Re: [Samba] compile on solaris 64bit, static winbind

2009-10-08 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 07:13:40AM +0200, Dirk Jakobsmeier wrote:
 Dirk == Dirk Jakobsmeier writes:

Dirk Hello Eric, yes me again,

 because several CFLAGS where missing in Makefile like:

 bin/smbd: $(BINARY_PREREQS) $(SMBD_OBJ) bin/
 bin/ bin/ @echo Linking $@ @$(CC) -o $@

 No CFLAGS where set. So after adding them to every single line
 in Makefile i just added CFLAGS to LDFLAGS (they are used in
 every CC line). Then after copying libtalloc and libtdb
 manually to destination direcotry and trying smbstatus i got: smbstatus: fatal: relocation error: R_AMD64_PC32: file
 /usr/local/samba/lib/ symbol main: value
 0x2800148234f does not fit

 This error is with all shared libraries i use when i compiled
Dirk binaries.
 So I have to use static version of samba. Or do you have any
 tip how to work around this problem. The solaris 64bit
 installation has got both, 32bit and 64bit libraries. Perhaps
 this is the problem.

Dirk i've found the problem after concentrating me on the
Dirk relocation problem. I've found an article related on gcc and
Dirk solaris ld and shared libraries. The option -G (shared libs
Dirk using gcc) does not tell the solaris (/usr/ccs/bin/ld)
Dirk linker to use share libraries. I have to change this options
Dirk in the Makefile to -fPIC -shared and then samba compiles
Dirk using shared libs. So now i will go on with my tests and
Dirk will tell the list if everythink works.

Dirk Thank you for opening my mind to search for the problem with
Dirk the shared libraries.

Another hint I can give you when you are building a 64 bit Samba is to
specify the necessary CFLAGS, LDFLAGS when  you run configure.

Here's how I run configure when building with the gcc compiler.

I create a small shell script called 'myconfigure'

cat myconfigure
CC='gcc' CXX=g++ \
CPPFLAGS='-D__EXTENSIONS__ -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/openldap/include 
-I/usr/local/sasl/include -I/usr/local/kerberos/include 
-I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/include -I/usr/local/openssl/include' \
CFLAGS='-g -m64' \
LDFLAGS='-L/opt/corp/local/samba/lib -R/opt/corp/local/samba/lib 
-R\$$ORIGIN/../lib' \
../source/configure \
--prefix=/opt/corp/local/samba \
--with-libiconv=/usr/local \
--with-readline=/usr/local \
--with-ldap \
--with-krb5=/usr/local/kerberos \
--with-ads \
--with-automount \
--with-libsmbclient \
--with-acl-support \

You will obviously need to adapt this for your own environment, but I
think you get the idea. You can remove the -R\$$ORIGIN/../lib. I put
all the shared libraries I need in the samba lib directory. That's
there in case I want to run samba from another location.

If you are using the Sun Studio compiler, here's a slightly different
configuration of samba. The relevant changes are for CC and CFLAGS

CC='cc' CXX=CC \
CFLAGS='-g -xarch=v9a' \

CC='cc' CXX=CC \
CPPFLAGS='-D__EXTENSIONS__ -I/usr/local/include' \
CFLAGS='-g -xarch=v9a' \
LDFLAGS='-L/opt/corp/local/samba/lib -R/opt/corp/local/samba/lib 
-L/usr/local/lib/sparcv9 -R/usr/local/lib/sparcv9 -L/usr/local/lib 
-R/usr/local/lib' \
../source/configure \
--with-libiconv=/usr/local \
--with-readline=/usr/local \
--enable-debug \

One important point is that you need to make sure that the -L and -R
switches are pointing to locations that have 64bit instead of 32bit

Good luck.

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Re: [Samba] compile on solaris 64bit, static winbind

2009-10-07 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 03:10:16PM +0200, Dirk Jakobsmeier wrote:
 Dirk == Dirk Jakobsmeier writes:

Dirk Hello, i got many problems in compiling a working samba to
Dirk use in our environment.

Dirk - solaris 10 on amd64 sun hardware
Dirk - version above 3.3.0 because of one of our applications
Dirk - samba as memeber server in active directory because of
Dirk   usermanagement on
Dirk windows 2003
Dirk - 64-bit samba because of many many open files
Dirk - static libraries because of relocation error: R_AMD64_PC32
Dirk   with shared ones
Dirk (espacially
Dirk - non compiling static libwbclient because of
Dirk   shared-libraries-disabled not
Dirk found (SHLD=shared-libraries-disabled in Makefile)
Dirk - found comment about different handling on libwbclient
Dirk   (samba distribution)
Dirk and libtalloc (system os)

Dirk result is a nearly perfect working environment (even net
Dirk join ads -w DOMAIN -U Administrator) but non working
Dirk winbindd so no passwords from AD

Dirk Could anyone give us a hint to make this working, because
Dirk after some weeks of testing and searching via internet my
Dirk brain got absolutely blank.

I haven't had any problem building Samba 64-bit for Solaris Sparc. It
might be helpful to see the output from make or from running the
binary to see what is going wrong. 

It's often the case that you need to sed LD_LIBRARY_PATH or
LD_RUN_PATH or otherwise specify where executables can find the shared

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Re: [Samba] Confusing behavior of hosts allow/hosts deny in Samba 3.0.28/3.2.4

2008-11-06 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 10:58:43PM -0800, Jeremy Allison wrote:
 Jeremy == Jeremy Allison [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mike == Mike Gallamore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eric Example 4: allow only hosts in NIS netgroup foonet, but deny
Eric access from one particular host

Eric hosts allow = @foonet

Eric hosts deny = pirate

Eric This doesn't mention that every host but pirate will have
Eric access, not just those in @foonet.

Eric I see this as a bug but I wonder if I am missing something.

Jeremy I agree it's counter intuitive, but it does match the man
Jeremy pages for hosts.allow and hosts.deny, which the original
Jeremy code was based on.

[excerpt from host_access manpages deleted]

JeremyA non-existing access control file is treated as if
Jeremy it were an empty file. Thus, access control
Jeremy can be turned off by providing no access control files.

Jeremy So having a hosts allow but no hosts deny means the
Jeremy hosts deny is treated as an empty file (default deny I
Jeremy think). Once you define a hosts deny then the default
Jeremy changes to allow, if you only want to restrict access to
Jeremy a specific hosts list then don't define a hosts deny,
Jeremy just a hosts allow. I guess the issue is you really
Jeremy don't need to have both defined (maybe we should log a
Jeremy warning in this case that the results may not be what you
Jeremy would expect).

In a later message:

Mike I think something like a sudoers file would make since, ie
Mike no one gets access unless they are on the list. Suggestion:
Mike Perhaps host allow should be the only option. If access
Mike controls are enabled, people only get access if the host
Mike allow field is defined and if their name is on the list.

Jeremy Trouble is that would break existing setups. Nope, best
Jeremy thing we can do is add a warning (IMHO).

I agree that changing behavior of hosts deny and host access would
break too many existing setups.

However, I would like to suggest the following:

1. Eliminate or correct Example 4 from the documentation. Perhaps add
   an example using EXCEPT. That's what I determined I needed because
   I wanted to exclude hosts that were in the 'hosts allow' netgroup

   I think what Example 4 should be
   Example 4: allow only hosts in NIS netgroup foonet, but deny
   access from one particular host

   hosts allow = @foonet EXCEPT pirate

2. Add a warning or note that defining both 'hosts allow' and 'hosts deny'
   will lead to allowing everyone not in 'hosts deny'. That is, more
   hosts than those in 'hosts allow' will be allowed.

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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[Samba] Confusing behavior of hosts allow/hosts deny in Samba 3.0.28/3.2.4

2008-11-04 Thread Eric Boehm
I saw some unexpected behavior in the interaction of hosts allow and
hosts deny on Samba 3.0.28. I built Samba 3.2.4 just to be sure it
wasn't something that had been fixed. I saw the same behavior.

I'm not sure if it is a bug or a failure on my part to
understand the documentation or misleading documentation.

If I have a share defined as

comment = exported storage
path= /export
# admin users   = boehm
hosts allow = boehm-1
hosts deny  = boehm-3
oplocks = no
level2 oplocks  = no
guest ok= no
create mask = 0775
directory mask  = 0775
map archive = no
writeable   = yes

Then host boehm-1 has access and boehm-3 is denied access. The odd
part is that every other host now has access as well (e.g., boehm-2)

Now, if I had only hosts allow and no hosts deny, only host boehm-1
would have access.

 hosts allow= boehm-1
 # hosts deny   = boehm-3

The confusing part, to me, was that adding hosts deny for a single
host suddenly opened up the share to every host that wasn't in
hosts deny, regardless as to whether they were in hosts allow.

The man page for smb.conf has an example for both hosts allows and
hosts deny

 Example 4: allow only hosts in NIS netgroup foonet,
 but deny access from one particular host

 hosts allow = @foonet

 hosts deny = pirate

 Note Note that access still requires suitable user-level

 See testparm(1) for a way of testing your host access to
 see if it does what you expect.

This doesn't mention that every host but pirate will have access, not
just those in @foonet.

I see this as a bug but I wonder if I am missing something.

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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Re: [Samba] Eficient method to run [net time \\server] on logon script with winxp+domain ?

2008-10-14 Thread Eric Boehm
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 01:00:59PM -0600, Jeff Ross wrote:
 Jeff == Jeff Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

f Bruno La Torre wrote:
 hamacker ha scritto:
 I can not find any element inside gpedit to change that.  Do
 you know, what element I can change that ?
 hamacker ha scritto:
 Any eficient method to run [net time \\server] on logon
 script with winxp+domain ?
 configuration computer windows settings protection settings
 local settings set right user set change time
 sorry for my traslation.

This might be slightly off topic but is there some reason you don't
use NTP instead. More accurate, less overhead, less maintenance.

You could set up the Samba server(s) as NTP time servers for your
local subnet and run

net time /setsntp:ntp server list just once and you would be good to
go. You wouldn't need to worry about time after that.

Jeff By co-incidence I've just been looking into this myself.

Jeff I found this article most helpful:


Jeff If I use INTERACTIVE as suggested, my netlogon script is
Jeff able to sync the time to the samba server.  Non-privledged
Jeff users are not able to set the time at the toolbar clock,
Jeff though.

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Re: [Samba] static libgcc issue on solaris 8

2008-09-29 Thread Eric Boehm
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 09:40:04AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Vincent ==   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Vincent Hello all,

Vincent little question. Has somebody already compiled samba on
Vincent SunOS 5.8 because I cannot statically link libgcc
Vincent libraries.

