Re: [Samba] PAM_WINBIND problem with sambaPwdMustChange

2009-03-13 Thread Eduardo Sachs
Hi Friends...

Now is working.

When I use the command: smbldap-usermod sachs -B 1

Smbldap-tools change only sambaPwdMustChange to 0, I will report this
for IDEALX and to group Debian.


2009/3/13 David Markey
 sambaPwdMustChange is depreciated.

 Its now calculated dynamically. sambaPwdLastSet + sambaMaxPwdAge

 If you want to force a password change set sambaPwdLastSet to 0.

 Eduardo Sachs wrote:
 Hi People!

       I use pam_winbind for authentication in my computer workstation using
 Debian Lenny 5.0, Stable Version.

       I configure my user with this option sambaPwdMustChange: 0, and I
 logon in GDM without asking to change password. Who knows what can be?

       I use Samba PDC with Heimdal Kerberos, but, I configure PAM with only
 pam_winbind for tests...

       Client versions:
       ii  libwbclient0                         2:3.2.5-4
 client library for interfacing with winbind service
       ii  samba                                2:3.2.5-4                  a
 LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix
       ii  samba-common                         2:3.2.5-4
 Samba common files used by both the server and the client
       ii  winbind                              2:3.2.5-4
 service to resolve user and group information from Windows NT

       Server versions:
       ii  samba                                2:3.2.5-4             a
 LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix

       My configuration of PAM is simple:
       auth            sufficient debug
       auth            required nullok_secure 
       account         sufficient
       account         sufficient
       account         required
       password        sufficient nullok obscure md5
       password        required
       session         optional
       session         optional
       session         optional skel=/etc/skel/ 

       Debug PAM:
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] ENTER: pam_sm_authenticate
 (flags: 0x)
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): getting password (0x0181)
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): Verify user 'sachs'
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): CONFIG file: krb5_ccache_type 'FILE'
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): enabling krb5 login flag
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): enabling request for a FILE krb5 ccache
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): user 'sachs' granted access
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): Returned user was 'sachs'
       pam_winbind(gdm:auth): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] LEAVE: pam_sm_authenticate 
 returning 0
       pam_winbind(gdm:account): user 'sachs' OK
       pam_winbind(gdm:account): user 'sachs' granted access
       pam_winbind(gdm:setcred): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] ENTER: pam_sm_setcred
 (flags: 0x0002)
       pam_winbind(gdm:setcred): PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED not implemented
       pam_winbind(gdm:setcred): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] LEAVE: pam_sm_setcred 
 returning 0

       Some configurations:
       1 - Nsswitch configure with LDAP, its work fine.

       2 - smb.conf

               workgroup = _LOCAL_
               netbios name = debian-x11
               realm = LOCAL.INT.BR
               security = domain
               wins server =
               use kerberos keytab = yes
               client use spnego = yes
               client NTLMv2 auth = yes

               bind interfaces only = yes
               interfaces = eth0, lo
               hosts allow =,

               debug level = 2
               log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
               max log size = 50
               log level = 1
               syslog = 0
               utmp = Yes

               idmap uid = 1-15000
               idmap gid = 1-15000
               template shell = /bin/bash
               template homedir = /home/users/%U
               winbind separator = +
               winbind enum users = yes
               winbind enum groups = yes
               winbind use default domain = yes

               encrypt passwords = yes
               invalid users = root
               socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 
               local master = no
               domain master = no
               dns proxy = no

               preserve case = yes
               short preserve case = no
               default case = lower
               case sensitive = no

               dos charset = cp850
               unix charset = iso8859-1
               display charset = LOCALE
               restrict anonymous = 0


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Re: [Samba] Samba PDC - Kerberised CIFS access

2009-03-13 Thread Eduardo Sachs

You used the command 'net join' to join in domain Samba PDC in M3?

My problem is when I join the M3 in domain Samba PDC (M1) with the
command 'net join', after this, I can not access the M3 using Kerberos

Other description,

Your error is [1]:
ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [1] failed to decrypt with error
Decrypt integrity check failed
ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 2 matched keytab principals
ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Bad encryption type)

My error is [23]:
ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [23] failed to decrypt with error
Decrypt integrity check failed
ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 36 matched keytab
ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Wrong principal in request)

When I delete the file /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb of M3 and restart
Samba Client of M3, will be back to work authentication Kerberos in M3
for my cifs client M4, but, is out of domain Samba PDC.

