Re: Need Help with Sea Monkey "Save"

2017-09-17 Thread WaltS48

Lori wrote:

Sometimes SeaMonkey doesn't let me decide where to save files and sends
them to Download Manager.
Sometimes I can't open and re-locate a file from Download Manager.

Is there any way to cut out or control Download Manager?



From the Menu Bar select Edit > Preferences > Browser > Downloads and 
set it the way you would like it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Need Help with Sea Monkey "Save"

2017-09-17 Thread Lori
Sometimes SeaMonkey doesn't let me decide where to save files and sends 
them to Download Manager.

Sometimes I can't open and re-locate a file from Download Manager.

Is there any way to cut out or control Download Manager?


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thread Errantly Shows Unread Posts

2017-09-17 Thread WaltS48

On 9/17/17 3:25 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Mason83 wrote:

On 16/09/2017 20:13, rickman wrote:

I have a thread in a newsgroup that shows the underline indicating
there are unread messages in that thread.  But when I open the
thread there are none. All messages in that thread are marked as
read.  I close the thread and the underline is still there.

I've tried enabling view-threads-all, -unread, ignored threads, etc
and no unread messages show up.

Any ideas?

Do you use "Ignore subthread" functionality?

There is a known bug, where threads with ignored subthreads will show
as "unread" although all messages have been read.

More than that.

I've been using "K" (kill thread) on the Italian spam for which our 
moderators have not found a solution, and I'm seeing inaccurate unread 
counts because there are unread messages in those killed threads. I've 
never seen those messages, much less read them, so they contribute to 
the unread count.

AFAIK the SeaMonkey support newsgroup is not moderated. Only Firefox and 
Thunderbird are the moderated support newsgroups.

Some groups may be moderated.

Go Bucs, Pitt, Steelers!
Native Americans should have had a hard line immigration stance
National Popular Vote 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thread Errantly Shows Unread Posts

2017-09-17 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Mason83 wrote:

On 16/09/2017 20:13, rickman wrote:

I have a thread in a newsgroup that shows the underline indicating
there are unread messages in that thread.  But when I open the
thread there are none. All messages in that thread are marked as
read.  I close the thread and the underline is still there.

I've tried enabling view-threads-all, -unread, ignored threads, etc
and no unread messages show up.

Any ideas?

Do you use "Ignore subthread" functionality?

There is a known bug, where threads with ignored subthreads will show
as "unread" although all messages have been read.

More than that.

I've been using "K" (kill thread) on the Italian spam for which our 
moderators have not found a solution, and I'm seeing inaccurate unread 
counts because there are unread messages in those killed threads. I've 
never seen those messages, much less read them, so they contribute to 
the unread count.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Memory Leak? Sluggish SM.

2017-09-17 Thread Mason83
On 17/09/2017 15:31, Hawker wrote:
> SM 2.48 (but had same issue 2.46) Win 7 64.
> I notice a fresh open of SM takes about 220MB.  After using it a few 
> hours it eventually gets up to just under 3GB with light use (a few tabs 
> open, not much) and get very unresponsive and sluggish. If I close all 
> tabs to just a blank page memory goes down to around 2.5GB but never 
> below. If I close and re-open SM or force close and re-open letting SM 
> re-open all tabs as was all is good again.
> I'm assuming this is some sort of memory leak. Any ideas? Are others 
> having this issue? I am using a few basic add ons, but nothing really 
> strange or fancy

Have a look at about:memory
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thread Errantly Shows Unread Posts

2017-09-17 Thread Mason83
On 16/09/2017 20:13, rickman wrote:
> I have a thread in a newsgroup that shows the underline indicating there are 
> unread messages in that thread.  But when I open the thread there are none. 
> All messages in that thread are marked as read.  I close the thread and the 
> underline is still there.
> I've tried enabling view-threads-all, -unread, ignored threads, etc and no 
> unread messages show up.
> Any ideas?

Do you use "Ignore subthread" functionality?

There is a known bug, where threads with ignored subthreads
will show as "unread" although all messages have been read.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Memory Leak? Sluggish SM.

