Re: [OSM-talk] new Wikidata+OSM data in one RDF database

2017-05-13 Thread Kolossos
Nice work Yuri,
I hope the next version will have geometries in GeoSPARQL and an output
directly on a map, but one step after another.

I believe for the moment it's not so important to have all the OSM
objects without Wikidata link inside the database. To handle this amount
of data would be much harder.

Very cool project.

Best regards
Tim alias Kolossos

Am 12.05.2017 um 18:03 schrieb Yuri Astrakhan:
> TLDR: A SPARQL (rdf) database with both OSM and Wikidata data is up for
> testing.  Allows massive cross-referenced queries between two datasets.
> The service is a test, and needs a permanent home to stay alive.
> Overpass Turbo is awesome, but sadly it does not have data from
> Wikidata, nor does it support some SQL-like conditions. I have setup a
> temporary RDF database that has both OSM & Wikidata. You can use SPARQL
> queries to find:
> * All OSM objects with wikidata tag that references a Wikipedia
> disambiguation page. Get the name of the page in first available
> language ru, fr, de, en.
> * OSM relations with wikidata tag pointing to a person (also tries
> multiple language fallbacks).
> * OSM relations with duplicate Wikidata IDs
> == OSM data structure ==
> osmnode, osmway, osmrel - OSM object prefix, e.g.  osmnode:1234
> osmt - tag, e.g.  osmt:name:en  (only has tags with latin chars, -, _,
> :, digits
> osmm - meta data about the object -- type, isClosed, version.
> I try to preserve OSM data without much changes. Every tag's value is
> stored as a string, except for wikidata and wikipedia tags which are
> converted to a URL, the same format as stored in Wikidata.
> osmway:29453885
>   osmt:name "Samina";
>   osmt:waterway "river";
>   osmt:wikidata wd:Q156065;
>   osmt:wikipedia <>;
>   osmm:type "w";    could be "r", "w", and "n"
>   osmm:isClosed false;     this meta property is only for OSM ways
>   osmm:version 24.
> Wikidata data structure is identical to (see
> help)
> == Current limitations ==
> * Only includes OSM objects with either "wikidata" or "wikipedia" tags
> * The OSM data only contains tags with only Latin letters, digits and
> symbols - : _  
> * OSM geometry info is not imported, e.g. no center point or bounding
> box, except for osmm:isClosed (true/false) property for ways. 
> * Does not include OSM object inheritance data - e.g. cannot query for
> "find a node that is part of a way which is part of a relation that has
> wikidata tag that ..."
> * Wikidata is updated every second, but OSM does not yet update at all,
> imported from a full db dump as of a few days ago.
> ___
> talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-06-07 Thread Kolossos
I was the person who adds most of the labels to London, so I want to
share also my thoughts. I did this for all capitals and countries in the
world to be able to create worldmaps in different languages. Such world
maps in local languages are known from each school atlas and are used in
local television news.

For this action I use Wikipedia article names. So London was in each
language important enough to write an article about it in this language.
Which is a lot of work, someone invested.

Before this action I checked and discuss that there was no legal issue
by using Wikipedia article names. Now they are at Wikidata under CC-0 so
definitely free.

The bias in this discussion that English labels are ok and helpful but
other languages are not, is scary for me. Please take a look at:
and find that English is only on place 3 of the list.

We have a good chance that we will see in short-therm multilingual maps
in lots of websites by using vector tiles. And in this moment we really
want to make it harder to add such translations?

Now to Frederiks proposal:
To use Wikidata is really an interesting idea to reduce duplicated work,
also for more than place names.
With some pre-condition we could talk more positive about Frederiks
*There should be in the future an additional, official version of
planet-dumps and diffs that are enrich with content from Wikidata. Such
a service must be stable as the other planet dumps. This service would
kill the argument that it is harder to use external database Wikidata
for apps. If not we create duplicated work for developers that we want
to avoid elsewhere.
*We would need much more Wikidata tags in OSM, now we have only 35.000
and for wikipedia-Tags we have also only 450.000. But I have a database
of 3.5 Mio Wikipedia-objects that have a coordinate. So there is work
for years.
*We should also discuss with the Wikidata community the scope of there
project. Perhaps we can come to a point where everything is inside the
scope that is interesting for a Wikimedia project AND for OpenStreetMap.
But if we come with the idea that we want to store opening hours for
little shops in Wikidata I'm sure that the Wikidata  community would not
be amused to it. (I already try it.)

