Re: [sniffer] Downloads are slow...

2004-12-27 Thread Matt
I agree entirely.  If bandwidth has become an issue, it would be 
resolved with a focus on producing very tight and easily customizable 
scripts (a variables section in the top of the scripts).  I believe that 
going the VBScript route might be the best way to go, or at least I 
believe that more of us can hack a more involved VBScript than a batch 
or CMD file.  Enforcing compressed downloads and checking for timestamps 
prior to downloading should be done in these scripts as well.

Right now the script examples assume a familiarity with scripting, and 
while local participants can mostly handle that stuff, the non-vocal 
ones are most likely to not even be aware of the issues or how to fix 
them, and might have scripted timed downloads because it is definitely 
the easiest way to go.  This is probably the majority of the customer 
base.  There is an impression for instance with Declude's user base that 
+80% use primarily the default config which most of us know is severely 
lacking in comparison to the potential that exists by tweaking the settings.

With better script examples and a careful step-by-step readme promoted 
in a mailing to your customers, I believe that this issue could go away, 
or at least theoretically it should.

Personally, I have mine tied to the E-mails, I download the zipped 
versions, I don't bother checking on the status, and have never noticed 
any issues as a result.  It would be a small shame if I was missing 
downloads due to timeouts, but not that big of a deal if this has never 
caused a noticeable problem.


Andy Schmidt wrote:
With all due respect - I think the download problem is "self-inflicted",
because your web site is providing unsuitable examples to your customers!
Even with moderate bandwidth, your server would be able to handle tens of
thousands of hits a day.  Checking if an updated file exists should barely
be noticeable - as long as it doesn't result in an unnecessary download.  

You probably suffer TWO problems:
A) Most of your customers are downloading rules based on a schedule, even if
no rules exists. Potential savings: 100% per download attempt.
B) Your customers are not downloading "compressed" rule files. 
Potential savings: about 66%, but that's not bad either.

One likely explanation is that at least THREE of your sample scripts do an
unconditional and uncompressed download!  Here the 3 URLs you list on your
web site and WGET command they are using:
wget -O .new
--http-user=username --http-passwd=password
wget -O .new
--http-user=sniffer --http-passwd=ki11sp8m
http://sniffer:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Sniffer/Updates/12345678.snf -O

My recommendation: Replace these with examples that implement conditional,
compressed downloading.
Best Regards
Andy Schmidt
H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846
Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:+1 201 934-9206
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 08:10 AM
To: Chuck Schick
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Downloads are slow...
On Monday, December 27, 2004, 1:17:21 AM, Chuck wrote:
CS> Pete:
CS> It appears on weekends the sniffer downloads are really slow. I am 
CS> downloading at 14 minutes past the hour and I am about 1/20 th of 
CS> the normal speed.

That is an unusual observation - I don't think weekends have anything to do
with making things slower. I will look at the logs to see if I can figure
out what heppened.
You're not manually downloading I hope?

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to
This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.
This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to

Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates-- am I missing something

2004-12-27 Thread Pete McNeil
On Monday, December 27, 2004, 7:01:06 PM, Woody wrote:

WGF> What am I missing in this thread? 
WGF> I use an Imail “program alias” that automatically runs a
WGF> download script when I am notified by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WGF> when a new rule base is available; therefore only a validation
WGF> needs to be preformed.

This is correct. The initial script was intended to be triggered by an
update notification so there would always be a new rulebase available
in that case. While checking for a new rulebase in the script makes it
more robust, it is not strictly required if the script will be
triggered by an update notification.

WGF>  I took this procedure from this list, so I know it must be
WGF> common knowledge. What advantage is there to a scheduled or
WGF> manual rule base update that requires conditional test? It seems
WGF> to me that I have no need to check for rule base updates until I
WGF> have been advised by support that one is available.

WGF> Will there ever be a rule base update available before I have been 

There should never be an update available unless you have received
an update notification.

That said, if you ever want to run your script manually it might make
good sense to upgrade it to check for a newer file.


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

[sniffer] Sniffer Updates-- am I missing something

2004-12-27 Thread Woody G Fussell

What am I missing in this thread? 


I use an Imail “program alias” that
automatically runs a download script when I am notified by [EMAIL PROTECTED] when a new
rule base is available; therefore only a validation needs to be preformed.


 I took this procedure from this list, so I know it
must be common knowledge. What advantage is there to a scheduled or manual rule
base update that requires conditional test? It seems to me that I have no need
to check for rule base updates until I have been advised by support that one is


Will there ever be a rule base update available before I have
been notified?


Woody Fussell

Wilbur Smith Associates



[sniffer] How-To: Conditional Updates with GZIP, Log Uploads and Expiration

2004-12-27 Thread Andy Schmidt
Hi Jim,

not terribly complicated. Chances are, you have most of it in place.  Here
I'll dissect the script  that I use.  It incorporates conditional and
compressed downloads, detection of corrupted/incomplete rule-base downloads,
regular uploading of log files to Sniffer server and weekly deleting of log

A) if you're using CURL to download, make sure you use the -R -z -H options.
Here the sample (must be all in one line):

   -o [MyLicenseCode].snf.gz 
   -s -S 
   -R -z [MyLicenseCode].snf 
   -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" 
   -u sniffer:ki11sp8m

B) if you're using WGET to download, make sure you use the -N and -header
options.  Here the sample (must be all in one line):

wget -N[MyLicenseCode].snf 
   -O [MyLicenseCode].snf.gz 
   --http-user=sniffer --http-passwd=ki11sp8m 

C) Use conditional statements to see if any new updates were downloaded,
then use GZIP to uncompress the file and then validate the file:

if exist [MyLicenseCode].snf.gz goto :Check
goto :EOF
REM Unpack and validate new Sniffer rulebase
move /Y "C:\[MySnifferFolder]\Win32\[MyLicenseCode].snf.gz"
gzip.exe -d -f -N C:\[MySnifferFolder]\[MyLicenseCode].snf.gz"
snf2check.exe C:\[MySnifferFolder]\[MyLicenseCode].snf [MyLicensePassword]
if errorlevel 1 goto :EOF

This will move the .gz file to a temporary folder, uncompress and validate
the .snf rule base.
If no file was downloaded or if it is not a valid rule base, it will abort
the script.