But, the problem may be related.

My english is terrible, sorry...


2009/3/12 Eduardo Sachs

 I have same problem, but, I use Domain Heimdal Kerberos, look this bug ticket:

 The developers have not yet responded.


 2009/3/11 Shahid M Shaikh
 Hi All,

 I have machine M1 hosting Samba PDC. It stores only user information.
 I have machine M2 acting as KDC server.
 I have machine M3 hosting CIFS shares and it joins into the domain hosted
 by PDC M1.
 I have machine M4 used as CIFS client.

 On M2, I have added users and cifs/host service principals for M3. Also
 added service principal in keytab file.
 I have added all the user and service principals using des-cbc-crc
 encryption triplet.

 M3 and M4 are KDC clients. I have scped the keytab file on M3 from M2.

 I have configured M3's smb.conf file to accept kerberos keytab and also for
 the kerberos realm.

       realm = SONAS.COM
       use kerberos keytab = yes
       client use spnego = yes

 From M4, I do kinit user and then try to see exported shares from M3.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# kinit domuser
 Password for
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# klist -e
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
 Default principal:

 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 03/11/09 21:36:54  03/12/09 21:36:54  krbtgt/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32

 Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
 klist: You have no tickets cached
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 Enter domuser's password:
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        -             ---
        share           Disk      test share
        IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55)
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Server               Comment
        -            ---

        Workgroup            Master
        -            ---

 It works with anonymous login. But when i try to use -k it fails. I tried
 smbclient with -k and debug level 3. I get these on console.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -d3 -L sofsedun4 -U domuser -k
 lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
 Initialising global parameters
 params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf
 Processing section [global]
 added interface eth0 ip= bcast= netmask=
 added interface eth1 ip= bcast= netmask=
 added interface eth2 ip= bcast= netmask=
 Client started (version 3.2.8-ctdb-55).
 Connecting to at port 445
 Doing spnego session setup (blob length=111)
 got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
 got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
 got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
 got principal=cifs/
 Doing kerberos session setup
 ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0] expiration
 Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:36:54 TLT
 cli_session_setup_blob: receive failed (NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE)
 SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# klist -e
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
 Default principal:

 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 03/11/09 21:36:54  03/12/09 21:36:54  krbtgt/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32
 03/11/09 21:39:15  03/12/09 21:36:54  cifs/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32

 Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0

Re: [Samba] Samba PDC - Kerberised CIFS access

2009-03-13 Thread Eduardo Sachs
I so sorry for many emails, but, is necessary:

In my case, the Samba 3.0.x does not cause this problem, only in Samba
3.2.x and 3.3.X.


2009/3/13 Eduardo Sachs
 More informations...

 Example of procedure:

 1 - M4 Access M3 with auth Kerberos:
 M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
 OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.5]
 smb: \ ls
  .                                   D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009

                48444 blocks of size 262144. 36638 blocks available
 smb: \ quit

 2 - M3 Join Samba PDC:
 M3# net join -U root
 Enter root's password:
 Joined domain _LOCAL_.

 3 - M4 Access M3 with auth Kerberos fail.
 M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
 cli_session_setup_blob: receive failed (NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE)
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

 4 - In M3, delete /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb and restart Samba Client,
 M3 is out of Domain Samba PDC because delete secrets.tdb:
 M3# /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb  /etc/init.d/samba restart

 5 - M4 to back access M3 with auth Kerberos:
 M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
 OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.5]
 smb: \ ls
  .                                   D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009

                48444 blocks of size 262144. 36638 blocks available
 smb: \ quit


 2009/3/13 Eduardo Sachs

 You used the command 'net join' to join in domain Samba PDC in M3?

 My problem is when I join the M3 in domain Samba PDC (M1) with the
 command 'net join', after this, I can not access the M3 using Kerberos

 Other description,

 Your error is [1]:
 ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [1] failed to decrypt with error
 Decrypt integrity check failed
 ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 2 matched keytab 
 ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Bad encryption type)

 My error is [23]:
 ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [23] failed to decrypt with error
 Decrypt integrity check failed
 ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 36 matched keytab
 ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Wrong principal in request)

 When I delete the file /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb of M3 and restart
 Samba Client of M3, will be back to work authentication Kerberos in M3
 for my cifs client M4, but, is out of domain Samba PDC.

 But, the problem may be related.