So before we have something of the pre-conditions on the horizont I
think it's easier go further with the way of name tags we have now for

Tim alias Kolossos

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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM-Tagging in Wikidata

2014-12-30 Thread Kolossos
Ok, lets take the second example of Wind turbines:
power=generator + generator:source=wind

The first tag "power=generator" is a more general tag and you have the
specific tag "generator:source=wind". For the second tag you have a Wiki
On this wiki-page you can find that the general tag "power=generator" is
obligatory. So this tag delivers no additional information, because it
exist in each case.

In my eyes the first general tag exist only for historical reasons and
for software/render-styles that are not very specific, they can work so
without an update after each creation of a new tag.

So please see the project as a project to link from Wikidata to OSM-Wiki
and taginfo, not as a project to register all combinations of tags.

Greetings Tim

Am 30.12.2014 um 11:29 schrieb Janko Mihelić:
> 2014-12-30 2:06 GMT+01:00 Kolossos  <>>:
> Perhaps you have a better example to let me re-think this topic.
> "cuisine=fastfood" is only used 12 times [2].
> For example bike paths (Q221722), highway=path + bicycle=designated +
> foot=designated + segregated=yes
> Wind turbine (Q49833), power=generator + generator:source=wind
> I can list all the other generator types here.
> Reservoir (Q131681), natural=water + water=reservoir
> plus all the other types of water.
> man_made=tower +
> tower:type=communication/climbing/bell_tower/cooling/lighting
> Each one could have its Wikipedia page.
> So, there are a lot. If you don't find a way to use multiple tags, I
> think this will not be a serious project. Maybe there's a way to delimit
> strings and use a format that can use n strings?
> Janko Mihelić
> ___
> talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM-Tagging in Wikidata

2014-12-29 Thread Kolossos
I would like to keep it as simple as possible and I don't want to
replace the OSM-Wiki where all usefull combinations of tags are described.

You would not only destroy the URL to the OSM-Wiki you would also damage
the format checking tools that we have in Wikidata[1].

Perhaps you have a better example to let me re-think this topic.
"cuisine=fastfood" is only used 12 times [2].

Greeting Tim alias Kolossos


Am 29.12.2014 um 13:40 schrieb Janko Mihelić:
> 2014-12-29 12:26 GMT+01:00 Kolossos  <>>:
> It's possible to build 1:n and n:1 relations.
> That means "amenity=marketplace" links to 2 Wikidata entries Q330284
> (marketplace) and Q132510 (streetmarket). In the other direction
> "power=minor_line" and "power=line" are linking both to Q2144320
> (Overhead power line). It's in both cases a OR-connection.
> As far I can see it's not possible to support an AND.
> For this to be a valuable resource, I think we need an AND. What if we used:
> Tag:amenity=restaurant+cuisine=fastfood
> But then the Formater URL Statement of the P1282 wouldn't be entirely
> correct. I think that's a small price.
> I have another suggestion. Sometimes tags mean different things in
> different countries. For example highway=primary means Q765207 in
> Croatia, but it means Q792334 in Belgium. For these cases I would use a
> qualifier P131 (located in the administrative territorial entity) and
> that means that the tag (or combination of tags) only works in that
> administrative entity.
> Janko
> ___
> talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM-Tagging in Wikidata

2014-12-29 Thread Kolossos
I'm also a little bit sceptical to handle such data twice, my hope was
to use Taginfo-integration to bring the data to the osm-wiki.

I think together with a little js-script like qlable [1] we would be
able to provide translations in different language, but for a search in
the wiki it would not help.

