Re: Bat hangs retrieving mail from Opera Accounts

2001-02-04 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Pasquale  others on TBUDL following this thread,

Thursday, February 01, 2001,  you stated regarding :

PJFS   The Bat keeps hanging when trying to get mail from my two Opera Mail
PJFS   accounts, any reason?

Yes. The POP3 server. (I also have accounts w/ them).
And this will happen occasionally with most free mail servers. In my
case, operamail doesn't cause much of a problem when using TB!
(which is all I use, of course).

(Be sure and use "Use POP before SMTP authentication" for sending).


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Re: threading a conversation?

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Gergely,

On 04 February 2001 at  06:10:48 +0100 (which was 05:10 where I  live)
Gergely Vandor wrote and made these points:

GV ... And it seems you have made some filter to change names for
GV Hungarians? :)

Oops. I still had you in my address book from when you had it the
other way around and I use %ABofromFIRSTNAME="%OFROMFNAME" to get the
correct appellation.

Thank you for pointing that out to me.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Re: Export messages

2001-02-04 Thread Ming-Li

(I'm resending this reply for it has travelled for more than 16
hours without getting to the list. I guess it disappeared in the
ether. If it did get through eventually, there would be a dupe, and
I apologize for that.)

On Wednesday, January 31, 2001, 9:03:32 AM, Jan wrote:

Ming-Li I usually prefer unix mbox format over text (of which the
Ming-Li format depends on the template of choice), however, for it
Ming-Li keeps all the headers and the original received time,
Ming-Li making it possible to re-import back into TB when
Ming-Li necessary.

  Thanks, Ming Li. What does the function "export kludges" do then?
  Does this keep the kludges (headers) with each msg in text form?

Sorry for getting back to you so late. No time for email lately.

Yes, I believe the "Export kludges" option would export the headers
as well (never tried it, though). The difference lies in the format
of the text file. Even if you keep everything, TB couldn't import it
back if it's not in a certain format. That's why I prefer the unix
mbox format.

  My thought was if I was importing the unix formatted file would I not
  have to import all of it vs selecting the text of the msg I might
  need a special reply for in the text formatted file? I know this is
  not very clear so I hope you can understand what I'm asking?

If you want to import only part of a unix mbox file, just use an
editor to cut out the part you want, save it as another file, and
import it. As long as it's in the right format (starting a message
with a "From" line, followed by headers, a blank line, and the
message body), it should be imported fine.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.49c | Win2k SP1

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Filtering Problems

2001-02-04 Thread Penny Widell(PennysWorth)

Hi Everyone,

I am having problems getting the bat to filter
 my mail. Some of it, it filters just fine, then
 there are others that it will not put in the folders
I want them to. Is there a page on the site that
 explains the filtering better than what is in the
help files?

I have read about how  the filters will not work with
odd characters  in the filters. And have removed them but
 still not filtering all of my mail the way I want.

Best regards,
 Penny  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Filtering Problems

2001-02-04 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Penny,

Historians believe that Sun, 4 Feb 2001 at 05:16 GMT -0600 was when,
Penny Widell(PennysWorth) [PW] typed the following:

PW Some of it, it filters just fine, then there are others that it
PW will not put in the folders I want them to. Is there a page on the
PW site that explains the filtering better than what is in the help
PW files?

Check out the FAQ at

If that doesn't help, give us some specifics, and someone here
will try to help.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.49c under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

 I was the next door kid's imaginary friend.

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Re: Filtering Problems

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Penny,

On 04 February 2001 at  05:16:23 -0600 (which was 11:16 where I  live)
Penny Widell(PennysWorth) wrote and made these points:

PWP I am having problems getting the bat to filter my mail. Some of
PWP it, it filters just fine, then there are others that it will not
PWP put in the folders I want them to.

It might help if you gave some examples of your filter strings and we
can try to help with specifics.

PWP Is there a page on the site that explains the filtering better
PWP than what is in the help files?

There is:
(the link is on the "How do I?" page).

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Re: The bat review

2001-02-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Saturday, February 03, 2001, 2:24:45 PM, Yuki wrote:

 I'm surprised to hear *this*. g OE displays CJK perfectly in the
 message list window as well? You can read subject lines? I
 couldn't do this with the regular version of Outlook, although
 most of the messages would display perfectly. (There are some
 messages I get that come in not formatted to Outlook's standards,
 I guess. Something to do with the placement of the ISO-2022-JP
 tag, I think, and these I can only read by opening the message and
 specifying the language code, and then saving them that way.)

Now come to think of it, I'm not so sure anymore. It happened when I
was trying out TB and Becky. At the same time, I was planning a
migration from Chinese Win98 to English Win2k. So for a brief time,
I was using them and OE (my old email client) concurrently,
switching back and forth between C-Win98 and E-Win2k.