2017-09-17 Thread Hawker

On 9/17/2017 9:53 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 17/09/2017 11:31 PM, Hawker wrote:

SM 2.48 (but had same issue 2.46) Win 7 64.

I notice a fresh open of SM takes about 220MB.  After using it a few
hours it eventually gets up to just under 3GB with light use (a few tabs
open, not much) and get very unresponsive and sluggish. If I close all
tabs to just a blank page memory goes down to around 2.5GB but never
below. If I close and re-open SM or force close and re-open letting SM
re-open all tabs as was all is good again.

I'm assuming this is some sort of memory leak. Any ideas? Are others
having this issue? I am using a few basic add ons, but nothing really
strange or fancy

I'm thinking this memory leak problem is widespread and has been about
since the Netscape Suite days! Don't think yourself special, Hawker. ;-P

While I mostly agree, it seems it has just been the last two versions 
where I have had major issues with it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Memory Leak? Sluggish SM.

2017-09-17 Thread Hawker

On 9/17/2017 9:50 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

Do you use a Script and Ad blocker. If not try it with one.

Yes I use Add Block Plus but not no script.

Usually caused by excessive javascript on web pages. Nothing we can do
other than wait for improvements in the backend. I am usually at 500 MB
after a few hours in a 2.49.1 x64 under 7. If you use mail it goes higher.


Hawker wrote:

SM 2.48 (but had same issue 2.46) Win 7 64.

I notice a fresh open of SM takes about 220MB.  After using it a few
hours it eventually gets up to just under 3GB with light use (a few
tabs open, not much) and get very unresponsive and sluggish. If I
close all tabs to just a blank page memory goes down to around 2.5GB
but never below. If I close and re-open SM or force close and re-open
letting SM re-open all tabs as was all is good again.

I'm assuming this is some sort of memory leak. Any ideas? Are others
having this issue? I am using a few basic add ons, but nothing really
strange or fancy

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Memory Leak? Sluggish SM.

2017-09-17 Thread Hawker

On 9/17/2017 9:50 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

Do you use a Script and Ad blocker. If not try it with one.

Yes I use Add Block Plus but not no script.

Usually caused by excessive javascript on web pages. Nothing we can do
other than wait for improvements in the backend. I am usually at 500 MB
after a few hours in a 2.49.1 x64 under 7. If you use mail it goes higher.


Hawker wrote:

SM 2.48 (but had same issue 2.46) Win 7 64.

I notice a fresh open of SM takes about 220MB.  After using it a few
hours it eventually gets up to just under 3GB with light use (a few
tabs open, not much) and get very unresponsive and sluggish. If I
close all tabs to just a blank page memory goes down to around 2.5GB
but never below. If I close and re-open SM or force close and re-open
letting SM re-open all tabs as was all is good again.

I'm assuming this is some sort of memory leak. Any ideas? Are others
having this issue? I am using a few basic add ons, but nothing really
strange or fancy

support-seamonkey mailing list


2017-09-17 Thread ANTONINO IZZONI
Michele Nista è il criminale che da circa 8 anni commette l'attività delittuosa 
di cyber stalking internazionale, cercando di diffamare in internet centinaia 
(forse migliaia) di persone prevalentemente operanti nel campo della finanza, 
dell'economia, della politica e del giornalismo o liberi professionisti.  
Milanese di origine, nullatenente, sopra i 50 anni di età,  da diversi anni 
vive all'estero, in quanto, secondo le testimonianze raccolte, è stato  
costretto ad abbandonare l'Italia a causa delle numerose truffe perpetrate  
quando era ivi residente. Secondo fonti investigative, attualmente,  vive di 
espedienti e si sposta tra la Gran Bretagna, il Portogallo, la Spagna e 
l'Olanda, con qualche tappa in Sud America: motivo per il quale le indagini,  
almeno fino a qualche mese fa, sono andate a rilento.

