - Left-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 1 in SimCoupé)
Drive C - Right-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 2 in SimCoupé)
So to run HHGTTG if you loaded the .CPM image to "floppy 2" in SimCoupé means you should have

moved to drive C: and not drive B:  Of course you could also use the SWAP 
command to switch the
drives around if you so wish.  So Drive C: could be Drive A: or any other drive 
on your system.
Note to everyone reading this:  The manual tells you all of this...  So it's well worth reading

at least once!  ;-)

On another note - how does it play with z88dk – which has a CPM target? (which 
I’ve also never
really used since I don’t do C, but it fascinates me and I had some fun getting 
it to build).
I'm not a 'C' programmer either, so have never heard of or played with z88dk.  However, if its

target builds are generic CP/M 2.2 then I see no reason why the builds wouldn't 
work.  I might
have a look later and see.  I think I could just about manage a "Hello World" 
program in 'C'!


Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Marcos,

On 29/05/2014 09:31, Marcos Cruz wrote:
I have used v1.9 several times in order to try CP/M programs.  I've just
tried v2.0 with SimCoupe, following the manual step by step (except the
hardware interfaces), and it works great. The feeling is it's a
different system than v1.9, more powerful and comfortable. I find it
very impressive. Congratulations.
Thank you!  That was the feeling I was aiming for, so I'm glad you think it so!

I remember you saying you were interested in CP/M text adventures?  Well v2.0
makes playing them a whole lot smoother/slicker.  Let's face it, forget all the
office stuff - it's text adventures that CP/M was really designed for.  ;-)

I find the manual clear and detailed. But anyway I'm not a native speaker :)
That's good to know - thanks!

Thank you for all this work.
You're most welcome - we've got to keep the SAM alive!


Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Cheers Wayne,
I wouldn't have given a Pro-DOS rewrite a second thought if you hadn't managed to reclaim

my original source disks - so thanks for that...  I think!  ;-)

On 28/05/2014 23:15, Wayne Weedon wrote:
Well done Chris.
Will take a look when I get some time this weekend.

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Howard,

On 28/05/2014 22:57, Balor Price wrote:
Wow, Chris this looks exceptional.  I really wish I knew more about CP/M 
already, but the amount
of logical disks available just on SDHC cards just blew my mind.
I know what you mean - probably a little bit of overkill really! ;-)

Intriguing final comment too - you have more fun projects coming as well?  
Happy birthday Sam...
I've picked up a project I started around 16 years ago, and I'm a good

way though it.  Sadly I haven't done anything with it for a month or so
as I've kind of lost motivation really.  :-(  Need to give myself a kick
up the arse and push on to a finish!


RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread steven
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .cpm is a disk formatted to the cp/m


Best version to play with pro-dos is





From: [] On
Behalf Of Stefan Drissen
Sent: 28 May 2014 23:38
Subject: RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released


Cool! Not that I've ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and it
worked instantly J 


However - after skimming through the manual - how do I read from a .cpm
image (using simcoupe)? I opened the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .cpm
as floppy 2.





256 entries of ?.??? files are shown

256 Files, 706k free.



A0>fatread b:


That disk doesn't appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted.






On another note - how does it play with z88dk - which has a CPM target?
(which I've also never really used since I don't do C, but it fascinates me
and I had some fun getting it to build).








From: [] On
Behalf Of Chris Pile
Sent: woensdag 28 mei 2014 22:29
Subject: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released


Hi Folks,
Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS?
Well, it's now finished and Steve (SPT) has kindly provided a permanent
home for it on his Pro-DOS website.  You can grab a copy of v2.0 here:
I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and polished than
its older relative, and several areas dealing with CP/M 2.2 compatibility
have been improved.  A large portion of the rewrite was spent developing
"official" mass-storage support for the ATOM-Lite and Trinity interfaces.
Much needed attention was given to the performance and responsiveness too,
which was an area that has been begging for a kick up the arse since 1991!
There is now no reason to use Pro-DOS <= v1.9.  Pro-DOS v2.0 was designed
to supersede all previous versions, including the "unofficial" ATOM-Lite
(AL-Patch) version.  Pro-DOS v2.0 is now the "official" ATOM-Lite (CF) and
Trinity (MMC/SD/SDHC) version.
Inside the release .ZIP you will find a .DSK image and also a .PDF copy of
the user manual.  The user manual has also received a complete rewrite, so
please take the time to read it as there are a number of additional features
found in Pro-DOS v2.0 not found in previous versions.  Most of the features
will not be immediately obvious until you read the manual!
Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or grammatically
awkward.  I'm a not a user-manual author, which will become all too clear!
However, I hope the information is clear enough to introduce the additional
features Pro-DOS v2.0 has to offer over its predecessor.
Here is a list of "highlights" taken from the updated user manual:

*   Better CP/M 2.2 compatibility
*   Up to eight simultaneously visible disk drives - Drives A: through
to H:
*   CompactFlash support using the ATOM-Lite (right-hand drive bay)
*   Dual CF adapter support in the ATOM-Lite - seen as two separate
*   MMC/SD/SDHC flash support using Quazar's Trinity Ethernet Interface
*   100% compatible with the AL-Patch format used by AL-Pro-DOS v1.9
*   Pro-DOS can optionally boot from its own format 720k CP/M disks
*   If your SAM has an AL-BOOT ROM Pro-DOS can also boot from CF cards
*   Up to 64-Gigabytes (65535 logical disks) on CF/MMC/SD/SDHC cards
*   Will use any external RAM packs to provide up to four 1MB RAM Drives
*   Improved performance, with particular attention paid to screen
*   More accurate Heath/Zenith H19/Z19/DEC VT52 terminal emulation
*   Better command-line editing functions
*   Command-line can accept user areas - so DIR A4:*.COM is valid
*   Can simultaneously change drives and user areas at the command
*   MS-DOS-like command history buffer for the eight most recent
*   Retro green-screen look with funky flashing cursor - changeable of
*   Will save/restore your chosen screen colours to/from the Trinity
*   System bell sound makes a better "ding" and no longer pauses the
*   The DIR command now outputs in alphabetically sorted columns
*   Better memory use to allow v2.0 to retain v1.9's internal RAM Drive
*   A large (63238 byte) Transient Program Area for external programs 
*   The separate system files disk used by v1.9 is no longer required
*   All system files are pre-installed to the internal RAM Drive at boot
*   COPY and DUMP commands are now built-in, and not external programs 
*   All internal commands accept wildcards, including REName and COPY
*   Ability to software-swap a pair of drives, so A: can be B: and vice
*   FATREAD.COM for importing files from PC 

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Marcos Cruz
En/Je/On 2014-05-28 21:29, Chris Pile escribió / skribis / wrote :

>I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and
>polished than its older relative, 

I have used v1.9 several times in order to try CP/M programs.  I've just
tried v2.0 with SimCoupe, following the manual step by step (except the
hardware interfaces), and it works great. The feeling is it's a
different system than v1.9, more powerful and comfortable. I find it
very impressive. Congratulations.

>Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or
>grammatically awkward.

I find the manual clear and detailed. But anyway I'm not a native
speaker :)

Thank you for all this work.

Marcos Cruz