known problems with SSL and IE5 and Orion?

2000-11-10 Thread Klaus Thiele


has anyone else also strange problems with
Struts based Applications and Orion/SSL and M$ IE 4.x/5.x?

it seems, that the configured timeout value was
completly ignored - after 1-2 min, the session was lost!


Klaus Thiele - Personal  Informatik AG

"There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go."

R: R: Help: struts on Orion 1.4.0 and JDK 1.3.0

2000-11-10 Thread Montebove Luciano

Hi KLaus,

What is wrong?
Putting struts.jar in orion lib?
This was the error I did if it wasn't clear in my post.


-Messaggio originale-
Da: Klaus Thiele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: venerdì 10 novembre 2000 10.22
Oggetto: Re: R: Help: struts on Orion 1.4.0 and JDK 1.3.0

Montebove Luciano wrote:

 Hi all,
 Solved. The problem was generated putting struts.jar in orion/lib.

thats wrong

are you using struts-0.5?

it works for me "out-of-the-box" with orion-1.4.x


Klaus Thiele - Personal  Informatik AG

"There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go."

Struts on ATG Dynamo

2000-11-10 Thread Malcolm Ferguson

Is anyone on this list running Struts apps on ATG Dynamo server?

Mac Ferguson,
Senior Developer,
NKaos Interactive Media (,
579 Richmond Street West, Suite 400
Toronto, ON
M5V 1Y6
(Phone) (416)504.8931 x316
(Fax) (416)504.8472 

RE: New struts user - status Qs

2000-11-10 Thread Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 11:47 AM
Subject: New struts user - status Qs

I just got a small system running using sturts on a mysql database. 
A few Qs:

1) Is there an archive of the email list anywhere ?

2) Anyone done anything to help rapidly create an application ?

I created a QD application builder to help get started.  It reads the
structure of Mysql database and creates the Form/Action classes as well as
a list and edit JSP and the action.xml -- any place I can put it for other
users ? 

(note: it's in perl and uses the 0.5 release, and is probably written
totally wrong, BUT it does creating working aps)

Later ...

Rich Roth --- On-the-Net

Direct:  Box 927, Northampton, MA 01061

  ~~~   i-Depth lets you Add Instant Depth to your Website~~~
  ~~~  7 day free trial at: ~~~

Design question

2000-11-10 Thread Juan Gargiulo


I'm re-designing a web application that is mainly running with
I started using struts for prototypes, and I really like its architecture.
The new design has to  be robust and scalable because we expect considerable
traffic. It is clear that the data tier should be implemented with entity
beans, but I'm not sure yet about the web and business tier.
One idea is to use struts (action classes+jsps+xml+xsl) to implement the web
tier, and java beans and session EJBs for the business tier. But I have some
questions for this architecture:

1. Is struts doing object pooling for action classes? (it's designed for
high traffic?) If not, is there a way of doing this?
2. Is it right for action classes to use session EJBs as business beans? Is
there any downside on this?
3. In the j2ee sample app. (the pet-store app.), Sun propose a design based
on events and handlers for controlling the page flow. Is struts a valid
replacement for this?
4. If combining struts with EJBs is fine, which is the best way of doing it?

Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.

Juan Gargiulo

Scripting variable from struts:message?

2000-11-10 Thread Vandana Gupta/Raleigh/IBM


Is it possible to get a String from using
struts:message and put it into  a scripting variable to be used later in
the jsp??

I wished to do the following:

mytaglib:mytag  name="struts:message key=''/"  attrib2=/

where mytag is a custom tag.
This does not work for a custom tag though it works for a normal HTMl tag.

I tried
mytaglib:mytag  name="%=struts:message key=''/%"  attrib2

also. but  that didn't work either. So I thought I would assign what is
returned by struts:message to a variable say "name" and substitute it using
jsp expression as :

mytaglib:mytag  name="%=name%"  attrib2=/

Now the problem is how do I get the value in a variable??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Scripting variable from struts:message?

