RE: [squid-users] Squid 3.0 and Linux 2.6 kernel tweaks

2010-02-19 Thread Andy Litzinger
> fre 2010-02-19 klockan 10:10 -0800 skrev Andy Litzinger:
> > For example, back in the Squid v 2.6 days with 2.2 or 2.4 linux
> kernels I see lots of recommendations for raising the file descriptor
> limits to 8192 or 16384.  With the 2.6 kernel it seems the default
> kernel params (at least in RHEL5) far exceed the fd kernel tweaks
> people used for 2.2 or 2.4 kernels.   It would seem adding the ulimit –
> HSn 8192 would actually be decreasing the file descriptor limits from
> the 2.6 kernel defaults.
> 2.6 kernel default ulimit is 1024.

We run with stock kernels from CentOS/RHEL so I guess I meant in those the 
kernel and shell fd limits are way higher.

> > Also, what is the default value for –with-filedescriptors that Squid
> 3.0 STABLE24 supports?  I don’t see that in the output of ./compile –
> help
> On must systems the default is whatever the ulimit is set to when you
> run configure.

Great, thanks.  Is there any way to confirm this on a compiled squid, or is it 
best practice to define the value upon compilation?

> > I’d be happy to add a wiki page addressing the following scalability
> topics if someone points me to the correct location.
> > - Checking/Increasing the ephemeral port range
> usually not needed unless you have many hundreds/s forwarded requests.
> > - Checking/increasing file descriptor limits
> Squid tells at startup what limit it is running under.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.  How/where does squid get this 
value?  And I suppose I should have said checking/increasing the kernel file 
descriptor limits (/proc/sys/fs/file-max) and the shell file descriptor limits 
(ulimit -n).

> > - Checking/decreasing TCP TIME_WAIT
> Usually not needed. Closely connected to the ephemeral port range issue
> mentioned above.

I understand that TIME_WAIT and ephemeral port increases are not usually 
needed, but I am concerned with the case of reverse proxying thousands of very 
short lived requests per second.  I suppose it's likely for the service to die 
long before I exhaust available resources, but at least I'll know I won't be 
bottlenecking anything.

I appreciate your feedback!  I do think it would be valuable for this type of 
qualified information to make it into the wiki somewhere.  I'll look for the 
process to do so, but if you have any hints as to where this info should live I 
would love to hear them.


[squid-users] Squid 3.0 and Linux 2.6 kernel tweaks

2010-02-19 Thread Andy Litzinger
Hi All,
 I searched through the mail archives and squid-cache site, but I’ve been 
unable to find anything that mentions any kernel tweaks that may or may not be 
necessary with a 2.6 kernel.  I am mostly concerned with running high volume 
reverse proxy setups. 

For example, back in the Squid v 2.6 days with 2.2 or 2.4 linux kernels I see 
lots of recommendations for raising the file descriptor limits to 8192 or 
16384.  With the 2.6 kernel it seems the default kernel params (at least in 
RHEL5) far exceed the fd kernel tweaks people used for 2.2 or 2.4 kernels.   It 
would seem adding the ulimit –HSn 8192 would actually be decreasing the file 
descriptor limits from the 2.6 kernel defaults.

Also, what is the default value for –with-filedescriptors that Squid 3.0 
STABLE24 supports?  I don’t see that in the output of ./compile –help

I’d be happy to add a wiki page addressing the following scalability topics if 
someone points me to the correct location. 
- Checking/Increasing the ephemeral port range
- Checking/increasing file descriptor limits
- Checking/decreasing TCP TIME_WAIT


Andy Litzinger ▪ Sr. Network Engineer

o. 206.436.8086 ▪ f. 206.213.0606 ▪ 

[squid-users] RE: Advisory SQUID-2010:2 - Remote Denial of Service issue in HCTP

2010-02-15 Thread Andy Litzinger
Does the HTCP port have to be open towards the attacker or can the attacker 
exploit the bug through a squid listening port?  i.e. If I have a firewall in 
front of squid (reverse proxy) that only allows port 80/443 in from the web and 
HTCP is bound to some other port am I at risk from attackers outside my 