D) I like to keep a backup of my rule base, and then I replace and activate
the new rule base:

if exist [MyLicenseCode].snf.bak erase [MyLicenseCode].snf.bak
rename [MyLicenseCode].snf [MyLicenseCode].snf.bak
move /Y "C:\[MySnifferFolder]\[MyLicenseCode].snf"
[MyLicenseCode].exe reload

E) Finally - I upload my logs to the good Sniffer folks, as requested and
delete old log files after a week.

ftp -n -s:C:\[MySnifferFolder]\SnifferUpload.txt
[MyLicenseCode].exe rotate
forfiles -m*.log.* -d-7 -v -c"cmd /c erase @FILE"

F) Add this script to a program alias, e.g.:


and register that alias with Sniffer for automatic updates.  If you don't
want to trust/rely on just one mechanism, also schedule 


every two hours based on the staggered times listed here:

Other than a quick HTTP "header" check to see if a new file exists every two
hours, you would not cause any loss of bandwidth for the Sniffer folks.  If
your bi-hourly update DOES download something, then their nofitications
either didn't reach you or were late.

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:+1 201 934-9206 

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jim Matuska
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 01:51 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

Does anyone have any good instructions on how to modify your update scripts
to use gzip?  

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

RE: [sniffer] Downloads are slow...

2004-12-27 Thread Andy Schmidt

With all due respect - I think the download problem is "self-inflicted",
because your web site is providing unsuitable examples to your customers!
Even with moderate bandwidth, your server would be able to handle tens of
thousands of hits a day.  Checking if an updated file exists should barely
be noticeable - as long as it doesn't result in an unnecessary download.  

You probably suffer TWO problems:

A) Most of your customers are downloading rules based on a schedule, even if
no rules exists. Potential savings: 100% per download attempt.

B) Your customers are not downloading "compressed" rule files. 
Potential savings: about 66%, but that's not bad either.

One likely explanation is that at least THREE of your sample scripts do an
unconditional and uncompressed download!  Here the 3 URLs you list on your
web site and WGET command they are using:
wget -O .new
--http-user=username --http-passwd=password
wget -O .new
--http-user=sniffer --http-passwd=ki11sp8m
http://sniffer:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Sniffer/Updates/12345678.snf -O

My recommendation: Replace these with examples that implement conditional,
compressed downloading.

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:+1 201 934-9206

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 08:10 AM
To: Chuck Schick
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Downloads are slow...

On Monday, December 27, 2004, 1:17:21 AM, Chuck wrote:

CS> Pete:

CS> It appears on weekends the sniffer downloads are really slow. I am 
CS> downloading at 14 minutes past the hour and I am about 1/20 th of 
CS> the normal speed.

That is an unusual observation - I don't think weekends have anything to do
with making things slower. I will look at the logs to see if I can figure
out what heppened.

You're not manually downloading I hope?


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

RE: [sniffer] Conditional Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Andy Schmidt
Yes, of course, with CURL use the equivalent option to request the GZ packed
file instead:

  -o [mylicensecode].snf.gz 
  -s -S 
  -z [mylicensecode].snf 
  -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" 
  -u [websiteuser]:[websitepassword]

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:+1 201 934-9206

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Landry William
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 02:38 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [sniffer] Conditional Sniffer Updates

"Curl" is an awesome application that we also use for automating downloads.
"Wget" also supports conditional downloads based on time/date stamp when
using the -N switch.  In ether case, please also use the compression support
built into each application, the sniffer rulebase files can be compressed
down to about 25% of their normal size before the download by using these

Here is an example of how to use wget to check for rulebase updates and if a
new file exists, request file compression before the file is downloaded:

wget -N -O --header=Accept-Encoding:gzip --http-user=sniffer


-Original Message-
From: Andy Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 11:20 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Conditional Sniffer Updates


The one thing I have not seen mentioned is the ability to do CONDITIONAL
downloads - which is crucial for "timed" downloads when most of the time
there may not even BE a more current .SNF file.

Just like your browser, the HTTP Request for your latest .SNF file should
ALWAYS provide the "date/time" stamp of your CURRENTLY active .SNF file.
This way, the server will compare both dates and a download will occur ONLY,
if there is LATER .SNF file on the server.  (This is how your web browser
controls, whether it needs to download new pages/images from sites you
visited before.)

Here is how CURL is used to do conditional downloads:

curl[mylicensecode].snf -o
[mylicensecode] -s -S -R -z [mylicensecode].snf -u

The "-o" option defines the output file.
The "-R" option makes sure that the output file will inherit the timestamp
from the Sniffer Server (if one is downloaded at all). The "-z" option sends
the timestamp of the CURRENT SNF file to the server (in the GET request!)

Since my local .SNF file has the same timestamp as the SERVER, and since
every new GET request will allow the server to recognize if/that there may
me no LATER .SNF file, I am only downloading when a new file is actually

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:+1 201 934-9206

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 12:50 PM
To: Russ Uhte
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

On Monday, December 27, 2004, 11:45:59 AM, Russ wrote:

RU> Kevin Stanford wrote:
>> Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and
>> the ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?

RU> I see stuff like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally) 
RU> triggered from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the 
RU> last update that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 
RU> 10:45 EST this morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow 
RU> down to about 8KB/s, but rarely slower than that...

There are going to be random events like this for a while - as long as some
folks still download based on a schedule rather than responding to update

What happens is that sometimes a group of systems will "agree" to all
download their rulebase files at the same time - when that happens our
bandwidth gets saturated and things go slowly. (We are working on this in a
number of ways.)

Most of the time there is plenty of bandwidth, and if everyone always
downloaded only when there was an update notification then there would
always be plenty (our system paces updates to make sure this is the case as
much as possible).

