Re: [OSM-ja] reconciling MLIT Shapefile with Japan Post CSV

2014-10-13 スレッド表示 田渕 直

Hi Tom,

The common ID scheme is called
  全国地方公共団体コード/Zenkoku Chiho-Kokyou Dantai Codes,
literally meaning The National Code System for Local Public Bodies.
I don't think there's an official English name for it, but anyway
it's defined as a Japan's industry standard (JIS X 0402).

For the columns of the postal-code csv, let's take the 1st line
as a reference example:
   01101,060 ,0600042,ホツカイドウ,サツポロシチユウオウク,オオドオリニシ(1-19チヨウ 

  The column 1: 01101 is the district's ID, as you mentioned,
   2-3: 060 ,0600042 are the postal codes for the district,
the former is now outdated short form,
the latter is canonical,
   7-9: 北海道,札幌市中央区,大通西(1〜19丁目) are the
prefecture, city and district, street, respectively,
   4-6: ホツカイドウ,サツポロシチユウオウク,オオドオリニシ(1-19チヨウメ) are the
pronouciation for the pref./city-and-dist./st. resp.

Let me omit the remainder: they are rather involved flags and won't be
very important for OSM use.

Lastly, the distinction bw. oogaki and kogaki wouldn't be serious,
but I believe kogaki is a bit human- and machine-friendly;
kogaki can easily be canonicalized into oogaki, but not vice versa.

Hope it helps (and excuse me for a long post.)


Noashi Tabuchi (

(2014/10/12 1:25), Tom Lee wrote:

Please excuse me for posting to this list in English. I am not a
Japanese speaker, but have recently been examining the availability of
Japanese open data for geocoding addresses. This process has been
difficult due to my unfamiliarity with the language and character set.
My hope is to share a summary of my work here and receive criticism from

My code can be found here:

My conclusions and the narrative behind them are present in the file, which should display at the bottom of the page when you
follow that link.

In short: I was surprised to find that Japan Post and MLIT seem to use a
shared ID scheme, allowing postal codes to be mapped, many-to-one, to
the boundaries of administrative districts offered in a country-wide
Shapefile by MLIT.

It might be that this is already common knowledge -- if so, I would be
glad to know that, too! If not, perhaps this will prove useful to others.

I would be particularly glad to hear suggestions from Japanese speakers
as to what each column in the postal code CSV should be properly called
in English and/or in the existing OSM tagging scheme for Japan; and
whether the difference between the oogaki and kogaki files offered
by Japan Post represent a concern.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions or point out problems with my

Tom Lee

Talk-ja mailing list

Talk-ja mailing list

[OSM-ja] reconciling MLIT Shapefile with Japan Post CSV

2014-10-11 スレッド表示 Tom Lee
Please excuse me for posting to this list in English. I am not a Japanese
speaker, but have recently been examining the availability of Japanese open
data for geocoding addresses. This process has been difficult due to my
unfamiliarity with the language and character set. My hope is to share a
summary of my work here and receive criticism from experts.

My code can be found here:

My conclusions and the narrative behind them are present in the
file, which should display at the bottom of the page when you follow that

In short: I was surprised to find that Japan Post and MLIT seem to use a
shared ID scheme, allowing postal codes to be mapped, many-to-one, to the
boundaries of administrative districts offered in a country-wide Shapefile
by MLIT.

It might be that this is already common knowledge -- if so, I would be glad
to know that, too! If not, perhaps this will prove useful to others.

I would be particularly glad to hear suggestions from Japanese speakers as
to what each column in the postal code CSV should be properly called in
English and/or in the existing OSM tagging scheme for Japan; and whether
the difference between the oogaki and kogaki files offered by Japan
Post represent a concern.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions or point out problems with my

Tom Lee
Talk-ja mailing list