[SLUG] asking about PHP and TWO FISH using Mcrypt

2004-10-13 Thread pesoy misak
Dear all
I am currently in the development for a website using PHP and Linux. the problem is we are getting the data from the server that we are working on in encrypted data using two fish algorithm and using 128 cipher in ECB mode. as I noticed in the PHP that the two fish only using 196 and 216 now the problem is I can't decrypt the data. 
Is there any hint
many thanks
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[SLUG] Slow Name resolving

2004-10-13 Thread Peter Rundle
Is anybody else noticing slow name resolves of late? I'm running bind on 
Rh7.3 at home and on Fedora 2 at work and at both sites I'm seeing slow 
name resolving when browsing. I've checked the named.ca files and both 
are dated January 2004.

Anyone aware of any other issues that might be causing this?
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Re: [SLUG] Apple 23"

2004-10-13 Thread Ben de Luca
I think i set up those boxes, many moons ago. Didn't you sack your 
linux staff because you were going all mac?

On 13/10/2004, at 3:18 PM, Malik Jayawardena wrote:
Does anyone have any clue about getting an Apple 23" display running 
at full res ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on XFree86?

Haven't tried it yet, but I'd like to get a heads up.
I know it's old but we're using RH 7.3 at the mo.
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
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RE: [SLUG] Mixing Desk Automation

2004-10-13 Thread Kevin Fitzgerald
Hi. No this is a Pre-MIDI Desk. I'm trying to get more details

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Erik de Castro Lopo
Sent: Monday, 11 October 2004 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Mixing Desk Automation

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:48:49 +1000
"Kevin Fitzgerald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> Bit of a Left field question for you. I have  amate who is an audio 
> engineer and an analogue purist. He wants automation for his sound 
> desk (Mimics the actions he makes with the faders etc) Anyway.

OK so far.

> His desk has the capability

What format does the desk send an receive? Its usually MIDI.

> and he can stripe the tape with SMPTE but needs some
> way of recording the movements and playing them back.

Well SMTPE is only the time base, you can't encode the automation that

> There is a commercial software package called Disk Mix  by otari that 
> can do it but it is a $4000 price tag. Does anyone out there know of a

> linux alternative??

Well assuming that the desk uses MIDI automation, it is theoretically 
possible, but probably a bit of fiddling around.

  Erik de Castro Lopo  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yes it's valid)
"The growing and dangerous intrusion of this new technology, threatens
an entire industry's economic vitality and future security." -- Jack
Valenti (MPAA president) on the video cassette recorder, 1982.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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Re: returing control to script after ftp, was: [SLUG] scripting ftp login

2004-10-13 Thread Peter Rundle
unindent the
ftp  <

Re: [SLUG] Converting mpc files to ogg

2004-10-13 Thread amos
Alexander Samad wrote:
Recently got some mpc audio files and I would like to be able to convert
these to ogg or something else similiar, but haven't been able to find
any thing that runs under linux
Some googling quickly showed that these are probably Musepack files, and
here is a site which looks relevant: http://www.musepack.net
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[SLUG] Converting mpc files to ogg

2004-10-13 Thread Alexander Samad

Recently got some mpc audio files and I would like to be able to convert
these to ogg or something else similiar, but haven't been able to find
any thing that runs under linux


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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Rusya'da bir Türk okulu

2004-10-13 Thread Muhammed T.