Greetings Tim


Am 29.12.2014 um 19:56 schrieb Andy Mabbett:
> On 28 December 2014 at 22:33, Kolossos  wrote:
>> I work the last weeks to bring the OSM-tagging to
>> Wikidata, by using:
> Great work, thank you!
> I have enabled tagging in the reverse direction, like this:
> Of course, being OSM, some people already have objected to this...

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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM-Tagging in Wikidata

2014-12-29 Thread Kolossos
It's possible to build 1:n and n:1 relations.

That means "amenity=marketplace" links to 2 Wikidata entries Q330284
(marketplace) and Q132510 (streetmarket). In the other direction
"power=minor_line" and "power=line" are linking both to Q2144320
(Overhead power line). It's in both cases a OR-connection.
As far I can see it's not possible to support an AND.

Thanks for the interesting question.
Greetings Tim

Am 29.12.2014 um 11:55 schrieb Janko Mihelić:
> Very interesting project! Keep it up, I might come and help you.
> What if you add more tags in Wikidata? Does that mean that an object in
> OSM needs to have all those tags, or just one of them? Is it an AND or
> an OR?
> For example, in Wikidata you have an element "Fastfood restaurants"
> (Q1751429). How do you add "amenity=fastfood" and a combination of
> "amenity=restaurant + cuisine=fastfood"? Both are fastfood restaurants.
> Janko
> 2014-12-28 23:33 GMT+01:00 Kolossos  <>>:
> Hello,
> I work the last weeks to bring the OSM-tagging to
> Wikidata, by using:
> I work through the "Map features"-site from top to down.
> (It was a funny job to find right Wikipedia-articles.)
> Not in all cases it was possible to find a right matching.
> The main use-case I see in translations of our tagging system in smaller
> languages. This can be interesting for tools like ID-editor or for the
> search in the OSM-Wiki. Wikidata can also be a hub to connect to other
> projects.
> At the end I hope also this connection can help to give OSM objects an
> Wikipedia/Wikidata-Tag. So I hope we can check a tagging with the "is
> instance of"-property in Wikidata.
> Taginfo already support this 626 connections:
> Greetings Tim alias Kolossos
> ___
> talk mailing list
> <>
> ___
> talk mailing list

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[OSM-talk] OSM-Tagging in Wikidata

2014-12-28 Thread Kolossos
I work the last weeks to bring the OSM-tagging to
Wikidata, by using:

I work through the "Map features"-site from top to down.
(It was a funny job to find right Wikipedia-articles.)
Not in all cases it was possible to find a right matching.

The main use-case I see in translations of our tagging system in smaller
languages. This can be interesting for tools like ID-editor or for the
search in the OSM-Wiki. Wikidata can also be a hub to connect to other

At the end I hope also this connection can help to give OSM objects an
Wikipedia/Wikidata-Tag. So I hope we can check a tagging with the "is
instance of"-property in Wikidata.

Taginfo already support this 626 connections:

Greetings Tim alias Kolossos

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ImageInOsm: a photomapping mobile application

2013-08-29 Thread Kolossos
For discussions use:

Greetings Tim

Am 29.08.2013 16:47, schrieb Gilles Bassière:
> I'm currently exploring Commons. I know that uploading a file is not as
> trivial as Flickr (that's one of the reason Flickr has been implemented
> first). I was about to post my technical questions on mediawiki-api
> mailing list. I'm not sure of the preferred way to contact the WM
> Commons community... Do you recommand a mailing list or a forum?

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Re: [OSM-talk] ImageInOsm: a photomapping mobile application

2013-08-28 Thread Kolossos
Hello Gilles,
you can use additionally also:
So you would have links in both direction.

Do you want to use Geocoding? All Smartphones have GPS, but you need a
feature to adjust the position, and an camera-app with this feature
would be very helpful.

I'm a member of Wikimedia Commons community. I'm relatively sure that
this community will be sad if someone uploads tons on pictures where you
only see housenumbers. Thats what mappers doing.

Each picture on Commons also need a description, category and so on.
This makes a lot of work.

I like the idea of a cooperation between OSM an Wikimedia, but I see
Commons only as place for a selection of pictures that mappers make.
Commons is also without your project on a good way to become a media
garbage dump.
So please give the user a chance to make a selection for an upload to
Commons. If you want to go an other way, please discuss this with
Commons community.