Le vittime dello stalker
La sua intensa attività criminale, che riguarda centinaia se non migliaia di 
persone, è rivolta ad offendere principalmente soggetti che svolgono con 
successo professioni nel campo della finanza e che godono di visibilità e 
rispetto. L'odio del Nista verso questi soggetti, probabilmente, nasce dalla 
sua profonda  frustrazione derivante dagli insuccessi ottenuti in campo 
finanziario quando egli risiedeva in Italia: professione che, tra l'altro, 
svolgeva presumibilmente in maniera abusiva. Tuttavia, tra le vittime dello 
stalker vi sono anche ragazze e donne che hanno rifiutato le "attenzioni del 
Nista", insegnanti, medici, persone di culto e addirittura i figli (aggettivati 
con termini irripetibili e all'epoca minorenni) di un suo ex amico entrato 
ormai tra i peggiori nemici. La quasi totalità delle vittime non hanno mai 
conosciuto di persona il Nista e  hanno avuto  la sola sfortuna  che il loro 
nome finisse all'attenzione dello stalker, dando così inizio alle persecuzioni.

L'attività criminale del Nista

L'attività criminale esercitata dallo stalker, nel corso degli anni, si è 
sempre più intensificata fino ad indurlo a pubblicare migliaia  di posts 
diffamatori e deliranti al giorno, su migliaia di siti sparsi per il mondo, 
gruppi google, forum, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Blogger e in altri spazi 
L'attività delittuosa è talmente intensa e violenta che il Nista, al fine di 
produrre il maggior danno possibile, posta i suoi deliri su siti "fantasma", 
non più utilizzati, in modo da rendere difficoltoso (se non impossibile) 
rintracciare gli amministratori del sito/blog per chiedere la rimozione del 
materiale postato dallo stalker. Il più delle volte, addirittura, scrive le sue 
farneticazioni su blog in lingua straniera (portoghese, spagnolo, russo, 
tedesco), anche in questo caso al fine di renderne difficoltosa la rimozione.

Per comprendere quanto sia intensa l'attività criminale posta in essere, si 
pensi che le sue vittime, tutte molto note, affermate e rispettate nel campo 
dell'economia, della finanza e delle libere professioni, solo nei gruppi Google 
hanno collezionato decine di migliaia di posts deliranti, ai quali si 
aggiungono le decine di migliaia di scritti pubblicati come commenti su altri 
siti. L'intensa attività criminale viene svolta utilizzando centinaia di nomi 
diversi, sottratti ad altrettante persone che, anch'esse, operano in prevalenza 
in ambito finanziario. Per cui, oltre agli altri reati, ricorre anche quello di 
furto di identità altrui.

Le farneticazioni del Nista
Il contenuto dei posts e delle diffamazioni sono un coacervo di odio, volgari 
insulti, farneticazioni, deliri e falsità. Un concentrato di volgari 
affermazioni, violenze,  immagini raccapriccianti quasi sempre a  sfondo 
pornografico o pedopornografico. Per il Nista le sue vittime sono tutte 
pedofili, assassini, massoni, nazisti, mandanti di omicidi e riciclatori di 
denaro sporco e denaro mafioso. In altri posts, prodotti sempre ricorrendo 
all'utilizzo di identità altrui, si assiste all'autocelebrazione di Michele 
Nista. Si definisce "RE MIDA, GENIO, EROE CIVILE". Scrive che (citiamo 
liberando l'Italia da Berlusconi, dalla mafia e dalla Lega Nord. Il tutto, 
ovviamente, avviene utilizzando identità di persone terze, come ad offrire al 
lettore la percezione che gli scritti che celebrano il Nista "eroe"  giungano 
da persone che si sono realmente avvalse dei suoi servizi (quali?). Altre 
volte, invece, costruisce dei veri e propri dialoghi tra le sue diverse 
identità (cioè sempre appropriandosi di identità altrui), in modo che il 
lettore possa essere tentato di valutare attendibili le farneticazioni scritte.
Si tratta di un concentrato di follia e pazzia che disegna un profilo 
psichiatrico di un soggetto gravemente malato ma, al tempo stesso, estremamente 
 pericoloso. Pericolo che si avverte non solo dal contenuto dei 

Re: Youtube videos don't work any more - solved

2017-09-17 Thread David E. Ross
On 9/17/2017 3:22 AM, Klaus Weber wrote:
> I removed the add-on that created the problem. Thanks for your help!
> Klaus

Which add-on was it?