2000-11-10 Thread Pierre Métras

Hi Vandana,

For very simple cases where I need to reuse the string, mainly related with
JavaScript event handling, I put it in a JavaScript variable and I am able
to reuse it from a JavaScript event:

script language="javascript"
var msg='struts:message key="" /';

mylib:printtag onMouseOver="alert(var);" /

But that's not really clean. So I have developped an helper class to pick
messages in the resource file, and I can use it everywhere JSP code is

mylib:printtag msg="%= LocaleUtil.getMessage("") %" /

I don't think you can rely on a custom tag as recursion into attributes is
not permitted.

Pierre Métras

- Original Message -
From: "Vandana Gupta/Raleigh/IBM" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 4:08 PM
Subject: Scripting variable from struts:message?


 Is it possible to get a String from using
 struts:message and put it into  a scripting variable to be used later in
 the jsp??

 I wished to do the following:

 mytaglib:mytag  name="struts:message key=''/"  attrib2=/

 where mytag is a custom tag.
 This does not work for a custom tag though it works for a normal HTMl tag.

 I tried
 mytaglib:mytag  name="%=struts:message key=''/%"  attrib2

 also. but  that didn't work either. So I thought I would assign what is
 returned by struts:message to a variable say "name" and substitute it
 jsp expression as :

 mytaglib:mytag  name="%=name%"  attrib2=/

 Now the problem is how do I get the value in a variable??
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Design question

2000-11-10 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Juan Gargiulo wrote:


 I'm re-designing a web application that is mainly running with
 I started using struts for prototypes, and I really like its architecture.
 The new design has to  be robust and scalable because we expect considerable
 traffic. It is clear that the data tier should be implemented with entity
 beans, but I'm not sure yet about the web and business tier.
 One idea is to use struts (action classes+jsps+xml+xsl) to implement the web
 tier, and java beans and session EJBs for the business tier. But I have some
 questions for this architecture:

 1. Is struts doing object pooling for action classes? (it's designed for
 high traffic?) If not, is there a way of doing this?

Struts uses one and only one instance of each action class.  As long as you
design your actions to be thread-safe (basically the same rule as for servlets),
there is no need for more than one instance.

The most important rule is to not use instance variables in your action classes,
unless you want to share information between requests.

 2. Is it right for action classes to use session EJBs as business beans? Is
 there any downside on this?

Using session EJBs makes a lot of sense as business beans.  The only caution I
would have would be trying to use EJBs of either type as ActionForm beans -- you
should create separate classes for that purpose.

 3. In the j2ee sample app. (the pet-store app.), Sun propose a design based
 on events and handlers for controlling the page flow. Is struts a valid
 replacement for this?

The design of Pet Store is quite similar to Struts, although it uses a JSP page
as the "front component" -- the role that is played by the controller servlet in

As time goes on, you will find that Struts and the Blueprints design (used by
PetStore) will be getting closer together.  I'm in active cooperation with the
Blueprints folks at Sun.

 4. If combining struts with EJBs is fine, which is the best way of doing it?

The two ways that make the most sense to me are:

* Encapsulate business logic in session EJBs.  Then, your
  Action classes become primarily "adapters" in design
  pattern parlance, translating input parameters from an HTTP
  request into corresponding property settings and method
  calls on the session bean.

* Use entity beans as the "model" beans you store as request
  attributes or session attributes, although you may have
  performance issues if the beans are actually remote -- it might
  be better to copy the relevant data you need for the presentation
  into regular JavaBeans that are local to the servlet container.

 Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.

 Juan Gargiulo

Craig McClanahan

Re: Design question

2000-11-10 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

shankar wrote:

have been using the Model 2 architecture , but have religously avoided
the use of beans as we were using a lowend server(which was quite heavily
loaded) and were anxious to avoid unnecessary object creation .This
is what we did -
Client requests go to a Servlet. The servlet uses a switch structure to
evoke different methods(based on a input parameter) with the request object
as a parameter. This method reads
in parameters from the request object.It may evoke db methods if
updation etc are necessary. The output ( from querying the db ) are added
to the request object as attributes and forwarded to the JSP which handles
the display.This approach
is equivalent to the struts architecture, but it does'nt have much of OO
design. We are now starting off on the design of another project and would
like to improve on the current design.
An action form bean is created for each input form(if it has'nt already
been done) and added to the user session. Also system state beans are passed
on to the business logic beans for processing. Our current design
may not exactly promote code reuseability and all that , but I suppose
it is not all that resource intensive. The basic question is -Won't
the creation of so many obejcts affect the performance of the server ?
Given the fact that we are using a lowend server, with quite a heavy load,
would it be advisable to use the struts architecture ?Thanks,Shankar.

