Re: Books

2003-10-07 Thread Keith Pemberton
I have always had good luck with the Oreilly series.  There book Programming
Jakarta Struts book has worked well for me.  I doesn't so much cover the new
features in 1.1, though.  I have only skimmed through Struts in Action, but
it looks pretty good too.  Those two are the top sellers among Struts books
so that would be the first direction that I would look.  Hope this helps and
my condolences on getting laid off.


BTW if you don't know about, you can get technology related
books from there really cheap.

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Richards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:01 PM
Subject: Books

> I'm a complete struts newb. I got tomcat 4.1 installed along with struts
> eclipse. I was wondering if you guys could recommend a book for learning
> struts. Not necessarily a reference book. But it would be nice to have
> good examples. Getting laid off has me starving to learn something new. So
> I'm trying to think of *something* to implement with struts. So yeah, book
> recommendations?
> -Brian Richards
> -
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Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)

2003-10-07 Thread Keith Pemberton
This response was uncalled for... at least be more professional when
responding to people through the listserv.

- Original Message - 
From: "Adam Levine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)

> Hey, Steve ...
>Guess what?  You don't understand Struts.   (=
> From: Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)
> Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 12:57:18 -0400
> On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 09:32:52AM -0700, Steve Raeburn wrote:
> } 'In fact, we'd particularly invite Struts advocates to respond to this
> } article by describing the benefits that they feel Struts provides over
> } "vanilla" JSP.'
> }
> } Well if they don't get what Struts provides over "vanilla" JSP, then
> } never will. Discussing what Struts provides compared to other MVC
> } frameworks might be useful, but the "vanilla" JSP topic is surely dead
> } and buried by now.
> This is a lousy attitude. It's like the stereotype of a woman who says,
> you don't know what you did, I'm not going to tell you." If you can
> and succinctly respond to his challenge, do so. If not, perhaps you don't
> understand Struts as well as you think.
> Myself, I'm still evaluating Struts. I have a prototype of my project
> written with "vanilla" JSP and a tiny custom taglib, and I'm trying to
> decide whether to rewrite it with Struts or simply clean it up and extend
> it. I can't, yet, see whether there is a net benefit to using Struts for
> small project.
> [...]
> } Steve
> --Greg
> -
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Re: Must everything go through an action?...

2003-10-05 Thread Keith Pemberton
Thanks so much for your answer.  While I do understand everything that you
point out, I was wondering if you might have some links to documentation on
some of what you have talked about.  I almost feel like this is a grave
difficency in the struts framework as to not a "standard" way of dealing
with the View Helper pattern.  You know, it would be wonderful to have an
index page with dynamic content coming from a java bean and not have to
initialize that java bean by forwarding to an action that does so from a
welcome page.  In other words, just have every jsp page be linked to a View
Helper so the View Helper does its work before displaying the page that is
called.  From the J2EE pattens book, it seems to suggest that course of
action.  (Of course, I could just be reading in what I want to).  Anyway,
thanks again!

- Original Message - 
From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: Must everything go through an action?...

