Re: [ml] ssls Austrailian Boiler Codes

2004-03-10 Thread Alison and Jim Gregg.
Hi Mike.

The information given to you via the AMBSC column in the AME magazine is 
totally dead wrong!

RitG - a group called Rails in the Garden, and a number of other groups 
across the country, had got together to draft a code for smaller 
boilers  due to the fact that the AMBSC copper boiler code is not practical 
for the small Gauge 1, "G" scale and 32 mil scale boilers. it was never 
meant for those boilers, and as a result is spectacularly over engineered.

The new proposal was worked out by a highly competent group via meetings 
teleconferences and immense amounts of e-mail

Unfortunately someone in AMBSC, opposed to the concept and th the small 
scale "Steam toys" (His phrase), wrote the "Kettle " column , and totally 
distorted the whole situation.

The discussions are still going on, made much more difficult by the 
deliberate misinformation spread in the Kettle article.  No one has gone 
off in a huff to play trains!

AMBSC did not bring this up as stated below, and we are all trying to get 
this profitably resolved.

Jim Gregg.

At 01:06 PM 3/9/04 -0600, you wrote:
Interesting things afoot in Australia regarding small scale boiler codes.  I
just received Australian Model Engineering (AME) issues 112 (January) and
113 (March).  Some group identified as RitGoG approached AMBSC about
coverage of small scale boilers down towards the 35 psi, 1 liter, 2 inch
diameter AMBSC exclusion zone that basically exceeded the pressure limit.
AMBSC said not in the form submitted.  So AMBSC had a meeting with an
interested group of people, not RitGoG, and sent it back to RitGoG for
comment.  At this point, after stirring up the hornets nest, RitGoG backed
out saying that it was too much work, and they just wanted to play trains.
So AMBSC is left holding the nest, so to speak, and looking to get a decent
representation of interests in deciding what to do about the new part of the
code that they have taken on development of.  So things will probably get
interesting since AMBSC has to thrash this out.
Mike Eorgoff

Re: ssls Austrailian Boiler Codes

2004-03-10 Thread Paul Trevaskis

The article you are referring to was not a true description of the 
facts, written by another committee member not in full awareness of the 
facts and wanting to "score points".
Rails in the Garden  have been working on a draft code for little 
boilers for some 18 months. With input from local manufacturers and 
other people well versed on small scale live steam.
Rails in the Garden is still working amicably with the AMBSC to address 
the problem.
Rails in the Garden has  a live steam layout which we have been showing 
at public exhibitions for 8 years. In this time we have seen the hobby 
grow with many "converts" running ready made engines and a growing 
number of scratch builders. The group has the full support of all small 
scale live steam groups in Australia in getting the situation sorted.

http://www.ritginc.orgis the website for the group
Interesting things afoot in Australia regarding small scale boiler codes.  I
just received Australian Model Engineering (AME) issues 112 (January) and
113 (March).  Some group identified as RitGoG approached AMBSC about
coverage of small scale boilers down towards the 35 psi, 1 liter, 2 inch
diameter AMBSC exclusion zone that basically exceeded the pressure limit.
AMBSC said not in the form submitted.  So AMBSC had a meeting with an
interested group of people, not RitGoG, and sent it back to RitGoG for
comment.  At this point, after stirring up the hornets nest, RitGoG backed
out saying that it was too much work, and they just wanted to play trains.
So AMBSC is left holding the nest, so to speak, and looking to get a decent
representation of interests in deciding what to do about the new part of the
code that they have taken on development of.  So things will probably get
interesting since AMBSC has to thrash this out.
Mike Eorgoff


ssls Austrailian Boiler Codes

2004-03-09 Thread Mike Eorgoff
Interesting things afoot in Australia regarding small scale boiler codes.  I
just received Australian Model Engineering (AME) issues 112 (January) and
113 (March).  Some group identified as RitGoG approached AMBSC about
coverage of small scale boilers down towards the 35 psi, 1 liter, 2 inch
diameter AMBSC exclusion zone that basically exceeded the pressure limit.
AMBSC said not in the form submitted.  So AMBSC had a meeting with an
interested group of people, not RitGoG, and sent it back to RitGoG for
comment.  At this point, after stirring up the hornets nest, RitGoG backed
out saying that it was too much work, and they just wanted to play trains.
So AMBSC is left holding the nest, so to speak, and looking to get a decent
representation of interests in deciding what to do about the new part of the
code that they have taken on development of.  So things will probably get
interesting since AMBSC has to thrash this out.

Mike Eorgoff