I wanted to use English as my default system locale, with
traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese language
support installed. I remember I could read/write Chinese (I don't
write Japanese) equally well in OE and Becky, including subject
lines in message list pane.

I wasn't going to stay with OE much longer, so the choice came down
to Becky and TB. Despite Becky's excellent DBCS support (perfectly
reasonable for a product from a Japanese programmer), I liked TB
substantially better. So much so that I was willing to settle for
using Traditional Chinese as my default system locale to workaround
the DBCS deficiency.

Since neither Becky nor OE is on my system anymore, I couldn't
verify it.

 It's a make-or-break issue for me in terms of staying with this

It's not make-or-break for me for the moment, since I'm in the U.S.
and read/write Chinese email only occasionally. It will be in a few

 and being able to recommend it to my Japanese friends.

Same here.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.49c | Win2k SP1

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Re: The bat review

2001-02-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Saturday, February 03, 2001, 9:53:13 PM, Thomas wrote:

 Errr So does it work with XLAT tables for CJK or not?

When I write in Chinese, I want to set the charset to "big5", so it
would show up correctly (and automatically) in Chinese in the
recipient's email client. I couldn't do that before creating a pair
of XLAT tables for big5. So I did. The XLAT tables in fact translate
nothing, however. The input and output values remain the same. It's
a pair of dummy XLAT tables.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.49c | Win2k SP1

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Re: The bat review

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ming-Li,

On 04 February 2001 at  05:09:33 -0800 (which was 13:09 where I  live)
Ming-Li wrote and made these points:

ML ... XLAT tables for big5

Please can you move this (now lengthy and detailed) discussion to
TBTECH. I keep thinking it's wound down then there's another thought
on it and it's getting pretty long winded now.


- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Re: The bat review

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ming-Li,

On 04 February 2001 at  04:57:20 -0800 (which was 12:57 where I  live)
Ming-Li wrote and made these points:

ML It's not make-or-break for me for the moment, since I'm in the
ML U.S. and read/write Chinese email only occasionally. It will be in
ML a few months.

 and being able to recommend it to my Japanese friends.

ML Same here.

Please can you move this (now lengthy and detailed) discussion to
TBTECH. I keep thinking it's wound down then there's another thought
on it and it's getting pretty long winded now.


- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Mail dispatcher and an ot question about forwarding addresses

2001-02-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hash: SHA1

Hi Bat! people!
Where in the help file could i read about the mail dispatcher? I've
had the bat for a while now, but have yet to figure out how to use the
mail dispatcher thang. I tried once, but by error i got to delete the
messages i wanted while downloading those i didn't want...
And here's the ot question, which you can answer off-list if you want
to. What is a forwarding address? I've read the howto about setting up
TB! as a mailing list, but didn't get the grip of the forwarding
address concept. Could anyone please give an example of a free mail
service that might have forwarding addresses, or is it just another
mailing account?

- --

Icq: 902032
Obtain my pgp keys by sending a mail to this address: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Send_pgp_keys

Using The Bat 1.49 under Windows 98, V4.10, build   A
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.

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Copy from HTML

2001-02-04 Thread SyP

Hash: SHA1

Hello The Bat! users,

Is it just me, or TB now doesn't copy from HTML?

Not just that Ctrl-Ins or Alt+Ins doesn't work, they are even greyed
out in the context-sensitive menu!

For the record, I am using 1.49d on Win2K Professional, with HTML
Autoview enabled.

- --
Cheers, SyP

Don't anthropomorphize computers. They hate that.

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! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

I am currently testing out TheBat! 1.49 and it is a great program.  I
previously tried TheBat! and it did not look that good at that time.
I guess I really did not look in to the program that well.  Because
the last two days I have been thoroughly analyzing the program and I
cannot find any con's to not to use it, except for a few minor con's.

In TheBat! 1.49 I am using the 'Full-height Account Tree' setting
(View | Split Mode | Full-height Account Tree) and the following for
message threading:

  View | Display | All Messages (Ctrl =)
  View | Sort by | Received Time (Ctrl 1)
  View | Sort by | Descending Order (Ctrl 0)
  View | View Threads by | References (Alt 1)

My Message Column Settings are:

  Subject, From, Received, Size, Attachments, Flagging, Priority

I found one annoying bug.  In a message thread if you click on the
plus signs throughout the entire message thread, you will notice the
Message List Columns to the right will gradually move to the right.
If you do this through a long threaded message discussion, you will
see the remaining Message List Columns just goes to the far right
where you have to right scroll over to see them.

