CSTE laser light pens - more questions!

2002-01-19 Thread alisonbm
Hello again,
thanks to those who responded to my previous questions.  Now I 
have more.

Several people/websites have mentioned using laser light pens to 
view the TE.  Is a laser light pen the same as a laser pointer ? I 
can only find laser pointers on a New Zealand electronics website 
(DSE for the kiwis)  I feel that they are but clarification of this would 
be great.

Can someone please explain to me more clearly as to what I will 
be looking for with the laser?  I have looked at several websites, 
both with  without pictures and I am still unclear as to what I 
should see.  Any help would be much appreciated.


in New Zealand

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CSLearning the lingo

2002-01-18 Thread alisonbm
I have been on this list for about a fortnight now and I find it is a 
wealth of information.  I do, however, have one problemits all the 
capital letters that people use to describe things.  I know that CS 
stands for colloidal silver (stands to reason doesnt it) and I think I 
have worked out that ABX might be short for antibiotics but most 
of the rest confuse the heck out of me.  Is there an archive list 
anywhere of what most of the short forms people use are?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSfirst batch

2002-01-18 Thread alisonbm
My mother and I made our first batches of CS today. ( I had made 
a trial batch using boiled water last week but only got my distilled 
water yesterday - and Mum had to wait till yesterday for me to get 
the generator that I made for her to her)

I was very happy with mine - after about 15 mins one rod had 
bubbles rising from it and the other had the finest wisps coming off 
it so I timed it 5 mins from then.  I plan on drinking 40mls a day, 
more if I feel myself coming down with something.

My mothers batch, even after an hour she could not see wisps 
tho she had the rising bubbles and the tarnished rods.  Can we 
assume that she has made CS?  Yes, she did use distilled water 
at room temperature.  She is 65 and her eyes are not as good as 
they once were.  Maybe there is a possibility that she just didnt 
see the wisps as they were so fine.  I would be grateful for any 
opinion here.  What indication does one get when the batteries are 
going flat? 

Also, what is the shelf life of CS?  I was wondering about putting 
some in a small bottle and keeping it in my handbag for any 
eventuality.  Does anyone else do this?  Is it adviseable?

in New Zealand

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSanother newbie...

2002-01-16 Thread alisonbm

Hello again,
I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to reply to my 
questions  queries.  Thank you so much for sharing your 
knowledge with me.  I am ready to start making my own CS now 
but I need to get distilled water first.  I am going to see if I can buy 
it over the counter here in New Zealand (any Kiwis here know if it 
can be bought?) or I will get some from my parents to who distill 
their own water, and I may need to consider distilling my own water 
if the first two options don't pan out.  I have been told that I can 
make CS using boiled water but I have read nothing on the 'net that 
agrees with that so am reluctant to do that yet.  Does anyone here 
make CS with boiled water?

in New Zealand

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSanother newbie...

2002-01-10 Thread alisonbm
Hello all,
I am new to colloidal silver, and to this list.  I want to learn
I was told about colloidal silver recently and decided I wanted to 
use the product but I want to be informed first.
I have made myself a generator using the three nine-volt batteries, 
alligator clips and 2 rods of silver method.
I have been sitting here for hours each day searching and reading 
sites on colloidal silver and I am just getting more and more 
confused with different information.  I am hoping that some of my 
questions can be answered here without chastisement.

I have read that grey colloidal silver is poor quality.  I have also read 
that it is very strong.  Which is it?  I was given some that was grey 
and it looked so awful I wouldnt drink it.  It has now settled tho and 
is clear except for being grey at the bottom.  I was told to shake 
the bottle always b4 drinking...

Using the above generator I have read that it makes CS at 1ppm 
per minute.  I have also read that it can take 2.5 minutes to make 
1ppm.  I will have no way of testing my CS to find out for sure how 
many ppm I will be making so which is correct?  I am looking to 
make  a strength of 3-5ppm.

Also using the above generator, some sites say to use a salt 
solution in the water and others say dont.  Again, which?

I am also very confused as to how much CS I should take.  I will 
not be taking it for any specific illness but rather to just keep me 
healthy I guess.  As CS is non toxic does it really matter how 
much I take at my obviously low ppm?  Should I take a large dose 
once a day or several smaller doses throughout the day?  I've read 
of doses of teaspoons full, tablespoons full, glasses and drops.  
Again, confusion...

One more thing - I know of a woman with very bad psoriasis on her 
hands.  Apparently they are a mess and nothing she puts on them 
seems to work.  I have been told its psoriasis, then again I was 
also told that they think she is allergic to something she is using, 
eg, shampoo, washing powder, in which case I am thinking surely 
this is dermatitis not psoriasis.  Anyway, as I love aromatherapy 
my suggestion was that she needs to put some essential oils like 
lavender and chamomile ( maybe others) into an oil such as 
calendula oil and rub this into her hands and then wear cotton 
gloves to help the skin really absorb the healing elelments...but 
now I am wondering about CS and her condition.  Would anyone 
have any recommendations?

Here's hoping this list is kind to newbies...

in New Zealand

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com