> The current trend is to define two sets of Actions. One set represents
> the business actions, the client stories. This Action interacts with the
> business layer and, based on what happens, selects the next View. Back
> in the Struts 0.5 days, the ActionForward would often points to a server
> page, so the Action would, essentially, forward directly to a JSP.
> Most of us now find it convenient to create a second set of "View"
> Actions. These Actions work as "page controllers". Instead of forwarding
> to the JSP, we forward to these Actions instead. These Actions can then
> prepare the request with whatever "chrome" the page may need.
> It's a good practice to define an ActionMapping for every presentation
> page in the application, whether it's a server page or HTML, local or
> remote, even if it just forwards out to a page. If you need to add an
> Action class later, or switch in a server page for a static page, you
> can do that without changing anything else.
> In Strut 1.1, I find it useful to separate the business Actions and the
> view Actions into separate configuration files, and may give the View
> Actions their own virtual path. So there might be a /SelectPermitAction
> and a /view/SelectPermitAction.
> There is talk of adding a specific extension point for a "view Action"
> as part of the ActionForward construct, but AFAIK, no one's rolled up
> their sleeves and given it a try. This would save a trip through the
> container, and simplify cases where you want to redirect to another
> business Action.
> HTH, Ted.
> Keith Pemberton wrote:
> > Experts,
> >
> > I'm struggling with using the View Helper pattern.  In my logical
way of
> > thinking, when a request to any jsp page is made, then the request goes
> > the ActionServlet.  The ActionServlet then looks up the appropriate view
> > helper initiallizes it with any parameters that were passed in through
> > request.  The ActionServlet then requests that the view helper put the
> > required java bean object in the request scope and then the servlet
> > to the page that was requested.  This doesn't seem to be the case,
> > with how struts works.  Please correct me if I am wrong, but every link
> > my jsp pages where the page that I am requesting has content that comes
> > a java bean (form bean) must be linked to some action component.  So,
> > say that I have an index page where I am displaying only five items at a
> > time out of database that are ranked based on their index number in the
> > database.  To get the next five entries from the database I would have
> > use the struts tags and put an html:link element in the page that
pointed to
> > some action class.  I, guess, am just looking for an assurance that I am
> > implementing the view helper pattern the correct way according to
> > Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!
> >
> > Keith Pemberton
> >
> >
> >
> > -
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> >
> >
> -- 
> Ted Husted,
>Junit in Action  - <>,
>Struts in Action - <>,
>JSP Site Design  - <>.
> "Get Ready, We're Moving Out!!" - <>
> -
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Must everything go through an action?...

2003-10-04 Thread Keith Pemberton

I'm struggling with using the View Helper pattern.  In my logical way of
thinking, when a request to any jsp page is made, then the request goes to
the ActionServlet.  The ActionServlet then looks up the appropriate view
helper initiallizes it with any parameters that were passed in through the
request.  The ActionServlet then requests that the view helper put the
required java bean object in the request scope and then the servlet forwards
to the page that was requested.  This doesn't seem to be the case, though,
with how struts works.  Please correct me if I am wrong, but every link in
my jsp pages where the page that I am requesting has content that comes from
a java bean (form bean) must be linked to some action component.  So, just
say that I have an index page where I am displaying only five items at a
time out of database that are ranked based on their index number in the
database.  To get the next five entries from the database I would have to
use the struts tags and put an html:link element in the page that pointed to
some action class.  I, guess, am just looking for an assurance that I am
implementing the view helper pattern the correct way according to struts.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!

Keith Pemberton

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Design Question...

2003-10-02 Thread Keith Pemberton
Sorry if this is a little off-topic but it has to do with Struts because I
am using struts for my web app.  I have been reading about the View Helper
pattern off the sun website and have two ways of thinking about implementing
this pattern.  First is the way that I currently have setup:

Use an action to call a method on the Delegate.  The Delegate create a
JavaBean (Value Bean) that has the data that I need for the particular page
that I am trying to view.  The Action then sets that view in the session
scope (tried request scope, but it didn't work) and then forwards to a jsp.
The jsp then uses the java bean from the session scope to fill in data for
the webpage.

Now for the other way that I was thinking of:

In the jsp page that I am trying to view, first create a new instance of
the JavaBean by calling  tag.  Then, use the JSTL tags to set
parameters that could be passed in from the url.  The JavaBean then does the
calling of the Delegate to get the information that it requires (potentially
in several method calls).  In the jsp, using jsp tags I call the getProperty
to get the information needed to fill in the data for the website.  In other
words, the getProperty invoke the JavaBean to call the Delegate to get the
information that is needed.

The way I see it, there is a trade-off between the two ways of doing this.
The first way does not allow (easily) for the adding of request parameters
to the url to change the view.  The second way, though, could potentially
involve many expensive RMI calles to the EJB Container, which is where I am
getting the data for the web pages.  I would appreciate any of your thoughts
as to how best to proceed.  Thanks in advance for all your suggestions!

Keith Pemberton

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RE: JAAS Login using LoginAction...

2003-09-22 Thread Keith Pemberton
I don't think that the things in this article work.  For one thing, they
are using an auth.conf file and now everything for login module
configuration is stored in the login-config.xml file.  Anyway, tried the
ideas from this website using JBoss 3.2.1 and Struts 1.1?


