Re: [Samba] primary GID based access for user in 16 supplementary groups

2013-09-06 Thread Tris Mabbs
uch simpler and more predictable.
Still don't like the little perishers though! :-)

> Essentially you have to imagine the groups we see evaluated via Samba user
context will be identical as those for a UNIX login for the same user - it
is completely unified.  That is all except for the UNIX PGID!!!


> Regarding posting my questions in the technical group I thought this was
not allowed for non-samba developers, otherwise both of my current queries
would already have been sent there.

You have to request membership; as I understand it, if you're seen
to be asking questions which need to be in the technical group then that
will be granted.
Or at least that's how I understand it, and that's how it's worked
for me (I've got a couple of conversations going on at the moment, with some
extremely helpful Samba developers, regarding decoding Kerberos PACs in
particular ...).
Request membership and see what happens :-)

> Adam


-Original Message-
From: Tris Mabbs []
Sent: 06 September 2013 10:15
To: Burgess, Adam
Subject: RE: [Samba] primary GID based access for user in 16 supplementary

Hiya Adam,

> We have not seen any issue with primary group not matching 
> file/directory
group owner - but I will look out for this in future.  

Yes, it was a bit of an obscure one to track down, and I'm still not
convinced I've got to the bottom of it - we have a working solution now and
that's where I had to stop poking around.  Thought I'd mention it though in
case it applied in your case.

> We are using NFSv4 but as I understood it this still uses AUTH_SYS
authentication method by default and this is what prevents us moving to >16
groups. ...

Well yes, and no.
Using AUTH_SYS will trip the 16 group limit problem, yes.  That's part of
the definition for NFS defined in RFC - that's
where the 16 group limit comes from and it's not tuneable.
Were you to be using Linux, there's a "magic" hack which gets around this,
by ignoring the group list supplied by NFS and looking up the membership for
itself.  Haven't played with it myself, but I believe (anecdotally) that it
works well.  However that's absolutely no use whatsoever to you in a Solaris
Where NFSv4 *does* score over the earlier versions is that you have *other*
authentication methods available - you don't have to use AUTH_SYS.  In
particular, as you're integrating all this with AD for unified identity
management, there are going to be Kerberos tickets floating around the place
and you could potentially use AUTH_KRB5 instead.  Bingo - problem gone.  OK,
so nothing in computing is ever quite that simple, but get AUTH_KRB5 working
and "Bingo - problem gone".  So that might be a solution for you to this
problem, and potentially simplify your account management as well.

> Essentially our problem generally revolves around ACLs that gives 
> access
to objects for a given group ...

Eurgh - stop right there.
ACLs - work of The Devil! :-)
Potentially ACLs are going to cause you major headaches on NFS mounts anyway
- "The wonderful thing about standards is that there's so many to choose
from"; NFS ACLs are supposed to be able to be mapped to and fro versus the
underlying filesystem (whatever ACL mechanism that's using); personally I've
never had ACLs work correctly on NFS shares of pretty much any underlying
filesystem, and also be mapped correctly on the client end.  I've also not
seen ACLs work consistently and reliably with Samba (and I believe there
were a couple of recent threads on that exact subject in the support fora,
but don't quote me on that ...).
Now, since you're accessing this using Samba, and Samba works out group
membership based on the AD groups and uses that primarily to control access,
effectively merged with the local filesystem permissions (as I understand it
- I'm not a Samba guru and could be wrong ...), you might have more luck
achieving the equivalent of group-based ACLs by nested group membership in
the AD groups.
As you're using "Quest", I don't know how well that would work - I'm afraid
I've heard of "Quest" but never used it (just Samba/native OS support for AD
integration, oh and "Centrify" ...).  However I don't see why it *wouldn't*
So where you use "setfacl" ("Set F*ck-All", as I tend to think of it ...
Pardon the language - really NOT a fan of ACLs, so many issues ...) to
permit group write to a directory, and one of the groups happens to be
users' primary GID; instead define an AD group ("(Unix) Access ''
resource", or some similarly descriptive name) with however Quest assigns a
GID to that gro

Re: [Samba] primary GID based access for user in 16 supplementary groups

2013-09-06 Thread Tris Mabbs

As for your IDMAP cacheing issue - yes, I saw that :-)  IMHO you might not
get a response in this group about that - it looked like a "bit" (ha!) more
of an in-depth technical issue and, if you get no responses here, you might
need to put it into the samba-technical forum - in my experience, the Samba
developers are extremely good about monitoring this forum for issues, but
there tends to be so much traffic in here (asked by users and can be
answered by other users) that more complex technical questions can
occasionally get overlooked.

Hope that helps, and good luck!



-Original Message-
From: Burgess, Adam [] 
Sent: 06 September 2013 09:27
To: Tris Mabbs;
Subject: RE: [Samba] primary GID based access for user in 16 supplementary

Thanks Tris.

We have not seen any issue with primary group not matching file/directory
group owner - but I will look out for this in future.  

We are using NFSv4 but as I understood it this still uses AUTH_SYS
authentication method by default and this is what prevents us moving to >16
groups.  We do have such memberships and struggle enough already without
trying to reduce this to 15 in order to work around this particular issue.

Essentially our problem generally revolves around ACLs that gives access to
objects for a given group that happens to be the primary group of many
accounts because there are so many accounts that must belong to it, (we are
also not prepared to attempt splitting the group into multiple ones and
allocating the users between them as this makes for even more management
headaches doing this allocation and then having to add all of these groups
to the objects ACLs).

Our IDMAP backend works well - that much I am confident of.  The backend is
itself the Quest ID Mapper that uses Quest Authentication Services
integration to AD - we are not actually using UNIX attributes directly on
the AD objects but that is another story.  Suffice to say that SID-UID and
SID-GID mappings in both directions all seems to work correctly for all AD
user/group accounts that are setup be shall we say "UNIX enabled".  In our
UNIX environment AD is the backend for NSS (name services switch) - ie we
have single identity management directory between Windows and UNIX
environments  (thus we can't just remove some AD memberships to suit Samba
based access). 

There is a another problem with the Samba IDMAP operations which is not an
issue of the backend but of the caching method and general SID-to-UNIX-ID
lookup method.  I have posted about that separately.  Independent of that
issue we need to know how Samba is designed to work in the case described
before we can say whether Windows 7 client of Windows XP is working
correctly, and then look for potential workarounds/fixes.  I myself would
like to see a config switch to choose between implicit UNIX PGID membership
and not.  SMBD should also be able to programmatically not add in an actual
supplementary group membership from the UNIX security token if this is the
primary GID of the account (this prevent the issue of blowing any limit).


-Original Message-

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] primary GID based access for user in 16 supplementary groups

2013-09-05 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Adam,

We too have had no end of problems with this sort of issue using Samba on
Solaris (11 in our case) running against AD and using (predominantly)
"Windows 7" clients.

Someone with more knowledge of the Samba internals can probably answer your
questions about what is the correct behaviour, and why this is happening.
However if you're like me, it's more urgent actually to have something
working than to know the precise details of implementation of some rather
nasty protocols ...

So - my $0.02, in case it's of any use.