Vincent I already tried gcc -static-libgcc, added -lgcc_s to
Vincent LIBS variable but always the same result.

Vincent Below resulted compiled binary ..

Vincent # ldd bin/ntlm_auth
Vincent =/usr/lib/
Vincent =  /usr/lib/
Vincent =/usr/lib/
Vincent =   /usr/lib/
Vincent =/usr/lib/
Vincent =/usr/lib/
Vincent = /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =   /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =  /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =  /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =   /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =  /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =  /usr/local/lib/
Vincent = /usr/lib/
Vincent =/usr/lib/
Vincent = /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =   /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =   /usr/lib/
Vincent = /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =   /usr/local/lib/
Vincent =/usr/local/lib/
Vincent /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210/lib/

Vincent Is there something special with SunOs that I should know
Vincent to make my compilation work successfully ??

Vincent Can somebody help me because I absolutely need these
Vincent binaries statically linked with libgcc libraries ?

Why do you 'absolutely need' the binaries statically linked? That is
strongly discouraged for Solaris.

I think your best option is to use the -R switch when linking so that
it includes /usr/local/lib (-R/usr/local/lib)

If the libgcc libraries aren't in /usr/local/lib on whichever machines
you are running samba on, then put copies of the library in the Samba
lib directory and use -R/usr/local/samba/lib or -R/your/path/to/samba/lib

That's what I due for the kerberos, ldap, ssl, sasl libraries. It does
make the samba install bigger but I don't have to worry about all of
these packages being installed on the system where I want to run

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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Re: [Samba] Is there a maximum number of shares samba can serve?

2008-03-14 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 06:40:49PM +0100, Volker Lendecke wrote:
 Volker == Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Volker On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 03:03:24PM +0100, Marcello Romani
Volker wrote:
 I am being asked to determine the feasibility of serving
 hundreds (300-400) of directories as individual shares instead
 of sharing a single parent directory.

Volker There is no limit in the number of shares Samba can serve.
Volker If you list them all in smb.conf, you will however see
Volker increased memory usage, because all share definitions are
Volker loaded individually in all smbd processes. A single share
Volker definition takes around 3k (we're working on reducing
Volker that).  So multiply the number of shares defined with the
Volker number of concurrent clients and you might see some memory
Volker footprint.

Thanks, but I don't think it is going to meet my needs. I see no way
to define 'hosts allow' or 'valid users' for a user share. I know I
could use a template but that wouldn't allow me to change it for
different shares. 

It was a little tricky defining the shares. Apparently, you can't
define an ACL without a comment and defining the ACL didn't work as I

net usershare add archive /localdisk/software/archive test  

net usershare info
usershare_acl=Unix User\boehm:F,Unix User\julieb:R

I wasn't expecting 'Unix User\boehm'. Looking at net_usershare.c, it
looks like I am expected to provide an SID for the user. I don't
normally run winbindd.

I guess I will just have to live with the overhead.

What would happen if I created the usershare data file manually
instead of using the 'net usershare add' command? For example, adding
'hosts allow' or 'valid users' to the file created by the 'net
usershare add' command?

Volker So if you want to go REALLY large, in the order of
Volker thousands, you might want to look at the user shares. If
Volker the configuration options you can set in the user shares
Volker are sufficient for your needs, then these are much more
Volker memory-efficient because the definitions are only loaded
Volker in smbd on demand.

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[Samba] Is there a maximum number of shares samba can serve?

2008-03-13 Thread Eric Boehm
I am being asked to determine the feasibility of serving hundreds
(300-400) of directories as individual shares instead of sharing a single
parent directory.

Personally, I don't think this is a good idea. Clients will go from
having a single connection to a single share to 50-300 connections to
multiple shares. That can't be good for performance or load.

I've searched the mailing list, the web, the documentation, the wiki
and the source code. I haven't been able to determine the maximum, if
any. Of course, I may have missed it. Feel free to point me to the
correct documentation or source file.

I've seen some references that you can't have either more than 145 or
165 shares per samba server.

However, if there is anyone running such a large number of shares and
has advice, I am happy to listen.

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Re: [Samba] Is there a maximum number of shares samba can serve?

2008-03-13 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 03:03:24PM +0100, Marcello Romani wrote:
 Marcello == Marcello Romani [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marcello Eric Boehm ha scritto:
 I am being asked to determine the feasibility of serving
 hundreds (300-400) of directories as individual shares instead
 of sharing a single parent directory.

Marcello Hi, I found some docs about this smb.conf parameter:

Marcello usershare max shares

Marcello which specifies the maximum number of shares that the
Marcello samba admin will allow non-root users to create via the
Marcello command

Marcello net usershare add

Marcello ( read for example
Marcello )

Yes, I saw that but it wasn't much comfort. We don't have users
creating shares in our environment but I understand your reasoning. 

I have a suspicion that the limit was set to a large value on the
premise it would be unlikely that users would ever create that many

Marcello The example value given in the docs for the usershare
Marcello max shares parameter is 100, which makes me think that a
Marcello samba server should cope with a number of shares in the
Marcello hundreds.

Marcello I know it's not much, but I HTH nonetheless.

My primary concern is the the number of clients connections would
increase dramatically.

If I have 50 clients with one connection (one share) now, that's 50

This could increase to 300*50 connections. Granted, not every client
will be active on every share at the same time but I could easily see
that I could go from 1 to 10 connections per client.

I am interested in knowing or at least estimating how Samba might
perform under these conditions.

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Re: [Samba] Is there a maximum number of shares samba can serve?

2008-03-13 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:56:47AM -0400, Charles Marcus wrote:
 Charles == Charles Marcus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Charles On 3/13/2008, Eric Boehm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 If I have 50 clients with one connection (one share) now,
 that's 50 connections.
 This could increase to 300*50 connections. Granted, not every
 client will be active on every share at the same time but I
 could easily see that I could go from 1 to 10 connections per
 I am interested in knowing or at least estimating how Samba
 might perform under these conditions.

Charles It might be better if you define the problem and/or goal
Charles first...

Charles *Why* dod you need 300+ shares? Maybe there's a better
Charles way to do it? For example, you could define one (or a
Charles few) shares, then using a combination of permissions and
Charles the 'hide unreadable' setting, users will only see the
Charles folders that they have access rights to...

We currently use Samba as an Interop environment for IBM/Rational

The desire is control access to each ClearCase VOB individually. There are
anywhere from 100-400 VOBs on each server. Normal UNIX permissions of
owner, group and world are insufficient. In addition, there is a need
to restrict access by hostname as well as user.

I don't think permissions and hide unreadable will help with access by

We have a concurrent problem with restricting NFS access relating to
how large the export file can be and how many NFS mounts a client can
make. It is likely that we will have to back off to the level of
filesystems or higher in the directory tree.

For example, we have


The current method is to define the share

path = /export

One proposal is to use

path = /export/vobstore/disk1/proj1/VOBa
path = /export/vobstore/disk1/proj1/VOBb


This is not going to work for NFS so we may back off to

path = /export/vobstore/disk1
path = /export/vobstore/disk2


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[Samba] Samba 3.0.26a generating 'Failed to parse RR/answer record'

2007-10-30 Thread Eric Boehm
I upgraded from Samba-3.0.20a to Samba-3.0.26a.

I am now seeing in my logs

  resolve_ads: Attempting to resolve DC's for CORP.NORTEL.COM using DNS
[2007/10/30 09:03:35, 4, pid=1482] ../source/libads/dns.c:ads_dns_lookup_srv(356
  ads_dns_lookup_srv: 22 records returned in the answer section.
[2007/10/30 09:03:35, 1, pid=1482] ../source/libads/dns.c:ads_dns_parse_rr_srv(1
  ads_dns_parse_rr_srv: Failed to parse RR record
[2007/10/30 09:03:35, 1, pid=1482] ../source/libads/dns.c:ads_dns_lookup_srv(387
  ads_dns_lookup_srv: Failed to parse answer record!
[2007/10/30 09:03:35, 8, pid=1482] ../source/libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1505

Increasing debugging level to 10 didn't shed any light.

I did build 3.0.20a about 2 years ago using different versions of SSL,
SASL, LDAP, MIT Kerberos.

Any suggestions how to track down the real problem or should I submit
this through

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Re: [Samba] Write access to one user and Read-Only for anyother

2007-06-20 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 11:53:59AM -0300, Maginot Junior wrote:
 Maginot == Maginot Junior [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Maginot the problem is if I set the write list or valid users Im
Maginot only giving the permission to those in the list... and
Maginot the big problem is how to set all other users to be in
Maginot the read list ... I dont have group with all inside and
Maginot are not going to be any... I tryed with something like

   path = /home/memos
   write list = foouser
   read list = !foouser

No, you should use

   path = /home/memos
   read only = yes
   write list = foouser

This will make it read only except for anyone in the write list. From
man smb.conf

 write list (S)
  This is a list  of  users  that  are  given  read-write
  access  to a service. If the connecting user is in this
  list then they will be given write  access,  no  matter
  what  the  read  only  option  is  set to. The list can
  include group names using the @group syntax.

  Note that if a user is in both the read  list  and  the
  write list then they will be given write access.

  This parameter will not work with the security =  share
  in Samba 3.0. This is by design.

Note the first paragraph -- If the connecting user is in this list
then they will be given write access, no matter what the read only
options is set to.

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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Re: [Samba] Write access to one user and Read-Only for anyother

2007-06-20 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 12:37:09PM -0300, Maginot Junior wrote:
 Maginot == Maginot Junior [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Maginot Hmm now its workin... BUT one more thing, and if I dont
Maginot want to be prompted for an user name ?  What I want to do
Maginot is map the share with the foouser login and username info
Maginot and all other who try to view the share could do it at
Maginot the most transparent way, with no question for user and
Maginot password... is that possible?

We would need to see you whole smb.conf. I'm not following what you
are trying to do. If you map the share to foouser login, then everyone
will have access.

Perhaps you could give more concrete examples of what it is you are
seeing and what you are trying to do,.

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Re: [Samba] ClearCase Interop problem with recent Samba versions

2007-02-15 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 06:03:47PM +0100, Volker Lendecke wrote:
 Volker == Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Volker On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 11:54:25AM +0100, Masopust,
Volker Christian wrote:
 attached you'll find the level 10 logs and snoop output as i
 don't have tcpdump installed on this sun-server (if needed i

Volker Try to set

Volker host msdfs = no 
Volker msdfs root = no

Volker in the [global] section.

I see from the release notes for 3.0.23 that the defaults for these
two settings were changed to yes.

Does this have implications for uses other than ClearCase?
Why did it affect ClearCase?

