Re: [OSM-talk] Osmose, duplicate housenumber

2016-06-01 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
althio  writes:

> Łukasz Stelmach
>> Can you explain why Osmose (and does it matter at all) warns about
>> duplicate housnumber when a shop (node) with a set of addr:* tags is
>> created inside a building (area) that is also tagged with addr:*?
> Osmose seems to follow the rule: One feature, one OSM element (or one
> feature, one tag) and avoids duplicating data.
> The rationale is certainly close to:

This makes sens.

> where you can use:
>  - addr:* tags for buildings or nodes on the street
>  - contact:* tags for contact information about a POI

I will. Thanks.

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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[OSM-talk] Osmose, duplicate housenumber

2016-06-01 Thread Łukasz Stelmach

Can you explain why Osmose (and does it matter at all) warns about
duplicate housnumber when a shop (node) with a set of addr:* tags is
created inside a building (area) that is also tagged with addr:*?
Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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[OSM-talk] buildings above the ground and below

2016-05-27 Thread Łukasz Stelmach

I've got a small housing estate to map. Above the ground there are four
buildings. However, below, they've got common foundation and an
underground garage. The house numbers hasn't been assigned yet so all
the above-the-ground-buildings have the same address.

Do you have any suggestions how to map it all?
Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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[OSM-talk] [TOOL][RFC] Trimap for amateur trilateration

2016-05-03 Thread Łukasz Stelmach

I've whipped up a small python script to calculate coordinates of
vertices of a triangle mesh based on distances between the vertices. If
you have a means to measure distance (tape, laser distance meter) and
know position of at least two points you can very precisely map objects
like buildings or trees in a park.

At the moment the script can only do the maths but it can't build the
mesh automatically, it is user's role.

For a detailed description please visit

I'd be glad to get some feedback. 
Have a nice day,
Łukasz Stelmach

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Re: [OSM-talk] Contact And Remap Campaign

2012-02-05 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Michael Collinson  writes:

> If you are mapping in Poland or the Czech Republic, please also note
> that we are aware of special issues that makes this difficult for you
> right now.

I may be not up to date but could you please be more specific? What
should I look out for in Poland? Except of course terible freezing ;-)

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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Re: [OSM-talk] Pyroute

2011-07-23 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Luis Quesada  writes:

> I am having error listed at the end when trying to run python

>   File "/home/lquesada/pyroute/", line 98, in loadImage
> self.images[name]  = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(filename)
> MemoryError

Hard to tell. My first *guess* is that there is something wrong with
Cairo bindings for Python[1] or with the Cairo itself.


Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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Re: [OSM-talk] poland to open publically-funded data

2011-06-02 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Mike  Dupont  writes:

> 2011/5/30 Łukasz Stelmach :
>> As far as geospatial data is concerned it's a bit of a problem
>> because there are already some regulations based on the EU INSPIRE
>> directive which makes them available ( but
>> not re-useable for free. It's quite complicated.
> Most of the links are dead, and the message here makes me laugh :
> Only I n t e r n e t E x p l o r e r makes that aplication works
> properly. Sorry4Mozilla&Netscape:(
> Any better links for example data? what is the problem exactly? thanks,
> mike

Of course, my bad. The correct address is:

and there you have for example the list of OGC services

On the of the main page (any page in fact) there is a blue globe labeld
"MAPS". If you click it and agree to "Terms and conditions" you can
browse quite a lot of different layers (names in Polish unfortunately).

Important note to everyone: Please do not trace these!

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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Re: [OSM-talk] poland to open publically-funded data

2011-05-30 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Robin Paulson  writes:

> from slashdot:
> the polish prime minister announced a bill to ensure all government
> data will be released as public domain.
> original, in polish:
> here's hoping it passes, and includes geo data

An open access to public *information* is already a law in Poland. If
you ask a civil servants for any deed (they are not subject to copyright
law) that is not classified they must show it to you. PM would like to
broaden this and includes stuff that today is copyrighted e.g. photos,
sounds, and make all them both available and *re-usable* for free. As
far as geospatial data is concerned it's a bit of a problem because
there are already some regulations based on the EU INSPIRE directive
which makes them available ( but not re-useable
for free. It's quite complicated.