We are in a transitional period where existing connectivity contracts
prevent us from moving without incurring a significant cost (a cost we would
rather not pass on to our customers). Over the next 6-9 months we will make
the transition to a new rulebase format and distribution method and we will
also be migrating to new hosting facilities (already running in case we
encounter a serious DL problem).

Since rulebase downloads should always be automated in some wa

RE: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Michiel Prins
Title: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

I made this one, which is probably also somewhere on the 
sniffer site. Change directories and keys for your use:

cd\Batch Files\Sniffer
wget http://sniffer:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Sniffer/Updates/.snf -O .snf.gz --timestamping 
gzip -d -f .snf.gz
fcom32 "c:\mdaemon\sniffer\.snf" "d:\batch 
if errorlevel 1 goto Test
goto :Done
snf2check.exe .snf 

if errorlevel 1 goto Done
copy /y .snf 
copy /y .snf .old

Check for wrapping by 
your e-mail client! I've put an empty line between every line, to make sure you 
see what belongs together. Next to the --timestaping feature of wget, I also use 
fcom32.exe to see if the file is really different than the one before. This 
example also uses gzip!

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim 
MatuskaSent: maandag 27 december 2004 19:51To: 
sniffer@SortMonster.comSubject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer 

Does anyone have any good instructions on how to 
modify your update scripts to use gzip?  
Jim Matuska Jr.Computer Tech2, CCNANez 
Perce TribeInformation Systems[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  - Original Message - 
  Tom Baker | 
  Netsmith Inc 
  Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 10:43 
  Subject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer 
  Automate harassment reminders to those of us not using it. 
  :)I think I'll go enable gzip tonight-Original 
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Landry William Sent: 
  Mon Dec 27 12:36:06 2004Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer 
  UpdatesOn Monday, December 27, 2004, 12:46:19 PM, Landry 
  wrote:LW> Are folks taking advantage of the "wget" compression 
  option beforeLW> downloading their rulebase updates?  If the slow 
  download speeds are aLW> bandwidth saturation issue on the Sniffer end, 
  this would certainly cut downLW> on the bandwidth requirements on their 
  end and increase the download timesLW> for everyone.LW> 
  Also, I've got to ask, if the downloads are happening "behind the 
  scenes",LW> by an automated or triggered download, why the concern 
  about speeds, as longLW> as your downloads are 
  successful?>From what I've seen in the logs, only about 5% of folks 
  are takingadvantage of gzip right now.Also, I did some 
  incantations on the log (grep, awk, uniq etc) andcame up with just under 
  half of our customers downloading theirrulebase between 1200 and 1300 
  today. That's between 2 and 3 times asmany as should have done it ;-) -- 
  so the backlog is explainable.This kind of thing happens for lots of 
  reasons and there are a lot ofways to mitigate the problem.A big 
  one on the list - certainly - is using the gzip capability. Withonly 5% of 
  folks using this and average compression ratios well above50% there is 
  plenty of room to "make a big dent" in this._MThis 
  E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
  (un)subscription instructions go to

Re[4]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Pete McNeil
On Monday, December 27, 2004, 1:51:11 PM, Jim wrote:

JM> Does anyone have any good instructions on how to  modify your update 
scripts to use gzip? 

This is a good place to start:


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

RE: [sniffer] Conditional Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Landry William

"Curl" is an awesome application that we also use for automating downloads.
"Wget" also supports conditional downloads based on time/date stamp when
using the -N switch.  In ether case, please also use the compression support
built into each application, the sniffer rulebase files can be compressed
down to about 25% of their normal size before the download by using these

Here is an example of how to use wget to check for rulebase updates and if a
new file exists, request file compression before the file is downloaded:

wget -N -O --header=Accept-Encoding:gzip --http-user=sniffer


-Original Message-
From: Andy Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 11:20 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Conditional Sniffer Updates


The one thing I have not seen mentioned is the ability to do CONDITIONAL
downloads - which is crucial for "timed" downloads when most of the time
there may not even BE a more current .SNF file.

Just like your browser, the HTTP Request for your latest .SNF file should
ALWAYS provide the "date/time" stamp of your CURRENTLY active .SNF file.
This way, the server will compare both dates and a download will occur ONLY,
if there is LATER .SNF file on the server.  (This is how your web browser
controls, whether it needs to download new pages/images from sites you
visited before.)

Here is how CURL is used to do conditional downloads:

curl[mylicensecode].snf -o
[mylicensecode] -s -S -R -z [mylicensecode].snf -u

The "-o" option defines the output file.
The "-R" option makes sure that the output file will inherit the timestamp
from the Sniffer Server (if one is downloaded at all).
The "-z" option sends the timestamp of the CURRENT SNF file to the server
(in the GET request!)

Since my local .SNF file has the same timestamp as the SERVER, and since
every new GET request will allow the server to recognize if/that there may
me no LATER .SNF file, I am only downloading when a new file is actually

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:+1 201 934-9206

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 12:50 PM
To: Russ Uhte
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

On Monday, December 27, 2004, 11:45:59 AM, Russ wrote:

RU> Kevin Stanford wrote:
>> Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and 
>> the ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?

RU> I see stuff like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally)
RU> triggered from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the
RU> last update that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 10:45
RU> EST this morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow down to
RU> about 8KB/s, but rarely slower than that...

There are going to be random events like this for a while - as long as some
folks still download based on a schedule rather than responding to update

What happens is that sometimes a group of systems will "agree" to all
download their rulebase files at the same time - when that happens our
bandwidth gets saturated and things go slowly. (We are working on this in a
number of ways.)

Most of the time there is plenty of bandwidth, and if everyone always
downloaded only when there was an update notification then there would
always be plenty (our system paces updates to make sure this is the case as
much as possible).

We are in a transitional period where existing connectivity contracts
prevent us from moving without incurring a significant cost (a cost we would
rather not pass on to our customers). Over the next 6-9 months we will make
the transition to a new rulebase format and distribution method and we will
also be migrating to new hosting facilities (already running in case we
encounter a serious DL problem).

