[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-30 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 30, 2008, at 1:48 AM, kris wrote:

 If I add a simple correlate feature to Query in 0.5, you can use  
 raw Table object to bypass the ORM meaning of Dataset and Base.
 the query above is not quite complete but I can get an approximation
 like this:

 Is this functionality available currently or am I waiting for
 sqlalchemy 0.5?

 So I think going forward, the concept of use the Table objects
 directly when you want to bypass the higher level meaning of
 Dataset.id, i.e. that its selecting from a join of Dataset and  
 might be a good way to go with this.

 Is there a branch (or trunk) that I should be using

0.5 is soon to be moved to trunk but is currently in the user defined  
state branch at 
  .   but yes being able to send column expressions into  
session.query() is a totally new thing.

in the UDS branch, I made some major changes to adjust for what you're  
trying to do.  Over there, if you create a Query using only the  
columns bound to a table, i.e. like mytable.c.somecolumn, no clause  
adaption occurs and no mapper definitions affect those expressions,  
meaning you can in fact hand-create joins across the individual tables  
in the inheritance setup regardless of how the inheriting mappers were  
configured (i.e. even if you told your inheriting mappers to by  
default load from a UNION).   Only class-bound properties, ie.  
MyClass.somecolumn, are subject to the ORM rules.   So in effect the  
Query can now act as a pure pass-through to select().

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[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-29 Thread kris

If I add a simple correlate feature to Query in 0.5, you can use the
raw Table object to bypass the ORM meaning of Dataset and Base.
the query above is not quite complete but I can get an approximation
like this:

Is this functionality available currently or am I waiting for
sqlalchemy 0.5?

If I try the above constructs I am getting
AttributeError: 'PGCompiler' object has no attribute 'mapped_table'

 So I think going forward, the concept of use the Table objects
 directly when you want to bypass the higher level meaning of
 Dataset.id, i.e. that its selecting from a join of Dataset and Base,
 might be a good way to go with this.

Is there a branch (or trunk) that I should be using


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[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-19 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 18, 2008, at 10:42 PM, kris wrote:

 select *
 from nodes,
 (select node2_id as id2
   from assoc,
(select node2_id as id1
   from assoc where relation = 'is-a'
and node1_id = 100)
as isa
  where relation = 'has-a'  and node1_id = isa.id
  ) as hasa
 where nodes.id = hasa.id2

The example below generates pretty much the exact same query using 0.5  
code, which is currently in the query_columns branch.   We can also  
add a correlate() feature to Query for the previous example you  
hadits possible we can make that one work as well:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

metadata = MetaData()

nodes = Table ('node',metadata,
   Column ('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column ('name', Text))

assoc = Table ('assoc', metadata,
  Column ('node1_id', Integer , ForeignKey('node.id')),
  Column ('node2_id', Integer , ForeignKey('node.id')),
  Column ('relation',  Text)

class Node(object):
class Assoc(object):

mapper (Node, nodes, properties={
 'nodes':relation(Assoc, primaryjoin=nodes.c.id==assoc.c.node1_id,  

mapper(Assoc, assoc, properties={
 'node':relation(Node, primaryjoin=assoc.c.node2_id==nodes.c.id,  
}, primary_key=[assoc.c.node1_id, assoc.c.node2_id])

sess = create_session()
subq =  

subq =  

print sess.query(Node).filter(Node.id==subq.c.id).statement

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[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-19 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 18, 2008, at 3:18 PM, kris wrote:

 select item.id
 from item,
 (select dataset_me.something_id
 from (select * from base, dataset
  where base.id = dataset.id and
 as dataset_me
   tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id ==
  ) as datasetsomething
 where item.id = datasetsomthing.id
   and tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id == item.id

If I add a simple correlate feature to Query in 0.5, you can use the  
raw Table object to bypass the ORM meaning of Dataset and Base.   
the query above is not quite complete but I can get an approximation  
like this:

subq =  

subq =  



SELECT item.id AS item_id
FROM item, (SELECT dataset_me.id AS id
FROM (SELECT dataset.id AS id
FROM dataset, base
WHERE base.owner = :owner_1 AND dataset.id = base.id) AS dataset_me
WHERE tags.name = :name_1 AND tags.parent_id = dataset_me.id) AS  
datasetsomething, tags
WHERE item.id = datasetsomething.id AND tags.name = :name_2 AND  
tags.parent_id = item.id

So I think going forward, the concept of use the Table objects  
directly when you want to bypass the higher level meaning of  
Dataset.id, i.e. that its selecting from a join of Dataset and Base,  
might be a good way to go with this.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-18 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 17, 2008, at 10:42 PM, kris wrote:

 I am building a tree structure of D1 and D2 nodes..