Wikimedia Commons supports with over 3.5 Mio pictures also geocoding:
Each geocoded image gets also a link the description page to an OSM-map.
(I'm the maintainer of this map-frontend.)
Example map:

So geocoding is long-time stable, working for years and I can't see a
benefit by using a reference to in-stable OSM-ID's. Perhaps you can
explain the benefit you see.

Greetings Tim alias Kolossos

Am 28.08.2013 16:58, schrieb Gilles Bassière:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to introduce ImageInOsm [1], a photomapping mobile application.
> The app is intended for on-the-field users. It is very easy to use (see
> screenshots [1]):
> 1. the user select an OSM object that he is seeing on the ground
> 2. he takes a picture of this object
> 3. the picture is sent to Flickr with the OSM id in the tags
> You can already try it:
> - for Android, just download and install this test package [2],
> - for iOS, we are unforunately not aware of any easy solution to publish
> a test package, you will have to build and install from the source code
> (you will need a Mac with the XCode software).
> Compared to traditionnal photomapping process, ImageInOsm promotes
> collaboration. Indeed, the pictures will not remain on a hard/flash
> drive, they will immediately be shared on the Web with metadata allowing
> others to find and use them.
> Please note that (as the name does NOT imply) pictures will not be
> stored on any OSM server. Instead, they will be sent to a 3rd-party
> server (Flickr, ...) under your own account. The sole innovation
> consists in linking the picture to the OSM object that it references.
> So far, the application only works with Flickr as a backend. The tagging
> convention used makes the pictures compatible with LizPOI [3] and
> OsmFlickr [4]. We hope that one day these pictures will be easily
> available in your editor (a JOSM plugin would do the job but we this is
> not on our roadmap, if anyone is interested).
> We are grateful to Jean-Louis Zimmermann from "Ville d'Orange" for
> having initiated and supported this project.
> Technically speaking, this app is built upon:
> - Cordova 3.0
> - JavaScript + BackboneJS
> - HTML/CSS + Bootstrap 2.x
> Source code is available on Github [5], distributed under the Apache
> license 2.0. Of course, any contribution will be happily received: code,
> documentation, bug report, propositions, etc.
> We are aware that the project is not completely mature but the code is
> under active development. We are already planning the following updates:
> - support Wikimedia as a picture backend (ongoing development)
> - configurable filters for OSM objects so that users can make thematic
> campaign
> - improve user experience (see issues on GitHub)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> Best regards
> Gilles Bassière

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Please test this "Native wikipedia link" - feature

2013-06-26 Thread Kolossos

Hello Tirkon,
the tool is working, but it would also no problem to write such a tool 
on base of Wikipedias interwikilinks. Wikipedia article names are human 
readable, and I would be careful to call a link to "Q1" native for 

We had a proposal for a Wikidata-Tag. Please read my comment there: 

So I believe we will need Wikidata, but only for entries without an 
Wikipedia article.

Greetings Kolossos

Am 26.06.2013 18:13, schrieb Tirkon:

Michael Kugelmann  wrote:

did you take care about WIWOSM?

Of course I do. ;-)

- This already works fine since more than one year.
- the tagging scheme can handle different language even in parallel
- BUT: the tagging of ONE LANGUAGE is SUFFICIENT, the rest is handled as
linking within Wikipedia

Just a few days after the collaboration of Wikipedia and OSM began, I
posted a whole bunch of ideas what could be done, i.e. generating maps
like this automaticely from OSM.
This would be far beyond that, what is done by WIWOSM. Thus I am
really happy to have WIWOSM. Thus I wrote a German guide just the day
after it was introduced on the FOSSGIS. Sadly we have the problem,
that it does not work in the Internet Explorer. So long it is
problematical to convince Wikipedians using WIWOSM instead of the old
less advantageous tools. My intension was and is to advertise this
collaboration. All this should make clear that I really care about

My focus on the collaboration of Wikipedia and OSM is also the reason,
why I came up with the idea of this thread. At the moment the only
question is whether it works or not - nothing more. You are right: For
WIWOSM one language link is sufficient. You wrote that the rest has to
be done in Wikipedia. Again you are right. And this thread is the
first beginning of testing just that. If it works, the next step could
be to find the Wikidata object from the link to one discretionary
language article. But the essential part that needs testing is what I
brang up here. If it works, everybody has the possibility to use a
"Native wikipedia link", i.e. in a posting or a mail, in an OSM map or
in another project.