On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 09:05, Parmar, Dipakkumar wrote:
> -Original Message-----
> From: Keith Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 11:50 PM
> Subject: JAAS Login using LoginAction...
> I'm having a bit of trouble trying to login to a Database Realm that I
> have setup with JBoss.  What I would like to do is to be able to login
> to the JAAS SecurityManager using a LoginAction.  How is the best way to
> go about this.  I have tried just doing it by calling the LoginContext
> login method after having passed the LoginModule and CallbackHandler. 
> Do I need to create a specialized ActionServlet to do this?  What are
> all the important things that I should know on how to authenticate users
> by using a Struts Action class?  Thanks in advance for your tips!
> Keith Pemberton
Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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JAAS Login using LoginAction...

2003-09-21 Thread Keith Pemberton
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to login to a Database Realm that I
have setup with JBoss.  What I would like to do is to be able to login
to the JAAS SecurityManager using a LoginAction.  How is the best way to
go about this.  I have tried just doing it by calling the LoginContext
login method after having passed the LoginModule and CallbackHandler. 
Do I need to create a specialized ActionServlet to do this?  What are
all the important things that I should know on how to authenticate users
by using a Struts Action class?  Thanks in advance for your tips!

Keith Pemberton
Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: Simple Request...

2003-08-27 Thread Keith Pemberton
Hey well what do you know, I've got a sort by received column under
evolution.  Learn something new everyday.  Have no idea why that is not
the default under Evolution.  Now maybe I can keep the order right of
subjects and REs that follow the subjects.  This has been an other
episode of screwing yourself over 101 again.  Hope you enjoyed!
Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: Small request...

2003-08-27 Thread Keith Pemberton
Well, I am using Evolution (you know, under linux) to read email and I
sort all the messages by date.  Whether that date is sent date or
received date I am not entirely positive, but I assume that it is
received date.  You know, I hate it when ppl freak out over someone just
making a request like this.  It seems that asking someone to do
something these days is just all bad and wrong and ppl get offended. 
Jeez ppl, chill out!

On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 15:50, David Friedman wrote:
> Keith,
> What are you doing? Sorting your mailbox
> on the 'sent' times so it shows up out of
> order because of the different timzones
> and countries of members posting to this 
> list?  I'm sorting on the 'received' time
> and everything is readable and makes 
> perfect sense. Well, everything except
> this quetion.  :)
> Regards,
> David
> -Original Message-
> From: Keith Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 3:03 PM
> Subject: Small request...
> I know that this is way off topic but it would be a bit help for my
> inbox.  Could the people associated with this list please check the
> clock on there computers and set the correct date and time?  I really
> would appreciate this small request.
Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [OT] Re: Small request...

2003-08-25 Thread Keith Pemberton
One person sent a post to the list with a sent date of Aug 21, 2004. 
This obviously hasn't happened yet.

On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 15:24, Michael Ruppin wrote:
> What is it that makes you think our dates & time are
> not correct?
> --- Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know that this is way off topic but it would be a
> > bit help for my
> > inbox.  Could the people associated with this list
> > please check the
> > clock on there computers and set the correct date
> > and time?  I really
> > would appreciate this small request.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > 
> >
> -
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Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Small request...

2003-08-25 Thread Keith Pemberton
I know that this is way off topic but it would be a bit help for my
inbox.  Could the people associated with this list please check the
clock on there computers and set the correct date and time?  I really
would appreciate this small request.

Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Design question...

2003-08-24 Thread Keith Pemberton
I have a JSP page that contains entries from a database.  I am getting
the items using a DTO that is passed from a session EJB.  What I would
like to be able to do is to specify a parameter in the URL named
"offset" that when changed would display the next results from the
database.  Couple of questions... Would it be considered "presentation"
logic to perform the action of getting the DTO from the session bean
within the JSP page?  I really don't want to do it that way because I'm
trying to keep the layers as separate as possible.  So, if I don't do it
that way, I will have to use Action classes and html:links that can pass
the parameter to action class?

My real question is what is the best way of dealing with EJBs in the
presentation layer?  I know that I have to get a DTO of the information
that I want, but usually the methods of the DTO take parameters that I
can't pass to the DTO in the JSP page.  I have read over and over the
Oreilly Struts book but it still is confusing me.  Thanks for any help!