Since rulebase downloads should always be automated in some way, the
occasional slow download should not be a problem. We will continue to
monitor the situation closely - and we appreciate the reports we get.

The things that you can do to help are:

1. If you haven't already, please upgrade your scripting so that your
automated downloads are triggered from our update notifications.

2. If you are not going to use update notifications please be sure to use
the staggered schedule we've posted here:

3. AVOID using accelerated download software! This is the kind of software
that downloads large files by opening multiple connections to the same
server. Almost all of the "slowdowns" we experience have been associated
with someone download

RE: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Landry William
Title: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

See for
some sample scripts.

  -Original Message-From: Jim Matuska
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 10:51
  AMTo: sniffer@SortMonster.comSubject: Re: Re[2]:
  [sniffer] Sniffer Updates
  Does anyone have any good instructions on how to
  modify your update scripts to use gzip?  
  Jim Matuska Jr.Computer Tech2, CCNANez
  Perce TribeInformation Systems[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message - 
Tom Baker |
Netsmith Inc 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 10:43
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer

Automate harassment reminders to those of us not using it.
:)I think I'll go enable gzip
tonight-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Landry William Sent:
Mon Dec 27 12:36:06 2004Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer
UpdatesOn Monday, December 27, 2004, 12:46:19 PM, Landry
wrote:LW> Are folks taking advantage of the "wget"
compression option beforeLW> downloading their rulebase
updates?  If the slow download speeds are aLW> bandwidth
saturation issue on the Sniffer end, this would certainly cut downLW>
on the bandwidth requirements on their end and increase the download
timesLW> for everyone.LW> Also, I've got to ask, if the
downloads are happening "behind the scenes",LW> by an automated or
triggered download, why the concern about speeds, as longLW> as your
downloads are successful?>From what I've seen in the logs, only
about 5% of folks are takingadvantage of gzip right now.Also, I
did some incantations on the log (grep, awk, uniq etc) andcame up with
just under half of our customers downloading theirrulebase between 1200
and 1300 today. That's between 2 and 3 times asmany as should have done
it ;-) -- so the backlog is explainable.This kind of thing happens
for lots of reasons and there are a lot ofways to mitigate the
problem.A big one on the list - certainly - is using the gzip
capability. Withonly 5% of folks using this and average compression
ratios well above50% there is plenty of room to "make a big dent" in
this._MThis E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer
mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to

---This message and any included attachments are from Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. and are intended only for the addressee(s).  The information contained herein may include trade secrets or privileged or otherwise confidential information.  Unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing, or using such information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you received this message in error, or have reason to believe you are not authorized to receive it, please promptly delete this message and notify the sender by e-mail with a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you

[sniffer] Conditional Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Andy Schmidt

The one thing I have not seen mentioned is the ability to do CONDITIONAL
downloads - which is crucial for "timed" downloads when most of the time
there may not even BE a more current .SNF file.

Just like your browser, the HTTP Request for your latest .SNF file should
ALWAYS provide the "date/time" stamp of your CURRENTLY active .SNF file.
This way, the server will compare both dates and a download will occur ONLY,
if there is LATER .SNF file on the server.  (This is how your web browser
controls, whether it needs to download new pages/images from sites you
visited before.)

Here is how CURL is used to do conditional downloads:

curl[mylicensecode].snf -o
[mylicensecode] -s -S -R -z [mylicensecode].snf -u

The "-o" option defines the output file.
The "-R" option makes sure that the output file will inherit the timestamp
from the Sniffer Server (if one is downloaded at all).
The "-z" option sends the timestamp of the CURRENT SNF file to the server
(in the GET request!)

Since my local .SNF file has the same timestamp as the SERVER, and since
every new GET request will allow the server to recognize if/that there may
me no LATER .SNF file, I am only downloading when a new file is actually

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:+1 201 934-9206

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 12:50 PM
To: Russ Uhte
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

On Monday, December 27, 2004, 11:45:59 AM, Russ wrote:

RU> Kevin Stanford wrote:
>> Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and 
>> the ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?

RU> I see stuff like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally)
RU> triggered from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the
RU> last update that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 10:45
RU> EST this morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow down to
RU> about 8KB/s, but rarely slower than that...

There are going to be random events like this for a while - as long as some
folks still download based on a schedule rather than responding to update

What happens is that sometimes a group of systems will "agree" to all
download their rulebase files at the same time - when that happens our
bandwidth gets saturated and things go slowly. (We are working on this in a
number of ways.)

Most of the time there is plenty of bandwidth, and if everyone always
downloaded only when there was an update notification then there would
always be plenty (our system paces updates to make sure this is the case as
much as possible).

We are in a transitional period where existing connectivity contracts
prevent us from moving without incurring a significant cost (a cost we would
rather not pass on to our customers). Over the next 6-9 months we will make
the transition to a new rulebase format and distribution method and we will
also be migrating to new hosting facilities (already running in case we
encounter a serious DL problem).

Since rulebase downloads should always be automated in some way, the
occasional slow download should not be a problem. We will continue to
monitor the situation closely - and we appreciate the reports we get.

The things that you can do to help are:

1. If you haven't already, please upgrade your scripting so that your
automated downloads are triggered from our update notifications.