Embedding the application logic in your servlet is certainly feasible
in small scale applications -- although compared to Struts you don't really
save a lot in terms of object creation. Struts only creates an instance
of an Action class once, and then reuses it continually. (You will
also find that, with more recent JVMs, object creation overhead has been
pretty dramatically reduced -- it may not longer be the dominant factor
in performance).

The problem you will have is on a larger scale application -- particularly
where there is more than one developer involved, and you are fighting over
the right to update a single source file.
ActionForm beans in Struts can be stored in the user's session (this
was the original design), but also as request attributes. This is
particularly useful when the entire form is displayed on one page, and
the page contains every property as either a hidden field or a visible
field. In such cases, there is no need to keep the form bean instance
around in between requests.
At the end of the day, though, you have to have an incredibly small
server for the performance issues like single object versus lots of objects
matter very much. Even in those cases where it does make a difference,
it is usually a lot cheaper to buy a little bit more hardware than it is
to pay the developer cost of creating and maintaining an application architecture
that does not scale, or is not as amenable to changes.
For quick and dirty, one-off projects, go for the quickest possible
development time and be done with it. For applications that are will
have a large scope, lots of users, and/or lots of changes over time, pick
an application architecture strategy that minimizes the overall cost, not
the cost of the hardware. But beware -- many projects start out being
of the first type (quick and dirty) and then find themselves growing into
an application of the second type, where maintainability becomes very important

Re: Design question

2000-11-10 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Juan Gargiulo wrote:


 Thanks a lot for your answer.
 I think that I'm very close of defining the architecture for my application.
 Using action classes as adapters and session EJBs for business logic sounds


 Also using EJBs as actionforms is a good idea because they are a good
 target for object reuse. But it is not clear to me how do this. I don't see
 how struts is going to know how to get one of this EJB-actionforms from the
 context. How I specify the name of the home for the EJB-form to the action
 class (to the struts descriptor)?

Actually, I do *not* believe it is a good idea to re-use an EJB as an
ActionForm.  In fact, this will be somewhat more difficult in 1.0, now that
ActionForm is a class rather than an interface.

The reasoning behind my belief goes like this:

* An ActionForm is part of the view layer of MVC, not the model
  layer like an EJB (or a regular JavaBean that represents
  persistent data).

* The sole purpose of an ActionForm is to maintain the state of
  all the input variables on a particular form, so that you can
  reproduce the form pre-filled-in if the user made an error that they
  need to fix.  This matches the expectations of users who are used
  to GUI-based client server apps, that never make you retype any
  input except the stuff you did wrong.

* Because of the above, the "domain" of an ActionForm does not
  necessarily match any existing EJBs or model layer JavaBeans.
  It is not uncommon to have inputs from a single form that will
  ultimately cause updates to more than one undelrying EJB or
  model bean.

* Using a separate class for the ActionForm means you can
  change the underlying organization of your model beans or EJBs
  without impacting the view layer (although there might be modest
  impacts on the Action classes that copy things back and forth).

* In addition, most EJBs and model beans have validation rules
  internally that prevent them from accepting semantically invalid
  data.  Such rules would prevent you from accomplishing the
  primary purpose of an ActionForm -- storing all of the user's
  input fields, so that you can reproduce the input screen.

* Also, if your form is multiple pages and you were using the real
  EJB, let's say you start updating properties based on receiving
  the first page.  Now, you've potentially started locking resources
  in the underlying database -- and you have to deal with the fact
  that the user may never come back and finish this transaction.

So, my bottom line recommendation is that you plan on building simple JavaBeans
for your ActionForms.  Most of the time, an ActionForm will have just getters
and setters, with no error checking (other than a validate() method if you want
to use it, plus the reset() method).  PropertyUtils also has a convenience
function that can copy properties with like names from your EJB to the
ActionForm bean (or vice versa), to reduce the amount of tedious code that this
approach implies.  And, at some future point, it's reasonable to expect a
development tool to be able to auto-generate ActionForm beans for you.