Keith Pemberton
Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Struts to EJB interface strategies

2003-08-19 Thread Keith Pemberton
Buy the Oreilly book on Struts.  There are some very good design principles
incorporated into this book using especially some of the J2EE design

- Original Message - 
From: "yan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:49 AM
Subject: Struts to EJB interface strategies


Firstly, can anyone recommend a good resource that deals with how you
integrate a Web Tier implemented using Struts with the EJB Tier. And also a
resource that has an excellent example of how the Struts framework interacts
with J2EE. I am
looking for more than the basic examples you normally find as they do not
help given the complexity of the application I am working on.

Secondly, what strategies does one use when deciding on how to implement the
ActionClass to Session Bean Inteface?

I am thinking along these lines:
Create a 'Client Helper Interface' that defines all the business methods
that your application will require.  This Helper class will form the
interface between the ActionClasses and the Session Beans.

The ActionClass creates a 'Client Helper Interface' object and calls the
relevant methods within this interface.  The Client Interface then creates a
Session Bean that implements the Client Interface.

The Session Bean creates the Entity Bean that opens the database connection
and returns the relevant data back to the Session Bean.  The Session Bean
returns the required information back to the Client Helper Interface.  The
Client Helper Interface returns to the ActionClass

Should you have a separate Helper Interface for each Session Bean?

many thanks

KickStartESolutions - Intelligent Web Services

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Dealing with images...

2003-08-19 Thread Keith Pemberton
I would like to get some input from you guys as to how best to deal with a
group of images.  I want to put up a photo album of sorts but I am unsure as
to how best to access the directory that they are contained in.  I could put
an initial parameter in the web.xml file that points to the directory, I
guess, and just access that parameter.  Or I could do a context
getRealPath(), or maybe even store each location in a database table along
with a description.  Anyway, your feedback on how best to handle this is
much appreciated!

Keith Pemberton
"Everything's changing when I turn around all out of my control I'm a
Mobile off the cd Let Go by Avril Lavigne.

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Modules explaination...

2003-08-19 Thread Keith Pemberton
I was wondering if someone could provide a website that would explain the
module feature of v1.1.  Thanks!
"Everything's changing when I turn around all out of my control I'm a
Mobile off the cd Let Go by Avril Lavigne.

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Password encryption on http client...

2003-08-14 Thread Keith Pemberton
I would like to create a registration page for my site but I would like
to encrypt the passwords on the client side before they are submitted
across the line to the server.  Is this possible or will I have to just
use SSL to get a decent level of security?  Your help and suggestions
are very much welcome!

Keith Pemberton
Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: MVC2 way to stick a collection in page scope?

2003-08-14 Thread Keith Pemberton
I too am working on my own blogging site but I'm using EJBs instead of
DAO objects.  What I did was to create a plugin that is specified in the
struts-config file.  The plugin interface is really easy to implement,
but you put the object in the ServletContext instead of page context.  I
can provide you a code sample if you need it.  I'm grabbing the last
five entries from the database using a Session bean interacting with
entity beans.  This is not the best way to implement a blogging system I
know, but it gives me a good excuse to learn some of the ins and outs of
Enterprise JavaBeans.  Anyway, let me know if I can help further.  


On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 09:12, jack beany wrote:
> >From: Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >jack beany wrote:
> >
> >>yup... so i have my Blog bean which calls the DAO for persistance.  What I 
> >>want to know is how to best structure the searching for a bunch of blog 
> >>beans/records/objects, and then stick that in page scope for presentation 
> >>with JSTL?
> >>
> >
> >Conder a Struts book, such as Struts in Acton.
> >Struts says this should be done in action.
> >The searching/retrieving happens in DAO.
> >Struts puts in in scope for you if updetable. Else, put it in request scope 
> >(do so in Action) for JSTL.
> ok - getting closer...
> to summarise, you're saying I should have an instead of an 
> index.jsp and declare all bean/bean collections in the action.
> Currently I've not used an action without it being the result of a form 
> posting... Do I just create an action mapping without a "name" attribute, 
> and with an "attribute" attribute of something like "indexPage"? i.e.:
> type="project.actions.IndexAction"
>   attribute="indexPage"
>   scope="request"
> then put a check for the indexPage scope in the jsp and redirect to the 
> action if it doesnt exist?
> Cheers
> J
> _____
> Hotmail messages direct to your mobile phone
> -
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Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: iterate over collection a show the inner collection ashtml:select - how ?