Once you fully expand the message thread with the Message Column Lists
moving to the right, you can click on the minus signs to close the
message threads one by one.  I discovered when you click on a few
minus signs to collapse part of the message thread, you cannot click
on the remaining minus signs.  I can click on the first plus sign in
the message thread to expand that part of the thread, and then I can
continue clicking on the minus signs to close the remaining thread.
This occurs when you are about four or five levels deep in the message

I really like TheBat! 1.49.  However, I am hoping the above two BUGS
can quickly be fixed since this is a very big annoyance to me.  I am
evaluating this program since there are several other users that are
wanting to purchase this program (along with myself) if everything
works for what we need it for.  If the above two bugs are quickly
fixed, or a workaround is present, this will greatly entice us to
purchase the program.

Mark Knipfer
 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Nick Danger

Subject: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading
   From: Mark Knipfer
  Dated:  Sun, 4 Feb 2001, 10:28:46 (9:28:46 AM Local)
M Because the last two days I have been thoroughly analyzing the
M program and I cannot find any con's to not to use it, except for a
M few minor con's.

 8 -  snipped bug description -

M However, I am hoping the above two BUGS can quickly be fixed since
M this is a very big annoyance to me. --snip-- If the above two bugs are
M quickly fixed, or a workaround is present, this will greatly entice
M us to purchase the program.

Just me or are these two paragraphs contradictory?

Beyond that, I do agree however that the way TB! expands threads is

   (,_,_,_,)  Nick
   /|\`-._( )_.-'/|\  Danger
  / | \`'-/ \-'`/ | \
 /  |_.'-.\ /.-'._|  \  [MUA: TB! 1.49]
/_.-'  "  `-._\ [OS: Win98 4.10 1998]
"Get comfortable, we're playing this game till I win!"

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Nick Andriash

On February 4, 2001, at 7:28:46 AM, Mark Knipfer Wrote:

MK  View | Display | All Messages (Ctrl =)
MK   View | Sort by | Received Time (Ctrl 1)
MK   View | Sort by | Descending Order (Ctrl 0)
MK   View | View Threads by | References (Alt 1)

Mark, I have found that if you simply view threads by Subject, you won't
get the annoying movement of the message columns across the top of your
screen. Besides, the Re:[#'s] don't seem match up. By that, I mean you can
have 3 or 4 Re:[2]'s that are replies to different authors.

I've just found it easier and cleaner to view threads by Subject alone,
and not bother with the References.


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.49c | PGP 7.0.3 | Win 98 SE ]
  Vancouver, B.C. Canada | PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE  

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

Nick Danger wrote:

ND Subject: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading
NDFrom: Mark Knipfer
ND   Dated:  Sun, 4 Feb 2001, 10:28:46 (9:28:46 AM Local)
ND ~~
M Because the last two days I have been thoroughly analyzing the
M program and I cannot find any con's to not to use it, except for a
M few minor con's.

ND  8 -  snipped bug description -

M However, I am hoping the above two BUGS can quickly be fixed since
M this is a very big annoyance to me. --snip-- If the above two bugs are
M quickly fixed, or a workaround is present, this will greatly entice
M us to purchase the program.

ND Just me or are these two paragraphs contradictory?

No.  However, I did omit in the second BUG paragraph that the Message
Column Lists do adjust back to the left little by little as you
collapse the message thread.

ND Beyond that, I do agree however that the way TB! expands threads is
ND annoying.

At least I know I am not the only one thinks this.

Mark Knipfer

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

Nick Andriash wrote:

NA On February 4, 2001, at 7:28:46 AM, Mark Knipfer Wrote:

MK  View | Display | All Messages (Ctrl =)
MK   View | Sort by | Received Time (Ctrl 1)
MK   View | Sort by | Descending Order (Ctrl 0)
MK   View | View Threads by | References (Alt 1)

NA Mark, I have found that if you simply view threads by Subject, you
NA won't get the annoying movement of the message columns across the
NA top of your screen. Besides, the Re:[#'s] don't seem match up. By
NA that, I mean you can have 3 or 4 Re:[2]'s that are replies to
NA different authors.

NA I've just found it easier and cleaner to view threads by Subject
NA alone, and not bother with the References.

I prefer to view the message threads by References rather than Subject
since I am used to viewing message threads by References.  If I view
threads by Subject, I may loose track of the discussion -- the order
of which the message are received and threaded.

Mark Knipfer

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 07:51:33 -0800, Nick thoughtfully wrote the

NA I've just found it easier and cleaner to view threads by Subject
NA alone, and not bother with the References.

... The problem with this being that any minor alteration of the
subject breaks the thread and I've also noted that these subject
threads break up for no apparent reason as well, especially when the
threads are very long.

- --
 |   A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TB(UDL|BETA|TECH)]   |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@
TB! v1.49e | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
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Re: Not getting proper icons displayed for all file attachments...

2001-02-04 Thread Nick Andriash

On February 4, 2001, at 12:12:58 PM, Brad Wrote:

B For example, graphic files like .JPG and .TIF show the proper icon to
B the left of the message (I use ACDSee). However, .AU sound files
B display as generic icons even though Media Player is associated with
B that file type.