-Original Message-
From: Amos Jeffries [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 6:30 AM
To:; Squid
Subject: Advisory SQUID-2010:2 - Remote Denial of Service issue in HCTP


 Squid Proxy Cache Security Update Advisory SQUID-2010:2

Advisory ID:SQUID-2010:2
Date:   February 12, 2010
Summary:Remote Denial of Service issue in HCTP
Affected versions:  Squid 2.x,
 Squid 3.0 -> 3.0.STABLE23
Fixed in version:   Squid 3.0.STABLE24

Problem Description:

  Due to incorrect processing Squid is vulnerable to a denial of
  service attack when receiving specially crafted HTCP packets.



  This problem allows any machine to perform a denial of service
  attack on the Squid service when its HTCP port is open.


Updated Packages:

  This bug is fixed by Squid versions 3.0.STABLE24

  In addition, patches addressing these problems can be found In
  our patch archives.

Squid 2.7:

Squid 3.0:

  If you are using a prepackaged version of Squid then please refer
  to the package vendor for availability information on updated


Determining if your version is vulnerable:

  All Squid-3.0 releases without htcp_port in their configuration
  file (the default) are not vulnerable.

  Squid-3.1 releases are not vulnerable.

  For unpatched Squid-2.x and Squid-3.0 releases; if your cache.log
  contains a line with "Accepting HTCP messages on port" when run
  with debug level 1 ("debug_options ALL,1"). Your Squid is

  Alternatively; for unpatched Squid-2.x and Squid-3.0 releases.
  If the command
squidclient mgr:config | grep "htcp_port"
  displays a non-zero HTCP port your Squid is vulnerable.



  For Squid-2.x:
   * Configuring "htcp_port 0" explicitly

  For Squid-3.0:
   * Ensuring that any unnecessary htcp_port setting left in
 squid.conf after upgrading to 3.0 are removed.


Contact details for the Squid project:

  For installation / upgrade support on binary packaged versions
  of Squid: Your first point of contact should be your binary
  package vendor.

  If your install and build Squid from the original Squid sources
  then the mailing list is your primary
  support point. For subscription details see

  For reporting of non-security bugs in the latest STABLE release
  the squid bugzilla database should be used

  For reporting of security sensitive bugs send an email to the mailing list. It's a closed list
  (though anyone can post) and security related bug reports are
  treated in confidence until the impact has been established.



  The vulnerability was discovered by Kieran Whitbread.


Revision history:

  2010-02-12 14:11 GMT Initial Release

[squid-users] RE: Reverse Proxy that listens and forwards to multiple ports to the same backend server

2009-08-12 Thread Andy Litzinger
I may have solved my own issue.  It looks like  my acl should use 'myport' 
instead of 'port'

e.g. acl our_http_port port 80
should be:
acl our_http_port myport 80

I'm not sure I understand the difference or why this works so I'd be happy to 
hear an explanation from anyone who knows.