 My english is terrible, sorry...


 2009/3/12 Eduardo Sachs

 I have same problem, but, I use Domain Heimdal Kerberos, look this bug 

 The developers have not yet responded.


 2009/3/11 Shahid M Shaikh
 Hi All,

 I have machine M1 hosting Samba PDC. It stores only user information.
 I have machine M2 acting as KDC server.
 I have machine M3 hosting CIFS shares and it joins into the domain hosted
 by PDC M1.
 I have machine M4 used as CIFS client.

 On M2, I have added users and cifs/host service principals for M3. Also
 added service principal in keytab file.
 I have added all the user and service principals using des-cbc-crc
 encryption triplet.

 M3 and M4 are KDC clients. I have scped the keytab file on M3 from M2.

 I have configured M3's smb.conf file to accept kerberos keytab and also for
 the kerberos realm.

       realm = SONAS.COM
       use kerberos keytab = yes
       client use spnego = yes

 From M4, I do kinit user and then try to see exported shares from M3.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# kinit domuser
 Password for
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# klist -e
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
 Default principal:

 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 03/11/09 21:36:54  03/12/09 21:36:54  krbtgt/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32

 Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
 klist: You have no tickets cached
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 Enter domuser's password:
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        -             ---
        share           Disk      test share
        IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55)
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Server               Comment
        -            ---

        Workgroup            Master
        -            ---

 It works with anonymous login. But when i try to use -k it fails. I tried
 smbclient with -k and debug level 3. I get these on console.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -d3 -L sofsedun4 -U domuser -k

Re: [Samba] Samba PDC - Kerberised CIFS access

2009-03-13 Thread Eduardo Sachs
More informations...

Example of procedure:

1 - M4 Access M3 with auth Kerberos:
M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.5]
smb: \ ls
  .   D0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009
  ..  D0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009

48444 blocks of size 262144. 36638 blocks available
smb: \ quit

2 - M3 Join Samba PDC:
M3# net join -U root
Enter root's password:
Joined domain _LOCAL_.

3 - M4 Access M3 with auth Kerberos fail.
M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
cli_session_setup_blob: receive failed (NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE)
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

4 - In M3, delete /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb and restart Samba Client,
M3 is out of Domain Samba PDC because delete secrets.tdb:
M3# /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb  /etc/init.d/samba restart

5 - M4 to back access M3 with auth Kerberos:
M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.5]
smb: \ ls
  .   D0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009
  ..  D0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009

48444 blocks of size 262144. 36638 blocks available
smb: \ quit


2009/3/13 Eduardo Sachs

 You used the command 'net join' to join in domain Samba PDC in M3?

 My problem is when I join the M3 in domain Samba PDC (M1) with the
 command 'net join', after this, I can not access the M3 using Kerberos

 Other description,

 Your error is [1]:
 ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [1] failed to decrypt with error
 Decrypt integrity check failed
 ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 2 matched keytab 
 ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Bad encryption type)

 My error is [23]:
 ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [23] failed to decrypt with error
 Decrypt integrity check failed
 ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 36 matched keytab
 ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Wrong principal in request)

 When I delete the file /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb of M3 and restart
 Samba Client of M3, will be back to work authentication Kerberos in M3
 for my cifs client M4, but, is out of domain Samba PDC.

 But, the problem may be related.

 My english is terrible, sorry...


 2009/3/12 Eduardo Sachs

 I have same problem, but, I use Domain Heimdal Kerberos, look this bug 

 The developers have not yet responded.


 2009/3/11 Shahid M Shaikh
 Hi All,

 I have machine M1 hosting Samba PDC. It stores only user information.
 I have machine M2 acting as KDC server.
 I have machine M3 hosting CIFS shares and it joins into the domain hosted
 by PDC M1.
 I have machine M4 used as CIFS client.

 On M2, I have added users and cifs/host service principals for M3. Also
 added service principal in keytab file.
 I have added all the user and service principals using des-cbc-crc
 encryption triplet.

 M3 and M4 are KDC clients. I have scped the keytab file on M3 from M2.