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Re: [Samba] Second SAMBA Server different NETBIOS alias and shares for ClearCase

2006-06-21 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 11:51:10AM -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
 Gary == Gary Dale [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Gary That sounds like a fairly typical use of Samba. The easiest
Gary way to do this is to use the SWAT wizard to make the server
Gary a member server. Being a member server means that domain
Gary authentication is handled by a domain controller, not by the
Gary member server.

I doubt that Raymond/Patrick will be successful in speeding up
ClearCase builds. I've had extensive experience with Samba and

Are you serving VOBs or VIEWs via Samba? VOBs shouldn't be an issue
although LDAP authentication might be a problem. We usually pass the
authentication to the domain controller (security = DOMAIN)

If you are serving dynamic VIEWs, forget it. Builds will always be
extremely slow. I've seen this problem with SAMBA and NAS using
CIFS. You are better off using local storage or accepting the slowness.

Gary Kdeiss, Raymond E. wrote:
  We might not have been clear in our question. I will try to
 explain what we are trying to do.
 We have a SAMBA Server (Solaris) utilizing an LDAP backend for
 user authentication. The Samba server serves PCs for
 authentication and it serves Samba filesystem shares. We want
 to be able to create a second samba server (Solaris) that can
 be a member of the domain and also serves shares to PCs and
 only serves shares to PC. The second SAMBA server does not need
 to be responsible for PC logging / Authentication.
 Is that possible and have can I make that second UNIX server a
 member of the domain?
 Raymond Kdeiss
 -Original Message- From: Gary Dale
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006
 4:20 PM To: Hoferer, Patrick K.  Cc:;
 Bailey, Alonza; Kdeiss, Raymond E.  Subject: Re: [Samba] Second
 SAMBA Server different NETBIOS alias and shares for ClearCase
 Hoferer, Patrick K. wrote:
 I have a SAMBA Server utilizing an LDAP backend for user
 authentication and it works great unless I use ClearCase. When
 ClearCase is used the compilation time for our code is slowed
 down to a crawl and the ClearCase application is rendered
 nearly useless. As a test fix my boss wants me to create a
 second SAMBA server to be used for only the ClearCase server.
 I don't know if this will work, but I may be able to
 accomplish my task if I set the os level lower than my
 primary SAMBA server set the SID to the same as my existing
 server. I then change the netbios alias to clearcase. I'll
 then add my views and vobs through either NFS or SANS client
 to the ClearCase SAMBA server. This way if a workstation using
 ClearCase needs to use the \\clearcase\views share it will
 utilize the ClearCase SAMBA server not the primary server. All
 authentication should remain through my LDAP server since I
 did not change the SIDs for my server or user accounts.
 If this plan sound feasible please let me know. If it sounds
 like I may break my existing architecture let me know. If you
 have better suggestions I am looking for any help.
 Thank you for your time, Patrick Hoferer
 I don't think you're being very clear. In Windows terms, you
 log into a domain, not a server. It sounds like you want to
 maintain the same authentication but split an application off
 onto a different server to improve performance. However, it's
 not clear if you want to use Samba or NFS to share the
 files. I'm going to assume that the new server will be
 providing file services through Samba.
 If you want the ClearCase server to use the same
 authentication, just make it a member server in your existing
 domain. Stop the ClearCase Samba shares on the old server and
 start them on the new one.

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Re: [Samba] ADS on Solaris

2006-05-11 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 10:54:00AM -0700, Harris, Jason (DIS) wrote:
 Jason == Harris, Jason \(DIS\) Harris writes:

Jason Hi all, I see that the premade binaries for Samba on
Jason Solaris, even recent versions, have ADS support not
Jason compiled in.  I see more ad domains than nt4 domains these
Jason days, so I am going to compile it myself with ads on.  I
Jason want to ask the experienced if there are any gotchas with
Jason ads Samba on Solaris, or something about Solaris that makes
Jason ads Samba support difficult.  Thanks
ADS support is non-trivial. There are so many additional packages and
libraries needed. You would have to provide distributions of kerberos,
SSL, ldap, iconv, sasl, readline, etc.

I had to play games with the linker and specify the RUN_PATH to the
libraries as being the samba lib directory.

Here's what ldd on smbd looks like -- pay attention to


You could try statically linking but I'm not sure that would work.

I don't think you want to go there. =/usr/lib/64/ =  /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =  /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =   /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =  /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =  /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =   /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =   /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =/usr/lib/64/ =/usr/lib/64/ =   /usr/lib/64/ =  /usr/lib/64/ =   /usr/lib/64/ =   /usr/lib/64/ =/usr/lib/64/ = /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ = /usr/lib/64/ = /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =  /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =  /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =/opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =   /opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =/opt/corp/local/samba/lib/ =/usr/lib/64/ =/usr/lib/64/ =   /usr/lib/64/

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Re: [Samba] Too many open files, Bug 3342

2006-02-06 Thread Eric Boehm
On Sat, Feb 04, 2006 at 04:31:50PM -0800, David Highley wrote:
 David == David Highley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David We submitted bug 3342 on Dec. 20th, Too many open files. It
David has not moved from the new state. So lets try here.

David We have Dell Quad Xeon server that we end up rebooting
David about every 2-3 weeks when the number of open samba files
David sky rockets. The system is a ClearCase server system. We
David have been monitoring this system for a few months now and
David are not able to pin down a cause to this issue. The system
David keeps a pretty constant number of samba open files until
David what ever triggers the issue and then the number of file
David opens climbs at a steep exponential rate.

David RedHat Advanced Server 3 update 3 Linux quinault
David 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 23:35:44 EST 2005
David i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Samba version=3.0.6-2E

I see you are using Samba 3.0.6. There were a lot of bug fixes after
that release. I would start with version 3.0.14a. I've been using that
version with ClearCase (although with Solaris 8).

I would not use 3.0.20anything or even the latest 3.0.21b.

It might be useful to see your smb.conf as well as your client MVFS
settings. However, ClearCase is not within the scope of this mailing list.

David Clients for the most part are Windows XP and Windows 2003
David Enterprise servers.

David Still looking clues as to what might be a cause for this
David behavior. Our systems people have monitored everything they
David can think of to see if we can find a correlation but so far
David nothing has turned up.

David It is a large, 200+ development environment with NFS and
David NAS CX400, storage units on the servers. It is a heavy file
David access, large builds parallel builds on multiple
David architectures.

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Re: [Samba] Too many open files, Bug 3342

2006-02-06 Thread Eric Boehm
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 08:39:34AM -0800, David Highley wrote:
 David == David Highley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David RedHat Advanced Server 3 update 3 Linux quinault
David 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 23:35:44 EST 2005
David i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Samba version=3.0.6-2E

Eric I see you are using Samba 3.0.6. There were a lot of bug
Eric fixes after that release. I would start with version
Eric 3.0.14a. I've been using that version with ClearCase
Eric (although with Solaris 8).

Eric I would not use 3.0.20anything or even the latest 3.0.21b.

Eric It might be useful to see your smb.conf as well as your
Eric client MVFS settings. However, ClearCase is not within the
Eric scope of this mailing list.

It might be helpful to see how you've defined the share.

Here's a template that I've recommended for ClearCase.

# Duplicate the following block for each share you wish to
# define. ClearCase related storage areas must have oplocks = no. For
# other applications, you may wish to set oplocks = yes.
comment = your-comment-here
path= path-to-storage
# admin users   =
# hosts allow   = @netgroup, host, ip_address
# valid users   = @netgroup, userid
create mask = 0775
directory mask  = 0775 
# If guest ok = yes, then anyone will be able to connect
# without authentication. If that is the desired configuration,
# you may want to make the share read-only (i.e., writeable = no)
guest ok= no
map archive = no 
oplocks = no 
writeable   = yes

David We have tuned the client MVFS setting down to 200 for
David Maximum number of mnodes to kee on the VOB free list and
David Maximum number of mnodes to keep for cleartext free list.

You might be surprised but these limits are not always observed.
I have seen clients open more than 200 files even when MVFS settings
are tuned down. Is any of this Java code? That's where I've seen this
problem occur (exceeding the mnodes setting).

FWIW, we don't tune down MVFS. We have the scaling factor set to 4 and
let mnodes be 4500 (VOB free) and 1800 (cleartext free). We've been
running this way for years at multiple locations around the globe. We
have anywhere from 20-600+ clients at a location.

David Were not looking for ClearCase support, we believe that
David this issue maybe a symptom of some other issue but so far
David we have not been able to make the connection. Because of
David our operating environment, security, it is very hard to
David make changes to platform configurations.

I understand your constraints but given that your environment is
having problems, isn't that enough to warrant upgrading? I've looked
at the release notes since 3.0.6 and there are lots of fixes for
memory leaks and problems in the code that handles files. I think
3.0.14a is your next best bet. 3.0.6 is about 1.5 years old.

I would also expect that the Samba team isn't going to be interested
in pursuing the bug unless you can reproduce it against the latest
version (3.0.21b).

Your security setting might be influencing the number of open
connections you have (not necessarily the number of file opens). Do
you have 'security = domain' or 'security = server' in your smb.conf?

David What information might be available about the samba
David connections that might lead us to determine what triggers
David this event?

You might look at the Samba client logs for any strange error
messages. Does the problem occur at a predictable time -- such as
after a large build? or a particular build?

You said that you were using NAS. If that's the case, why aren't you
using CIFS through the NAS? You might not even need Samba.

Lastly, what are 


set to?

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Re: [Samba] works in 2.2.8a, doesn't work in 3.0.14a - SOLVED

2005-08-29 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 03:26:23PM -0400, Boehm, Eric [GWRTP:CM21:EXCH] wrote:
 Eric == Boehm, Eric [GWRTP:CM21:EXCH] Boehm writes:

Eric I'm a bit puzzled. I am able to map an account without any
Eric problem on Samba 2.2.8a (security=domain). However, access
Eric fails with Samba 3.0.14a when everything else is the same
Eric (same configuration files).

Eric Any advice as to the cause of the problems (and its
Eric solution) would be appreciated.

I'll follow up and answer my own question. The problem is that I
didn't understand the Release notes for 3.0.8

  Change in Username Map

  Previous Samba releases would only support reading the fully qualified
  username (e.g. DOMAIN\user) from the username map when performing a
  kerberos login from a client.  However, when looking up a map
  entry for a user authenticated by NTLM[SSP], only the login name would be
  used for matches.  This resulted in inconsistent behavior sometimes
  even on the same server.

  Samba 3.0.8 obeys the following rules when applying the username
  map functionality:

* When performing local authentication, the username map is
  applied to the login name before attempting to authenticate
  the connection.
* When relying upon a external domain controller for validating
  authentication requests, smbd will apply the username map
  to the fully qualified username (i.e. DOMAIN\user) only
  after the user has been successfully authenticated.

