Re: [OSM-talk] GPStogo is go!

2008-03-21 Thread Daniel Challen

Does the Foundation's status as a UK registered limited company
preclude these donations benefitting from Gift Aid ?

- Dan

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] South Downs Way is now a route relation

2008-02-28 Thread Daniel Challen
I've recently finished collecting all the different bits of the South
Downs Way into a large route relation: . I've tagged the
bicyclist's route rather than the walker's route - there are at least
4 places to my knowledge where it divides (even going so far as to
have separate horse, bicycle and foot sections through the Queen
Elizabeth Country Park). Unfortunately I didn't get it all done before
the most recent update of the cycle map, but it should appear next
time 'round:

I've tagged it as per the guidelines on
The entire relation is tagged with the regional cycle route reference
(89) and I've removed the tag from any members (this wasn't quite as
simple as removing any rcn_ref or ref as that would have affected A
and B roads and other RCN routes (i.e. 90)). I've also removed the
South Downs Way name from a few unclassified/tertiary/higher-order
highways - I considered  removing it from bridleways and byways but
that would be detract from the normal mapnik and osmarendered layers,
at least until they display routes with names.

I'm not sure how to approach the separate walker/rider sections:
either collect together only the sections that differ, or make three
large, almost identical relations that span the entire SDW from the
perspective of walker, horse-rider and cyclist.

Suggestions and complaints welcome ;)

- Dan (Norky)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] updated RFC: Highway administrative and physical descriptions

2008-02-22 Thread Daniel Challen
>  in the UK some main A roads have single lane passing places and 10
>  MPH speed limits while others are much higher quality than most motorways.

Are these not edge cases? Any general case model of classification
will fail at the edge cases. No classification system will map cleanly
onto the real world, where there are always extremes. The current
model is simple, and allows for extra tags to describe a road that
differs from what the highway= tag might lead one to expect. (primary
road with low bridges or narrow lanes, secondary road with dual
carriageway). With our current model, we can reasonably assume for any
country that a road tagged highway=motorway is of higher quality than
trunk > primary > secondary etc.

We can make assumptions for each different country or even region that
a given tag will specify a higher or lower quality than in another
country i.e. you don't go from Northern France to Iceland expecting
highway=primary roads to be of the same quality. But the principle
that one highway type is better than another, *in* *general*, is true
everywhere. In the UK, in general, the administrative classifications
Motorway > green-signed A-road > white-signed A-road > B road >
unclassified road - so these reasonably map to motorway, trunk,
primary etc.

The current  model is simple, and *generally* does not surprise the
user. The guiding principles of OSM.

- Dan

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Contours on the Cycle Map

2008-02-18 Thread Daniel Challen
On 18/02/2008, Andy Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ask and ye shall, eventually, receive. The OSM cycle map now displays 
> contours.

Fantastic work. Thank you Andy :)

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