1. For whatever reason, Samba does not play nicely when the GID of an object
does not match the account's primary GID.  One easy way (we've found anyway
- YMMV) to demonstrate this is to locate any "$RECYCLE.BIN" directory for a
user, change the GID to that of another group of which the user is a member,
then open the desktop "Recycle Bin" - you'll get a whinge about "The recycle
bin on \\server\path\to\$RECYCLE.BIN is corrupted.  Do you want to empty the
Recycle Bin for this drive?" (or words to that effect).
2. Things work much more smoothly when the AD group membership for the user
includes the primary GID (and that's set as the primary group name in the
Unix attributes for the account).  It's not a cure for all ills, but it did
clear up a number of similar problems we had.
3. That, as you pointed out, may well break the Solaris internal limit of 16
groups.  However, is that really a problem for you?  More than 16 will break
NFSv3, but if you're not using NFSv3 then the worst that will happen is
you'll get whinged at at boot time and that's it.  Depending on your version
of Solaris, there is an internal hard-coded kernel limit; as of OpenSolaris
"snv_129" it was increased from 32 (the limit you may well have) to 1024,
but if you're not over the limit (without including the primary GID) at 16
then 32 will easily be sufficient for you anyway.  We run with "set
ngroups_max = 1024" in our "/etc/system" (not that we need that many, but
...) and things generally troll along smoothly as a result.  Oh, depending
(again) on which version you're running - if you've patched your Solaris
systems to a stage where they use Grub, don't forget the obligatory "bootadm
update-archive", but I'm sure you know that already :-).
4. You've not gone into details of when (or even if) you might need to use
different GIDs on directories (or files, for that matter), though you did
point out that anything created will be created with the primary GID anyway.
Again, I'm sure you're aware of this, but you might find setting the SGID
bit on folders to be useful to force different group ownership of anything
created in that directory.  If, that is, you need to be able to create new
filesystem objects with a group ownership of anything other than the primary
GID ...
5. Are you *absolutely* sure that your idmap back-ends are doing what you
thought?  It may be worthwhile running "wbinfo -U " and checking the
SID for that UID against AD ("whoami /all |more" in a CMD window is very
useful in this context ...); then "wbinfo -S " and confirming that it
comes back to the correct UID.  We've also had some very odd behaviour where
it looks as though everything is correct, but the UID is actually being
mapped to a transient SID from an allocating back-end.  It maps to and fro
correctly, and Samba seems able (in our case) correctly to identify the user
(presumably from the Kerberos tickets) when a connection is established, and
so the correct UID is extracted from AD.  However since that UID then maps
to a transient SID when looked up (rather than the real SID which it should
match), you will get all sorts of bizarre permissions behaviour.  Same UID,
different SID, never the 'twain shall meet ...

Hopefully at least some of that may prove useful!


Tris Mabbs.

-Original Message-
From: Burgess, Adam [] 
Sent: 05 September 2013 17:02
Subject: [Samba] primary GID based access for user in 16 supplementary

We observe a difference between a Windows 7 client and Windows 2003/XP
client when accessing directories that should be accessible via the UNIX
accounts primary group GID.  Windows client refuses access.

Ignoring for now why the two different client behaviours (either some subtle
difference in the requests or the way the Samba reply is dealt with) the
question is what should be the correct behaviour?

We are running Samba 3.6.6 on Solaris with 16 limit on supplementary group,
using ADS security, Kerberos PAC based group membership resolution via
winbindd IDMAP lookup to simple LDAP backend.

The SIDs in the PAC which resolve to valid GIDs are just the supplementary
groups that would be expected for the UNIX name services resolution for 

Re: [Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client) behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".

2013-08-29 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Jeremy,

> So your problem is the debug statement being triggered repeatedly ?


> Adding a sleep is (IMHO) the wrong thing to do. 

It has the advantage of pretty much guaranteeing the problem will "go away";
it has the disadvantage of blocking the thread/process.
However it is what the Samba4 client code does (so a similar change to the
Samba3 would be consistent; of course, so would a different change to both
codebases ...).

> Once the accept() has failed the 'POLLIN' event should not be triggered
repeatedly on the polled socket.
> Your truss trace doesn't show enough. Does a subsequent pollsys() keep
returning fd=35 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=POLLIN after the:

Now that's a very interesting question ...

OK, a quick dig around later and we get (abridged):

pollsys(0x080849F0, 8, 0xFEFFDF58, 0x)  = 1
fd=36 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=35 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=34 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=31 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=33 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=6  ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=30 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
timeout: 32.54700 sec
write(8, " a c c e p t :   S o".., 43)  = 43
pollsys(0x080849F0, 8, 0xFEFFDF58, 0x)  = 1
fd=36 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=35 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=34 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=33 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=6  ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=30 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=32 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
timeout: 32.54600 sec
accept(31, 0xFEFFDE0C, 0xFEFFDDF8, SOV_DEFAULT) = 38
AF_INET  name = X.X.X.X  port = 55935
forkx(0)= 10502
pollsys(0x080849F0, 8, 0xFEFFDF58, 0x)  = 1
fd=36 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=35 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=34 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=33 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=31 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=6  ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=30 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
timeout: 31.03400 sec
write(8, " a c c e p t :   S o".., 43)  = 43
Received signal #18, SIGCLD, in pollsys() [caught]
  siginfo: SIGCLD CLD_EXITED pid=10504 status=0x
pollsys(0x080849F0, 8, 0xFEFFDF58, 0x)  Err#4 EINTR
fd=36 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=35 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=34 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=33 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=31 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=6  ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=30 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
fd=32 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
timeout: 31.03200 sec

So that would be a no - next "poll()" and there's no revent flagged on that
same socket.
Which would confirm your thought that "sleep()" is perhaps not the way to
go.  However I don't know the Samba code (at all!) nearly well enough to
comment - that "sleep()" may be serving some other vital purpose under
different circumstances?

Either way, it would appear that my second suggestion would still be valid -
only log this (and possibly a couple of other error conditions) when more
debugging is enabled?

Another passing thought ...
That "truss" only captured 2 ECONNABORTED incidents - typical that nothing
much happens when you're specifically looking at it.
However, is it likely to be a coincidence that both were on the same socket?
FD#32 happens to be bound to port 445 on one specific interface of the
machine; tomorrow I might try a more extended test and poke lots of traffic
at that interface (and/or might stick the socket descriptor number into the
debug message) - if anything interesting presents itself (E.g., it's always
the same port, or interface, ... where the problem occurs) I'll post an
update saying so.
Probably doesn't affect the solution, but possibly technically interesting
anyway ...

Many thanks, and regards,


-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Allison [] 
Sent: 29 August 2013 20:52
To: Tris Mabbs
Cc: 'Andrew Bartlett';;
Subject: Re: [Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only
using client) behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:10:38AM +0100, Tris Mabbs wrote:
> Hiya Andrew,
> Many thanks for the typically helpful and comprehensive reply :-)
> > I think that's probably the right track :-)
> >
> > The code here is triggered when poll() in

Re: [Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client) behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".

2013-08-29 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Andrew,

Many thanks for the typically helpful and comprehensive reply :-)

> I think that's probably the right track :-)
> The code here is triggered when poll() indicates that the socket is
> This socket should only be readable when a new connection is being made,
and accept() should succeed.
> ...
> So, my only conclusion is that your box momentarily does not have the
resources to accept the connection,
> and because there isn't the sleep() in the source3 code, it prints this in
a loop until the resources become available.

Absolutely, and on any normal Unix implementation I'd agree entirely.  That
sort of "poll()"/"accept()"/... code is perfectly normal and exactly what
you'd expect - I've written plenty of very similar code myself over the
years ...
However this is "Solaris" :-(

Caught in the act:

16327: pollsys(0x0809B4D0, 8, 0xFEFFDF18, 0x)  = 1
16327:  fd=39 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=38 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=34 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=36 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=37 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=POLLIN
16327:  fd=35 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=33 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=6  ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  timeout: 59.99900 sec
16327: accept(37, 0xFEFFDDCC, 0xFEFFDDB8, SOV_DEFAULT) = 41
16327:  AF_INET  name = X.X.X.X  port = 28986
16327: forkx(0)= 26942
16327: lwp_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0x00011080, 0x, 0x,
0x) = 0xFFBFFEFF [0x]
16327: close(41)   = 0
16327: pollsys(0x0809B4D0, 8, 0xFEFFDF18, 0x)  = 1
16327:  fd=39 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=38 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=34 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=36 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=35 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=POLLIN
16327:  fd=33 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=6  ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  fd=37 ev=POLLIN|POLLHUP rev=0
16327:  timeout: 44.69600 sec
16327: accept(35, 0xFEFFDDCC, 0xFEFFDDB8, SOV_DEFAULT) Err#130

So there's nothing odd about the "poll()".  Typically Solaris will flag
POLLERR in "revents" if it's out of resources, and POLLHUP if the remote end
closed the connection before it was fully established (remote NAKed, or
ignored, the connection SYN; terminally low on resources at t'other end of
the socket; ...).  Neither is happening here which would suggest things are
proceeding as normal for the connection establishment.