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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Re: [OSM-talk] georeferencing OSM

2011-03-07 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Jukka Rahkonen  writes:

> Łukasz Stelmach> writes:
>> This has been discussed[1] some time ago but the answer is somehow
>> unclear to me. I understand that EPSG:900913 is (may be?) a crappy
>> projection[2]. However, I still need a map of Poland at zoom 6-8
>> warped to EPSG2180. How to use geotifcp (how to prepare metadata) to
>> embed appropriate information in an image exported from
>> OpenStreetmap?
>> [1]
>> [2]
> I would capture first the image of your area by using native
> EPSG:900913 projection with gdal_translate and WMS driver as described
> at the bottom of the document

That's it. Thank you.

For future reference

(edit the xml file and set tile level to 7)

gdal_translate -of GTiff -outsize 2014 1959 -projwin 1373199.36 7754019.75 
3121531.52 6052748.56 frmt_wms_openstreetmap_tms.xml openstreetmap.tif

or alternatively

gdal_translate -of GTiff -srcwin 17500 1 1440 1340 
frmt_wms_openstreetmap_tms.xml openstreetmap.tif

and then

gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:2180 openstreetmap.tif plepsg2180.tif

and finally

gdal_translate -of GTiff -srcwin 626 101 1367 1368 plepsg2180.tif 

to get rid of black borders. This way I get a map between 0 and 2^20
meters in PUWG-1992.

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] georeferencing OSM

2011-03-07 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
M∡rtin Koppenhoefer  writes:

> 2011/3/7 Łukasz Stelmach :

>> This has been discussed[1] some time ago but the answer is somehow
>> unclear to me. I understand that EPSG:900913 is (may be?) a crappy
>> projection[2]. However, I still need a map of Poland at zoom 6-8 warped
>> to EPSG2180. How to use geotifcp (how to prepare metadata) to embed
>> appropriate information in an image exported from OpenStreetmap?
> you have to provide an additional text file with the parameters for
> your tif (tfw, world file). The file is described e.g. in Wikipedia:

Are you sure. There is a paramtere named "pixel height" which is assumed
to be constant along the image. In Mercator projection this isn't true
pixels in the north represent less degrees than those in the south.

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] georeferencing OSM

2011-03-07 Thread Łukasz Stelmach

This has been discussed[1] some time ago but the answer is somehow
unclear to me. I understand that EPSG:900913 is (may be?) a crappy
projection[2]. However, I still need a map of Poland at zoom 6-8 warped
to EPSG2180. How to use geotifcp (how to prepare metadata) to embed
appropriate information in an image exported from OpenStreetmap?

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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Re: [OSM-talk] To calm some waters - about Section 3

2010-08-22 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Peteris Krisjanis  writes:

> As I'm interested in keeping my data within OSM and find a common
> ground with rest of you, I'm delighted to see that requests to specify
> 'free and open license' in CT section 3 has been taken into
> account[1]. Huge thanks and sorry for any emotional storm it have
> caused.
> [1]

It's great to read that. When will be the new terms available to accept
them? How much time has left to accept the terms anyway?

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Walking Papers integration with ?

2010-08-18 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Michal Migurski  writes:

> At this past weekend's State Of The Map conference in Atlanta, the
> idea of integrating Walking Papers into the OSM site proper came up a
> few times.
> Do people this this is a good idea? An interesting idea?

Sounds great.

And now for something completely different ;) since there is a chance
you read this. *I* miss a capability in walking papers to create a PDF
single containging selected area split into several pages.

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Motion sensors for navigation

2010-03-27 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Erik Lundin  writes:

> That's correct, but the earth's magnetic field is often the dominating. 
> If a classical compass can point out the earth's magnetic field, why 
> shouldn't it be possible with an electronic sensor? Quick fluctuations 
> could be filtered out.

Because cars are made of steel which bends the magnetic field? Check the
lead of

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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