Türkçe - English ? Arabic ? German - Danish
Rusya'da bir Türk 

PETERSBURGÇar I. Petro'nun 
kurduğu şehirde bir Türk okulu... Türkiye'den Çağ Eğitim Vakfı ile Rus Milli 
Eğitim Bakanlığı ve Petersburg bölge belediyesi bir anlaşma yapmış, okul dokuz 
yıl önce ona göre kurulmuş.Okul yönetiminde en yetkili olan 'kurucu 
temsilcisi' Türk, okul müdürü Rus... 18 Türk öğretmenin beşi bayan. Rus öğretmen 
sayısı yirmi. 210 öğrenciye bu kadar öğretmen!Okulun kurucu temsilcisi Ali 
Türkeli, edebiyat öğretmeni. Edebiyat ve felsefe bilgisine hayran kaldım. 
Rusçayı ve Rus edebiyatını da çok iyi biliyor. O anlattı:- İstanbul'da 1 
milyon 800 bin öğrenci, 80 bin öğretmen var. Petersburg'da ise öğrenci sayısı 
800 bin, öğretmen sayısı 70 bin. Bu şehirde her yıl 43 bin lise mezunundan 39 
bini üniversiteye giriyor?! Bizim mezunlarımızın tamamı üniversiteyi, hem de 
devlet üniversitelerini kazanıyor.Petersburg üniversitesi 1818'de açılmış, 
bizim Darülfünun'dan 80 yıl önce. sosyalizmin de eğitim alanında çok başarılı 
olduğunu belirtmeliyim.* * *TÜRK okulunun bu yılki mezuniyet 
törenindeyiz. Petersburg bölgesi Belediye Başkanı Georgi Abeleyev, okulun 
eğitimdeki başarısını ve Türk - Rus dostluğunu öven bir konuşma yapıyor.Çağ 
Eğitim Vakfı okullarının Genel Koordinatörü İsmail Tas, Türkçe ve Rusça 
konuşuyor, okullarının kuruluş tarihçesini ve rakamlarla başarısını 
anlatıyor.İstanbul Milli Eğitim Müdürü Ömer Balıbey, Türkiye'de bazı anadolu 
ticaret liselerinde Rusça dersinin okutulacağını söylediğinde salonda bir alkış 
kopuyor.Salonda bir "Avrasya ruhu" seziyorum.Başarılı öğrencilerden 
birine de ben diploma verdim. Kısa konuşmamda Türk ve Rus edebiyatındaki Doğu - 
Batı çatışmasının paralelliğini hatırlatarak şunu söyledim:- Ben Türkiye'nin 
Avrupa Birliği'ne üye olmasını istiyorum ve bu gerçekleşecek. Ama Türklerle 
Rusların el ele vererek bir Avrasya ekonomisi ve dostluğu yaratması mümkündür ve 
gereklidir.Konuşan Rus öğrenci velileri okulu övdüler, hem bilgi vermesi hem 
karakter terbiyesi bakımından* * *ÖĞRENCİ korosu Türkçe ve Rusça 
şarkılar söylüyor, en çok Tarkan'la Barış Manço'yu seviyorlar. Sevimli Rus 
öğrencilerden "Gülpembe..."yi dinlerken duygulandım, Barış'ı rahmetle, özlemle 
andım.Türk sanat müziği sanatçısı Zara'nın nefis sesiyle söylediği tempolu 
şarkılar, Türk - Rus herkesi coşturuyor.Öğrencilerin Türkçesi güzel... Alina 
Bolşakova TV sunucusu, Maşa Kanderetava İngilizce öğretmeni olmak istiyor. İrina 
Gutkova'nın amacı Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'nde işletme okumak.Okul yatılı. Ali 
Türkeli diyor ki:- Yatılı olması, İngilizce ve Türkçe öğretimini 
kolaylaştırıyor.Ve öğrenciler bize muhteşem bir vals gösterisi yapıyorlar. O 
müzik, o ihtişam... Hele okulun maskotu haline gelmiş beş yaşlarındaki şu küçük 
kızla küçük oğlanın kuğular gibi vals yapması, görmeliydiniz.Bu okul burada 
Türk dilinin, kültürünün, Türk - Rus dostluğunun ve çağdaş eğitimin bir burcu 
olmuş.Fethullah Gülen'in teşvikiyle kurulan okullardan biri bu... Bu okullar 
Türk kültürünün meşaleleridir.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Fixed - Keyboard problem with X.org 6.8.1

2004-10-13 Thread Rod Butcher
Seems the keyboard module starts with "k" in X.org, whereas with XFree86 
it must have started with "K". So I just edited XF86Config and Hey 
Presto - Linux graphics that are now as good as or better than windows. 
Brought to you by a thunderbird, penguin, gnu and a camel
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Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Keyboard error with X.org server

2004-10-13 Thread Rod Butcher
I compiled & installed X.org 6.8.1 as per the instructions. On reboot I get
a X6.8.1 failure message 'Failed to load module "Keyboard" '. I included
keyboard and mouse in the XInputdrivers #include in host.def.
Any pointers ?

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Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

RE: [SLUG] Scirpt Via browser Gives code=SERVER_RESPONSE_CLOSE !

2004-10-13 Thread Louis
Title: Message

script can be also be executed from the command line. It can take 
between 2 to 3 hrs to complete.
does this mean that I cannot get it to run via browser ?
about parsing the call via LWP ? If the browser times out would the LWP 

called still run anyway ?

  -Original Message-From: Roger Barnes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 13 October 2004 
  09:06To: LouisSubject: RE: [SLUG] Scirpt Via browser 
  Assuming your web browser is apache, I believe there is a 
  Timeout parameter set in the httpd.conf file.  Keep in mind that the 
  problem may be the browser timing out, and any web page request that runs for 
  more than a minute should really be optimised or delivered in a different 
  - R

From: Louis 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 12 October 
2004 8:21 PMTo: Roger BarnesCc: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [SLUG] Scirpt Via browser Gives 

The browser is Internet 
Red hat Linux 7.3
The script runs on the web server and I have root 
access for it.
Where do I check timeouts on the web server for cgi 
requests ?

  -Original Message-From: Roger Barnes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 12 October 2004 
  09:31To: LouisSubject: RE: [SLUG] Scirpt Via browser 
  What browser, what server, what linux (trying to keep 
  it on topic)?  Are you running the script locally or through a web 
  server?  If web server, is the web server configured to time out CGI 
  requests?  If you are not the system administrator, have you 
  contacted them?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
LouisSent: Monday, 11 October 2004 8:27 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [SLUG] Scirpt Via browser Gives 

Hi Sluggers:
When I call a script via the browser that takes some times
to run I get this error from the browser and it stops
the script.

Server Error
The following error occurred:
[code=SERVER_RESPONSE_CLOSE] The server closed the connection while 
reading the response. Contact your system administrator. 
Please contact the administrator

How can I deal with this to get the script to run right to the end 
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Re: [SLUG] alsaconf query.

2004-10-13 Thread amos
Bill Bennett wrote:
Has anyone had any experience with alsaconf?
I'm trying to get some sound out of my (IBM 600e) laptop
and, according to some people on LinuxQuestions, alsaconf
is the way to go.
Any help etc.,

Bill bennett

As far as I remember you just run it and it does its thing. At least on 
my Debian testing
system that's mostly the way it worked.

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