Using an EJB as a bean that provides data values used in the presentation, on
the other hand, is pretty easy.  Just store the client-side instance you get
back from the EJB server as a request attribute or session attribute -- from the
perspective of the Struts custom tags, this EJB just looks like a JavaBean with
getter methods, so they don't care that it is really an EJB.  NOTE:  If the EJBs
are really on a remote server this could have some performance impact -- you
might be better served to copy data into local beans in that case.




RE: Design question

2000-11-10 Thread Juan Gargiulo


My understanding from what you responded me about ActionForm being EJBs was
wrong, sorry about that. However, your explanation in the last email was
extremely useful.



-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Design question

Juan Gargiulo wrote:


 Thanks a lot for your answer.
 I think that I'm very close of defining the architecture for my
 Using action classes as adapters and session EJBs for business logic


 Also using EJBs as actionforms is a good idea because they are a good
 target for object reuse. But it is not clear to me how do this. I don't
 how struts is going to know how to get one of this EJB-actionforms from
 context. How I specify the name of the home for the EJB-form to the action
 class (to the struts descriptor)?

Actually, I do *not* believe it is a good idea to re-use an EJB as an
ActionForm.  In fact, this will be somewhat more difficult in 1.0, now that
ActionForm is a class rather than an interface.

The reasoning behind my belief goes like this:

* An ActionForm is part of the view layer of MVC, not the model
  layer like an EJB (or a regular JavaBean that represents
  persistent data).

* The sole purpose of an ActionForm is to maintain the state of
  all the input variables on a particular form, so that you can
  reproduce the form pre-filled-in if the user made an error that they
  need to fix.  This matches the expectations of users who are used
  to GUI-based client server apps, that never make you retype any
  input except the stuff you did wrong.

* Because of the above, the "domain" of an ActionForm does not
  necessarily match any existing EJBs or model layer JavaBeans.
  It is not uncommon to have inputs from a single form that will
  ultimately cause updates to more than one undelrying EJB or
  model bean.

* Using a separate class for the ActionForm means you can
  change the underlying organization of your model beans or EJBs
  without impacting the view layer (although there might be modest
  impacts on the Action classes that copy things back and forth).

* In addition, most EJBs and model beans have validation rules
  internally that prevent them from accepting semantically invalid
  data.  Such rules would prevent you from accomplishing the
  primary purpose of an ActionForm -- storing all of the user's
  input fields, so that you can reproduce the input screen.

* Also, if your form is multiple pages and you were using the real
  EJB, let's say you start updating properties based on receiving
  the first page.  Now, you've potentially started locking resources
  in the underlying database -- and you have to deal with the fact
  that the user may never come back and finish this transaction.

So, my bottom line recommendation is that you plan on building simple
for your ActionForms.  Most of the time, an ActionForm will have just
and setters, with no error checking (other than a validate() method if you
to use it, plus the reset() method).  PropertyUtils also has a convenience
function that can copy properties with like names from your EJB to the
ActionForm bean (or vice versa), to reduce the amount of tedious code that
approach implies.  And, at some future point, it's reasonable to expect a
development tool to be able to auto-generate ActionForm beans for you.

Using an EJB as a bean that provides data values used in the presentation,
the other hand, is pretty easy.  Just store the client-side instance you get
back from the EJB server as a request attribute or session attribute -- from
perspective of the Struts custom tags, this EJB just looks like a JavaBean
getter methods, so they don't care that it is really an EJB.  NOTE:  If the
are really on a remote server this could have some performance impact -- you
might be better served to copy data into local beans in that case.




When will Struts 1.0 going to be released ?

2000-11-10 Thread Tan Siow Boon


We are quite interested to use Struts in our in-house project. It is a
very nice MVC framework that separates business logic from the JSP page.
Can I know when Struts 1.0 be released ?

Regards, SiowBoon

Re: When will Struts 1.0 going to be released ?

2000-11-10 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

My goal is to release a 1.0 version of Struts by the end of November.  The
last major new features for 1.0 are being added now, so this should be a
feasible target.


Tan Siow Boon wrote:


 We are quite interested to use Struts in our in-house project. It is a
 very nice MVC framework that separates business logic from the JSP page.
 Can I know when Struts 1.0 be released ?

 Regards, SiowBoon