Previously, I had used

unix_user = windows_user

After reading the notes above, I tried

DOMAIN\unix_user = windows_user

I should have used (and this did work)

unix_user = DOMAIN\windows_user

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Re: [Samba] Multiple instances of samba

2005-08-29 Thread Eric Boehm
On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 07:50:31AM -0500, Ed Curtis wrote:
 Ed == Ed Curtis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ed  I found instructions on how to start 2 instances of samba
Ed binding each instance to an individual ip address or interface
Ed on the server but it will only start the first insatnce I try.

Ed /usr/sbin/smbd -s /etc/samba/smb.conf.DOMAIN1
Ed /usr/sbin/nmbd -s /etc/samba/smb.conf.DOMAIN1
Ed /usr/sbin/smbd -s /etc/samba/smb.conf.DOMAIN2
Ed /usr/sbin/nmbd -s /etc/samba/smb.conf.DOMAIN2

Ed Only the DOMAIN1 will start. I get no errors when running the
Ed commands to start the second instance but it's not running.

Ed  Any ideas?

You have to make sure that you include the following:

bind interfaces only = yes
interfaces =, ip for interface 1/netmask

bind interfaces only = yes
interfaces = ip for interface 2/netmask


bind interfaces only = yes
interfaces =,

bind interfaces only = yes
interfaces =

It doesn't matter which of the two has the loopback address,, so long as only *ONE* of them has it.

In addition, you will probably want to assign a 

netbios name = hostname

with the appropriate hostname to each config file and insert the
hostname (as appropriate) into the 

lock directory = /usr/local/samba/var/hostname/locks

and, lastly, the log file path

log file = /usr/local/samba/var/hostname/log.%m

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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[Samba] works in 2.2.8a, doesn't work in 3.0.14a

2005-08-24 Thread Eric Boehm
I'm a bit puzzled. I am able to map an account without any problem on
Samba 2.2.8a (security=domain). However, access fails with Samba
3.0.14a when everything else is the same (same configuration files).

Any advice as to the cause of the problems (and its solution) would be

From 2.2.8a logs

[2005/08/24 14:59:51, 3, pid=7767] smbd/reply.c:(880)
  Domain=[americase]  NativeOS=[Windows 2002 Service Pack 2 2600] 
NativeLanMan=[Windows 2002 5.1]
[2005/08/24 14:59:51, 3, pid=7767] smbd/reply.c:(890)
[2005/08/24 14:59:51, 3, pid=7767] lib/username.c:(168)
  Mapped user pnmadm09 to pnmadm
[2005/08/24 14:59:51, 3, pid=7767] libsmb/namequery.c:(769)
  resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name ZRTPD0PP0x20
[2005/08/24 14:59:51, 3, pid=7767] lib/util_sock.c:(845)
  Connecting to at port 445

[2005/08/24 14:59:52, 3, pid=7767] smbd/password.c:(340)
  User name: pnmadm Real name: PNM Admin,PSD17792

[2005/08/24 14:59:52, 3, pid=7767] smbd/password.c:(736)
  authorise_login: ACCEPTED: validated uid ok as non-guest (user=pnmadm)

[2005/08/24 14:59:52, 1, pid=7767] smbd/service.c:(636)
  boehm-1 ( connect to service export as user pnmadm (uid=34344, 
gid=4794) (pid 7767)

From 3.0.14a logs

[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:(606)
  Got user=[pnmadm09] domain=[americase] workstation=[BOEHM-1] len1=24 len2=24
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] lib/username.c:(173)
  Mapped user pnmadm09 to pnmadm

[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] auth/auth.c:(219)
  check_ntlm_password:  Checking password for unmapped user [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
with the new password interface
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] auth/auth.c:(222)
  check_ntlm_password:  mapped user is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 0, pid=10515] auth/auth_domain.c:(118)
  connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to setup the NETLOGON credentials 
to machine ZRTPD0PP. Error was : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] libsmb/cliconnect.c:(1406)
  Connecting to host=ZRTPD0PP
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] lib/util_sock.c:(752)
  Connecting to at port 445
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] rpc_client/cli_netlogon.c:(290)
  cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 0, pid=10515] auth/auth_domain.c:(118)
  connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to setup the NETLOGON credentials 
to machine ZRTPD0PP. Error was : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] libsmb/cliconnect.c:(1406)
  Connecting to host=ZRTPD0PP
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] lib/util_sock.c:(752)
  Connecting to at port 445
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 3, pid=10515] rpc_client/cli_netlogon.c:(290)
  cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 0, pid=10515] auth/auth_domain.c:(118)
  connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to setup the NETLOGON credentials 
to machine ZRTPD0PP. Error was : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 0, pid=10515] auth/auth_domain.c:(170)
  domain_client_validate: Domain password server not available.
[2005/08/24 15:09:11, 2, pid=10515] auth/auth.c:(312)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [pnmadm09] - [pnmadm] FAILED wi
[2005/08/24 15:09:21, 3, pid=105

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[Samba] Is anyone successfully using Solaris 8/Samba 3.0.x w/ads and OpenLDAP 2.1.22?

2005-08-19 Thread Eric Boehm
Has anyone had success getting OpenLDAP  2.1.22 to work with Samba
and ADS.

I can get 2.1.22 to work with Samba 3.0.x. If I try a newer version,
it barfs when it calls ldap_set_option in function ads_do_search.

I've tried with 3.0.14a and 3.0.20pre2.
They changed how OpenLDAP interacts with Kerberos after 2.1.23. I did
exchange some emails with the OpenLDAP developers. It wasn't much help
-- they said that Kerberos access should go through Cyrus SASL.

I have looked at

But that refers to openldap-2.1.23.

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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Re: [Samba] Re: Samba Server [Solaris 8] on Windows 2K/2003 [ADS] network

2005-04-26 Thread Eric Boehm
On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 06:11:15AM -0500, TimS wrote:
 Tim == TimS  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Christoph == Christoph Kaegi [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Tim CHRISTOPH: I've never done that. How do you do it?

Using ip aliases. See man ifconfig, see the section on logical interfaces.



   Solaris TCP/IP allows multiple logical interfaces to be associated
   with a physical network interface. This allows a single machine to be
   assigned multiple IP addresses, even though it may have only one
   network interface. Physical network interfaces have names of the form
   driver-name physical-unit-number, while logical interfaces have names
   of the form driver-name physical-unit-number:logical-unit-number. A
   physical interface is configured into the system using the plumb
   command. For example:

Tim  -Is it possible to
Tim set up a test environment for the new Samba release in
Tim another location on the same UNIX box?

Eric  Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean you want to
Eric separate Samba installs on the same box? If so, you would
Eric need at least two network interfaces. You can't run two
Eric instances of Samba on the same interface/IP address.

Christoph You don't need a second network interface, you can just
Christoph define a second IPaddress on the same interface.

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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Re: [Samba] Samba Server [Solaris 8] on Windows 2K/2003 [ADS] network

2005-04-22 Thread Eric Boehm
On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 08:22:14AM -0500, TimS wrote:
 Tim == TimS  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tim ALL: Please forgive my ignorance. I am not just naive
Tim regarding Samba..., or Solaris..., or UNIX, or Windows
Tim Networking..., the naivity courses through my veins
Tim abundantly in all IT related matters. :-)

Tim Our work unit is the lone UNIX [Samba server 2.2 on Solaris
Tim 8] installation on the organizational Windows WAN. None of
Tim the analysts in our unit have domain admin rights. The sys
Tim manager in our unit [my boss] has steadfastly refused to add
Tim our UNIX [Samba] server to the windows domain.

Tim Password synchronization has been a thorn in our side from
Tim day one. A SSO solution is the ultimate, but from what I'm
Tim reading, that isn't possible unless/until our Samba server is
Tim added to the domain.

Tim QUESTIONS: -Would upgrading to the lastest Samba release help
Tim at all on this issue?  -I don't see a binary available at the
Tim Samba download site for Solaris 8.  Our SysMgr could

You just need Samba 3.

Tim certainly do the upgrade without the binary, but I have not
Tim ever done the make/build routine before. 

That could be tricky. I've built Samba 3 with kerberos and ldap and
the various components needs for ADS but it is decidedly non-trivial.

However, you don't need to use 'security = ads' to participate. You
can use just 'security = domain' which would be a plain vanilla
build. We have several servers participating in an ADS network with
'security=domain'. You would then be able to pass authentication
through to the Windows domain controllers.

Tim  -Is it possible to
Tim set up a test environment for the new Samba release in
Tim another location on the same UNIX box?

Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean you want to separate Samba
installs on the same box? If so, you would need at least two network
interfaces. You can't run two instances of Samba on the same
interface/IP address.

I hope this helps.

Eric M. Boehm  /\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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Re: [Samba] Re: Samba Server [Solaris 8] on Windows 2K/2003 [ADS] network

2005-04-22 Thread Eric Boehm
On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 10:03:46AM -0500, TimS wrote:
 Tim == TimS  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Tim Thanks for taking pity... :-) This is great news! I knew from
Tim the reading I've done that the ADS features code was put into
Tim Samba 3; but what I didn't pick up on is that it would work
Tim whether the Samba server is on the Windows domain or not.

Yes, you do have to create a machine account for the Samba server in
the Windows domain in order for security = domain to work. However,
Active Directory domain controllers will talk to the Samba
server. You may have to have your domain admins check a box that says
something like 

Allow pre-Windows 2000 authentication 

when they create the machine account.

Tim Our Solaris box has two network adapters, one RJ-45 and one
Tim fiber, but but we can only use the RJ-45 connection due to
Tim the powers-that-be nixing our request to drop a line for the
Tim fiber connection -- even though There is a vacant fiber
Tim plug-in on the switch.

Tim However..., we also have a Linux Box [RedHat 9] in our
Tim unit. Couldn't we upgrade the Samba installation on it
Tim [...come to think of it, one of our other guys just rebuilt
Tim that box a few weeks ago, and I don't know for sure which
Tim Samba release is on it now...] and do the testing there?
You certainly could. BTW, I forgot to mention that you could also use
Samba 2.2.8a in your environment if you couldn't find a binary for
Samba 3. Samba 2.x can work in an ADS environment -- we're using
2.2.8a with a Native Active Directory environment.

Tim Speaking of that, can you tell me off the top of your head
Tim the quickest way to determine which Samba release is
Tim currently running on the Linux box?

/path/to/smbd -V -- e.g., /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -V

As a side note, I made a presentation about setting up Samba
(including building it) with ClearCase. However, the material is
applicable even if you aren't using ClearCase.