I never asked to implement something in OSM. I only begged for a test
in order to make this feature possible. Thus the title of this thread
is: "Please !!TEST!! this "Native wikipedia link" - feature" and not
"Please implement this "Native wikipedia link" - feature".

Be assured that I will not ask to implement something in OSM without
caring about WIWOSM. ;-)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM relation ID property in Wikidata

2013-05-06 Thread Kolossos

Hello Andreas,
It seems in principle possible to support anchor-links but it was not in 
our focus, because our frontend had only one map per article. (You can 
believe me the sytem was complex enough ;-)).  I will talk about this 
topic with my co-creator and the developer of WikiMiniAtlas.

It will also have some problems with articles in different languages 
connected by Interwikilinks because the anchors could be different, so I 
would like to support it later with Wikidata part 3 (lists).

Greetings Tim

Am 06.05.2013 11:03, schrieb Andreas Labres:

On 05.05.13 14:55, Kolossos wrote:

I don't like to support different reference systems in WIWOSM.

I see the point. But WIWOSM seems not to work with anchor-links:



(don't know how you want spaces encoded) does find the object in OSM.

And I'm not talking of a different reference system in WIWOSM.
Wikipedia/Wikidata should uniquely "name" those objects that only exist in
Wikipedia lists. We (OSM as well as WIWOSM) should only use those "names".


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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM relation ID property in Wikidata

2013-05-05 Thread Kolossos

Hello Andreas,
to c)
I don't like to support different reference systems in WIWOSM. Each 
country has it's own for monuments and than somebody starts with 
vulcanos or brigdes We would have to update WIWOSM each week without 
the generic system we have now.

Greetings Tim

Am 05.05.2013 11:26, schrieb Andreas Labres:


There are different problems, let's keep them separate (vielleicht reden wir
auch - Englisch - aneinander vorbei... ;)

a) There is a problem in the code of how it links wikipedia articles.
You can't do a link like this:


This is bad URL syntax. You ( have to do


b) It is "not a good idea" to link objects in Wikipedia lists like

 Liste der denkmalgeschützten Objekte in Wien/Penzing#objektid-25026

This object should have its own "name" in Wikipedia, which then redirects to
whereever this object can be found. This shouldn't be "external" but a feature
in Wikipedia/Wikidata/Wikiwhatsoever.

c) The objectID I'm referencing is nothing "external", it's a nationally unique
ID given by the Austrian Bundesdenkmalamt which identifies each "monument" in
Austria. Therefore it's the best idea to use /this/ as /the/ reference to the
given object (with reference to it being a historic monument). Alex Wagner, who
created all the "Denkmalgeschützte Objekte" in Austria in the Wikipedia used it
when he created the Wikipedia pages.  ff

OSM could save this objectID, say:


and WIWOSM then knows how to find this (uniquely identified) object in 


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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM relation ID property in Wikidata

2013-05-05 Thread Kolossos

Hello Andreas,
I hope Wikidata part 3 solve the problem with the list, so that an 
object would be one Wikidata entry and can be a member in different 
lists but can also have an own article.

A map with objects in the example article is here:[1]

I have no influence on the way how
links to Wikipedia, I could also only ask an admin.
With a link to index.php it would be easy to solve[2].

An external project with m:n-relations between OSM and WP would have 
it's own problems.

Greetings Tim alias Kolossos



Am 05.05.2013 08:08, schrieb Andreas Labres:


There are problems with WIWOSM that aren't solved at all...

Example: Historic monuments in Austria. They are all covered in Wikipedia, but
mostly only in Lists. And they do have a distinguishable objectID, but I can't
really state this in OSM.