 I have configured M3's smb.conf file to accept kerberos keytab and also for
 the kerberos realm.

       realm = SONAS.COM
       use kerberos keytab = yes
       client use spnego = yes

 From M4, I do kinit user and then try to see exported shares from M3.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# kinit domuser
 Password for
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# klist -e
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
 Default principal:

 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 03/11/09 21:36:54  03/12/09 21:36:54  krbtgt/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32

 Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
 klist: You have no tickets cached
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 Enter domuser's password:
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        -             ---
        share           Disk      test share
        IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55)
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Server               Comment
        -            ---

        Workgroup            Master
        -            ---

 It works with anonymous login. But when i try to use -k it fails. I tried
 smbclient with -k and debug level 3. I get these on console.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -d3 -L sofsedun4 -U domuser -k
 lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
 Initialising global parameters
 params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf
 Processing section [global]
 added interface eth0 ip= bcast=

Re: [Samba] Samba PDC - Kerberised CIFS access

2009-03-13 Thread Eduardo Sachs
Hi Shahid,

I so sorry, but I don't understand your collocation about your answer.

You managed to join the M3 in Samba PDC, and same time accessing it
through the Kerberos authentication? Was that?

Helmut, I so sorry!


2009/3/13 Shahid M Shaikh
 Hi Eduardo,

 Thanks much for all the information you have shared with us regarding the
 samba issue.

 I used net rpc join command to join into the domain hosted by M1.

 I was able to join to the domain successfully.

 Shahid Shaikh.

             Eduardo Sachs
             com                                                       To
                                       Shahid M Shaikh/India/i...@ibmin
             13-03-09 07:19 PM                                          cc
                             , Christian M
                             , Mathias
                                       Dietz, Ujjwal
                                       Lanjewar/India/i...@ibmin, Michael
                                       Pankaj S Zanwar/India/i...@ibmin
                                       Re: [Samba] Samba PDC - Kerberised
                                       CIFS access

 I so sorry for many emails, but, is necessary:

 In my case, the Samba 3.0.x does not cause this problem, only in Samba
 3.2.x and 3.3.X.


 2009/3/13 Eduardo Sachs
 More informations...

 Example of procedure:

 1 - M4 Access M3 with auth Kerberos:
 M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
 OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.5]
 smb: \ ls
  .                                   D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009

                48444 blocks of size 262144. 36638 blocks available
 smb: \ quit

 2 - M3 Join Samba PDC:
 M3# net join -U root
 Enter root's password:
 Joined domain _LOCAL_.

 3 - M4 Access M3 with auth Kerberos fail.
 M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
 cli_session_setup_blob: receive failed (NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE)
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

 4 - In M3, delete /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb and restart Samba Client,
 M3 is out of Domain Samba PDC because delete secrets.tdb:
 M3# /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb  /etc/init.d/samba restart

 5 - M4 to back access M3 with auth Kerberos:
 M4# smbclient //M3/publico -k
 OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.5]
 smb: \ ls
  .                                   D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Mar 11 21:04:19 2009

                48444 blocks of size 262144. 36638 blocks available
 smb: \ quit


 2009/3/13 Eduardo Sachs

 You used the command 'net join' to join in domain Samba PDC in M3?

 My problem is when I join the M3 in domain Samba PDC (M1) with the
 command 'net join', after this, I can not access the M3 using Kerberos

 Other description,

 Your error is [1]:
 ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [1] failed to decrypt with error
 Decrypt integrity check failed
 ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 2 matched keytab
 ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Bad encryption type)

 My error is [23]:
 ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [23] failed to decrypt with error
 Decrypt integrity check failed
 ads_keytab_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req failed for all 36 matched keytab
 ads_verify_ticket: krb5_rd_req with auth failed (Wrong principal in

 When I delete the file /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb of M3 and restart
 Samba Client of M3, will be back to work authentication Kerberos in M3
 for my cifs client M4, but, is out of domain Samba PDC.

 But, the problem may be related.

 My english is terrible, sorry...


 2009/3/12 Eduardo Sachs

 I have same problem, but, I use Domain Heimdal Kerberos, look this bug

 The developers have not yet responded.


 2009/3/11 Shahid M Shaikh
 Hi All,

 I have machine M1 hosting Samba PDC. It stores only user information.
 I have machine M2 acting as KDC server.
 I have machine M3 hosting CIFS shares and it joins into the domain
 by PDC M1.
 I have machine M4 used as CIFS client.

 On M2, I have added users and cifs/host service principals for M3.
 added service principal in keytab file.
 I have added all the user and service principals using des-cbc-crc
 encryption triplet.

 M3 and M4 are KDC clients. I have scped the keytab file on M3 from M2.