You can find it at

If you follow the link at the right hand side that says Related
Presentation Files

you can download the presentation and related templates and the web
site that I developed and that the presentation is based on. Again,
much of the material is applicable even if you aren't using
ClearCase. You can browse the web files through the filesystem -- you
don't need a web server. Any browser will work.

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Re: [Samba] WinXP won't authenticate

2005-02-10 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 10:32:48AM -0600, Greene, Jason A [ITS] wrote:
 Jason == Greene, Jason A [ITS] Greene writes:

Jason I tried setting
Jason client spnego = yes
Jason and
Jason client signing = mandatory
Jason in my global section and still no luck . . .

Are the Windows XP client machine accounts configure to Allow
Pre-Windows 2000 authentication or some option to that effect?

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Re: [Samba] username map --update dynamically?

2004-09-15 Thread Eric Boehm
On Sun, Sep 12, 2004 at 06:18:25AM -0400, Christian Merrill wrote:
 Christian == Christian Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Christian My assumption is that that Samba needs to be restarted
Christian before it can recognize changes made to a username map
Christian file.  Is there anyway to have it dynamically recognize
Christian changes?

That assumption is not entirely correct. New daemons will see the
change immedidately. Already running daemons need a SIGHUP to reload

From man smbd

 The configuration file, and any files that it includes,  are
 automatically reloaded every minute, if they change. You can
 force a reload by sending a SIGHUP to the server.  Reloading
 the  configuration  file  will not affect connections to any
 service that is already established. Either  the  user  will
 have to disconnect from the service, or smbd killed and res-

This is true for 2.2.x and 3.0.x

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Re: [Samba] SAMBA and NFS

2004-07-07 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 01:23:37PM -0400, bastard operater wrote:
 BOFH1234 == bastard operater [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BOFH1234 Can samba connect to an NFS share and then re-export
BOFH1234 that share so my windows XP users can connect to it?
BOFH1234 Basically I have a NFS share that all of my windows XP
BOFH1234 users need read-only access to.  The goal of this
BOFH1234 project is to replace an old MS Gateway Services for
BOFH1234 Novell server (using IPX) with something that can do the
BOFH1234 same thing but over IP.  I am pretty sure Novell and AD
BOFH1234 can share files using Native File Access, but that would
BOFH1234 require the Novell admins to get CIFS setup on the
BOFH1234 Novell side.  The Novell server we are using has NFS
BOFH1234 already setup and getting that much setup was like
BOFH1234 pulling teeth.

Samba can share any filesystem that the Samba server can see. Your
performance will be degraded because you have the dual overhead of
Samba and NFS, but you can share the filesystem.

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Re: [Samba] SAMBA and NFS

2004-07-07 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 02:49:30PM -0400, bastard operater wrote:
 bastard == bastard operater [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

bastard Thank you for the response.  Would there still be a
bastard performance problem if I had two NICs in the PC?  One to
bastard connect to the NFS share and the second NIC to connect to
bastard the windows PCs?  I am talking about a maximum of 20
bastard people connecting to the samba share with at most 5-6
bastard people passing data over the share.  The samba server
bastard would be a 2.2GHz PC with 512MB of RAM.

I don't think that will help you. I am talking about the overhead of
the two protocols. 

For example, if you were access files via NFS, you might see something
like this

client - NFS - NFS server

and for samba

client - SMB (CIFS) - Samba server

However, in your example,

client - SMB (CIFS) - Samba server - NFS - NFS server

The client has to go through two network file systems to get to the

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Re: [Samba] Using Samba and Rational ClearCase Tools

2004-05-28 Thread Eric Boehm
On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 04:59:05PM -0400, Sharpe, Annik A wrote:
 April == Sharpe, Annik A [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

April Hello, We are using Samba to connect our ClearCase server
April to the Windows environment. Our original configuration was
April one server hosting all our VOBs and Views. We have Samba
April configured to allow mapping of shares to our ClearCase
April Windows Clients. Everything was working fine. Now we have
April set up a second server to host all our Views separate from
April the VOBs. So we have a View server and a separate VOB
April separate. When we setup the View server we installed Samba
April on that server, copied the config file from the original
April setup to the new server and the only configuration change
April made was in the Global parameters, the NetBios Name to be
April the new server name.

April We are able to map a network drive to our new server. We
April are able to create a View on the UNIX server, region
April synchronize on the Win Client side and mount a VOB. However
April when we try to create a new file we get a window stating
April Access Denied. If we try to check out an existing file we
April get an Error checking out {filename}. Unable to update
April view {viewname}: Permission Denied. Unable to check out
April {filename}.

April We are able to complete all these steps within the UNIX
April environment, we are only having problems from the Windows
April environment and so we are assuming it has to do with our
April Samba configuration.

This is usually caused by a permission problem.

Did you copy from the VOB server to the View server?

What are the exact details in the view_log on the client?
Is there anything in the error_log?

What is the ALBD Account? Is there a corresponding UNIX account?

Do you realize that performance of views through Samba will probably
be 50-200+% worse than a local view?

If you increase the Samba debug level to 3 and repeat the operation,
what is in the Samba log?

Do you have 'log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m' in your smb.conf?
This will make it easier to debug.

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Re: [Samba] samba for Rational Clearcase.

2004-05-24 Thread Eric Boehm
On Sat, May 22, 2004 at 02:12:27AM -0400, Shashidhar SR wrote:
 Shashidhar == Shashidhar  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Shashidhar Hello,

Shashidhar I am Shashidhar SR Working for Siemens Communication
Shashidhar Software in Bangalore, INDIA as a Configuration
Shashidhar Manager for Clearcase.

Shashidhar I need some help regarding the samba configuration at
Shashidhar our site.

Shashidhar First Let me Explain our Environment:

Your question would be better answered on the ClearCase mailing list



Shashidhar - We are Using samba 2.2.8a on Solaris 9.  - We are
Shashidhar using samba as an interop from Solaris 9 box to
Shashidhar winnt/w2k/win-xp clients.  - On Solaris we have
Shashidhar installed IBM Rational Clearcase and we have around 20
Shashidhar VOBs created.

Shashidhar Now we are successfully able to access the
Shashidhar files/directories which are stored on unix from
Shashidhar windows clients.

Shashidhar Some times we get an error saying Incorrect function
Shashidhar on the windows clients, when trying to access some
Shashidhar .txt/.cpp/.h or any other text files.  and this error
Shashidhar is very sporadic, for some people it's works and for
Shashidhar others it dosen't, eventhough the permissions are same
Shashidhar for all the users.

This is usually a permission problem related to the ALBD service
account. It may also be due to a permission problem on the VOB storage

What does the view_log on the client say?

What does the samba log for the client say? Do you have 

  log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

in your smb.conf file? This will make it easier to debug by creating a
separate log file for each client.

I've attached a text file with some initial troubleshooting steps you
can follow. This file is extracted from some WEB pages I wrote about
setting up and configuring Samba for ClearCase.

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  text_file_delta error

Unable to construct cleartext for object X in VOB
Error: Type manager text_file_delta failed construct_version

This is probably the most common error to occur in an interop
environment. The error is most likely due to a failure to map the ALBD
service account to a valid UNIXâ„¢ account.

The client may see this as the error message Incorrect Function.. The
error text above will be logged in the view_log on the view server host.

  Steps to debug the problem


  Identify the ALBD service account. There are several methods that
  can use used to find the account used to run the ALBD service.


Windows NT 4.0

   1. Select Start - Settings - Control Panel - Services
   2. Double Click on the Atria Location Broker service

  Text Box This account contains the name of the ALBD
  service account. service.


Windows 2000/XP

   1. Start - Run - services.msc
  Start - Settings - Control Panel - Administrative
  Tools - Services
   2. Double Click on the Atria Location Broker service
   3. Click on Log On Tab

  Text Box This account contains the name of the ALBD
  service account. service.


All versions of Windows

   1. Start - Run - regedit
   2. Find key

  Value ObjectName contains the name of the ALBD
  service account.


  Does the ALBD service account have a corresponding UNIXâ„¢ account?


YES. Proceed to the next step


NO. Check to see if the Samba file contains an
entry to map the ALBD service account to a valid UNIXâ„¢
account that also has access to the VOB(s). See Configuring config_username_map.html for information on
how to set up this file.

If has been modified, new connections will pick
up the changes. If you want to affect existing connections,
you will need to do one of:


  Send a HUP signal to all running smbd processes. This
  will cause the smbd processes to reread the
  configuration file. You must be root to send the signal.

  kill -HUP `smbstatus -p`


Re: [Samba] Re: v3.0.X kerberos_verify sol8 compile problem

2003-11-24 Thread Eric Boehm
On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 12:49:07PM -0500, Patrick Hopp wrote:
 Patrick == Patrick Hopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I opened a bug on this. It is fixed in CVS. The bug number is 636

Patrick er... I ment gcc and Sun's cc..  Patrick Hopp
Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Patrick news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Having a problem getting v3.0.0(or pre3) to compile on a
 Solaris 8 box, tried Sun compilers and Solaris compilers..
 Recompiled/Re-installed Kerberos all roads lead to the same
 error compiling Samba, it gets about
Patrick 2/3
 of the way done and spews...
 Compiling libads/kerberos_verify.c libads/kerberos_verify.c: In
 function `create_keytab': libads/kerberos_verify.c:77:
 structure has no member named `keyblock' *** Error code 1 make:
 Fatal error: Command failed for target
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[Samba] Samba 3.0.0 CVS 3.0.1pre2: libads/kerberos_verify.c, line 77: improper member use: keyblock

2003-10-16 Thread Eric Boehm
This has been submitted to as Bug 636

I'm trying to build Samba 3.0.0 CVS 3.0.1pre2 under Solaris 8 with

MIT Kerberos 5 1.3.1
OpenLDAP 2.1.22

using the Sun Workshop 6U2 compiler

Arguments to configure are:

configured by ./configure, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.53,
  with options \'--with-readline' '--with-libiconv=/usr/local' '--with-ldap' '-
-with-krb5=/usr/local/kerberos' '--with-ldapsam' '--with-automount' '--with-libs
mbclient' '--with-acl-support' '--with-winbind' '--prefix=/usr/local' 'CC=cc' 'C
FLAGS=-xarch=v9a' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/openldap/include -
I/usr/local/sasl/include -I/usr/local/kerberos/include -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4
.1/include -I/usr/local/openssl/include' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib/sparcv9 -L/us
r/local/openldap/lib -L/usr/local/sasl/lib -L/usr/local/kerberos/lib -L/usr/loca
l/BerkeleyDB.4.1/lib -L/usr/local/openssl/lib -R/usr/local/lib/sparcv9 -R/usr/lo
cal/openldap/lib -R/usr/local/sasl/lib -R/usr/local/kerberos/lib -R/usr/local/Be
rkeleyDB.4.1/lib -R/usr/local/openssl/lib'\

I get the following error trying to compile libads/kerberos_verify.c

libads/kerberos_verify.c, line 77: improper member use: keyblock

The relevant code below looks okay to me

static krb5_error_code create_keytab(krb5_context context,
 krb5_principal host_princ,
 char *host_princ_s,
 krb5_data password,
 krb5_enctype *enctypes,
 krb5_keytab *keytab,
 char *keytab_name)
krb5_keytab_entry entry;
krb5_kvno kvno = 1;
krb5_error_code ret;
krb5_keyblock *key;
int i;

[... lines deleted ...]

entry.keyblock  = *key;

The problem is that the structure member name is key, not keyblock.