For instance: ist such a historic monument
with objectID 25020.
It can be found in Wikipedia here:

So I can only state the tag
wikipedia:de = Liste der denkmalgeschützten Objekte in

This has the effect that the link in OSM doesn't work (because OSM adds a
userlang parameter behind the anchor reference which I consider a bug of OSM
[did already report it]).

And also WIWOSM can't reference the distict object. Though it seems to be able
to reference some of the "Liste_der_denkmalgeschützten_Objekte_in_Wien/Penzing".
It can't do all because some of the objects do have their own wikipedia
entrance, for instance Mariarunn church:

So what would be necessary is that wikipedia and OSM would agree on some kind of
generic ID, which could in the case of historic monuments in Austria be some
/monument/AT/$objectID, e.g.

   /monument/AT/25020, which then would redirect to


   /monument/AT/24616 could redirect to


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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM relation ID property in Wikidata

2013-05-04 Thread Kolossos

as co-creator of WIWOSM I was also against this Wikidata-property, but I 
came too late.
WIWOSM links are not only more stable and human-readable, the are also 
much more flexible. So in WIWOSM we can suport relations but also 
multirelations, ways, multiways nodes, multinodes. I'm waiting for the 
day where the people starts to create relations for each building only 
to be able to link on it from Wikidata.

We have now Wikipedia-Tags for over 300.000 objects and I would prefer 
to concentrate the power of the community to one system instead to split 

In my eyes, what Wikidata perhaps need is one bit (created by a bot) 
with the information yes there is an matching OSM object to create a 
link to a map, the rest can come from WIWOSM.

Later if Wikidata starts to have entries without an own 
Wikipedia-article we should support a Wikidata-Tag, but thats on way[2]. 
This will happen at part 3 of Wikidata-project were they want to support 
list creation. With projects like WikiLovesMonuments I'm sure that we 
will have on some places a link for each building, so the problem above 
is not only theory.

Greetings Tim alias Kolossos


Am 04.05.2013 01:49, schrieb Claus Stadler:


Shouldn't OSM use Wikipedia URLs as UUIDs where applicable rather than
Wikipedia referring to database identifiers? (The answer is a clear
'yes' from my side.)
In fact there are the (wikipedia, *) tags - but not sure how good the
quality is - what can be seen on a first glance is, that people mix URLs
and article names, and also encoding.


On 05/04/2013 01:34 AM, Jason Remillard wrote:


In general is seems like it might be useful to have some kind of
somewhat permanent URL to an element inside of OSM. However, given
what exists today shouldn't Wikipedia be using the overpass API for
referencing OSM?


On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Paul Norman  wrote:

From: andrzej zaborowski []
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 2:08 PM
To: Frederik Ramm
Cc: OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] OSM relation ID property in Wikidata

I am less concerned about the Wikidata side - if they make a bad
judgement then it is their mess to clean up. I am however concerned
that if more people simply assume that the status quo is there to stay
("IDs are stable enough"), this will put pressure on *us* and limit
our flexibility in the future.

The OSMF has sent a pretty strong message saying that object IDs are
stable enough to base impactful legal decisions on them.  It will look
silly for them to go back to the stance that IDs aren't stable after

There's two sides to ID stability. One is stability during software
or data
model changes and the other is stability during normal mapping.
post was concerned more with the former.

The latter is more complicated. Because the original message linked to
London, it's worth pointing out that a few admin relations did get
new IDs
in the redaction process for technical reasons and that periodically
relations get given new IDs because old large complex relations don't
interact well with the /history call.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Translating the world

2012-10-30 Thread Kolossos

Good starting point for such an application seems to be the Amenity Editor:

In the moment it's difficult to select and editing nodes cities for 
large area. Only way I see is to use overpass API with a more or less 
cryptical URL[1] and adding a new name-tag is not so simple as it could 
be. So a simple to use webservice could involve more people.

So any help is welcome to create such a translating tool.

Greetings Kolossos

[1] JOSM remote control:

Am 29.10.2012 18:06, schrieb Ab_fab:

Hi Tim,

This looks very promising.
I'm sure that many people fluent in two or more languages could get
involved in the project, once a proper editing interface is set-up.