If you go to Windows Explorer/View/Folder Options/File Types/AU Format
Sound/Edit, you will probably find the icon you are seeing with TB!
originates here. The Edit menu gives you the means to change the icon to
whatever you wish.


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.49c | PGP 7.0.3 | Win 98 SE ]
  Vancouver, B.C. Canada | PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE  

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Re: Mail dispatcher and an ot question about forwarding addresses

2001-02-04 Thread Thomas

Hallo Krister,

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 12:18:05 +0100 GMT (04/02/2001, 19:18 +0800 GMT),
Krister Ekstrom wrote:

 Where in the help file could i read about the mail dispatcher? I've
 had the bat for a while now, but have yet to figure out how to use the
 mail dispatcher thang. I tried once, but by error i got to delete the
 messages i wanted while downloading those i didn't want...

When you open the message dispatcher, a window pops up, as you have
noticed. In this window, there is a list of messages. Each message has
a message number (starting from 1) in front of it, and four tickboxes.
These tickboxes are named in the header: read, receive, delete, open
(these headers are black on grey, like the message headers). So, when
"receive" is tickmarked, TB will download it. If "delete" is
tickmarked, the message will be deleted from the server. If "receive"
is not tickmarked, it will be deleted without beign downloaded.


Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

-Sex is a disrobic experience 

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.49e
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998 
using an Intel Celeron 366Mhz, 128MB RAM

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 10:54:10 -0500, Mark contributed this to our
collective wisdom:

ND Beyond that, I do agree however that the way TB! expands threads
ND is annoying.

MK At least I know I am not the only one thinks this.

This is a very old grouse among other users, myself included. I made
long posts on this issue, in the past, giving examples of, IMO, better
ways of threading. This was definitely more than a year ago. I don't
know if version 2 will introduce any 'improvements' in this regard but
I've more or less resigned myself to tolerating this implementation
(not bug).

- --
 |   A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TB(UDL|BETA|TECH)]   |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@
TB! v1.49e | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for sender and message authentication.


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Re: Attachments in Moved messages

2001-02-04 Thread Nick Andriash

On February 4, 2001, at 5:30:56 AM, Tim Musson Wrote:

TM Also, I have been unable to get TB to delete the files in the /Attach
TM directory, even though I have "Delete attached files when a message is
TM deleted from Trash folder" selected in Account Properties | Files 
TM directories.  Any thoughts on this one?

I have found the very same thing, and can only presume the feature is not
working in 1.49c. I don't know if you can submit a Bug Report on it,
because there is really no documentation on the feature, so it's difficult
to guess the intent of the feature, and one can only presume it means to
delete the attachment, regardless of where it is, when the message that
had the attachment is put into the Trash, and the Trash is emptied.


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.49c | PGP 7.0.3 | Win 98 SE ]
  Vancouver, B.C. Canada | PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE  

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 10:58:54 -0500, Mark wrote these words of wisdom:

MK I prefer to view the message threads by References rather than
MK Subject since I am used to viewing message threads by References.
MK If I view threads by Subject, I may loose track of the discussion
MK -- the order of which the message are received and threaded.

If you sort using received time, it's remarkable how well you can
follow the discussion when threading using subject. It's just that the
thread breaks when the subject changes.

- --
 |   A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TB(UDL|BETA|TECH)]   |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@
TB! v1.49e | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Nick Andriash

On February 4, 2001, at 8:00:08 AM, A. Curtis Martin Wrote:

ACM ... The problem with this being that any minor alteration of the
ACM subject breaks the thread and I've also noted that these subject
ACM threads break up for no apparent reason as well, especially when the
ACM threads are very long.

Yes, I've noticed that as well Allie, but to me it boils down to which is
the lesser of two evils. The constant shifting of my message columns off
the right side of my screen is too bothersome.


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.49c | PGP 7.0.3 | Win 98 SE ]
  Vancouver, B.C. Canada | PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE  

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

A. Curtis Martin wrote:

MK I prefer to view the message threads by References rather than
MK Subject since I am used to viewing message threads by References.
MK If I view threads by Subject, I may loose track of the discussion
MK -- the order of which the message are received and threaded.

ACM If you sort using received time, it's remarkable how well you can
ACM follow the discussion when threading using subject.

I may try this setup:

  View | Display | All Messages (Ctrl =)
  View | Sort by | Received Time (Ctrl 1)
  View | Sort by | Descending Order (Ctrl 0)
  View | View Threads by | Subject (Alt 2)  -- change

Once I change TB! 1.49 to use this format, should I still experience
the Message Column Lists adjusting left/right when
collapsing/expanding the threads?

ACM It's just that the thread breaks when the subject changes.

No problem there.  Actually, I like that when this happens.