From krb5.h

typedef struct krb5_keytab_entry_st {
krb5_magic magic;
krb5_principal principal;   /* principal of this key */
krb5_timestamp timestamp;   /* time entry written to keytable */
krb5_kvno vno;  /* key version number */
krb5_keyblock key;  /* the secret key */
} krb5_keytab_entry;

Here's a possible patch

--- libads/kerberos_verify.c~   Tue Oct 14 13:28:27 2003
+++ libads/kerberos_verify.cThu Oct 16 08:37:20 2003
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
/* this will have to be detected in configure...heimdal
   calls it keyblock, MIT calls it key, but it does not
   matter we are creating keytabs with MIT */
-   entry.keyblock  = *key;
+   entry.key   = *key;
DEBUG(10,(adding keytab-entry for (%s) with encryption type (%d)\n,
host_princ_s, enctypes[i]));

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Re: [Samba] info required

2003-09-04 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:48:34PM +0530, Gowridhar wrote:
 Gowridhar == Gowridhar  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Gowridhar Hello, I am Gowridhar from indus RD Ltd.

Gowridhar Is samba 2.2.8a will work in solaris8.0?


Gowridhar If works is it compatable with clearcase?


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Re: [Samba] help for finding 32-bit or 64-bit SAMBA

2003-09-03 Thread Eric Boehm
On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 03:51:20PM -0500, Madhavi Atluri wrote:
 Madhavi == Madhavi Atluri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Madhavi Hi all, I have installed samba-2.2.8a on solaris 8
Madhavi machines, How can we check installed version is 32-bit or
Madhavi 64-bit SAMBA.


file /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd

You should see something like

/usr/local/samba/bin/smbd:  ELF 64-bit MSB executable SPARCV9 Version 1, 
UltraSPARC1 Extensions Required, dynamically linked, not stripped

If you see

then it is 32-bit

smbd:   ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC32PLUS Version 1, V8+ Required, 
dynamically linked, not stripped

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Re: [Samba] source code for samba-2.2.8a-1-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg

2003-09-03 Thread Eric Boehm
On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 04:05:02PM -0500, Madhavi Atluri wrote:
 Madhavi == Madhavi Atluri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Madhavi Hi all, Where could I get souce code for
Madhavi samba-2.2.8a-1-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg, I checked in
Madhavi but I just found pacakage(
Madhavi samba-2.2.8a-1-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg).

The source code is the same for all versions. You get 32-bit or 64-bit
depending on the options you provide to the compiler.

I've posted this before. Here's how you build a 64-bit samba

The following assumes that the C compiler is in your PATH.

A.   For Bourne/Korn shells:

 1. Sun's Forte compiler

CC=cc  CPPFLAGS='-D__EXTENSIONS__' CFLAGS='-xarch=v9a'  \
./configure args-to-configure

 2. For gcc 3.x or better

./configure args-to-configure

B.   For Csh and derivatives:

 1. Sun's Forte compiler

setenv CC   cc
setenv CFLAGS   '-xarch=v9a'
./configure args-to-configure

 2. For gcc 3.x or better

setenv CC   gcc
setenv CFLAGS   '-m64'
  ./configure args-to-configure

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Re: [Samba] ERROR! Out of file structures

2003-06-05 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 12:26:08PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Frank ==   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Frank Hi all, I'm using SAMBA 2.0.7 (okay rather old, but I have
Frank to run it, because of support matrix reasons) on a HP-UX
Frank 11.11 box (rp5470). From time to time I see the following
Frank message:

Frank  ERROR! Out of file structures

Frank Does anyone know how to get rid of this problem by setting
Frank an appropriate parameter. Many thanks in advance.

Set 'max open files' to a larger number. If you don't set it, the
default is 1. However, on many systems it will be set to the lower
of max open files or rlim_fd_max.

Your best option would be to recompile Samba as a 64-bit application
or upgraded to 2.2.8a. 

I posted a patch to samba-technical back in January 2001 that would
allow you to set max open files to the *larger* of max open files or
rlim_fd_max instead of the smaller of the two settings.

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[Samba] BUG REPORT: change_trust_account_password works in 2.0.7,fails in 2.2.3a through 2.2.8

2003-04-01 Thread Eric Boehm
I posted an earlier message about change_trust_account_password

I have been able to reproduce the error with


I can't seem to get 2.2.1 to even attempt to change the machine
account password, even with 

machine password timeout = 300

The log of the failure looks like this:

[2003/04/01 12:34:11, 1, pid=28443] lib/debug.c:(258)
  INFO: Debug class all level = 1   (pid 28443 from pid 28443)
[2003/04/01 12:34:12, 1, pid=28443] smbd/service.c:(651)
  boehm-1 ( connect to service perl as user boehm (uid=20718, gid=2245) 
(pid 28443)
[2003/04/01 12:34:12, 1, pid=28443] smbd/service.c:(651)
  boehm-1 ( connect to service perl as user boehm (uid=20718, gid=2245) 
(pid 28443)
[2003/04/01 12:35:12, 0, pid=28443] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/04/01 12:35:12, 0, pid=28443] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/04/01 12:35:12, 0, pid=28443] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/04/01 12:35:12, 0, pid=28443] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(247)
  2003/04/01 12:35:12 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change password for 

Increasing the debug level to 10 doesn't seem to impart any more
useful information but I do have level 10 log of the problem (about

I don't believe that there is anything wrong with my machine
account. If I drop back to 2.0.7, I am able to successfully change my
machine account. I have done so by setting
'machine password timeout = 300' and went through two successful
changes of the machine account password.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 2.2.8 is failing on change machine account password

2003-03-28 Thread Eric Boehm
On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 10:00:47PM +1100, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 Andrew == Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrew On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 19:44, Hansjoerg Maurer wrote:

Andrew If you run 'smbpasswd -t' it should do it on demand.

That doesn't seem to work

smbpasswd -t AMERICASE
2003/03/28 07:40:32 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change password for 

I do have a debug level 10 log of the attempt but there really isn't
much more information in it. I really do think this might be a bug. If
anyone has been able to get this to work, I would appreciate hearing
about it. If there are other steps I can take to help debug/fix this,
I am willing to take those steps.

Doesn't this present a potential security issue if the machine
password never changes?

[2003/03/27 15:33:15, 5, pid=25400] lib/util.c:(291)
[2003/03/27 15:33:15, 6, pid=25400] lib/util_sock.c:(518)
[2003/03/27 15:33:15, 6, pid=25400] lib/util_sock.c:(521)
  write_socket(10,39) wrote 39
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 3, pid=25400] smbd/sec_ctx.c:(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 5, pid=25400] smbd/uid.c:(217)
  change_to_root_user: now uid=(0,0) gid=(0,0)
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 10, pid=25400] smbd/process.c:(1137)
  timeout_processing: checking to see if machine account password need changing.
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 10, pid=25400] smbd/process.c:(1167)
  timeout_processing: machine account password last change time = (1046645657) Sun, 02 
Mar 2003 17:54:17 EST.
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 0, pid=25400] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 0, pid=25400] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 0, pid=25400] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/03/27 15:34:15, 0, pid=25400] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(248)
  2003/03/27 15:34:15 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change password for 
[2003/03/27 15:34:20, 10, pid=25400] lib/util_sock.c:(559)
  got smb length of 35
[2003/03/27 15:34:20, 6, pid=25400] smbd/process.c:(845)
  got message type 0x0 of len 0x23
[2003/03/27 15:34:20, 3, pid=25400] smbd/process.c:(846)
  Transaction 15 of length 39
[2003/03/27 15:34:20, 5, pid=25400] lib/util.c:(275)

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Re: [Samba] Samba 2.2.8 is failing on change machine account password

2003-03-28 Thread Eric Boehm
On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 11:50:34PM +1100, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 Andrew == Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrew If you run 'smbpasswd -t' it should do it on demand.

Eric  That doesn't seem to work

Andrew I didn't say it would work, just that it would be easier
Andrew to debug :-)

True enough :-(

Eric Doesn't this present a potential security issue if the machine
Eric password never changes?

Andrew Small - basically if the 'bad guy' can figure out the
Andrew password by cryptographic or network brute force before
Andrew you change it, yes.  If he is listening on the connection
Andrew always anyway, then they will observe the password change.

Andrew In short - keep it secret, and it's not too bad.

 [2003/03/27 15:33:15, 5, pid=25400] lib/util.c:(291) smb_bcc=0
 [2003/03/27 15:33:15, 6, pid=25400] lib/util_sock.c:(518)
 write_socket(10,39) [2003/03/27 15:33:15, 6, pid=25400]
 lib/util_sock.c:(521) write_socket(10,39) wrote 39 [2003/03/27
 15:34:15, 3, pid=25400] smbd/sec_ctx.c:(329) setting sec ctx
 (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0 [2003/03/27 15:34:15, 5,
 pid=25400] smbd/uid.c:(217) change_to_root_user: now uid=(0,0)
 gid=(0,0) [2003/03/27 15:34:15, 10, pid=25400]
 smbd/process.c:(1137) timeout_processing: checking to see if
 machine account password need changing.  [2003/03/27 15:34:15,
 10, pid=25400] smbd/process.c:(1167) timeout_processing:
 machine account password last change time = (1046645657) Sun,
 02 Mar 2003 17:54:17 EST.  [2003/03/27 15:34:15, 0, pid=25400]
 rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46) domain_client_validate: unable to
 fetch domain sid.

Andrew This certainly looks like an issue.

Andrew Have you tried rejoining the domain?

No, I was hoping to avoid that as I don't control the domain and don't
have domain admin rights. I have to open a ticket and have the machine
account refreshed or deleted/recreated -- that can take time.

I have several servers I have to upgrade and rejoining the domain
would complicate the process and make it take longer. I don't believe
it was necessary to rejoin for 2.2.5.

