Re: [Samba] How to share [homes] in a more flexible way?

2008-11-17 Thread Andreas Baitis
You could separate your [homes] entry into a file called 
then do:

include =

Then only the Novagroup members will get a home directory served up.

Works for me.

Regards Andreas

Dariem PĂ©rez Herrera wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Miguel Medalha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If your users are seeing folders other than their own under "homes", it
means that you made some mistake with the configuration, probably with
the path directive to homes. That is NOT the normal behavior. You still
didn't show us your [homes] entry in smb.conf...

This us my [homes] configuration:

browseable = no
writeable = yes
valid users = @UCI\NovaGroup

As you can see, I do not specify path. That's because users' homes are in the 
default location and Samba finds them without any problem. Members of NovaGroup 
are the only ones who can access their homes. For example, user Frank who 
belongs to NovaGroup, can access (read and write) the folder \\server\frank . 
The problem is that hypothetical user Jon, who doesn't belong to NovaGroup but 
is a domain user, also see a folder \\server\jon , although he cannot access 
that folder. I don't want Jon to see that folder, because nasty users like Jon 
are always complaining about a phantom folder appearing on an unknown machine 
in a department where they don't work. Did you get the idea? Solutions you have 
gave me doesn't solve my problem. Thanks anyway, but I'm still searching




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Re: [Samba] XP is very slow to access Samba

2008-05-19 Thread Andreas Baitis
I've once had a dead DNS server listed in my resolv.conf on the Samba 
server which was causing exactly this problem. The dead server was a 
local one which had had it's address changed. Try checking your listed 
DNS servers if you have any, make sure they are all alive and the server 
can access them.



from the Samba server.


Yvon Dubinsky wrote:
   I have a linux sever running it is version 2.6.20-2936.fc7xen.   
The samba version is Version 3.0.27-0.fc7.   My problem is XP and 
Windows 2k Machines connect very slow to the mapped drives.   It does 
not matter if they are connected as the IP (\\\*) or a 
mapped drive in the Windows Host file (Sambasales\*).  Has anyone else 
had these problems, and if so what did you do to fix it.   Thanks  in 


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Re: [Samba] Browsing Samba shares slow when server has no DNS access

2008-04-14 Thread Andreas Baitis

John Drescher wrote:

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Andreas Baitis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

 I've got a problem where the browsing of shares is very slow (30 sec to
open a share) if the Samba server has no access to dns servers. The result
is every time the internet goes down, no one can do any work on their local
network files. How can I stop this from happening?

One way is to install your own dns server. dnrd is very easy to
install and setup. I actually install this on most linux client
machines because it takes the load off my main dns servers. The other
way is to figure out why needing a dns name to be resolved is
happening on your local network and preventing communication between
samba and your clients.
Yes the second suggestion was my question I guess, why does the Samba 
server need to be able to resolve DNS queries for it to work properly. I 
can re-create the problem by deleting entries from resolv.conf or by 
disconnnecting the ADSL connection, so it seems the Samba server depends 
on DNS resolution to work properly. Why is this? How do I stop it?


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[Samba] Browsing Samba shares slow when server has no DNS access

2008-04-14 Thread Andreas Baitis

Hi all,

I've got a problem where the browsing of shares is very slow (30 sec to 
open a share) if the Samba server has no access to dns servers. The 
result is every time the internet goes down, no one can do any work on 
their local network files. How can I stop this from happening?



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Re: [Samba] Odd, slow Windows XP client download behavior

2008-01-05 Thread Andreas Baitis
When you browse the Samba shares, is this fast, or does it take some 
time for the shares to open in explorer?

If yes? then:
I had a problem the other day on Etch/Samba, I had an old DNS server 
that was no longer running listed in my DHCP3 set-up, having the dud DNS 
server listed was causing access to Samba shares to be very sluggish. So 
try some pings from the Samba box, and double check that it is resolving 
DNS queries properly and without any delay.

Regards Andreas

Chris wrote:

I recently set up a Samba server (3.0.24-6etch9) on my debian etch system.
While accessing its shares through 1GBit Ethernet with a Windows XP SP2
client there's some real odd behavior:

In one direction (uploading files from WinXP -> debian) the speed is just
great, no matter what, around 35MiB/s.
In the other direction (downloading a file WinXP <- debian) it idles at
around 120KiB/s which is, of course, unbearable.
Now, interestingly, when I have an upload running the former slow download
speed just explodes and is right up there at 20MiB/s (with the upload
dropping to 20MiB/s). If I stop the upload, the download retreats back to
120KiB/s instantly.

Btw, the FTP speed is fine in both directions, 30 - 50 MiB/s.

Playing around with the global settings in smb.conf brought no relief
whatsoever (TCP_NODELAY, SO_SNDBUF etc) and a different samba version
(3.0.26a-18) didn't help either.

Then, I had a friend bring over his Windows Vista machine, which accessed my
Samba share without any of the above described problems at > 30 MiB/s in
both directions.
So I decided my WinXP machine must be the main problem.

Today I thought I found the solution but it was merely a step in the right
direction (if even that):
When I disable OpLocks in the Windows Registry according to Windows KB
article 296264 (disabling them in the shares part of smb.conf has the same
effect), the download speed turns out to be 35MiB/s. But the performance is
still not satisfiable: The download speed reaches the 35MiB/s only after
some sort of delay which proved to be quite annoying because it slows down
executing files, playing movies, skipping through movies, etc. considerably.
Now again, the interesting part: This delay doesn't occur at all, when I
have an upload running at the same time. Files open instantly, I can skip
through a movie like it was on my local hard drive, etc.

