Re: One for Simon Owen re : Simcoupi

2012-07-31 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 31/07/2012 00:34, Simon Owen wrote:

On 30/07/2012 17:39, wayne wrote:

Tried to build Simcoupi on my recently aquired RPI.

There was a missing component in the SourceForge path, fixed now!  The
newer distro also simplifies things slightly, so I'll post updated
instructions when I get a chance.

In the meantime, try this updated binary built on Rasbian:

You might get the odd sound underrun reported in the console when
entering and leaving the GUI, especially if you're running it from
within X.  I've never seen the error you reported, though I misread your
message and didn't try the old binary.

OpenGL SE support is still a work in progress, but should hopefully give
a bit more speed, and options for 50Hz sync (with audio resample).


Simon..  Yep that one works, Thanks!

Sound works out the box too.   Will keep my daughter happy playing the 
Manic Miner demo anyway.

Wonder how many more ported emulators will crop other the next few 
months.   Also being a QL fan I'd like to see uQLx on there, though I 
suspect it will be rather sluggish.


Re: One for Simon Owen re : Simcoupi

2012-07-30 Thread Simon Owen
On 30/07/2012 17:39, wayne wrote:
> Tried to build Simcoupi on my recently aquired RPI.

There was a missing component in the SourceForge path, fixed now!  The
newer distro also simplifies things slightly, so I'll post updated
instructions when I get a chance.

In the meantime, try this updated binary built on Rasbian:

You might get the odd sound underrun reported in the console when
entering and leaving the GUI, especially if you're running it from
within X.  I've never seen the error you reported, though I misread your
message and didn't try the old binary.

OpenGL SE support is still a work in progress, but should hopefully give
a bit more speed, and options for 50Hz sync (with audio resample).


Re: One for Simon Owen re : Simcoupi

2012-07-30 Thread Wayne Weedon

Managed to find a link to the "sqeeze" distro hidden away on the rpi 
site and Simcoupi runs fine on that.

So seems some vital libraries have changed between squeeze and wheezy.


One for Simon Owen re : Simcoupi

2012-07-30 Thread wayne

Tried to build Simcoupi on my recently aquired RPI.

No luck from Source but then tried Simons pre-prepared Binary.

That crashes on Raspian Wheezy with the following error.

Something missing somewhere?

The error I was getting via SSH session from my Windoze PC was 
"segmentation error"

That same binary runs quite well under Puppy Linux on the Raspberry Pi 
at least.

Any pointers?