Mark Knipfer

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 08:13:48 -0800, Nick thoughtfully wrote the

ACM ... The problem with this being that any minor alteration of the
ACM subject breaks the thread and I've also noted that these subject
ACM threads break up for no apparent reason as well, especially when the
ACM threads are very long.

NA Yes, I've noticed that as well Allie, but to me it boils down to
NA which is the lesser of two evils. The constant shifting of my
NA message columns off the right side of my screen is too bothersome.

There are a couple work arounds to the reference threading problem
that I use.

The first is to create an archive account in which I store older
messages. I then create read filters for discussion list messages that
move messages more than 4 days old to the archive folders. In this
way, I hardly ever encountered threads that sent my other message list
columns off the screen edge.

Another thing that I do ( I do this almost exclusively now), is to
read new messages from the tickers virtual folder. If I wish to read
related messages in a thread I just re-open the relevant message which
will open the folder view for the messages residing folder. I can then
read the related messages. Again, with this system I can enjoy
threading by references when reading the TB! discussion list messages
and not be annoyed by long threads sending columns out of view.

- --
 |   A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TB(UDL|BETA|TECH)]   |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@
TB! v1.49e | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 11:21:44 -0500, Mark contributed this to our
collective wisdom:

MK I may try this setup:

MK   View | Display | All Messages (Ctrl =)
MK   View | Sort by | Received Time (Ctrl 1)
MK   View | Sort by | Descending Order (Ctrl 0)
MK   View | View Threads by | Subject (Alt 2)  -- change

This is the exact settings I use for discussion lists where multiple
e-mail clients are being used, which makes threading by reference
headers only, quite messy.

MK Once I change TB! 1.49 to use this format, should I still
MK experience the Message Column Lists adjusting left/right when
MK collapsing/expanding the threads?

No, since expanding a thread sorted by subject will lead to only one
extra level.

ACM It's just that the thread breaks when the subject changes.

MK No problem there.  Actually, I like that when this happens.

This is annoying when a participant decides to correct a spelling
error or correct syntax errors within the subject header. Grrr!!  :=)

- --
 |   A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TB(UDL|BETA|TECH)]   |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@
TB! v1.49e | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

A. Curtis Martin wrote:

MK I may try this setup:

MK   View | Display | All Messages (Ctrl =)
MK   View | Sort by | Received Time (Ctrl 1)
MK   View | Sort by | Descending Order (Ctrl 0)
MK   View | View Threads by | Subject (Alt 2)  -- change

ACM This is the exact settings I use for discussion lists where
ACM multiple e-mail clients are being used, which makes threading by
ACM reference headers only, quite messy.

MK Once I change TB! 1.49 to use this format, should I still
MK experience the Message Column Lists adjusting left/right when
MK collapsing/expanding the threads?

ACM No, since expanding a thread sorted by subject will lead to only
ACM one extra level.

This is why I prefer to thread by References.  Due to the effect
Subject Threading, I may not try this setup after all.

ACM It's just that the thread breaks when the subject changes.

MK No problem there.  Actually, I like that when this happens.

ACM This is annoying when a participant decides to correct a spelling
ACM error or correct syntax errors within the subject header. Grrr!!  :=)

True.  I forgot about that.

Mark Knipfer

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Re[2]: Attachments in Moved messages

2001-02-04 Thread Tony Owens


On Sunday, February 04, 2001, at 11:06:52 AM, you wrote: 

NA On February 4, 2001, at 5:30:56 AM, Tim Musson Wrote:

TM Also, I have been unable to get TB to delete the files in the /Attach
TM directory, even though I have "Delete attached files when a message is
TM deleted from Trash folder" selected in Account Properties | Files 
TM directories.  Any thoughts on this one?

NA I have found the very same thing, and can only presume the feature is not
NA working in 1.49c.

Just tested this twice on my system and it seems to work exactly
as I'd expect (doesn't delete the attachment until the message is
deleted from the Trash folder).


Best regards,


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Re[3]: Attachments in Moved messages

2001-02-04 Thread Tony Owens

On Sunday, February 04, 2001, at 12:16:57 PM, Tony Owens wrote:

NA On February 4, 2001, at 5:30:56 AM, Tim Musson Wrote:

TM Also, I have been unable to get TB to delete the files in the /Attach
TM directory, even though I have "Delete attached files when a message is
TM deleted from Trash folder" selected in Account Properties | Files 
TM directories.  Any thoughts on this one?

NA I have found the very same thing, and can only presume the feature is not
NA working in 1.49c.

TO Just tested this twice on my system and it seems to work exactly
TO as I'd expect (doesn't delete the attachment until the message is
TO deleted from the Trash folder).

   Sorry - my last post didn't have my TB! and OS versions listed
   (still gettin' the hang of the filters)



 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

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TB! 1.49 Registration turnaround time?

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

I purchased TheBat! 1.49 through CIF Net, Inc. by accessing RIT Labs
web page. I received a message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the
order information.