 I am progressively generating a query as before execution using

 s = session.query(D1).filter (...)._values(D1.c.id).statement

 q = session.query (D2).select_from (s).filter (s.base_id ==

s is going to select columns for D1. q is going to select columns  
for D2.  So the above manuever doesnt make much sense as s will not  
supply the columns which D2 needs.  a select_from() call is intended  
to provide a selectable which provides the same table columns as a  
base query against D2 would use.  The mapper isnt going to guess that  
the given selectable sort of corresponds to a particular base table  
(and in this case it doesn't even do that exactly since D1's columns  
are involved).

 print q
 SELECT anon_1.base_id AS anon_1_base_id
  (SELECT base.id AS base_id
FROM base JOIN derived1 ON base.id = derived1.id
WHERE ) AS anon_1,
   base, derived2
 WHERE anon_1.base_id = derived2.parent_id ORDER BY anon_1.base_id

 This seems to generating extra join expression with 'base'  without
 the filtering

right, the Query has no idea what you're trying to do and adds in  
derived2 to the FROM clause since it is just adding those columns  
into the columns clause (whose table then shows up in the FROM).

 Any help appreciated.

write out the exact SQL statement from which you'd like to select rows  
from, either D1 or D2 rows or both, and we'll go from there.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-18 Thread kris

The problem stems from a tree structure and creating self joins
on a very large base table.. I am trying to create datasets
of items and filter on the contents of datasets in  single query
that it built up progressively.

base = Table ('base',
  Column('id', Integer, primarykey=True)
  Column('owner', String(255))

dataset = Table('dataset',
  Column('id', Integer, ForiegnKey('base.id'),
  Column('parent_id', Integer, ForiegnKey('base.id'))
  Column('something_id',  Integer, ForiegnKey('base.id'))

tags = Table('tags',
  Column('id', Integer, ForiegnKey('base.id'),
  Column('parent_id', Integer, ForiegnKey('base.id'))
  Column('name', Text))

item = Table('item',
  Column('id', Integer, ForiegnKey('base.id'),
  Column('parent_id', Integer, ForiegnKey('base.id'))
  Column('stuff', Text))

mapper(Dataset, dataset, inherits = base)

# Find a dataset owned by me
s = session.query(Dataset).filter(Dataset.owner ==me)
# Filter it so that it is tagged with good
s = s.query (and_(tag.name == good, tag.parent_id = Dataset.id))
# Find all somethings  in the above dataset
s = s._value(Dataset.c.something_id).statement
# The something are items with tags
# Find those items in the datasets (i.e. all that join w base)
q = session.query(Item).select_from (s)
q = q.filter (and_(tag.c.name==really, tag.parent_id ==
print q.all()

I think I want something like the following:

select item.id
from item,
 (select dataset.something_id from base, dataset
 where base.id = dataset.id and base.owner ='me'
   tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id == base.id
  ) as datasetsomething
 where item.id = datasetsomthing.id
   and tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id == item.id

or even further as I think that subqueries are better
performing that massive self joins even when doing simple filtering:

select item.id
from item,
 (select dataset_me.something_id
 from (select * from base, dataset
  where base.id = dataset.id and
 as dataset_me
   tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id ==
  ) as datasetsomething
 where item.id = datasetsomthing.id
   and tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id == item.id

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[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-18 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 18, 2008, at 3:18 PM, kris wrote:

 I think I want something like the following:

 select item.id
 from item,
 (select dataset.something_id from base, dataset
 where base.id = dataset.id and base.owner ='me'
   tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id == base.id
  ) as datasetsomething
 where item.id = datasetsomthing.id
   and tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id == item.id

 or even further as I think that subqueries are better
 performing that massive self joins even when doing simple filtering:

 select item.id
 from item,
 (select dataset_me.something_id
 from (select * from base, dataset
  where base.id = dataset.id and
 as dataset_me
   tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id ==
  ) as datasetsomething
 where item.id = datasetsomthing.id
   and tag.c.name=good and tag.c.parent_id == item.id

what I notice about both of these are that you're using correlations.   
So right off , using the Query, which has opinions about how to build  
select statements, to build up a statement like this with its current  
functionality (as well as what we're planning to do in 0.5) is awkward  
if not impossible.   The Query thinks in terms of entities, such as  
Dataset or Item - when it sees that one of those is desired, it's  
going to use the full selectable for each of those entities, such as  
dataset join base or item join base for example.The Query is  
meant for when you want to think more in terms of objects and not  
about statement optimization, nor the specifics of joining together  
the individual tables used to load an inheriting class.  The  
from_self() use case, which is essentially what you're playing with,  
is a new feature we have which provides a way to select from the  
results of a query, but is still not as flexible as raw select()  

To build up a select() statement at a fine grained level like this is  
more appropriate using the select() construct directly.  You can then  
feed this construct into the Query using query.from_statement() which  
will load a distinct entity from each row (or alternatively you can  
configure it to load multiple entities horizontally from each row).

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