The server darn' well shouldn't be out of any resources either.  In terms of
physical resources, at the point that occurred the CPUs were at 99.9% idle,
there was 15Gb of free RAM (so not out of kernel memory then ...) and only a
total of about 400 sockets (TCP, Unix, ...) in use across the entire system,
as reported by "netstat -na | wc -l" - well below peak levels seen on this

So it's going to be that hypothetical Solaris specific
SO_DONT_RANDOMLY_ABORT_CONNECTIONS socket() option, isn't it :-)

So could I request please, that in the source3 code, either:
a. The same "sleep()" is added as in the source4 code; -and/or-
b. If errno == ECONNABORTED then only log the error if the debug
level is (substantially?) higher than zero.

I think it's probably safe to assume that ECONNABORTED is generally
ignoreable; for whatever reason, Solaris seems to return this at the drop of
a metaphorical hat (and ignoring it on other OS' isn't going to be a problem
either).  Maybe the same with EAGAIN (and possibly EWOULDBLOCK), as other
"Ignore this unless the user REALLY wants a lot of debug output" type

This would also seem to be common practice - a quick Google for "accept()
ignore ECONNABORTED" comes back with a lot of results, mainly showing other
open source code having been modified specifically to ignore ECONNABORTED.



-Original Message-
From: Andrew Bartlett [] 
Sent: 29 August 2013 00:41
To: Tris Mabbs
Subject: Re: [Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only
using client) behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".

On Sun, 2013-08-25 at 18:50 +0100, Tris Mabbs wrote:
> Probably should have posted this to "samba-technical" 
> in the first place, so re-posting in case anyone has any useful ideas .
> From: Tris Mabbs
> Sent: 12 August 2013 23:08
> To: ''
> Subject: Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using 
> client) behaviour #

Re: [Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client) behaviour #1 - "Could not fetch trust account password for domain ...".

2013-08-25 Thread Tris Mabbs
, as I understand it (?!), the ". could not fetch trust
account password for domain ." message is typically logged if the Samba
server isn't joined to the domain, yet here it evidently is.


The *only* thing that I can see which might be different
from a typical installation (other than being run on Solaris .) is that the
domain name is in mixed case.  This is a hangover from the original setup of
the domain on our DCs (and hence cannot be changed).  However that should
only possibly cause hiccups with Kerberos (with it's REALLY ANNOYING AND
ANACHRONOUS in this day and age) insistence on case dependence in principal
names, and it certainly isn't causing issues with any other use of Kerberos
(and there's a realm mapping for both "" and
".Firstgrade.Co.UK" to "FIRSTGRADE.CO.UK" in the "/etc/krb5/krb5.conf"
file).  So it probably isn't that, but that's the only thing I can see which
might in any way be different from any other similar installation.
Certainly the domain name on the Samba server is, as can be seen from the
principals listed in the "net ads status" output, forced to lower case.


So, does anyone have any thoughts about these log entries


Many thanks, and regards,




Ps.  Copying this to the technical list as well as it might be more
appropriately addressed in there; if the list moderator feels otherwise
please feel free to block or remove this post from the technical group and
leave it in the normal Samba discussion one only.


From: Tris Mabbs [] 
Sent: 12 August 2013 22:46
To: ''
Subject: Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client)
behaviour #1 - "Could not fetch trust account password for domain ...".


Good day oh technical ones .


I was running Samba 4 (client only, not using it as a DC so
effectively running Samba 3 code from the Samba 4 tree) and, other than a
little "Gotcha!" regarding decoding Kerberos PACs, it was all working

Then recently I had to upgrade, to "4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"
(I had to upgrade the OS on the server running Samba - 'twas "OpenSolaris"
and is now "Solaris 11.1") so I recompiled it all up and installed afresh
(so no ".tdb"s from the previous installation or anything).


It's all working (well, except for the PAC issue which is
still being worked on).  I set the LDAP admin. Password using "smbpasswd
-W".  Kerberos is set up fine.  I'm joined to the domain and both "net ads
testjoin" and "net rpc testjoin" (as well as "wbinfo -t") all agree that the
join is good.  "wbinfo -u" reports my AD users; "wbinfo -g" reports my AD
groups (with the domain prefix removed); "wbinfo -U " gives me the
correct SID for UID .

But here's a funny thing (#1) - "wbinfo -S " gives me a
UID for SID .  However it's not the same UID as, when given to "wbinfo
-U ", would return that SID.




So the mapping is only currently one way.  UID->SID = OK;
SID->UID = not OK (no error but allocated value not the one stored in the
LDAP schema).


This kinda-almost-sorta works.  The most annoying symptom is
that any UNC path which a workstation accesses winds up with an irritating
"$RECYCLE.BIN" folder being created on it, which every time that UNC path is
accessed results in a "The recycle bin for \\server\path\to\unc\folder
  has become corrupted.  Would you like
to delete it?".


I *suspect* that it may have something to do with the
following messages, which get logged over and over (and over and .) together
in the system log file:


Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
20:38:31.381776,  0]

Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]
domain_client_validate: unable to validate password for user  in domain  to
Domain controller PDC.MYDOMAIN. Error was NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER.

Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
20:38:31.382811,  0]

Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for


And no, that's not me editing out the username and domain in
the second message, it is an empty username and an empty domain name.


It's probably that I've been stupid and missed a

Re: [Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client) behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".

2013-08-25 Thread Tris Mabbs
Probably should have posted this to "samba-technical" in the
first place, so re-posting in case anyone has any useful ideas .


From: Tris Mabbs

Sent: 12 August 2013 23:08
To: ''
Subject: Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client)
behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".


Good day oh technical ones .


I was running Samba 4 (client only, not using it as a DC so
effectively running Samba 3 code from the Samba 4 tree) and, other than a
little "Gotcha!" regarding decoding Kerberos PACs, it was all working

Then recently I had to upgrade, to "4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"
(I had to upgrade the OS on the server running Samba - 'twas "OpenSolaris"
and is now "Solaris 11.1") so I recompiled it all up and installed afresh
(so no ".tdb"s from the previous installation or anything).


But here's a funny thing (#2).  The log file gets absolutely
ridiculous numbers of messages thus:


Aug 12 22:45:01 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:01.731562,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:01 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:03.556423,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:03.556688,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort


And so on.  These will come in spurts; there won't be any
such messages for several minutes then a whole load will come along all at
once.  Rather like busses .


It doesn't seem to be affecting the operation so far as any
client is concerned.  Or rather it evidently will be having some effect, but
it's not a noticeable one.


However it is really irritating having the system log
getting filled up with all these messages!


Murphy's law, of course, states that trying to catch one of
these messages being created, so I can include a suitable system call trace
in this message, will be impossible - there will be no such messages logged
until the instant I click "Send" (at which point probably about half-a-dozen
will be logged all at once).  That does indeed seem to be the case - I've
now been trying to persuade one of these, normally very regularly occurring,
messages to be logged for about 20 minutes and still, stubbornly, nothing
continues to happen.

I will catch "smbd" in the act at some point though, and
when I do I'll follow-up with a system call trace to show exactly what is
happening when this message gets triggered.  It will, of course, be
something bizarrely Solaris specific (you didn't set the
"SO_DONT_RANDOMLY_ABORT_CONNECTIONS" socket() option, did you?  Tsk tsk tsk





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Re: [Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client) behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".

2013-08-13 Thread Tris Mabbs
, 0xFEFFD1A0)" when writing
the message - descriptor 40 is the socket for the "syslog()" connection, so
performing an "fstat()" on it possibly isn't particularly useful (except
mebbee to obtain the block size, but that's probably not going to be
relevant on a socket anyway) .  That's doubtless why the stat structure
contains "fs=BADVFS".  Not any sort of problem, but curious minds wonder why
the code is bothering to "fstat()" the logging socket .






From: Tris Mabbs [] 
Sent: 12 August 2013 23:08
To: ''
Subject: Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client)
behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".


Good day oh technical ones .


I was running Samba 4 (client only, not using it as a DC so
effectively running Samba 3 code from the Samba 4 tree) and, other than a
little "Gotcha!" regarding decoding Kerberos PACs, it was all working

Then recently I had to upgrade, to "4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"
(I had to upgrade the OS on the server running Samba - 'twas "OpenSolaris"
and is now "Solaris 11.1") so I recompiled it all up and installed afresh
(so no ".tdb"s from the previous installation or anything).