Does anyone know the turn around time on receiving TheBat!
registration information?

Mark Knipfer
 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

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TB! Save bug

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

In TheBat! 1.49 when I press Ctrl+S to Save or Alt+F5 to Save As a
message to a text file and I specify an already existing file name
which I did not know that existed, when I change the file name to a
non existing file name, TheBat! continues to say that the new
specified file exists. The second normal prompt appears to append the
message to the designated file name, which I click No. The append file
option is great and I like it. However, TheBat! seems to have a bug
when you are trying to save a message to a text file and continues to
detect the file exists even after changing the designated save file

Is this problem fixed in a later build of TheBat!?

Mark Knipfer
 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

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Re: TB! Save bug

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Mark,

On 04 February 2001 at  13:07:43 -0500 (which was 18:07 where I  live)
Mark Knipfer wrote and made these points:

MK ... TheBat! seems to have a bug when you are trying to save a
MK message to a text file and continues to detect the file exists
MK even after changing the designated save file name.

MK Is this problem fixed in a later build of TheBat!?

I haven't come across this nor have I seen a report of it before. It's
probably worth sending an official bug report to RIT labs (Help..
Feedback.. Bug report). This doesn't sound too complex or fundamental
a bug and such bugs often get fixed fairly quickly.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Re: TB! 1.49 Registration turnaround time?

2001-02-04 Thread Karin Spaink

On 04-02-2001 at 18:54, Mark Knipfer kindly wrote:

 Does anyone know the turn around time on receiving TheBat!
 registration information?

Usually it takes no more than two working days.

- K -


... she had come to realise that Authority, even 
when it refrained from violence, could be as 
disturbing a specter as anything she had seen. 
  - Neil Stephenson: The Diamond Age

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Re: TB! 1.49 Registration turnaround time?

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

Karin Spaink wrote:

KS On 04-02-2001 at 18:54, Mark Knipfer kindly wrote:

 Does anyone know the turn around time on receiving TheBat!
 registration information?

KS Usually it takes no more than two working days.

At 1:26 PM Eastern, I receive my e-mail message with the registration
information.  It took almost one hour.  Not bad for a turnaround time.

Mark Knipfer

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Re: TB! Save bug

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

MDP On 04 February 2001 at  13:07:43 -0500 (which was 18:07 where I  live)
MDP Mark Knipfer wrote and made these points:

MK ... TheBat! seems to have a bug when you are trying to save a
MK message to a text file and continues to detect the file exists
MK even after changing the designated save file name.

MK Is this problem fixed in a later build of TheBat!?

MDP I haven't come across this nor have I seen a report of it before. It's
MDP probably worth sending an official bug report to RIT labs (Help..
MDP Feedback.. Bug report). This doesn't sound too complex or fundamental
MDP a bug and such bugs often get fixed fairly quickly.

When I sent this message to the list, I CC'd the message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to report this error.

I am not sure how responsive RIT Labs are when responding to bug
reports.  Anyone have any experiences on the response times and
accuracy of answers from RIT Labs?

Mark Knipfer

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Moving TB! among computers, keeping current on computer(s)

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

I use three different computers:

  Computer-A - Windows 2000 Professional
  Computer-B - Windows 2000 Professional
  Computer-C - Windows 98SE

and keep my e-mail current on the computer that I use at any time.

I installed TheBat! 1.49 to C:\TheBat directory.  I am wanting to move
TheBat! 1.49 to another computer.  Can I just back up C:\TheBat
directory and use REGEDIT to export the following Windows Registry
key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!" to move all of my
settings to another computer?

If one of the other two computers previously had TheBat! installed and
it expired some time ago, are there any known problems moving a
Registered version of TheBat! to a computer?

I am trying to find the best method to constantly keep TheBat!
settings, e-mail, etc. all current on the computer that I am using at
the time.

Mark Knipfer
 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

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Re: TB! Save bug

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Mark,

On 04 February 2001 at  14:04:59 -0500 (which was 19:04 where I  live)
Mark Knipfer wrote and made these points:

MDP Feedback.. Bug report). This doesn't sound too complex or
MDP fundamental a bug and such bugs often get fixed fairly quickly.

MK When I sent this message to the list, I CC'd the message to
MK [EMAIL PROTECTED] to report this error.


MK I am not sure how responsive RIT Labs are when responding to bug
MK reports. Anyone have any experiences on the response times and
MK accuracy of answers from RIT Labs?

It varies from bug to bug AFAICS. Some reported bugs are still
outstanding. Others are fixed the same day.