2. If you are not going to use update notifications please be sure to use
the staggered schedule we've posted here:

3. AVOID using accelerated download software! This is the kind of software
that downloads large files by opening multiple connections to the same
server. Almost all of the "slowdowns" we experience have been associated
with someone downloading a rulebase with this kind of software -- they open
100+ connections for themselves (sometimes more) and that slows things down
for everyone else. We have adjusted our server's setting to mitigate this,
but we can't turn it off completely without causing other performance
problems ;-)

Hope this helps,

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Jim Matuska
Title: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

Does anyone have any good instructions on how to 
modify your update scripts to use gzip?  
Jim Matuska Jr.Computer Tech2, CCNANez 
Perce TribeInformation Systems[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  - Original Message - 
  Tom Baker | 
  Netsmith Inc 
  Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 10:43 
  Subject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer 
  Automate harassment reminders to those of us not using it. 
  :)I think I'll go enable gzip tonight-Original 
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Landry William Sent: 
  Mon Dec 27 12:36:06 2004Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer 
  UpdatesOn Monday, December 27, 2004, 12:46:19 PM, Landry 
  wrote:LW> Are folks taking advantage of the "wget" compression 
  option beforeLW> downloading their rulebase updates?  If the slow 
  download speeds are aLW> bandwidth saturation issue on the Sniffer end, 
  this would certainly cut downLW> on the bandwidth requirements on their 
  end and increase the download timesLW> for everyone.LW> 
  Also, I've got to ask, if the downloads are happening "behind the 
  scenes",LW> by an automated or triggered download, why the concern 
  about speeds, as longLW> as your downloads are 
  successful?>From what I've seen in the logs, only about 5% of folks 
  are takingadvantage of gzip right now.Also, I did some 
  incantations on the log (grep, awk, uniq etc) andcame up with just under 
  half of our customers downloading theirrulebase between 1200 and 1300 
  today. That's between 2 and 3 times asmany as should have done it ;-) -- 
  so the backlog is explainable.This kind of thing happens for lots of 
  reasons and there are a lot ofways to mitigate the problem.A big 
  one on the list - certainly - is using the gzip capability. Withonly 5% of 
  folks using this and average compression ratios well above50% there is 
  plenty of room to "make a big dent" in this._MThis 
  E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
  (un)subscription instructions go to

Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Tom Baker | Netsmith Inc
Title: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

Automate harassment reminders to those of us not using it. :)

I think I'll go enable gzip tonight

-Original Message-
To: Landry William 
Sent: Mon Dec 27 12:36:06 2004
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

On Monday, December 27, 2004, 12:46:19 PM, Landry wrote:

LW> Are folks taking advantage of the "wget" compression option before
LW> downloading their rulebase updates?  If the slow download speeds are a
LW> bandwidth saturation issue on the Sniffer end, this would certainly cut down
LW> on the bandwidth requirements on their end and increase the download times
LW> for everyone.

LW> Also, I've got to ask, if the downloads are happening "behind the scenes",
LW> by an automated or triggered download, why the concern about speeds, as long
LW> as your downloads are successful?

>From what I've seen in the logs, only about 5% of folks are taking
advantage of gzip right now.

Also, I did some incantations on the log (grep, awk, uniq etc) and
came up with just under half of our customers downloading their
rulebase between 1200 and 1300 today. That's between 2 and 3 times as
many as should have done it ;-) -- so the backlog is explainable.

This kind of thing happens for lots of reasons and there are a lot of
ways to mitigate the problem.

A big one on the list - certainly - is using the gzip capability. With
only 5% of folks using this and average compression ratios well above
50% there is plenty of room to "make a big dent" in this.


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to

Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Pete McNeil
On Monday, December 27, 2004, 12:46:19 PM, Landry wrote:

LW> Are folks taking advantage of the "wget" compression option before
LW> downloading their rulebase updates?  If the slow download speeds are a
LW> bandwidth saturation issue on the Sniffer end, this would certainly cut down
LW> on the bandwidth requirements on their end and increase the download times
LW> for everyone.

LW> Also, I've got to ask, if the downloads are happening "behind the scenes",
LW> by an automated or triggered download, why the concern about speeds, as long
LW> as your downloads are successful?

From what I've seen in the logs, only about 5% of folks are taking
advantage of gzip right now.

Also, I did some incantations on the log (grep, awk, uniq etc) and
came up with just under half of our customers downloading their
rulebase between 1200 and 1300 today. That's between 2 and 3 times as
many as should have done it ;-) -- so the backlog is explainable.

This kind of thing happens for lots of reasons and there are a lot of
ways to mitigate the problem.

A big one on the list - certainly - is using the gzip capability. With
only 5% of folks using this and average compression ratios well above
50% there is plenty of room to "make a big dent" in this.


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Pete McNeil
On Monday, December 27, 2004, 11:45:59 AM, Russ wrote:

RU> Kevin Stanford wrote:
>> Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and the
>> ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?

RU> I see stuff like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally) 
RU> triggered from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the
RU> last update that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 10:45
RU> EST this morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow down to
RU> about 8KB/s, but rarely slower than that...

There are going to be random events like this for a while - as long as
some folks still download based on a schedule rather than responding
to update notifications.

What happens is that sometimes a group of systems will "agree" to all
download their rulebase files at the same time - when that happens our
bandwidth gets saturated and things go slowly. (We are working on
this in a number of ways.)

Most of the time there is plenty of bandwidth, and if everyone always
downloaded only when there was an update notification then there would
always be plenty (our system paces updates to make sure this is the
case as much as possible).

We are in a transitional period where existing connectivity contracts
prevent us from moving without incurring a significant cost (a cost we
would rather not pass on to our customers). Over the next 6-9 months
we will make the transition to a new rulebase format and distribution
method and we will also be migrating to new hosting facilities
(already running in case we encounter a serious DL problem).

Since rulebase downloads should always be automated in some way, the
occasional slow download should not be a problem. We will continue to
monitor the situation closely - and we appreciate the reports we get.

The things that you can do to help are:

1. If you haven't already, please upgrade your scripting so that your
automated downloads are triggered from our update notifications.

2. If you are not going to use update notifications please be sure to
use the staggered schedule we've posted here:

3. AVOID using accelerated download software! This is the kind of
software that downloads large files by opening multiple connections to
the same server. Almost all of the "slowdowns" we experience have been
associated with someone downloading a rulebase with this kind of
software -- they open 100+ connections for themselves (sometimes more)
and that slows things down for everyone else. We have adjusted our
server's setting to mitigate this, but we can't turn it off completely
without causing other performance problems ;-)

Hope this helps,

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

RE: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Landry William

Are folks taking advantage of the "wget" compression option before
downloading their rulebase updates?  If the slow download speeds are a
bandwidth saturation issue on the Sniffer end, this would certainly cut down
on the bandwidth requirements on their end and increase the download times
for everyone.