But here's a funny thing (#2).  The log file gets absolutely
ridiculous numbers of messages thus:


Aug 12 22:45:01 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:01.731562,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:01 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:03.556423,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:03.556688,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort


And so on.  These will come in spurts; there won't be any
such messages for several minutes then a whole load will come along all at
once.  Rather like busses .


It doesn't seem to be affecting the operation so far as any
client is concerned.  Or rather it evidently will be having some effect, but
it's not a noticeable one.


However it is really irritating having the system log
getting filled up with all these messages!


Murphy's law, of course, states that trying to catch one of
these messages being created, so I can include a suitable system call trace
in this message, will be impossible - there will be no such messages logged
until the instant I click "Send" (at which point probably about half-a-dozen
will be logged all at once).  That does indeed seem to be the case - I've
now been trying to persuade one of these, normally very regularly occurring,
messages to be logged for about 20 minutes and still, stubbornly, nothing
continues to happen.

I will catch "smbd" in the act at some point though, and
when I do I'll follow-up with a system call trace to show exactly what is
happening when this message gets triggered.  It will, of course, be
something bizarrely Solaris specific (you didn't set the
"SO_DONT_RANDOMLY_ABORT_CONNECTIONS" socket() option, did you?  Tsk tsk tsk





To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

[Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client) behaviour #2 - "accept: Software caused connection abort".

2013-08-12 Thread Tris Mabbs
Good day oh technical ones .


I was running Samba 4 (client only, not using it as a DC so
effectively running Samba 3 code from the Samba 4 tree) and, other than a
little "Gotcha!" regarding decoding Kerberos PACs, it was all working

Then recently I had to upgrade, to "4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"
(I had to upgrade the OS on the server running Samba - 'twas "OpenSolaris"
and is now "Solaris 11.1") so I recompiled it all up and installed afresh
(so no ".tdb"s from the previous installation or anything).


But here's a funny thing (#2).  The log file gets absolutely
ridiculous numbers of messages thus:


Aug 12 22:45:01 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:01.731562,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:01 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:03.556423,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
22:45:03.556688,  0] ../source3/smbd/server.c:556(smbd_accept_connection)

Aug 12 22:45:03 Gateway smbd[16327]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]   accept:
Software caused connection abort


And so on.  These will come in spurts; there won't be any
such messages for several minutes then a whole load will come along all at
once.  Rather like busses .


It doesn't seem to be affecting the operation so far as any
client is concerned.  Or rather it evidently will be having some effect, but
it's not a noticeable one.


However it is really irritating having the system log
getting filled up with all these messages!


Murphy's law, of course, states that trying to catch one of
these messages being created, so I can include a suitable system call trace
in this message, will be impossible - there will be no such messages logged
until the instant I click "Send" (at which point probably about half-a-dozen
will be logged all at once).  That does indeed seem to be the case - I've
now been trying to persuade one of these, normally very regularly occurring,
messages to be logged for about 20 minutes and still, stubbornly, nothing
continues to happen.

I will catch "smbd" in the act at some point though, and
when I do I'll follow-up with a system call trace to show exactly what is
happening when this message gets triggered.  It will, of course, be
something bizarrely Solaris specific (you didn't set the
"SO_DONT_RANDOMLY_ABORT_CONNECTIONS" socket() option, did you?  Tsk tsk tsk





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[Samba] Odd Samba 4 ("4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"; actually only using client) behaviour #1 - "Could not fetch trust account password for domain ...".

2013-08-12 Thread Tris Mabbs
Good day oh technical ones .


I was running Samba 4 (client only, not using it as a DC so
effectively running Samba 3 code from the Samba 4 tree) and, other than a
little "Gotcha!" regarding decoding Kerberos PACs, it was all working

Then recently I had to upgrade, to "4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111"
(I had to upgrade the OS on the server running Samba - 'twas "OpenSolaris"
and is now "Solaris 11.1") so I recompiled it all up and installed afresh
(so no ".tdb"s from the previous installation or anything).


It's all working (well, except for the PAC issue which is
still being worked on).  I set the LDAP admin. Password using "smbpasswd
-W".  Kerberos is set up fine.  I'm joined to the domain and both "net ads
testjoin" and "net rpc testjoin" (as well as "wbinfo -t") all agree that the
join is good.  "wbinfo -u" reports my AD users; "wbinfo -g" reports my AD
groups (with the domain prefix removed); "wbinfo -U " gives me the
correct SID for UID .

But here's a funny thing (#1) - "wbinfo -S " gives me a
UID for SID .  However it's not the same UID as, when given to "wbinfo
-U ", would return that SID.




So the mapping is only currently one way.  UID->SID = OK;
SID->UID = not OK (no error but allocated value not the one stored in the
LDAP schema).


This kinda-almost-sorta works.  The most annoying symptom is
that any UNC path which a workstation accesses winds up with an irritating
"$RECYCLE.BIN" folder being created on it, which every time that UNC path is
accessed results in a "The recycle bin for \\server\path\to\unc\folder
  has become corrupted.  Would you like
to delete it?".


I *suspect* that it may have something to do with the
following messages, which get logged over and over (and over and .) together
in the system log file:


Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
20:38:31.381776,  0]

Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]
domain_client_validate: unable to validate password for user  in domain  to
Domain controller PDC.MYDOMAIN. Error was NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER.

Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] [2013/08/12
20:38:31.382811,  0]

Aug 12 20:38:31 Gateway smbd[22736]: [ID 702911 daemon.error]
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for


And no, that's not me editing out the username and domain in
the second message, it is an empty username and an empty domain name.


It's probably that I've been stupid and missed a
configuration step.  However I can't think what, and I've had a quick dig
around in "auth_domain.c" and can't see what user (and domain) it might be
failing to get from where.

Plus, of course, it's pure speculation that this is causing
the lack of a coherent bidirectional mapping between UIDs and SIDs .


Anyway, if anyone has any helpful suggestions either to
resolve, or to get to the bottom of, this little hiccup, I'd much appreciate
hearing them :)


Cheers folks!



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Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-07-25 Thread Tris Mabbs
Good day, one and all ...

I just had to rebuild our main Samba server ("OpenSlowlaris" -> "Slowlaris 
11.11"), during which I put the latest (at the time; currently 
4.2.0pre1-GIT-b505111) Samba4 on there.  I thought that by now that Gunther's 
speculative changes to improve the PAC decode might have made their way into 
the trunk revision - obviously I was wrong, as I'm once again getting a load of 
"Can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" messages and a user who can't 
access any Samba shares.

Whoops ...

So as we previously discussed looking into things in more detail (specifically 
finding out why there is no "client_principal" being passed into 
"kerberos_decode_pac()"), but nothing else ever happened, is there anything I 
can do to assist in getting the improved PAC decoding included into the trunk 
revision?  Whilst I can't guarantee immediate responses to any request, I'm 
quite happy to stick any code in anywhere you might want if you don't mind 
potentially waiting a day or so for the results :-)