There's already a lot to do for the regions and cities names.
I'm thinking of one of my korean friend living in France at the moment,
for who it would be easy to set the French city names and administrative
subdivisions in hangul, based on the default (French) name.

In my opinion, one should be able to
_ log with his OSM account,
_ set his translation language (e.g. Korean)
_ set the desired area, and the type of administrative subdivision level
(coutry, region, city ...)

And the interface could propose
_ the list of subdivisions found (for example by Nominatim),
_ names in the translation language already present in the database
_ names proposed, based on interwiki links
_ check boxes to confirm that default name can apply in the destination
language / or confirm that interwiki proposal is ok
_ Fields to allow adjustment / addition of name in the destination language.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Translating the world

2012-10-28 Thread Kolossos

we had this topic on legal-talk one year ago[1] and there were no 
opposition against my arguments. So it seems to be uncritical.

I also present the idea lots of wikipedians and there was also no 
protest. Wikipedia want's the cooperation with OpenStreetMap and doesn't 
reclaim "database protection".

Greetings Kolossos


Am 28.10.2012 14:08, schrieb Fabien SK:


Some times ago, I used also used data from Wikipedia to complete the
names of Japanese cities. But someone pointed out that it is not allowed
- the Openstreetmap and Wikipedia licenses are not compatible
- even if the names cannot be copyrighted, there is in the European
Union a "database directive" that protects the databases (=the result of
collecting data; even if it contains only well-known data) in a similar
way that the copyright. In the US and in Australia, it would be allowed.
So I gave up on that idea and rolled-back my modifications. I limited my
modifications to the addition of the wikipedia tag to the japanese train
stations (in progress; discussion in the OSM-tagging and japanese
mailing lists). I used offline dumps of OSM and Wikipedia, OSMembrane,
python scripts and JOSM to do that.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Translating the world

2012-10-28 Thread Kolossos

Am 27.10.2012 17:10, schrieb Stephan Knauss:

Hello Tim,

On 25.10.2012 22:27, Kolossos wrote:
 > Other important thing would be to translate large cities or isles.
 > Any comments and ideas?

You should certainly get in contact with the local community before
doing any sort of mass import of names in a language you don't
understand. For example last time your Vietnamese names had not been
that satisfactory.

Did you read my answer in german Mailinglist and the link to further 

It was not so negative.

How about providing an easy to proof-read extract for the local
communities before doing the actual import?

And maybe also double-checking that the admin boundaries of 3166-2
you're going to use are accurate.

My vague idea to do this is to create a table in the wiki.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Translating the world

2012-10-25 Thread Kolossos

in the last two weeks I translated all countries in all languages that 
are available in the unicode-Project CLDR[1]. For this I used 
Overpass-API link for country codes ISO3166-1[2].

In the second step I translated all capitals in tons of languages by 
using InterWikiLinks of Wikipedia and Addtags[3] together with 
Overpass-API[4] and Nominatim.

You can check the results for zoom levels 0-6  with map on 
Wikimedia-toolserver[5], by changing languages under "options" (You can 
use up- and down-key).

I hope I didn't make more mistakes than native speaker would do by hand.

These things were a small step to support multilingual-maps[6] on low 
zoom levels. For the next steps more people are necessary.
In my eyes it seems useful to work as next step on the regions that are 
regulated in ISO3166-2, but we have no clean tagging schema for this.
A source for translation could by a debian project[7], but I need to 
clarify the legal aspects.

Other important thing would be to translate large cities or isles.

Any comments and ideas?

Greetings Tim alias Kolossos







talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Huge Berlin map - OSM?

2012-08-05 Thread Kolossos
They are paiting the airports Tempelhof and Tengel, so they don't use 
the map from 1851. But I also found no indications that they take OSM.

Greetings Kolossos

Am 05.08.2012 21:20, schrieb Mike Dupont:

"A map of Berlin from an atlas published in 1851. Image via pio3 /Shutterstock"
Looks like out of copyright

On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Martijn van Exel  wrote:

I'm wondering: is it based off of OSM data? If so, attribution? Image
of the week? Can it be reproduced elsewhere?

martijn van exel

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] WIWOSM is now activated at all Wikipedia languages

2012-07-18 Thread Kolossos

It works now in pl.wp.
Greetings Kolossos

Am 18.07.2012 04:51, schrieb Kolossos:

The problem is that the map application get not the article name from
MediaWiki. See, my request here:

For this job we need an admin.