 I have configured M3's smb.conf

Re: [Samba] Samba PDC - Kerberised CIFS access

2009-03-12 Thread Eduardo Sachs

I have same problem, but, I use Domain Heimdal Kerberos, look this bug ticket:

The developers have not yet responded.


2009/3/11 Shahid M Shaikh
 Hi All,

 I have machine M1 hosting Samba PDC. It stores only user information.
 I have machine M2 acting as KDC server.
 I have machine M3 hosting CIFS shares and it joins into the domain hosted
 by PDC M1.
 I have machine M4 used as CIFS client.

 On M2, I have added users and cifs/host service principals for M3. Also
 added service principal in keytab file.
 I have added all the user and service principals using des-cbc-crc
 encryption triplet.

 M3 and M4 are KDC clients. I have scped the keytab file on M3 from M2.

 I have configured M3's smb.conf file to accept kerberos keytab and also for
 the kerberos realm.

       realm = SONAS.COM
       use kerberos keytab = yes
       client use spnego = yes

 From M4, I do kinit user and then try to see exported shares from M3.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# kinit domuser
 Password for
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# klist -e
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
 Default principal:

 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 03/11/09 21:36:54  03/12/09 21:36:54  krbtgt/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32

 Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
 klist: You have no tickets cached
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -L sofsedun4 -U domuser
 Enter domuser's password:
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        -             ---
        share           Disk      test share
        IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55)
 Anonymous login successful
 Domain=[VSOFS1.COM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8-ctdb-55]

        Server               Comment
        -            ---

        Workgroup            Master
        -            ---

 It works with anonymous login. But when i try to use -k it fails. I tried
 smbclient with -k and debug level 3. I get these on console.

 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# smbclient -d3 -L sofsedun4 -U domuser -k
 lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
 Initialising global parameters
 params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf
 Processing section [global]
 added interface eth0 ip= bcast= netmask=
 added interface eth1 ip= bcast= netmask=
 added interface eth2 ip= bcast= netmask=
 Client started (version 3.2.8-ctdb-55).
 Connecting to at port 445
 Doing spnego session setup (blob length=111)
 got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
 got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
 got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
 got principal=cifs/
 Doing kerberos session setup
 ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0] expiration
 Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:36:54 TLT
 cli_session_setup_blob: receive failed (NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE)
 SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
 [r...@sofsedun3 ~]# klist -e
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
 Default principal:

 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 03/11/09 21:36:54  03/12/09 21:36:54  krbtgt/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32
 03/11/09 21:39:15  03/12/09 21:36:54  cifs/
        renew until 03/11/09 21:36:54, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
 CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32

 Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
 klist: You have no tickets cached

 On M3, I have enabled smbd logs with debug level 10. The corresponding
 errors for the above behavior are:

 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(1361)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 26858) conn 0x0
 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(324)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(1409)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc801
 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3]
  Doing spnego session setup
 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3]
  NativeOS=[Unix] NativeLanMan=[Samba] PrimaryDomain=[]
 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_negotiate(800)
  reply_spnego_negotiate: Got secblob of size 466
 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3]
  ads_secrets_verify_ticket: enc type [1] failed to decrypt with error
 Decrypt integrity check failed
 [2009/03/11 21:58:54,  3]

[Samba] PAM_WINBIND problem with sambaPwdMustChange

2009-03-12 Thread Eduardo Sachs
Hi People!

I use pam_winbind for authentication in my computer workstation using
Debian Lenny 5.0, Stable Version.

I configure my user with this option sambaPwdMustChange: 0, and I
logon in GDM without asking to change password. Who knows what can be?

I use Samba PDC with Heimdal Kerberos, but, I configure PAM with only
pam_winbind for tests...

Client versions:
ii  libwbclient0 2:3.2.5-4
client library for interfacing with winbind service
ii  samba2:3.2.5-4  a
LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix
ii  samba-common 2:3.2.5-4
Samba common files used by both the server and the client
ii  winbind  2:3.2.5-4
service to resolve user and group information from Windows NT

Server versions:
ii  samba2:3.2.5-4 a
LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix

My configuration of PAM is simple:
authsufficient debug nullok_secure use_first_pass
account sufficient
account sufficient
passwordsufficient nullok obscure md5
session skel=/etc/skel/ 