Also, I've got to ask, if the downloads are happening "behind the scenes",
by an automated or triggered download, why the concern about speeds, as long
as your downloads are successful?


-Original Message-
From: Jim Matuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

I too am seeing really slow speeds, I'm running an update now and it is only

downloading at about 3k/sec.  Pretty bad considering we have 2 T1's and a 
DS3 none of which have much traffic on them this morning.

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems
- Original Message - 
From: "Russ Uhte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

> Kevin Stanford wrote:
>> Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and 
>> the
>> ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?
> I see stuff like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally) 
> triggered
> from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the last update 
> that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 10:45 EST this 
> morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow down to about 8KB/s,

> but rarely slower than that...
> Thanks,
> Russ
> (This will probably wrap and look real ugly, but the last number is 
> the
> average download speed for that part of the download...)
> 0K .. .. .. .. ..  0% 
> 110.38
> KB/s
>50K .. .. .. .. ..  1% 160.26 
> KB/s
>   100K .. .. .. .. ..  2% 71.12 
> KB/s
>   150K .. .. .. .. ..  3% 110.13 
> KB/s
>   200K .. .. .. .. ..  4% 118.76 
> KB/s
>   250K .. .. .. .. ..  5% 145.35 
> KB/s
>   300K .. .. .. .. ..  6% 168.35 
> KB/s
>   350K .. .. .. .. ..  7% 168.35 
> KB/s
>   400K .. .. .. .. ..  8% 168.35 
> KB/s
>   450K .. .. .. .. ..  9% 160.26 
> KB/s
>   500K .. .. .. .. .. 10% 159.74 
> KB/s
>   550K .. .. .. .. .. 11% 188.68 
> KB/s
>   600K .. .. .. .. .. 12% 177.30 
> KB/s
>   650K .. .. .. .. .. 13% 168.35 
> KB/s
>   700K .. .. .. .. .. 14% 177.94 
> KB/s
>   750K .. .. .. .. .. 15% 168.35 
> KB/s
>   800K .. .. .. .. .. 16% 177.94 
> KB/s
>   850K .. .. .. .. .. 17% 168.35 
> KB/s
>   900K .. .. .. .. .. 18% 168.35 
> KB/s
>   950K .. .. .. .. .. 19% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1000K .. .. .. .. .. 20% 168.92 
> KB/s
>  1050K .. .. .. .. .. 21% 159.74 
> KB/s
>  1100K .. .. .. .. .. 22% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1150K .. .. .. .. .. 23% 177.94 
> KB/s
>  1200K .. .. .. .. .. 24% 177.94 
> KB/s
>  1250K .. .. .. .. .. 25% 159.74 
> KB/s
>  1300K .. .. .. .. .. 26% 177.94 
> KB/s
>  1350K .. .. .. .. .. 27% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1400K .. .. .. .. .. 28% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1450K .. .. .. .. .. 29% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1500K .. .. .. .. .. 30% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1550K .. .. .. .. .. 31% 177.94 
> KB/s
>  1600K .. .. .. .. .. 32% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1650K .. .. .. .. .. 33% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1700K .. .. .. .. .. 34% 168.92 
> KB/s
>  1750K .. .. .. .. .. 35% 168.35 
> KB/s
>  1800K .. .. .. .. .. 36% 159.74 
> KB/s
>  1850K .. .. .. .. .. 37% 177.94 
> KB/s
>  1900K .. .. .. .. .. 38% 91.41 

Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Jim Matuska

It's actually getting worse now with a timed out 
transfer and now under 1k a sec:
done.Connecting to[]:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 
OKLength: 11,104,576 [application/x-sortmonster]
] 2,141,361  
2.99K/s    ETA 48:46
09:29:12 (2.99 KB/s) - Connection closed at 
byte 2141361. Retrying.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 
OKLength: 11,104,576 [application/x-sortmonster]
] 87,921   993.81B/s  
ETA 3:04:45
Jim Matuska Jr.Computer Tech2, CCNANez 
Perce TribeInformation Systems[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Matuska" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 9:22 
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer 
>I too am seeing really slow speeds, I'm running an update now and it 
is only > downloading at about 3k/sec.  Pretty bad considering we 
have 2 T1's and a > DS3 none of which have much traffic on them this 
morning.> > Jim Matuska Jr.> Computer Tech2, CCNA> 
Nez Perce Tribe> Information Systems> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 
Original Message - > From: "Russ Uhte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 8:45 AM> Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer 
Updates> > >> Kevin Stanford wrote:>>> Our 
updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and the 
>>> ETA shows 07:00. Is it me? I see stuff 
like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally) triggered >> 
from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the last update 
>> that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 10:45 EST this 
>> morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow down to 
about 8KB/s, >> but rarely slower than that... 
Thanks,>> Russ (This will probably wrap and 
look real ugly, but the last number is the >> average download speed 
for that part of the 
download...)>> 0K 
.. .. .. .. ..  0% 110.38 
>> KB/s>>    50K .. .. 
.. .. ..  1% 160.26 >> 
KB/s>>   100K .. .. .. .. 
..  2% 71.12 >> KB/s>>   150K 
.. .. .. .. ..  3% 110.13 
>> KB/s>>   200K .. .. .. 
.. ..  4% 118.76 >> KB/s>>   
250K .. .. .. .. ..  5% 145.35 
>> KB/s>>   300K .. .. .. 
.. ..  6% 168.35 >> KB/s>>   
350K .. .. .. .. ..  7% 168.35 
>> KB/s>>   400K .. .. .. 
.. ..  8% 168.35 >> KB/s>>   
450K .. .. .. .. ..  9% 160.26 
>> KB/s>>   500K .. .. .. 
.. .. 10% 159.74 >> KB/s>>   550K 
.. .. .. .. .. 11% 188.68 >> 
KB/s>>   600K .. .. .. .. 
.. 12% 177.30 >> KB/s>>   650K .. 
.. .. .. .. 13% 168.35 >> 
KB/s>>   700K .. .. .. .. 
.. 14% 177.94 >> KB/s>>   750K .. 
.. .. .. .. 15% 168.35 >> 
KB/s>>   800K .. .. .. .. 
.. 16% 177.94 >> KB/s>>   850K .. 
.. .. .. .. 17% 168.35 >> 
KB/s>>   900K .. .. .. .. 
.. 18% 168.35 >> KB/s>>   950K .. 
.. .. .. .. 19% 168.35 >> 
KB/s>>  1000K .. .. .. .. 
.. 20% 168.92 >> KB/s>>  1050K .. 
.. .. .. .. 21% 159.74 >> 
KB/s>>  1100K .. .. .. .. 
.. 22% 168.35 >> KB/s>>  1150K .. 
.. .. .. .. 23% 177.94 >> 
KB/s>>  1200K .. .. .. .. 
.. 24% 177.94 >> KB/s>>  1250K .. 
.. .. .. .. 25% 159.74 >> 
KB/s>>  1300K .. .. .. .. 
.. 26% 177.94 >> KB/s>>  1350K .. 
.. .. .. .. 27% 168.35 >> 
KB/s>>  1400K .. .. .. .. 
.. 28% 168.35 >> KB/s>>  1450K .. 
.. .. .. .. 29% 168.35 >> 
KB/s>>  1500K .. .. .. .. 
.. 30% 168.35 >> KB/s>>  1550K .. 
.. .. .. .. 31% 177.94 >> 
KB/s>>  1600K .. .. .. .. 
.. 32% 168.35 >> KB/s>>  1650K .. 
.. .. .. .. 33% 168.35 >> 
KB/s>>  1700K .. 

Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Jim Matuska
I too am seeing really slow speeds, I'm running an update now and it is only 
downloading at about 3k/sec.  Pretty bad considering we have 2 T1's and a 
DS3 none of which have much traffic on them this morning.

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems
- Original Message - 
From: "Russ Uhte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

Kevin Stanford wrote:
Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and the 
ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?
I see stuff like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally) triggered 
from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the last update 
that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 10:45 EST this 
morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow down to about 8KB/s, 
but rarely slower than that...

(This will probably wrap and look real ugly, but the last number is the 
average download speed for that part of the download...)

0K .. .. .. .. ..  0% 110.38 
   50K .. .. .. .. ..  1% 160.26 
  100K .. .. .. .. ..  2% 71.12 
  150K .. .. .. .. ..  3% 110.13 
  200K .. .. .. .. ..  4% 118.76 
  250K .. .. .. .. ..  5% 145.35 
  300K .. .. .. .. ..  6% 168.35 
  350K .. .. .. .. ..  7% 168.35 
  400K .. .. .. .. ..  8% 168.35 
  450K .. .. .. .. ..  9% 160.26 
  500K .. .. .. .. .. 10% 159.74 
  550K .. .. .. .. .. 11% 188.68 
  600K .. .. .. .. .. 12% 177.30 
  650K .. .. .. .. .. 13% 168.35 
  700K .. .. .. .. .. 14% 177.94 
  750K .. .. .. .. .. 15% 168.35 
  800K .. .. .. .. .. 16% 177.94 
  850K .. .. .. .. .. 17% 168.35 
  900K .. .. .. .. .. 18% 168.35 
  950K .. .. .. .. .. 19% 168.35 
 1000K .. .. .. .. .. 20% 168.92 
 1050K .. .. .. .. .. 21% 159.74 
 1100K .. .. .. .. .. 22% 168.35 
 1150K .. .. .. .. .. 23% 177.94 
 1200K .. .. .. .. .. 24% 177.94 
 1250K .. .. .. .. .. 25% 159.74 
 1300K .. .. .. .. .. 26% 177.94 
 1350K .. .. .. .. .. 27% 168.35 
 1400K .. .. .. .. .. 28% 168.35 
 1450K .. .. .. .. .. 29% 168.35 
 1500K .. .. .. .. .. 30% 168.35 
 1550K .. .. .. .. .. 31% 177.94 
 1600K .. .. .. .. .. 32% 168.35 
 1650K .. .. .. .. .. 33% 168.35 
 1700K .. .. .. .. .. 34% 168.92 
 1750K .. .. .. .. .. 35% 168.35 
 1800K .. .. .. .. .. 36% 159.74 
 1850K .. .. .. .. .. 37% 177.94 
 1900K .. .. .. .. .. 38% 91.41 
 1950K .. .. .. .. .. 39% 86.51 
 2000K .. .. .. .. .. 40% 86.51 
 2050K .. .. .. .. .. 41% 81.97 
 2100K .. .. .. .. .. 42% 97.09 
 2150K .. .. .. .. .. 43% 86.51 
 2200K .. .. .. .. .. 44% 81.97 
 2250K .. .. .. .. .. 45% 61.58 
 2300K .. .. .. .. .. 46% 60.39 
 2350K .. .. .. .. .. 47% 40.00 
 2400K .. .. .. .. .. 48% 159.74 
 2450K .. .. .. .. .. 49% 88.97 
 2500K ...

Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Russ Uhte
Kevin Stanford wrote:
Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and the 
ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?
I see stuff like this come and go...  Our updates are (finally) 
triggered from the email notifications...  Below is a snippet of the 
last update that shows exactly what speeds we saw, which ran at 10:45 
EST this morning...  Every once in a while, I will see it slow down to 
about 8KB/s, but rarely slower than that...

(This will probably wrap and look real ugly, but the last number is the 
average download speed for that part of the download...)