The easiest way to handle the title is to follow
and using code from Meta, this cleanup your lokal js-code and keep you

Greetings Kolossos

Am 17.07.2012 21:18, schrieb Jacek Konieczny:

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 07:04:35PM +0200, Kolossos wrote:

I activate now WIWOSM[1] on all language versions of Wikipedia that
support the OSM-Gadget[2].

Great News! So, it should now work on the Polish Wikipedia? It doesn't
fully work now, there is no city outline on the map at while the boundary is properly
displayed at

Is there something missing?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] WIWOSM is now activated at all Wikipedia languages

2012-07-17 Thread Kolossos
The problem is that the map application get not the article name from 
MediaWiki. See, my request here:
For this job we need an admin.

The easiest way to handle the title is to follow
and using code from Meta, this cleanup your lokal js-code and keep you 

Greetings Kolossos

Am 17.07.2012 21:18, schrieb Jacek Konieczny:

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 07:04:35PM +0200, Kolossos wrote:

I activate now WIWOSM[1] on all language versions of Wikipedia that
support the OSM-Gadget[2].

Great News! So, it should now work on the Polish Wikipedia? It doesn't
fully work now, there is no city outline on the map at while the boundary is properly
displayed at

Is there something missing?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] WIWOSM is now activated at all Wikipedia languages

2012-07-17 Thread Kolossos
I activate now WIWOSM[1] on all language versions of Wikipedia that 
support the OSM-Gadget[2]. But it's still

beta-status because it's not running on IE (we work on that.).

WIWOSM is a project to highlighting objects that are described in the 
article by using the Wikipedia-Tag inside OSM.

It would be nice we you can help to make the Wikipedia-Tags more popular.
We have in the moment 168.000 Wikipedia-tags[3] in OSM but nearly 2 Mio.
coordinates in Wikipedia, so there is a lot of work to do.

Important is that the Wikipedia-Tag contains the language and the 
article. Later we can use this connection of both projects also for 
other features.

To connect both projects we create two tools:
*Wikipedia-Plugin in JOSM

Greetings Kolossos


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcement: "Add-tags" a tool to connect OpenStreetMap & Wikipedia

2011-04-09 Thread Kolossos

Ok, I modify the script to: "wikipedia=lang:*".
I my mind had flexibility a higher priority but now it seem better to 
use "wikipedia:lang=" only as fallback if it doesn't work over 

Tim alias Kolossos

Am 09.04.2011 15:58, schrieb Tobias Knerr:

Kolossos wrote:

there is a new tool to bring more Wikipedia-Tags inside OSM-database and
connect so both projects more and more. It can be found here:

A tagging style issue: What's the reason for using the wikipedia:lang=*
form, rather than the wikipedia=lang:* form?

I was under the impression that using a single link with the wikipedia
key as the primary (and usually only) wikipedia link and relying on
Wikipedia's interlanguage links for other languages was a somewhat
accepted tagging style.

Using wikipedia:lang=* is only a good idea in addition to
wikipedia=lang:*, and only in those cases where interlanguage links
cannot work (e.g. when one of the Wikipedia versions uses a collective
article for several objects). But if I understand your tool correctly,
the individual objects in these these cases wouldn't be listed anyway,
so there's really no reason for it to suggest wikipedia:lang=* tags.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Announcement: "Add-tags" a tool to connect OpenStreetMap & Wikipedia

2011-04-09 Thread Kolossos

there is a new tool to bring more Wikipedia-Tags inside OSM-database and 
connect so both projects more and more. It can be found here:

It's the idea to use later this connections to highlight the matching
OSM objects in the map that we use in Wikipedia.
It brings also the information that was collected collected in Wikipedia 
like Interwikilinks into OSM to render better multilingual-maps.

Greetings Kolossos

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