I appreciate this is off-topic, but I was wondering whether anyone is 
interested in/would like me to open a separate thread on any of these ...
Built the code, installed the code, set it up (joined the domain, etc. etc. 
etc. etc.).  Had 2(-and-a-bit) problems (one of which I've fixed):
1. Although "bin/default/source3/winbindd/idmap_ad_4.o" gets built, 
"bin/default/source3/winbindd/" doesn't, so 
"/lib/idmap/" doesn't get installed.  No "ad" idmap backend; no 
AD UID/SID mapping; much administrator (me) confusion if said administrator is 
expecting AD UID/SID mapping to work ...
  I'd completely forgotten about this little "hiccup" - it's been a 
while since I initially shoe-horned Samba4 onto "OpenSlowlaris", but 
fortunately I'd made a note of this in the build script I used so after 2 days 
of banging my head against a wall, I finally remembered to check my own darn' 
script and saw the comment "If ''/usr/local/samba/lib/idmap/'' doesn't 
build and install then ...".  Bang bang bang bang ...  Doh!
   Linked "" manually and copied into 
"/usr/local/samba/lib/idmap/" and, as if by magic, my UID/SID mapping 
started working ...
2. "net ads testjoin" works; "wbinfo -t" works (as do "wbinfo -u", 
"wbinfo -g", ).  In fact everything works (after installing ""!) 
*except* ...  If I do a "net rpc testjoin" (and remember, "wbinfo -t" *does* 
work here) I get an error stating that it can't connect to "GATEWAY" (local 
server name) and therefore the join to the "FIRSTGRADE" domain isn't valid.
   So for some reason, "net rpc testjoin" is trying to connect to the 
local server rather than any DC for the domain.  No particular reason apparent 
in the log files, and it doesn't seem to be affecting anything, but it is an 
odd disparity.  Ramped up debugging but couldn't see any sensible explanation 
in the logs ...
[3. Kinda ...  Sorta ...  Can't build Samba4 on "Slowlaris 11.11" 
without complaints about "no ldap_add_result_entry() support in LDAP libs!" 
filling every log file on the system.
So I kicked and forced and prodded and poked and finally managed to 
persuade Samba to build using OpenLDAP-2.4, which gets rid of this problem.
However that involved fiddling with "CPPFLAGS" and "LDFLAGS" before 
calling any build scripts; it's nasty, messy and dirty - I don't approve of any 
"solution" which involves that sort of messing around (yuk).  There has to be a 
better way ...
From looking at other discussions, it seems Samba4 as a DC isn't 
supported (yet?) using OpenLDAP, but might it be worthwhile providing some way 
to "encourage" the use of OpenLDAP, rather than the OS native LDAP (whatever 
that may be), if it *can* be used?  Perhaps a 
"--I-cant-believe-its-not-OpenLDAP" flag of some sort (sorry, British humour - 
that probably doesn't mean anything to anyone else ...)?]
If you think it's worth opening a thread on any of these (probably, I'd guess, 
in the main Samba discussion rather than Samba-Technical?) then please say so 
and I'll do so.  Otherwise I'll continue quietly to ignore them :-)

Many thanks folks, and have a great week/weekend,



-Original Message-
From: Tris Mabbs [] 
Sent: 15 March 2013 17:59
To: Andrew Bartlett
Cc: 'Michael Wood'; Guenther Deschner;; 

Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-03-15 Thread Tris Mabbs
>>  So it seems that with these changes, "kerberos_decode_pac()" is never 
>> entered with "client_principal" anything other than a NULL pointer.
>> So I'm (very) happy that these changes fix my problem.  However it 
>> does seem a little curious that "client_principal" now never appears 
>> to be set - I don't know whether that's expected behaviour?
> It isn't, we need to look into that some more. 

More than happy to - let me know what you want put where and it'll be 

Meanwhile, having cleared them out recently, I currently have ~3,600 
PAC dumps, not a single one with the Kerberos principal in the name (every 
one's a PID based name).

On the plus side, still nary a core dump:

--->Cut here:
# find /var/samba4/log/cores/ -type f
<---Cut here.

> Does the ndrdump run you did before now pass fine?

Yes, runs perfectly:

--->Cut here:
% /var/tmp/samba/samba-master/samba-gd/bin/ndrdump krb5pacdecode_pac in 
pull returned NT_STATUS_OK
decode_pac: struct decode_pac
in: struct decode_pac
pac: struct PAC_DATA
num_buffers  : 0x0005 (5)
version  : 0x (0)
buffers: ARRAY(5)
buffers: struct PAC_BUFFER
_ndr_size: 0x0248 (584)
info : *
info : union PAC_INFO(case 1)
logon_info: struct PAC_LOGON_INFO_CTR


buffers: struct PAC_BUFFER
_ndr_size: 0x0014 (20)
info : *
info : union PAC_INFO(case 7)
kdc_cksum: struct PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA
5 (0xFF76)
signature: DATA_BLOB length=16
[] 3B 96 CC BB BB 9D E4 57   13 C9 6D 1C 65 A0 B1 1B   ;..W ..m.e...
RODCIdentifier   : 0x (0)
_pad : 0x (0)
dump OK
<--- Cut here.

Large amounts of data, all looking absolutely fine.

So definite progress ...

Many thanks, regards, and have a great weekend everyone,


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Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-03-08 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hello again everyone,

On 08 March 2013 13:10, Michael Wood wrote:
>> ...
>> <---Cut here.
> Sorry, I forgot a step.  You would have needed a "git fetch gd" in there
before the checkout.

Ah ha!  That would explain it then.
Well, forgotten command or not, the help was much appreciated and I now have
a version built and running from Günther's branch.
So many thanks for the assistance, and I now know slightly more about "git"
than I did before :-)

So, back to the original problem ...

Compiled up against Günther's branch, installed, tested.
The results are interesting:

1) User access:
From my perspective, it's cured the issue.  My problematic user can
once again access resources.
This is very good news; many, many thanks to everyone who has
assisted getting to this stage.
2) Core dumps:
The code has now been running for a few hours, with some reasonably
intensive access requests going on (lots of sessions being established and
By now, I'd normally have expected an "smbd" core-dump, but haven't
had a single one.
So this might have been the cause of that as well.  However I'll
leave things for a few days before considering that to be fixed.
3) PAC dumps.
I put my patch code back into "kerberos_pac.c"
("kerberos_decode_pac()") to see whether I now got PAC dumps named by
Kerberos principal name.
Previously, all other users were causing PAC dumps named by their
Kerberos principal name, but there were none for the problematic user.  As
Andrew had indicated he considered that unusual, I thought I see what
happened with Günther's changes.
On the plus side, all the PAC dumps are now consistently named, all
(currently) ~110 of them; on the minus side, not a single one is named with
the Kerberos principal name.
So it seems that with these changes, "kerberos_decode_pac()" is
never entered with "client_principal" anything other than a NULL pointer.

So I'm (very) happy that these changes fix my problem.  However it does seem
a little curious that "client_principal" now never appears to be set - I
don't know whether that's expected behaviour?
I'll leave my patch in for a few more days and see whether that changes
(with sessions being established after Kerberos tickets have been renewed or
re-acquired, for example), but previously I'd have had quite a few PAC dumps
named by Kerberos principal by now, and I have nary a one (and while I've
typed this, I'm up to ~160 PAC dumps and they're still all named by PID
rather than by Kerberos principal).
For both this, in case it's significant, and the core-dumps, I'll send an
update in a few days.

Very much appreciated everyone - thank you!



To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-03-08 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Michael,

Many thanks for that - very much appreciated.

I think I should learn more about "git" than currently I know - however this
is not the time to do so.
So I ran your commands, first not worrying about any local changes so just
updating my local copy:

--->Cut here:
samba-master % git remote add gd git://
samba-master % git checkout -b master-krb5pac gd/master-krb5pac
fatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching
Did you intend to checkout 'gd/master-krb5pac' which can not be resolved as
samba-master %
<---Cut here.

OK, not so good ...
So then I (effectively) completely removed and recreated my "samba-master"
and tried your second option:

--->Cut here:
samba-master % cd ..
samba % mv samba-master samba-master.tmp ; mkdir samba-master ; cd
samba-master % git clone git:// samba-gd
Initialized empty Git repository in
remote: Counting objects: 928083, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (708307/708307), done.
samba-master % cd samba-gd
samba-gd % git checkout -b master-krb5pac origin/master-krb5pac
Branch master-krb5pac set up to track remote branch
Switched to a new branch "master-krb5pac"
samba-gd % dircmp . ../../samba-master.tmp |& grep -i '^different' | grep -v
different   ./auth/credentials/pycredentials.c
different   ./auth/kerberos/kerberos_pac.c
different   ./lib/torture/torture.h
different   ./lib/util/samba_util.h
different   ./lib/util/tevent_debug.c
different   ./librpc/idl/krb5pac.idl
different   ./librpc/ndr/ndr_krb5pac.c
different   ./pidl/wscript
different   ./source3/auth/auth_generic.c
different   ./source3/auth/auth_util.c
different   ./source3/lib/events.c
different   ./source3/libnet/libnet_join.c
different   ./source3/libnet/libnet_join.h
different   ./source3/libsmb/pylibsmb.c
different   ./source3/smbd/oplock.c
different   ./source4/auth/gensec/pygensec.c
different   ./source4/lib/events/tevent_s4.c
different   ./source4/lib/registry/pyregistry.c
different   ./source4/torture/ndr/drsblobs.c
different   ./source4/torture/ndr/nbt.c
different   ./source4/torture/ndr/ndr.c
different   ./source4/torture/ndr/ndr.h
different   ./source4/torture/ndr/ntprinting.c
different   ./source4/torture/wscript_build
different   ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getgrgid.c
different   ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getgrnam.c
different   ./source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getpwnam.c
samba-gd % 
<---Cut here.