I think that a lot depends on whether or not the problem can be easily
reproduced and if fixing it is not going to have a major disruptive
impact on any of the general workings (if you know what I mean). Of
course, this is just conjecture from the way it seems to go rather
than definitive knowledge.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Re: Attachments in Moved messages

2001-02-04 Thread Nick Andriash

On February 4, 2001, at 9:16:57 AM, Tony Owens Wrote:

TO Just tested this twice on my system and it seems to work exactly
TO as I'd expect (doesn't delete the attachment until the message is
TO deleted from the Trash folder).

Yes, I must admit that when I specifically delete the message from the
Trash folder, the attachment is deleted as well. However, if you use the
menu item: Folder/Purge All Folders... which in fact "empties" the Trash
Folder, or in a similar fashion you choose the option to "Empty trash on
exit" which is basically the same thing, and then exit TB!, the
attachments are not deleted.


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.49c | PGP 7.0.3 | Win 98 SE ]
  Vancouver, B.C. Canada | PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE  

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TB 1.49 to 1.49c or 1.49e differences?

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

I am noticing that there are some users using TB! 1.49c and 1.49e.
What are the differences among the 1.49 to 1.49e versions?  Just
wondering if any problems that I am experiencing have been fixed in
those later builds.

Mark Knipfer
 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

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Re: TB 1.49 to 1.49c or 1.49e differences?

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Mark,

On 04 February 2001 at  15:04:20 -0500 (which was 20:04 where I  live)
Mark Knipfer wrote and made these points:

MK I am noticing that there are some users using TB! 1.49c and 1.49e.
MK What are the differences among the 1.49 to 1.49e versions?  Just
MK wondering if any problems that I am experiencing have been fixed in
MK those later builds.

Not AFAICS. I know that the 1.49e release was a specific to fix a
problem importing mail from recent versions of Pegasus. As far as the
threading issues are concerned, these issues are "the way it was
designed to work" rather than "bugs" and need a fundamental redesign
rather than a "quick fix". I would say that we're unlikely to see any
improvement in that situation until v2 comes out (whenever that may be

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Pasting text in message does not wrap

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

When I paste text from a web page, which may consists of several or more
sentences, the text does not automatically wrapping in the Edit Mail
Message window.

Is there a way to make the text to automatically wrap in the Edit Mail
Message window?

Mark Knipfer
 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

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Re: Pasting text in message does not wrap

2001-02-04 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Mark,

Historians believe that Sun, 4 Feb 2001 at 16:56 GMT -0500 was when,
Mark Knipfer [MK] typed the following:

MK Is there a way to make the text to automatically wrap in the Edit Mail
MK Message window?

 Edit - Paste Formatted (Shift-Ctrl-Ins)

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.49c under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

 I've determined the momentum of my physics assignment so precisely
that it can be anywhere in the universe right now.

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Re: Pasting text in message does not wrap

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

Januk Aggarwal wrote:

MK Is there a way to make the text to automatically wrap in the Edit
MK Mail Message window?

  Edit - Paste Formatted (Shift-Ctrl-Ins)

That works great!  Thank you.

Mark Knipfer

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Re: Moving TB! among computers, keeping current on computer(s)

2001-02-04 Thread George F Schoelles


Hello Mark,

Sunday, February 04, 2001, 11:18:59 AM, you wrote:

MK I installed TheBat! 1.49 to C:\TheBat directory.  I am wanting to move
MK TheBat! 1.49 to another computer.  Can I just back up C:\TheBat
MK directory and use REGEDIT to export the following Windows Registry
MK key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!" to move all of my
MK settings to another computer?

I did it with a backup file from TB, but the REG exported is not
common between 98xx and NTxx.  Though once imported I did the find
lost directory thingy which eludes me at the moment and all seemed

- --
Best regards,
 George   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Thawte authorized WOT Notary  * ICQ: 122492 *

I'm schizophrenic, What are you? 

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Re: Moving TB! among computers, keeping current on computer(s)

2001-02-04 Thread Mark Knipfer

George F Schoelles wrote:

MK I installed TheBat! 1.49 to C:\TheBat directory.  I am wanting to
MK move TheBat! 1.49 to another computer.  Can I just back up
MK C:\TheBat directory and use REGEDIT to export the following Windows
MK Registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!" to move all
MK of my settings to another computer?

 I did it with a backup file from TB, but the REG exported is not
 common between 98xx and NTxx.  Though once imported I did the find
 lost directory thingy which eludes me at the moment and all seemed

I tried moving the Windows 2000 Registry export to the Windows 98SE
computer without success -- registry format differences and .REG file
format differences too.

I installed TB! 1.49 on the Windows 98SE computer.  I then backed up the
C:\TheBat directory on the Windows 2000 computer using Winzip.  Copied
the archive file to the Windows 98SE computer.  Unzipped the archive
file to the C:\TheBat directory.  Ran TheBat! without any problems on
Windows 98SE.