David E. Ross

Yes, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other
"founding fathers" owned slaves.  However, they created
a nation.  Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Thomas
"Stonewall" Jackson and other "heroes" of the
Confederacy tried to tear the nation apart.  Statues
and other monuments to those "heroes" of the
Confederacy actually celebrate traitors and treason.

See my .
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Memory Leak? Sluggish SM.

2017-09-17 Thread Daniel

On 17/09/2017 11:31 PM, Hawker wrote:

SM 2.48 (but had same issue 2.46) Win 7 64.

I notice a fresh open of SM takes about 220MB.  After using it a few
hours it eventually gets up to just under 3GB with light use (a few tabs
open, not much) and get very unresponsive and sluggish. If I close all
tabs to just a blank page memory goes down to around 2.5GB but never
below. If I close and re-open SM or force close and re-open letting SM
re-open all tabs as was all is good again.

I'm assuming this is some sort of memory leak. Any ideas? Are others
having this issue? I am using a few basic add ons, but nothing really
strange or fancy

I'm thinking this memory leak problem is widespread and has been about 
since the Netscape Suite days! Don't think yourself special, Hawker. ;-P


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.48 Build identifier: 20170329183526

Go Dallas Cowgirls!!  Err!! ... Um!! .. I mean *Go Dallas Cowboys* !!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Memory Leak? Sluggish SM.

2017-09-17 Thread Frank-Rainer Grahl

Do you use a Script and Ad blocker. If not try it with one.

Usually caused by excessive javascript on web pages. Nothing we can do other 
than wait for improvements in the backend. I am usually at 500 MB after a few 
hours in a 2.49.1 x64 under 7. If you use mail it goes higher.


Hawker wrote:

SM 2.48 (but had same issue 2.46) Win 7 64.

I notice a fresh open of SM takes about 220MB.  After using it a few hours it 
eventually gets up to just under 3GB with light use (a few tabs open, not 
much) and get very unresponsive and sluggish. If I close all tabs to just a 
blank page memory goes down to around 2.5GB but never below. If I close and 
re-open SM or force close and re-open letting SM re-open all tabs as was all 
is good again.

I'm assuming this is some sort of memory leak. Any ideas? Are others having 
this issue? I am using a few basic add ons, but nothing really strange or fancy

support-seamonkey mailing list

Memory Leak? Sluggish SM.

2017-09-17 Thread Hawker

SM 2.48 (but had same issue 2.46) Win 7 64.

I notice a fresh open of SM takes about 220MB.  After using it a few 
hours it eventually gets up to just under 3GB with light use (a few tabs 
open, not much) and get very unresponsive and sluggish. If I close all 
tabs to just a blank page memory goes down to around 2.5GB but never 
below. If I close and re-open SM or force close and re-open letting SM 
re-open all tabs as was all is good again.

I'm assuming this is some sort of memory leak. Any ideas? Are others 
having this issue? I am using a few basic add ons, but nothing really 
strange or fancy

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Youtube videos don't work any more - solved

2017-09-17 Thread Klaus Weber

I removed the add-on that created the problem. Thanks for your help!


NFN Smith schrieb:

Mason83 wrote:

OK, so if your real profile is still not working
(maybe it was a transient error) then the issue would be
1) from a plug-in
2) from an add-on
3) from a specific config option (some get set to default values in 
safe mode)

Identifying which is the hard part, unfortunately...

In my experience, something funky happening with config options (in 
prefs.js) is the most frequent cause.  That said, I've seen it happen 
once or twice where a problem clears with a one-time run in Safe Mode, 
and then restarting in normal mode.

Fortunately, plug-ins are now pretty rare (except for Flash). On my 
own setups, I deleted Flash more than a year ago, and haven't had 
problems, but then I rarely need (or want) animated content that 
requires Flash.