That does actually seem to have done something, and the files which are
changed look as though they might be relevant to this problem.
Not sure why that worked but the first option didn't, but there you go ...

So, again, many thanks - I'll now try building from that branch and testing;
I'll send an update once done.



-Original Message-
From: Michael Wood
Sent: 08 March 2013 10:33
To: Tris Mabbs
Cc: Guenther Deschner; Andrew Bartlett;
Subject: Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

On 8 March 2013 11:03, Tris Mabbs  wrote:
> Hiya Andrew, Günther,
> Andrew, many thanks for following up on this.
>> Where did we get with this?
> Currently stalled, temporarily I'm sure, by my ignorance of "git" I'm 
> afraid.

If you have no local changes, try this:

Change to the directory where you have the Samba git repository.

$ cd /path/to/samba-master
$ git remote add gd git://
$ git checkout -b master-krb5pac gd/master-krb5pac

If you have local changes and don't want to learn more about git than you
need right now, clone the repository to a separate directory:

$ cd somewhere
$ git clone git:// samba-gd
$ cd samba-gd 
$ git checkout -b master-krb5pac origin/master-krb5pac


To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-03-08 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Andrew, Günther,

Andrew, many thanks for following up on this.
> Where did we get with this?

Currently stalled, temporarily I'm sure, by my ignorance of "git" I'm

Günther pointed me at a branch with some changes but I've been unable to
find it, either through the Samba GitWeb view on the repository or by trying
to persuade "git" itself to locate the branch.
I've asked Günther for some pointers on how to retrieve the branch but he's
apparently understandably been too busy to answer what is honestly a pretty
noob question on "git".

So my fault I'm afraid - not been able to try Günther's changes yet.

Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to access his changes, or someone
will enlighten me, at which point I'll test it; then I'll put my patch back
in and see whether I then also get a PAC dump written under the Kerberos
principal name (which would hopefully confirm that the changes then also
cause normal code paths to be followed for this user).

Many thanks for the follow-up - much appreciated,



-Original Message-
From: Tris Mabbs
Sent: 07 March 2013 12:16
To: 'Guenther Deschner'
Subject: RE: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

Hiya again Günther,

Sorry to bother you again, but is there any chance of some quick words of
wisdom on how to retrieve that branch please?  I'd really like to test the
code but cannot find it, or how to pull that into my local Samba source

Again, apologies for my current complete lack of experience with "git".

Many thanks, and regards,


-Original Message-
From: Tris Mabbs 
Sent: 01 March 2013 18:24
To: 'Guenther Deschner'
Subject: RE: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

Hiya again Günther,

I'm *really* sorry - I must be being completely dense but I can't actually
find that branch.
If I look for it using the Samba GitWeb, it doesn't seem to show anything in
there since 2009.
I also can't persuade "git" itself to recognise anything related to it.

I'm afraid I only started using "git", for anything other than a simple
clone (or update) of the Samba source, a couple of days ago.  Prior to that,
all my RCS experience is with the somewhat dated (!) SCCS, or more recently

If you have a moment to jot down a couple of basic instructions for pulling
the branch with your changes in it, I'd greatly appreciate it, and would
then be able to try the code.

Apologies for my complete incompetence with "git"!

Many thanks, and regards,


-Original Message-
From: Tris Mabbs 
Sent: 28 February 2013 22:33
To: 'Guenther Deschner'; Tris Mabbs
Subject: RE: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

Hiya Günther,

Absolutely - I'm really sorry, I intended to try this today but haven't had
the chance.

Hopefully I will get the chance tomorrow, and I'll let you know the results.

Many thanks, much appreciated :-)


-Original Message-
From: Guenther Deschner
Sent: 28 February 2013 15:09
To: Tris Mabbs
Subject: Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

Hi Triss,

can you test this branch?;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/master-krb5pa

It contains fixes for various pac buffer types.

Let us know if it resolves your issues.


Günther DeschnerGPG-ID: 8EE11688
Red Hat
Samba Team

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Re: [Samba] no network interfaces found on OpenIndiana (Illumos)

2013-03-07 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Joeri,

> Thank you for your reply! Really helpful.

You're most welcome - hope it helps!

> I'm suspecting that my problem had something to do with virtualbox.
> I deployed it today on a normal physical machine and it worked immediatly,
without the interfaces line.

I think it might possibly be something to do with the actual interface
My OpenSolaris box, and your VirtualBox image, are both using "e1000g0" (in
my case also "e1000g1") interfaces, the generic Intel 825xx NIC driver.  In
my case, that's the correct driver for the actual physical card in use; in
your case, it is (if I remember rightly) the standard virtualised emulated
hardware supplied in VirtualBox.
The point is, if you look on the physical server on which you didn't have
any problems, I'll bet it's not using an "e1000g0" interface ...

I wonder whether it's purely down to the length of the interface name?
Typical Sun interface names are much shorter, E.g. "qfe0", "elx0", etc.

Whatever, hopefully adding an "interfaces" line on your VirtualBox will
resolve the issue (fingers crossed for you :-)

Good luck!



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Re: [Samba] Making Linux and domain users the same

2013-03-07 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Phil,

Thanks for the thanks, and you're most welcome :-)  Even if it didn't provide 
you with a solution, hopefully it gave you some insight into what was going on.

I'm really glad the simpler solution worked, and equally glad you've now got it 
all working - well done.
Now just remember not to turn off NIS :-)



-Original Message-
From: Phil [] 
Sent: 06 March 2013 10:14
To: Tris Mabbs
Cc: samba
Subject: Re: [Samba] Making Linux and domain users the same

Thanks once again, Tris.  As you see from the previous message, it turns out 
that there was a simple method to get what I needed.  But I still appreciate 
your help, and the time you took to describe a complex solution in careful 

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Re: [Samba] no network interfaces found on OpenIndiana (Illumos)

2013-03-07 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Joeri,

I had exactly the same problem with OpenSolaris - would not find the

However I found that if I explicitly defined the interfaces in the smb.conf

interfaces = if.ip.add.ress/netmask_bits

Samba was quite happy to pick that up.

I had the same problem with the ISC DHCP server, but there I had actually to
modify code to get it to work.  It does seem that there's something "odd" in
the way some Solaris versions provide access to the interface lists, but
I've never had time to get fully to the bottom of it (and I'm afraid I can't
remember exactly what I had to change in the ISC DHCP server to get it to
Something perhaps to be picked up at some point for investigation by the
developers, but it's probably much easier for you right now just to try
adding an "interfaces" line to your "smb.conf" and see whether that fixes it
for you - hopefully it will.

Hope that helps!



Ps.  So the "interfaces" line you'd want (IPv4) would be something like
"interfaces" or "interfaces".

-Original Message-
From: Joeri Vanthienen [] 
Sent: 06 March 2013 10:42
Subject: [Samba] no network interfaces found on OpenIndiana (Illumos)


I've downloaded the samba 3.6.12 OpenCSW package.
I joined openindiana to the the active directory, winbind seems to work
fine, I see all the users with "wbinfo -u".
However, my samba server is not starting. It seems that there is no network
card found.

2013/03/06 10:40:39.068405,  0] lib/interface.c:543(load_interfaces)
  WARNING: no network interfaces found
[2013/03/06 10:40:39.072795,  0] smbd/server.c:1082(main)
  standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option ...
[2013/03/06 10:40:39.205210,  0] smbd/server.c:746(open_sockets_smbd)
  open_sockets_smbd: No sockets available to bind to.

Is there some problem that the get_interfaces(talloc_tos(), &ifaces); call
returns  no interfaces on solaris/openindiana ?
Any idea?

