Re: Fwd: Where it wil be equinox, at noon

2011-09-23 Thread David Patte

Also using Time Zone Master
1) Clicking any clock and going to the equinox page, you then click on 
the equinox (5:05 EDT for my case - Ottawa)

2) Then go to the sidereal page it shows 9:12:28 GST (sidereal time)
3) The time difference to noon is 2h 57m 31s
Multiply x 15 - you get 44d 22m 45s E
It shows a delta-T of 67 seconds

On 2011-09-22 23:59, James E. Morrison wrote:
My logic for answering the question of where on Earth will it be 
apparent noon at the instant of the autumnal equinox is:
1.  The Greenwich sidereal time at the time of the equinox (Julian day 
2455827.87793) is 09:10:36.1
2. We want the longitude where the local sidereal time = 12:00:00 at 
this instant.

3. The sidereal time difference is 02:49:24.
4. Times 15 for degrees = 42d 20m 59s E.
This corresponds to a meridian passing through Georgia, east Turkey 
and bit west of Baghdad.
I used The Electric Astrolabe with a Delta-T of 66 sec to get the GST 
value.  Other programs may improve on the result.

Best regards,
James E. Morrison
Astrolabe web site at
From: axel törnvall gonzalez
Date: Sep 22, 2011 8:58:05 PM
Subject: Where it wil be equinox, at noon
This is my Subject;
Finding the position, Longitud, where, the sprig equinox, will ocurr 
at noon, I found some diference between the results of The Dialist´s 
Companion, and Sun v.5.6 Of R.Cernic, both programs I work for some 

 In Longitud  42°12,80 E at 13:03:42  PM it will be Noon, for my studies
Then I placed both programs in Latitud and longitud 0°, and in Sun 
v5.6 of R.Cernic I got UT 09:03:59 AM and in The Dialist´s Companion, 
I found the nearest cero declination at 08:44:47AM the altitude 
measure have a difference of almost 5°, I Know The Dialist Companion I 
Use vers 1.1.b is old.

Sorry my english, it´s not my first language
Best regards for all of you




Re: Fwd: Where it wil be equinox, at noon

2011-09-23 Thread David Patte

Don't you hate it when you publish numbers with errors
I manually subtracted from noon incorrectly

3) The time difference to noon is actually 2h 47m 31s
Multiply by 15 gives 41d 52m 45s E

Open a new clock and enter the longitude, and equator
The result is near a town called Chisimayu in Somalia, near the Kenya 
border, where the sun will be overhead at solar noon, at the equinox

On 2011-09-23 2:12, David Patte wrote:

Also using Time Zone Master
1) Clicking any clock and going to the equinox page, you then click on 
the equinox (5:05 EDT for my case - Ottawa)

2) Then go to the sidereal page it shows 9:12:28 GST (sidereal time)
3) The time difference to noon is 2h 57m 31s
Multiply x 15 - you get 44d 22m 45s E
It shows a delta-T of 67 seconds

On 2011-09-22 23:59, James E. Morrison wrote:
My logic for answering the question of where on Earth will it be 
apparent noon at the instant of the autumnal equinox is:
1.  The Greenwich sidereal time at the time of the equinox (Julian 
day 2455827.87793) is 09:10:36.1
2. We want the longitude where the local sidereal time = 12:00:00 at 
this instant.

3. The sidereal time difference is 02:49:24.
4. Times 15 for degrees = 42d 20m 59s E.
This corresponds to a meridian passing through Georgia, east Turkey 
and bit west of Baghdad.
I used The Electric Astrolabe with a Delta-T of 66 sec to get the GST 
value.  Other programs may improve on the result.

Best regards,


Re: Terminator

2011-09-23 Thread Ian Maddocks

hi Doug

as an alternative

Ian Maddocks
Chester, UK

From: Douglas Bateman
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:25 PM
To: Sundial
Subject: Terminator

Does anyone know of a link or an app that shows the terminator in 
graphic form over the world.

I used to use a 'mapmaker' website but that seems to have disappeared.

I have

but neither are as clear or as uncluttered and the site of a few years 

The terminator has this fascinating shape as we approach the equinox.

Regards, Doug




2011-09-23 Thread Donald Christensen
I’m trying to understand the equation of time

All diagrams that I have seen (like the attached) are only two dimensional.
For the sake of simplicity, the earth tilt is ignored. According to a two
dimensional drawing, it will always require more than a 360 degree
revolution for a point on the earth to face the sun again.

However the earth is tilted.  Does this mean that sometimes it takes more
than 360 to make a revolution and sometimes it takes less?

Or does this mean that it always takes more than a 360 degree revolution.
However because of the tilt, the additional spin required to face the sun
again is greater on some days than on others.

I think its the later answer but I'm not sure.

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So there!
attachment: Sidereal_Time_en.PNG---