> -----Original Message-
> From: Andy Litzinger
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:30 AM
> To: Andy Litzinger;
> Subject: RE: Reverse Proxy that listens and forwards to multiple ports
> to the same backend server
> I should have mentioned I am running Squid3.0 Stable 18
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Andy Litzinger
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:03 AM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: Reverse Proxy that listens and forwards to multiple ports to
> > the same backend server
> >
> > Hi all,
> >   I'm banging my head on what I think should be a simple config.  I
> > want squid to receive requests on port 80 and forward them on to the
> > origin server on port 80.  I also want squid to receive requests on
> > port 8081 and forward requests to the same origin server on port
> 8081.
> >
> > I have a Load Balancer (BigIP) sitting in front of my Squid server
> and
> > the origin server Squid points to is also actually a VIP on the LB
> that
> > sits in front of a pool of real origin servers.
> >
> > The goal is simple proxy- I'm not caching anything (that is working
> > fine).
> >
> > Clients connect to http/
> > This resolves in my DNS to, a VIP hosted on the LB
> that
> > forwards traffic on to Squid.
> > The origin server VIP for the content is
> >
> >
> > This is what the flows should look like focusing only on the
> > destination TCP port as it goes through each device:
> > Desired HTTP request flow:
> > Request port 80 ---> LB ---> request port 80 ---> Squid ---> request
> > port 80 ---> origin VIP on LB > request port 8080 ---> server
> > listening on port 8080
> >
> > Desired HTTPS request flow:
> > Request port 443 ---> LB (SSL offload) ---> request port 8081 --->
> > Squid ---> request port 8081 ---> Origin VIP on LB > request port
> > 8081 ---> server listening on port 8081
> >
> >
> > What I see happening for the HTTPS requests is that the request
> arrives
> > properly at the squid server on port 8081, but squid forwards the
> > request to the Origin VIP on port 80 instead of 8081.
> >
> > Here is the config I'm trying:
> >
> > http_port 80 accel
> > http_port 8081 accel
> > icp_port 0
> > htcp_port 0
> > snmp_port 3401
> >
> > debug_options ALL,1 33,2
> >
> > cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver
> > name=my_test
> > cache_peer parent 8081 0 no-query no-digest
> originserver
> > name=my_test_ssl
> >
> > acl our_http_port port 80
> > acl our_ssl_port port 8081
> > acl my_test_dom dstdomain
> >
> > cache_peer_access my_test_ssl allow our_ssl_port my_test_dom
> > cache_peer_access my_test_ssl deny all
> >
> > cache_peer_access my_test allow our_http_port my_test_dom
> > cache_peer_access my_test deny all
> >
> > # acl to block caching
> > acl our_sites dstdomain
> > # acl listing the IP of each vip
> > acl vips dst
> > acl acceleratedPort port 80 8081
> >
> > # we do NOT want the responses to
> > # any requests to be cached.
> > cache deny our_sites
> > # Allow requests to make it through to the VIPs
> > # but only on the expected ports
> > http_access allow vips acceleratedPort
> > http_access deny all
> > http_reply_access allow all
> >
> > cache_effective_user squid
> > cache_effective_group squid
> > visible_hostname
> > unique_hostname testsquid01
> >
> > client_db off
> > uri_whitespace allow
> > strip_query_terms off
> > relaxed_header_parser on
> > minimum_expiry_time 30 seconds
> >
> > request_header_access Accept-Encoding deny all
> >
> > any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >  Andy

[squid-users] RE: Reverse Proxy that listens and forwards to multiple ports to the same backend server

2009-08-12 Thread Andy Litzinger
I should have mentioned I am running Squid3.0 Stable 18