Debug PAM:
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] ENTER: pam_sm_authenticate
(flags: 0x)
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): getting password (0x0181)
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): Verify user 'sachs'
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): CONFIG file: krb5_ccache_type 'FILE'
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): enabling krb5 login flag
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): enabling request for a FILE krb5 ccache
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): user 'sachs' granted access
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): Returned user was 'sachs'
pam_winbind(gdm:auth): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] LEAVE: pam_sm_authenticate 
returning 0
pam_winbind(gdm:account): user 'sachs' OK
pam_winbind(gdm:account): user 'sachs' granted access
pam_winbind(gdm:setcred): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] ENTER: pam_sm_setcred
(flags: 0x0002)
pam_winbind(gdm:setcred): PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED not implemented
pam_winbind(gdm:setcred): [pamh: 0x88bcf70] LEAVE: pam_sm_setcred 
returning 0

Some configurations:
1 - Nsswitch configure with LDAP, its work fine.

2 - smb.conf

workgroup = _LOCAL_
netbios name = debian-x11
realm = LOCAL.INT.BR
security = domain
wins server =
use kerberos keytab = yes
client use spnego = yes
client NTLMv2 auth = yes

bind interfaces only = yes
interfaces = eth0, lo
hosts allow =,

debug level = 2
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
log level = 1
syslog = 0  
utmp = Yes

idmap uid = 1-15000
idmap gid = 1-15000
template shell = /bin/bash
template homedir = /home/users/%U
winbind separator = +
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
winbind use default domain = yes

encrypt passwords = yes
invalid users = root
local master = no
domain master = no
dns proxy = no

preserve case = yes
short preserve case = no
default case = lower
case sensitive = no

dos charset = cp850
unix charset = iso8859-1
display charset = LOCALE
restrict anonymous = 0

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Re: [Samba] Kerberos authentication for non-windows KDCs

2008-03-15 Thread Eduardo Sachs
Hash: SHA1


It's only for Linux clients (smb clients), but, Windows can join in
Domain Kerberos.

Look this page how you configuring your Windows for join in Domain

In this configuration your Windows be out Domain Samba, but, you can
authenticate via Kerberos your access in shares Samba (\\server\share).

My english is very terrible, I so sorry!


Asier Baranguán escreveu:
 Eduardo Sachs escribió:
 Hash: SHA1

 Hi Wes!

 Look this howto about Kerberized OpenLDAP, Samba PDC and Squid:

 But, it's only portuguese   :(

 AFAIK this setup serves well with samba clients connecting to samba
 servers. Windows clients joined to the domain don't seem to benefit from
 this kind of setup.
 ¿Am I ok?

- --
Eduardo Sachs
(51) 9262-3803
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [Samba] Kerberos authentication for non-windows KDCs

2008-03-11 Thread Eduardo Sachs
Hash: SHA1

Hi Wes!

Look this howto about Kerberized OpenLDAP, Samba PDC and Squid:

But, it's only portuguese   :(


Wes Modes escreveu:
 I was told recently that Kerberos authentication won't work against a
 non-windows KDC.  Is that accurate?  So for instance, it is not possible
 for Samba running on say RHEL, to authenticate against a Linux server
 running MIT Kerberos?
 Additionally, many people said that setting this up was
 well-documented.  Any suggestions of particularly good docs / how-to's?'
 And lastly, is there anyone here currently who's set up both Kerberos
 authentication AND an OpenLDAP user/group data repository for their
 Samba server?

- --
Eduardo Sachs
(51) 9262-3803
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [Samba] Samba to Kerberos via OpenLDAP

2008-03-08 Thread Eduardo Sachs
Hash: SHA1

Wes Modes,

Look this howto about Kerberized OpenLDAP, Samba PDC and Squid:

But, it's only portuguese :(


Wes Modes escreveu:
 First, I'll just say this is a question principally about the arcane
 mysteries of Samba to OpenLDAP authentication.
 I've had Samba to OpenLDAP authentication running for a while now using
 the samba.schema and the ldapsam module.  Now I'd like to understand a
 bit more about how that works in order to take it a step further and get
 openLDAP to bind against a Kerberos database via SASL.
 An aside;  Yes, I'd heard that Samba can be configured to authenticate
 against Kerberos directly, but for my own reasons, I'd prefer that Samba
 talk only to OpenLDAP, and OpenLDAP can do the authentication.  I'll
 fall back on the Samba to Kerberos direct route if I can't find a way to
 do what I want.
 I've noted that the Samba schema and smbldap-tools add to the user
 record two Samba specific password fields,  sambaNTPassword and
 If I have the ldapsam module specified as the passdb backend in
 smb.conf, is OpenLDAP merely storing the samba passwords while Samba
 does the password comparisons?  Or does OpenLDAP do the authentication
 and return a yes or no?
 Is it possible to have Samba defer authentication to OpenLDAP?  If so, I
 can have OpenLDAP use the {SASL} method to do authentication via kerberos.