0K .. .. .. .. ..  0% 
110.38 KB/s
   50K .. .. .. .. ..  1% 
160.26 KB/s
  100K .. .. .. .. ..  2% 
71.12 KB/s
  150K .. .. .. .. ..  3% 
110.13 KB/s
  200K .. .. .. .. ..  4% 
118.76 KB/s
  250K .. .. .. .. ..  5% 
145.35 KB/s
  300K .. .. .. .. ..  6% 
168.35 KB/s
  350K .. .. .. .. ..  7% 
168.35 KB/s
  400K .. .. .. .. ..  8% 
168.35 KB/s
  450K .. .. .. .. ..  9% 
160.26 KB/s
  500K .. .. .. .. .. 10% 
159.74 KB/s
  550K .. .. .. .. .. 11% 
188.68 KB/s
  600K .. .. .. .. .. 12% 
177.30 KB/s
  650K .. .. .. .. .. 13% 
168.35 KB/s
  700K .. .. .. .. .. 14% 
177.94 KB/s
  750K .. .. .. .. .. 15% 
168.35 KB/s
  800K .. .. .. .. .. 16% 
177.94 KB/s
  850K .. .. .. .. .. 17% 
168.35 KB/s
  900K .. .. .. .. .. 18% 
168.35 KB/s
  950K .. .. .. .. .. 19% 
168.35 KB/s
 1000K .. .. .. .. .. 20% 
168.92 KB/s
 1050K .. .. .. .. .. 21% 
159.74 KB/s
 1100K .. .. .. .. .. 22% 
168.35 KB/s
 1150K .. .. .. .. .. 23% 
177.94 KB/s
 1200K .. .. .. .. .. 24% 
177.94 KB/s
 1250K .. .. .. .. .. 25% 
159.74 KB/s
 1300K .. .. .. .. .. 26% 
177.94 KB/s
 1350K .. .. .. .. .. 27% 
168.35 KB/s
 1400K .. .. .. .. .. 28% 
168.35 KB/s
 1450K .. .. .. .. .. 29% 
168.35 KB/s
 1500K .. .. .. .. .. 30% 
168.35 KB/s
 1550K .. .. .. .. .. 31% 
177.94 KB/s
 1600K .. .. .. .. .. 32% 
168.35 KB/s
 1650K .. .. .. .. .. 33% 
168.35 KB/s
 1700K .. .. .. .. .. 34% 
168.92 KB/s
 1750K .. .. .. .. .. 35% 
168.35 KB/s
 1800K .. .. .. .. .. 36% 
159.74 KB/s
 1850K .. .. .. .. .. 37% 
177.94 KB/s
 1900K .. .. .. .. .. 38% 
91.41 KB/s
 1950K .. .. .. .. .. 39% 
86.51 KB/s
 2000K .. .. .. .. .. 40% 
86.51 KB/s
 2050K .. .. .. .. .. 41% 
81.97 KB/s
 2100K .. .. .. .. .. 42% 
97.09 KB/s
 2150K .. .. .. .. .. 43% 
86.51 KB/s
 2200K .. .. .. .. .. 44% 
81.97 KB/s
 2250K .. .. .. .. .. 45% 
61.58 KB/s
 2300K .. .. .. .. .. 46% 
60.39 KB/s
 2350K .. .. .. .. .. 47% 
40.00 KB/s
 2400K .. .. .. .. .. 48% 
159.74 KB/s
 2450K .. .. .. .. .. 49% 
88.97 KB/s
 2500K .. .. .. .. .. 50% 
80.00 KB/s
 2550K .. .. .. .. .. 51% 
88.81 KB/s
 2600K .. .. .. .. .. 52% 
86.51 KB/s
 2650K .. .. .. .. .. 53% 
86.51 KB/s
 2700K .. .. .. .. .. 54% 
86.51 KB/s
 2750K .. .. .. .. .. 55% 
84.18 KB/s

[sniffer] Sniffer Updates

2004-12-27 Thread Kevin Stanford
Our updates seem to be taking a very long time. I am 85% updated and the 
ETA shows 07:00. Is it me?

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to

RE: [sniffer] Excess spam over the weekend

2004-12-27 Thread Chuck Schick

We saw just the opposite.  The amount of Spam appeared to be down over the
holiday weekend.  We saw less total volume and less spam in the spam traps.

Chuck Schick
Warp 8, Inc.
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jim Matuska
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 8:24 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Excess spam over the weekend

Is anyone else seeing a huge flood of spam over the weekend?  I have
received a ton of it since Friday, a lot of it is not being picked up by
sniffer either.  

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems

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Re: [sniffer] Excess spam over the weekend

2004-12-27 Thread Pete McNeil
On Monday, December 27, 2004, 10:24:00 AM, Jim wrote:

JM> Is anyone else seeing a huge flood of spam over the 
JM> weekend?  I have received a ton of it since Friday, a lot of it is
JM> not  being picked up by sniffer either.  

I believe I can explain this phenomena.
Over weekends and holidays folks stop submitting spam to us, so the
only things we can tag are those that hit our spamtraps. I've notices
quite a drop in the amount of spam we've been receiving - though the
filter rate and volume at our servers is still very high (filtering
90+% of 35K/day - very little monitored spam getting through).

I'm looking for some ways to increase the breadth of our spamtraps so
that this cyclic drop can be mitigated...


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to

[sniffer] Excess spam over the weekend

2004-12-27 Thread Jim Matuska

Is anyone else seeing a huge flood of spam over the 
weekend?  I have received a ton of it since Friday, a lot of it is not 
being picked up by sniffer either.  
Jim Matuska Jr.Computer Tech2, CCNANez 
Perce TribeInformation Systems[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [sniffer] Downloads are slow...

2004-12-27 Thread Pete McNeil
On Monday, December 27, 2004, 1:17:21 AM, Chuck wrote:

CS> Pete:

CS> It appears on weekends the sniffer downloads are really slow. I am
CS> downloading at 14 minutes past the hour and I am about 1/20 th of the normal
CS> speed.  

That is an unusual observation - I don't think weekends have anything
to do with making things slower. I will look at the logs to see if I
can figure out what heppened.

You're not manually downloading I hope?


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