You can only move the Windows Registry portion between alike Windows

Mark Knipfer

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Re[2]: Attachments in Moved messages

2001-02-04 Thread Tony Owens

On Sunday, February 04, 2001, at 2:58:56 PM, Nick Andriash wrote:

NA On February 4, 2001, at 9:16:57 AM, Tony Owens Wrote:

TO Just tested this twice on my system and it seems to work exactly
TO as I'd expect (doesn't delete the attachment until the message is
TO deleted from the Trash folder).

NA Yes, I must admit that when I specifically delete the message from the
NA Trash folder, the attachment is deleted as well. However, if you use the
NA menu item: Folder/Purge All Folders... which in fact "empties" the Trash
NA Folder, or in a similar fashion you choose the option to "Empty trash on
NA exit" which is basically the same thing, and then exit TB!, the
NA attachments are not deleted.

Peculiar - My "Empty trash on exit" option works fine. I tested
it twice and both times it deleted the attachments. I didn't test
the Folder/Purge All Folders option.



 Using The Bat! v1.49 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

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Re: ! 1.49: Message Column Lists moves to the right, message threading

2001-02-04 Thread Brian Clark

Hello Mark, 

(MK == "Mark Knipfer") [EMAIL PROTECTED] etched:

Just a few alternatives:

MK   View | Display | All Messages (Ctrl =)

You can also use Ctrl + *(on the num pad) to expand all threads, and
you can simply hit Esc to display all messages.

As for expanding and retracting threads, you can use the left and
right arrow keys as well.

 Brian Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP-KeyID: 0xE4D0C7C8
 Web Architect, Designer, and Programmer  Tel: 864.227.0750  Fax: 864.942.7249
 TB! 1.49e, Windows 98 (SE) 4.10 Build  A

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Re: Pasting text in message does not wrap

2001-02-04 Thread Brian Clark

Hello Mark,

(MK == "Mark Knipfer") [EMAIL PROTECTED] spattered:

  Edit - Paste Formatted (Shift-Ctrl-Ins)

MK That works great!  Thank you.

Another neat trick to use is to Alt+L while your cursor is over the
unwrapped line (or the first line of a paragraph).

 Brian Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP-KeyID: 0xE4D0C7C8
 Web Architect, Designer, and Programmer  Tel: 864.227.0750  Fax: 864.942.7249
 TB! 1.49e, Windows 98 (SE) 4.10 Build  A

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Re: Colored envelope icons unread messages

2001-02-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi John,

On 05 February 2001 at  20:57:43 -0500 (which was 01:57 where I  live)
John Seymour wrote and made these points:

JS ... sometimes when I receive a message the envelope icon is either
JS red, and now in a recently received message blue, all others are
JS yellow. Any reason for the colors.

Yes, and it's a fairly simple one. Yellow messages are of normal
priority. Red messages are high priority and blue ones are low

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.49e S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Re: Moving TB! among computers, keeping current on computer(s)

2001-02-04 Thread Thomas

Hi George,

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 15:08:09 -0800GMT (05/02/2001, 07:08 +0800GMT),
George F Schoelles wrote:

 I did it with a backup file from TB, but the REG exported is not
 common between 98xx and NTxx.  Though once imported I did the find
 lost directory thingy which eludes me at the moment

For the record: shft-crtl-alt-L. ;-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste. Anmeldung unter:

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.49e
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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How do I . . (templates)

2001-02-04 Thread Yuki Taga


I figured how to set a template to get the desired mailing address (this
one, in fact) to come up into the 'To:' box automatically.  But what I
can't figure out is how to come up with the cursor blinking in the
'Subject:' box.  No matter what I try, the cursor remains in the 'To:' box.
Can someone give a newbie a hand?


Yuki ^_^


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Test - *please* ignore...

2001-02-04 Thread ArekG

Hello BAT!men,

  this is just test of my new address, so kindly please - ignore it!

** TheBat! version 1.49c on Windows 98 built 1998 **

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Re: How do I . . (templates)

2001-02-04 Thread Thomas

Hi Yuki,

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 15:52:26 +0900GMT (05/02/2001, 14:52 +0800GMT),
Yuki Taga wrote:

 I figured how to set a template to get the desired mailing address (this
 one, in fact) to come up into the 'To:' box automatically.  But what I
 can't figure out is how to come up with the cursor blinking in the
 'Subject:' box.  No matter what I try, the cursor remains in the 'To:' box.
 Can someone give a newbie a hand?

You cannot tell the cursor where to start, it will always start in the
TO field. :-(



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste. Anmeldung unter:

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.49e
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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Re[2]: How do I . . (templates)

2001-02-04 Thread Yuki Taga

Monday, February 05, 2001, 3:59:29 PM, Thomas wrote:

T You cannot tell the cursor where to start, it will always start in the
T TO field. :-(

You mean, I can tell it, but it won't obey.  g

How sad.  (,^_^,) --more tears

Another suggestion going into the hopper.  ^_-




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