- --
Eduardo Sachs
(51) 9262-3803
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [Samba] Missing Heimdal, Kerberos, Samba and OpenLdap how-to

2007-08-05 Thread Eduardo Sachs


   I made this script for integration of Samba + Heimdal + SASL + 
OpenLDAP for ONLY Debian Etch 4.

   I edited smbldap-useradd and smbldap-passwd for the password to fix 

   I tested this script, more than 50 times, its perfect.

   The script is in annex.

   I so sorry for my terrible english.

   Please, let me know its suggestions.

Andrew Bartlett wrote:

On Fri, 2007-08-03 at 22:29 +0200, Marcello De Geronimo wrote:

i'm looking for this how-to, often referenced but no more available:

Is there anywhere an how-to about integrating Heimdal, Kerberos, Samba 
and OpenLdap?

In short, see smbk5pwd if you want to have the LDAP server update the
passwords, and Heimdal 1.0 (0.8 and above) will read Samba password
entries as kerberos keys.

I know the howto did get reposted somewhere, but I never kept enough
track of it, but can help you though the setup (as can the heimdal
mailing list). 

Andrew Bartlett

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[Samba] Kerberizing Samba PDC

2007-02-24 Thread Eduardo Sachs


I used Heimdal Kerberos+LDAP, but, I want add samba pdc on my kerberos.

My system: Debian Sarge, I used apt-get backports for upgrade samba 3.0.23c.


I made principals and keytabs for my samba pdc,

In server Kerberos:

kadmin add -random-key cifs/sambapdc

Max ticket life [1 day]:

Max renewable life [1 week]:

Principal expiration time [never]:

Password expiration time [never]:

Attributes []:

kadmin ext_key cifs/sambapdc


I transfer keytab for my samba pdc:

In server Kerberos:

# ktutil -k krb5.keytab get cifs/sambapdc

# scp krb5.keytab sambapdc:/etc/


In client:

# smbclient //sambapdc/homes -k 

(note, I used -k)


I receive this error:

session setup failed: Call returned zero bytes (EOF)


And my logs samba:


[2007/02/24 12:06:03, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(41)


[2007/02/24 12:06:03, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(42)

  INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 1901 (3.0.23c)

  Please read the Trouble-Shooting section of the Samba3-HOWTO

[2007/02/24 12:06:03, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(44)



[2007/02/24 12:06:03, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(45)


[2007/02/24 12:06:03, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1592)

  PANIC (pid 1901): internal error

[2007/02/24 12:06:03, 0] lib/util.c:log_stack_trace(1699)

  BACKTRACE: 20 stack frames:

   #0 /usr/sbin/smbd(log_stack_trace+0x23) [0x822ce53]

   #1 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x48) [0x822ccd8]

   #2 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x821a9fc]

   #3 /lib/ [0x4035c825]

   #4 /lib/ [0x401ca678]

   #5 /usr/lib/ [0x400aa2cc]

   #6 /usr/lib/ [0x400a9d4c]

   #7 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x82ad876]

   #8 /usr/sbin/smbd(ads_verify_ticket+0x81d) [0x82ae67d]

   #9 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80be6b3]

   #10 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80bf805]

   #11 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80bff34]

   #12 /usr/sbin/smbd(reply_sesssetup_and_X+0xfb7) [0x80c1247]

   #13 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80e985f]

   #14 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80e9a84]

   #15 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80e9ca2]

   #16 /usr/sbin/smbd(smbd_process+0x155) [0x80eab85]

   #17 /usr/sbin/smbd(main+0x92e) [0x82c221e]

   #18 /lib/ [0x401b6e36]

   #19 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80829d1]

[2007/02/24 12:06:03, 0] lib/fault.c:dump_core(173)

  dumping core in /var/log/samba/cores/smbd




Sorry, my english is sucks, but, I need help!


Thanks for all 


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