2003-08-14 Thread Keith Pemberton
Let's see if I can explain this.  I am going to called the collections
c1 and c2.  Ok, so I have this to iterate through c1.


I think that that is right but I haven't tested it.  Basically each
object of the first collection becomes a bean that has a property of the
name of the inner collection.  

I hope that this help and works!  Other possibilities is to look at the
nested tags which has an iterate tag.


On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 08:22, Stefan Berger wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess this problem is many time solved but i cant find the solution.
> I put into the session a collection. Each members is a class. In this
> class i have normal member like
> name, street, and this class has another collection ! 
> Now i want to iterate over the main - collection and the second (inner
> collection) i want to present
> as a html:select:
> The simple String i can write but i cant show the selection, what i do
> wrong.
> Sorry for my easy question, i don't see the solution.
> Thanks for hints !!!
> Regards Stefan
> [CODE]
>  Kb
Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: How to set a field within a collection while loppingthrough.....

2003-08-14 Thread Keith Pemberton
I would like to be able to help but I need some code to look at.  Could
you please email me some code samples including the jsp page,
ActionForm, and class that contains the collection.  Thanks!


On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 10:48, Monajit Choudhury wrote:
> Hi
>  How can I set the value of a field while looping through a collection.
> Ok let me put it this way.
> I have a ValueObject vo1 which contains a collection of Vos VO2.
> Now in the page I iterate and display the contents of vo2 in a
> logic:iterate.Now the fields are shown in text fields so the user can modify
> it.I am using a paginator, so my reqirement is when i go to the next page
> and come back, whatever values i had entered in the text fields should be
> remembered/saved.How can this be achieved?
> Hope I could explain the problem well.
> Regds
> Monojit
> -
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Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Process Action before displaying index page...

2003-08-14 Thread Keith Pemberton
I have an action class that I would like to call before the index page
is displayed because elements of the index page are dependant on the
action class putting an object in the request scope.  I thought that the
best way to specify this would be to declare an action in the
struts-config.xml file with a path of "/" which would then forward to
the index.jsp page.  However, apparently the single root context "/" is
not recognized as a valid path by the struts-config file.  Anyone have
any sugguestions for how I can solve this problem?  Thanks in advance...

Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Process Action before displaying index page...

2003-08-12 Thread Keith Pemberton
That worked like a champ.  Thanks so much for a straight forward and
simple answer!


On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 06:47, Vipin Bhatia wrote:
> Why not start a struts plugin which will do the needful
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Keith Pemberton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:15 PM
> Subject: Process Action before displaying index page...
> > I have an action class that I would like to call before the index page
> > is displayed because elements of the index page are dependant on the
> > action class putting an object in the request scope.  I thought that the
> > best way to specify this would be to declare an action in the
> > struts-config.xml file with a path of "/" which would then forward to
> > the index.jsp page.  However, apparently the single root context "/" is
> > not recognized as a valid path by the struts-config file.  Anyone have
> > any sugguestions for how I can solve this problem?  Thanks in advance...
> > 
> > Keith
> > -- 
> > Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > 
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Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Partial form validation...

2003-07-24 Thread Keith Pemberton
I have read that when you do a multipage form that you have to do
partial form validation.  Otherwise, the page just gets thrown back as
not being valid.  Can someone please give me a sample of how this works
in the ActionForm bean?  Thanks!

Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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2003-07-24 Thread Keith Pemberton
I was wondering if when a link created by the  tag is clicked
if a form bean will be created and populated assuming that the link is
to an actionmapping?  I have a form in which has two buttons that do
different actions.  I would like to use a DispatchAction class instead
of a LookupDispatch action inorder to perform these actions.  Some of
the actions, though, need info from the ActionForm.  Thanks in advance!

Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Writing values from javabeans to html tags.

2003-07-24 Thread Keith Pemberton
Why not just specify the name attribute in the html:textarea tag with
the attribute equal to the name of the bean, in your case requestDTO. 
That's what I do and it works well for me.