However, if you think that rejoining the domain is the next logical
step in debugging this, I'll give it a try. Would it be best to have
the account refreshed or deleted/recreated?

Alternatively, would it be better to try earlier 2.2.x versions and
use smbpasswd -t in an attempt to find out which version broke it?

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[Samba] Samba 2.2.8 is failing on change machine account password

2003-03-27 Thread Eric Boehm
I've noticed that a few systems that I've upgraded to Samba 2.2.8 are
not able to change the machine account password.

I have security = domain and I am seeing entries like this in the log.

[2003/03/27 14:22:23, 1, pid=10302] smbd/service.c:(636)
  le21pai-1 ( connect to service export as user wcitiadm (uid=201361, 
gid=4785) (pid 10302)
[2003/03/27 14:22:24, 0, pid=10302] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/03/27 14:22:24, 0, pid=10302] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/03/27 14:22:24, 0, pid=10302] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(46)
  domain_client_validate: unable to fetch domain sid.
[2003/03/27 14:22:24, 0, pid=10302] rpc_client/cli_trust.c:(248)
  2003/03/27 14:22:24 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change password for 

I've tried to debug this without much success. Any assistance in
debugging this or resolving this would be appreciated.

I am still able to access my shares but the machine account password
is not changing as it should.

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[Samba] Unable to build Samba 2.2.8 libsmbclient on HP-UX 11.00

2003-03-18 Thread Eric Boehm
I am having problems building Samba 2.2.8 on HP-UX 11.00.

I am using the ANSI C compiler,

 LINT A.11.01.25171.GP CXREF A.11.01.25171.GP
HP92453-01 A.11.01.25171.GP HP C Compiler
 $   Sep  8 2000 23:13:51 $ 

My configure line is

CC=cc CFLAGS='+DA2.0W' ./configure  --with-automount --with-libsmbclient --with-winbind

I get the following errors

Linking libsmbclient non-shared library bin/libsmbclient.a
Linking libsmbclient shared library bin/
ld: (Warning) Cannot make undefined symbol ISSECURE symbolic. Symbol was refer
enced from file /usr/lib/pa20_64/
ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file libsmb/libsmbclient.po
ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file lib/charcnv.po

[deleted lines]

ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.po
ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file ubiqx/debugparse.po
1 warnings.
83 errors.
make: *** [bin/] Error 1

Any ideas?

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Unable to build Samba 2.2.8 libsmbclient on HP-UX 11.00

2003-03-17 Thread Eric Boehm

I am having problems building Samba 2.2.8 on HP-UX 11.00.

I am using the ANSI C compiler,

 LINT A.11.01.25171.GP CXREF A.11.01.25171.GP
HP92453-01 A.11.01.25171.GP HP C Compiler
 $   Sep  8 2000 23:13:51 $ 

My configure line is

CC=cc CFLAGS='+DA2.0W' ./configure  --with-automount --with-libsmbclient --with-winbind

I get the following errors

Linking libsmbclient non-shared library bin/libsmbclient.a
Linking libsmbclient shared library bin/
ld: (Warning) Cannot make undefined symbol ISSECURE symbolic. Symbol was refer
enced from file /usr/lib/pa20_64/
ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file libsmb/libsmbclient.po
ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file lib/charcnv.po

[deleted lines]

ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.po
ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol ISSECURE in file ubiqx/debugparse.po
1 warnings.
83 errors.
make: *** [bin/] Error 1

Any ideas?

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Re: [Samba] Accesing shares from ClearCase

2003-02-24 Thread Eric Boehm
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 04:45:04PM +0100, Carlos Moro Garrido wrote:
 Carlos == Carlos Moro Garrido [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Carlos Hi all,

Carlos Just a novice in this world of Samba.  I got a
Carlos question, probably too simple.  No problem to access share
Carlos file systems and mount ClearCase vobs. Log shows access
Carlos granted to NT userid belonging to the right UNIX group.

Carlos Then, editing a file ( using a view thru Explorer),
Carlos log shows another non authenticate user called
Carlos clearcase_albd trying to be validated.  I guess due to
Carlos that, mvfs errors pop up

You would be better off asking this question on the CCIUG mailing list
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). However, this is a very common error with Samba
and ClearCase. 

I'll assume that you are also getting a text_file_delta error message
about being unable to construct cleartext version.

If so, the problem is likely that the account running the ALBD service
on the PC (clearcase_albd) is not mapped to a valid UNIX user.

We usually map this account with /usr/local/samba/lib/ (or
wherever you have Samba installed) with an entry

unix vob owner = clearcase_albd

If your account is something other than clearcase_albd, you'll have to
change the entry accordingly. 

Once you make this change, it is not necessary to stop and restart
Samba. New connections will pick up the mapping automatically.

If this doesn't solve your problem, we'll need more information about
the exact error messages -- and this problem would be more relevant on
the CCIUG mailing list than the Samba mailing list.

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How do I enable groupname map functionality?

2003-01-17 Thread Eric Boehm
I can see code in Samba 2.2.7a in source/smbd/groupname.c to do
groupname map functionality. I see 


but I don't see any option to configure to enable this. Is this
feature available or is it still under development.

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Re: [Samba] Running Samba twice

2003-01-13 Thread Eric Boehm
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 07:50:31PM +0100, Gerd-Christian Michalke wrote:
 Marian == Marian Mlcoch, Ing [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Tom == [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Gerd == Gerd-Christian Michalke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marian You must set path to pid files in your confs diferent.See
Marian conf help to do.

Tom Thankyou very much.

Tom Still doesn't work tho.

Tom Now I get

Tom bind failed on port 139 socket_addr = Error = Address
Tom already in use.

Tom It sholdn'#t be trying to bind to

Tom Am I missing something?

Gerd Here some tips which might help you further :

Gerd - you must start twice the daemons, but under different
Gerd names (say, you'd make a copy of smbd and call them smbd1
Gerd and smbd2) - those copies should also use different smb.conf
Gerd files, in which you would define different interfaces and
Gerd bind interface only parameters - also define different pids
Gerd and different log directories in those two smb.conf - also,
Gerd you need two different IP adresses, which you may use IP
Gerd aliases

I posted detailed instructions on how to run multiple smbd/nmbd
daemons (almost a year ago). You might take a look at:

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Re: [Samba] Using the right network interface

2002-12-16 Thread Eric Boehm
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 10:46:23AM +1100, Simeonidis, Steve wrote:
 Steve == Simeonidis, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steve Sorry Eric, I'm talking about Windows DOMAIN/WORKGROUPS One
Steve interface will have a different Domain to the other

Steve eg.  eth0 Domain - DomainA eth1 Domain - DomainB

Steve I was just wondering if nmbd will work properly.

I believe that it should as long as you are running a separate
smbd/nmbd on each interface.

Eric What kind of domain do you mean? A Windows domain or a DNS
Eric domain? If its a DNS domain, I don't think it matters. If
Eric it is a Windows domain, I am not sure.

Eric I'm not sure I understand the question. In the link for the
Eric thread I sent you


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Re: [Samba] Using the right network interface

2002-12-12 Thread Eric Boehm
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 11:16:39PM +1100, Simeonidis, Steve wrote:
 Steve == Simeonidis, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steve  Thanks for that, I'll give it a go!  Will nmbd work
Steve properly if one interface belongs to a different domain
Steve than the other?

What kind of domain do you mean? A Windows domain or a DNS domain? If
its a DNS domain, I don't think it matters. If it is a Windows domain,
I am not sure.

I'm not sure I understand the question. In the link for the thread I
sent you

The examples I provide run a separate smbd *and* nmbd for each

BTW, I built 2.2.5 and it only binds to one interface for me if I just

interfaces =

even if bind interfaces only = yes is commented out.

Steve Will it get mixed up?

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Re: [Samba] Using the right network interface

2002-12-11 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:52:31PM +1100, Simeonidis, Steve wrote:
 Steve == Simeonidis, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steve I've tried the bind interfaces only = yes but still the
Steve same netstat gives the same results.

Hmmm. That's odd. Maybe we need to see the rest of your smb.conf.

I have samba running on my firewall (Red Hat 7.2) at home and it is
restricted to the internal interface.

netstat -an | grep 137 returns

udp0  0*   
udp0  0*   
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM1372   

Here are all my interfaces

ifconfig -a
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C6:F7:8E:0C  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:65280/100
  RX packets:92588 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:90112 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1
  RX bytes:59279583 (56.5 Mb)  TX bytes:35587352 (33.9 Mb)

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:01:02:2E:D3:C0  
  inet addr:X.X.X.X  Bcast:  Mask:
  EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:65280/200
  RX packets:2180771 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:84308 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1
  RX bytes:161348660 (153.8 Mb)  TX bytes:58081125 (55.3 Mb)

gre0  Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  
  NOARP  MTU:1476  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:0/0
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:605 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:605 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  RX bytes:99629 (97.2 Kb)  TX bytes:99629 (97.2 Kb)

And here's my smb.conf (I've deleted the shares for brevity)

# Global parameters
security = server
encrypt passwords = yes
workgroup = BOEHM
netbios name = ARACHNE
server string = Samba Server
interfaces =
#bind interfaces only = Yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
#max log size = 50
max open files = 1014
#debug level = 3
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
dns proxy = No
wins support = true
hosts allow = 192.168.1.
os level = 65
domain master = yes

Well, I thought I had bind interfaces only = Yes but it is commented
out. I commented out the interfaces lines and restarted Samba. Now

netstat -an | grep 137
udp0  0*   
udp0  0 X.X.X.X:137*   
udp0  0*   

shows 2 interfaces.

This is version 2.2.1a. I also shut down the firewall software
(netfilter) temporarily to see if it was causing Samba to be
restricted to one interface, but that wasn't the case.

I'll try building 2.2.5 later and see if it makes a difference.

Steve What I'm really trying to do and why I need this is because
Steve I want to run 2 instances of SAMBA, a different one on each
Steve interface.

That's a different problem. I think I posted a message on this
before. I'll try to find it and send you the reference.

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Re: [Samba] Using the right network interface

2002-12-11 Thread Eric Boehm
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 08:19:12AM -0500, Boehm, Eric [NCRTP:C28D:EXCH] wrote:
  Eric == Boehm, Eric [NCRTP:C28D:EXCH] Boehm writes:
 Steve == Simeonidis, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve What I'm really trying to do and why I need this is because
Steve I want to run 2 instances of SAMBA, a different one on each
Steve interface.

 Eric That's a different problem. I think I posted a message on
 Eric this before. I'll try to find it and send you the
 Eric reference.

Here's the reference for the question I responded to on 2/7/2002. My
suggestions worked for the person asking the question.