If you have extensions and problems clear in Safe Mode, then the 
normal troubleshooting is to sequentially enable or disable, until the 
problem goes away (and you have identified which extension). If you 
have a lot of extensions, it may be slightly faster to disable half of 
them, and then sequentially enable or disable, until the problem 
appears or goes away.

If it's a problem extension, then you might be able to recover the 
functionality of the extension simply by removing and re-adding, 
rather than having to sacrifice the extension entirely.


support-seamonkey mailing list

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support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Yahoo: multiple accounts...

2017-09-17 Thread Daniel

On 17/09/2017 7:10 AM, sean wrote:

I have multiple yahoo e'mail accounts which I am hoping to retrieve via
the Seamonkey e'mail client... I have set up multiple smtp settings to
deal with the multiple passwords...

but for some reason, Seamonkey is only able to download one of them, the
others return a

Sending of password for user WhatSisName did not succeed. Mail server responded: Server error - Please try again later.

I just deleted the cache and all passwords to attempt a reset, currently

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/51.0 SeaMonkey/2.48
Build identifier: 20170706221156


Sean, are all your Yahoo accounts of the kind that will allow you to 
download the messages to your HD??

I have one Yahoo account, of the cheap kind, which I, apparently, am 
unable to download onto my HD.


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.48 Build identifier: 20170329183526

Go Dallas Cowgirls!!  Err!! ... Um!! .. I mean *Go Dallas Cowboys* !!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thread Errantly Shows Unread Posts

2017-09-17 Thread Daniel

On 17/09/2017 12:47 PM, rickman wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 9/16/2017 6:35 PM:

On 9/16/17 2:13 PM, rickman wrote:

I have a thread in a newsgroup that shows the underline
indicating there are unread messages in that thread.  But when I
open the thread there are none. All messages in that thread are
marked as read.  I close the thread and the underline is still

I've tried enabling view-threads-all, -unread, ignored threads,
etc and no unread messages show up.

Any ideas?

I usually unsubscribe from a newsgroup that shows that behavior,
then I subscribe to it again and all is well.

Yeah, that fixed the problem, but all info about what I've read and
not read is gone.  Oh well, it wasn't all that busy of a group.


That's the situation I am discussing in my thread "Re-ordering the
Right-Click menu", rickman! But mine is for a busy group!!


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.48 Build identifier: 20170329183526

Go Dallas Cowgirls!!  Err!! ... Um!! .. I mean *Go Dallas Cowboys* !!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Re-ordering the Right Click Menu

2017-09-17 Thread Daniel

On 17/09/2017 1:07 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 16/09/2017 8:14 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Daniel wrote:

For the umpteenth time, I am in the middle of marking a whole heap
of UseNet threads as Read, so I'm making great use of the Right-Click
Menu. Unfortunately the "Mark" option is just about in the middle of
the list.

Is there an easy way to move it to one or other end of the list??

For what you're trying to do, the easy way is to select all the various
threads and press "M." Bob's your uncle. No rodents involved.

Paul, that might be easy if I wanted to "Mark as Read" all the threads
from, say, 1/1/2015 to 30/06/2015 and then from, say 01/09/2015 to
01/03/2017, but that's not how I catch up on old threads.

I read all the threads with single digit posts, i.e. less than 10, then
all the threads with less than 20 posts, then less than 30 posts, etc.,
etc. Currently, I've read all threads with less than 60 posts. I've
nearly caught up with re-marking those threads that I've Read so the
Unread number is currently approx 45,000 (was approx 38,000) out of
total 174,000 posts!

So I don't think Bob would be much help a.t.t!

So if you are reading them, don't they automatically get marked as read?

Yes, Walt, but I'm marking the 100,000+ that I have already Read as Read!!

Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups > Message Display > Automatically mark
messages as read.

Let the application do the work.

It does!


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.48 Build identifier: 20170329183526

Go Dallas Cowgirls!!  Err!! ... Um!! .. I mean *Go Dallas Cowboys* !!
support-seamonkey mailing list