I sure have interfaces:
root@openindiana:/# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849 mtu
8232 index 1
inet netmask ff00
e1000g0: flags=1004843 mtu
1500 index 3
inet netmask ff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:27:bd:35:de
lo0: flags=2002000849 mtu
8252 index 1
inet6 ::1/128
e1000g0: flags=20002004841 mtu 1500 index 3
inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:febd:35de/10
ether 8:0:27:bd:35:de

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Re: [Samba] Making Linux and domain users the same

2013-03-02 Thread Tris Mabbs
One other quick point ...

I assume you've got a working LDAP configuration, because your "smb.conf" 
included a reference to not using LDAP ssl.
If you *haven't* already got a working LDAP configuration, you'll need to set 
that up first.  There's plenty of documentation out there on how to do that on 
Linux; make sure you set a bind user which matches the (example) 
"LDAP_access_user" in the "smb.conf" file.  Check that that works with a 
suitable LDAP query command (that'll be in the documentation) before trying to 
get your Samba configuration to work, or you'll get nowhere fast ...

You don't actually need a user like that if you're allowing anonymous LDAP 
binds, but that isn't really recommended (and will doubtless cause loads of 
warnings to be logged in your PDC event log).  "Windows" doesn't particularly 
like non-SSL LDAP queries; it *really* doesn't like *anonymous* non-SSL LDAP 
queries ...

That is, of course, if you decide to go a similar way to the example I sent 
earlier and not some better way anyway :-)

Good luck!


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Re: [Samba] Making Linux and domain users the same

2013-03-02 Thread Tris Mabbs

Your output shows:

> $ ls -n
> total 4
> -rw-r--r-- 112903  100 3 Mar  2 03:40 File_Created_In_Linux
> -rwxrw-rw- 1 16777217 16777216 3 Mar  1 13:12 File_Created_In_Windows


> [global]
> idmap uid = 16777216-33554431

So your "joe" user is picking up an "IDMAP"ped UID.  That's expected behaviour 
unless Samba is told any other way to map the name to a Unix UID - it needs to 
get that information from somewhere.

This should work when you can get "wbinfo --uid-info 12903" to give you 
sensible looking information for your "joe" user.

How do you get to that stage?

Well, someone who knows Samba better than I do (so just about anyone ...) can 
probably correct this, and doubtless say "Good grief, don't do it like THAT!", 
but what we use is:

passdb backend = tdbsam

idmap config MYDOMAIN : backend = ad
idmap config MYDOMAIN : range = 100-99
idmap config MYDOMAIN : schema_mode = rfc2307
idmap config MYDOMAIN : default = yes
idmap config * : backend = tdb
idmap config * : range = 100-199

map untrusted to domain = yes

ldap ssl = no
ldapsam:trusted = yes
ldapsam:editposix = yes
# DN used to contact LDAP server.
# MUST HAVE PASSWORD SET IN "secrets.tdb" (using "smbpasswd -W")!
ldap admin dn = CN=LDAP_access_user,CN=Users,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=COM
# Set the LDAP connection timeout (allowing for slow responses).
ldap connection timeout = 60
# LDAP information.
ldap suffix = DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=COM
ldap user suffix = OU=Users
ldap group suffix = OU=Groups
ldap machine suffix = OU=Computers
ldap idmap suffix = OU=Idmap

(obviously replace the "DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=COM" type bits with your own 

You'll then need a user, "LDAP_access_user" in my example, who has read access 
to LDAP.  Set their password on your Samba server using "smbpasswd -W" (so 
"smbpasswd" knows how to authenticate as that user).
Then make sure you have "Identity services for Unix" (or whatever it's called 
on whichever version of "Windows Server" you're using on your PDC - Primary 
Domain Controller - your AD server(s)) installed.
Then, in the user-properties ("Active Directory Users and Computers") you'll 
have a bunch of Unix settings you can specify.  These will include UID, GID, 
home directory, shell, etc.

You can do it without loading "Identity Services for Unix", but it means 
potentially going in and editing the LDAP information (not recommended unless 
you know what you're doing), and possibly even the LDAP schema (really not 
recommended unless ...).  "Identity Services for Unix" sets all that up for you 
and gives you a nice, easy way to access the appropriate LDAP objects, in the 
RFC2307 schema.

This is just one way to configure this, with an LDAP connection (NOT using SSL 
in our case, as it's completely inside a multiply firewalled network with users 
who aren't going to poke LDAP themselves - I haven't been bothered to set up 
the certificates etc. required for an SSL LDAP session so you need to be aware 
that what I've listed above uses unencrypted LDAP queries!  Oh, you may need to 
enable that on your PDC as it might be disabled, depending on how you currently 
have it configured - there's M$ documentation that's easy to find about how to 
do that).  When an ID mapping is required, an LDAP query is made to find the 
RFC2307 schema Unix information in AD; that's then used to provide the 
information to Samba.

This does have a few "Gotcha!"s to be aware of:
1) That configuration is from a "Samba 4" "smb.conf" file.  Your mileage may 
vary depending on what version of Samba you're running.
2) It uses unencrypted LDAP queries.  Yes, I know I've already mentioned that 
but it is a very important point.
3) It uses " map untrusted to domain = yes" - that's appropriate for the setup 
I'm running but you will want to check the documentation as to whether or not 
that's appropriate, or required, for your network.
4) You may need to disable VLV (Volume Level View) queries on your LDAP (AD) 
server.  That may or may not be a problem; it probably will be if you're 
running "Exchange 2010".  Beware ...
5) This is just one approach, which I threw together to meet our specific 
needs.  There are undoubtedly better ways to do this!
plain common-sense anyway - don't blindly take my, or anyone else', word for 
how you should configure anything ...  And don't blame me if it goes wrong :-)

There is quite a bit of documentation on the Samba pages about how to do this 
sort of thing - you should check them first/as well.  Hopefully this might at 
least point you in the right direction and give you a suitable starting point.

Good luck :-)


Ps.  If you're stuck

Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-02-28 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Günther,

Absolutely - I'm really sorry, I intended to try this today but haven't had
the chance.

Hopefully I will get the chance tomorrow, and I'll let you know the results.

Many thanks, much appreciated :-)


-Original Message-
From: Guenther Deschner [] 
Sent: 28 February 2013 15:09
To: Tris Mabbs
Subject: Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC:
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

Hi Triss,

can you test this branch?;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/master-krb5pa

It contains fixes for various pac buffer types.

Let us know if it resolves your issues.


Günther DeschnerGPG-ID: 8EE11688
Red Hat
Samba Team

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Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-02-27 Thread Tris Mabbs
> Date:   Thu Sep 27 14:12:06 2012 -0400
> Support UPN_DNS_INFO in the PAC
> Previously marked as UNKNOWN_12 the UPN_DNS_INFO is defined in 
> Autobuild-User(master): Simo Sorce 
> Autobuild-Date(master): Fri Sep 28 01:13:44 CEST 2012 on 
> sn-devel-104

Oh you *so* have to love "git bisect" ...
I'm an old SCCS die-hard, who has (recently and reluctantly) been forced into 
using SVN.  Now I see what "git" is capable of, I might just take a leap into 
the 21st century ...

> I've CC'ed Simo who made the change, and GD who is working on 
> improving our PAC handling (he has a series of patches under development, 
> which may already solve your issue).  Hopefully they can sort things out from 
> here.

Excellent - hopefully the information above is of use then.  Thanks - much 

> If you can contribute your PAC to the public realm (the PAC itself 
> does not contain passwords, but you will need to read the full dump to 
> determine if any other details might be a problem), then I know it will be 
> very much appreciated, as we can add tests to show that these exotic samples 
> continue to work.

>From what I can see (can't, of course, read the dump past the SIGSEGV :-), 
>there's not anything in there about which particularly to be concerned.
OK, so normally I don't even like letting an e-mail address out into the wild, 
but that's just because I'm paranoid (What, me?  Paranoid?  Who said that?! 
So yes, do please feel free to consider the dump contributed to the public 
domain as a future potential test case.

Of course, if it is that the UPN length trips a padding problem, you can 
probably much more simply generate a test PAC.  However you're still welcome to 
the one I sent you anyway.

> Thanks,


> Andrew Bartlett

Tris Mabbs.