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Re: [Samba] Using the right network interface

2002-12-10 Thread Eric Boehm
On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 07:25:07AM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
 Joel == Joel Hammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joel Just having a senior moment here, but, I recall vaguely that
Joel samba will listening on all NIC's but ignores the ones you
Joel tell it to ignore with.

Yes, samba will listen on all interfaces.

The problem is that Steve hasn't specified all the parameters
necessary to restrict Samba to one interface.

Try something like the following:

interfaces   =
bind interfaces only = yes

You will want to include the loopback interfaces

Check the sections in man smb.conf regarding these two
directives. You need to include the loopback interface in the
interfaces list or smbpasswd and swat will not work.

Steve Hi everyone,

Steve samba 2.2.5 The server I'm using has 2 interfaces so using
Steve the interface parameter I'm telling samba to use eth0 but
Steve for some reason when I do netstat it is listening on eth1

Steve interface = eth0 (the IP is

Steve netstat -an udp 0 0* udp 0 0
Steve* udp 0 0*

Steve is the IP of eth1!??!

Steve I've also tried interface =

Steve Any ideas??

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Re: [Samba] Using the right network interface

2002-12-10 Thread Eric Boehm
On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 04:55:49PM +0100, Holger Krull wrote:
 Holger == Holger Krull [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  You will want to include the loopback interfaces
 Check the sections in man smb.conf regarding these two
 directives. You need to include the loopback interface in the
 interfaces list or smbpasswd and swat will not work.

Holger Hi,

Holger are you sure about the loopback interface?  I have
Holger interfaces eth0:0 bind interfaces only = yes in smb.conf
Holger and no problems with smbpasswd and swat so far.  Other
Holger problems remain, though.

I am just going by the instructions. I've never tried it without the
loopback interface.

From the man page:

  If bind interfaces only is set then unless the  network
  address is added to the interfaces parameter
  list smbpasswd(8) and swat(8)may not work  as  expected
  due to the reasons covered below.

  To change  a  users  SMB  password,  the  smbpasswd  by
  default  connects  to the localhost - address
  as an SMB client to issue the password change  request.
  If  bind interfaces only is set then unless the network
  address is added to the interfaces  parameter
  list  then   smbpasswd  will  fail  to  connect in it's
  default mode. smbpasswd can be forced to use  the  pri-
  mary  IP  interface  of the local host by using its  -r
  remote machine parameter, with remote  machine  set  to
  the IP name of the primary interface of the local host.

  The swat status page tries to  connect  with  smbd  and
  nmbd  at the address to determine if they are
  running. Not adding will cause  smbd and nmbd
  to  always  show not running even if they really are.
  Thiscanprevent swatfrom
  starting/stopping/restarting smbd and nmbd.

  Default: bind interfaces only = no

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Re: PR #s 25271, 25273, 25445 security=domain does not work onSolaris

2002-09-09 Thread Eric Boehm

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 11:36:51AM -0400, David Collier-Brown wrote:
 David == David Collier-Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Tim == Tim Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tim I have posted to this group in the past and been told that
Tim the behavior I'm seeing is not correct. My main file server
Tim (Samba/Linux) does not behave this way (similar smb.conf).

Tim And the symptom was: I have posted to the user groups and
Tim think I have found a bug. Our RHL6.2 box running samba 2.0.6
Tim is a member of our NT domain. An NT user (say jbloggs) cannot
Tim browse the unix/samba box unless there is a corresponding
Tim unix user (jbloggs) on the unix box; this is the expected
Tim (and correct??!) behavior. We have added samba 2.2.2 to one
Tim of our Sun boxes (Solaris 8) and now we appear to have to add
Tim users to the smbusers file in addition to (or instead of)
Tim just having a corresponding unix user. I will supply further
Tim information (smb.conf, log files, whatever) as requested.

David  You normally need a Unix user, but if you wish to use
David the NT form of encrypted passwords, you also have to have
David an entry for the user in the smbpasswd file.  As
David security=domain requires encrypted passwords, I'm afraid
David you're stuck with it!

Are you sure about this? I've been running 2.0.7 for a couple of years
with security = domain and I don't need to create an smbusers
file. The only time I run into problems is if the Windows user does
not have a UNIX account. As long as the userid exists in the Windows
domain and NIS domain, it works fine (with encrypted passwords).

I am also running 2.2.5 with the same configuration.

It might be worthwhile to see Tim's smb.conf or a level 3 or level 5
log of a failed access.

Here's the relevant portion of mine

workgroup  = AMERICASE
security   = domain
password server= ZRTPD01T ZRTPD0P0 NRTPDE11
wins server=
encrypt passwords  = yes 

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Re: How do I compile 64 bit Samba on Solaris 8?

2002-07-30 Thread Eric Boehm

On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 03:38:59PM -0700, Dennis, David M. wrote:
 Dave == Dennis, David M [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dave Regarding compiling on solaris: 1) make sure the environment
Dave variable CC is set to the proper compiler.  If gcc then $CC
Dave needs 'gcc' and if Forte on Sun then $CC=cc .

Dave 2) ensure the proper paths, the Sun Companion CD puts gcc in
Dave /opt/sfw/bin/gcc .

Dave 3) LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include non-standard Solaris libs,
Dave /usr/local/lib is NOT standard on Solaris.

Might be best to unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Dave 4) If you have Forte your PATH should be something like
Dave /opt/SUNWspro/bin ahead of everything, and /opt/sfw/bin or
Dave /usr/local/bin last .  LD_LIBRARY_PATH should likewise have
Dave /opt/SUNWspro/lib ahead of everything else.

Dave There was also just recently a patch posted for smbwrapper
Dave for samba, if your compile is failing with that email me and
Dave I'll send it along.

Dave Hope that helps, anyone feel free to add corrections to the
Dave above, I am still learning these myself!

John I haven't found any docs on how to do this. Can someone
John point me in the right direction? I've got Forte compiler 6.2
John and the sun linker and assembler in my path, but not gcc. Is
John it an option I give to configure? Do I have to use gcc?

I believe I've posted instructions on this several times in the past.

Assuming that you have cc in your PATH and the CC=cc

A. For Bourne/Korn Shells

   1. For Sun's Forte compiler
  CC=cc  CPPFLAGS='-D__EXTENSIONS__' CFLAGS='-xarch=v9a'  \
./configure args-to-configure

   2. For gcc 3.x or better

./configure args-to-configure

B. For Csh and derivatives

   1. For Sun's Forte compiler
  setenv CC   cc \
  setenv CPPFLAGS '-D__EXTENSIONS__' \
  setenv CFLAGS   '-xarch=v9a'   \
./configure args-to-configure

   2. For gcc 3.x or better

  setenv CC   gcc\
  setenv CPPFLAGS '-D__EXTENSIONS__' \
  setenv CFLAGS   '-m64' \
./configure args-to-configure

The CPPFLAGS='-D__EXTENSIONS__' is necessary because configure doesn't
(yet) include crypt.h and crypt gets the wrong prototype in a 64-bit
application, leading to a SIGSEGV in swat

If you experience difficulties linking some shared objects, it's
because the definition of SHLD doesn't include CFLAGS. The workaround

make SHLD='${CC} ${CFLAGS}' 

when building Samba

You could also use '-xarch=v9' or 'xarch=v9b' for UltraSparc III or
'-xarch=native64' instead of '-xarch=v9a'

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Re: compile samba-2.2.4 on Solaris 7

2002-06-03 Thread Eric Boehm

On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 03:31:10PM -0500, Gerald Carter wrote:
 Jerry == Gerald Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eric On Thu, 30 May 2002, Eric Boehm wrote: I've seen the
Eric following behavior on Solaris 8.

Eric 1. compiling 32-bit with Sun Workshop, configure checks for
Eric and finds readdir64... yes dirent64... yes

Eric 2. compiling 32-bit with Sun Workshop, configure checks for
Eric and finds readdir64... no dirent64... yes

Jerry Do you mean 64-bit here for #2?

Yes, I mean 64-bit. cut-and-paste too quickly, sorry.

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[Samba] Samba 2.2.5-pre and --with-winbind is not handling passwords properly

2002-05-29 Thread Eric Boehm

I am seeing some rather strange behavior with SAMBA_2_2 (update from
CVS, 05/29 12:30 EDT)

If I build with

./configure  --with-automount --with-pam --with-libsmbclient --with-acl-support


/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -d 10 -L wnc0s00u -W americase -U boehm
Password: password


/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -d 10 -L wnc0s00u -W americase -U boehm%password

works fine.

If I build with

./configure  --with-automount --with-pam --with-libsmbclient \
   --with-acl-support --with-winbind


/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -d 10 -L wnc0s00u -W americase -U boehm%password

export USER=boehm%password
/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -d 10 -L wnc0s00u -W americase



/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -d 10 -L wnc0s00u -W americase -U boehm
Password: password

fails with

session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree 
Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

The log file says

[2002/05/29 13:36:28, 0, pid=8803] rpc_client/cli_netlogon.c:(406)
  cli_net_sam_logon_internal: NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
[2002/05/29 13:36:28, 0, pid=8803] smbd/password.c:(1605)
  domain_client_validate: unable to validate password for user BOEHM in domain 

I know I am not mistyping the password because I am using the mouse to
paste it in.
I have level 10 logs of -U user%password vs -U user when compiled with
--with-winbind but it is 6000+ lines of text. I can upload it if desired.

My smb.conf looks like
# Global parameters 
client code page = 437 
# Samba requests 1 but Solaris has only 1014 to spare 
#max open files = 1014 
comment = Samba %v server 
share modes = yes
getwd cache = yes
browseable = yes
load printers = no
local master = no
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/
debug pid = yes
dead time = 30
debug level = 1
include = /usr/local/samba/lib/
include = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.shares.%h
# if security = domain, then password server = * and workgroup is the 
# domain of the machine account resource domain
workgroup = PCNTRTP
security  = domain 
password server = PCNTRTP01, ZRTPD0P0, PCNTRTP02
# password server = *
# if security = server, then password server = PDC, BDC ...
# where PDC and BDC are primary and backup domain controllers of
# the user account resource domain
# workgroup = americase
# security  = server
# password server = ZRTPD01T, NRTPDE11, NRTPDE10, NRTPI915, PCNTRTP01, 
wins server =
encrypt passwords = yes 
server string = Test Samba server %h (%L), Samba
interfaces =
#shared mem size = 4194304
#netbios aliases = alias1 alias2
#winbind separator = +
#winbind uid = 8-9
#winbind gid = 8-9
#winbind enum users = yes
#winbind enum groups = yes
#template homedir = /home/%U
#template shell = /usr/bin/ksh

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