> -Original Message-
> From: Andy Litzinger
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:03 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: Reverse Proxy that listens and forwards to multiple ports to
> the same backend server
> Hi all,
>   I'm banging my head on what I think should be a simple config.  I
> want squid to receive requests on port 80 and forward them on to the
> origin server on port 80.  I also want squid to receive requests on
> port 8081 and forward requests to the same origin server on port 8081.
> I have a Load Balancer (BigIP) sitting in front of my Squid server and
> the origin server Squid points to is also actually a VIP on the LB that
> sits in front of a pool of real origin servers.
> The goal is simple proxy- I'm not caching anything (that is working
> fine).
> Clients connect to http/
> This resolves in my DNS to, a VIP hosted on the LB that
> forwards traffic on to Squid.
> The origin server VIP for the content is
> This is what the flows should look like focusing only on the
> destination TCP port as it goes through each device:
> Desired HTTP request flow:
> Request port 80 ---> LB ---> request port 80 ---> Squid ---> request
> port 80 ---> origin VIP on LB > request port 8080 ---> server
> listening on port 8080
> Desired HTTPS request flow:
> Request port 443 ---> LB (SSL offload) ---> request port 8081 --->
> Squid ---> request port 8081 ---> Origin VIP on LB > request port
> 8081 ---> server listening on port 8081
> What I see happening for the HTTPS requests is that the request arrives
> properly at the squid server on port 8081, but squid forwards the
> request to the Origin VIP on port 80 instead of 8081.
> Here is the config I'm trying:
> http_port 80 accel
> http_port 8081 accel
> icp_port 0
> htcp_port 0
> snmp_port 3401
> debug_options ALL,1 33,2
> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver
> name=my_test
> cache_peer parent 8081 0 no-query no-digest originserver
> name=my_test_ssl
> acl our_http_port port 80
> acl our_ssl_port port 8081
> acl my_test_dom dstdomain
> cache_peer_access my_test_ssl allow our_ssl_port my_test_dom
> cache_peer_access my_test_ssl deny all
> cache_peer_access my_test allow our_http_port my_test_dom
> cache_peer_access my_test deny all
> # acl to block caching
> acl our_sites dstdomain
> # acl listing the IP of each vip
> acl vips dst
> acl acceleratedPort port 80 8081
> # we do NOT want the responses to
> # any requests to be cached.
> cache deny our_sites
> # Allow requests to make it through to the VIPs
> # but only on the expected ports
> http_access allow vips acceleratedPort
> http_access deny all
> http_reply_access allow all
> cache_effective_user squid
> cache_effective_group squid
> visible_hostname
> unique_hostname testsquid01
> client_db off
> uri_whitespace allow
> strip_query_terms off
> relaxed_header_parser on
> minimum_expiry_time 30 seconds
> request_header_access Accept-Encoding deny all
> any suggestions?
> Thanks!
>  Andy

[squid-users] Reverse Proxy that listens and forwards to multiple ports to the same backend server

2009-08-12 Thread Andy Litzinger
Hi all,
  I'm banging my head on what I think should be a simple config.  I want squid 
to receive requests on port 80 and forward them on to the origin server on port 
80.  I also want squid to receive requests on port 8081 and forward requests to 
the same origin server on port 8081.

I have a Load Balancer (BigIP) sitting in front of my Squid server and the 
origin server Squid points to is also actually a VIP on the LB that sits in 
front of a pool of real origin servers.

The goal is simple proxy- I'm not caching anything (that is working fine).

Clients connect to http/
This resolves in my DNS to, a VIP hosted on the LB that forwards 
traffic on to Squid.
The origin server VIP for the content is

This is what the flows should look like focusing only on the destination TCP 
port as it goes through each device:
Desired HTTP request flow:
Request port 80 ---> LB ---> request port 80 ---> Squid ---> request port 80 
---> origin VIP on LB > request port 8080 ---> server listening on port 8080

Desired HTTPS request flow:
Request port 443 ---> LB (SSL offload) ---> request port 8081 ---> Squid ---> 
request port 8081 ---> Origin VIP on LB > request port 8081 ---> server 
listening on port 8081

What I see happening for the HTTPS requests is that the request arrives 
properly at the squid server on port 8081, but squid forwards the request to 
the Origin VIP on port 80 instead of 8081.

Here is the config I'm trying:

http_port 80 accel
http_port 8081 accel
icp_port 0
htcp_port 0
snmp_port 3401

debug_options ALL,1 33,2

cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver 
cache_peer parent 8081 0 no-query no-digest originserver 

acl our_http_port port 80
acl our_ssl_port port 8081
acl my_test_dom dstdomain

cache_peer_access my_test_ssl allow our_ssl_port my_test_dom
cache_peer_access my_test_ssl deny all

cache_peer_access my_test allow our_http_port my_test_dom
cache_peer_access my_test deny all

# acl to block caching
acl our_sites dstdomain
# acl listing the IP of each vip
acl vips dst
acl acceleratedPort port 80 8081

# we do NOT want the responses to
# any requests to be cached.
cache deny our_sites
# Allow requests to make it through to the VIPs
# but only on the expected ports
http_access allow vips acceleratedPort
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all

cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid
unique_hostname testsquid01

client_db off
uri_whitespace allow
strip_query_terms off
relaxed_header_parser on
minimum_expiry_time 30 seconds

request_header_access Accept-Encoding deny all

any suggestions?