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Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-02-27 Thread Tris Mabbs
  Thu Sep 27 14:12:06 2012 -0400
> Support UPN_DNS_INFO in the PAC
> Previously marked as UNKNOWN_12 the UPN_DNS_INFO is defined in MS-PAC
> Autobuild-User(master): Simo Sorce 
> Autobuild-Date(master): Fri Sep 28 01:13:44 CEST 2012 on sn-devel-104

Oh you *so* have to love "git bisect" ...
I'm an old SCCS die-hard, who has (recently and reluctantly) been forced into 
using SVN.  Now I see what "git" is capable of, I might just take a leap into 
the 21st century ...

> I've CC'ed Simo who made the change, and GD who is working on improving our 
> PAC handling (he has a series of patches
> under development, which may already solve your issue).  Hopefully they can 
> sort things out from here.

Excellent - hopefully the information above is of use then.  Thanks - much 

> If you can contribute your PAC to the public realm (the PAC itself does not 
> contain passwords, but you will need to read the full dump
> to determine if any other details might be a problem), then I know it will be 
> very much appreciated, as we can add tests to show that
> these exotic samples continue to work. 

>From what I can see (can't, of course, read the dump past the SIGSEGV :-), 
>there's not anything in there about which particularly to be concerned.
OK, so normally I don't even like letting an e-mail address out into the wild, 
but that's just because I'm paranoid (What, me?  Paranoid?  Who said that?! 
So yes, do please feel free to consider the dump contributed to the public 
domain as a future potential test case.

Of course, if it is that the UPN length trips a padding problem, you can 
probably much more simply generate a test PAC.  However you're still welcome to 
the one I sent you anyway.

> Thanks,


> Andrew Bartlett

Tris Mabbs.

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Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-02-26 Thread Tris Mabbs
> What I was getting at about the full name is that if this was a odd character 
> encoding issue, knowing that this was a user with non-ascii full name would 
> be an important data point.  

Yes, I see what you mean.
No, neither the full username, nor the login name, contain anything other than 
Good 'Ole ASCII.

> See, the PAC is much more than just SIDs, it is a lot of different bits of 
> information that a user needs to log in to a desktop, or (less so) to operate 
> against a file server.

I can see I'm going to have to look into the contents of the PAC in a bit more 
detail.  Although I have some familiarity with Kerberos, I've not had to dig 
into a PAC before; so far as I was aware it was mainly supplemental group 
membership, and similar information - obviously there's more in there than I 
was aware of.
Still, a day where something is learned is never a day wasted - it will be 
interesting to have a dig!

> The key password in this case isn't the user's password (it isn't involved), 
> but the machine account password of the server.  

Sorry, yes - I meant that I had no problem sending you any data which might be 
contained in any WireShark capture; as you pointed out, any password can easily 
be changed (including the Samba machine account password on the AD server).  
Apologies for not being clearer.

> Andrew Bartlett

Once again, many thanks - I'll update you when I have anything useful.

Tris Mabbs.

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Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-02-26 Thread Tris Mabbs

Hiya Andrew,

OK, this sounds like a very promising approach, and potentially saves me 
working through a large number of "git bisect"s (as also most helpfully 
suggested by Michael Wood) - so far, I'm right back into the beta code and 
there have been a lot of commits since then...

I'm not easily in a position to set up a test domain for this, but I have no 
problem with your suggestion of capturing on the live domain and sending to you 
(especially since changing the password doesn't affect the issue).  Or of 
dumping the information and decoding the PAC using "ndrdump" (wasn't aware of 

I'll work through your suggestions and see if I can get anywhere; when I reach 
a stage where I can't figure it out any further I'll send you what I've got.  
Any useful conclusions that don't contain sensitive information, I'll put back 
onto this thread in case they're of use to anyone else as well.

It will probably take me a few days to get anywhere useful, as I can only 
really poke this out of normal working hours.  So if there's no update for a 
few days, please don't think that means I've stopped.

BTW, to answer your question, access is based on the username not the full name 
(haven't tried that, which in itself is an interesting point - not sure whether 
that would affect it as presumably that just forms an alternative mapping back 
to the underlying internal AD entity, but ...).

Many thanks, I'll update as soon as I can.



-Original Message-
From: Andrew Bartlett [] 
Sent: 26 February 2013 11:05
To: Tris Mabbs
Subject: Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: 
NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 
2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 11:51 +, Tris Mabbs wrote:
> Hello,
> When accessing our main server using that account, "smbd" always 
> reports "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL".  This has 
> come from "../auth/kerberos/kerberos_pac.c:149(kerberos_decode_pac)", 
> trying to use NDR to pull a blob from the Kerberos ticket (that's 
> reported as
> "ndr_pull_error(11): Pull bytes 34  (../librpc/ndr/ndr_string.c:591)").

'Clearly' (as in, clear as mud, but the general direction to look at) either 
the IDL in librpc/idl/krb5pac.idl is incorrect, or the parsing code in Heimdal 
in unpacking this particular user's PAC incorrectly.

It is interesting that this user causes the issue regardless of being 
re-created.  Is this triggered on their full or user name?

Does this happen if you set up a new testing domain?  If so, what would be 
really, really helpful would be a network capture including the server keytab.  
(Or if you don't mind, and change the server password after, on your live 
domain to me personally).

The procedure you or I will need to follow is to extract the decrypted 'PAC'.  
You could do this either from wireshark (export selected packet bytes, after 
running wireshark -k /tmp/server.keytab, or by patching the code to call:

_PUBLIC_ bool file_save(const char *fname, const void *packet, size_t

somewhere near auth3_generate_session_info_pac()

Then, using that file, run 

bin/ndrdump krb5pac decode_pac in /tmp/pac

Then essentially we keep changing the idl in librpc/idl/krb5pac.idl and the C 
helpers in librpc/ndr/ndr_krb5pac.c until this works.

See also

Good luck!

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team

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Re: [Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-02-25 Thread Tris Mabbs
Hiya Michael,


Many thanks for the quick and helpful response.


Yes, I can certainly try a packet capture; I think I'll go with your other
suggestion first though, that of using "git bisect" to track down the
problematic version.

I'm sorry, that should have occurred to me .

Once I've identified the problematic version, I can post that information
and then start capturing packets if necessary.  Who knows - finding where
the break occurred might make someone such as yourself slap your forehead in
a Homer Simpson like way ("Doh!") and say "Of *course*, that's what will
have done it ." :-).


It's not in a test environment; we don't run one here (the development work
we do doesn't require a separate test network), so this is on our production
network.  However I have considerable freedom in taking servers out of
service so long as it's not during the most active times, so I'm quite happy
to bounce versions around (and perform any other tests required).


As for what was common between the original and the re-created user - the
username.  That's it.  I didn't even bother setting up the description
information.   However I also tried renaming the account and the problem
still occurred, so I'm not at all sure exactly what is causing it.

I did originally set the password to be the same, but have since reset it
several times (to varying lengths; I know that shouldn't affect this sort of
problem but by then I was running out of ideas .).


You're also quite correct in that Samba shouldn't core dump.  However I
think I'll get to the bottom of this problem and then perhaps start a
separate thread on that, rather than obfuscating this one with multiple
problems.  So thanks for the thought - I'll raise a new problem for that
once this has been sorted.


I can't take that server down just at the moment - middle of the working day
here.  However I'll see whether I can switch versions around until I can
find the problem hopefully later on this-evening.


Once again, many thanks for the most helpful suggestions.  Watch this space
for the responses.



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[Samba] "Samba 4" - "smbd"; "can't parse the PAC: NT_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" error but only for a single domain user ("Server 2008 R2" domain, "Server 2008" functional level forest).

2013-02-25 Thread Tris Mabbs
ode and adding debug code to
dig this problem out - with over 30 years 'C' experience (including working
as a kernel/system developer on "mainstream" Unix) I'm quite happy to dive
in and add code to the source tree, if that would contribute any useful


So can anyone suggest any way forward to resolve this please?  It would
appear that something is incorrectly being decoded somewhere, so it's
probably to everyone's advantage to get this sorted out - I know it would
certainly be to mine :-)


Many thanks, and regards,


Tris Mabbs.

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