Now I don't know what else to try to get my WinXP to communicate correctly
with the samba server, do you have any suggestions?

Kind regards,


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Re: [Samba] Can I limit my browsing of share between clients?

2007-12-26 Thread Andreas Baitis
You could also do a per Domain/Workgroup include of shares that only 
Machines in that Domain/Workgroup see, includes can cascade as deep as 
you like, so you could include a group file in only some of the Domain 

include = /etc/samba/include/smb.conf.per-domain.%D

then define the shares in 
/etc/samba/include/smb.conf.per-domain.domainname you would have one for 
each domain

This can also be done per user or per group

include = /etc/samba/include/smb.conf.per-user.%U

include = /etc/samba/include/smb.conf.per-group.%G


Necos Secon wrote:

Well, as part of SMB, I believe the broadcasting of shares is limited to the 
local workgroup. However, what you could do is, make the share not browseable, 
use hosts allow, and add the share as a network drive in the logon scripts. 
This is what I do at my job (without the hosts allow).


Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 00:33:39 +0100
Subject: [Samba] Can I limit my browsing of share between clients?


I have a share like this:

comments = Accounting Dep common files
browseable = yes
writable = yes
locking = no
path = /mnt/accounts
guest ok = no
hide ureadable = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
host allowed =

I wan't 'Accounts' to only be visable on the client's WORKGROUP listed in 'host 
As it is now all clients can see Accounts but only the listed IP's can use it.
If I set 'browseable=no' then nobody can see it.

Is it possible or is it of the nature of M$.


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Re: [Samba] errors when copying large directories to/from samba/windows

2007-12-15 Thread Andreas Baitis

Jeremy Allison wrote:

On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 01:12:03PM +1100, Andreas Baitis wrote:


I'm having trouble with Samba, when I copy large complex directories to my 
Samba server, the target doesn't match the source, some files seem to be 

*Stats on source(windows client) are:*

Size: 4.99 GB (5,367,477,260 bytes)

Size on disk: 5.00 GB (5,376,487,424 bytes)

Contains: 4,481 files, 281 folders

*Stats on target(Samba server) are:*

Size: 4.92 GB (5,286,067,654 bytes)

Size on disk: 4.92 GB (5,287,628,800 bytes)

Contains: 3,733 files, 281 folders

I'm thinking it might have something to do with Windows/Linux filename or 
path length incompatibility.

What Samba settings should I set to ensure this doesn't happen, and are 
there any limitations one has to adhere to with regard Windows path length 
or filename format in order to ensure directories and files are copied 

The problem happens from both XP and Vista clients, the Samba server is 
standard Debian etch. Samba 3.0.24

We'll need much more info than this I'm afraid. What
directories/files are missing ? Is it repeatable ? Have
you tried with the latest 3.0.28 release ?

Pathname limits in Samba 3.0.x are 1024 bytes for the
full pathname, 256 bytes for each component.

These limits have been removed for 3.2 and it's down
to PATH_MAX on the underlying system.


Hi Jeremy,

After doing an apt-get update/upgrade samba was updated by apt. The 
version remained the same.

The problem is now fixed.

So I'll explain further as a matter of interest, I'd like to know if it 
was in fact the update that fixed it.

Before the update, I had a look at the files in the command line on the 
server and they were all there, so it was a read/view problem rather 
than a write problem. The files were all in the same directory, and none 
of the paths or file names exceeded the limits you mention. I could not 
see any obvious/consistent differences between the files that were 
visible to the client and the files that were not??

these are some of the files that were visible:

\\server\dean\Quotes\2001 E&S trading 2.doc
\\server\dean\Quotes\2006 DSE Knox.doc

these are some of the files that were not visible:

\\server\dean\Quotes\2001 E&S trading.doc
\\server\dean\Quotes\2001A E&S trading.doc
\\server\dean\Quotes\2003 Hi Fi Supermarket.doc

The problem was repeatable and it was always the same files that were 
invisible to the client (or Samba??).

So the problem seems to be fixed now, but I'm still a little weary, as 
this server is going to be used in a production environment.

I guess I need to find out what updates Debian did to the Etch release 
of Samba recently, see if any of them fit the bill?

Thanks Jeremy

Andreas B.

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[Samba] errors when copying large directories to/from samba/windows

2007-12-14 Thread Andreas Baitis


I'm having trouble with Samba, when I copy large complex directories to 
my Samba server, the target doesn't match the source, some files seem to 
be missing.

*Stats on source(windows client) are:*

Size: 4.99 GB (5,367,477,260 bytes)

Size on disk: 5.00 GB (5,376,487,424 bytes)

Contains: 4,481 files, 281 folders

*Stats on target(Samba server) are:*

Size: 4.92 GB (5,286,067,654 bytes)

Size on disk: 4.92 GB (5,287,628,800 bytes)

Contains: 3,733 files, 281 folders

I'm thinking it might have something to do with Windows/Linux filename 
or path length incompatibility.

What Samba settings should I set to ensure this doesn't happen, and are 
there any limitations one has to adhere to with regard Windows path 
length or filename format in order to ensure directories and files are 
copied properly?

The problem happens from both XP and Vista clients, the Samba server is 
standard Debian etch. Samba 3.0.24

Thanks in advance for any help.

Andreas B.

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