[squid-users] RE: TCP_MISS/200 with squid-2.7.STABLE6 Reverse proxy config

2009-04-17 Thread Andy Litzinger
Have you tried bumping up the logging level and seeing what the cache.log tells 

You could try bumping up the debug level for all components, or you could focus 
on particular section.

If I were you I might start with bumping up debug for all components to level 3 
(of 9):
debug_options ALL,3

you can keep bumping that up, but if the log gets too verbose for you to parse 
you might try debugging only the sections that are likely culprits. The list of 
debug sections can be found in the source tarball under doc/debug-sections.txt 
.  also in Ch. 16 of the O'reilly squid book if you have it  (thought the list 
there is not as up to date)

so for an example, if you were wanted to up the debug level to 3 on just access 
controls you could try the following:
debug_options ALL,1 28,3

You'll find it's easier to parse these debug messages if you do this in a test 
or low request volume environment.

Also, do you have any example requests that you expect to cache, but aren't?


> -Original Message-
> From: Quin Guin []
> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 1:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: TCP_MISS/200 with squid-2.7.STABLE6 Reverse proxy config
> Hi,
>  I have been using squid for many years as a forward proxy and now I
> need to setup a reverse. I have read and study many different email
> threads and FAQ on this topic but I can't seem to get past
> TCP_MISS/200s. Please see my most basic config below and I know there
> is a lot more that can be done to make it more secure but I am just
> trying to get a TCP_MISS/200 then a TCP_HIT!!!
> I am open to trying things and I tried installing 3.1 on RHELL4-U6 64
> bit but it has its keeps giving this error: "configure: error: pthread
> library required but cannot be found." I will work on that later.
> http_port 81 accel
> cache_peer parent 88 0 no-query originserver login=PASS
> name=dtvAccel
> ##ACL#
> acl ALL dstdomain
> http_access allow ALL
> cache_peer_access dtvAccel allow All
> cache_peer_access dtvAccel deny all
> ##Headers##
> via on
> header_access Via allow all
> header_access Age deny all
> header_access X-Cache deny all
> ##Cache Config##
> collapsed_forwarding on
> minimum_expiry_time 120 seconds
> cache_mem 256 MB
> maximum_object_size 40960 KB
> maximum_object_size_in_memory 50 KB
> ipcache_size 40960
> # dc setting changed - orig first - new second
> # cache_dir aufs /usr/local/squid-2.7/var/cache 5 16 256
> cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/var/cache 5000 16 256
> access_log /usr/local/squid/var/logs/access.log squid
> cache_store_log /usr/local/squid/var/logs/squid-store.log
> #refresh_pattern ^ftp:   144020% 10080
> #refresh_pattern ^gopher:14400%  1440
> #refresh_pattern (/cgi-bin/|\?)  0   20% 720
> refresh_pattern -i \.jpg$ 10 90% 10 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.jpeg$ 10 90% 10 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.gif$ 10 90% 10 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.png$ 10 90% 10 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.swf$ 10 90% 10 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.flv$ 10 90% 10 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.js$ 2 90% 2 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.css$ 2 90% 2 override-expire override-lastmod
> ignore-reload reload-into-ims
> refresh_pattern -i \.htm$10   90% 10
> refresh_pattern -i \.html$   10   90% 10
> #icp_access allow all
> cache_mgr
> visible_hostname diuqs
> logfile_rotate 12
> coredump_dir /usr/local/squid/var/cache
> Thank you very much,
> Quin