On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 20:45, Kelvin wu wrote:
> try to use html-el tag
>   value="${sessionScope.requestDTO.comments}"/>
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Matt E" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 5:23 AM
> Subject: Writing values from javabeans to html tags.
> > Hello All!
> > 
> > I'm trying to give an inital value to one of the
> > fields in a form in an application of mine.
> > 
> > I had tried this:
> > 
> >  > value="<%=requestDTO.getComments()%>"
> > 
> > Since I had read that you couldn't use bean:write tag
> > in the value attribute of the html tags.  However this
> > gives me an error in tomcat:
> > 
> > org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile
> > /int0/opt/tomcat/b331/work/DEFAULT/tir/pla/
> > Undefined variable or class name: requestDTO
> >
> > _jspx_th_html_textarea_0.setValue(requestDTO.getComments());
> > 
> > The bean in question (requestDTO) is session scoped. 
> > I can use  to write out the value, so I
> > know it's there.
> > 
> > What do I need to do so that
> > <%=requestDTO.getComments()%> works also?
> > 
> > __
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Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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1 DispathAction, 2 Forms. Possible?

2003-07-21 Thread Keith Pemberton
I am trying to combine my actions into one DispatchAction class.  I have
one JSP page that contains a form with its action statement pointing to
the DispatchAction with the appropriate parameters.  What I would like
to do is to use a different JSP that will perform a different action in
the DispatchAction class.  In other words, I want to add something to
the database through one form and then later be able to retrieve that
information and update the entry in the database through another form. 
As far as I can tell, though, there can only be one "input" specified in
the Action mappings for the DispatchAction.  Should I just create
another mapping for the Action class and specify the other page in the
input field for the mapping?  Your help is much appreciated!


Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Reasonable to use EJBs for validation in ActionForm validatemethod?

2003-07-18 Thread Keith Pemberton
The validation code of if the custom is already in the database should
be in your create method on the entity EJB.  Other validation code
concerning the webform (such as valid address) should go in the validate
method on the ActionForm that you have specified for the webform.  Hope
this helps.  Let me know if you need code samples.


On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 08:55, Aaron Robinson wrote:
> For validation that can only be done against the database, should this go in 
> the validate method or in the execute method?
> For example checking that a customer doesn't alerady exist before inserting 
> it, or checking that a user has entered a valid address before the execute 
> method is called to try and create it.
> Also, with the validator framework, does this just apply to basic (non model 
> based) validation?
> _
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Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Dispatch Action help...

2003-06-08 Thread Keith Pemberton
Hi all,

I have a webform that I am trying to create and I have run into a
huge problem.  So, at the top of the form I have the action specified
and underneath I have defined the inputs using the struts taglib.  Now,
I can submit the form to the Action just fine and all the ActionForm is
filled in with all the correct values.  I want to be able to include a
list of dynamic links with the form information.  I have a 
defined and above that to  input fields.  Also, I have two
buttons (Add and Remove) that I would like to specify the Actions on
those two buttons to add an entry to the  or remove a
selected value in the  field.  So, here is what I have
tried so far.  I started using JavaScript to dynamically add the content
from the two input fields to the  box.  When I submitted
the form, though, I would only get a String[] from the  box
that was the values of the entries (not the values and the labels).  Now
what I am trying to do is to use a DispatchAction class and specify a
 around each  that points to the DispatchAction
class with a parameter that says which action to perform.  When the
program goes to the DispatchAction class, the ActionForm that I
specified in the struts-config.xml file is not populated with the fields
from the webform.  I have tried also to figure out some way to add the
parameters onto the request line but the only way that I can do that is
using the onclick javascript method and specifing "document.location =
"'/admin/' + refTitle.value +
'&refLink=' + refLink.value".  Now, this works fine for add the stuff to
the  because I have a bean in the session scope that the
refTitle and refLink are being added to.  But, when the DispatchAction
returns to the webform the other values in the webform do not show
anymore.  What I figure is happening is that the webform is not getting
populated because I haven't actually submitted the form when doing the
Add and Remove actions, so therefore that information is not re-put into
the webform when the DispatchAction returns to the webform.  Anyone know
what else I can do?

Sorry if this was confusing.  I can submit code if it would make things
clearer.  Any help is very much appreciated!  Thanks in advance!

Keith Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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